How to coat lining inside a house - an overview of compositions and recommendations for their application

One of the popular options for finishing the surfaces of a wooden house or cottage is cladding with thin planks, known as lining. The result is a cozy feel for the rooms, allowing you to relax in a healthy, environmentally friendly environment.

Impregnation for lining inside the house, which can be purchased in specialized stores and applied in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions, helps ensure that the interior remains unchanged for a long time. There are other means that can be used to coat wood.


These compositions are distinguished by the fact that they penetrate deep into the structure of the material and do not create a film on the surface. Some of the solutions discussed below can be used as a full-fledged protective layer, others can only be used as preparation for finishing.

The most popular options are:

  • Stains give the surface a certain shade, but do not protect it from water and other influences. The compositions can be water-based, alcohol-based or oil-based. They differ in properties, but perform the same function. The choice depends on the specific conditions, but the most popular are water-based solutions; they are distinguished by their low price and safety;

Before covering the lining with stain, you should choose the desired color

  • Acrylic-based impregnations are often called glazes. They differ from stains in that they tightly close the pores of the wood, so they can also be used as a finishing finish. If you are thinking about how to cover the lining to prevent it from darkening, then this option will come in handy. Acrylic emulsion reliably protects against ultraviolet radiation, and the surface retains its original color for a long time;

If you are thinking about how to cover the lining outside the house, then choose acrylic compounds with wax, they are especially reliable

  • How to cover the lining outside the house or inside the premises to protect them from mold? Antiseptic compounds provide excellent protection against fungus and extend the life of wood significantly. Such solutions are used exclusively as a preparatory layer; the surface is always covered with something again;

Antiseptic impregnations can tint wood to the desired color

  • If you are thinking about the best way to coat eurolining in order to increase its resistance to fire, then the best option would be special fire retardant compounds. They also serve as a preparatory layer before the main coat. A universal fire-bioprotective solution can be an excellent solution; it makes the material resistant to both fire and mold.

Universal formulations are very popular

Choose products from well-known manufacturers. You won’t be able to check its quality by eye, so it’s better to consult to find out which formulations have proven themselves best.

Reasons for processing panels

Most buyers of wood material are simply confident that it does not require additional processing and can be used in its original form, that is, in the form in which they purchased it.

This opinion, as you yourself understand, is erroneous, because this method of using wood is short-lived, especially since the untreated material will simply lose its original appearance very quickly.

But if you look far into the past, it becomes known that people from very ancient times covered wood with various compounds in order to protect it from external influences and factors.

Our ancestors knew how to reliably protect natural materials

The material that is used for exterior decoration especially needs treatment, because it is under constant influence of various unfavorable factors: wind, sun, precipitation, temperature changes, pest invasion, which are just waiting for the owner of the wooden structure to solve it. process.

All these factors can lead to:

  • rotting;
  • covered with mold;
  • swelling;
  • burnout under direct sun;
  • covering the surface with fungi and bacteria;
  • loss of its original appearance.

If the lining you purchased is made of coniferous wood, then when the temperature increases, it will begin to release resins. This process can lead to spontaneous combustion and various types of burns.

If the processing of wooden lining is carried out correctly, all of the above consequences are simply not scary for it. This procedure is the key to a durable structure that will last a long time and will not lose its original appearance. Processing of panels is carried out in several stages, which we will consider below.


This group of products allows you to create a durable layer on wood that protects the material from moisture. In addition, using varnish you can give the surface the desired shade, or you can use colorless options.

Let's figure out what types of compositions there are:

  • Oil-based solutions create a durable protective layer that has good abrasion resistance. They can be used to treat any indoor surface. This option is characterized by low cost and a fairly large assortment of colors;

Oil compositions give the lining a rich color

  • If you are thinking about how to cover the lining on the loggia, then pay attention to alkyd varnishes. They adhere very well to the material, give it shine and an even structure and protect it well from moisture;

Alkyd compounds are very popular

  • The most environmentally friendly coating for lining inside the house is acrylic-based varnish. They are absolutely safe, odorless and adhere well to wood. An additional advantage can be considered low cost, and the main disadvantage is low abrasion resistance. For this reason, you should not use this composition on surfaces that are frequently touched;

Acrylic compositions are well suited for lining in residential areas

  • For those who are deciding how to cover the outside of the lining, it is best to pay attention to polyurethane-based compounds. They have exceptional strength and wear resistance and create a reliable protective layer on the surface. They can also be used inside where you need to give the surface strength and protect it from wear.

Polyurethane compounds are the most reliable

Criterias of choice

Processing eurolining requires answers to several questions.

Is coverage required at all or can it be done without it? In what room will the eurolining be used: dry or wet? Will the material need to be tinted or do I need natural wood coloring?

Taking into account the answers to these questions, further actions are taken to select materials for processing products.


This type of product differs from the ones described above in that an opaque film is created on the surface. Therefore, if you need to get a specific color, then this option is perfect.

