10 tips for choosing the best double glazing for modern windows

No. 1. Why is a double-glazed window better than ordinary glass, or Design of a double-glazed window

Even the simplest modern double-glazed window will be many times warmer than an old window with ordinary glass. This was achieved through the implementation of a number of design features. A double-glazed window today is called a complex structure consisting of several glasses connected to each other by a spacer frame . The space between the glasses is called a chamber ; in most cases it is filled with air, but can be filled with inert gases to increase thermal insulation. Two glasses form one chamber, three – two chambers, etc.

There may be a desiccant substance inside the spacers that absorbs excess moisture and prevents fogging. Double-glazed windows are inserted into a profile made of PVC, wood or aluminum: the plastic profile holds the palm for a year in a row.

If a multi-chamber double-glazed window is used, then the distance between the glasses within the same structure may differ, but it will still not be more than 20 mm. Reducing the distance makes it possible to eliminate thermal convection between the glasses, and as a result, it is possible to retain a significant part of the heat of the inner glass and not release it to the street. This is the basis for the more effective thermal insulation of double-glazed windows compared to old windows. To create the warmest and quietest window possible, manufacturers are introducing many other technologies, such as using special glass, seals, and filling the chamber with argon and xenon.

Multi-chamber double-glazed windows and profiles

With all the variety of profile systems from VEKA, choosing plastic windows is quite difficult. The number of cameras, the width of the glass unit and installation dimensions, the pricing policy and, of course, the quality of the window - not everyone will be able to figure all this out right away.

When you decide which windows to install, it is important to understand that a window is not one monolithic object, but a structure made up of several elements (profile, double-glazed window, fittings). It is the quality and characteristics of the components that determine the properties of the final product. In other words, to find out how to choose plastic windows, you need to know what criteria apply to the selection of their constituent components.

Also, when choosing a plastic window, it is necessary to take into account the type of room and the climatic characteristics of the region. Windows should protect against temperature changes and keep out noise. And one more important aspect - they should complement the interior well and not require special care.

Of course, you can turn to professionals, they will advise how to choose a double-glazed window, profile and fittings, but it is important to understand for yourself what you pay money for and what you get in the end.

How to choose a profile

You can choose from VEKA profile windows with a width from 58 to 90 mm. The number of chambers is determined by the installation width and is calculated based on optimal thermal protection indicators. Normally, for an ordinary city apartment, a profile of 70 mm is sufficient; a wider profile is used in country houses or in regions with harsh winters.

Characteristics of double-glazed windows

For office and unheated premises it is better to choose single-glazed windows. For apartments and houses, the glass unit must be at least double glazed. Managers in the offices of our partners will tell you how to choose a double-glazed unit for glazing a retail space, an attic in a residential building, and whether it is worth buying a two-chamber unit for a window in a city apartment.

This special window will make the children's room as safe as possible. The window opens only for ventilation: a key is required to open the window completely.


If we talk about accessories, this is the case when you cannot save. It is she who is under constant load. Poor-quality fittings can lead to loose fitting of the sashes, jamming and, ultimately, to replacement. Choose only high-quality fittings from trusted manufacturers so you don’t have to pay twice.


The cost and quality of a window are closely related. As a rule, windows made from class B profiles are cheaper, as are structures made using cheap fittings. Before installing a cheap window, ask for certificates and find out what it is made of.

Important parameters of plastic windows

Remember that the total savings on the cost of the window can be only 20%, but the lost quality and the need for immediate replacement will cost many times more. If you don’t know which windows to choose, contact our partners and order turnkey production and installation of windows from the VEKA profile. We are sure that among the many options you will find something that suits you in terms of price and quality.

The official VEKA website will help you approach the issue correctly and choose window designs for your apartment or house. Useful tips and videos, contacts of official partners with a convenient search form and the ability to call a surveyor. These and other opportunities are on our website.

No. 2. The number of double-glazed windows is a key characteristic

In warm Europe, single-chamber double-glazed windows are considered the most popular, while double-glazed windows are installed there quite rarely. In the harsh Russian climate, you don’t even have to look at single-chamber structures - in most regions, double-glazed windows will be optimal, and in some especially cold areas - three-chamber ones.

