Multifunctional double glazed window

Glass Solar (Solar)

Glass Solar (Solar)

A distinctive feature of ClimaGuard® Solar is its virtually invisible silver-based coating. During the production of ClimaGuard® Solar, up to ten layers of metal are applied to the glass surface in a vacuum chamber. It is this coating that makes windows with ClimaGuard® Solar glass energy efficient. The successful combination of high sun protection characteristics and excellent heat-saving properties in Klimagard Solar windows allows us to call it a multifunctional product.

Cool in summer

ClimaGuard® Solar acts as a filter. The room heats up more slowly on a hot day.

In summer, the most natural desire is to find coolness. There are many ways to protect yourself from the scorching sun. You can curtain the windows, close the blinds or tint the windows. However, in this case we are deprived of sunlight. You can use a fan or air conditioner to cool the room. At the same time, in addition to additional drafts, we significantly increase the cost of electricity consumption. Installing an insulating glass unit with ClimaGuard® Solar glass avoids the disadvantages of traditional protection methods.

The special ClimaGuard® Solar glass coating reflects almost 60% of solar energy, which is 3 times more effective than conventional glass and is comparable to heat protection when the blinds are fully closed. With exceptional solar control properties, windows with ClimaGuard® Solar glass remain transparent and do not interfere with the natural light in the room.

ClimaGuard® Solar makes your apartment comfortable without additional cooling, even if the windows face south. The economic effect of using Klimagard Solar is obvious. Windows with this glass allow for 3 times less air conditioning in the room. This not only preserves the life of the air conditioner, but also significantly reduces energy costs. It should be remembered that cooling a room requires 2-2.5 times more energy than heating it.

Consistent window transparency

ClimaGuard® Solar, unlike blinds and glass tinted in bulk or film, does not shade the room.

A plastic window not only protects the room from heat and cold - through it we look at the world around us in all its colors and colors. Therefore, exceptional glass transparency and unhindered penetration of natural light are one of the key characteristics of a quality window.

However, in the summer, in order to escape the heat, many people cover their windows with foil, tint film, paper or other materials, which, although to some extent solve the problem of high temperatures, at the same time prevent the access of light and look far from aesthetically pleasing, disrupting the harmonious transition from the interior space to the environment through the window. So the 'advantages' of all these methods turn into disadvantages rather than advantages.

The use of double-glazed windows with colored (tinted or dyed) glass also does not solve the problem: it significantly shades the room and radically changes the color rendition. As a result, it becomes impossible to observe natural colors and perceive the world around us as it is.

How to protect yourself from heat or cold and at the same time maintain the transparency of the window, the naturalness of the colors and the access of light at a high level?

An effective solution to the problem of window transparency is ClimaGuard Solar glass with a special magnetron coating and high reflection characteristics of thermal and light radiation. The highest possible transparency of glass is ensured by applying ultra-thin layers of metals and special silver coating to its surface. As a result, the glass becomes a true 'transparent light filter': it prevents the penetration of solar heat in hot weather and the leakage of warm air in winter. It turns out that the transparency of glass with ClimaGuard Solar magnetron coating is not only the impeccable appearance of the window and the aesthetics of taste, but also provides protection from the sun and improves the thermal insulation of the room.

Warmth in winter

A window with ClimaGuard® Solar practically does not allow thermal energy to escape outside in winter.

The desire to live in comfortable conditions in any weather makes many city dwellers more demanding about the heat-saving properties of windows. Since in a window system it is glass that occupies more than 80% of the area of ​​the entire structure, comfort in the entire room depends on its properties and characteristics. Compared to ordinary glass, Klimagard Solar has a number of advantages. During the cold season, windows with ClimaGuard® Solar prevent heat loss. The unique ClimaGuard® Solar glass coating reflects thermal energy from heating devices into the room, so the room cools down much more slowly. There is no cold coming from a window with ClimaGuard® Solar. The use of special glass eliminates the formation of drafts that arise due to the temperature difference between the surface of the glass unit and the room. With ClimaGuard® Solar you can place a bed, sofa or armchair almost close to a window and avoid discomfort. ClimaGuard® Solar reduces the likelihood of condensation and frost forming in window edge areas. Installing a double-glazed window with ClimaGuard® Solar provides savings on heating costs of up to 45%, which is especially important for private and apartment buildings with individual heating meters.

