What a window frame can be: functions, types, decor

A window frame is the internal structure of a blind frame, or opening sash, that divides the window into separate parts. Sometimes this name refers to the entire window structure, including frames, sashes, mullions and decorative strips. The height and width of the device mainly depends on the height of the room itself, as well as the required amount of light.

Today, two series of bindings for residential premises are produced. These are separate and paired structures, the thickness of the bars is 44 mm.

Window sash performs the following functions:

  1. Ensuring certain indoor climate conditions.
  2. Thermal insulation and air insulation.
  3. Building lighting.
  4. Decorative design.

What it is

Window casement is a structure with vertical and horizontal elements of a window block, which are connected into one unit.

Window sash functions:

  1. With its help, light penetrates into the room.
  2. Decorative element on the facade of a building.
  3. Allows you to open a certain part of the window for ventilation.
  4. Gives glass additional strength.
  5. Determines indoor climate conditions.
  6. Acts as thermal insulation.
  7. Isolates the building from street noise.

Components of the structure:

  1. The box is the part that connects all the elements.
  2. Strapping bars - used to divide the glass into several elements.
  3. The doors are the part that can move.
  4. Gorbylek – reduces the size of glass, making it possible to use thinner glass.
  5. A window is a small part that makes it possible to ventilate rooms.
  6. Transom - most often the upper blind part of the window.
  7. Impost is a fixed element that divides the window into sashes and ensures the rigidity of the frame. When the sash is opened, a vertical bar remains, which is called an impost.
  8. The mullion is the jumper between the transom and the sash.
  9. Fittings are various mechanisms and devices with which you can open a window and provide micro-ventilation.
  10. Beading – secures the glass in the sash.
  11. Sealing gaskets - for better fit of the sash, improved sound and heat insulation.
  12. Decorative overlays - can imitate binding.

PVC structure

A plastic window can be created from various types of fittings and profiles, varying in brand, price and quality.

PVC construction diagram.

Main details:

  1. The reinforcing type profile is presented in the form of a reinforced metal pipe with a rectangular cross-section (other profiles have a cheap and weakened U-shaped profile), which is located in the inner part of the PVC profile. It is used to give rigidity to the structure and securely fasten the fittings.
  2. Impost is a profile attached to the sides of the frame (in specific cases, sash), which separates the double-glazed windows or sashes.
  3. The ebb tide is a wide and flat profile that is mounted in the outer part and is created in order to drain rainwater. Tides can come in a variety of colors and materials. For example, polyester, plastisol, galvanized, aluminum.
  4. Slope is a wide and flat profile used for thorough finishing of the inside of the side planes of the opening.
  5. An opening is an area in the wall intended for the installation of one or more blocks. Its structure may require the installation of slopes, ebbs, seals and window sill boards.
  6. The frame is a stationary plastic part that is used to fasten the sashes.
  7. The sash is a moving part that can be opened in some ways (rotary, transom, tilt-and-turn).
  8. Double-glazed window - glass sealed together in a hermetically sealed manner. If made from plastic, glass 4 mm thick is used. Moreover, glass with a thickness of 5 or 6 mm and triplex, which is two sheets of glass that are fastened with a transparent film (due to the triple layer, acquired its name), can be used; triplex is able to withstand fairly strong impacts. The double-glazed window can be either single-chamber or double-chamber type.
  9. The fittings include hinges, handles, locking mechanisms and auxiliary devices that ensure the opening and fixation of the sashes in a specific position or lock them. The method of opening the sash and ventilation modes depend on the type of fittings. The highest quality types of modern fittings can last over 25 years.
  10. Profile width - the maximum distance between the inner and outer face planes of the profile.
  11. The bead is a narrow plastic profile with a rubber seal that holds the glass unit in place.


