Do-it-yourself methods for soundproofing window sills - tips from “Window Workshop”

What to stick on the windowsill to stop the rain from knocking?

The ebb is the outer element of a plastic window in the form of a metal window sill. It is carefully mounted on construction foam and should hermetically protect the window sill area. Installing a low tide is an important step; it determines whether unnecessary moisture will enter the apartment or heat will be lost.

It often happens that the window is installed perfectly, but the sill itself is made a little poorly thought out or of poor quality. When it rains, the drops that fall at low tide make loud noises and splash around. Tides thunder when it rains if:

The metal strip of the ebb is made a little thinner than it should be due to the savings of the builders. The ebb is a little longer than expected and protrudes far beyond the edges of the window. This is a miscalculation of the architect or window installation company. The ebb is poorly secured and there is not enough mounting foam underneath; when struck, the ebb makes a loud sound. This is a poorly executed window installation job. There are no ebb tides or canopies on top, then the water flows in streams directly onto the window and ebb tide. In these cases, every rain occurs for the residents in a very nervous and tense environment. The loud roar of drops prevents you from falling asleep or going about your business. The window has to be closed tightly in order to somehow reduce the noise level in the apartment. The window itself gets splashed heavily.

If the tides thunder when it rains, what should you do? Solutions options:

Contact the company that installed the windows. If the warranty period has not passed, use an expert examination to find out the reason for the noisy behavior of the tides and force the installers to correct the defects. If the height of the window allows, you can independently try to understand the cause of the noise and eliminate it. All work should be carried out after ensuring your own safety. Try shaking the ebb to see if it is securely fastened. Fill the void underneath with foam.

When it rains, watch the drops at low tide and find out the noisiest place; more often than not, the entire low tide thunders due to water getting into a very small area. If the flashing is very long and this is the cause of the noise, try to cut off the outer edge from it.

Place on the ebb or glue under it any material that reduces noise and vibration - a piece of rubber or polyurethane or coat with durable mastic. Replace the ebb with a special plastic or polymer-coated one. This will significantly reduce the noise level.

It must be borne in mind that the ebb is not a decorative part, but a complex element of the window itself; you cannot replace it yourself. By contacting a company that installs PVC windows, you can solve the problem of rattling tides using the advice of experienced craftsmen.

Video on the topic: What to stick on the windowsill to stop the rain from knocking?

The rain is drumming. Soundproofing of the sill (window sill)!

Sound insulation of window drainage

What to do if the rain drums on the slopes?


Soundproofing the visor and ebb, or How to drown out raindrops

Plastic windows are a modern standard in housing construction. New technologies have made it possible to eliminate all the shortcomings that the first models had and were inferior to wooden windows. A high-quality plastic window has virtually no disadvantages. It will never dry out or swell, it does not need to be painted. Due to the aesthetics of the design, the entire house acquires a stylish and neat appearance, and various ventilation systems and convenient mosquito nets completely solve the issue of air exchange.

But there is one point that can spoil the impression of a new window - an incorrectly installed visor or ebb. When it rains, when drops fall on the structure, there is such a roar that it is impossible to rest properly. Some may think that this is an insignificant minus, but only until you try to sleep to a drum orchestra.

How to solve the problem? Our article is devoted to answering this question.

“Sounding” window tint or visor is a problem that harms home comfort

Main causes of noise

Window sills and visors can rattle for various reasons, and before solving the problem, you need to understand what causes it:

  • Broken fastening . Installation of structures is carried out on polyurethane foam. If initially it was not enough or over time it collapsed under the influence of negative external factors, noise and vibration will occur at the slightest breath of wind and, naturally, when raindrops hit.

What to do ? If you live on the ground floor, look under the tide from the street and examine the condition of the foam. Severely darkened, overly porous or crumbled material is evidence that its properties have been compromised. It is advisable to add foam along the entire length of the ebb or visor, and then protect it from destruction by puttingty.

  • The material is too thin . The minimum thickness of the window sill is 0.4 mm. If the sheet from which the structure is made is thinner, the ebb will resonate from every raindrop.

What to do ? The only correct solution in this case is to completely replace the ebb or visor with a higher quality product made of thicker metal or plastic, which itself rattles less.

  • Product is too long. The visor or ebb can protrude significantly beyond the window; this happens if products of a standard size were purchased, and the installers did not bother to shorten them. A loose, unfixed edge will certainly rattle during rain and wind.

