Do-it-yourself replacement of double-glazed glass in a plastic window

At first glance, the design of a plastic Euro-window seems complicated. Therefore, if a double-glazed window as a whole or one of the glasses is damaged, many people immediately look for the phone number of repair companies. In this situation, there is no need to rush: you can replace the glass unit in a plastic window yourself, thereby saving several thousand rubles.

Our portal is faced with the fact that it is not always possible to carry out repairs according to our instructions. We are receiving requests for help in choosing a reliable contractor. We contacted several companies in Moscow. The Relit company, with 22 years of experience, has won our trust: a permanent office on Basmannaya, a spare parts warehouse, experienced craftsmen, a separate manager for each order. There are many positive reviews from clients: they work quickly, carefully, and do not impose unnecessary things. Using the code word STROYGUR there is a 5% discount. Tel.: +7 (495) 023-14-23 (website). PS Dear site visitors, we value our own reputation very much. Therefore, for a long time we did not work with direct advertisers - we were not sure of their integrity. This is the first company that was able to convince the site team that their advertising will not compromise our portal.

Reasons for replacing double glazing

A double-glazed window is a complex hermetic structure consisting of several sheets of glass separated from each other by an aluminum frame, under which silica gel beads are poured to absorb moisture in the chamber of the package. Between the glasses, a double seal is installed from butyl tape, located under the spacer frame, and thiokol, a special mastic that connects the entire structure into one.

For reference: you can read more about the structure of a double-glazed window in the work “How to choose plastic windows.”

This system has a very weak point - glass. The material is very fragile, capable of cracking or breaking at any time. If this happens, it is necessary to immediately replace the glass in the double-glazed window, since due to depressurization of one chamber, not only the package, but also the window as a whole quickly loses its consumer properties:

  • moisture appears on the glass, and the desiccant flows down in the form of yellow resin;
  • street sounds are clearly audible;
  • drafts appear;
  • heat retention is poor.

In addition, glass unit replacement is required in cases where:

  • the bag's chamber has lost its seal (there may be different reasons), which is why the glass sweats in the summer and becomes covered with frost in the winter;
  • it is necessary to insulate the room, as a result, the usual flood glass is changed to i-glass or a single-chamber package to a double-chamber one;
  • The sounds of a noisy street began to penetrate into the room - noise-proof double-glazed windows were installed.

Attention: what float and i-glass are, what noise-proof packages are available, can also be found in the article “How to choose plastic windows.”

When is window system repair necessary?

The work can be carried out by specialized companies or in-house - all you need to do is follow the technological process so that the block in the frame lasts a long time.

Repair of the package without replacing the window structure is necessary in the following cases:

  1. Mechanical damage - despite the fact that a reliable sheet is inserted during the manufacture of the modular system, cracks may appear from a strong impact.
  2. Insulation of the apartment - single glass is being replaced with a double-glazed unit.
  3. Improving sound insulation will protect the room from extraneous sounds; install double or triple windows or change the size of the chambers.

Regardless of the reason why you need to change the glass unit in a plastic window, the services of engineers are cheaper than purchasing and ordering a different design. You can do the work yourself; detailed video instructions will help you with this.

Is it possible to replace glass in a double glazing unit?

The most frequently asked question when contacting a company that installs and repairs double-glazed windows is: “Is it possible to replace broken glass in a double-glazed window without changing the last one?” Depending on the level of the company, there may be several answers: “No”, “Yes”, “It is possible, but with a visit to the customer.”

Let's look at each of the answers in detail.

A reputable company will say “no” Here they value their reputation and will offer the client the best option: dismantling the broken package and installing a new one.

“Yes” can be heard from people trying to make the most money. They will come, remove the window, take it to a workshop, where they will remove the damaged glass and install a new one. After which they will bring the repaired double-glazed window and install it in place. There are no questions about the quality characteristics of this repair - everything was done in accordance with the technical regulations.

Questions arise regarding the cost of repair work (meaning only the replacement of glass in the package itself) - they cost 100-200 rubles. more expensive than a new double-glazed window. Plus, the company that carried out the repairs will install the double-glazed windows, and this will additionally cost from 2,000 to 4,200 rubles per m2. Therefore, it is better for apartment owners with their hands to refuse such a service (the recommendation does not apply to those who are not used to counting money).

“It’s possible, but with a visit to the customer.” This type of glass replacement should be described briefly: a knee-jerk repair. For those who like to learn from their own mistakes, at the end of the work we will provide detailed instructions for such a replacement with your own hands.