Determining the size of the façade glazing is based on the following principles:

  1. The total window area should be from 1/8 to 1/5 of the entire living area of ​​the house.
  2. To calculate the optimal opening dimensions, you need to divide the façade glazing area by the required number of windows.
  3. It is best to design openings in accordance with accepted standards.
  4. If for some reason the standard opening sizes do not suit you, you can install custom windows to suit your needs or tastes.
  5. The most advantageous solution would be high windows, which will ensure maximum illumination of the premises.
  6. The lower part of the opening must be at least 0.8-0.9 m higher from the floor in order to be able to install heating devices.
  7. The highest point of the window block should be at a distance of 0.2-0.3 m from the ceiling so that the cornice can be installed.
  8. It will be better to choose the same style of window sashes of approximately the same size for the entire building.
  9. The recommended width of the window block is from 0.5 to 2.5 m, and the width of one sash is no more than 0.7 m.
  10. It is best to place the window in the upper part of the window frame at a height of 1.7-1.8 m from the floor.
  11. The size of the window depends on the total area of ​​the window. It is recommended to make a window with dimensions in width and height of no more than 0.5 m and no less than 0.3 m.

Types of window frames

According to the type of window opening, there are:

  1. Casement – parts of the window open, which makes it easy to ventilate the room, as well as wash the window without any problems. The doors can open indoors, towards the street. The advantage of this design is that in most cases it is equipped with a window. Also, the sash parts are divided depending on the opening method:
      Rotary (swing) - move relative to the vertical axis.
  2. Suspended - open from bottom to top.
  3. Folding - move relative to the lower horizontal part of the harness.
  4. Rotary - movement takes place around the average horizontal or vertical axis of the window.
  5. Swivel and tilt - rotate around the vertical axis and the lower horizontal part.
  6. Deaf - they do not open. Designed for utility rooms or other rooms where ventilation is not required.
  7. Lifting - the movement of the sash occurs in one plane. This design is very convenient, because when opening the door, no additional space is needed both inside and outside the building. They are perfect for a classic interior style.
  8. Combined - include sashes with different types of opening: the sashes move in different directions or combine blind parts with moving ones.

Depending on the design of the window frame, there are:

  1. Single - the simplest harness with one glass. It does not have great thermal insulation properties, so it is most often used for verandas and other rooms with low thermal insulation requirements.
  2. Double - the design consists of two glasses. The thermal insulation properties of double piping are increased.
  3. Double – consists of paired bindings.
  4. Paired - there is an additional sash that is attached to one of the moving parts of the structure.
  5. Separate double frames - in one frame there are two independent sashes, which can move both in one direction and in different ones.

Depending on the materials used to make the block, bindings are divided from:

  1. Wood (pine, oak, larch, cedar). This is a reliable, durable material that has high insulating properties. To increase its service life, the wood must be coated with an antiseptic solution.
  2. Aluminum. Aluminum profiles can be of various sizes and configurations. To increase the resistance of aluminum to negative environmental influences, it is subjected to electrochemical treatment.
  3. Become. This material is often used for windows that are located in industrial enterprises.
  4. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). These are multi-camera profiles. The number of chambers is determined by the heat and sound insulation properties that the window should have. Galvanized steel liners are used to strengthen the block. They are placed in the chamber cavity. PVC profiles can be round in shape with a radius of curvature of at least 350 mm.
  5. Fiberglass. Made from fiberglass and synthetic resins. Fiberglass frames are durable, wear-resistant, and beautiful in appearance.

Application area and materials

Lattice separating devices are used in glazing work on balconies and terraces.
They are manufactured both in a folding form and with a built-in window. Thanks to this device, it is possible to install small-sized double-glazed windows. In civil engineering, paired bindings are mainly used. They consist of internal and external elements fastened together with tie screws.

In the manufacture of window frames, only the highest quality and durable dry bars are used. They can have a square or rectangular shape. The bars themselves are made from spruce, pine, larch and cedar. A lot of heat can escape from the room through wooden blocks, so they must undergo special treatment and have a flat plane.

