Soft PVC windows for gazebos (PVC curtains, soft glass, film windows)

A terrace is a light extension to a residential or country house, without a roof or fences, open to all winds and weather anomalies. For countries where summer never ends all year round, this can be a good holiday destination. But in our conditions, when in summer the weather changes several times a day, the lack of a canopy and fencing becomes a punishment.

How to turn it into a real recreation area that can be used more than a couple of times a year? Plastic windows to the terrace at the dacha will make the area inaccessible to wind, dust, and rain. But first you need to prepare the base and frame, since there is no foundation or something similar to a railing or vertical post here. And you need to secure the window profile to something.

After this, we proceed to choosing the type of glazing. Plastic windows for the terrace can be hinged, sliding, panoramic, or French. The option with ordinary windows is not considered, since you will have to install a fairly high parapet and it will no longer be a terrace.

What are flexible (soft) windows

Soft or liquid windows, otherwise called PVC curtains, are a replacement for traditional glazing. They have many of its properties: protection from external aggressive influences (rain, wind), providing a panoramic view. In addition, this solution has a number of advantages: when folded, flexible curtains do not take up much space, and their cost is several times cheaper than folding portal window openings.

Soft windows are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film or polyurethane. Naturally, the strength of the product directly depends on its thickness, which can be from 0.5 to 2 mm.

Soft windows are made in two ways:

  • stitching . For connection, a special waterproof polyester fabric and lavsan thread are used;
  • welding (soldering) . PVC film and air welding at high temperatures are used.

Stitching is more often used for the manufacture of flexible windows in private homes and other buildings, since this technology allows you to create products painted in a variety of colors and with increased decorative qualities. In addition, such curtains are elastic and have a fairly long service life. Thus, it is possible to select a combination of the color of an architectural structure (veranda, terrace, gazebo, etc.) and the shade of curtains or their elements, for example, edging.

Did you know? The French engineer and naturalist A. V. Regnault invented the substance vinyl chloride in 1835 and left it in a flask near the window. After some time, a white precipitate formed in the vessel under the influence of sunlight - this is how an accident allowed the discovery of polyvinyl chloride.

This type of connection is used mainly for the manufacture of massive products for public institutions - summer tents, cafe areas, rest areas of restaurants, etc. PVC fabric perfectly withstands aggressive environmental factors. It is resistant to mechanical and chemical influences, including contamination by hydrocarbons, petroleum products, and various fats. This quality is especially valuable in places where there is heavy traffic.

Key Features

As mentioned earlier, soft windows are designed to protect the interior of an open building from wind and rain, as well as to isolate the room from extraneous sounds and insects. In addition, flexible windows allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the gazebo or terrace, hide the interior space and what happens in it from prying eyes. The soft windows are based on lavsan, which is coated with a special composition that includes polyvinyl chloride. As a result, the material has good performance characteristics and does not lose its attractive appearance during operation.

Windows of this type are produced in several variations:

  • Opaque curtains with increased durability.
  • Transparent windows are a design that allows you to visually enlarge the space, making it light and airy.

It is worth noting that the first windows are more popular, as they have an original design and a wide choice, both in color and design. Tinting or edging, various beautiful designs can be applied to the surface of the curtains. The best option is windows with a pattern at the bottom and completely transparent at the top, so the interior space is hidden from prying eyes, but allows in enough natural light.

Advantages and disadvantages of such glazing of the veranda

To draw conclusions about the advisability of installing flexible windows, you need to thoroughly know all their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Among the first, we should mention the following qualities:
  • versatility _ This technology allows you to work with openings of various shapes and sizes, make panoramic windows on the entire wall, or small windows under the ceiling;
  • possibility of choice. Dealers offer a wide range of finished products from the manufacturer, but can also offer models assembled to order;
  • good insulating qualities . Properly manufactured and installed curtains from high-quality raw materials will protect from almost any climatic influences. If there is heating in a tent or gazebo, you can spend time in it all year round, be it the warm or cold season;
  • wide temperature range. PVC film is intended for use at temperatures of -40...+80°C, without losing the properties of the material;
  • long service life. A product made from high-quality material by a qualified manufacturer can be used for up to 10 years. This is incomparable to traditional glazing, but allows you not to change the material every 3-4 years;
  • practicality _ The inside of curtains can be wiped with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. The outside is cleaned using a Karcher type high pressure hose. There are no streaks left on PVC film after rain, so it does not require regular maintenance.
  • It should also be said about the typical disadvantages of this technology:
  • creases and deformations . They form on low-quality film or in cases of non-compliance with installation technology. In addition to the fact that the appearance deteriorates, the insulating qualities are lost;
  • quite noticeable thermal expansion. Under the influence of heat, the film expands and folds form, and in cold weather it becomes very stretched. If there is an error in the measurements, the curtains will sag in summer, and in winter they may crack from strong tension;
  • tightness . When closed, curtains keep out not only snow and rain, but also air. They do not have a ventilation mode, like traditional windows, but you can combine them with a mosquito net, and cover them with oilcloth during the cold season;
  • The film is easy to cut. It is not difficult to cut such a window with a sharp object. Moreover, it will not be possible to seal it while maintaining its normal appearance; you will have to change it completely.