The more chambers in the structure, the warmer the window will be , and physics explains this very simply: in several chambers it is possible to enclose a larger heat-protective layer of air, and it prevents convective heat transfer. So, for example, an average single-chamber double-glazed window has a heat transfer resistance of about 0.3 m2K/W, a two-chamber one - 0.5 m2K/W, and a three-chamber one - 0.7 m2K/W or more. But a large number of cameras have their drawbacks, so it is not appropriate to insert a three-chamber double-glazed window into every window.

Let's consider the advantages, disadvantages and areas of use of double-glazed windows with different numbers of chambers:

  • single-chamber double-glazed window - the cheapest option, characterized by minimal weight, and the lighter the structure, the more securely it fits in the window opening and the easier it is to install. The advantages of single-chamber double-glazed windows also include a high level of translucency, but in practice, single- and double-chamber double-glazed windows differ little in this respect. The main disadvantage of the design is insufficient thermal insulation, therefore, it is unreasonable to use such double-glazed windows in regions where the temperature drops below -50C in winter. They release heat from the apartment, and due to their design capabilities they tend to fog up. Sound insulation level is weak, therefore, even in warm regions, such double-glazed windows are not recommended for installation in bedrooms. It is advisable to use the design for windows leading to a glazed loggia, in unheated, service and technical rooms, as well as in southern latitudes. Manufacturers also offer single-chamber double-glazed windows with low-emissivity glass and chamber filling with argon – this option almost catches up with double-glazed windows in terms of thermal insulation, while being cheaper, but still not suitable for windows facing noisy, busy places;

  • double-glazed window - the “gold standard” in our climate. Consists of three glasses and two air chambers. In terms of heat and noise insulation, a double-chamber double-glazed window is more than 30% superior to a single-chamber one. It costs more, of course, but you will also spend less on heating. Under conditions of severe winters, the difference in price between single- and double-glazed windows pays off in 1-2 years. The most popular with us is a double-glazed window with a glass thickness of 4 mm and chambers between them of 14 and 12 mm (38 mm in total). Such structures are installed in residential and commercial buildings, as well as outside the city;

  • three-chamber double-glazed window – salvation for the northern regions of the country, where in winter the temperature lasts for a long time around -400C. If winter temperatures are significantly higher, then the difference between two- and three-chamber double-glazed windows will be insignificant and hardly noticeable. The width of a three-chamber double-glazed window reaches 58-60 mm, and the presence of four glasses greatly increases the weight of the structure. To support such heaviness, either a very wide profile is required, or division into numerous sections to reduce the load on fittings and fasteners. All this increases the cost of the structure; in addition, a three-chamber double-glazed window allows slightly less sunlight to pass through. It makes sense to put up with all this only in extremely harsh climates.

Double-glazed windows with four or more chambers are considered exclusive, and their necessity is questionable.

No. 3. Type of glass in a double glazing unit

ordinary float glass with a thickness of 4-6 mm in a double-glazed window . The technology makes it possible to obtain perfectly smooth glass of equal thickness, which perfectly transmits light from the street. The standard is glass with a thickness of 4 mm; thicker ones (5-6 mm) are recommended for use in noisy areas and on the top floors, where gusts of wind are strong. An ordinary double-glazed window has good heat and sound insulation properties and resists fire well, but there is no limit to perfection - today glass has appeared with certain characteristics significantly improved.

In addition to the usual ones, special double-glazed windows can be used:

  • energy-saving low-emission double-glazed windows allow you to retain heat in the apartment and reduce heating costs. Ordinary glass acquires unique properties thanks to spraying substances that transmit long-wave radiation but block short-wave radiation; in other words, light comes in, but heat does not come out. Today most often used i-glass coated with silver ions: They show excellent thermal insulation properties, but are susceptible to weathering. K-glass cheaper, more resistant to negative environmental factors, but less efficient in terms of energy conservation. As a rule, only one glass in a double-glazed unit is energy-saving. In summer, it perfectly reflects heat from the street, and in winter, it does not allow home heat to escape from the apartment (see illustration). Filling the chambers with argon further improves thermal insulation. It is calculated that when using low-emissivity glass, it is possible to increase the heat transfer resistance of a single-chamber double-glazed window to 0.56 m²K/W, and a double-chamber one to 0.75 m²K/W (the level of a conventional three-chamber one);

