Pleated paper curtains for windows: short-lived functionality

Pleated paper curtains are an excellent choice for your home. However, this element of living space was not seriously considered until a certain time. Despite the fact that pleated curtains look more suitable for an office space due to their severity, today they are becoming part of the interior of our homes. The first designers who introduced this type of curtain can truly be considered pioneers and pioneers. They erased tired stereotypes and literally “allowed” homeowners to bring exactly what they want into the walls of their home.

Types of pleated paper curtains

Pleated paper curtains can differ from each other in completely different parameters. One of the main differences is the type of pleating of the material from which the product is made. Thus, there are:

  • Vertical pleated curtains,
  • Horizontal pleated curtains.

And if the latter are usually exactly what we imagine when we hear the mention of pleated curtains, then the first option is much more unusual. Horizontal pleated curtains are similar in design to regular blinds; they are comfortable and versatile. Vertical pleated curtains are designed to decorate the window space in an unusual style. Such structures are respectively moved to one side - to the right or to the left.

Pleated curtains also differ in the degree of their functionality; they can be either transparent or light, or they can be made in dark colors. The quality characteristics of such curtains depend on the degree of light transmission.

  1. Transparent light paper pleated curtains - such curtains are used in the space of a house or apartment, as a rule, exclusively as a decorative element. Such curtains can decorate the window space according to your wishes; they can also contribute to better penetration of light into the room. By choosing light colors and an unusual paper texture, such a curtain can interestingly refract light, delivering it into the room in a modified form. Light pleated paper curtains are suitable for those who live in regions where sunny days are more pleasing than tiring.
  2. Dark pleated paper curtains - such curtains carry not only an aesthetic mission, but also a functional one. They are able to darken the room, saving homeowners both from prying eyes when living in private houses or in apartments on the ground floors, and from direct sunlight. Of course, you should not rely on the opacity of paper as a material; after all, “blackout” curtains made from pleated paper are still a long way off. But if you are looking for a budget option for blackout curtains, then pleated paper curtains in dark shades may well do the trick.

Pleated paper curtains are available in a wide range. Since such an element of space as curtains must be completely adaptable to all kinds of windows that exist on the modern product market, their range does not make you doubt yourself. Thus, depending on the type of window in your home, you can choose a pleated curtain.

  • Standard pleated curtains made of paper - this type of curtain is suitable for standard windows: both plastic and old-style. Keep in mind that for old-style windows with wooden frames and vents, pleated curtains can be inconvenient when adjusting the product to the ventilation mode.
  • Pleated paper curtains for dormer windows - if you have an attic in your house, but you just can’t find the appropriate type of curtains for this atypical window, then pleated dormer curtains are an excellent and inexpensive option. This type of curtain is made specifically to protect the room from the penetration of sunlight when tilted. In addition, a specially designed design will not allow the curtain to sag on the window. On the contrary, it will look harmonious and organic.
  • Pleated curtains for round and arched windows - usually this type of curtains has a fan shape, which not only looks unusual and beautiful, but also plays an important role as a light protector.

In addition, not only the types of pleated paper curtains themselves differ, but also the methods of attaching and fixing them. Modern manufacturers offer not only classic versions of pleated curtains with mechanical control, but also modern options with an automatic control system. The automatic system allows you to control the curtain design from a distance, which is certainly more convenient.


There are a lot of options for the shapes of such curtains; they can be square, rectangular, triangular, round, trapezoidal, arched. They are often hung in attics and attics at an angle, which looks quite original.

When choosing pleated curtains for plastic windows, it is possible to select the width of the folds based on the volume of glass.

If the window is small, a fold of 1-2 centimeters will be enough, but if, on the contrary, the window opening is quite large, then it is better to choose folds of 5 centimeters or more.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper curtains

When purchasing pleated paper curtains, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons of purchasing this kind of curtain. The most important task is to understand whether you are really ready to put up with the shortcomings of this product. If the answer is yes, then without any doubt, purchase this unusual type of curtain.