Assembling window frames

The assembly of wooden window blocks is carried out in several stages:

  1. Connection of croakers with mullions.
  2. Fastening them to the longitudinal beam.
  3. Another block is attached to the tenons.
  4. Thus, the entire window block is assembled.
  5. All structural parts are connected using glue.
  6. All components of the finished binding are checked for parallelism and perpendicularity.
  7. The binding in the corners is secured with dowels.
  8. When the glue has dried and the structure has sufficient strength, all protruding elements are removed using a special chisel.
  9. Next, the shutters are clamped using a workbench screw.
  10. The surface of the binding is carefully sanded using sanding paper.
  11. The finished structure is installed in the window frame.

Installation and repair

The assembly of window frames is carried out manually.
Installation of bindings occurs in two stages:

  1. Pre-assembly. It consists of adjusting the tenons, trimming the corners and removing various braces. Initially, slabs and mullions are assembled, after which they are connected to a longitudinal beam. Next, a second block is hammered onto the tenons. During the pre-assembly process, the binding structure does not need to be clamped in the clamps.
  2. Final assembly. The finished device is crimped onto glue and, after checking for squareness, secured in the corners with dowels. After the glue has dried, it is necessary to remove all protruding areas of the dowels with a chisel. Next, the sashes are clamped with the clamping screw of the workbench. The sanded structure and sashes are attached to the outer sash, sanding down the outer edges.

The work of assembling the box takes place on a workbench, or a frame. Initially, it is necessary to assemble the inner frame, and then the outer one. The connecting surfaces of both frames need to be oiled and after that they can be nailed together, pressing them against each other.

Over time, the components of the separating device may dry out, rot, and succumb to deformation. In this case, there is a need to repair the window frame.



  1. Installing a new gasket.
  2. Replacing the sash trim bar.
  3. Replacing glazing beads..
  4. Replacement tide.
  5. Attachment of the top bar of the window.
  6. Sticking the slats after drying the window trim.
  7. Replacement of hinges and window handles.
  8. Strengthening the window frame with angles.

During the repair process, it is necessary to remove the structure from the sash hinges and pull out the glass. All rotten ends are cut off until strong wood appears. All old drain parts are replaced with new ones. In the old bars it is necessary to make holes for the eyes. After this, all parts need to be fastened with waterproof glue, followed by installation of the dowel.

When the binding dries, you need to remove its distortion. If a gap has formed on the ledge of the device, then all the hinges of the sash must be removed and a strip should be glued onto them. In turn, the bar should be thicker than the gap itself, about 2 mm. After dismantling, the hinges need to be hung back and the structure attached in place.

If boxes need repairs, then it is first necessary to make blanks of a certain length. Then, the rotten areas are sawed off using a hacksaw and cleared of various debris.

Places freed from boxes should be treated with an antiseptic. When using new wood, it also needs to be coated with an antiseptic and dried thoroughly.

New plots are connected to old ones, half a tree. The ends of the inserted vertical bars should be adjacent to the horizontal ends on a layer of putty. The putty, in turn, protects the joints from moisture that can form when water drains from the windows.


To get a high-quality surface after painting, follow several rules:

  1. It is necessary to paint both new bindings and periodically those that have already been painted. This will prevent the destruction of the material from the harmful effects of the environment. It will also give the finished product an aesthetic appearance.
  2. If there is old paint on the surface, it must be removed. To do this, use a hair dryer, spatulas and sanding paper.
  3. To prevent paint from getting onto the glass when painting, apply masking tape along the edges of the bars.
  4. To give the window frame a beautiful and rich color, the paint must be applied twice with an interval of 2-3 days.
  5. Carry out painting in the warm season. It is also recommended to remove the sashes from the window before painting.
  6. Carry out all work using a flute brush.
  7. After painting, leave the windows open for 2-3 days to allow the paint to dry thoroughly.

Painting window dressings: step-by-step instructions:

  1. If there are any holes in the frame, fill them with a special mixture for wood.
  2. Remove any irregularities with sanding paper.
  3. Thoroughly clean the surface with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt.
  4. If necessary, treat the wood with antiseptic solutions.
  5. Blend the first layer of paint across the grain.
  6. To better repaint corners, brush the paint at an angle and then spread it evenly over the entire surface.
  7. Try to apply the paint in an even layer.

