9 tips for choosing tinting film for windows of an apartment or home

Toning has long ceased to be a privilege for office and retail spaces. Mirror tinting for plastic windows is steadily developing in the private sector, and such decor allows you to solve several problems at once. We understand the types, features and technology of gluing the material before purchasing it.

Popular mirror tinting Source edilportale.com

Types of films for window tinting

If we've already got down to business, let's learn the theory. The idea itself came rather from cars. And although the glass surfaces of skyscrapers are actively tinted in the United States, the greatest demands are placed on the road.

The Pilkingtons were the first to perfect the alloy glass casting method. In 1947, the melt began to pour onto liquid tin, which is where, we think, the idea of ​​making k-glass came from. After another 12 years, the technological process was made public (by the Pilkingtons), as a result the whole world saw new prospects in obtaining high-quality glass.

And in the early sixties, the first film based on gold and polyamide appeared, which reflected the sun where the laws of optics indicate, as if a mirror had been inserted into the frame.

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Manufacturing companies multiplied like mushrooms while the Beatles gave their final public concerts. In 1966, the 3M company began producing window films.

But the idea behind k-glass is different. If, when making glass, a melt of tin IV oxide is added to the bath, the glass acquires completely new properties, beginning to reflect radiant energy. As you can easily see, in 1947 it was proposed to pour molten glass into liquid tin. Well, then we thought of adding more on top... so it turned out to be k-glass. The distribution of liquid in the bathroom was carried out according to the density of the substances.

Apparently it’s not difficult to guess that soon the idea came to mind not to solder the layer, but to stick it on. The point is that everyone could thus modify their window properly.

This is how the idea of ​​a polyamide film interspersed with gold was born. As they say, everything new is well forgotten old. And the new idea exactly repeated the meaning of the mirror. It is known that in it a continuous layer of conductive metal is applied to the back side of the glass.

Over time, the technology has improved and simplified, and we have been able to modernize glass at home. And this is thanks to a self-adhesive film with an anti-adhesive layer on top of the adhesive composition. Toning is far from the only purpose; they also distinguish:

  • Anti-vandal films that protect the package. The thickness of the polymer layer here is from 115 to 600 microns, which is much thicker than tinting. As a result of using such films, a thief cannot get inside. More precisely, the hacking time increases greatly. The polymer layer is very durable.
  • Energy-saving films repeat the idea of ​​k-glass and allow you to retain heat in the room. The lion's share of radiant energy is reflected back into the room.

Tint films are relatively thin and reflect sunlight onto the street. A good option would be to stick a car one on the windows for the following reason: the standard stipulates that the transmission capacity of the windshield in the visible spectrum should not be lower than 75%.

But most manufacturers exceed this parameter (many countries have similar legislation) and produce films with a throughput of at least 80%. And given the simple fact that a car can be used in a variety of weather conditions, we can conclude that such products are also suitable for home use.

I was attracted to the car film because it has heat-shrinkable properties. Using a heat gun, it can be molded to fit any frame shape. Many homes have unusual windows, so car wrap is a good choice. In this case, there are two types of binders:

  • Drying and gaining strength due to this, relatively soft.
  • Water curable. This type of adhesive is strong, and its existence in nature explains why the most common liquid on the planet cannot be used as an installation solution. Soap suds are also bad because they leave streaks.

What film to protect from the sun

For this purpose, there is a film coating with special properties - athermal. Its main task is to protect the room, furniture, decor and people in it from exposure to sunlight and heat. Athermal film reflects the bulk of ultraviolet radiation, making sunlight soft and diffused, pleasing to the eye and not harmful to furniture.

It also has additional advantages:

  • retaining heat indoors in winter . Double-glazed windows with film do not allow warm air from the rooms to pass out.
  • protection of indoor plants on the windowsill . They do not burn under scorching rays and grow in a comfortable atmosphere.
  • maintaining privacy, protection from prying eyes from the outside . Mirror film applied to the windows will not allow you to view the interior of the house from the street. Although everything will be perfectly visible from the inside. But keep in mind that mirror coating is effective only during the day; in the evening its properties are almost lost, and the windows need to be covered with curtains.
  • original decor . Photo printing can be applied to the films, so they additionally decorate the interior and make it individual.
  • protection against splinters in case of glass damage . All of them will remain on the film and will not fly apart. Using a tinted window is safe and easy!
  • protection from vandals and thieves . There is a special type of window film that has armoring and impact-resistant properties. They strengthen the glass and make it difficult to penetrate from the outside.