Did you know? Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used to produce contraceptives for people who have an allergic reaction to traditional latex. In addition, this material covers the mesh of the octagon, where MMA tournaments are held.

Film selection

Manufacturers make soft windows from two types of film:

  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - thickness 500, 700, 800, 1000, 2000 microns;
  • polyurethane (PU) - 500, 700 microns.

The material is supplied in roll form, 140 cm wide. Polyurethane windows are more durable and at the same time thinner than vinyl film, although the price of PU windows is almost twice as high. Polyurethane material is very difficult to damage (pierce), even intentionally, but it darkens over time. When choosing a product, you should carefully study the information about it: manufacturer and thickness.

Among the countries producing PVC film, Japan holds the lead. The highest quality products in this segment are offered by the Japanese, Korean brand "Politex", and the Spanish brand "Expafol". If a company engaged in the manufacture and installation of windows uses the products of one of these manufacturers, this indicates the quality of the services provided. Before ordering window manufacturing, ask to see product certificates.

Although it is difficult to distinguish a branded film from a cheap one in appearance, carefully inspect the material and pay attention to the following details:

  • transparency. High-quality PVC film is almost completely transparent and has a uniform structure;
  • Cheap plastic material may contain various foreign inclusions, sagging, uneven thickening and cloudiness.

Find out more about finishing the veranda with siding.

Window measurements

Window openings are measured according to the following algorithm:

  1. Measure the height and width of the window for which you want to make a curtain.
  2. Add 10 cm to the height and width values ​​(5 cm on each side, intended for edging and fastening elements).
  3. Calculate the total area of ​​material required to manufacture the product.
  4. Decide on the curtain model (edging, fittings, color).
  5. Calculate the preliminary cost of production.

For example, if you need to make a curtain for a room with a window opening 2.8 m wide and 1.5 m high, the area is calculated by multiplying these indicators, taking into account the spare 10 cm. Thus, to make a flexible window in a particular case, you will need almost 4.7 m² PVC films. In order to find out the preliminary cost of the work, all that remains is to multiply the price of the material per 1 m² by the entire area.

Important! Typically, the manufacturer will not accept back custom windows if they were measured incorrectly. Standard products can be returned if they were not damaged during installation.

Film as an alternative to glass: characteristics

Film windows are ideal for temporary use. They are easy to take off and put on again and do not require special installation skills.

The practicality of these materials is achieved due to the sufficient density of liquid glass: there are varieties with a thickness of 500 and 700 microns (the latter will be of better quality). The standard width of a roll of outdoor curtains is 1.4 m; if your openings are wider, then they will have to be sewn together by supplying hot air.

Mounting methods

There are three main methods of fastening products:


*1 The cost of the usual installation of one square meter of soft windows - installing the product on a flat wooden surface without installing additional structures in the openings. Refinement of openings, installation work at height, as well as installation of windows on metal, logs or tiles - all this affects the final cost of the work.

*2 Service life of soft windows, according to project documentation, subject to compliance with the measures specified in the contract and product passport.

*3 Standard fittings: eyelets, side bracket (or bracket with belt, to choose from).

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  • To the house and at the dacha
  • For restaurant and cafe
  • On the roof and balcony
  • Piers and berths
  • In the park
  • Near the swimming pool

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DIY installation process

It is better to entrust this operation to specialists, but with some knowledge and compliance with certain rules, you can cope on your own. It is advisable to work with an assistant - it will be easier for you.

Important! If strong winds are a common occurrence in the region where you live and are planning to install PVC curtains , the fasteners should be installed more frequently. This way the structure will become more resistant to strong gusts of wind.

Installation of PVC curtains is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to take the window by the upper corners, fit it to the opening and tighten it. If everything is fine and the curtain fits as it should, the corners should be secured with a stapler. Then you need to straighten the film and fix it around the entire perimeter.
  2. Secure with brackets in the upper corners. Secure the flexible window onto them using straps, putting its canvas through the grommet. Thanks to this procedure, the film will straighten.
  3. When the curtain is level, you need to mark the places for fastenings. Use a marker or pen to make marks through the eyelets, and then remove the fabric.
  4. Screw the brackets in the marked places using self-tapping screws.
  5. Install and secure the liquid window. Then you need to equip the structure with straps that secure the rolled curtains in the upper position. The distance between them should be 1 m.
  6. In order to create additional weight, or in the absence of a lower attachment point, a pipe measuring 20x40 mm should be inserted into the pockets.

Summing up

Each owner arranges his private home in accordance with his individual needs and capabilities. When it comes to the premium segment, architecture and design solutions come to the fore, but for most homeowners, common sense and practicality play a much more important role. From this short review, it becomes obvious that PVC curtains for gazebos and verandas are an interesting and promising invention that is rapidly gaining well-deserved popularity both among owners of cottages and summer cottages.

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