Why is glass in a double glazed unit not replaced at home? After all, removing the double-glazed window from the sash, cutting off the mastic around the damaged glass with a sharp knife, removing the fragments and cleaning the camera from dust and dirt does not seem difficult.

There are no difficulties when cutting new glass to fit the spacer frame. Indeed, there is no problem here. They lie in a different plane: at home it is impossible to recreate the technological conditions for assembling a double-glazed window: dry, warm air, without dust while sealing the entire structure.

Carrying out sealing outside the chamber will not work:

  • thoroughly wash and dry the glass so that the smallest specks do not fall on it during drying;
  • keep silica gel in working condition - its balls will have time to absorb moisture from the air in a short period of time (the air in the chamber is dry);
  • apply the mastic in an even layer, as a result of which, when installing the package into the window sash, damage to the sealant may occur;
  • Thiokol is difficult to find on sale in compact packages - mainly in two-hundred-liter barrels.

How to restore a module

To install glass on a plastic window, it is not necessary to contact a specialized company. You can install double-glazed windows yourself.

To do this, you just need to follow a number of rules:

  • select a tool;
  • take product dimensions;
  • order another stained glass window;
  • dismantle the damaged product;
  • install double glazed windows;
  • make adjustments.

If there is a small defect associated with the lack of tightness of the module, there is no need to refuse repairs, otherwise you will have to replace the double-glazed window with a new design along with a metal-plastic profile, and this will cost more.

In what cases is it permissible to replace glass alone?

The above recommendations do have exceptions. It is unprofitable to completely replace the glass package in three cases:

  • There is stained glass in the window. Replacing one sheet is much cheaper than replacing several expensive glasses;
  • A three- or four-chamber package is mounted in the frame;
  • An expensive thick triplex was installed in the door from the street, and the internal glass was broken.

In these cases, the cost of repairs is cheaper than the price of a finished double-glazed window.

Cost of seals for metal-plastic structures

Manufacturers offer different options to add functionality to Euro-windows.

The most common methods:

  1. Replacing a single triplex with glass with two chambers will improve the thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. Anti-resonance glazing improves noise insulation in the room.
  3. Energy-saving “stained glass” windows allow you to retain heat.
  4. Triplex – reliably protects against noise and cold.

This material is used for glazing private households, apartments, country cottages, gazebos and open verandas.

Instructions for replacing glass units

For those who are handy with tools, replacing double-glazed glass in a plastic window on their own is not an insoluble problem. The whole process consists of several sequential operations:

  1. a set of tools is being prepared;
  2. the glass unit is measured;
  3. an order is made;
  4. the damaged glass unit is dismantled;
  5. new glass is installed;
  6. the sash is adjusted.

Tools and materials

Replacing a broken glass unit is carried out with a minimum of tools. Needed:

  • roulette;
  • calipers;
  • rubber mallet (mallet);
  • a spatula or a simple screwdriver (you can also use a large kitchen knife, but this is not entirely convenient);
  • gloves;
  • an old sheet or piece of other fabric that you don’t mind throwing away.


To order a double-glazed window, you must indicate the number of air chambers and the dimensions of the double-glazed window: height, width and thickness. All this data can be found on the spacer frame (see photo), where the package formula (the number and thickness of each glass) and its dimensions (height, length and thickness) are printed. If for some reason such an inscription could not be found, the owner himself can take measurements.

Inscription on the spacer frame.

Important: the easiest option is to remove the glass unit and measure it. But with such an organization of work, the window will remain without glass for several days - it takes time to make a new double-glazed window. Therefore, measurements are taken directly in the sash.

To take measurements, take a tape measure and measure the distance between the profile of the sashes with broken glass along the width and height of the window. A number of publications say that the distance between the external dimensions of the beads is measured, which is the same thing. 2 cm is subtracted from the results obtained - 1.0 cm on each side for the adjustment gap.

An important parameter is the glass unit formula, which indicates the thickness of each glass and the distance between them inside the chamber (for example, 4+10+4+10+4, where 4 is the thickness of the glass in mm, 10 is the width of the frame in mm). These numbers must be written in the window passport and printed on the spacer bar. If your passport is lost and there is no inscription, you can take your own measurements. A tape measure gives an error of up to 1 mm, a caliper measures with absolute accuracy. Work order:

  1. The thickness of the sash profile is measured (for example, 70 mm);
  2. The thickness of the bead and rubber seal (located indoors) is determined. To do this, the end of the measuring tool rests on the glass and looks at the distance at which the plane of the sash is located (approximately 14 mm);
  3. A similar procedure is carried out on the street side (20 mm).

