Installation of Plastic Windows Leroy Merlin

Leroy Merlin roller blinds are comfortable to use. The abundance of colors will allow you to choose the right option for your interior. They are easy to install on plastic windows.

Curtains in our house serve several functions at once. They, firstly, limit the luminous flux, and, secondly, they are an important part of the overall interior. In addition to this, they also do tasks for sound insulation, limiting the penetration of dust and insects from the street, provide some information for those outside, and save our windows.

One of the recently introduced types of window curtains is roller blinds. They are also called fabric roller blinds and blinds. The Leroy Merlin store offers an assortment of all roller blinds, from the smallest to the largest, from cheap and ordinary to premium models. Bactericidal, antistatic and anti-dust impregnation allow you to reduce the effort required to clean them at home and maintain the aesthetics of your windows to a minimum.

PVC windows buy in Leroy Merlin

It is no coincidence that PVC windows are the absolute choice today for repairs, decoration, reconstruction or construction of residential and office premises, as they have a number of advantages compared to wooden or aluminum windows: environmental friendliness of the material (polyvinyl chloride is used for the production of container containers in the food and medical industries ), high thermal insulation and sound insulation, as well as aesthetics and variety of design, which allows you to simulate different styles in the process of decorating rooms.

PVC window, 2 sashes, 144x205 cm, priced at RUB 10,690.

In the stores of the Leroy Merlin retail chain you can buy 16 models of PVC windows: single-leaf windows, tilting and turning, left and right windows of domestic manufacturers in the following sizes: 800/1440 mm wide and 1200/1450 mm long at a price of 2345 rubles. up to 10690 rub. for 1 piece.

The most expensive model is PVC window, 2 sashes, 144x205 cm, priced at RUB 10,690. for 1 piece. Weight 0.95 kg, made in Russia.

The cheapest model is a turning PVC window, 60x50 cm, priced at RUB 2,345. for 1 piece. Weight 11 kg, made in Russia.


My husband and I decided to completely redesign our kitchen interior. Previously, we had blinds and curtains on the windows there. We went to Leroy Merlin and bought beige roller blinds for plastic windows. Installing them was easy; I didn't even have to drill anything. Moderate light transmission and a smooth surface are the standard for the kitchen! They are easy to wash and clean with either a rag or a brush. So our kitchen has now changed its appearance 100 percent!

We still couldn’t figure out what to hang on our narrow windows. And later I went to the Leroy Merlin website and chose a 30 cm wide mini-roll there. A pair of such curtains, rolled up, completely block the access of light and look great. The color, by the way, is cream, which is perfect for the soft furnishings of our kitchen.

Beech fabric roller blinds are the best protection for a kitchen window! It looks simple but fashionable. It is easy to wash and does not collect dust, because it was treated with a special antistatic agent. We thought a lot about color. Ultimately, Merlin sand was elected to Leroy. Thanks to this one curtain, the whole room changed its appearance. Now we are thinking of transforming the bedroom in the same way. Surely it’s better to take blackout roller blinds there, otherwise our house faces east? Leroy Merlin has such completely light-proof roller blinds of enormous size.

I like to sleep with the curtains slightly open. But the moon that shines right in your face – you must agree, is not very good! And ordinary curtains slide apart lengthwise. That's why I went to Leroy Merlin and got a roller blind for the window. When there is no moon, it is open for me. And when there is, I open it halfway. I was amazed by the ease of installation; you didn’t even need to drill anything! Well, in general, roller blinds in this store are a good option for any room, not just the bedroom.

PVC windows - operation

Please also pay attention to other features of PVC windows:

PVC windows are durable and can last for decades.

PVC windows are easy to clean (you only need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth or sponge).

Plastic, at the same time providing a reliable background from dust, dirt and moisture, in turn creates a greenhouse effect in the room, and therefore daily ventilation will be mandatory for you.

A damaged PVC window cannot be repaired; it must only be replaced. However, the price of both the plastic windows themselves (PVC) and the work required to install them (due to the high level of orders) is very affordable. Therefore, even in a situation with low income, the quality level of PVC windows is decisive when installing windows of this particular type.

Asian, American and European standards

Standards regarding bed height are divided into 3 types. According to the Asian version, this value is 20-30 cm. In Asian countries, the bed most often consists of a tatami laid out directly on the floor, a low flooring, or an ordinary bed with short legs. The so-called American standard bed height ranges from 80 cm to 1 m.

The European type is a cross between the American and Asian versions. The height of such a bed is slightly more than 0.5 meters. According to scientists, this particular standard is optimal for the human body. The fact is that the length of the leg of a person of average height from the sole to the knee is approximately 60-65 cm. Thus, while sitting on the bed, the lower limbs take on the shape of a right angle. Reaching the floor from this position is much easier and safer. And the spine does not suffer from excessive stress when lifting or squatting on the bed.

Balcony glazing with Leroy Merlin

Depending on the purpose of glazing the balcony, you must choose the type of glazing.