'Are the windows crying?' No problem!

ClimaGuard® Solar maintains a higher glass surface temperature.

In many houses with plastic windows, there is such an effect that the plastic windows fog up and water condensation forms on them, so that it seems as if they are crying. How to approach this problem and what can be done about it? elimination?

First of all, calm down. The fact that your windows “cry” means that they are installed efficiently and completely airtight. Therefore, the problem of window fogging is purely aesthetic, since plastic windows themselves do not deteriorate from moisture. Of course, a window with water droplets spoils the view of the street. In addition, we must assume that you have neither the time nor the desire to wipe it with a cloth several times a day. How to solve a problem?

The solution to the problem is to get rid of condensation. Condensation falls on the coldest surface in the room. This is how we can observe it when we take out a glass bottle of soft drink from the refrigerator. The moisture that is inevitably present in the air around us tends to condense onto the surface of the cold glass. In this case, there are two ways to minimize the risk of condensation in a plastic window: - use energy-saving double-glazed windows (since the surface temperature of energy-saving glass is always higher than regular glass); - get rid of high humidity in the room.

To reduce indoor humidity, try to ventilate it at least 3 times a day, depending on the seasons of different lengths. Check whether the ventilation is open and whether air is being extracted (just place a sheet of paper against the hood to determine how efficiently it works). It is better not to close the interior doors so that the temperature and humidity are evenly distributed throughout the apartment. Do not clutter heating appliances with furniture and household appliances. Then heat and ventilation will do the trick? the point is that the air humidity will be normal, and your windows will stop “crying” and will delight you with an impeccable view.

Light mirror effect of the window

ClimaGuard® Solar has a subtle mirror effect on the outside. A window with such glass looks prestigious.

Durability of window coatings

ClimaGuard® Solar does not lose its properties during the entire service life of the window unit!

The difference between energy-saving double-glazed windows and conventional ones

Energy-saving double-glazed windows are the number one choice among consumers today. They are a certain type of glazing that perfectly retains heat in a room.

Unlike conventional double-glazed windows, double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass are made from special glass, on top of which a certain low-emissivity coating is applied. This allows short-wave solar energy to pass unhindered directly into the interior of the room, and heat flows tending outward to be freely reflected, thus preserving heat. There are several types of heat-saving windows:

1. Energy-saving double-glazed windows with argon. They contain a special gas that creates a certain pressure inside the system and prevents heat from escaping outside; 2. Energy-saving single-chamber double-glazed windows. Has one camera. 3. Energy-saving double-glazed windows. Represented by two cameras respectively. The production of energy-saving double-glazed windows implies the use of several types of glass in the process of their creation: - I-glass with an improved energy-saving effect, absolutely transparent; - K-glass, which has a metal oxide on its surface, has a lower degree of transparency.

Energy-saving double-glazed windows technical characteristics

They depend on the type of glass used in the manufacturing process and the number of chambers. They are determined by the type of glass unit and heat transfer resistance. Drawing an analogy with an ordinary single-chamber window, it can be noted that the level of its resistance to heat transfer is 0.32, while energy-saving single-chamber double-glazed windows are 0.59; two-chamber regular - 0.47, two-chamber energy-saving - 0.64. Thus, we can say that, unlike a regular one, the energy-saving package is 1.5 - 2 times “warmer”

Before checking an energy-saving double-glazed window, it is necessary to check the presence of such an important indicator as the marking of energy-saving double-glazed windows, which indicates the type of glass used, the number of chambers and the level of energy saving. This is a mandatory condition indicating their high level, quality, practicality and durability of performance characteristics. A single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window or a double-chamber one saves approximately 38-40% more heat than conventional metal-plastic windows at the same cost!