Today you can choose a film coating with several properties at once and thus protect yourself from the sun, heat, and other unpleasant phenomena. The degree of darkening of the house can also be selected in advance.

The big plus of films is their affordable price and durability. Correctly applied to plastic windows, it will serve for years, protecting and shading, without requiring special care.

A film that protects from the sun is very useful in country houses and in the countryside. Where it is not possible to install air conditioning or it is irrational to do so. With the help of film on the windows you can protect yourself from the summer heat and heat.

How to properly apply tint film

The tint film is a polymer product, on one side of which a layer of adhesive is applied, protected by an anti-adhesive sheet. And the whole art is in using it correctly on glass.

In the case of a car it is much more complicated, but we will start with the simple. Regular home tint film is not shrink film. We don’t consider it the best option, because on cloudy days the house will be slightly dark.

First, we measure the glass to be pasted and, according to the data obtained, a piece of film is formed. Some samples on the reverse side are lined with squares, which greatly simplifies the procedure itself.

Check if the glass is rectangular. For old wooden frames this is not always the case. As for plastic windows, it is recommended to remove the glass unit before starting the procedure. To do this, you need to remove the glazing beads along the contour using a chisel or slotted screwdriver.

Please note that it is important not to disturb the wedging of the sash. If the package does not want to leave the nest, then there is no need to force it. Just cover it with film right on the spot. And the glazing beads no longer bother us.

Let's give a couple of tips:

  1. Before removing the glass unit, take detailed photos of all rebate plates and bridges (these are platforms around the perimeter of the glass unit and soft plastic spacers). It will then be necessary to assemble everything exactly the same way so as not to disrupt the functionality of the sash.
  2. In the case of blind segments, there is usually no danger, but if the glass unit does not fit, then without a special plastic spatula it will be difficult to remove it and return it to its place.
  3. The glass unit is heavy and the edges are sometimes sharp. Proceed with extreme caution.

Of course, it will be good if you can cut the film directly onto the glass unit. To do this, its surface is slightly wetted so that the tint sticks slightly. Then the glass is thoroughly washed and scraped with blades.

As a result, you need to apply the installation solution here. This is critical for the car version; at home, most brands still recommend using soapy water. This is three liters of water, into which literally a gram of baby shampoo is dripped.

Window tinting in apartments is placed on either side, after which it is attached with special hooks. We believe that most people don’t have anything like this at home, so get a regular pharmaceutical plaster, and then:

  • On the matte side of the tint, stick two tiny pieces at the top with two-thirds sticking out.
  • Attach a hook to the shiny side in one of the corners.

Now start pulling two closely spaced (but on opposite sides) hooks. The anti-adhesive film should come off. Remove it completely so that the sheet does not overlap and stick to itself. Throw aside the unnecessary part along with one hook and, holding the tint by the remaining two, position it in place.

Soapy water (or installation solution) will help complete the procedure. The tinting, thanks to the shampoo, does not stick immediately, but allows itself to be slightly moved.

Spray the back of the film with water and use a forcing tool (something like a flat spatula) to start pushing out the bubbles. Start at the top edge and work your way down.

The result should be a flat surface covering 100% of the required area; the excess is carefully trimmed with a sharp blade. The tinting should be wiped with a dry cloth and you can put the double-glazed window in its place.

Try to remove any dust particles before installing the film because they may initiate the peeling process and will be visible through the tint.

Film composition

The raw material for the production of film material is polyester; The ready-to-use film looks like this:

  • On one side, a layer of glue is applied to it, protected on top by an anti-adhesive (separating) sheet.
  • On the other side, a layer of metal is sprayed. For spraying, aluminum, nickel or titanium are used; less commonly, a sprayed layer of silver or bronze is found. Each metal gives the film specific properties.
  • To produce color film, special equipment is used - a laminator; the film material receives another layer of the selected shade. The technology makes it possible to obtain a durable structure that protects color from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

A variety of shades of tinting film Source alicdn.com

How to apply car tint to apartment windows

This film is more expensive, but it transmits light excellently.
To be more precise, good samples reflect 54% of the sun's radiation, while transmitting 80% of the visible spectrum. Your home will become noticeably cooler in the summer. There are two nuances in this case:

  • It is better to glue the film using a special installation solution. This is necessary to even out the tint and eliminate streaks.
  • Problem areas and arrows are simply treated carefully with a hair dryer. At the same time, the film begins to shrink, and all irregularities are eliminated. At the same time, the area is subjected to forcing.