  • solar control double glazed windows are indispensable in cases where the window faces south, and the sun's rays literally blind the household and spoil wallpaper, furniture, carpets, etc. Have UV protection tinted glass, glass with tinted film applied, tempered glass and glass with a mirror surface. A solar-protective double-glazed window can simultaneously become energy-saving if the inner glass has a coating with silver ions, which reflects thermal radiation from the radiators back into the apartment;

  • Noise-proof double-glazed windows are distinguished by the use of laminated triplex glass and soundproofing film. To increase sound insulation, special acoustic foam is used. A set of such solutions can reduce street noise levels by 35 dB or more. In addition, triplex glass provides increased safety and thermal insulation. Sound insulation also depends on many other factors, which we will discuss later;
  • fire-resistant double-glazed windows can withstand high temperatures and be absolutely safe for humans due to the use of a metal mesh on which the glass is fixed, or thanks to laminated triplex glass;
  • impact-resistant double-glazed windows withstand serious mechanical loads, prevent burglary, and if they break, the fragments do not have sharp edges and are held in place by film. Such properties were achieved through the use of triplex glass, which, we recall, also provides excellent sound insulation and can block ultraviolet radiation.

Some manufacturers offer even more modern and “smart” double-glazed windows . For example, in Japan they invented a dirt-repellent coating , thanks to which there is no need to constantly wash windows, and this is a significant saving when it comes to high-rise buildings. Dirt almost does not stick to such glass; under the influence of sunlight it is destroyed and washed off with rainwater.

Some manufacturers offer double-glazed windows that allow you to easily change the level of transparency of the glass and, if necessary turn it into frosted glass to protect yourself from prying eyes from the outside. To solve the problem of ice formation, electrically heated double-glazed windows . Heating the glass causes snow and ice to melt, and at the same time acts as an additional source of heat in the apartment.

In addition, today you can choose double-glazed windows with decorative glass , which can have any desired color or even imitate a stained glass pattern. Such products are made according to an individual project.

How to choose a double-glazed window and understand the formulas

One of the most important details of a plastic window, which you need to pay close attention to when purchasing, is the double-glazed window. Because it plays the main role in the heat and sound insulation of a window, since approximately 80% of heat loss occurs through glass.

Important Often, an entire plastic window is mistakenly called a double-glazed window. This is not true. A double glazed window is just glass in a window.

Let's divide double-glazed windows into 4 groups according to their main characteristics

To make it easier to decide which double-glazed window is best suited for your needs, we will divide all double-glazed windows into 4 groups according to their main characteristics:

Number of chambers Double-glazed windows consist of two, three or four glasses, which form air chambers between each other. A single-chamber double-glazed window is two glasses and one air chamber between them, a double-chamber one is three glasses and two air chambers, a three-chamber one is four glasses and three air chambers. A double-chamber double-glazed window is warmer and quieter than a single-chamber one. A three-chamber double-glazed window is very rare; it is warmer and quieter than a single-chamber and double-chamber one, but much more expensive than them (17 times).

Glass thickness Glass in a double-glazed unit is available in thicknesses of 4, 5, 6 or 8 mm. The thicker the glass, the better the sound insulation of the window:

  • 4 mm – 28-30 dB;
  • 5 mm – 29-31 dB;
  • 6 mm – 30-32 dB;
  • 8 mm – 32 dB.

Also, laminated triplex glass can be installed in a double-glazed window - a structure of two or three glasses glued together (of the same or different thicknesses). Such glass increases the burglary resistance and sound insulation of the window and is absolutely safe if the window breaks - the fragments do not fly apart, but remain “hanging” on the film of the adhesive layer, which is especially important if there are children in the house.

Distance between glasses Depending on the profile used, the distance between glasses in a double-glazed window can be from 6 to 24 mm. By increasing this distance, we increase the air gap and improve the soundproofing performance of the window. Also, in order for the double-glazed window to protect against noise as effectively as possible, you can make different distances between the glasses.

Width of a double-glazed window The width of a double-glazed window varies from 18 to 60 mm. The wider it is, the warmer and quieter it is. Not all types of profile systems can accommodate wide glass units. Therefore, if your goal is maximum heat and noise insulation, choose the appropriate profiles.

