How to force close a program without task manager

When a computer program stops responding to user actions, including an attempt to close it in the standard way, it is said to be frozen. In such cases, you can see “Not responding” at the top of the window. Randomly pressing keys, pulling the cord out of the socket, or turning it off using the power button are not the best solutions in such a situation.

Considering that this kind of thing happens quite often, all computer users should know what to do in such situations and how to properly force close a frozen program. Let's say right away that this problem can have several solutions.

Using the taskbar

The most popular method of closing a frozen program is through the taskbar. Since this method does not require memorizing key combinations or special knowledge about how a computer works, it is suitable even for novice users.

In order to close a program that has suddenly stopped responding in Windows 8 or Windows 10, you will have to perform the following steps:

  1. Hover your mouse cursor over the “Taskbar” (line at the bottom of the monitor).
  2. Find on the panel the icon of the program that has stopped responding and click on it using the right mouse button. After this, a context menu window will pop up on the screen.
  3. Select "Close window".
  4. Wait a little, after which the frozen application will automatically close.

Force close windows have never been easier

Hopefully you won't have to deal with programs that freeze too often. If you have an ongoing problem with certain software, it may be worth checking for updates or finding a replacement. Just like when Windows crashes, there is almost always a reason why a program is having problems.

Despite this, random crashes are an unfortunate reality that every computer user has to deal with. Similarity, another common problem you may encounter is locked files in File Explorer. This can be fixed! Learn how to delete a file that is being used by another program.

Key combination

One of the easiest ways to close a frozen game or application on Windows is by using special key combinations. As a rule, this trick works with most programs that are frozen.

Keys that close frozen applications:

  • Ctrl+W;
  • Alt+F4;
  • Alt+Q;
  • Esc.

You can also minimize the window of a frozen program using the keys:

  • Alt+Enter;
  • Alt+Tab;
  • Win+Tab;
  • Win.

Method 5: radical approach

How can you close a program if it freezes? The next method is radical. There is no need to rush with it, even though it is considered the simplest. The point is that for the successful completion of programs, it is required. reboot the operating system.

Skype won't close? How to close it? Exactly the same as all other applications. First, try all the methods listed earlier. If they do not help, then the user has no choice but to restart the computer.

It is not recommended to use Start. After all, frozen programs sometimes interfere with the corresponding operation. Instead, you need to find the Reset button on your computer and click on it. This is an emergency reboot. This option works on desktop computers. It is recommended to save all data in other applications before using it. In addition, it is worth considering that constantly restarting the computer does not have the best effect on the performance of the device.

Via task manager

If you cannot close the application either through the taskbar or with the keys, you can try to solve the problem using the task manager. This is a special PC tool that shows which processes are currently running and also allows you to manage them. To close a program that has stopped responding in Windows 8 or 10 using the task manager, you must follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys at the same time.
  2. In the window that opens, select “Launch task manager.”
  3. Open the “Applications” tab, maybe called “Processes”, and select the frozen program from the list.
  4. Click “Cancel task”.
  5. A dialog box may then appear asking you to click Finish Now.

If after pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del the manager menu does not appear, this indicates a serious failure in the computer. In this case, you can solve the problem by forcibly turning off the PC (via the power button). After the next time you turn on the device, the frozen program should be reinstalled.


The first advice is to wait a little. Don't forget that a computer has a certain power. When the processor and RAM are loaded, the operating speed of the OS decreases. And it takes longer to process the transaction.

Accordingly, you will have to wait a little. When the computer takes a long time to respond to actions performed in the program, all signs of freezing are observed. The waiting period should not exceed 5-10 minutes. If after this time there are no responses to user actions, you can proceed to other shutdown methods.

Using the command line

Using this method, you can close any frozen programs even blindly - when nothing is displayed on the screen at all.

Step-by-step guide to closing an application via the command line:

  1. Open command line. To do this, Windows 8, 10 users need to press the Windows and R keys, then enter “cmd.exe” in the line that appears and click “OK”. The second way to open it is to write “cmd” in the Windows search bar (lower left corner of the monitor) and click on “Command Prompt” in the window that appears.
  2. Type “tasklist” and then Enter, after which a list of all running processes will pop up on the screen.
  3. Enter “taskkill /IM ***.exe /f”, where instead of *** you must specify the name of the process that requires termination, for example chrome.exe.

How to determine if a program is frozen

Before racking their brains for an answer to the question of how to close a program if it won't close, the user must understand whether the application is truly frozen. It is likely that the computer’s performance leaves much to be desired, and the “close” command simply takes a long time to process.

Typically, if an application is frozen, it will stop responding to user input, the cursor will turn into either an hourglass or a small circle (depending on the operating system), and the application title will read “Not Responding.” At the same time, all attempts to complete work with the program in the usual way (by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner of the screen) do not produce results. Also, when you click on the working area of ​​the program, the screen becomes “covered in fog.” All these are signs of freezing. How can I close a program if it won't close? The best tips and tricks will be presented below.