Using a hair dryer, the tinting of the glass unit is removed. The glass is heated to approximately 45 degrees Celsius, after which you need to carefully lift the film from the edge and start removing it. The hair dryer follows the bend. Like the scales of a molting snake, the film will leave the surface of the glass.

Source: remvizor.ru

Is it possible to tint plastic windows?

There are several subtleties that you should pay attention to when choosing solar reflective films for stickers on glass. If you have metal-plastic windows with energy-saving packages, then on the inside of such glass there is a silver coating.

Is it possible to tint plastic windows:

  • When gluing a film with a reflectivity higher than 50%, such spraying may heat up, causing a thermal shock, and the window may burst.
  • Therefore, such reflective films with a high degree of darkness are not glued to plastic windows. It is recommended to use translucent films, which provide much weaker protection from sunlight. Therefore, for such windows it is best to choose ordinary plastic or metal blinds.
  • You can glue films that are held in place by static electricity. Such products are sold in almost every transition, and resemble transparent films with a mirror surface. They are attached to static electricity.

The main disadvantage is that they do not look very attractive, they rarely lie flat, so bubbles remain. They are easy to remove and can be dismantled. Therefore, if the room is heated for two months a year, then we recommend purchasing just such sun protection products. They are quite inexpensive, but at the same time quite practical. In winter, sunscreen films with a mirror effect transmit very little light, making the room dark, which is very critical in conditions of insufficient light.


Advantages and disadvantages

Window tinting has its advantages and disadvantages. Having considered all sides of the issue, you can make an informed decision: do you need a tinting film or not. Let's start with the advantages:

  • The film is installed on any type of windows, including glazing of a balcony or loggia. Its direct purpose is to absorb ultraviolet rays. The material copes with this task perfectly, transmitting only 1% of ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the room does not heat up, and furniture and wallpaper are protected from fading.
  • The protective film prevents heat loss; therefore, by tinting the loggia, you will make it suitable for living at any time of the year. Let us immediately clarify that without a heating system, living on a balcony in the winter season will be very difficult.
  • Performs tinting and protective functions. Glazing a balcony is an excellent solution, but if your apartment is located on the ground floor, there is a risk that the window will be broken. For example, children playing in the yard will accidentally hit the loggia window with a ball. If we ignore the costs of restoring the window (this responsibility can be assigned to the parents of the bully), the issue of safety remains. Flying glass can injure people on the balcony. If a tinting film is applied to the windows, the risk of injury will be reduced to zero: the fragments will be held together by the film.
  • Thanks to tinting, you will perfectly see everything that happens outside the apartment, but you won’t be able to look inside the room from the street. Accordingly, residents of the first floors can do without curtains during the day.

Protective films also have disadvantages:

  • Only a certain spectrum of rays passes through the tinting of balcony windows and loggias, so the apartment will always be twilight.
  • Protection from sunlight in winter will also have a negative side: the apartment will warm up slowly. This is especially noticeable if there are heating problems in the city.
  • You won’t be able to completely abandon the installation of curtains: when it gets dark outside, the lights turned on in the rooms will provide an excellent view from the street.
  • However, even despite the existing disadvantages, window tinting is very popular.

Partial dimming methods

Partial dimming methods:

  1. External products are made of metal or wood - lamellas . Most often they are equipped with remote control. Many apartment owners are reluctant to install blinds to protect themselves from the sun because they consider them more suitable for offices. To get a pleasant coolness, you can resort to this method. The products are functional and easy to use. There are even special brushes for washing slats.
  2. You can also use partial dimming . Bamboo curtains are used for these purposes. These are products that are assembled according to the principle of blinds. They are small sticks that are collected into dense sheets and wound on a reel or roller. They are fixed in the upper part of the window; when opened, they allow a small amount of sun to leak through. Thus, the inside of the room becomes dark, it is not very hot in summer, and it is comfortable.
  3. It is recommended to use Awnings. These are thick curtains that resemble a canopy that is hung outside the window. They provide excellent protection from the sun, but do not block your view.
  4. Lately, products made using the day and night technique have become quite popular. For their manufacture, several types of fabrics are used: one is transparent, and the other is dense. By changing the position of the slats, you can adjust the density and brightness of the sun's rays.