Warm glazing of a balcony is glazing using PVC profiles, wooden or aluminum profiles with a thermal break in the windows. Such glazing is necessary, for example, to protect the balcony from wind, rain, snow, as well as to retain heat inside the apartment or office. Together with the use of a PVC profile, it is necessary to insulate the floor on such a balcony and install heating in the walls. Then, with the help of warm glazing of the balcony, we will get additional warm living space in an apartment or country house, a winter garden in a country house for the autumn-winter period.

As a result of cold glazing, we will get an additional unheated room, for example, a cold storage room in an apartment or in a country house, where PVC windows simply act as a barrier from dust, dirt and precipitation.

In Leroy Merlin stores you can purchase PVC windows themselves, and all the necessary materials and tools for installing windows or glazing a balcony in an apartment, country house or country house.


A roller blind is an uninterrupted one-piece fabric sheet that is wound onto a shaft fixed at the top of the window. In most cases, raising and lowering this canvas is done manually. But there are also electric drives that, using remote control, allow you to adjust the lighting in your own bedroom without getting out of bed.

Below is a description of the models offered by Leroy Merlin to its customers. There are fabric roller blinds for the kitchen, bedroom, living room, with a blackout effect, scattering light, beech, textile and for plastic windows

huge sizes. A large color palette allows you to choose the perfect device for any room:

  • Lightproof . This fabric roller blind weighs less than 1 kg. with a size of 120x175 cm. Lightproof material (day-night) allows you not to depend on the solar cycle in the bedroom and nursery. The weighting at the end of the fabric makes the curtain even. A perfectly adjusted mechanism allows you to rotate the shaft and open and close the roller blind without any muscle effort. In Leroy Merlin you can purchase light-proof roller blinds for plastic windows in cream, beige, brown, olive, milky white and silver tones.
  • Made from bamboo. Reed is soon replacing conventional textiles as a material for window curtains. The reason is its increased resistance to sunlight and high humidity. It does not fade or become damp. Reed is also a completely hypoallergenic material. If there are people in the family with a sensitive immune system, asthmatics or allergies, then Leroy Merlin beech curtains are a good solution. The store has both standard colors and exotic colors, such as ocher, golden beige, sand, etc. Curtain sizes range from small 60x160 cm to 80x160 cm or 60x175 cm. Beech roller blinds are uniformly translucent - Inspire. They will perfectly fit into the interior of the loggia, balcony and kitchen. Follow the link to find information on how to hang a beech roller blind.
  • Mini . Light and airy beige-brown fabric roller blinds measuring 30x175 cm allow you to decorate a room with narrow windows. High-quality textiles and almost invisible auxiliary mechanisms fit perfectly into the interior of designer studios and rooms with an unusual design. Among the exotic colors of miniroll roller blinds are light green, cream, peach, etc.
  • Rollguardina . A light-transmitting textile roller curtain measuring 140x175 cm is a bold and successful solution for the living room and other large rooms. The Leroy Merlin store has beige, olive, snow-white, brown and cream colors. Manufacturer – Our homeland, product weight – 1.5 kg.

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Options for plastic windows

Simplicity and neatness – these are the properties that are worth noting in roller blinds for plastic windows from Leroy Merlin. Thanks to fastening with brackets and double-sided Velcro, the integrity and sealing of the window is not compromised. The weighting material at the end of the fabric roller blind is practically no different in appearance from the rest of the surface of the curtain fabric. The best part is that no screws are needed and there is no need to drill into the plastic.

If you are planning to install a small light roller blind or light blind, then Velcro fastening is completely sufficient. You just need to remember to degrease the PVC surface on which the double-sided Velcro will be attached.

The curtain can be installed flush against the window, at a certain distance from it, on remote mounts, or even directly on the sashes. The Leroy Merlin cassette-roll mechanism will ensure reliable and easy operation of the curtains for the entire time stated in the warranty.

The photo shows Leroy Merlin roller blinds for plastic windows:

Below are prices for the more popular Leroy Merlin roller blinds, to make it easier for the buyer to navigate sizes, colors and materials.

  • Fabric roller blinds Inspire measuring 140cm by 175cm - 1138 rubles per piece.
  • Lightproof curtain 120cm by 175cm – 1481 RUR. Material – high-quality hypoallergenic textiles.
  • Roller blind made of bamboo measuring 60cm by 160cm – 170 RUR.
  • Miniroll 120cm by 175cm – 698 rub. The color is beige.
  • Natural roller blind 140cm by 160cm – 396 rub.
  • Beech fabric roller blind 60cm by 160cm – 412 rub.
  • Roller blind blackout 120cm by 175cm – 1252 rub. Colors – beige, milky, olive.
  • Lightproof roller blind 140cm by 175cm – RUR 1,952.

Leroy Merlin roller blinds are simplicity plus efficiency, an unusual and luxurious solution for a modern apartment or cottage. Ease of operation and elegant appearance will amuse every housewife. A large selection of sizes and colors will allow you to find the perfect combination for any room in the house. Perhaps you will also be intrigued by the Japanese curtains offered by Leroy Merlin, cassette curtains for plastic windows by Leroy Merlin (more details here), as well as other curtains and tulle by Leroy Merlin.

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