Spacer frame Spacer frame is a profile installed inside a double-glazed window. It can be plastic, aluminum or metal-plastic.

The traditional option - an aluminum frame - is good for everyone, except for one thing, aluminum between the glasses forms a “cold bridge”, which in the cold season can become one of the reasons for the appearance of condensation and icing.

The plastic spacer frame is also often called warm. It has low thermal conductivity, solves problems with condensation and improves the heat-saving properties of the window.

Type of glass The glass in a double glazing unit can be regular, energy-saving, tempered, reinforced, frosted, frosted or decorative. It is possible to apply mosaic designs and paintings with various texture patterns.

How to decipher the glass unit formula

In the specification for a window, a double-glazed window is indicated in the form of a formula in which the most important information about it is encrypted:

  • brand and thickness of glass;
  • distance between glasses;
  • filling the internal chambers;
  • type of glass (energy-saving, multifunctional, sun-protective, impact-resistant, etc.)

For example:

Double-glazed window formulaDecoding
4-16-4 Single-chamber double-glazed window (2 glasses) Glass thickness – 4 mm Distance between glasses – 16 mm All glasses are ordinary
4-10-4-10-4i Double-chamber double-glazed window (3 glasses) Glass thickness – 4 mm Distance between glasses – 10 mm One glass – energy-saving (i)

1 group of double-glazed windows

These are classic basic double-glazed windows without additional functions and special effects, with ordinary glass. They retain heat well and do not allow street noise to pass through. This is the case when you do not expect anything supernatural from the window and you do not have excessive requirements for heat and sound insulation.

Formulas of double-glazed windows of group 1:

Single chamberDouble chamber

M1 – transparent polished glass.

2nd group of double glazed windows

These are energy-saving double-glazed windows with a warm spacer frame. They retain heat much better and also protect from the summer heat, creating a comfortable microclimate and reducing heating and air conditioning costs.

Formulas of double-glazed windows of 2 groups:

Single chamberDouble chamber
4-16-4LowE4-14WTAr-4И-14WTAr-4И (x-one energy)

TSS – warm spacer frame made of polymer-composite material.

And, i, LowE – energy-saving low-emissivity glass. It transmits the useful light part of the solar spectrum, but reflects the heat coming from the room.

WT – metal-plastic spacer thermal frame with low thermal conductivity.

Ar is an inert gas (argon), which improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the window.

3rd group of double-glazed windows

Multifunctional double-glazed windows with improved thermal insulation and sun protection functions and a warm spacer frame. Such double-glazed windows protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation and let in a lot of daylight. They create a comfortable microclimate - not cold in winter, not hot in summer. Reduce heating costs in winter and air conditioning in summer.

Formulas of double-glazed windows of 3 groups:

Single chamberDouble chamber
4Solar–14WTAr–4И–14WTAr–4M1 (x-one multi, multi color)
4DSN-10MTGrAr-4M1-10MTGr Ar-4i

LG - second generation multifunctional glass, combines improved thermal insulation and sun protection functions. Reduces solar heat gain and lets in significant amounts of daylight.

SPGU – multifunctional glass. Effectively retains heat in the house and also protects against heat and overheating in summer. Lets in more daylight without distorting the colors outside the window.

TSS – warm spacer frame made of polymer-composite material.

DSN is a multifunctional glass with 15 layers of nano-coating, including two layers of Double Silver. It retains heat 2 times better than a regular double-glazed window and is 2 times more effective at keeping you cool in the summer heat.

Solar – provides optimal climate control at any time of the year, retains heat in winter, keeps out heat in summer and reduces exposure to the infrared spectrum of sunlight by 50%. Does not create a darkening effect.

WT – metal-plastic spacer thermal frame with low thermal conductivity.

Ar is an inert gas (argon), which improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the window.

And, i – energy-saving low-emissivity glass. It transmits the useful light part of the solar spectrum, but reflects the heat coming from the room.

MTGr is a one-piece, warm plastic spacer with thermal protection 1000 times better than aluminum. Certified even for use in Arctic conditions.

M1 - transparent polished glass.