The advantages of this type are quite significant:

  1. Style - modern manufacturers produce paper curtains for literally every taste. Due to the versatility of the material, making such curtains is not very difficult. The paper used for production can have different colors, different textures and textures, and different coatings. In a word, even the most picky buyer will find what he is looking for. When choosing pleated paper curtains for an existing interior, you will not experience any difficulties, because finding a suitable option in this case is easy. From minimalism to rustic style, the options are simply endless. Thanks to this variability of the material, modern designers are increasingly resorting to the use of pleated paper curtains in their home decorating projects.
  2. Versatility - the field of manufacturing pleated curtains does not stand still, so no matter what type of window is installed in your home, you can find the right option for yourself.
  3. Saving is one of the most important parameters for some homeowners. Since the production of this type of curtains is far from the most expensive option, the price of pleated paper curtains is more than acceptable. Despite their relative cheapness, paper pleated fabrics look decent in the home space. This solution is perfect for those who like frequent changes of environment, for those who do not want to spend money on interior elements, as well as for those who are looking for a temporary option for decorating the window space, for example, in a new house or in a rented apartment.
  4. Easy to install - installing this type of curtains will not be difficult even for those who have never held a hammer or drill in their hands.
  5. Environmental friendliness - this option will appeal to those who seek to introduce exclusively “green” materials into the space of their home. The environmental friendliness of this type of space design stems from the fact that paper, a natural and environmentally friendly material, is used to make pleated curtains.

But to complete the picture, we will, of course, add a fly in the ointment to this ointment. One of the most important disadvantages of paper pleated blinds is, as you probably already guessed, their fragility. Perhaps this is why this option for decorating space has not yet taken root in the interiors of Russian houses and apartments. Our mentality says that things in the house related to the design of the space should be durable and serve faithfully for decades. This, of course, will not happen with paper curtains - simply because the paper cannot live for so long without losing its excellent appearance. However, frequent changes of the environment in which you live are even useful, according to psychologists. That is why the fragility of paper curtains should not be considered as a significant disadvantage; take it as an opportunity to change the interior in 1-2 years.

The second disadvantage of pleated paper curtains is the inability to clean them from significant dirt. If splashes get on the paper surface or you somehow get a stain on it (which often happens when placing curtains in the kitchen space), then it is unlikely that you will be able to remove the problem area. Relatively speaking, you can immediately throw dirty blinds in the trash and start looking for a replacement. However, this drawback depends entirely on your handling: if you are careful, the curtain may never get dirty. If not, then you should consider other curtain options for decorating your window.

How to care

Caring for pleated paper curtains is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this type of curtains does not require any special care. However, this simplicity is only apparent. The product does not require maintenance, not because the material is so unique and convenient, but quite the opposite. In reality, it is almost impossible to care for paper curtains, since paper is a rather complex material.

Quite often, manufacturers impregnate pleated curtains with special substances. These can be dirt-repellent, dust-repellent and reflective coatings. In this case, the paper becomes more resistant to various types of influences. At the very least, such curtains can be wiped with a slightly damp cloth without negatively affecting the material.

If your pleated paper curtain is not impregnated with any additional product, then care is more than simple. You just need to carefully shake off the dust with a dry cloth, but you should do this in such a way as not to damage the fragile paper structure. Naturally, you should not wash and iron such curtains.

As for the mechanism, it should be wiped occasionally with a damp cloth to prevent dust from accumulating on it. However, be careful with liquids and ensure that no drops drip from the mechanism onto the paper surface.

Pleated paper curtain in the interior

A pleated curtain can take its rightful place in any room of the house, without exaggeration. The most important rule for their placement is to remove curtains from heating devices and open fire. Paper is flammable and burns quickly, which is not safe for your home. If you don’t want accidents, it’s better to secure your home.

If we talk about style, then every homeowner can choose a pleated paper curtain to match the interior already created in the house.