What to do? Excess length can be reduced by cutting off the excess using tin snips. But only residents of the first floors and private houses should inspect the window themselves and manipulate the ebb and canopy. Otherwise, for safety reasons, it is better to entrust the task to specialists trained to work at heights.

Installation and repair of window sills and canopies at height should be carried out by specially trained people

Even if the visor and drip hood are installed correctly and are of normal thickness and length, during rain there may be noise that interferes with proper rest. In this case, it is useless to look for the cause, but the problem can and should be eliminated - this is done by installing a sealing tape.

the rain is knocking on the windowsill what to do

In the Construction and Repair section, the question: Metal window sill - the raindrops are very loud - it’s impossible to be in the room - what can I stick on top? The best answer given by the author is: And if you glue a piece of linoleum, you can even double it? Iriska KornilovaThinker(8335)

Good luck, just find a good glue))

Answer from chevron [guru] remove - mounting foam - put back Answer from Adaptation [guru] put bricks))))) Answer from Sergey Stroganov [guru] it is better to stick rubber under the low tide (metal window sill). it will reduce the noiseAnswer from Elena Kozyreva[guru]my father once put foam rubber in, it knocks but not so loudAnswer from Anatoly Dyakonov[guru]I would also like to know what can be done? I thought about sticking foam. Or foam rubber. It will become dirty. Answer from Lyudmila [guru] Maybe polystyrene foam? Answer from Mia Fleur [guru] I just glued a piece of light beige office carpet onto the windowsill with double-sided tape. Answer from Alyonka [guru] Put the foam rubber on the glue right away Answer from Nina Kholod [ guru] It would have been better to install a molding made of PLASTIZOL with a rubberized coating, but what can I say now? In your case, you need to check the presence of a foam seam or PSUL tape under low tide, and then the noise will decrease significantly! remove the window sill or try to blow foam under it - but be sure to place a weight on the windowsill. Good luck! Answer from Young Lady-Peasant [guru] I have the same problem, I glue a strip of foam rubber, and take it off before winter. Fine. And you don’t hear any noise and it dries out on its own after the rain. Answer from Arthur Zarembo[guru]Mona make a canopy, add some foam so that there is support for the ebb tide, you can cover the ebb tide with some kind of material, for example hydroglass insulation or something like that.Answer from Truculentus[guru]You can Secure the ebb to the slope with self-tapping screws and a press washer. Place another thin elastic band or polyethylene/linoleum as a spacer.

And the effect of an empty bucket will disappear.

Sound insulation of low tide and visor using sealing tape

I would like to dwell on this method of eliminating unwanted noise in more detail, since it is the most effective.

Window companies that care about their reputation began using sealing tapes when installing sills and canopies quite a long time ago. One of the most reliable and convenient to use material is “Liplent Pv” - heat and sound insulating self-adhesive butyl rubber tape.

The technology for its use is extremely simple. The material is completely ready for use and does not require special tools for installation. The lower surface of the window slope/visor is thoroughly cleaned of dust and possible contamination. After this, the sealing tape is carefully glued along the entire length of the structure by gradually detaching it from the protective base. Then the product is installed in place and pleases the owners with excellent performance characteristics and the absence of noise during rain.

Externally, the “Liplent Pv” tape is a strip of polyethylene foam, on one side of which a butyl rubber adhesive layer is applied, which ensures reliable fastening of the material to the surface of the ebb or visor.

The main convenience of the Liplent Pv tape is the presence of an adhesive layer, thanks to which installation of the material is extremely simple and convenient

The sealing tape is universal and can be used not only when installing window sills and canopies, but also as a noise-absorbing damper gasket during various types of construction and repair work. It is indispensable where it is necessary to create a layer of vapor and waterproofing between various components and structural elements. In particular, it is used when installing window and door blocks in order to cut off the installation seam from the wall surface. The tape provides reliable protection of the mounting foam from waterlogging on the side of the wall opening and extends the service life of structures.

The material "Liplent Pv" is produced in 12-meter rolls of different widths: from 10 to 200 mm, which allows you to choose the best option for any type of work.

How to cover the roof and balcony canopy so that they do not make noise?