Window tinting


Film designed to protect the loggia and windows in the apartment comes in several types. Each category has certain properties:

  1. Sun protection. This film can absorb up to 80% of ultraviolet rays. This is the optimal solution for residents of the southern regions who are forced to live in the summer with the air conditioner constantly on.
  2. Mirror. In addition to the main function, it obstructs the view from the street, although in the dark the mirror effect begins to work in the opposite direction. Looks good on glazed balconies and loggias.
  3. Protective. This film not only absorbs sunlight, but also makes the glass more durable. Recommended for installation on the first floors of apartment buildings and in the private sector.
  4. Matte. Let us immediately note that matte film is not the best option for tinting a loggia or windows in an apartment. Frosted films are intended for decorating glass partitions, mainly in office buildings or hospitals. However, the matte film will make it difficult to see from the street, and absorbs some of the sun's rays. Therefore, if desired, it can also be used in residential premises.

No. 5. Sun protection film

The main function of such films is protection from heating by sunlight while maintaining normal light transmission. Naturally, such films are recommended to be installed only on the south side, and then the room will be cooler in the summer. Athermal film is capable of blocking up to 98% of ultraviolet rays and up to 95% of infrared rays, transmitting about 75% of visible light. On the other hand, in winter, such a film will allow you to retain the heat received from heating devices.

DIY tinting

One of the undeniable advantages of tinting is the ease of its application. Even women can tint the windows in their apartment. This is what the technology for applying a protective film looks like:

  • The surface of the glass must be thoroughly washed and degreased. If this is not done, the film will not stick to the dirty surface. It is better to repeat the procedure two or three times.
  • The film roll is rolled out on any flat surface, and a piece of the required size is cut out. It is recommended to leave 1-2 centimeters of margin around the edges.
  • The protective layer is removed from the surface of the film. To prevent the adhesive base from spontaneously sticking to your hands or windows, it can be moistened with a solution of soapy water.
  • The film is applied to the top of the glass and gradually smoothed down. Try to keep the surface smooth: any wrinkles and bubbles that have formed must be removed immediately.
  • The applied film is leveled with a rubber spatula and the excess is cut off.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It is worth noting that window tinting requires regular maintenance. Therefore, periodically wipe the surface with a damp cloth. The use of abrasive or chemically active detergents is prohibited.

Source: mr-build.ru

The process of making removable tint

You can make your own removable film for window tinting. To do this, you need to purchase suitable material. If you lack skills, it is better to entrust the work to specialists. The whole process in the first and second cases can be divided into several stages.

  1. Based on the dimensions of the transparent part of the window, a finished product is ordered from a specialized company. It will be a rigid, but elastic and durable tint film with small (about 5 mm in diameter) holes in the corners and, if necessary, along the edges.
  2. If at this stage you decide to act independently, you need to cut a part from a roll of film according to a pre-made pattern of the required size. To prevent the pattern and the film from moving relative to each other, they should be temporarily secured with double-sided tape.
  3. A cutter makes several holes at some distance from the edges of the film. Mandatory - in the corners and in the case of a large film size - on the sides (to avoid sagging).
  4. The glass should be washed with soapy water and dried.
  5. The film is applied to the installation site, and special round magnets with an adhesive backing are attached to the glass through the holes. They are sold together with the film.
  6. Metal pressure washers are placed on top of the magnets. They will be practically invisible on the glass and will securely hold the film in place.
  7. If it is necessary to remove the film, remove the washers and wind it into a roll. The magnets must remain on the glass.

To make the process clear to you, here is a story about how to do removable window tinting with your own hands (video).

Window tinting in the apartment

Window tinting for residential and commercial properties is becoming an increasingly popular way to protect against prying eyes and the elements.
In addition, this is a great opportunity to solve a number of other problems while spending a minimum of time and money.

The simplest and most popular way to tint windows is to paste double-glazed windows with special films. Moreover, there are several types of such films. So which one is best for home use, and which one is best used in an office? Let's try to figure it out.

How to tint a window in a house so that it is not visible from the street?

Blinds can be used to protect from the sun. These are very simple products that consist of thin plates that can be adjusted.

How to tint a window in a house so that it is not visible from the street:

  • Their width is different, you can also adjust the angle of inclination. They are usually made of plastic or wood. Complement the appearance of the window.
  • Some models are mounted inside, and their position can be adjusted, thereby achieving darkening inside the room. Blinds that are located outside are more massive and durable.
  • Usually they are installed not just as protection from the sun, but also as an option to prevent intruders from entering the house. This is usually true for residents of the first floors.