  1. Classic - if you have created a traditional interior in one of the rooms of the house, then the curtain in this case performs a special mission of framing the window. It seems that a paper curtain would look out of place in this case, but this is a misconception. You can create an unusual ensemble by hanging a classic curtain on the window, but at the same time complement the space with pleated paper. If you choose colors and textures wisely, you will certainly win when implementing such a composition.
  2. Minimalism - since the minimalist style presupposes simple and strict forms, basic colors and textures, you can easily choose pleated blinds in accordance with the requirements of this design direction. For a minimalist style, a white pleated paper curtain with a mechanism painted in the color of the material is perfect. Such a curtain will perfectly blend with the window itself and the interior as a whole, becoming a competent addition to the design of the room.
  3. High-tech - this style is characterized by two most important features - functionality and modernity. And paper pleated blinds, like no other window design, meet both characteristics, you must agree. A metallic curtain with an automatic remote control system will be an excellent addition and highlight of a high-tech interior.
  4. Scandinavia - curtains in the Scandinavian style should be harmonious, simple and uncomplicated. If you choose the right curtains for this style, they will become an excellent addition to the interior. Remember that simplicity and conciseness are above all, so when choosing, pay attention to light pleated curtains without patterns, patterns, spraying or textures.
  5. Provence is always about natural materials, so why do we include linen and cotton among them, but cannot include paper? Pleated paper curtains in Provencal style are a combination of natural material and colors. Provence is characterized by floral motifs, delicate colors and interesting textures, so a pleated paper curtain in a muted pinkish or blue shade with a small floral arrangement or a whimsical design is ideal for your home.
  6. Eclecticism is a competent mixture of several styles in one. That is why there may be a place for pleated paper curtains here. In this case, they will play the role of one of the puzzles of the entire interior as a whole, so they should be selected based on the existing design. However, we can say that it would be interesting to place it as an ordinary traditional curtain or curtain together with a pleated paper curtain. The main thing is to combine these two elements correctly to achieve the appearance of a single space.

Corrugated blinds

Corrugated models impress not only with their durable construction and attractive appearance. Air pockets provide excellent thermal insulation. Corrugated models are available in attractive colors with varying degrees of transparency. The tension cords pass unobtrusively through the inside of the corrugation without allowing light to enter through the cord holes. Honeycomb blinds can be folded either from the bottom or the top. They can also be used for roof windows.

Corrugations are durable, elegant and block out light as much as possible

Advantages of corrugated curtains:

  • Privacy – blackout models are ideal for bedrooms.
  • Huge range of colors and fabrics.
  • Most models come in a motorized version.
  • Reflects and retains heat.
  • Ideal for winter gardens and attics.

Where should you hang a pleated paper curtain?

The question of where a pleated paper curtain can take its rightful place is always relevant. And the answer is more than simple: this type of curtain is used everywhere in the house, in any room.

  • Living room - such a room can be found in almost any house and in any apartment. Such a curtain can give the living room a feeling of lightness and create an atmosphere for relaxation.
  • The bedroom is not the most typical place to decorate it with pleated paper curtains, but this option is possible. With the right selection of pleated fabrics, you can create a pleasant atmosphere. In addition, paper curtains in dark shades can solve the problem of light penetration into the bedroom space, which is important in a situation where the room’s windows face the sunny side or you live in a warm climate.
  • Children's room - for this space of the house it is very important to choose curtains that will be functional and beautiful at the same time. When the child is very small, blackout paper curtains are a good choice. As your child gets older, you will be able to change the paper sheet at little cost. You can choose pleated fabrics in cheerful bright colors, delighting your child.
  • Kitchen - if the window is located away from the stove, then you can easily hang pleated paper curtains on it without risking it or violating fire safety rules. Light colors are suitable for the kitchen, which will let in a large amount of sunlight, which is important when cooking.
  • The bathroom is objectively not the best place to place pleated paper curtains. Firstly, not everyone has a window in their bathroom in their apartment or even in their house. And secondly, even if it is present, the paper material is not able to withstand the humidity that is present in the bathroom almost 24/7.
  • Balcony - a pleated curtain for a balcony is a non-standard solution for decorating a space. Such a curtain is necessary in order to create an obstacle to the passage of sunlight on the balcony. This is true for those who are bothered by sunlight or excess light. The advantage of placing pleated paper curtains on the balcony is savings. Since the balcony space is quite large and the window space is also quite large, a lot of material is required for this place. Economical paper curtains are an excellent choice for a balcony for precisely this reason.


This type can be controlled in three ways - using a remote control, a chain or cord, or a handle. You can choose the most suitable control option based on the type of room in which they will be located. For example, on attic curtains it is better to attach a cord to regulate their rise; on those that are attached directly to the window frame, it would be wiser to install a handle.

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