How to properly remove moisture from a double-glazed window with your own hands

I have double-glazed windows everywhere – both at home and at the dacha. There were no problems with it at home, but condensation began to accumulate inside one of the windows at the dacha. In general, this should not happen: the space between the glasses is sealed, nothing penetrates there, and if it does, then this is a defect on the part of the manufacturer.

I looked closely and found that the cause was a small crack in the corner. There is no way to replace it under warranty; I had to think about how to remove moisture from the glass unit on my own.


Dirt got inside the glass unit: reasons, what to do?

It's good when everything in the house works properly.
However, you should understand that this cannot last forever. Sooner or later, any mechanism will fail. A plastic window, alas, is no exception. Quite often people come to us with the problem of dirt appearing inside a glass unit of plastic construction, because we have been repairing PVC windows in Moscow for more than 10 years. In fact, if dust appears inside a double-glazed window, then this is a rather serious ailment, which is almost impossible to cure. As a result, in most cases it is necessary to replace the glass unit.

Why did dirt appear inside the glass unit: reasons?

Do you have dirt inside the glass unit of a plastic window? What are the reasons? In fact, in most cases there is only one reason - the tightness of the glass unit is broken. This is why dust, dirt and moisture get inside. By the way, you can read about why moisture accumulates inside the window in this post. After all, the reason is the same violation of tightness. This is perhaps the most common reason why double-glazed windows fail.

We have decided on the problem, but what caused the violation of the sealing of the double-glazed window?

Other reasons why double glazed windows sweat

Drying clothes in an apartment causes increased humidity, which causes condensation to appear on the windows.
Most often, windows “cry” due to faulty ventilation. But this is not the only reason for the appearance of drops and streaks on the surface.

If you are tired of constantly removing dampness from glass, check if there are any such problems in the room:

  • Increased humidity that occurs when drying clothes or preparing food.
  • Temperature contrast between the room and the street: it is very cold outside, but inside the radiators are barely warm. This means that the windows do not warm up and condensation forms on them.
  • Features of the structure of the window sill. The vent blocks heat from reaching the window. Double-glazed windows fog up inside even with hot radiators.
  • Repair in an apartment or on a balcony. When drying, finishing materials release moisture, resulting in the formation of condensation inside the window opening.
  • Violation of the technology for insulating external and internal slopes.

Most causes of window fogging can be dealt with on your own by simply eliminating them. The rest will have to be dealt with with the help of specialists.

What to do if dirt has accumulated inside the glass unit?

Once the “enemy” has been identified, all that remains is to figure out how to defeat it. But doing this turned out to be not so easy. Why? The fact is that you will not be able to clean the dust accumulated inside the glass unit. Windows are manufactured in a factory, and they are initially non-removable. At least this applies to the glass unit itself. If dust gets into the glass unit of a plastic window, the seal is broken. This double-glazed window is not capable of performing the tasks assigned to it. It will let in noise from the street, it will leak through it, and it will be impossible to wash it, since the dirt is inside. In general, windows with such double-glazed windows will cause a lot of headaches.

What do you need ? Repair ? Not really. This will require replacement of the glass unit .

Why ? Because there is simply no other way out.

If the window is under warranty, then you are in luck, because dirt in the glass unit of a plastic window (PVC) is a warranty case. If the installation company denies this, you can safely insist that the double-glazed window was initially defective.

How to remove moisture from a double-glazed window and eliminate clouding of glass

Step one: why does a double-glazed window fog up? Before you get started, you need to understand how windows fog up in the first place. When the windows are new, the glass units are sealed. Temperature changes over the years cause the seals to weaken, allowing little air to circulate. Since there is moisture in the air, it gradually accumulates in the glass unit. As a result, the glass begins to fog up, streaks appear on it, and salt may even be deposited on the surface.

Over time, the microscopic cracks in the seal will widen, allowing air to move in and out more freely. This may actually dry out the inside of the window, but the deposits will remain. This creates a cloudy, partially opaque window. You might think that due to failed seals on window blocks, the window does not insulate well from sound and temperature changes, but this is not the case. Very little air exchange occurs and the parameters remain virtually unchanged (see diagram). Therefore, it makes more sense to repair existing window units than to listen to sellers who want to sell you new ones.