It is clear that today there are many different types of window frames. With their help, you can make any, even the most daring, desire regarding the appearance of your home come true. The facade of the building will become unique and original.

Advantages of combined windows

The idea to combine different materials in one product came as a result of the fact that each type of window has certain disadvantages. For example, completely wooden models are too vulnerable from the outside and require regular protective and restoration measures. Windows made from PVC profiles do not suit some customers due to possible deformations, claims regarding environmental friendliness and too “simple” appearance. Aluminum products are not suitable for many due to high thermal conductivity and for aesthetic reasons. Thanks to the simultaneous combination of different materials in one product, almost all of the listed flaws were eliminated, and the combined windows have:

  • long service life without the need to constantly care for the binding and carry out repair work;
  • excellent aesthetics, which is inherent in products made from natural materials;
  • high level of heat and sound insulation;
  • excellent functionality.

Among the disadvantages of these products, it makes sense to mention only their rather high cost. However, such prices are explained by the labor intensity of production and the use of new technologies.

Blitz tips

  1. To prevent moisture from the street from entering the room, a special ebb with grooves to drain excess water is attached to the outer frame of the window below and to the window vent.
  2. When installing one or another window frame design, or when choosing the number of glasses, take into account the climatic conditions in which you live. The more severe the climate, the greater the requirements for the thermal insulation properties of the window structure.
  3. Triple glazing can be used to reduce heat loss.
  4. Window units must comply with state standards GOST and technical specifications of the enterprises where they are manufactured.
  5. When making wooden bindings, you should use only dry wood with a moisture content of no more than 15%.
  6. Aluminum blocks can be coated with paints that contain acrylic or polyurethane resins.

Calculation of the volume of work on windows, stained glass and showcases

The volume of work on glazing openings is calculated separately for industrial, residential and public buildings. The calculation is made separately depending on the brand and thickness of the glass provided for by the project, and the type of glazing. The bill of quantities should highlight the glazing of windows, transoms, balcony doors, shop windows and stained glass.

The glazing area of ​​wooden window sashes and balcony doors in residential and public buildings is calculated by the area of ​​the openings, measured along the outer contour of the frames. The scope of work on glazing doors (except for balconies and shop windows) should be calculated based on the glazing area (based on the size of the glass).

When determining the scope of work for the installation of steel structures of window blocks, stained-glass windows and shop windows, indicate the height of the building and the type of coverings (made of steel, made of aluminum alloys). The norms and prices for them are given per 100 m 2. Installation of window blocks and stained-glass windows made of aluminum alloys is also standardized for 100 m2. The glazing of window units is determined additionally. The scope of work on glazing wooden window frames is calculated by the area of ​​the openings, measured along the outer contour of the frames, indicating the brand and thickness of the glass. The volume of glazing of wooden frames of industrial buildings installed without frames is calculated by the area measured along the outer contour of the frames.

The scope of work on glazing steel wall and lantern frames is calculated by the area measured along the outer contour of the frame frames, and for stained glass windows and showcases with metal frames - by the glazing area (indicating the thickness and grade of glass).

The standards provide for the performance of work using softwood timber (pine, spruce, fir, etc.). When filling, assembling and installing windows and display cases with their fitting and partial processing from other types of wood, appropriate coefficients are applied to labor cost standards and wages.

When glazing wooden partitions, the area is calculated along the outer contour of the bindings.

When glazing with double-glazed windows, the glazing area is determined, indicating the design (welded, glued, soldered).

The scope of work on the installation of enclosing structures made of profile glass must be determined by the area of ​​glass (wall panels), by the area of ​​openings (window openings) and by the area of ​​partitions minus openings. The metal framing of window openings is determined by the weight of the installed structures and is standardized as the installation of a wall frame.

The cost of wooden window sill boards in stone walls of residential and public buildings is determined depending on the height of the opening per 1 m 2 opening. The cost of reinforced concrete window sill slabs or slabs with a marble-like surface is determined per 1 m2 of slab in use (without deducting the surface areas of the window sill hidden in the wall). Installation of window sill mounting boards in the walls of industrial buildings is usually included in the prices.

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