Types of films for window glass

Sun protection

Solar control films are most often purchased by apartment owners whose windows face south. Tinted windows covered with such material reflect at least part of the attacking solar energy.

As a result, the room heats up less on sunny days, and there is no glare on the monitors of household appliances (TVs, computers, etc.), interfering with watching programs and/or working.


This type of glass film is especially in demand among owners and residents of apartments on the first floors. And also for those who live in houses that are close to each other. Many people, in order to avoid outside curiosity, are forced to keep the curtains in their apartments closed around the clock.

Mirror films for windows solve this problem quickly and inexpensively. After all, they guarantee a mirror (or in other words one-sided) visibility effect, when those who are inside the home see everything that is happening on the street, and those who are outside see nothing of what is happening indoors.

This film has only one drawback - it does not help in the evening or at night. Since the lighting of the apartment becomes many times brighter at night, it is no longer possible to maintain the intimacy of what is happening with only mirrored window coverings.


In principle, both sun-protection and mirror tint films have a protective function. Any such coating can protect the room outside the window from unauthorized entry, because the surface covered with it does not break well.

The films have an anti-shock effect. And depending on the type of tinting used, the glass can be made completely shockproof, or an attacker will have to make a lot of effort to break it. However, the protective option can work not only against villains.

The film can also protect people (and especially children) from fragments of an accidentally broken window. In the worst case, glass trimmed with film will break into several large fragments, and in the best case, the fragments simply hang on the film, remaining on the frame.


This finish is a solution that is ideal for internal glass partitions in a residential or commercial space. With the help of these films you can cheaply and quickly improve the division of any room.

They reduce transparency and make each zone in an apartment or office impenetrable and closed. In addition, matte films can protect company employees or house residents from injury in the event of the destruction of such partitions.

The economic benefits of using this type of finish are also obvious. Matte film is much cheaper than special glass with a similar visual and practical effect.

Briefly about the main thing

Tinting metal-plastic windows is a common solution, as it allows you to solve several problems without requiring large expenses. There are several types of polymer material on the market with different properties. You can not only get rid of the sweltering sun, but also maintain an optimal internal environment at the same time.

There are options with shockproof or decorative properties, but mirror tinting with the function of protecting against prying eyes is more popular. To successfully stick any film onto glass, you will need a certain set of tools; the cleanliness of the glass surface and the accuracy of the performers are also important.

Pros and cons of tint films

Everything in this world has positive and negative sides.
And especially for construction and finishing materials. Films that provide glass tinting are no exception. The advantages of this finish include:

protection from direct sunlight; a barrier to the unhealthy curiosity of others; protection from intruders; protection from injuries associated with breaking glass in a window.

As for the shortcomings, they are also obvious: twilight in an apartment with windows decorated with tinted film comes earlier than in apartments whose windows do not have such finishing; and limiting the light transmission capacity (after all, the film transmits only a certain light spectrum).

No. 8. Color gamut and density

The light transmittance of the film is expressed as a percentage : the higher the indicator, the more light the coating will transmit. Depending on the lighting conditions of the apartment and the purposes, a material of one density or another is selected.

Choosing the right coating color is not difficult, since the range of different shades is huge: from silver and gold to green and purple. When choosing a color, pay attention that it affects not only the perception of the interior, but also light transmission, which is clearly visible from the table.

Self-installation of tinting films

Material and tool

In order to cover a window with a high-quality film with a tinting effect with your own hands, you will have to look for a tool in advance. For such an operation you will definitely need:

  • construction knife (but you can also use a retractable stationery knife);
  • rubber spatula;
  • a spray bottle to spray the soap solution;
  • and, of course, high-quality tint film in the right quantity (it is rarely sold by the meter, more often in rolls).
  • Application process

The entire process of covering glass with film can be divided into 2 main stages: Preparation for installation. And the actual installation.

At the first stage, you will need to take the necessary measurements in order to know how much to cut from the roll in length. If the width of the film is not enough for the width of the glass unit, you will have to carry out more complex cutting to avoid unsightly overlaps.

But the main thing in installing any tint film is to take your time! And be sure to follow the recommendations and advice of experienced specialists. Installation of the film on glass should be carried out by adhering to the following algorithm of actions: First, you need to roll out a roll of film on a hard and flat working surface. And using a sharp knife (construction knife or stationery knife, it doesn’t matter) cut the material according to the measurements made in advance.