Step Two: Overview of the Repair Process Obviously, demisting and cleaning the window requires cleaning the interior surfaces. Therefore, only two problems need to be solved: How to get inside and what to clean with. How to get inside the double-glazed window will depend on its design. If the glass is not tempered, you can try to drill a hole in it, but this is difficult and unsafe. Drilling may damage the glass.

If the frame is metal, then the glass unit will need to be removed. To remove the bead, use a spatula. It is installed in the gap between the bead and the frame (in the middle of the length of the bead) and with sharp blows on the handle of the spatula, the gap is widened and the bead is dismantled. Then remove the beading around the perimeter of the double-glazed window and remove the double-glazed window itself. After removing the glass unit, a small hole is drilled in the frame. The windows that the author of this material works with are tempered, but the frame is plastic. Therefore, he will not dismantle the double-glazed window. If you decide to drill glass, then you need to drill externally, not internally. The reason is that we want the cold, dry winter air to dry out the double glazed glass, rather than the damp interior air being forced inside.

In this case, you need to take into account that you need two small holes, or one large one (larger than the diameter of the needle). The cleaning process itself is quite simple. Spray some vinegar (10% is fine) on the interior glass surfaces. Spray a little rubbing alcohol (100%) to clean them and speed up drying. Wait for it to dry or blow a little air to speed up the process. Let's look at this in more detail later.

Blower (optional). The drying process can be accelerated from weeks to minutes by using a compressor. The compressor tube is connected to the same needle.

Step three: more about the hole Some frames have drainage holes on the outside. If it is not there, then you can cut it out. The drainage hole will allow liquid to drain naturally.

The hole in the glass frame at the top will make it easier to spray liquid and wash the windows. The master did not do this so as not to spoil the frame, but if the double-glazed window is completely dismantled, then two diagonal holes (one at the top, the other at the bottom) will simplify the work. When making a hole, the outer edge of the material may bend outward (up) slightly. This edge will prevent liquid from draining.

To fix this, the craftsman bent the needle with a hook and, grasping the edge, pressed it down.

Step Four: Cleaning the Window When performing this operation, be sure to wear personal protective equipment for your eyes and hands.

Alcohol Once the vinegar has drained, the next step is to rinse the vinegar with alcohol. The procedure is the same, the alcohol should get onto the entire surface of the glass.

Step five: drying process Then you can simply wait until the alcohol evaporates through the holes made. This procedure may take many days. To speed up the process, you can use a compressor by pumping air into one of the holes. If you do this after the alcohol has turned into a mist, the compressor will dry it out within a minute. In this case, you need to set a very low pressure so that the air has time to escape and the double-glazed window does not burst.

After drying, the master does not completely close the holes in the frame so that moisture can escape. He places a small piece of plastic under the holes.

If the glass was drilled, then the holes also do not need to be completely closed. You can install a plastic plug with a smaller diameter hole in the holes. Or you can seal the hole with hot glue by making a small hole in it. The remaining hole should be too small to prevent insects from crawling inside.

Moreover, if the area of ​​residence is in a humid climate, then it is best to close the holes completely.


Products that will help remove condensation

Drops of moisture can simply be wiped off. But to make them appear less often, you need to use special compounds.

An anti-freeze and anti-fog product called "Li-lo" can be purchased at a store that sells household and cleaning products. Apply it to the surface of the glass, first in concentrated form, and then in diluted form. The ideal proportion is 1 part concentrate and 10 parts water. There is no need to rinse this product off.

To eliminate internal condensation, you can use the drug “Seconda” in the form of an aerosol. Spray it on the glass and wipe dry with crumpled newspaper.

Traditional methods

Place burning candles on the windowsill to normalize air circulation in the room.
You can use home remedies to remove condensation from the surface of windows.

Several times a month, wipe the glass with a mixture of alcohol and glycerin, in a ratio of 20:1. To reduce the accumulation of moisture, draw a fine grid on the surface with a piece of soap, and then rub until shiny.

