What load (weight in kg) can a plastic window sill withstand? Is it possible to sit on a PVC window sill?

All types are divided into premium, middle and economy classes:

Economy options

These include window sill blocks made in Russia and China. They have a low cost, a small range of colors, a shorter warranty period and are lighter compared to their German counterparts. Such manufacturers include window sill blocks NikoPlast, Montblanc, Bauset. This does not mean that the window sills of these companies are not suitable for use. Not at all. They are simply not designed for heavy loads; they have thinner ribs and an imperfect surface.

Middle class

Characterized by reinforced ribs and increased strength properties. They are covered with a protective polymer film and have a fairly wide selection of colors. Produced in Belgium, Ukraine and Russia. These include companies Vitrage, FineDek. The sizes are selected individually, and the window sill board itself has high wear resistance.

Premium class

An ideal option, the service life of which can reach 70 years. The peculiarity of one of the elite German designs is the monolithic fusion of crushed wood and polymer resins. The company Werzalit uses a similar production method. Such window sills are heavier than standard ones, but are durable and have high strength. Premium manufacturers cover window sill blocks with acrylic protective film, which makes them resistant to thermal and mechanical influences. The following companies are noted: Moeller, Danke, Melenger and Crystalit.

Advantages of plastic window sills

Plastic window sills are impervious to moisture and microorganisms, which allows you to grow flowers on the windowsill without worrying about the safety of the surface, as well as use a plastic window sill indoors when humidity and temperature standards are violated.
They are resistant to solar radiation, they do not fade, do not turn yellow, and do not delaminate.

Plastic window sills are characterized by high impact strength at low temperatures and are superior in their thermal insulation properties to window sills made of wood or natural stone. The durable honeycomb structure exhibits virtually no shrinkage and has a low coefficient of thermal expansion when exposed to high temperatures.

Resistant to mechanical wear, flame retardant, easy to clean and insensitive to household chemicals, and also resistant to prolonged thermal loads.

Window sills are distinguished by high technology and strength, lightness and resistance to destruction, as well as resistance to scratches and impacts.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing one or another type of window sill design, the buyer relies on advantages that will help him cope with various purposes. It is very important to know what advantages plastic window sills have:

  1. Appearance of window sill slabs . They look beautiful, fit into any interior and have both a classic white look and other color options.
  2. High strength qualities . Achieved through stiffening ribs, increased thickness of the surface fabric and solidity of the structure.
  3. Easy to install . PVC boards can be easily cut, moved from place to place and mounted in a window opening of any width.
  4. Not flammable . The special formula of the plastic avoids burning, which makes the window sill safe.
  5. Moisture resistant . They do not swell, do not absorb water and do not crack over time. They can be installed in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms, swimming pools, saunas.
  6. Not demanding in care . Plastic window sills are very easy to clean. You can use both regular soap solutions and special products.
  7. Does not react to exposure to direct sunlight . Does not fade even after 10 years, does not deform.
  8. Excellent thermal insulation material . In addition to other practical properties, plastic helps to retain heat in the room.
  9. Does not interact with chemical and biological substances . They do not rot and are resistant to bacteria and microorganisms. Allows you to avoid the formation of mold pockets.
  10. Long service life . Over the years, it does not change its external characteristics and withstands significant mechanical wear.
  11. Cheap material . Since plastic is a chemically created raw material, it has low cost. Thanks to this, products made from it are gaining extraordinary popularity.

Disadvantages of Plastic window sills

A plastic window sill is suitable mainly for simple interiors, and is not used by sophisticated designers. PVC window sills are often installed in combination with PVC windows. But, on the other hand, it is impossible to imagine a plastic window with a wooden, marble or some other non-plastic window sill. This feature can hardly be considered a disadvantage; moreover, plastic window sills have the lowest price compared to other types of window sills, so traditional wooden window sills are gradually being replaced by models made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) profiles.

Standard sizes

It is clear that the Russian housing stock consists mostly of Soviet-era apartment buildings. Everything about them is typical and standard. Just remember the film “The Irony of Fate”. This moment is shown perfectly there.