A second grade student can do the rest: from 70 we successively subtract 14 and then 20. The resulting result of 36 mm will enable specialists to create a formula for a double-glazed window and use it to make new glass.


To produce a double-glazed window with angles of 90o, it is enough to indicate in the application form the thickness of the package, its height and width, as well as the number of chambers. The manufacturer's specialists will independently calculate the formula and use it to produce new glass for the window. Everything is much more complicated if there are curved shapes or non-rectangular angles (glass in the form of a circle, triangle, rhombus, etc.). How to change the glass unit in this case?

Here you cannot do without dismantling the damaged glass (how to do this, just below). The removed glass is placed on whatman paper and outlined, after which the shape of the damaged package is cut out with scissors. Sometimes the template is cut out immediately using a razor blade. Based on the finished pattern, a new double-glazed window will be manufactured within a few days.


There is nothing complicated in the instructions for dismantling a broken double-glazed window. The whole process consists of a number of sequential operations:

  1. An old sheet or other fabric, larger than the glass unit, is spread on the floor in front of the window.
  2. The broken glass is carefully taped in several directions with tape so that the fragments do not fall out during the process of removing the bag and cause injury to others.
  3. The glazing beads are removed. To do this, you need a sharp and hard tool, such as a chisel, flat screwdriver or spatula, as well as a mallet (rubber hammer). You need to start with longer glazing beads, usually side ones - they are easier to bend when removing them from the sash grooves.

Attention: almost all instructions for dismantling double-glazed windows indicate that disassembling the sash must begin with removing the side beads. However, they cannot be removed from the transom without causing damage. Therefore, we focus on the fact that the longer glazing beads are initially removed - in the transom this is the top and bottom.

A spatula is inserted between the frame and the bead.

To remove the bead, you should:

  • Insert a spatula (chisel or screwdriver) into the gap between the sash profile and the bead in the middle of the window;
  • Holding the tool strictly horizontally, hit it several times, not very hard, with a mallet until a gap of 1-2 mm is formed. Further, the technology varies slightly among different specialists; Some make such a gap along almost the entire length, and then return to the middle, others, immediately tilting the tool down, knock the bead completely out of the grooves of the sash in its center;
  • When you can grab the glazing bead with your fingers, it pulls towards itself and to the side - it will come out easily;

Important: when removing the glazing bead with a pencil or marker, you need to mark the grooves on the sash so that in the future you can easily install a new double-glazed window, especially if its thickness changes (you will have to buy new glazing beads and cut them correctly).

  • The top latch is the last to be removed - it protects the glass from accidental falling. Here you need an assistant to support the glass;
  • The package is removed from the sash. If difficulties arise, the sealant of the bag has stuck to the plastic of the window, the glass is pressed away from the frame with a sharp object;
  • The removed package is placed on the fabric and carefully broken;
  • The broken glass in the sheet is thrown into the trash.

Installing new glass

Installing new glass involves the following operations:

  • Check the fastening of the seal on the outside of the window;
  • Straightening plates (also called spacers) are installed in the sash rebate: two at the bottom for a blind window (see photo), four for an opening sash. In this case, they are installed one on each side diagonally, at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the corner of the sash (see photo).

Straightening plates are installed.

Attention: the number of strips may differ from one manufacturer to another, so when dismantling the glass you need to remember the location of the spacers.

Installation diagram of straightening spacers.

For reference: the rebate is a plane around the perimeter of the sash on which the double-glazed window is mounted, which is clearly visible in the photo.

Sash rebate.

  • The glass unit is carefully placed on the gaskets. Here you need to check its position several times, since it will not be possible to correct the geometry in the future;
  • A seal is installed on the inside of the glass unit;
  • The beads return to their places in the reverse order: first the top, then the bottom, and only then the side ones. They are driven into the grooves by lightly tapping with a rubber hammer from the edges to the center. Fixation is confirmed by clicks.


The new double-glazed window may have a different weight, which will require additional adjustment of the sash. To do this, use a “furniture wrench” to tighten the adjusting screws on the hinges, which you can read about in detail in the material “How to adjust plastic windows.”