The inconvenience is that there is no universal material on our market to solve this problem. As a result of 10 years of work experience, we can say that the most logical and convenient material was one that has the following properties:

  • It should be a good, durable roofing material, such as bitumen, so that it can withstand nature's surprises.
  • It should have sufficient thickness, provide good sound insulation of the balcony and not be too heavy.
  • It should attach well, reliably and simply, ideally stick to any surface.
  • This material should be easy to install for the climber, given that the work is carried out in weight and not be massive. For example, something like very flexible meter-long bitumen strips of different widths with increased sound insulation properties, which can be glued in a simple way to different roofs.

Unfortunately, no one has yet come up with such a universal target material, and for soundproofing balconies and balcony canopies, we use various roofing materials, automotive, etc., which are often massive, inconvenient to use, they need to be cut and we have to figure out how to fasten them. Often people do their own research, buy the material they think is best for thermal insulation, and then simply ask climbers to reinforce it on top. Sometimes when descending along the balconies you come across other options, like other climbers or the residents themselves did soundproofing.

We've seen this stuck on a visor or stem :

  • Styrofoam
  • Linoleum
  • Rubber bath mats
  • Artificial turf
  • Automotive anti-gravel sprayed from a can
  • Polyurethane foam poured over the entire extension area
  • Expanded clay pebbles sprinkled on some kind of glue
  • Just glued pieces of rubber from old inner tubes, etc.

And everyone is happy and says that it helped them. As you can see, there are many options and perhaps you can come up with something better...

Replacing low tide with silent material

The main reason why the tide is noisy is the material of manufacture. An aluminum or steel profile, despite the optimally selected width of 0.55 mm and a polymer coating, reacts quite actively to rain and wind. If your budget allows, it is easier to replace metal with more expensive materials.

  • Clinker molding made from refractory clay will fit perfectly into the exterior of brick houses.
  • Marble and granite tides are distinguished by their laconicism and durability. The structure is several times heavier than metal, so it can more easily cope with the effects of rain and winds.
  • Plastic options are considered one of the quietest and are in harmony with modern double-glazed windows made of the same material.

If you have a limited budget or it is impossible to replace the external window sill, you will have to modify the one you have.

Is the tide noisy?

This phenomenon is possible if the installation technicians do not know some of the secrets of installing a low tide.

Let's look at the reasons why the tide is noisy. The external metal window sill is made of galvanized steel with a white or brown polymer coating. This material is an excellent sound conductor.

  1. Therefore, the first and main reason is the lack of sound insulation at low tide. Currently, there are quite a lot of products and materials that are excellent noise absorbers. All of them are glued to the lower part of the ebb and prevent the spread of loud sound during precipitation.
  2. If the ebb tide is noisy, one of the reasons may also be that it is poorly secured. This is confirmed by the roar that occurs during the wind, when a sheet of metal knocks against the wall.
  3. Insufficient tide slope also provokes noise when raindrops fall almost at right angles. In addition, such installation can allow water to flow into the wall and under the window frame, which in turn will lead to premature failure of the structure.
  4. The last reason for noise is the installation of a very wide ebb, relative to the wall. An outlet of 50 mm is quite enough to protect the wall from moisture and not worry about the rumble that occurs during rain.

First you need to take care of the soundproofing of the ebb tides. We list several ways:

  • Soundproofing mastic - perfectly absorbs noise, although it is not cheap. It can be used to cover the lower part of the ebb before installation.
  • Vibroplast car sound insulation is a very effective, but also not a very budget option.
  • Bitumen-based roofing tape is the most suitable option for solving the “noisy” problem. It can even be glued in several layers for a better effect.
  • Vapor barrier tape - usually with an adhesive backing, does a fairly good job of insulating noise.

There are other materials for soundproofing ebb tides: foam plastic, stizol, psul and others.

The second step when installing the ebb, you need to secure it well to the window in a special groove and screw it with self-tapping screws. The angle of inclination should be at least 5%; an angle of 15% is considered ideal. And at the end you need to fill the space between the ebb and the wall with construction foam. It helps to insulate the lower assembly seam, prevents blowing and at the same time additionally insulates the noise of low tide during bad weather. It is important not to overdo it with foam, otherwise the ebb will rise greatly and the angle of inclination will be insufficient.

Additional fastening

According to the design of most developers, the casting structure is attached only on one side. The bottom edge of the sheet hangs freely in the air and knocks against the façade when exposed to wind. A simple and inexpensive option to reduce noise is to secure the sheet with a few more screws.