Therefore, manufacturers produce a line of standard window sills, plus or minus 5 mm. Let's list the parameters in the table.

Length, mmWidth, mmThickness, mm

It would seem that it is enough to measure the old window sill with a tape measure. Then write down the results and order a new one. Not so simple. During dismantling, part of the supporting surface of the walls will crumble. You will have to add a few millimeters to the results obtained.

Features of Plastic window sills

A plastic window sill prevents cold from penetrating into the room and, conversely, heat from escaping from the inside. It forces convection currents of warm air rising upward to bend and increases the thickness of the warm air layer near the window and the adjacent section of the wall. Water condensation flows down the slope of the PVC window sill if it forms on the glass. This structural element greatly facilitates the window maintenance process (when washing glass, opening and closing transoms and windows, hanging curtains, etc.).

A plastic window sill hides the difference between the thickness of the wall and the window frame and organizes the transition from the interior space of the room to the outside world. It’s no wonder that architects and designers are always so attentive to this seemingly modest detail.

Finally, the window sill also serves as a functional decoration of the house - here you can install flower pots, souvenirs and other pleasant and necessary little things.

Sizes of window sills for plastic windows

Plastic windows for residential buildings, office premises, and glazing of balconies are always produced according to individual measurements. Before their manufacture, measurements of the window sill surface are carried out, since even with individual construction, openings have deviations of up to 80-100 mm in length and width.

The size of window sills for plastic windows is influenced by the size of the radiator and the placement of curtains in the window structure. When determining the length, take into account the following rule: the curtain should be several centimeters higher than the parapet. Then the window will not fog up, since all the heat from the radiator will be directed to the glass.

The size of the standard protrusion from the wall is from 3 to 5 cm. For larger values, additional corners are installed to strengthen the structure.

To make a parapet, use a standard PVC board with the following dimensions:

  • Width: 10 - 60 cm, step size 5 cm.
  • Length: 45 - 60 cm.
  • Thickness: 1.8 - 2.2 cm.

Construction stores sell six-meter slabs that are cut to the required sizes.

The window sill can be ordered in a traditional size or non-standard size

The thickness of the window sill has an impact on its strength, service life and determines the degree of permissible load.

The indicator of how wide the window sill should be is determined by a number of indicators. This:

  • terms of Use;
  • permissible load;
  • the type of room where the stove will be installed;
  • decorative and aesthetic purposes.

The standard width (10-60 cm) makes it possible to install a parapet with different thicknesses of load-bearing walls. This allows you to change the depth of its installation while maintaining the basic operational characteristics.

The width of the board is directly affected by the installation depth of the window profile itself, the value of which changes for each window. To determine the width, measure the distance from the stand profile to the edge of the wall. Add 5 to 10 cm to this indicator so that the edge of the window sill extends beyond the edge of the wall and hangs over the radiator. This affects its operational and decorative parameters. The value is rounded up and an order is placed.

The window sill board should not obscure the heating radiators.

Selecting the maximum width

To install a wider version of the internal parapet, take a slab with dimensions of 60 - 100 cm, in increments of 10 cm. These are the maximum permissible dimensions.

A wide window sill has its functional advantages. It serves as a flower stand, a shelf for storing souvenirs, and a place to place seat cushions. To withstand these loads, it must be firmly fixed.

There are several options for installing a wide slab.


  • with jammed window profile;
  • with installation on support dies and a ventilation gap;
  • using metal brackets.

The latter method is used when installing window sills in glazed loggias, where the windows are mounted on a thin parapet. The brackets are attached to the wall with screws and dowels. Suitable for lightweight plastic boards.

If the balcony area allows, install a wide parapet model. The board acts as a tabletop or as a shelf for placing plants. To ensure the stability of the elements, a pedestal is made from below on which the parapet will rest.

