How to close a window from the sun for flowers with your own hands

Complete harmony of the interior of the room is achieved with the help of indoor flowers. Green plants fill the room with oxygen and decorate the house every day. Flowers of extraordinary beauty saturate the lives of household members with comfort, peace, balance, and joy. Admiring the flowers, apartment residents forget about hardships and sorrows.

Fresh flowers always create a special atmosphere in the house

From time to time, housewives plant and add purchased plants, replenishing the large flower collection with exotic specimens. It is quite difficult to place an increased number of plants in a small place. Professional flower growers recommend using shelves for flowers on the windowsill, which significantly save effective space and allow you to increase the size of the green corner.

A simple shelving allows you to place plants so that they do not interfere with each other

How to protect flowers on a windowsill from the sun?

With the beginning of the long-awaited spring, many plants get sunburn. The fact is that after a period of dormancy, plants do not have time to adapt to the increasingly warming sun. This disease manifests itself in the form of yellow-brown spots and dried parts of leaves. The harm of sunburn for some plants is not dangerous, but for others it can lead to death. To protect indoor flowers from the first rays of spring, you should not move them to a darker place; most plants do not like any movement, but lightly shade them with a large sheet of white paper or a light curtain. But, nevertheless, plants need light, so begin to gradually accustom them to the sun. Pull back the curtain first for 20 minutes, then for half an hour and so increase the time the flowers stay in the sun.

How to make the right choice?

Stand-rack for flowers on a windowsill made of laminated chipboard

Professionals make shelves and bookcases using modern means at hand. The design must be chosen carefully.

DIY flower rack made of wood

Advice from experienced designers

  1. Focus on the existing decoration of the living room where the winter garden is located.
  2. When looking at the design, compare the size of the plants with the weight of the pot.
  3. Heavy pots need a reliable, stable system that can support significant weight. Small, light vessels will be suitable for products made from any selected material.

    Beautiful airy glass shelves are suitable only for small plants with light pots

  4. Take into account the ingress of irrigation water, choose moisture-resistant products.
  5. If you want to draw attention to an unusual element, emphasizing an interesting design technique, purchase or create extraordinary high-quality shelves.

    Original shelf in the form of a ladder for flowers

  6. Forged openwork stands favorably emphasize the classic style of the living space, attracting with their unusualness. Flora lovers will admire the extraordinary stands that complement the elegance of the apartment.

The spacer stand decorates the window opening with an amazing composition of flowering plants

Each system is easy to use and has an original design, so choose the one you like.

Forged flower stand in Provence style

Signs of overheating flowers

Sunlight is very important for plants because it is an integral part of photosynthesis. Any flowers, including indoor ones, are irresistibly drawn to a light source. However, during the summer months, especially July and August, when the sun is high in the sky, its powerful radiation and direct light are poorly tolerated by indoor plants.

Excess sunlight negatively affects many types of plants and has a depressing effect on them. The main changes occur in the appearance of plants. The first sign of severe overheating is drooping leaves in well-moistened soil. In this case, the plant does not feel thirsty, but regularly overheats in the sun and, as a result, loses water.

The second sign, which is no less alarming, is that the leaves turn yellow around the edges, and then completely. Due to an excess of solar energy, the leaves of some species quickly lighten or turn red and even dry out. The green pigment - chlorophyll - under the influence of the sun is replaced by other pigments - carotenoids - or is completely destroyed.

And finally, the third sign is that when sunburn occurs on the leaves, the tissue at the site of the burn begins to die; spots and necrosis (dead areas) form here. The shoots of indoor plants become bare, lose leaves and dry out. Buds and flowers burn. All these signs clearly indicate a violation of the physiological cycle of flower development and that the lighting for green home crops is too strong.

Burns on indoor plants

The short winter days are behind us. Everyone is happy about the sunshine and many people think that indoor plants are happier than us. That if a plant receives more light, then it is stronger and healthier, it will grow faster and bloom better. But many plants have problems. For plants, an increase in daylight hours is a great stress; they are accustomed to a certain ratio of light and dark parts of the day, and from February to May, winter illumination changes to summer. In March-April they are at risk of overheating from direct sunlight. Plants that stand on a southern windowsill are especially affected. They can get burns on the leaves and often many gardeners attribute this to a disease.

At this time, you can find plants whose leaves turn red. Even cacti can turn red. This is due to impaired photosynthesis. Leaves may wilt, lose water, turn yellow and then die. When burns appear on the leaves, the leaf tissue at the burn site begins to die, spots form, and then holes (necrosis). Buds and flowers burn. If no measures are taken at this moment, the plant will suffer greatly and may die.

"Delta-steel" - manufacturer of metal products

Forged products made using forging and pressing equipment are not inferior in beauty to hand forging. We cover the metal of the cornice with “3 in 1” primer enamel. The paint is intended for surfaces exposed to atmospheric factors. The coating combines the properties of anti-corrosion compounds, rust converter and decorative paint. A metal flower bed with welded elements will withstand the weight of pots in flowerpots with soil and flowers, constant humidity, and temperature changes.