  1. The window sill profile is dismantled.
  2. On the front part of the ebb, at a distance of 30-40, drill holes for self-tapping screws. Additional screws can be screwed in from the ends or from the top.
  3. The sheet is installed in its original place and attached first to the frame, and then through drilled holes to the stand ledge or facade.

Despite the cheapness and ease of implementation, this method of fastening also has many disadvantages. When screwing screws in from above, a thin metal sheet may become deformed, and water will accumulate in the resulting depressions.

Sealing with polyurethane foam

The drip system must be attached with self-tapping screws to the frame and foam to the base. If the technology for installing additional elements is not followed, a gap will form between the metal and the brick. The lack and complete absence of sealant not only provides “drumming” when it rains, but also leads to freezing of the substitution profile.

By removing this void, you can significantly reduce the vibration level of the sheet and increase sound and heat insulation.

  1. The ebb is separated from the glass unit.
  2. The external window sill is filled with polyurethane foam.
  3. Before the foam begins to harden, the cast structure is returned to its place.

In addition to polyurethane foam, any roofing sealant will work.


Noise-reducing vibration sheet lining

Foil sheets of butyl rubber sealant used for soundproofing cars also do an excellent job of repairing drip structures. The vibrating sheet is odorless, does not spread and is not afraid of moisture. The self-adhesive surface allows for quick installation and does not require special skills.

Vibration sheets with thicknesses from 1.5 to 4 mm are available for sale. The louder the window sill rattles during rain and wind, the more impressive the insulation layer should be. Additionally, you will need a stitching roller, although for a small amount of work you can do without it.

  1. The ebb tide is dismantled by unscrewing the screws.
  2. After removing the protective paper, use the self-adhesive side to attach the insulation to the back side of the metal sheet.
  3. Return the ebb to its place and fix it.

In some cases, it is enough to place a layer of foam rubber or polystyrene under the external window sill as a noise-reducing layer.

Sound insulation of balcony canopy

The visor makes noise, rattles when it rains, the rain knocks on the ebb of the tide and does not allow you to sleep... Help... Is it possible to do something? We began to receive such requests more and more often, so we decided to write about this problem on this page. Here we will describe the reasons why the canopy rattles when it rains, methods for eliminating the problem and soundproofing the balcony canopy, and also describe the materials with which people themselves try to solve the noise problem, and which we recommend.

Ensuring low tide noise insulation during construction

First of all, to ensure that the ebb or visor does not make sounds during rain or strong gusts of wind, during the construction period the developer or installers installing window units must follow several rules, if correctly implemented, the sound insulation of the ebb will increase several times .

So, the first rule is to choose the right material thickness. Let us repeat that external drains are made mainly of steel or aluminum, and the resonating effect of the product made from them depends on the thickness of these materials. The thinner the steel (or aluminum), the greater the diaphragm effect the visor or shimmer has. And vice versa, the thicker and more massive the material, the greater its ability to both reflect and absorb sound waves.

Secondly, it is necessary to select the optimal width of the canvas, since it should not protrude too much from the wall of the house. The maximum permissible indentation of the decorative element in question is considered to be 2-3 centimeters, which, given the optimal area exposed to the effects of natural elements, reduces the noise level of this impact.

And finally, the most effective way to reduce noise from external drains or canopies is to use additional installation materials. These can be full-butyl tapes, which are glued to the back of the ebb (or the outer part of the canopy) and PSUL, which is glued in a strip to the slope, preventing the drumming effect of the ebb on the slope of the window block.

Recommendations for installing quiet tides

Installation of ebb sills on windows is carried out by fixing them to the frame or stand profile, while the drip edge (kapinos) should be removed from the façade plane no further than 60 mm. The optimal distance of the ebb edge from the wall is considered to be 20-40 mm. The length of the ebb is usually 40-60 mm greater than the width of the opening. If the length of the metal profiled sheet exceeds 1500 mm, then it is extremely important to provide temperature compensation gaps with a width of at least 5 mm along its edges. An external window sill made to the correct dimensions will effectively drain all water, and to keep it quiet, a number of additional measures must be taken:

