Replacing a narrow plastic window sill with a wide wooden one

In the house, coziness and comfort are important for every person. Sometimes, to create suitable conditions, you need to make an effort, especially if the apartment is small and you want to fit in so much. The kitchen is one of the most important places. It houses a work area, an area for eating and contains the largest number of household appliances in the house. Additional space is needed to accommodate all this. One of the winning solutions is a tabletop instead of a window sill. In this article, you will learn from what materials window sills-tabletops are made, how to properly install such a structure, and what installation features you will have to observe.

Advantages and disadvantages of window sill countertops in the kitchen

The most important advantage of this structure is the rational use of space. A window sill-tabletop in a Khrushchev-era apartment will turn an unused area into additional space to meet your needs.

Additional advantages include the following:

  1. You can install a sink opposite the window, freeing up its original space for other amenities.
  2. The work area near the window is illuminated by natural daylight. This allows you to save on electricity and has a beneficial effect on your eyesight.
  3. A cabinet is always installed under the window sill. It will conveniently hide the battery and add additional storage space for food and utensils.

Important! The window sill-tabletop has no disadvantages. If you correctly think through the material, the design of the kitchen with a window sill-countertop, and install this structure with high quality, you will not have any problems.

Tabletop-window sill design options

The most common type of this design is a straight table along the window. But in order to make such a tabletop not just comfortable, but also beautiful and original, many designers improve the shapes and make them more practical.

Here are a few options you can use:

  1. Window sill-tabletop with folding table. This design fits perfectly into a small kitchen. When assembled, it does not interfere with movement, and, if necessary, turns into a large table. It is convenient to receive guests and host family lunches and dinners.
  2. Tabletop flowing into the bar counter. This option is relevant for large kitchens. A tastefully and wisely selected furniture set will create a comfortable, well-lit area for cooking and relaxing.
  3. Straight table top-window sill. For the smallest rooms. It's easiest to install it yourself.

Important! To choose a suitable idea for your space conditions and room design style, first view photos of the original design solutions for the countertop-window sill in the kitchen. This approach will help you save time at all stages - from project development and selection of materials to decorative design of the structure.

Let's sum it up

Replacing a standard window sill with a tabletop is a fairly practical and universal solution.

This option has its own objective advantages. I don't see any significant shortcomings. If you disagree with me, I look forward to your arguments in the comments. We are always happy to have healthy criticism and conversations with our readers.

For those interested, follow this link to take a look at a few more ways to use a kitchen window sill.

Would you like to do a kitchen remodel like this? Do you think it’s better to leave the window sill, or should it be replaced with a full-fledged countertop?

I look forward to your answers in the comments.

That's all I have. Thank you for your attention!

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Materials for window sill-table top

Using a window sill as a flower stand is extremely irrational, especially in the kitchen. It is much more practical to make a dining table or an additional work area out of a window sill.

Before installing a window sill-countertop in the kitchen, decide on the material. Each has its own characteristics, pros and cons.

Important! Please note that the entire design of the kitchen will largely depend on the material of the window sill countertop.

Plastic window sill-table top

It is made from chipboard, which is subsequently laminated, or from a single layer of plastic. The final price and strength result depend on what technology is used as a basis.


  • most in demand due to its affordable low price;
  • has a large selection of colors and textures;
  • This material is easy to care for.


  • the material may be susceptible to temperature changes;
  • susceptible to scratches due to mechanical impact.

Important! Such disadvantages may not appear if you buy high-quality plastic from a reliable manufacturer with high technical characteristics to decorate the window sill-tabletop. But in this case, be prepared that it will cost an order of magnitude more.

Wooden table top-window sill

Due to its performance qualities, it is installed only when solving unique design ideas, observing the style of the entire kitchen.


  • environmentally friendly material;
  • the most affordable and time-tested;
  • looks very beautiful and solid;
  • depending on the species and type of raw material, you can choose the ideal wooden window sill-tabletop according to its characteristics.


  • wood is susceptible to moisture, temperature and is flammable;
  • sensitive to mechanical manipulation;
  • needs regular treatment and daily care.

