How to remove glue from tape: a review of home and special remedies

Due to its universal qualities, plastic is the basis for the manufacture of many things, including children's toys and furniture. It is also used to make adhesive tape - a flexible tape on which an adhesive layer is applied. Sometimes they come into conflict. Scotch tape is used to stick something to a plastic surface or to glue things together. When the need for gluing passes, unpleasant sticky residues are left on the surfaces. Every housewife should know how to remove traces of tape on plastic: the information will certainly come in handy.

Vegetable oil

In order to wash the tape both regular sunflower or olive oil and essential oils (tea tree, citrus, mint) are suitable. The aromatherapy oil will remove residual adhesive from the tape and, in addition, will fill the house with freshness. Regardless of what kind of oil is at hand, you should apply it with a sponge to the dirty surface and leave for 10 minutes. During this time, the glue will be saturated with oil and swell, all that remains is to wipe the dirty area with a paper towel or rag. Remove any remaining oil with soapy water or dishwashing detergent. This method is suitable for any surface: windows, dishes, polished furniture, plastic. It is not recommended to clean wood and veneer items with oil. Oil in combination with soda will also remove old greasy stains on the stove or in the microwave, without leaving scratches or abrasions. Magic remedy!

How to remove adhesive from tape from plastic - improvised means

Before starting the cleaning procedure, find out how durable the plastic is, what its performance characteristics are, and whether it will withstand aggressive agents.

Using simple methods, fresh marks and old ones that have not been absorbed are removed without any problems. The adhesive base penetrates the plastic and becomes part of it with regular heating, prolonged exposure to the sun or near heating devices. In advanced cases, you will have to think about how to wash away traces with aggressive compounds without spoiling the plastic item.


Fresh traces of tape can be removed with hot water and soap. The glue dissolves at high temperatures, and the soap helps prevent it from sticking again. Hot soapy water and a sponge are good for cleaning even, smooth surfaces. The soap then needs to be rinsed off with clean water.

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The glue will instantly dissolve under the influence of alcohol. Therefore, the tape is simply washed with a cotton swab dipped in it. The only “but” is that alcohol dissolves plastic. Not all types of plastic will remain intact after treatment with alcohol, ammonia, or alcohol-containing liquids. Do not overdo it, otherwise unsightly white spots will appear on the surface of the material and the gloss will disappear.

Vegetable oil

They use not only vegetable, but any other (except technical). Oil dissolves the adhesive base well. Lubricate the glue with oil, wait 30-60 seconds, then wipe everything off with a cotton swab.


A simple rubber band works on the principle of a glue collector, simply pulling particles of the latter onto itself. It may take a long time to rub. It’s better to throw the eraser away later.

Nail polish remover

And also gasoline, acetone, white spirit. All four products are aggressive solvents and are able to remove traces of tape along with the top layer of plastic. In addition, leave pieces of cotton wool or particles of a rag on the corroded surface. Therefore, they are used in extreme cases (when plastic is not a pity).

Table vinegar

Vinegar 9%, not acetic acid, is applied to the mark and wiped off with a dry paper napkin after 20-30 minutes. Then the area is washed with soap. May not work on old tracks.


Baking soda is an abrasive powder, but it will effectively help remove traces of tape. The main thing is not to rub too hard. Soda is diluted with a few drops of water to a paste and applied to the stains. After 2-3 minutes, the pulp is washed off along with the dirt with a dry cloth. Pemolux and other soda-containing powders should not be used this way.


Try to remove any glue residue with a small piece of tape itself. Just stick it on the dirt and tear it off sharply.

Dishwashing gel

You can remove the glue with hot water with a few drops of dishwashing gel and a sponge. Then the plastic is washed with clean water.

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How to remove traces of tape or dried pieces of old adhesive tape? Hairdryer with hot jet. It will not destroy the glue, but the structure of the tape will become more amenable to cleaning. Heat the adhesive base properly and remove unnecessary parts with a dry cotton pad.

The proposed method is indispensable when it comes to double-sided tape. After all, it contains, in addition to acrylic, rubber and foam materials that are difficult to clean.

Not every plastic will survive a change in temperature without losing its aesthetic qualities - keep this in mind. It is better not to use a construction hair dryer for household cleaning; it is too hot and will melt the plastic.

Important! For automotive plastics that are not resistant to solvents and alcohols, you should not use household chemicals.

Medical alcohol, vodka, ammonia

95% medical ethyl alcohol will help remove the adhesive from the tape. On top of that, it is used to clean yellowed plastic. Using a cotton pad, apply alcohol to the stained area. The product is ideal for plastic window frames. And yet, before use, it is better to try on a small area - there are different types of plastic. Glasses are perfectly cleaned by products based on ammonia - Mr. Muscle, Mr. Proper. It is strictly forbidden to treat painted surfaces with alcohol and acetone - they corrode the paint.

How to remove traces of tape from plastic - household chemicals

Chemical solvents will effectively help remove traces of tape. You need to work with them wearing gloves, protect your eyes and respiratory organs, and ventilate the room well.

Window cleaning products

Such chemistry will allow you to wash away traces of adhesive tape only if it contains alcohol or acetone. Products that, according to advertising, “take care of handles, but are excellent at cleaning windows” will not help here, since they are intended only to remove dirt and grease from glass, and the adhesive base sticks too tightly to the plastic.