For forged window flower stands, we select a pattern that follows the natural curves of leaves, stems, and flowers. The blown shape looks original. Forged stands are made for one or several flowerpots, according to the size of the window opening, the width of the window sill or the balcony perimeter. Color options include white, black and the entire Hammerite palette.

Protecting flowers on the windowsill from the sun

The first way is to remove the plants from the windowsill. And place it NEAR the windowsill. Move it to a flower stand next to the window or simply place it at some distance (on a shelf, cabinet). This method will protect plants from aggressive direct sunlight. And on the windowsill you can put desert cacti, a date palm (for example) - these are plants that easily tolerate direct sunlight, and besides, they will partially shade the sun

The second way is to use floral film. It is very cheap, sold in any flower shop and you can buy as much as you need (they will measure and cut it for you). It is easily attached to the window using buttons or tape, and most importantly, it is just as easy to remove. If you are attaching it to the top of the frame of a plastic window, it is advisable to use double-sided tape.

The third way is to purchase roller blinds. But the disadvantage of this method is that they are not cheap. Otherwise, they are an excellent option, since they come with different ability to transmit sunlight, come in a variety of designs and are easy to match to the interior.

The fourth way is to use tracing paper. It also attaches to the window and is not expensive.

It is better not to use solar control film, as it is difficult to remove from the glass, and the problem with the sun only occurs in summer; the rest of the time there will not be enough sun. But if you like the option with solar control film, then cover only the lower part of the window with it, and not the entire window.

Signs of overheating

Sunlight is very important for plants because it is an integral part of photosynthesis. Any flowers, including indoor ones, are irresistibly drawn to a light source. However, during the summer months, especially July and August, when the sun is high in the sky, its powerful radiation and direct light are poorly tolerated by indoor plants.

Excess sunlight negatively affects many types of plants and has a depressing effect on them. The main changes occur in the appearance of plants. The first sign of severe overheating is drooping leaves in well-moistened soil. In this case, the plant does not feel thirsty, but regularly overheats in the sun and, as a result, loses water.

In summer, plants also require plenty of watering.

The second sign, which is no less alarming, is that the leaves turn yellow around the edges, and then completely. Due to an excess of solar energy, the leaves of some species quickly lighten or turn red and even dry out. The green pigment - chlorophyll - under the influence of the sun is replaced by other pigments - carotenoids - or is completely destroyed.

And finally, the third sign is that when sunburn occurs on the leaves, the tissue at the site of the burn begins to die; spots and necrosis (dead areas) form here. The shoots of indoor plants become bare, lose leaves and dry out. Buds and flowers burn. All these signs clearly indicate a violation of the physiological cycle of flower development and that the lighting for green home crops is too strong.

Light hardening will protect flowers from the sun

The first and simplest thing you can do is simply remove the affected plant from the window: after all, it feels bad there. Try to find a place for it on the north or east side, where the sun is not so scorching. In summer, you can place indoor flowers on coffee tables, floor stands and jardinieres.

To reduce the harmful effects of light on indoor plants, light hardening is often practiced. Flowers are gradually accustomed to increasing daylight hours in the spring. Remove the plants from the windowsill to the back of the room and leave them in diffused light until mid-May. In this case, the flowers will have time to adapt to new light conditions and rebuild.

Arrangement of flower shelves

Brackets allow you to adjust the height between shelves

A shelf for flowers on a windowsill is a plastic, wooden or steel structure installed in a window opening. The device helps to compactly install flowers in order to obtain the necessary light and warmth from the sun. Shelves for flowers on the windowsill are arranged:

  • strong connection of carefully planed boards (chipboards, fiberboard);
  • rectangular details reminiscent of a staircase;
  • forging of a vertical axis equipped with fastenings;
  • plastic corner fragments (often used in bathrooms).

Flower shelves on the windowsill, similar to a flight of stairs, located on both sides of the window, directed inward, look attractive.

Rearranging colors

If it is not possible to move the flowers away from the window, then rearrange the flowers on the windowsill. This option is especially relevant for those gardeners who have many plants. Place desert cacti and sun-loving succulents, as well as certain types of palms, in close proximity to the glass.

You need to remove the sun from windows during the most dangerous hours - from 12 to 16 hours

Desert cacti (mammillaria, echinopsis and astrophytum) are able to do without water for a long time and tolerate direct sun absolutely calmly. Agave, Crassula, Adenium and Sansevieria are sun-tolerant succulents. Of the palm trees, you can place the Canary date and Bismarckia nobilis in the foreground.

The second row should be occupied by plants that prefer bright, diffused light. Most indoor flowers belong to this group.

Advantages and disadvantages

Openwork flower shelf for windowsill

Shelves for flowers on the windowsill are distinguished by a number of priorities:

  • the useful part on the windowsill is freed;
  • have a unique colorful design;
  • bronze appliances will last a long period;
  • steel and plastic are easy to clean;
  • plastic and metal stands for pots are not exposed to moisture.

Corner shelf with brackets for plants

Cons of shelves:

  • racks made of steel can be rocked;
  • the wood deteriorates by absorbing incoming moisture.

Shelves for plants and seedlings with height adjustment and plant lighting

When looking at a product, carefully weigh the pros and cons of all your preferred options.

Plywood shelf for small flower pots

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