  1. Attach the ebb at the correct angle. The optimal inclination varies in the range of 5-15°. It is ideal if you can fix the outer window sill at an angle of 15°, but this is not always possible due to the individual characteristics of the window opening and the design of the frame.
  2. Apply materials that absorb (dampen) sounds to the inside of the ebb. Stizol, PSUL tapes and various soundproofing mastics are considered effective in providing good sound insulation.
  • If, due to the angle of inclination and installation features, an impressive void has formed between the outer window sill and the lower edge of the window opening, it is recommended to fill it with polyurethane foam. This will dampen possible vibrations and eliminate the echo effect.
  • Even if all of the above conditions are met, a poorly secured sill may make noise. To effectively dampen vibrations, structural rigidity is necessary, and without reliable fixation it is impossible.

What problems may arise during the operation of ebb tides?

In the vast majority of cases, no excesses occur during the operation of low tides, and their existence is remembered only when washing the windows from the outside. However, sometimes you may encounter one of the following problems:

  • loud knocking of drops on the metal surface;
  • rattling even in moderate winds;
  • flow of water under low tide;
  • the appearance of smudges under the window.

None of the above phenomena should occur. If window owners encounter at least some of them, this means that:

  • the dimensions of the ebb tides are incorrectly selected;
  • there were violations of technology during installation.

Although these errors seem insignificant, they significantly reduce the level of comfort of the premises. The sound of rain hitting metal and rattling becomes a real disaster. They distract you during the day and evening, and at night they keep you awake. Damp walls under the windows also do not add optimism.

If the installation of the drip tide was carried out incorrectly, it should be done again. This is the only way to correct mistakes. If necessary, it is recommended to buy new flashings with the correct dimensions.

How to make a window sill silent

Conventional metal flashings on the outside of windows often produce excessive noise when exposed to wind and rain. Let's find out how to avoid this.

What complaints are most often caused by typical metal flashings on the outside of windows? They are very noisy! They rattle in the wind and make drumming noises when it rains. Let's figure out why the tides are noisy and how you can deal with this problem.

How to reduce noise from the street in an apartment?

Of course, high-quality plastic windows with more than three cameras are a prerequisite on the path to silence. But there are also other considerations...

If the apartment room has a balcony or loggia, this already solves half the problem. Glazing a balcony/loggia helps to minimize noise almost completely, at least in a single room. The air cushion between the balcony windows and the room windows dampens sound vibrations.

Ideally, of course, you would need to create a vacuum between the layers of glass or windows, but this is not possible to do at home. If we remember physics, we know that sound travels faster in a dense medium. Sound does not travel in a vacuum. From this we can judge that if the air is cold, the molecules travel sound waves faster. It’s just that an air cushion with an ambient temperature higher than the outside temperature (in winter, for example) will transmit sound worse.

The same can be done with other rooms. Only on the other side - from the inside. As far as the window sill allows (the protrusion of the wall into the room from the standard installed frame), you can install a second window, and it does not have to be two or three chambers, it is important that it is dense. You will get the same “cushion” for sound dampening. The slopes inside (between the frames) can be finished with sound-absorbing materials.

Forest plantings provide excellent, albeit seasonal, sound insulation. Between our house and the railway, the distance is about a kilometer, you understand - trains are not luxury cars - the noise is terrible. When the house was built, two rows of poplar trees were planted in a checkerboard pattern, across the road from the house, between us and the railroad. In the summer, when the leaves bloom, you can hardly hear the iron, although in winter and especially in frosts, everything is exactly the same as it was, but we are grateful even for six months of peace.

Blinds on windows are also good sound insulation. They serve as another barrier to sound vibrations.

If you approach this issue comprehensively - internal soundproofing of walls, additional glazing with high-quality double-glazed windows, sound-absorbing wallpaper in the room, this will certainly give results.

Glazing selection

Balcony glazing protects from wind and prevents precipitation and dust from entering. By providing reliable thermal insulation, your home will be protected from the cold in winter. Glazing can be done independently. Successfully selected materials for glazing and knowledge of all the intricacies of the process itself are a guarantee of the quality of the work done. Windows from the Rehau Intelio profile will help ensure silence in the apartment, as they are one of the quietest.

