How to determine how many cameras are in a plastic window yourself

The question about the number of air chambers is far from idle curiosity, because this is one of the main characteristics of the profile, affecting its energy efficiency. From time to time I hear the question of how to find out how many cameras are in a plastic window. There is nothing overly difficult about establishing the truth; let's figure out what is meant by cameras, what types they are, and what methods exist for counting them.


Educational program on profile structure and more

Modern plastic windows have the ability to effectively retain heat in a house thanks to their structure, which is fundamentally different from the traditional designs of past centuries. More than once I have noticed that ordinary people are roughly familiar with the structure of a modern window, and find it difficult to say what cameras in plastic windows are. For example, many do not notice the difference between the air compartments of a window profile and a double-glazed window.

Meanwhile, these are completely different concepts. A look at the window from the side immediately highlights two components: the frame (profile) and the glass (glazed unit). The design of both elements includes internal cavities. They differ in design, although they perform the same functions - retain heat and block external sounds.


How long do PVC windows last?

The service life of a window depends on the quality of all structural elements: profile, double-glazed windows, seals, fittings. Last but not least, assembly and installation are important. Typically, manufacturers provide a guarantee for a period of 5 to 10 years, but the actual duration of use of structures is much longer - several decades.

The profile lasts the longest - 50-60 years. All other elements - up to 10-15 years, subject to operating rules and regular maintenance. But double-glazed windows, fittings and seals can be repaired and replaced.

To extend the service life it is necessary:

  • Troubleshoot the opening mechanism in a timely manner.
  • At least once a year, clean the moving parts of the fittings from dirt and lubricate them.
  • Clean the drainage holes and seal from dust twice a year.
  • In spring and autumn, lubricate the seal to protect it from moisture and sun.

For professional and high-quality window care, you can purchase a special kit, which includes lubricant for fittings and seals and a soft cloth for cleaning dust.

About the structure of a double-glazed window

A double-glazed window is a system of several glasses separated from each other by spacers. The space between adjacent glasses is that same chamber. The system usually contains two or three glasses (four is a rare solution), therefore, there can be one, two, or less often three air compartments. Therefore, if someone talks about a one- or two-chamber plastic window, you must understand that we are talking about glazing, and not about a profile; There are always more compartments in the frame.

The more glass and cavities, the better the window manages to conserve heat, the less energy loss. The space between the glasses in budget options is filled with air or argon, and less often with other inert gases (krypton, xenon).


About the structure of the profile

The cameras in the PVC profile are hidden inside the structure; they can be seen live in the office of the selling company, at the stand with samples. They take the form of narrow, vertical compartments located on either side of a large central cavity (a metal-reinforced amplifier). Often transverse partitions are built into them, increasing rigidity and confusing the inexperienced person.

The number of cameras in a window profile varies from 3 (minimum) to 5, but can increase to 6-8 pieces. The optimal quantity is selected depending on the tasks that the window must perform in each specific case.

I would like to note that when they mention the number of cameras, they mean the number of compartments inside the frame. Inside the sash (moving part) there is its own system of compartments, but they are not added to the total number. From the above we can conclude: people who want to find out how to determine how many chambers are in a double-glazed window most likely need to calculate how many voids are hidden in the frame.


Number of doors and opening method

PVC structures can be solid or with opening doors. The first ones are suitable for rooms with several windows, some of which are equipped with opening mechanisms. For large windows, the number of functional sashes is important - there should be enough of them for normal ventilation and maintenance of double-glazed windows from the outside. For large glazing areas, for example, on balconies and loggias, opening doors are installed every 1-1.5 meters.

Types of opening mechanisms for sashes:

  • Pivot - a classic option that allows you to open the sash, like on a regular wooden window.
  • Swivel and tilt are more functional designs. Provide ventilation with different intensity. The folded flap is safe for children.
  • Sliding ones are not yet very popular models in Russia. They are used mainly for glazing balconies and loggias, entrance areas.
  • Rotating ones are the rarest option. The sash rotates around its axis, which makes it easy to clean the street side of dirt.

The most popular are tilt and turn mechanisms. They are functional, convenient and safe. Suitable for frequent and continuous ventilation of premises. Provide easy access to the outside of the glass unit. They have a reasonable price.

Determining the number of air compartments in the profile

You don't have to cut the frame for this; The method is based on indirect data, but it allows you to find out the required value with sufficient accuracy. When people ask me how to find out how many chambers are in a double-glazed window, I suggest starting from the dimensions of the structure and simply measuring the thickness of the PVC window frame.

It is clear that the more air compartments, the greater the depth (width) of the profile. Different manufacturers have slightly different sizes, but in general they fit into the following ranges:

  • Thickness from 55-57 to 62 mm: three-chamber profile. The design makes it possible to install single- or double-glazed windows.
  • From 63-64 to 67 mm: profile with four chambers.


  • From 68 to 78 mm: five-chamber frame. The width of the glass unit can be increased to 42 mm.
  • From 78-80 to 90 mm: six cameras. The window is equipped with a three-chamber double-glazed window.

There is an alternative option - to purchase windows from a reputable manufacturer. Such companies post a technical catalog on the Internet, which contains drawings of the proposed profile systems.

What are the advantages of double-chamber windows?

Even despite the principle that Morozov pointed out, “the more there are, the better,” double-glazed windows and profiles also have their advantages, only here there is a nuance.

What are the advantages? Before single-chamber or three-chamber analogues?

