Is it possible to replace a double-glazed window in a plastic window with your own hands and how much does it cost?

A double-glazed window is a sealed structure of several glasses (2 or more), which are fastened along the contour using spacer aluminum frames and sealant.
The chambers that are formed between the glasses are filled with air or inert gas. The hermetically sealed glass connection increases thermal insulation.

The cavities inside the spacer frame are filled with special granules (desiccant), which absorb moisture, keeping the air inside the glass block dry and preventing condensation from appearing there.

When and why might it be required?

Double-glazed windows installed in PVC windows have a long service life, but it happens that there are reasons that require replacement of this part of the window structure:

  1. Chips and other damage appeared on the surface of the window.
  2. Condensation began to appear inside between the glass panes of the double-glazed unit.
  3. The product was depressurized, as a result of which dust and moisture began to get inside the glass unit.
  4. For some reason, the glass in the bag cracked or was broken.
  5. It was necessary to cover the glass with tinting film.

In addition to damage, the reason to replace a double-glazed window may be the desire to replace a single-chamber double-glazed window with a two-chamber or three-chamber one in order to improve the heat and sound insulation of a metal-plastic window.

Note. A window with a large number of chambers will better protect the room from cold in winter, and from heat in summer.

Basic rules and nuances

To replace a double-glazed window with a new one, you can contact the company that installed the PVC windows, or you can replace the product yourself.
But before you do this, you need to study the instructions for this procedure and stock up on the necessary tools .

It is difficult to replace one broken glass in a double-glazed unit on your own - it is better to entrust this to professionals. But you can try to replace the whole glass block yourself.

For the procedure to be successful it is necessary:

  1. Order new double-glazed windows from the same company that produced these windows.
  2. Before dismantling and installation, take the correct measurements of the glass unit.
  3. Stock up on the necessary tools.
  4. Remove the old structure carefully, without damaging the plastic profile and frame, so that the new one can be inserted without problems.


This is the movable part of your window. It is the sash that is removed first. It is attached using a special rod. On old-style windows it is not closed with a plastic plug, as on new ones. Just pry the plug itself with a knife and remove it, after which you need to pull out the rod.

At this stage it is important to be very careful so that the sash does not fall. To do this, experts recommend performing all work together with a partner.

If you do the work yourself, then pay special attention to the fact that all movable sashes must be dismantled (sometimes there may be 2 or more of them, depending on the type of window you have). Naturally, if there are no movable sashes, then this step must be skipped

What tools do you need to change it yourself?

Before you start replacing the glass unit in a plastic window, you should stock up on tools that you may need during the work process :

  • tape measure for taking measurements;
  • rubber mallet (mallet);
  • calipers;
  • flat screwdriver, spatula or spatula;
  • hex wrench;
  • masking tape;
  • gloves.

Note. There are times when, to replace a glass block, you have to remove the window sash, then you may need a glass jack.

Construction of plastic windows

In order to know how to disassemble, you must first study its design. This will allow you to complete the work as quickly and safely as possible for the product itself. Windows usually have casements; There are also blind structures, they do not open.

The standard design consists of the following elements:

  • The frame secures the glass unit and is attached to the walls of the building.
  • Sash: This part of the window is capable of opening.
  • An impost is a structure separator. Thanks to it, the window receives sections that open or not.
  • Beads secure the glass unit in the frame.
  • Fittings: thanks to it, all window mechanisms are set in motion.

It can be done in stages. To do this, you will need to start by removing the glass unit.

Before you begin, clear some space around the window. Remove furniture and other objects that may be in the way. Cover furniture from dust.

How to replace glass yourself?

In order to replace an old double-glazed window with a new one, the first thing you need to do is place an order for its production, preferably by contacting the same company that manufactured the windows. Before placing an order, you need to know the exact dimensions of the structure.