Paint allows you to give the lining any color

There are also many composition options; before covering the lining in the house, you need to choose a specific solution:

  • Oil paints are a traditional option that is being used less and less these days. The composition has good protective properties, but it is short-lived; after a year or two, the coating needs to be renewed. Another disadvantage is the small selection of colors;

Oil paints are rarely used

  • Alkyd paints are very popular because they adhere very well to the surface and do not lift the fibers of the material. The composition is distributed in a thin layer and forms a durable film that protects well from moisture and has good wear resistance;

This option has a much wider choice of colors.

  • Acrylic compositions make it possible to create an attractive and durable coating for eurolining. They are absolutely harmless, which allows them to be used in premises for any purpose. The paints are water-based and come in a huge variety of shades. You can simply buy white composition and pigments and create your own unique color.

Acrylic compositions retain the brightness of colors for a very long time


  • drying, surface cleaning, grinding;
  • if there are dark areas, you should use wood bleaches, after which the surface should be rinsed with water and dried;
  • Next we do the primer treatment;
  • We impregnate the material with fire retardants and antiseptics. And only after this the varnish or paint is applied.

How to carry out the work correctly

Once you have chosen a specific option, you can get to work. Instructions for applying the composition yourself are as follows:

  • Before covering the lining inside the house, you need to stock up on the required tools. You can apply paint or impregnation with a brush, with a roller, or with a spray gun. You will also need a brush to clean the surface, a ladder to reach the top; if you are painting the ceiling, it is better to take a table;

It is better to choose brushes with thick, long bristles.

  • Next you need to prepare the surface. To do this, you need to clean it from dust and debris. If there are stains on the wood, they should be removed. It is unacceptable to work on wet substrates; if the material has not dried completely, then painting cannot be started;
  • Covering the lining with the composition is done in different ways. If you do the bulk of the work with a roller, then the seams are painted over with a brush afterwards. If you work with a brush from start to finish, then you can go in order. The composition must be distributed in an even layer, the formation of smudges is not allowed, for this reason it is better to paint from top to bottom, then all the flaws will be removed;

A flat surface is painted with a roller, the seams are finished with a brush

If you work with a spray gun, do not forget to stock up on protective equipment in advance: goggles, a respirator and a suit. During operation, a lot of small splashes are generated, and it is undesirable to inhale them.

It is necessary to work with the sprayer only with protective equipment

  • In order for the coloring quality to be as good as possible, you need to apply at least 2, or even 3 layers. Some, before covering the lining with paint or varnish, impregnate it with an antiseptic. But even in this case, the decorative coating is applied twice, this allows you to achieve a rich color and durability of the coating.

The question is often asked, how to renew varnished lining? There are two options: if the surface condition is good, then you can go over the layer with fine sandpaper and apply a fresh coat of varnish. If the lining is darkened or damaged, then it is better to repaint it; to do this, use a composition on the same base, then it will fit perfectly.

Paint can be applied over varnish, after removing the shine with sandpaper

Without cover

Yes, such examples exist. It is only at first glance that the decision to use such material seems reckless. After all, the coating will darken quite quickly, so it can become a kind of complement to certain design ideas, for example. It is no secret that many craftsmen even specially age the material in order to achieve the desired antiquity effect.

In addition, many try not to think about materials and processing methods, but simply replace the eurolining after a few years. If you use inexpensive materials and do all the operations yourself, this approach can be cost-effective.


Real wax has been used for a very long time to protect wood from the effects of high humidity. These products are considered completely environmentally friendly, since they have an unchanged natural structure - even acrylic compositions contain chemical components.

After finishing, a water-repellent layer is formed on the surface of the lining, which resists clogging and is indifferent to the effects of high temperatures.

Protective mixture based on real wax

Previously, waxing was performed by rubbing wax ingots mechanically on the surface to be finished. Now water-based compositions based on beeswax have emerged, which can be applied as a simple paint product. After it dries, a thin film of protection from an ideal layer of wax is formed on the treated surface.

The only drawback of wax is that the structure is not durable. This product acts as an impregnation and does not at all protect the surface from even slight mechanical damage.

This disadvantage is compensated by the possibility of selective reconstruction. But in general, a waxed surface is much more likely to lack renewal when compared to other similarities.

Preparing the surface

Removing ancient covering for protection

To apply wax, the surface must be cleaned and degreased, as in the previous case, with the difference that applying the wax mixture to a surface that has already been varnished is prohibited. If the lining was once covered with a protective compound, then the layer that is on top of the wood must be removed. After scraping, the surface is very carefully polished.


  • The wax mixture should be applied at a temperature of at least 10 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity not higher than 75%. Before coating, the mixture must be mixed very thoroughly;
  • Wax can be applied in one or 2 layers, depending on the desired result, with gaps of 3 hours. After the composition has completely dried, the finished surface must be sanded using a cotton rag to give it a shiny shine. If you prefer a matte finish, there is no need for sanding.

Characteristics of the lining

Among the main advantages are:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • durability;
  • good sound insulation;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • uniform distribution of moisture;
  • the smell of natural wood.

A serious drawback is that the surface of the lining darkens and loses its appearance when exposed to unfavorable factors. Lining especially does not like ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, if the side of the balcony is sunny, it is necessary to process this finishing material.

For finishing, it is best to use eurolining made of pine and other coniferous species. Resin is a good natural antiseptic that will protect walls from moisture.

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