Nowadays, balconies are glazed with the following materials:

  1. Wooden frames. They are very different in quality from traditional windows. They are more durable, resistant to moisture and are not afraid of fluctuations in air temperature due to the use of so-called laminated timber technology. Their service life is quite long, since they are coated with special protective materials. Wood is characterized by low thermal conductivity and excellent sound insulation properties;
  2. Metal-plastic frames are most often used in the production of windows. Such structures can last more than 40 years. They are resistant to corrosion and rotting. They do not require any additional processing or coating renewal. Thanks to the presence of drainage and micro-ventilation elements, the optimal air temperature is maintained in the room;
  3. Aluminum windows are very widely used on old balconies. Due to their light weight, they do not load the balcony structure. However, such material must be used with heat-insulating inserts to ensure comfort in the cold season;
  4. Frameless glazing. Such structures transmit light well and reliably protect from precipitation and wind. However, this option does not completely eliminate the noise, but only muffles it. The glass is attached to aluminum frames. The measurements must be as accurate as possible: any misalignment and the design will lose its functionality.

A knock on the window sill. How to remove noise?

Have a nice day everyone!

Given: Double-glazed windows with steel tints. The rain hits them very rhythmically, which saddens the household. Task: Remove or minimize this noise.

The difficulty is that dismantling is now hardly possible (for technical reasons).

Maybe you can glue something on top so that the sound from the impact of a drop is not so sharp?

I would be grateful for any practical advice.

BEARDY wrote: Maybe you can glue something on top,

Glue guerlain (butyl rubber tape) to the bottom. Find out what it is using Yandex or Google.

BEARDED wrote: Double-glazed windows with steel tints.

Better material type (automotive vibration insulation, sold in auto soundproofing studios and auto stores. All-weather, especially for vibration insulation (drop impacts)). Guerlain is a material for sealing interpanel joints.

I used 2mm vibproplast silver all over myself - it turned out just wonderful. I also gave it to a friend (he went crazy from the sounds). Before that, some kind of crap was glued from the very beginning. There is also super bimast or bimast bombs (4mm) - but they are very heavy (and more expensive) - the ebb can simply go away

Yes, and glue it underneath. z.y. I really want to do the same for all my neighbors now.

And I close the window when it rains. It's not summer anymore. No knock is heard. The window was installed well. No noise!

Viktor__s wrote: Better material like vibroplast

in a nutshell - it's the same thing, only guerlain is cheaper

Viktor__s wrote: Guerlain is a material for sealing interpanel joints.

And also: Guerlain is used for sealing interpanel joints in residential and industrial construction, in the aviation and automotive industries, and when installing roofs using polymer membranes. When using EPDM or EPDM membranes, the problem is the quality of the overlap. Special adhesives, if used at all, are very expensive. The use of 2-sided self-adhesive Guerlain tape, which has excellent adhesion to this type of membrane and durability of more than 25 years, helps solve this problem. Leaks in pitched roofs are the most common problem, especially in the spring. When installing new roofs made of sheet material (tin, copper, etc.) using Guerlen tape sealant, it eliminates the possibility of leaks in the roof structure. During emergency roof repairs, Guerlen-FA material, which has aluminum foil as a protective layer, is widely used. Guerlain was developed for sealing suspended ventilated facades, the service life of which is 50 years of operation in the average climate of Russia, which is confirmed by tests carried out by the Research Institute of Building Physics. In 2005, a system of sealing materials based on Guerlain was developed for the installation of window systems in accordance with GOST 30971-2002.

There are many similar materials - choose any with a film of butyl rubber or bitumen of at least 1.5-2mm" >

Rain tests plastic windows

Warm spring days are just around the corner, which means it’s time to carry out large and small repairs of PVC windows or replace old wooden windows that have not justified themselves in winter with new plastic windows that are not afraid of rain, hail, thunder and lightning, as well as sleet, the portal reports WINDOWS MEDIA.

We usually associate rain outside the window with the sound of drops on the glass, streaks of water, hail on the window sill and fireworks of lightning strikes. It's nice to watch the “thunderstorm in early May” through the window, sitting in an easy chair.

However, this idyll of man and nature can be disrupted by a leaky plastic window in terms of moisture resistance, impact resistance and noise insulation.

Plastic windows that are not afraid of rain

Not only is the winter exam important for plastic windows, they must pass it with dignity all year round. The most pronounced detector of the quality of a window system in the spring-summer period, and especially in autumn, is a common natural phenomenon - rain.