Taking product measurements

Measurements are taken along the length and width of the window , from the outer edge of one bead to the outer edge of the opposite one.
You should also take into account the presence of deformation gaps, which will make it possible to easily adjust the position of the structure and will not allow the materials to deform when there are changes in external temperatures.

Therefore, 10 mm must be subtracted from the obtained values. In order not to make a mistake with the size, they also take measurements along the diagonal of the product and subtract 14 mm from them. You also need to know the number of chambers in the double-glazed window and its thickness. Sometimes, in order to find out the exact size of a product, it is necessary to remove it from the frame.

Extraction procedure

In order to remove the product from the profile it is necessary:

  1. Place the sharp edge of a spatula or spatula on the joint between the profile and the bead at an angle of 90°.
  2. Start tapping the tool with a rubber hammer until a small gap forms.
  3. Continue to carefully pry the clamping bar deeper, gradually pulling it out.

This operation should begin with long vertical strips, then the lower glazing bead is removed, and lastly the upper one. When removing the clamping strips, you should number them all, so that after installing the double-glazed window, each one should be installed in its place.

Important. The parts only externally seem to be the same length; in fact, a difference of 1-2 mm will affect when installing them back.

After all the glazing beads have been removed, you can remove the glass unit from the window frame. This part is heavy, so it is better to do this with an assistant to prevent the structure from falling.

If the package has cracked glass, it must first be sealed with tape at the cracks or chips so that the glass does not crumble and injure anyone.
To avoid injury and cuts, this procedure should be performed with gloves.

The glass unit is held in place using straightening plates - these are spacer parts that help the glass block take the correct position and are simultaneously removed from the blind or opening sash.

The removed glass block should be placed horizontally on a soft surface. It is unacceptable to place a double-glazed window on a bare floor. After this, you can take measurements of the product: number of chambers, height, width and depth. All exact measurements should be reported to the manufacturer when ordering.

Important. When taking measurements of a double-glazed window, removing it from the frame while the order is being processed, the old one will have to be installed in its original place at this time.


Installing a new or old product into a window frame is carried out in the following order :

  1. The frame profile on the inside of the window opening is cleaned.
  2. The profile is treated with silicone grease.
  3. A new or old double-glazed window is installed in the frame with the obligatory use of straightening plates (new or old).
  4. The double-glazed window is secured with glazing beads: the top one comes first, then the bottom one, then the vertical strips in turn.

You should begin installing the strips into the groove at the same time from two corners, lightly tapping along the entire length of the bead. If the new double-glazed window ordered has more chambers than the previous one, then it will be thicker, therefore, new, thinner clamping strips may be needed.

The main mistakes when installing plastic panels with your own hands

When assembling a plastic profile for the first time, mistakes are made. It is better to study them before installation, so as not to collide or prevent them in time. Common mistakes are related to incorrect measurements of the opening or the window itself when purchasing.

The window size is incorrect

All measurements are carried out carefully and several times. The slightest errors will lead to the fact that the entire system will not last long.

If the design is chosen to be smaller, over time excess moisture will begin to enter the room. At the same time, the Euro-window will not retain heat in the room.

A structure that is too large will leave no room for a layer of insulation. This means that incorrect measurements will not allow you to install double-glazed windows correctly.

Poor preparation of the window opening

Polyurethane foam forms a good adhesion only with a cleaned substrate. It is necessary to get rid of debris and dust.

The old seal is also removed. Otherwise, the foam will not attach and the panel will not be assembled correctly.

Ignoring wall insulation

Thermal insulation plays an important role when assembling Euro windows. With its help, heat remains in the room, and cold air does not enter inside.

If thermal insulation is ignored, all the advantages of the PVC system will be negated. This issue deserves due attention. This especially applies to residents of the northern region. After all, a Euro window will not protect you from strong winds and cold weather.

Incorrect distance between the window frame and the slope

Such an error will result in a poor-quality seal. To prevent this from happening, follow the prescribed distance standards. There remains 3-4 cm between the slope and the frame. The distance between the frame and the platband is no more than 1.5 cm.