It is necessary to leave a margin of several centimeters around the perimeter of the film.

Next, you will need to carry out preparatory measures directly on the glass. Clean it thoroughly and degrease it. The best way to do this is with the most common soap solution.

You just need to apply it and then remove it with a rubber spatula. And so 3-4 times. It should turn out very well. Immediately before pasting, the glass surface must be moistened again with a soap solution. Then remove the protective layer - liner - from the tint film. And you will have to act very carefully at this stage, so it is better to involve an assistant.

Then the adhesive layer of the film will need to be neutralized for a while. And for this you just need a spray bottle: with its help you need to spray water on the adhesive film layer.

Installation in this case will be much easier, because, on the one hand, the film will not stick to the double-glazed window immediately and “tightly”. On the other hand, it will stick to the surface quite well. The installation itself begins with applying the prepared film with its adhesive layer to the top of the window glass.

Then, with smooth movements of the installer’s palms, the film is distributed throughout the entire glass unit. At the next stage, you will need to visually verify that the tint has covered the entire surface that it was supposed to cover (and this should be done especially carefully when it comes to complex composite cutting).

Next, with gentle movements, using a rubber spatula, you need to smooth the film from the center to the edges, leveling it and expelling excess air and moisture from under the material. Then you need to let the window “rest” a little (just so that it does not dry out completely), and then carefully cut off all the protruding film particles with a knife.

If the edges move slightly away from the glass, they will need to be smoothed again with a spatula. If everything is done correctly, window tinting will look great and will be useful for apartment/house residents or office workers for a long time.

How to remove the coating yourself

Many owners note that removing the film is much more difficult than gluing it. And this has to be done, because over the years it loses its qualities and looks unpresentable. How to remove the film yourself? Use the following:

  • Steam generator . With its help, you can remove tint more easily without resorting to chemicals. The steam generator works by using a strong jet of steam, which strips the film from the surface. After processing and removing the film, it is useful to wipe the glass with any powder and then rinse with water.
  • Creamy product for kitchen surfaces . Use it if the film has been removed, but small pieces remain on the glass. Apply the product to them, hold for a while, rub and remove any stains left by the film.
  • "Shumanit", a remedy for blockages . It can also be used to remove tinting from windows. But do not apply the product to plastic frames! Use it only on glass!
  • Thin stainless steel blade . This is already a kind of “last resort”, which is used on films with lavsan (polyethylene terephthalate). Since it is difficult to remove by other means, you can carefully scrape it off with such a blade.

Important! When working, wear gloves, do not forget to wash your hands often, and if you suffer from allergies, you will also need a household respirator.

Caring for a Tinted Window

Glass tinted with film should not be washed during the first week after pasting, so as not to damage the coating.
In the future, when the film finally “lies” on the glass, you can care for the window as usual, avoiding only abrasive cleaning products, hard brushes and sponges.

If dirt has formed on the glass unit, there is no need to scrape it off. It is enough to moisten it with soapy water, and after a while simply remove it with a damp sponge. And then polish the surface with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Source: okeymaster.ru

Stages of gluing glass on PVC windows

One wrong move can ruin the material. Therefore, the installation process requires accuracy, attention and concentration from the performer; In this case, window tinting with film consists of the following stages:

  • The glass is cleaned as much as possible using a sponge and detergent. Then apply and clean off the soap solution several times using a spatula. The procedure efficiently removes the smallest specks of dust and degreases the surface.
  • The film (usually a roll) is laid out on a flat and clean base. Measure out a fragment of the required size, cut it with a knife with an allowance around the perimeter (1.5-2 cm is enough).

The final stage of window tinting Source twowaymirrors.com

Home window tinting

The south and east sides of the house are most exposed to sunlight entering the room. This can lead to undesirable consequences: fading of interior decoration, interior items, fading of curtains and hailstones. On the ground floor of a multi-storey building, you can hide what is happening from unwanted views in this way.

Tinted windows in the house have a stylish appearance, they look beautiful, unlike curtains, they do not turn the room into a closet. It is enough to give them a light tint, or apply photo printing on film as an interior decoration, which will make a pleasant aesthetic impression.