To the PVC window sills section

Details about all PVC window sills: Plastic window sills TIBET made in China, PVC window sills People's Plastic. Installation diagrams are presented in the section Installation of PVC window sills. The cost of plastic window sills can be found in the section Prices for plastic window sills. For information on the additional cutting service, see the section Cutting plastic window sills to size.

Technical characteristics of ELEX PVC window sills.

So what do we know? - Plastic window sills consist of plastic materials, or more precisely:

  • Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride K 67, which has high mechanical and physical properties;
  • Combined stabilizer without lead Ca-Zn;
  • Polymers;
  • Filler;
  • Pigment;
  • Modifier that helps change the structure of the material for impact resistance;
  • A modifier that helps change the structure of a material for processing.

We can assure you that the PVC window sills are made from high-quality six-component materials from both foreign manufacturers and Russian suppliers; they are an environmentally friendly product that does not contain heavy metals and lead. The production is equipped and set up on WPR equipment (Italy) using polyurethane hot melt adhesive from Kleiberit of German origin, followed by the application of a 200 micron film.

Also for window profiles: WEBER and KRAUSS MAFFEI VIGAREX (Germany) and GRUBER (Austria).

All plastic window sills based on PVC, such as “Moeller”, “FineDek”, “People’s Plastic”, “Stained Glass”, “Danke”, “Crystalit”, “Montblanc”, also from the series of window sills based on chipboard “Werzalit” .

Coating materials

The base itself is made of PVC - polyvinyl chloride, and is not very aesthetically pleasing. In order for the window sill to fit into the interior, you will have to mess with the color scheme. It will be useful to select the material for cladding in advance:

  • Acrylic . Reliable protection. You can forget about scratches from metal tools and knives. Any shades available.
  • Film . Made of plastic. Does not fade in the sun. Economical option. That's all the benefits.
  • Melamine . Consists of polymer resins. It is applied in several layers, usually 7 - 8 . You can choose a decorative texture.

Is the owner of a house or apartment happy with the standard white color and takes good care of the window sill? It is enough to choose a regular film.

PVC Window sill according to GOST

We would like to immediately open to you the GOST cards for PVC window sills, as a rule, they do not exist, there are GOST and TU for the materials from which it is made:

  • GOST 26602.1-99 Heat transfer resistance;
  • GOST 30673-99 for glazing, technical conditions;
  • GOST 30674-99
  • SNiP_23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings;

All these standards relate to the glazing of premises and the polyvinyl chloride materials from which the window profile and window sills are made. The manufacturing company ELEX takes into account interstate standards and conducts regular inspections. Based on this, we can firmly state that if you are looking for PVC window sills that comply with GOST, you just need to contact us!

Operation, additional information about window sills

  • Length of window sill plastic board: 6000 millimeters;
  • Width dimensions: indicated in mm. (100; 150; 200; 250; 300 350; 400; 450; 500; 550; 600; 650; 700; 750; 800)
  • Weight of ELEX window sill: ± 8 kilograms/meter²
  • Laminated color: White; Golden Oak; Dark oak; Mahogany;
  • Covering: PVC film 200 microns;
  • Stiffening ribs: strictly vertical;
  • Temperature of initial deformation when heated above 120 °C;
  • It burns difficult, at high temperatures (above 1200 ° C.) it decomposes with the release of acrid smoke, combustion class G1, G2, G3;
  • Thermal insulation conductivity quality
  • Temperature resistance not lower than -100 ° C;
  • Resistant to solutions of salts, alkalis, acids, oils, fats, water;
  • Resistant to mechanical damage,
  • Does not darken when exposed to ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Application area

The main feature of a plastic window sill is that it can be used in residential premises, offices, hotel complexes, educational, medical and some industrial institutions. Such a wide range of distribution is explained by high performance characteristics, excellent colors and excellent strength properties. Depending on the size, there are two types of window sill blocks that are used in apartments:

  1. For panel structures, window sills with a width of 200-300 mm are used.
  2. For brick ones - 500-600 mm wide.

A more unique area of ​​application are plastic bar counters and tabletops.

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