Poor preparation of the window opening

Ignoring wall insulation

Incorrect distance between the window frame and the slope

Incorrect size of window sill

Poor quality fastening of PVC window to the wall

Incorrect size of window sill

The window sill is an important part of the structure. The ebb and window sill are attached to it. If it is not there, or its size is incorrect, installing a drainage system will not be possible. This will lead to frequent wetting of the profile and wall. Water can get under the window frame. In this case, corrosion of the dowels may begin.

Poor quality fastening of PVC window to the wall

To install a plastic window yourself, you also need to know about the fastening rules. It can be carried out in the middle of the wall, next to the insulation or in the plane of the thermal insulation.

In this case, the difference lies in the wall itself.

  1. In a single-layer wall, the fastenings are in the middle.
  2. The system is mounted next to the insulation in a double-layer wall.
  3. For a three-layer insulation, the location of the fasteners in the perimeter of the insulation is typical.

An insufficient number of fasteners will also negatively affect the condition of the structure. Over time, the panel will change its position. The condensation process will be disrupted. Strong winds will cause frame deformation.

Not enough polyurethane foam

The absence of a sufficient amount of mounting foam will result in the panel being poorly fixed in the opening. Over time, it will change its position, which will cause many problems for the owner.

In addition, the foam helps maintain the temperature in the room and prevents moisture. It is worth remembering that the foam should cover the openings by 90%.

A large amount of it will also negatively affect the result.

No insulation tape

There are several types of insulating tape. They are classified according to weather periods and other features.

The absence of insulating tape will cause the seams to blow out over time and allow moisture to pass through. This means that the system will not perform its functions.

Possible difficulties and errors

To avoid difficulties when replacing a double-glazed window in a metal-plastic window yourself, you should avoid the following mistakes :

  1. If possible, it is better to replace this part of the window in the warm season, since in winter the plastic parts become fragile.

  2. Remove the clamping bars in the required sequence.
  3. It is better to replace a damaged double-glazed window completely than just one damaged glass - it will be more reliable, and the difference in cost is insignificant.
  4. The accuracy of glass unit measurements is important; even due to an error of a millimeter, the glass unit may not fit into the frame, therefore, it will be more reliable if the measurements are taken by a representative of the manufacturer. Only in this case, the contractor will have to redo the order at his own expense if the product does not fit in size.

Installing double glazing in a window

Assemble the PVC window in the reverse order:

  1. Clean the inside of the frame from dust and dirt.
  2. Insert plastic bridges into the lower part of the frame.
  3. Having tilted the upper part of the package towards you, insert the lower part into the frame onto the bridges.
  4. Having pressed the upper bridges, they insert the package with glass into the frame.
  5. According to the numbering and marks on the frame, other bridges are put in place in the folded inserts.
  6. Install the glazing beads in the reverse order: top, bottom, sides.

Assembling the frame of a wooden window also occurs in the reverse order:

  1. Apply sealant around the perimeter of the frame grooves.
  2. A glass unit is inserted.
  3. Align the position of the package in the frame with straightening plates.
  4. Wooden glazing beads are nailed in accordance with the original position.

Prices for installation services

Services for replacing double-glazed windows are provided by the companies that manufacture them and, therefore, are responsible for the work performed.

Average prices for replacing double-glazed windows in a metal-plastic window (4 mm glass)

Job titleCost per 1 sq. m (rub.)
Single-chamber double-glazed window6000
Double-glazed window6500
Coating with tinting film1500
Using energy-saving glass+ 1500
Double-glazed window of non-standard shape (round, arched, triangular, etc.)+ 80% off standard price

Note. When placing an order for the production and installation of glass blocks, measurements by the company’s specialists are performed free of charge.

The total cost includes production, delivery and installation of the product. If you need to replace a double-glazed window in a very large window, then the price is calculated individually.

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