A single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window or a double-chamber one saves approximately 38-40% more heat than conventional metal-plastic windows at the same cost!

Many manufacturers of energy-saving double-glazed windows, unlike us, offer their customers deliberately inflated prices. Our price for energy-saving double-glazed windows is the personification of democracy and acceptability for various categories of the population. If you are interested in reviews of energy-saving double-glazed windows, how to determine its level of thermal energy conservation, how to distinguish an energy-saving double-glazed window from a regular one, or how to accurately and correctly install an energy-saving double-glazed window, call our consultants at the phone numbers listed on the website, who will provide you with explanations in an accessible form. Or you can send a request for calculation to our managers and they will call you back and tell you the cost of your window.

According to research, windows with energy-saving double-glazed windows pay for themselves in 1 season. After that, you get net savings for the rest of the time.

Energy-saving double-glazed windows purchased from us are distinguished by: - ​​high quality; — reliability; — practicality; - aesthetics; — high degree of functionality; — excellent heat-saving properties; - good fittings from the world's leading manufacturers.

We will provide you with high-quality service, the fastest window production and a long warranty period.

How to determine multifunctional glass in a double-glazed window?

The easiest way to understand that multi-glass was used in the manufacture of the window is by the markings on the packaging film. More often, manufacturers use the abbreviation MF, which means multi-functional. The properties of the glass can be indicated by the name of the model (for example, ClimaGard Solar or StopReyNeo).

Depending on the processing technology and materials for the functional layer, multifunctional windows can be completely transparent or tinted, with a mirror coating, or colored glass. An indication of this, as a rule, is also contained in the labeling.

In some cases, it is possible to understand that multi-glazed windows are installed visually. The surface has a light blue or green tint, sometimes aqua green. A slight mirror-like sheen can usually be seen on the outside. If silver was used for plating, this can be determined using a lighter or a list. When the flame is reflected in the glass, red tints will be visible. The method will not work if a different material, for example, chrome, was used for the functional layer.

In addition, it is possible to determine that a multifunctional double-glazed window was used in the manufacture of a window using an optical detector. This equipment works on the principle of calculating the electrical resistance of the surface under study. In order to have no doubt that the purchased window uses multi-glass, you need to buy products from manufacturers who provide all the documents for the product. In them you can study the characteristics of the inserted glasses, find out how well they reflect radiation.

What affects the cost of double glazing

  • Type of glass
    . Optional glasses are more expensive than their standard counterparts. But sometimes saving on glass filling is unacceptable.
  • Chamberiness and depth
    . For harsh winters, we recommend thicker multi-chamber double-glazed windows.
  • Filler gas
    . Inert gas increases the cost of glazing.
  • Fasteners

In order to wisely save on glazing, it is important to know how to choose the right double-glazed window for a PVC window. Don’t fall for the tricks of salespeople and settle for a quiet heating package for the kitchen

Here it is optional.

We will tell you about all the features of glazing in each room, tell you about the options for window elements and make a window to suit your needs. We carry out installation in accordance with GOST and provide a guarantee for the work.

Features of double-glazed windows

Even a standard glass bag, due to its design, is much warmer than ordinary glass. A double-glazed window consists of glass sheets united by a spacer frame. When purchasing, first of all, you need to consider:

  • quantity, thickness of glass sheets;
  • distance between adjacent glasses;
  • filling the chambers;
  • glass coating.

The space between the glass - the chambers - is usually filled with air. When they are filled with inert gas, the thermal insulation is higher.

A moisture-absorbing substance is placed inside the spacer frame to prevent windows from fogging up. Double-glazed windows are mounted in an aluminum, wooden or plastic profile.

In a multi-chamber double-glazed window, the interglazed distance may vary within one system, but it is always more than 2 cm. Reducing the distance makes it possible to eliminate interglazed thermal convection and retain heat in the room. To make the window warmer, use optional glass, sealing rubber, and inert gas as filling.

As a rule, customers prefer glass bags:

  • transparent, without distortion,
  • warm and quiet
  • heat-, fire-resistant,
  • shockproof,
  • sun protection
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