Why programs freeze on Windows and how to avoid it

Programs freeze in Windows for various reasons:

System error in the application

If a programmer makes a mistake while developing an application, the program may freeze. But responsible developers usually quickly fix bugs and release updates for programs. If the reason for the freeze is a software error, you can solve the problem by simply updating the application.

Incompatibility of the program and version of Windows

All applications are written for specific OS versions. If the program's characteristics indicate that it is incompatible, for example, with Windows 8, but the user ignored this condition, freezes and other malfunctions are possible. You can check the compatibility of an application with the OS using the following scheme: right-click on the program shortcut - Properties - Compatibility. Then select the appropriate system from the proposed options.

Outdated computer

The program may freeze if there are not enough PC resources, for example, RAM, for it to function adequately. The problem is solved by increasing the resource capacity of the computer.

Presence of viruses

Some viruses cause PC malfunctions. Having high-quality anti-virus protection will help prevent applications from freezing due to viruses.

If it so happens that any application freezes while working, do not panic, try to start the program again, or immediately reboot the computer. In 9 out of 10 cases, the methods described above help solve the problem. But after restoring the computer’s functionality, it’s worth checking what exactly led to the failure and, if possible, trying to eliminate the cause to prevent the situation from reoccurring.

What if it goes away on its own, or know how to wait?

If the program does not respond for several seconds, try to pull yourself together and wait, especially if this is the first time this has happened. Perhaps, in parallel with the running frozen program, the computer is performing another task that consumes its resources. System programs and components have a higher priority, as they ensure the smooth operation of the machine and its functioning. For example, if when working on the Internet you have more than one tab open, and moreover, you have a powerful antivirus running, then there is a high probability that the browser will freeze and even the mouse will not respond. At the same time, if you wait 5 minutes or more, then this is a signal that something went wrong.

Automatically "close" apps that don't respond

The first method is to make changes to the system settings, so that Windows automatically closes applications that are in the “Not Responding” status, that is, those that are frozen.

To enable this feature, go to Registry Editor. To do this, press the Windows + R key combination, enter the regedit command in the Run window and confirm its launch with Enter. In the editor window, navigate to the following path:

Then right-click on the Desktop entry and select New - String Parameter.

We name the created parameter as AutoEndTasks, then double-click on it and assign it the value “1” to activate it. After this, you should restart the system and you're done - now all applications running under the Windows user account will automatically close the moment they freeze.

Method 6: for laptops

Now it’s clear how to close a program that has frozen. The user could easily familiarize himself with examples of actions in a given case. Detailed instructions will help you solve the problem.

What to do if all the previously listed methods do not help, and the person is working not at a desktop computer, but at a laptop? Or if for a number of reasons the operating system refuses to reboot even after pressing Reset?

In this case, you need to urgently shut down the operating system. But before that, save all the data on your computer. Next, press the power button on the laptop (or computer) and hold it for about 5-10 seconds. The operating system will shut down. Then you can turn on the computer and continue working with it.

The disadvantage of this method of action is its danger to the device. Frequent emergency shutdowns lead to operating system failures and hardware malfunctions. This step will not solve the problem with programs freezing. Therefore, you can use it only as a last resort.

Simple ways to close programs

The easiest way to close the program is to use the ALT + F4 keys. Almost every computer user knows this combination. But it will not help us if the program freezes and when closing the message “Not responding” is displayed.

You can close the program through the Task Manager (press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc), select the frozen application and click on the “End task” button. Sometimes a force-closed program causes Windows system to crash and locks up your computer. A similar situation can arise in the case of closing games - when a full-screen application freezes, the only thing we can see on the screen is a black image that covers all windows.

User recommendations

The reader should already understand how to force close a program on Windows. All of the above methods help to bring your idea to life without much difficulty. What tips will help you avoid app freezing next time?

The most common recommendations among them are:

  1. Make sure that it is the program that has frozen, and not the computer. The list of actions in one case or another will be different. Most often, when your computer freezes, an emergency reboot or shutdown helps.
  2. Scan your computer for viruses. Treat it if necessary.
  3. Reinstall a frozen program. Sometimes this method helps very effectively.
  4. Do not open many programs and applications when working with problematic software. The less the processor is loaded, the faster certain operations will be performed on it.
  5. Learn to wait. As already mentioned, sometimes processes simply take a long time to process. And so it begins to seem that the computer program has frozen.
  6. Try all the listed methods. It is recommended to postpone rebooting and shutting down the computer as a last resort.


When you use these keys simultaneously on the desktop, a window will open to select actions:

  • reboot;
  • shutdown;
  • end the session;
  • selecting another user.

If you click the combination while the window is open, it will close and free up RAM.

If you press the combination several times, you will undo the previous action.

In some cases, “Alt + F4” can bring up a menu to confirm your decision to close the program. This is done to prevent you from accidentally pressing keys and losing data.

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