4 group of double-glazed windows

Unique double-glazed windows with heating, dimming or multimedia function. In addition to excellent protection against cold, heat and harmful solar radiation, they are indispensable in cases where it is necessary to instantly create conditions of complete confidentiality - one press of a button and transparent glass instantly turns into frosted glass.

They can broadcast photos and videos directly onto glass, taking an ordinary window to a whole new level of functionality.

A heating glass unit can become the main or additional source of heat and an obstacle to listening to the room. It will melt snow and ice and, thanks to the possibility of integration into a Smart Home or alarm system, will become an intrusion sensor.

In St. Petersburg, such double-glazed windows are produced by the Russian Glass Company.

Formulas of double-glazed windows 4 groups:

Single chamberDouble chamber
6I-20Ar-6Media order4I-14Ar-4K order-14Ar-4K Termo order

And – energy-saving low-emissivity glass. It transmits the useful light part of the solar spectrum, but reflects the heat coming from the room.

Ar is an inert gas (argon), which improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the window.

Smart – one press of a button instantly turns transparent glass into frosted glass.

Termo is a heating glass that can act as a main or additional heat source. Prevents room eavesdropping and can serve as an intrusion sensor in alarms and smart home systems.

Media – multimedia glass can broadcast photo and video materials.

Zach – tempered glass.

44.1 – an example of a triplex formula consisting of two glasses 4 mm thick.

K – energy-saving glass.

No. 4. Glass spacing and soundproofing

Modern double-glazed windows can effectively solve not only the issues of thermal insulation, but also the absorption of street noise. City dwellers should appreciate this property.

Sound insulation characteristics depend on the following parameters:

  • width of the glass unit and number of cameras;
  • distance between glasses;
  • glass thickness and combination of glass of different thicknesses;
  • type of glass.

The wider the double-glazed window, the better its sound insulation, and a double-chamber double-glazed window 42 mm wide will be much “quieter” than a double-chamber double-glazed window 28 mm wide. When the chamber increases by 3 mm, sound insulation increases by an average of 10%, and a double-chamber double-glazed window is already 40-45% more effective in terms of sound insulation than a single-chamber one. At the same time, the thermal insulation characteristics increase as the chamber increases to 16 mm, stabilize in the range of 16-24 mm, and then deteriorate due to convective heat transfer.

The distance between the glasses should not be more than 20 mm, but, as a rule, it is 6-16 mm, and the more glass is used, the smaller the distance between them, since the total width of the glass unit should not exceed 60 mm. And then manufacturers resort to a trick and make chambers of different thicknesses , achieving destruction of the symmetry of the system, leading to resonance.

The use of glass of different thicknesses also has an excellent effect in terms of sound insulation . When a sound wave collides with barriers of equal properties (glasses of the same thickness), it easily passes through them. If the barriers have different parameters, then it will be more difficult for the sound wave, and it will lose a huge part of the energy. Glass of different thicknesses does not resonate and allows you to make the apartment quieter by about 30%. In a double-glazed window, only one glass should be 6 mm thick, the rest should be ordinary, 4 mm thick, so that the structure is not overweight.

If, in addition to everything, you use triplex glass in a double-glazed window, which dampens noise well, then you can achieve the best results.

Difference between three-chamber and two-chamber window

The chamber is the space located between the glasses. In simple window kits, dry air is pumped inside. To remove excess moisture from double-glazed windows, silica gel is used to increase thermal insulation - the space is filled with an inert gas that is safe for humans.

Window kits with two cameras

The double-glazed window consists of 3 glasses and 2 chambers. Advantages of 2-chamber double-glazed windows:

  • High heat transfer resistance. They do not let cold air into the room, which reduces heating costs.
  • Noise insulation more than 29 dB (outer glass - 4 ml). Sounds from the street do not penetrate inside. With a thickness of 6 mm, sound insulation increases by 2 times.
  • Stop-through characteristics – 77%. The room will be sunny and comfortable.
  • Installation of 2-chamber kits is performed by only a few specialists.

When buying kits with 2 cameras, you should pay attention to some disadvantages. Namely:

  • The weight of multi-chamber products is several times greater than that of single-chamber products. You will need good fastening and high-quality fittings, otherwise fasteners and mechanisms will quickly become unusable.
  • 2-chamber systems transmit 10-12% less light than a window with 1 compartment.
  • Double-glazed windows are not suitable for buildings with thin walls due to their thickness.
  • The price of multi-chamber windows is 15% higher than for simple products.