Place thick decorative candles on the windowsill and light them. Within a few hours of combustion, air circulation in the room will normalize and condensation will stop appearing.

Traditional methods are a temporary measure. They are easy to use and affordable, but they will not solve the problem globally.

Violation of the tightness of the glass unit

Windows Prof >> All about windows >> What to do if a double-glazed window is depressurized: how to fix the problem

When installing window structures, double-glazed windows are used. It is valued for its low cost, ease of maintenance, and resistance to external factors. Any window device can be damaged or defective. One of them is the leakage of the glass unit. The article will provide you with information on what to do if the double-glazed window is depressurized and stains appear inside the double-glazed window.

Why are they popular?

The popularity of plastic and metal-plastic windows is associated with a number of advantages that they have compared to window structures made of other materials.

  • provide good sound and heat insulation.
  • Made from quality materials in compliance with sanitary and environmental standards, they are safe for health.
  • are resistant to weather changes.
  • service life - 40 years.
  • ease of operation.
  • available.
  • no need to paint.
  • just clean it from dirt.
  • The standard color is white, but the plastic components can be produced in any color upon request.
  • a wide selection of design solutions for renovations and decoration of apartments and private houses.

Windows need to be washed correctly

Plastic window device

A double-glazed window is a light-transmitting structure consisting of two or more glasses. They are connected by special frames. The spacer frame is made of aluminum profile. The space between them is filled with dry air or argon, krypton. Tightness is ensured by two layers of sealant, which firmly glues all window elements. Euro-windows are: single-chamber, double-chamber, three-chamber. At the bottom of the chamber there is a material that absorbs moisture well.

The glass unit includes:

The more cameras a plastic euro-window has, the higher its characteristics.

Violation of the tightness of a double-glazed window: reasons

If the seal of the window chamber is broken, moist air will penetrate. Water will begin to accumulate. At a warm temperature, the drops will evaporate, but drips and streaks will appear. Even small defects entail heat loss and sound insulation is impaired.

Depressurization of the device occurs due to:

Attention! If a window product is defective or the installation is done poorly, the company is obliged to eliminate the defects at its own expense.

What to do if the double-glazed window is depressurized

Depressurization leads to deterioration of heat and sound insulation characteristics. The glass will begin to fog up at sub-zero temperatures. If you notice water inside a Euro-window, watch where it comes from.

The only solution is to replace it. It is best to contact the company that installed the products. The installer is responsible for quality. The specialist will replace it taking into account the necessary standards.

If the warranty has expired or the contract has not been preserved, you can replace it yourself. The procedure is easy. No dismantling work is required.

You need to take measurements of the device. First remove the glazing beads. Measure the product. It is necessary to measure the thickness of the structure. Insert a wire into the opening between the profile and the bag and make a mark on it. Pull out the wire and take a measurement. When the new camera package arrives, all you have to do is remove the old one and install the new one.

How to fix a leaky glass unit

If you decide to keep the old structure, you need to find and fix leaks. To do this, you will need to remove the product from the metal-plastic profile.

Important! Wear protective rubber gloves on your hands to avoid cuts.

Find the problem area. It should be cleaned down to the spacer frame. Use a hairdryer to dry the glass device. Even a regular hair dryer will do.

To restore the former tightness, you need a good butyl-based sealant. Outwardly similar to rubber. The color is black or gray. Suitable for joining glasses together. Used outdoors, indoors. Protects against moisture vapor and air entering the window chambers.

First you need to clean the surface from dirt and degrease. Carefully apply a layer of melted sealant. It is necessary to repair all micro-irregularities between the glass, aluminum frame, and connecting elements.

If the cause of depressurization is a crack or hole in the glass surface, silicone sealant will do. The sequence of actions is the same. These manipulations will prevent the defect from growing and reduce heat loss. Then replace the window device.

If the defect is discovered on the street side, and there is no time to carry out repairs, you can carry out the following manipulations:

Such actions will prevent the depressurized structure from moisture and dirt. The procedure will take no more than 30 minutes.