There are quite a lot of parameters of a modern Euro-window that could adequately withstand rain.

The profile is important because it will determine whether the window is durable and will function properly. The sealing system will make the window airtight and prevent water from entering the house.

Very important characteristics are heat and sound insulation, with the help of which we find out whether a plastic window will protect the house from heat loss on a dank autumn day and the penetration of noise from lightning discharges in the spring.

It is also important to take into account wind resistance, water resistance and breathability - these parameters determine that even in the heaviest downpours and storms our apartment will be dry, warm and quiet.

PVC profile that is not afraid of rain

The profile system must, first of all, be resistant to any external loads, which is determined by the quality of the material, as well as the design of the profile. The main parameter characterizing a window profile is its class. The maximum possible is class A.

This means that the outer walls of the PVC profile have a thickness of 3-2.8 mm, and the width of the inner chamber is at least 5 mm. This design provides greater stability and durability, as well as greater protection against noise and temperature changes.

If you choose a high-quality window profile, you can avoid troubles associated with deformation of the profile, and therefore the PVC window itself.

It is important to first pay attention to whether the profile is made from 100% virgin materials, because this has a significant impact on the quality of the window.

More modern designs can contribute to resistance to rain - plastic-aluminum windows, which are a combination of PVC profile and aluminum lining. A combined window of this type will increase the potential resistance of the profile system to rain and hail.

Window seal that is not afraid of rain

The role of the window seal is to protect against moisture, reduce excessive air exchange and prevent the penetration of noise from the outside. No window can do without well-chosen seals. Therefore, when purchasing plastic windows, in addition to double-glazed windows and profile systems, you should also ask the seller about the type of seal that is used for the selected product.

If your house already has plastic windows, then in the spring before you start cleaning the windows, you should check the condition of the seal.

If it does not cause fears that the first spring rain will become a guest in the apartment, then it is enough to lubricate the seal with a special technical means. Otherwise, this important window element should be replaced.

Today the market offers a wide selection of seals that can not only be adapted to the climatic conditions of your region, but also enhance the aesthetics of a plastic window thanks to the color scheme.

Window fittings that are not afraid of rain

Window hardware systems are the elements of windows and doors that we mainly look at when we want to protect our home from burglary. Few customers are willing to look at solutions that guarantee protection from rain, although these are no less important than energy efficiency or ease of maintenance.

The fittings are made from metal alloys, so a very important aspect is its corrosion resistance.

Prolonged contact with water or working in conditions of high humidity with a low-quality product can lead to the appearance of rust, the consequences of which can be disastrous for the entire plastic window.

Therefore, it is necessary to purchase accessories from trusted brands that have an impeccable reputation in the market for many years.

Poor-quality fittings or poor pressing of the sash to the frame can negate the work of the rubber seal, and in some cases cause water to enter the house through the resulting gaps.

In case of prolonged heavy rain, this aspect may unpleasantly surprise you after returning home.

The sound insulation of a plastic window further deteriorates, which also does not add to the aesthetic perception of this natural phenomenon.

To extend the durability of the fittings, you should include adjustment and maintenance in the mandatory window cleaning procedure in the off-season.

In spring and autumn, the fittings should be lubricated with special compounds developed for these purposes.

Lubricating the fittings will protect the metal from the negative consequences of contact with moisture, and fittings that are not afraid of rain will last much longer.

Double-glazed window that is not afraid of rain

A good solution is to buy a double-glazed window with increased sound insulation. The Rw coefficient in decibels tells how a window insulates a room from sounds coming from outside.

It is especially worth paying attention to this factor if the house is located near busy streets, railways and airports. In this case, you should choose a sound-insulating double-glazed window with an Rw coefficient of 36, 39, 40 or even 50 dB.

However, if the noise outside your home does not exceed 60 dBA, then even for the heaviest downpours with thunder and hail, a window with a coefficient Rw = 30 dB is sufficient.

Window sealing: types of work

To seal joints and cracks, we use modern products that combine reliability and excellent protective properties.

  • Sealing of external assembly seams with construction foam and sealants (tape, mastic).
  • Sealing internal cracks and microcracks.
  • Elimination of leaks in frames, double-glazed windows, and joints.

Treatment of problem areas is carried out in several stages.