Double-chamber PVC structures are suitable for office premises, public buildings and administrative facilities, cottages, country houses and apartments.

Attention! Due to good sound insulation and energy efficiency, it is possible to install sets with several chambers with greater thickness or emissive glass. Such windows quickly adapt to specific requirements - you can increase sound insulation and insulation.

Window designs with 3 sections

The multi-chamber standard product consists of 4 glasses (of different thicknesses), delimited by a spacer frame. In such metal structures, 3 sections are used.

A 3-chamber double-glazed window has the following advantages:

  • 3-chamber window sets have an increased rate of thermal energy conservation. A 3-chamber system better protects the room from cold air than a single-chamber system and is 25% more reliable than a 2-chamber system.
  • The width of the sections can, if necessary, be increased or energy-saving glass installed, which will improve the heat transfer resistance by 30%.
  • Good noise insulation characteristics. Using such window frames, the homeowner will protect the room from extraneous noise.
  • Minimizing heating costs. A three-layer window is well suited for areas with harsh climates.
  • Protection against accumulation of humidity and condensation.
  • Good quality material used for double glazed windows.

Despite many advantages, three-chamber glazing also has some features that should not be forgotten. The disadvantages of 3-chamber systems include:

  • light transmittance – 65%;
  • the thickness of the three-chamber system is from 640 ml, which means that such a window is not suitable for buildings with thin walls;
  • massiveness, weight sq. m - 40 kg, there are size restrictions;
  • price – up to 50% more than for window structures with two chambers;
  • certain requirements for fastenings, fittings, openings.

Installed in heated buildings. 3-chamber window systems are suitable for polar and northern regions. In regions with moderate climatic conditions, installation of such structures is impractical.

No. 5. Type of filling of glass chambers

The glass chamber can be filled with one of the following gases:

  • dehumidified air is the most common and most affordable option;
  • argon has a higher dynamic viscosity and prevents convection between the glasses, so a double-glazed window filled with argon is approximately 1.4 times warmer than usual. In addition, argon protects the coating of i-glasses and is the best option in terms of price and quality;
  • other inert gases, in particular krypton and xenon, have more outstanding thermal insulation properties and are “warmer” than air by 2.6 and 4.4 times, respectively, but such filling of chambers is very expensive, so it is not used today.

A promising direction is the production of double-glazed windows with a vacuum inside. Vacuum does not conduct heat at all, so it will provide maximum thermal insulation, but the production of such double-glazed windows has a number of technical difficulties, so it costs a pretty penny and is not widely used.

No. 6. Distance frame

Literally everything is held on to the spacer frame in the glass unit. It holds the glass and sets the required distance between them. It is better to choose a double-glazed window with a frame made not of aluminum, but of steel , because its thermal conductivity is lower, but it is even better to use a completely fiberglass or plastic frame .

The glass is connected to the spacer frame using butyl and thiokol based sealants, which insulate the entire structure and give it the necessary physical properties. In fact, all well-known manufacturers of double-glazed windows use a similar joining method, but there are also unfortunate companies that glue the entire “pie” together with double-sided tape.

Additionally, thin decorative frames can be installed inside, which form an interesting layout.

No. 7. How to read the glass unit formula?

The characteristics of a double-glazed window are often presented in the form of a formula, which it would be nice to be able to read correctly so as not to fall for possible tricks of sellers. The formula is presented in the form “the thickness of the glass and its type—the thickness of the chamber and its filler—the thickness of the glass and its type...”, and they start with the outer (street-facing) glass.

For example, a double-glazed window, which is described by the formula 6M1-16-4M1-12 Ar-4 I , consists of three glasses and two chambers. The outer glass is ordinary and has a thickness of 6 mm, followed by an air-filled chamber 16 mm thick, then regular glass 4 mm, a chamber 12 mm filled with argon and low-emissivity i-glass 4 mm thick. Such a double-glazed window will perfectly retain heat and provide good sound insulation.

A specialist from a company that manufactures windows must select the appropriate option, but it is better to be aware of such subtleties yourself in order to choose the right double-glazed window.