Only one damaged glass can be replaced. But doing this work is difficult. First, the glass is separated from the window structure. Purchase identical in size and thickness. Then it is glued back on. These actions lead to depressurization of the plastic product. Condensation will form inside the system.

How to fight

The presence of condensation on windows is not only unsightly, but also uncomfortable. Moisture significantly impairs visibility, can damage parquet or laminate flooring if it constantly drips onto the floor, and owners will have to constantly wipe the glass. In addition, high air humidity can cause mold or mildew to appear.

Before you start to deal with the problem on your own, it is worth checking whether the case is covered by warranty. The latter include:

  1. The appearance of moisture inside the glass unit, that is, depressurization. If there is no external damage to the structure, this is a manufacturer’s defect; replacement is made under warranty on the spot. Usually, the problem can be noticed only some time after installing the double-glazed window.
  2. Incorrect installation of the structure (incorrect flow or incorrect sash geometry), due to which the entire window is blown out and condensation appears inside. A complete window replacement will be required.
  3. Poor quality installation: installation seams are not made correctly, blowing occurs along the edges of the frame. Fixed by partial or complete reinstallation.

It is advisable to contact the manufacturer and correct the problem.


How to clean a double-glazed window from the inside

Before you figure out how to eliminate condensation inside a double-glazed window yourself, you should think carefully. Experts strongly do not recommend doing this yourself. Cleaning involves disassembling the window, after which the warranty on the entire structure is void. In addition, the window can be accidentally dropped. It is best to observe where the moisture is coming from and call a specialist.

However, it is still possible to clean the inside of the window. To do this, you will need a powerful, fairly large magnet, a sponge, a metal core, and ammonia.

The procedure is carried out in several steps:

  1. A metal core is inserted into the sponge and secured properly so that it does not fall out.
  2. Use a chisel or plug to pry up the side or bottom bead (the bar that holds the glass) and carefully bend the glass.
  3. The sponge is dipped in ammonia, applied to the glass from the inside and moved with a magnet.
  4. When everything is cleaned, carefully remove the sponge and put the glass back in place.


Experts warn that this is not the most practical option. After installing the glass, the structure will significantly lose its energy-saving properties. It is impossible to dry the air inside at home, meaning condensation will constantly form. It will not be possible to replace the glass unit under warranty.

In addition, if the metal core falls out of the sponge, it will no longer be possible to get it out. You'll have to disassemble the entire window.

Fighting condensation indoors

If moisture appears on the glass inside the room, but the double-glazed window is installed correctly, the reason is most likely a poor microclimate. This can be fixed using some tips:

  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, for example, open the glass to micro-ventilation mode so that there are no drafts.
  • Ensure the optimal temperature inside the room: in winter it should be at least +18-20 degrees.
  • Remove sources of high humidity from the windowsill: flowers, aquarium.


  • Warm up the glass from the inside if the batteries fail. To do this, you can place several burning candles on the windowsill or turn on additional heating by directing a stream of warm air onto the glass.
  • Implement an optimal air exchange system: for example, remove heavy curtains and blinds and replace them with light, ventilated ones.
  • On some double-glazed windows you can set a specific mode for winter and summer. It is necessary to change them.
  • Use air drying systems.
  • If the window sills are too wide and the warm air from the radiator does not reach the glass, it is better to change them to narrower ones.

There are also folk remedies: apply a “mesh” to the window with dry soap, then wipe it with a dry cloth. You can also place a bag of salt or a special absorbent on the window so that excess moisture is absorbed. However, it is worth remembering that their absorption capacity is low.


How to remove moisture from an old double-glazed window, watch this video

Why do windows inside double-glazed windows sweat?

There are situations when a Euro window sweats between the panes. Condensation cannot be removed with a simple cloth.

Moisture can appear for three reasons:

How to eliminate leaks was discussed above. If installation is incorrect, the entire window structure will have to be replaced.

You can try replacing the silica gel yourself. A hole is drilled in the aluminum frame on the sealant side. One hole is made on a single-chamber bag, and two on a two-chamber bag. A limiter is placed on the drill to avoid drilling through the frame.