Important! Wood is always appropriate and remains relevant for interior design and even for solid construction. In addition to the main advantages, you will receive an unobtrusive, pleasant aroma if you choose the right breed. But since in the kitchen there are constantly increased loads on all surfaces, it may be better to give preference to stronger materials. And for organizing a work area in another room, such material will be just right. In any case, the final decision is up to you.

Metal window sill table top

Due to their technical characteristics, steel window sills and tabletops have recently become increasingly in demand.


  • steel is not afraid of temperature changes and moisture;
  • the material is resistant to mechanical stress;
  • This window sill-tabletop is easy to care for;
  • the product has an attractive appearance.


  • with improper care, scratches may appear and a slight loss of visual appeal;
  • After prolonged use, corrosion may occur.

Important! Most often, non-pure metal is used for the entire structure, since background noise may occur during operation, and individual elements are made from it in combination with a base made of another material.

Window sill-tabletop made of stone

To make window sills and countertops for the kitchen, various types of natural species and artificial combinations are used. The most popular are granite, quartzite, marble, polymer-mineral slabs.


  • the stone is stable and durable;
  • this material is not susceptible to moisture and temperature;
  • The stone is not flammable and is not sensitive to mechanical stress.


  • expensive;
  • weighs a lot.

Important! It's up to you to decide what material to choose for the window sill of the table top. All of the above varieties, with their advantages and disadvantages, comply with sanitary standards. To make sure of this, ask the manufacturer you choose to provide quality certificates.


As you can see, the window sill can be used in such a way as to maximize its efficiency. This solution can be used in every room, which will significantly increase the space and achieve minimalism. It is important to understand that there should be no wet spots left on the wooden countertop. Once cooking is complete, wipe the surface dry. If you plan to place flowers on the windowsill, then it is recommended to make a stand in the form of a saucer under the pot, and put a cloth under it that will prevent scratches when moving the pot along the surface.


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Selecting the size of the window sill-tabletop

When measuring the countertop, take into account the parameters of the lower sections and future accessories for it - a sink or hob.

Important! Be extremely careful and precise when determining the parameters you need. A slight deviation from the norm will lead to damage to the material or additional costs.

To choose the correct size of the structure, you will need the following parameters:

  1. Width.
  2. Length.
  3. Cutout width.
  4. Cutout length.
  5. The distance from the far edge to the cutout for the hob or sink.
  6. The offset from the front edge of the cutout.

Important! For a straight-type tabletop-window sill, accurate measurements of length and width are sufficient.

Installation of table top-window sill

In most cases, the countertop is not difficult to install yourself. This process is simple and does not take much time. There are only situations when it is worth using the services of qualified specialists.

Do not install the window sill countertop yourself in the following cases:

  1. The price of the countertop includes its installation.
  2. The design is custom made from fragile materials.
  3. You do not have installation skills or are not confident that you can install it correctly.

Important! Even if you decide to turn to specialists for help, before installing the window sill-countertop with their help, study the installation technology yourself. This way you can control the installation process.

If you decide to install a tabletop-window sill with your own hands, carefully study the recommendations outlined below.

Important! If you ordered a kitchen set, but decided to make and install the countertop yourself, then wait until the installation of the main furniture is completed. Only then start taking measurements.

What to do with the battery?

In the vast majority of cases, there is a battery at the bottom of the window that needs to be dealt with. Covering it with solid cabinets is a bad idea, as there is a risk of damaging the furniture. In addition, the room will immediately become colder. What can you do then?

The first and most important thing is to ensure free air circulation. To do this, it is important to provide holes in the countertop, frame or facade. Cold air from outside should penetrate to the radiator, and hot air should go out. Then there will be no problems.

You can move the radiator, but we do not recommend doing this. Changing the heating plan in your apartment will lead to changes in your neighbors' apartments. Some people may suddenly feel warmer, while others may feel much colder. Then you will have to figure out who is to blame and pay considerable fines for violations.

How to install a window sill-tabletop with your own hands?

It is not difficult to install a countertop instead of a window sill. The process itself is not much different from installing a simple countertop and an ordinary window sill. It is important to know certain nuances and take them into account.