Formula for double-glazed windows for plastic windows

Glass formulas in a double-glazed window reflect the thickness of the glass, its brand and characteristics. The belonging of a material to a specific type is indicated by letters, abbreviations or words.

Sheet glass

Standard double-glazed windows are made from M1 glass. The characteristics of this type are considered sufficient to ensure the required quality; the use of lower grades is not recommended by GOSTs. This material is transparent, it has a minimum of bubbles and optical distortions. This type of glass product is produced by drawing. In addition to M1, there are M0, M2, etc.

The decoding of the glass unit formula includes the thickness of the glass indicated in front of the brand. Glass sheets are used for 4, 6, 8, etc. millimeters.

The sheet type also includes float glass, designated by the symbol F or the word float. Float glass is flat and colorless; it differs from regular glass in the way it is made: a mixture of silicates is continuously cast onto liquid tin, followed by cooling.

When deciphering a double-glazed window, you can see the inscription 6Fjumbo. She's talking about 6mm thick float glass with larger dimensions. Jumbo is a type of architectural glass, the polished sheets of which reach record sizes of 6000x3210 millimeters.

Wired glass

It is designated by the letter A. Wire mesh is placed into the reinforced glass sheet at the production stage. It is made from low-carbon steel and serves to give the finished product safety and fire resistance. In the formula of a reinforced double-glazed window, the glass will come with the prefix “A”. For example: 4A-8-4M1 .

Self-cleaning glass is also marked with the letter A. Although they are often labeled as Active Clear, there are other properties to keep an eye on to avoid confusion: Wired glass comes in clear, colored, flat, wavy and ribbed - and they all have a mesh inside.


Another name is laminated glass. The material consists of three glass layers, bonded with a special film or specific polymers. Thanks to this, it is able to withstand enormous loads, which classifies it as an impact-resistant product.

In the formula for a double-glazed window, triplex is designated as:

— 3.3.1 (two 3 mm glasses and 1 mm film); — 4.4.1 (two glasses of 4 mm each and a film of 1 mm); — MS 33.2 (two 3 mm glasses and 2 mm film); — Stratobel Clear 3.3.1 (4.4.1); — Optilam Clear 3.3.1 (4.4.1).

Depending on the characteristics, triplex can withstand impacts from a hard or soft body and exposure to fire. There are varieties that can protect not only from noise, but also from radiation interference.

Tinted glass

Or colored. It is divided into two subtypes: mass-tinted or reflective.

Tinted glass is classified as float glass. During production, metal oxides are added to the liquid glass raw material, which gives the finished product the required shade.

The most common colors are blue, grey, green and bronze. Designations:

— Planibel Gray (instead of Gray (gray) there may be a different shade, for example, Bronze (bronze)); — 4Ton (4T, 4 ton.mass., 4Ton) — thickness and toning without specifying color.

The reflex type has a characteristic mirror effect. Metal oxide is applied to its surface on one side using a pyrolytic method. Example of designation: Stopsol Classic Bronze, where another shade may be indicated instead of Bronze. This type also applies to solar control glass.

Strained glass

To give the glass additional strength, it is tempered in three ways:

— thermal hardening; — heat strengthening; - chemical hardening.

Thermal hardening increases safety: when glass breaks, it breaks into small fragments with blunt edges. Hardening takes place in special furnaces. The sheet heats up to 680 degrees Celsius and cools evenly. A product processed in this way is marked with the abbreviation ESG.

The heat strengthening process is similar. The main difference is that the cooling stage lasts longer. The resulting material is no longer considered safe: when broken, large sharp fragments are formed that can cut you. Marked as TVG.

For chemical tempering, a sheet of glass is placed in a salt solution and heated to a temperature of over 380 degrees Celsius. Under such conditions, sodium ions on the glass surface are replaced by potassium ions, which increases fracture strength and fire resistance.

Tempered glass can be marked with the symbols Zak or Z.

Solar control glass

This variety is characterized by an increased ability to reflect or absorb solar radiation. Divided into:

— tinted in mass; - reflex; — with a soft coating (has a nanocoating applied by the magnetron method).

Markings found:

— SunStop; — StopSol; — ANTELIO; - 4SGSolar.