And before the first, as it turned out, and before the last. It’s easier with single-chamber products: for double-chamber products, the degree of thermal insulation is approximately one and a half times higher. Compared to three-chamber competitors, there are completely different advantages:

  • a product with two chambers is lighter, which speeds up the installation process and makes it safer;
  • it is about 25% cheaper without taking into account any “window” discounts and promotions;
  • lets in more light.

A two-chamber product is quite sufficient in warm regions with good room heating in winter;

One of the chambers of the two-chamber package is simply made wider so that there is more space in it, for what - you already understand.

The following regularity also applies - the more cameras, the higher the sound insulation.

Double-glazed windows are the most popular due to the above features. How much can such windows cost? For clarity, we give an example of prices in the company Balcony Factory, Moscow.

Price per product, excluding installation

Single-leaf window - from 6,500 rub. Double-leaf window - from 7,500 rub. Three-leaf window - from 9,500 rub. Balcony block - from 13,500 rub.

Determining the chamberness of a double-glazed window

The intimacy of a package is not determined by measuring its width, and it is not always possible to visually count the glass. There is an elegant way to determine how many glasses are in a double-glazed window. An ordinary lighter will help you find out the truth.

Hold a lit lighter up to the glass and you will see several flame reflections. Their number indicates the number of glasses in the structure; there will be one less chamber. If one of the reflections has a color different from the original, it means that a coating has been applied to the glass, changing its properties.


Three cameras

If the window is installed in a region with a harsh climate, where temperatures in winter can reach -50 and there is high air humidity, it is best to opt for a double-glazed window with three chambers. It is suitable for requirements of high protection against cold and noise. These designs will also be appreciated by those who live near noisy places - in the city center, next to a railway or highway. This is the warmest and most reliable double-glazed window in terms of sound insulation; its width can reach up to 80 mm and has 4 glasses.

But the difference is not only in the number of glasses; three-chamber modifications have a greater safety margin; they are not afraid of extreme cold, hail, heavy rain; it is impossible to break such a window.

These double-glazed windows are much heavier than others, but their ability to retain heat is 30-50% higher in comparison with a double chamber. Due to the greater mass, the load on the frame and fittings also increases, so these windows are divided into several sections. First, you need to find out what technical characteristics a double-glazed window has, whether it is possible to install it in your home, whether the opening will be damaged or pressed through by such a mass, and then decide on the advisability of installation.

The disadvantage of a three-chamber window is its lower ability to transmit light and its relatively high cost.

Briefly about the main thing

Finding out the number of cameras in a plastic window may seem like a non-trivial task, since we usually see windows as a solid structure. If the manufacturer's technical catalog is not at hand, structural details can be determined by measuring the depth of the profile. Its thickness indirectly indicates the number of cavities, since for different manufacturers the parameters lie in the same intervals.

There are cavities not only in the frame, but also in the glass unit. More often, the gaps are visible to the naked eye, but if in doubt, you can check their number using a lighter.


Write in the comments what you think, is it possible to combine different profiles, for example, four air chambers in the sash and five in the frame?

Selection of accessories

The hardware is the window sash mechanism. She is responsible for the functioning of the structure. The fittings include trim on three sides of the sash, scissors, strikers, latches, hinges, pins and a handle.

The service life of the window and the ease of use of the opening sashes largely depend on the quality of the fittings. You cannot save on this part of the design. There is little price difference between different brands. Therefore, it is worth paying more once and minimizing adjustments and breakdowns.

The fittings are made of steel. The surface of the elements must be protected from corrosion. Decorative overlays for visible parts of the mechanism can be made from plastic. The handle can also be made of PVC, but it is better to choose a metal one - it is stronger and more durable.

It is difficult for the average person to understand the difference between fittings from different brands, so it is worth giving preference to proven brands:

  • Siegenia aubi - products of a German company, are of high quality, suitable for standard sashes and those with complex geometries. Adjustment for winter and summer pressure is possible. A stepped ventilation system has been installed. There is slot micro-ventilation. Reliably protects against burglary and ensures smooth movement of the sash.
  • Roto - German fittings. The company produces a huge range of mechanisms for windows and doors. The range of functions depends on the model. There is adjustment for winter and summer mode.
  • MACO is an Austrian brand product. The fittings ensure security against burglary. When developing mechanisms, manufacturers rely on the absence of unnecessary things and the inconspicuousness of the device - this makes windows equipped with MASO fittings elegant and neat.

Experts recommend choosing especially carefully the fittings for a large sash; the mechanism must support its weight, otherwise sagging cannot be avoided.

Tips for choosing accessories:

  • For the first floors and private houses, it is better to use anti-burglary fittings.
  • For children's institutions, the installation of any blockers is mandatory; these can be cables or locks or removable handles. These same devices are recommended for use in apartments where small children live.
  • The standard set of accessories often includes a budget plastic handle; it is better to immediately replace it with a metal one.
  • Ask the seller for product certificates. High-quality fittings can withstand 50-60 thousand opening and closing cycles and last at least 10 years.
  • Well-known manufacturers put their own logo on the fittings - this is protection against counterfeiting.

PVC window blocker.
In order for the fittings to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to clean them from dust once a year and lubricate the moving mechanisms with special oil. It can be purchased at a hardware store, hardware store, or from window manufacturers.

Important! Even the most expensive and reliable fittings need periodic adjustment. If the sash is sagging, you need to call a specialist as soon as possible and adjust the mechanism. Continued use of such a sash can lead to serious damage.

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