Anti-scotch agent

Office supply stores sell a special product that can be used to remove marks from various plastic surfaces during office work. Why not use it at home and in the car.

In hardware stores, you can buy the composition in cans or bottles for removing stickers.


We are talking about antistatic agents for LCD matrices and computer equipment, but not for clothing. These are alcohol wipes or aerosols. The effect of each specific drug is first tested on an inconspicuous place. Still alcohol.

Sticker Remover

Available in the form of pencils, liquid, and aerosol can. For adhesive tape, the second and third options are preferable. In the first case, the glue may partially remain on the pencil or solid particles will scratch the plastic.

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Kiehl Tablefit

An expensive product, but it delivers in volume and low consumption. Effective against many stubborn stains. The adhesive trace is wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with liquid.

Taygeta S-405

Allows you to remove remaining tape in a minute. The product is bottled with a sprayer. Spray on the marks, wipe off with a dry cloth after 20-30 seconds.


Cosmofen 10 or Cosmofen 20 is a special plastic-non-dissolving cleaner for rigid PVC profiles. The number is an index of concentration. For domestic purposes, 10 is suitable. This is the “stinker” that builders use when installing plastic windows. Excellent for removing any traces from plastic, including tape. Sold in construction stores and hardware stores. The only downside is the disgusting smell.

Important! Glossy plastic surfaces cannot be treated with strong solvents; it is better to use oil.

Useful tips

  • When purchasing new appliances, ask the seller to remove any traces of tape. The store has special liquids and devices for removing glue from household goods.
  • Before packing plastic parts with tape, it is better to wrap them in rags or paper so as not to wash off the traces later.
  • If you don’t have any of the above at hand, use a drill with a rubber attachment as an eraser.
  • Any product suspected of being aggressive towards plastic should first be tested on an inconspicuous place on the same item.
  • It is better to find traces of tape on plastic before they become saturated with dust and become unattractive black blots.
  • Masking tape is better removed in the cold, but double-sided tape, on the contrary, requires heating.
  • Do not scrape the adhesive tape with your fingernails. It's not good for your hands and won't help your business.

Knowing how to clean plastic from tape, mothers do not spend a lot of time cleaning children’s toys and tables, housewives are not afraid of repairs, their nerves are in order, and life is not weighed down by the burden of everyday problems.

Decoration Materials

Ceramic tile

Cleans like glass - glossy is not afraid of anything except abrasive. Matte or textured (especially floor) are not afraid of even abrasives - you can rub them with a damp melamine sponge. The easiest way is to use oil and then wash the treatment area.

See more recommendations on how to clean tiles after renovation.


You should use chemicals on linoleum carefully, to understand why, let’s remember its structure: on the base layer of PVC there is thin fiberglass, a layer with a pattern and a protective transparent layer. If solvent or gasoline damages the protective layer, this place will quickly become unusable - the design will fade or be erased, and an unsightly stain will appear.

Therefore, instead of aggressive chemicals, it is better to use a home hair dryer and a soft spatula. Or make do with oil.


Method 2 – school eraser

Many people don’t believe it when they are asked to use a regular eraser. Incredible, but this is true. When rubbed, the glue particles stick to the rubber band and fall off along with the pellets. Using a school eraser, you can remove any remaining adhesive tape from the surface in the same way as erasing a failed drawing in an album. The eraser will gently remove the glue from the furniture. This method is the simplest, safest and practically cost-free, but you need a lot of patience.

Some tricks

The task of housewives is simplified by cleaning compositions that are designed specifically to combat traces of double-sided tape, tags, stickers, and masking tape. The most effective are HG Sticker Remover, FENOSOL and COSMOFEN 10. They can easily remove adhesive stains from different materials.

Useful tips:

  1. It is better to wipe painted surfaces with a 70% alcohol solution.
  2. Do not use acetone or nail polish remover on tinted glass.
  3. Metal parts of the car can be cleaned with a tubeless tire valve.
  4. Untreated wood cannot be wiped with oil - permanent stains remain.
  5. Toothpaste is good for removing sticky stains from PVC double-glazed windows.

To find out exactly which method is suitable, you need to test the effect of the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface. The easiest way is to wipe off any remaining fresh glue. Household chemicals, alcohols, and solvents work well to remove old stains.

Types of tape

There are several types of tape, but they all have one of two bases - acrylic or rubber. Depending on the appearance and scope of application, acrylic-based adhesive tapes are as follows:

  • stationery tape - used for gluing books, paper, cardboard;
  • packaging – transparent, but denser, used for packaging products in retail and industrial enterprises, warehouses;
  • colored – has a certain color (usually matte white, black, green, bright yellow), needed for marking boxes;
  • ribbon with logos - it is used in advertising companies;
  • double-sided – material adhesive on both sides;
  • mounting rubber - required for fastening sheets of plexiglass.

There are much fewer types of rubber-based tape. Most often in stores you can find masking tape that can be glued to any surface to protect it during repairs and painting. Reinforced tape is also sold and is used to make the surface waterproof.

Method 6 – cleaning products

On scratch-resistant surfaces, traces of adhesive tape can be easily wiped off using powdered cleaning agents. First you need to moisten the adhesive strip with a sponge and sprinkle it with cleaning powder and you can clean it. This method is not suitable for wiping glue from plastic, as scratches from abrasive particles may remain on it.

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