If the glass accidentally cracks or breaks, the film will hold the fragments and prevent them from scattering. Dismantling will be easier, faster and safer. You can even use armored film for home windows. It protects not only from excessive heat and slight mechanical impact, but even from bullets.

There are many video lessons on the Internet, after watching which you will not have any questions about tinting. Step-by-step work will help you easily glue the sun protection film yourself at home.

To do this efficiently, you will need the following tools:

  • stationery knife (you can use a blade);
  • rubber spatula;
  • container for preparing soap solution;
  • plaster or tape;
  • rags;
  • spray.

When working, remember the following rules:

  • Before gluing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surfaces, wipe off dust particles from them to evenly distribute the film.
  • The window should be washed with a non-abrasive detergent (for large dirty areas, you can use a scraper).

  • The humidity in the room should be from 20% to 80% (at low levels, you need to periodically spray water from a spray bottle near the work site).
  • The temperature in the room should not be less than 5 degrees and above 40.
  • Finished glass cannot be washed for 7 days to avoid damaging the coating. Next, you need to wash it with a soft cloth without much effort. Do not use abrasives, hard brushes or scourers. If dirt forms on the surface, do not immediately scrape it off. Simply moisten with water or soapy water and wipe with a rag or lint-free cloth.

Tinting methods

There are several ways to tint a plastic window:

  • Ready-made tinted glass can be purchased before installing a double-glazed window. It is manufactured at the factory with the addition of the desired dye.
  • Spray a tint layer onto hot glass. When watching video tutorials, you can quickly figure out how to darken a window in this way.
  • Vacuum tinting is performed at the factory.
  • Using adhesive film is the easiest and cheapest way you can do it yourself. It’s not difficult to implement, just choose the appropriate shade.

Ready-made tinted steles have a high cost, but they are more reliable in operation and have a long warranty period.

Types of tinting

Film is considered the simplest and most economical way to finish glass. It is applied from the inside of the structure using a soap solution or castor oil. But there are a number of other options:

  1. Mass tinting. It is used directly when melting glass - various dyes are added to the hot mass. After hardening the material, it becomes resistant to mechanical stress and can be easily processed.
  2. Paralysis. This technique involves applying a metal layer to the finished, still hot glass by spraying.
  3. Vacuum coating. For this, a special chamber is used, in which glass is placed and its surface is coated with a special material.

Scope of application

A notable recent trend has been the covering of balconies and loggias with mirror coatings. In residential buildings, the film is used for windows, as well as for interior doors with glass. Great for decorating a door to a bathroom, hallway, or kitchen. Adds aesthetics and originality to the interior. This material predominates on the facades of shopping and entertainment centers, hotels and restaurants. It is also used for medical, educational, industrial and government institutions. Any building where human activity takes place can be made more cozy and comfortable with the help of tinting.

Previously, mirror film was in demand among car owners, but recently the government has banned covering car windows in this way. The high quality characteristics of mirror film, supported by an affordable price, have ensured stable and growing demand for this material. The production of such goods is carried out by both large and well-known enterprises and small, just developing companies. To ensure comfort and privacy, reduce the cost of air conditioning and heating, and improve the external advantages of the building, you should carefully consider the choice of material and perform its application efficiently.

What it is?

Tinting or tinting PVC glass is a hardware or manual method of applying a special protective layer to a glass sheet of a window block - tinting films or a special factory coating, as a result of which the flow of UV and IR radiation is reduced, but the illumination in the room remains normal.

double-glazed windows acquire anti-glare characteristics , which is important when using a PC monitor and watching TV.
And furniture, wallpaper and curtains will no longer fade in the sun. An additional advantage of tinted windows is their increased strength; the film reliably protects the glass from cracks and chips, which is especially important for residents of the first floors.

Window designs that are made in the factory are considered to be of the highest quality ; in this case, the customer can purchase ready-made protected double-glazed windows, replacing them in old windows.

Why and when is it needed?

In order for window tinting to be effective, it must be installed on double-glazed windows facing east and south. This will protect the premises located in these areas from excess UV and IR rays, since these are the sides of the house that are exposed to constant solar radiation. Such window systems are able to provide high-quality protection from excess amounts of radiation, which in large quantities are harmful to residents.

This option is also preferable for windows in houses located on streets with a large flow of people; they reliably protect the privacy in them from the views of pedestrians.

Important! The choice of film must be approached responsibly. In order not to turn your apartment into a dark cave, it is better to contact specialists who can select the desired level of darkening and color design.

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