Energy saving glass

Equipped with a soft or hard coating that reflects infrared radiation. Thanks to this feature, white sunlight passes freely into the room, but heat waves remain outside, which keeps it cool in summer. Home heat is also reflected from windows and remains inside, which protects against heat loss in winter.

Hard-coated glass is marked with the letter K. The coating is tin or indium oxide applied to a hot glass sheet. Another designation option is Pilkington K Glass.

The soft coating is applied using the vacuum-magnetron method. It is a silver oxide that reflects heat waves. This variety is designated by the letters I, I, E, or the words Top, Low-e, Top-N.

Other marking options:

— Pilkington Optitherm S1 and S3; — ClimaGard N; - CLGuN; - ENplus; — ZERO (ZERO-E); — Futur-N.

The formula for an energy-saving double-glazed window may look like this:


where, 4 – thickness in mm

And – type of glass, in this case it is energy saving

14 – width of the internal space

The heat transfer resistance coefficient when using such an energy-saving double-glazed window is 0.92 m2 C/W.

Multifunctional glass

Or highly selective. Such glasses combine the characteristics of energy-saving and sun protection. This property is achieved through the multi-layer application of special coatings, which completely transmit useful light but reflect heat. Designations:

— MF; — SunCool; — ClimaGard Solar; - GuSolar; — StopReyNeo; - SELEKT; — LifeGlassGear.

No. 8. Double-glazed windows and regional climate

When choosing a double-glazed window, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from the weather outside the window and personal requirements for the design. For warm regions, a single-chamber or single-chamber low-emission double-glazed window will be sufficient. In other cases, it is better to look towards two-chamber structures.

Each type of double-glazed window is characterized by its own heat transfer resistance indicator: for a regular single-chamber this indicator is at the level of 0.3-0.37 m2*C/W, and for a wide double-chamber it is already 0.5-0.62 m2*C/W. In order not to overpay, it is important to take into account the real needs for heat conservation . So, for example, for the Moscow region, according to building codes, it is better to use window blocks with a heat transfer resistance of at least 0.55 m2*C/W. This requirement is met by a two-chamber conventional double-glazed window and a single-chamber one with i-glass and argon filling.

In pursuit of a high-quality double-glazed window, do not forget about the profile : if it is thin, and there are cracks in the structure, then the house will still be cold and noisy.

How to distinguish a two-chamber double-glazed window from a three-chamber window

What a 2-chamber window system looks like: it can be distinguished from standard products by 3 glasses, each of which is 4 mm. It weighs more and contains additional elements. Double-glazed windows are the most popular in Russia. Such PVC kits are well suited for cold winters, off-seasons and warm summers.

It is difficult to determine which double-glazed window at first glance unless you examine the window system in cross-section. So how many glasses are there in a 3-chamber system - there are four of them. The difference with double-glazed windows is that such structures look more massive, are heavier than double-chamber PVC windows, and place a lot of load on the frame. Manufacturers install many windows so that it can withstand the set.

No. 9. What determines the cost of a double-glazed window?

The cost of a double-glazed window is influenced by a lot of factors:

  • glass type Energy-saving, tinted, shock-resistant and other specialized glasses are more expensive than regular glass, but in some cases you cannot save;
  • number of chambers and total width of the glass unit. Often, insufficiently wide double-glazed windows are inserted into cheap profiles with a thickness of 60-64 mm. Outwardly, everything looks great and can be executed with high quality, but this option is not suitable for harsh winters;
  • gas with which the chambers are filled;
  • accessories.

You can save on purchasing double-glazed windows if you carefully consider the requirements for the window unit in each room. Companies often force the client to choose one type of design for all windows, although this is often not necessary. For a bedroom, for example, sound insulation and heat protection are important, and in the kitchen you can install a window that is far from being the “warmest” and “quiest” - here it is important that it can open skillfully, both completely and slightly, and forming a small gap. For the first floors, a tinted or burglar-proof window would be appropriate.

However, it is important not to overdo it with savings. We immediately reject offers that are too cheap, as well as frankly inconvenient options. For example, a blind window unit will be inexpensive, but it is inconvenient to use. On the other hand, overly intrusive offers from a manager of expensive functions should also not inspire confidence.

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