Our portal is faced with the fact that it is not always possible to carry out repairs according to our instructions. We are receiving requests for help in choosing a reliable contractor. We contacted several companies in Moscow. The Relit company, with 22 years of experience, has won our trust: a permanent office on Basmannaya, a spare parts warehouse, experienced craftsmen, a separate manager for each order. There are many positive reviews from clients: they work quickly, carefully, and do not impose unnecessary things. Using the code word STROYGUR there is a 5% discount. Tel.: +7 (495) 023-14-23 (website). PS Dear site visitors, we value our own reputation very much. Therefore, for a long time we did not work with direct advertisers - we were not sure of their integrity. This is the first company that was able to convince the site team that their advertising will not compromise our portal.

Taking measurements, purchasing a new product

On the spacer frame there is a marking with the thickness, width, height of the metal profile, and information about the component parts. If there is no information, you will have to take measurements yourself by measuring the removed module.

To take measurements without dismantling the frame, you need to take measurements between the metal profile of the sashes: from one outer edge of the bead to the other on both sides. Subtract 2 cm from the received data for adjustment.

Important parameters during repairs are the ratio of the gap and glass thickness between adjacent frames. If there is no information on the product, you will have to measure it yourself. To do this you need:

  • use a tape measure to measure the thickness of the metal profile;
  • measure the thickness of the external and internal fastening;
  • Subtract the dimensions of the glazing bead from the thickness of the metal profile to obtain the thickness of the package.

Taking into account the number of chambers, calculate the distance between the glasses (in Euro-windows, the canvas is usually installed - 4 mm).

The nuances of replacing double-glazed windows in stained glass windows

There are several points in stained glass windows that do not allow you to independently repair and replace damaged glass:

  • It is much cheaper to replace broken glass than to install a new package, and such work can only be performed by professionals in a specialized workshop;
  • The glass is placed in special “stained glass cells”, which are removed outwards and not inwards, which requires aerial platforms or the installation of scaffolding;
  • It is impossible to make a pattern based on the color scheme. It is necessary to deliver the whole glass to the workshop, where the necessary measurements will be taken using instruments, on the basis of which the glass will be reproduced.

About the important thing: don’t miss out

In general, replacing a double-glazed window is not as scary as you initially think. The procedure will take a couple of hours (excluding drying of the sealant). The main thing is to wait for the glass unit to be manufactured. Here are some useful tips that will definitely come in handy when replacing:

  • make replacements during daylight hours - if the panel breaks, the fragments will be in your field of vision;

    It is better to replace glass in a plastic window during the day, then all inaccuracies will be visible immediately

  • when replacing at the breaking stage, be sure to lay something under the structure, preferably fabric. Let it be an old sheet that you don’t mind throwing away later. Further use of the product for its intended purpose is undesirable.
  • It is better to break glass when replacing it with a rubber hammer - it produces much less fragments. It is also convenient and quick for them to put glazing bead parts in place.
  • Call an assistant to replace it if the glass itself is very large and it is extremely difficult to hold it alone.
  • Try to touch the glass as little as possible with your bare hands - only touch the edge protected with tape and use special suction cups to hold the system.
  • Before replacing, carefully inspect the “fresh” glass to see if it has any cracks, bulges, or holes. If there is even the slightest suspicion of imperfection, refuse the installation so as not to have to redo it again in a month.
  • Your own safety should come first - do not work with the frame suspended, be sure to protect your face and body from small fragments.
  • If one of the cameras on a two-chamber or three-chamber glass breaks, you will have to replace the entire glass, otherwise the structure will quickly break again.

Is it possible to change

When replacing a damaged double-glazed window, in many cases it becomes possible to change the number of cameras in it.

Single-chamber double-glazed window to double-chamber

Replacing a single-chamber window glazing with a double-chamber one is possible if two conditions are met:

1. The width of the sash rebate allows the installation of a double-glazed window. There are two options here:

  1. a package of three glasses is the same in width as a single-chamber one - no problems arise;
  2. the new package is wider, but due to the narrower bead (you will have to buy new ones) it fits into the sash.

2. The window profile and fittings can withstand the weight of a heavier sash (increases by approximately 30%). If it is necessary to reinforce the reinforcing plate inside the profile, it is easier to change the entire window. If the problem is only in the loops, they change.

Therefore, without consulting a specialist, it is not recommended to carry out such a replacement yourself.

Two-chamber double-glazed window to three-chamber

A triple-glazed unit is installed instead of a double-glazed unit under the same conditions as given above. The only difference is that the three-chamber package is only 25% heavier than the two-chamber package, which in many cases does not require strengthening the frame profile.