General rules:

  1. Ensure that warm air from the battery circulates freely to the window. Otherwise, the window will fog up, excess moisture will collect in the kitchen, and this will cause mold to appear.
  2. Carry out work on installing the structure before finishing the finishing repairs. If you install a countertop without replacing the window, problems may arise.
  3. The location of the window sill according to current standards should be 200 mm below the edge of the window cutout.

Important! Having figured out the dimensions, proceed to the manufacture and installation of the tabletop. Using a chipboard tabletop as an example, we will show you how you can make a window sill-tabletop yourself.

Materials and tools

  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sheet of plywood.

Instructions for installing a window sill-tabletop:

  1. Install the cabinets and take control measurements of the countertop.
  2. Make the base for the table top:
      take a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 12 mm or more;
  3. give preference to moisture-resistant plywood;
  4. Using an electric jigsaw, cut out the base of the tabletop according to the indicated parameters.
  5. Install the material on the cabinets and secure with self-tapping screws.
  6. Attach the base of the tabletop to the window sill using brackets.

Important! Make a hole for warm air to escape if you have a steam heating radiator or radiator under the countertop. This will prevent fogging of the windows, and the hole can be masked with a decorative grille.

What other nuances need to be taken into account?

Once you have figured out the main points, you need to take care of the nuances. The quality of the installation may depend on them:

  • A serious difference between the furniture tabletop and the window sill can be hidden using the same material with which the apron is lined.
  • When the window sill is lower than the level of the furniture countertop in the kitchen, then its height is increased and the window frame is reduced. This option is only available for private homes.
  • You can install a deep sink in the windowsill. This method of organization is considered more expensive. With this approach, make sure that at least one window sash will open unhindered. The mixer should not interfere with it.
  • If you are setting up a work area in the kitchen, then the window sill from the countertop can be expanded behind the slopes. To do this, you can use homemade supports made of foam blocks. You just need to lay out masonry from them along the edges of the tabletop. There will be a deep niche inside. There will be enough space for one or two chairs.

On a note! A tabletop by the window can act as a seat. This design will require three sheets of material. The finished attribute is decorated with decorative pillows, and decor, herbarium or amulets are placed on the windowsill itself.

Table top-window sill: finishing cladding

Medium-sized ceramic tiles are perfect for finishing the countertop. Small tiles do not guarantee a flat surface - they are quite difficult to lay. The large size of the tiles visually reduces the space. The best option is to cover the countertop with tiles that are used to decorate the kitchen itself.

Materials and tools:

  • glue;
  • tile;
  • construction float;
  • building level;
  • tile grout;
  • radiator screen;
  • ceramic or plastic molding;
  • corners for the ends of the tabletop.

Technology of decorative finishing of tabletop-window sill

  1. Prepare the required amount of glue, following the recipe on the pack. But make it a little thicker than for walls.
  2. Apply the mixture to the plywood base and spread evenly over the entire surface using a grater.
  3. Lay the tiles and level them using a level.
  4. Place the next ones in the same way.
  5. Try to leave minimal gaps between the tiles. The grout you will use to finish your seams is more susceptible to destruction than ceramics.
  6. During the laying process, install a grill to allow warm air to escape.
  7. Clean any glue from the holes.
  8. Maintain a technical pause until the glue sets.
  9. Grout the tile joints.
  10. Cover the end of the tabletop with a ceramic corner.
  11. Cover the edges of the tabletop with molding.

Important! These simple instructions will help you install a countertop-window sill of a shape suitable for your kitchen. This process will not only allow you to save money, but also show your imagination as an artist-designer.


Watch the proposed video to clearly see the structure of the window sill-tabletop from all sides and correctly determine the materials suitable for the job.

How to care for a countertop-window sill?

If your countertop is made of moisture-resistant plywood and covered with a protective layer of ceramic tiles, then it will serve you for a long time. To care for it, follow these recommendations:

  1. Clean your tiles regularly. Moreover, the more prominent its texture, the more effort you will have to put in.
  2. Protect the ceramic coating of your countertop from mechanical damage. Don't hit it with a hammer, but you can place hot dishes on it.
  3. Clean the grout joints periodically - they are where dirt accumulates.

Important! Do not ignore simple rules of care, as careful treatment and timely cleaning of the surface will significantly extend the life of your countertop.

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