Dump out the old desiccant if there was any. In the handicraft production of plastic windows, this often does not exist. A funnel is made from paper. Inserts into the hole. New silica gel is poured in. Position the Eurowindow at an angle so that the granules fill the spacer frame more completely. Seal the hole with sealant.

Why did stains appear inside the glass unit: how to clean it

Fogging is common to owners of single-chamber bags. The distance between the two glasses is small. With sudden temperature changes, the layer of dry air cannot cope with the load. The window may leak from inside the device.

An oily or cloudy stain that appears inside the product is another sign of depressurization. Cold air penetrates inside, sudden temperature changes. All this leads to the formation of condensation inside the window structure.

You can’t just remove these stains and stains. It is necessary to replace the old Euro-window with a new one. You can remove the product from the profile and look at the sealing layers. They could lose adhesion to the glass or spacer frame. The Eurowindow began to absorb moisture. After the silica gel had exhausted all its absorbent capabilities, moisture began to enter the chamber.

Stains may appear inside the unit over time if double tape was used as a sealant rather than butyl tape. It reacts with the secondary sealant. This is how streaks appear.

We decided to disassemble the glass package ourselves and remove the stains. It is necessary to place the window structure on a flat surface. Make a cut in the sealed layer between the glass and the aluminum frame. The sealant is cut along the entire perimeter. Remove the glass item from the frame. Old sealing layers are removed.

Glass with stains can be washed with special liquid cleaning agents. You can use saline solution or laundry soap. Wipe dry. Otherwise, dirt and dust will stick during installation.

Then the product is inserted into the spacer frame. Treated around the perimeter with butyl sealant or tape. A final coat of polysulfide sealant is then applied. It should completely fill the cavities and cracks. Drying takes 8-14 hours. The Eurowindow is ready to be installed in the frame.

How to prevent fogging of a double-glazed window during installation

Insulate the window slopes with mounting foam from the outside so that the double-glazed window does not sweat.
Solving the problem of “crying” windows is more difficult than preventing it. Therefore, take this into account during installation. Some tips will help with this:

  • Choose a high-quality double-glazed window, vacuum. Energy-saving film wouldn't hurt.
  • Insulate the slopes with foam. There should be no gaps inside or outside.
  • Lubricate the area where the ebb is attached with a cement mixture and insulate it with polystyrene foam.
  • Putty the places where the foam protrudes from under the window sill. This will prevent cold and drafts from entering.

If condensation constantly forms, ventilate the room more often.

Do not place flower pots on window sills, as watering, wet soil, and the plants themselves cause increased fogging of the glass in the window opening.

Double-glazed window care

In order for the product to maintain its performance qualities, careful care is required not only for the profile, but also for the glass structure itself. Wash with soapy water or a special product. Clean when dirty. Remove excess liquid with a rubberized scraper that does not damage the surface and does not leave streaks.

Attention! The glass unit is washed on the outer glass. There is no need to disassemble anything.

If there is a tint film on the surface of the product, wipe it carefully, without using cleaning agents. They can damage the coating. Clean the rubber seal twice a year and apply silicone grease.

The appearance of stains inside the device is unpleasant and not aesthetically pleasing. Most often it occurs due to depressurization of the window structure. If the warranty has not expired, it is better to contact the installation company. Professionals will replace the product quickly, free of charge, at the company’s expense.

There is no guarantee and the budget for ordering a new one is limited; you can repair the glass device yourself. Read articles, look at photos, training video lessons. Make sure there is nothing complicated about it.


What to do when a double-glazed window sweats from the inside

Install convection grilles on a wide window sill to prevent the window from sweating.
The problem will recur if measures are not taken in time. All this will lead to such breakdowns that you will eventually have to replace the entire structure. To prevent this, you just need to use windows correctly:

  • If it is not cold outside, they can be constantly kept in the “ventilation” mode.
  • Turn on the hood while cooking.
  • Install convection grilles on wide window sills.
  • Regularly check the functionality of the fittings.
  • In cold weather, switch the structure to “winter” mode.

Check the ventilation system periodically. A sheet of paper should be attracted to the grate in the wall; if this does not happen, it means the ventilation is clogged.

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