Possible difficulties and errors

Errors when installing double-glazed windows in modern window structures arise both at the stage of preparatory work and during the installation process. In the first case, the performers are not responsible enough for compliance with safety regulations, starting work without protective equipment, which is called “bare hands.”

Since double-glazed windows have a large area and therefore weigh a lot, they can only be carried with gloves and using vacuum grips.

Many difficulties arise in the process of dismantling window frames, for example, aluminum glazing beads during operation, if disassembled carelessly, can bend and will no longer fit into the staple groove.

Note! Many aluminum frames differ from PVC frames; the seal is not initially fixed to the beading bead, but only after the double-glazed window and beadings are installed. If you do not remove the seal and immediately begin dismantling the beads, the double-glazed window will be damaged.

The main mistakes that performers make during installation:

  • The glazing area is not prepared; there are remains of sealant, gasket and glass on it.

  • The work is performed by one person, which is prohibited according to safety regulations.
  • Inserts around the perimeter of the window frame are placed incorrectly.
  • If the glazing bead removal scheme is carried out incorrectly, the glass unit may collapse.
  • When installing a double-glazed window in a movable sash, it was not removed from its hinges.
  • The glass unit was manufactured incorrectly due to the fact that the dimensions were taken unprofessionally.
  • Seams were not sealed when installing wooden glazing beads.

Instructions for replacing glass in a double glazing unit yourself

For those who like to do everything themselves, here are instructions on how to change the glass in a double-glazed window at home.

To work you will need:

  • glass;
  • butyl tape;
  • silicone based sealant;
  • chisel;
  • rubber hammer;
  • acetone (any other solvent);
  • construction gun;
  • diamond glass cutter

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. The glass unit is removed from the window block (you can see how this is done above) and placed on a flat surface with the damaged glass facing up;
  2. Using a chisel or knife, remove the broken glass from the bag, after which the aluminum frame is cleaned of sealant and debris;
  3. The cleaned areas are degreased with a solvent;
  4. New glass is cut;
  5. The newly cut glass is washed and dried with warm air. The same operation is carried out on the glass surface where degreasing was carried out;
  6. A layer of sealant is applied to the frame of the bag with a gun, after which new glass is laid down. You need to lay it down with a partner and immediately and accurately. It will be very difficult to fix;
  7. Absorbent is poured under the spacer frame;
  8. The package is sealed around the perimeter of the glass;
  9. After the sealant has hardened, the glass unit is placed in the sash.

Let us emphasize once again: “knee repair” does not provide a long-term effect. The best option is to replace the glass unit.

Devices for restoring a modular system

To replace a double-glazed window in a plastic window, you will need tools yourself. With their help, the frame with the canvas is removed and another one is installed.

You can repair a plastic window with your own hands if you have:

  • knife;
  • roulette;
  • pin screwdriver;
  • caliper;
  • glass suction cups;
  • rubber hammer;
  • tape;
  • material, wider in size than the product;
  • cotton gloves.

Some devices can be replaced with others that perform similar functions. Depends on skill and availability of tools.

When measuring, one bead should remain in place and hold the module. An exception is determining the thickness of the metal profile.

How much does a service cost in organizations?

The final price of the work is determined by many factors. Therefore, we present the average lower and upper limits of the price lists of several companies in St. Petersburg and Moscow as of December 15, 2022:

  • Replacement of a two-chamber double-glazed window - 2,000-4,200 rubles/m2 (delivery included);
  • Repair of double-glazed windows - from 1,000 rub./m2 to 2,300 rub./m2 - work only. This does not include transport costs and the cost of glass.

For reference: the cost of a new double-glazed window starts from 1,300 rubles/m2 from little-known companies. For recognizable brands it starts from RUB 2,050/m2.

Removing the old window

Before dismantling, it is advisable to close the doors to the room and cover all things and furniture in the room with film. This is necessary to make it easier to clean the room from dust, as there will be a lot of it.

Everything else is simple. The window sashes are removed. They are easy to remove with a pry bar. Then the old frame is sawn and dismantled using a crowbar or pry bar.

After removing the old frame, it is necessary to remove the plaster layer around the perimeter of the window opening.

If time permits, it is advisable to putty all the cracks and irregularities in the window opening. Mostly, this stage is skipped, since no one wants to wait a day for the putty to harden. Therefore, at least do not forget to cover the window opening with primer.

We remove the doors.

During dismantling, you cannot do without a wood saw.

Removing the old window.

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