  1. Getting rid of remnants of polyurethane foam.
  1. Applying sealant.
  2. Laying tape such as “isolon”, “guerlen” or similar.
  3. Installation of platbands and additional elements to protect polyurethane foam from the destructive effects of UV rays.

We guarantee the integrity of the structure for 12 months. During this period, we will provide free repair of detected leaks and depressurization.

What to do?

We figured out why plastic windows leak. Now, it’s important to decide what to do with all this. First you need to establish the cause of the leak. It, as you understand, can be different. Of course, in this matter it is better to trust the professionals. For example, Teplo Doma specialists are faced with a problem when a plastic window leaks in the rain, almost several times a day. If you don’t need an extra headache and searching for unknown reasons, then contact our specialist and discuss all the conditions with him.

If you decide to do everything yourself, which we strongly do not recommend, then you will have to plunge into this topic headlong.


If any mistakes were made during window installation, it will be very difficult to identify them. In addition, in most cases these same errors have to be eliminated by dismantling and subsequent re-installation of the metal-plastic structure.


Windows leak when it rains, what should I do? Try looking at the rubber seal. How does she “feel”? Does it have any cracks, is it resilient, does it fit snugly against the door frame? A poor-quality seal can deform or dry out quite quickly. The seal will need to be replaced.


Did you know that the sealing rubber on plastic windows needs to be treated with a special Vaseline-based product every six months? This will significantly extend its service life.

Not only rainwater, but also dust, cold air and noise from the street can pass through a loose sealing rubber.


If improperly made slopes cause leakage of plastic windows, then this is again an installation issue. In this case, most likely, it will be necessary to correct the mistakes of those who made these very slopes.

Polyurethane foam

As for polyurethane foam, everything is a little simpler here. If there are cracks, they need to be sealed. First, dig everything out thoroughly, then dry it, and then blow it out with foam, let it dry, and then do the exterior finishing.

It is imperative to hide the mounting foam from ultraviolet rays. If this is not done, then in just a year it will turn into dust. Of course, if we are not dealing with some kind of special foam that is not “afraid” of sunlight.

Drainage holes

If the drainage holes cannot cope with a large flow of water, then it goes over the edge straight onto the windowsill. It is also worth noting that over time, these same drainage holes have a habit of becoming clogged. As a result, the flow of water first decreases and then stops altogether. It happens that drains are milled incorrectly at the factory. As a result, moisture gets into the holes, in winter it freezes, the water expands, and nothing good happens.

What to do about it? If the drains are clogged, they need to be cleaned. If they are done incorrectly, contact the manufacturer. If this is not possible, then do everything as needed. If it doesn’t work, then call a specialist.

What's the result? If your PVC windows leak during rain, then you need to act:

  • Determine the cause of the leak.
  • Solve the problem yourself.
  • If you cannot fix the leak yourself, seek help from specialists.

Soundproofing technology for metal-plastic balconies

It is necessary to properly seal the joints and cracks. The polyurethane foam should also be protected, otherwise it will quickly crack and allow sound waves to pass through.

Liplent window tapes with different properties are suitable for external and internal soundproofing of balconies. By combining them in the right order, you will get long-lasting results.

On the outside, the polyurethane foam must be protected from moisture and ultraviolet radiation, but the material must allow steam to pass freely. PSUL is perfect for this - an elastic, vapor-permeable tape that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. It is laid along the perimeter of the balcony, where it not only protects the sealant from destruction, but also stops the spread of sound.

A powerful source of noise is the area under the ebb, so it is covered with membrane-type tape. Liplent SD, for example, repels moisture, but allows steam to pass through, so it is suitable for outdoor use. You can use soundproofing tape Liplent Pv, duplicated with a layer of gas-filled polyethylene foam.

Without PSUL it is difficult to make good noise insulation of a balcony

From the inside, it is necessary to use materials that will protect the installation seam from steam and stop the spread of sound. Along the perimeter of the balcony block you can glue Liplent St with good hydro, steam and sound insulation properties or Liplent Mfts with a layer of aluminum foil. To close the joints and cracks under the window sill from the inside, use Liplent Mf tape. Thanks to the layer of metallized film, it also has heat-reflecting properties.

Taping the assembly seams will not take much time. Liplent tapes are easy to use, environmentally friendly, and have good adhesion. Stock up on the necessary set of materials, and very soon you will have at your disposal that quiet, cozy, beloved balcony that you have long dreamed of!

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