How to hem curtains with your own hands (7 photos)

It is impossible to imagine a cozy apartment or house without curtains on the windows. They bring comfort, save heat, give beauty and a well-groomed appearance to the room, especially if the window structures themselves leave much to be desired. The modern homeowner is not limited in the choice of material for curtains. You can hang natural, combined or artificial material. The easiest option is to buy ready-made curtains in a specialized store. They sell products in standard lengths and widths. If you need one and only curtains for the windows, there is only one option - to select curtain fabric and hem it yourself. It's not as difficult as it sounds. How to hem curtains using tape? You can do this in three different ways.

Methods for processing curtains

To understand how to properly hem curtains, you must first decide on the hemming method. It happens:

  • manual;
  • mechanical;
  • adhesive.

The manual method is the most difficult and time-consuming. But to implement it you only need a thread and a needle. And also - a reserve of time, maximum patience and a willingness to be pricked. Before starting the procedure, you need to at least remember what seams and stitches are. The simplest ones are called:

  1. estimate;
  2. machine;
  3. old;
  4. overcast;
  5. in a twist;
  6. looped;
  7. secret.

To hem curtains you will need a basting, machine or overcasting machine. There is no need for others.

The manual filing method is the most difficult; it requires patience and skill.

The mechanical method is carried out using a sewing machine. Modern units include several dozen useful functions, including one that allows you to simply and easily make curtains of the desired size and precisely hem the bottom.

If you don’t have a sewing machine in your house, it’s hardly worth buying one just for the curtains alone. Especially when further use of the unit is not expected. A good, high-quality “mechanical seamstress” costs from 5 thousand rubles, but in a salon, curtains can be hemmed for 500 rubles. The difference is obvious.

The mechanical method is suitable for those whose sewing machine does not gather dust in the far corner, but periodically performs its “professional duties.”

If you don’t have a machine in your house, then buying one just for curtains is too expensive.

A quick way to shorten curtains is to buy a special adhesive tape. It comes in different sizes from 1 to 10 centimeters. There are 2 types of such devices:

  • the end of the curtain is inserted into a kind of pocket made of ribbon - for this, the ribbon is folded in half along its length;
  • The end of the tulle is folded, and an adhesive ribbon is inserted inside the fold.

Which is preferable? It's hard to say. Each type of curtain has its own method. Sadly, adhesive tape does have some disadvantages. Over time it comes off. The drier or humid, colder the room, the faster the ribbon will become unusable. To return the curtain to its previous state, you will have to remove the ribbon completely, buy a new one in the store and “install” it again.

Some housewives claim that you can iron the part that has come unglued again - it will be as good as new. In fact, if the glue has dried, it will be almost impossible to restore the previous abilities.

If the adhesive tape comes off due to use, it should be replaced rather than repaired.

Tips from an experienced seamstress

After the curtain has been properly trimmed, experts recommend making a hem on the wrong side of the fabric by 1.5-2 cm. By the way, if we are talking about how to sew a curtain tape to organza, then it is important to take into account that in most cases its width is greater than the ceiling height. If this is the case, then you don’t have to cut off the excess fabric, but simply wrap it on the front side. Thus, it will be possible to make another decoration on a curtain approximately 2-40 cm wide.

After the curtain has been properly trimmed, experts recommend making a hem on the wrong side of the fabric by 1.5-2 cm

After this, the hem should be properly ironed. Moreover, the iron should not be very hot. Next, you can begin to adjust the braid.

The tape is folded inward 1.5 centimeters and pinned with a pin. After this the top stitch is done. To do this, step back from the edge of the braid by 1.5 centimeters. We should not forget that the braid should not peek out from behind the top edge of the curtain.

Curtain tape diagram

After the top line is stitched, there is no need to cut off the piece of braid that remains. It should be laid out on the table and pinned together with the fabric, using the pins that tailors use. In this case, the distance between the chips should be approximately 30-40 centimeters. This is necessary to complete the second line. If you do not pre-seat the fabric, it will be very difficult to make such a stitch.

Without special expenses: a needle in your hand

Not everyone knows how to hem curtains by hand. Although there are specially created instructions for this. It is as follows - shortened like this:

  1. you need to prepare the necessary tools in advance: a needle, thread, scissors, a metal or plastic thimble (useful with thick curtains);
  2. First, measure the curtains. To do this, take a sewing meter or tape measure, chalk or a piece of white soap to make marks, and begin the procedure. It would be good to lay the curtains on a hard, flat surface, press them down in the corners with something heavy and stretch them, avoiding bends and creases. Excess - cut off;
  3. When the marks are made, you need to carefully bend the edge of the curtain. In the case of thick fabric, only one fold is made. On tulle or organza - 2-3, no more, otherwise it will turn out too bulky;
  4. the resulting bend is secured with pins or needles so that it does not come apart during the sewing process;
  5. for thick synthetics, use thin needles, try not to pierce the product right through, as unattractive holes will form that will remain forever. The same goes for organza;
  6. take your time, the main thing is to make the seam as evenly as possible, any twitching of the hand will be too noticeable - this will not add beauty and style to the curtains;
  7. at the beginning and end of the line, leave the ends of the threads (at least 2 centimeters each), they are simply tied together, but not pulled together too tightly, otherwise you will get an ugly break. The ends after the knots can be trimmed, they are not necessary.

Hemming curtains by hand can be very beautiful if you are not in a hurry

Video on the topic:

Curtain sewing technology. Education. Calculations. 1. Allowances for processing. - link to a page with explanatory drawings; - link to my website where the page is located.

Let's say we have these numbers:

height from hook to floor - 270cm;

from the bottom of the hook to the top of the curtain - 6 cm;

level in relation to the floor – (-1.5 cm);

finished height of the canvas – 274.5 cm (270 + 6 – 1.5)

L cornice - 190cm;

assembly factor k = 2;

The finished width of the canvas is 380 cm (190 x 2).

That is, we know the width and height of the curtain in its finished, sewn form.

When cutting, it is necessary to take into account allowances for processing the side seams, the top of the curtain and hemming the bottom.

So, a prerequisite: the side seams and the hem of the bottom must be filled (the inner hem is equal to the outer).

Why is that?

The curtains hang on the window, which means that during the day they are completely penetrated by light directed from the outside. It becomes clear what is going on inside the processed edge (for example, frayed threads). In addition, if the seam is not filled to the fold, then when ironing the cut hidden inside will be printed (this is especially important for smooth fabrics).

The bottom of the curtain should be quite heavy, this is facilitated by a wide, double (filled) hem (sometimes in combination with a weighting agent).

Side seam allowances (cm):

on the thinnest, transparent fabrics (organza, veil): 0.5 + 0.5 or 1 + 1;

on denser, translucent, gauze-like fabrics: 1 + 1 or 1.5 + 1.5;

on silk and various curtain fabrics - 1.5 + 1.5 or 2 + 2;

in some cases, due to the style, on dense fabrics - from 3 + 3 to 5 + 5.

Using a machine: even a beginner can handle it

To properly hem curtains with your own hands, you do not need to be a super specialist and professional seamstress in the field. It is enough to know how to turn on and thread a needle, and pass the fabric under the foot. Each sewing machine has its own instructions for this. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with it before starting work.

So, the thread is inserted into place, the spool is ready for use, we proceed to shortening the length of the curtain:

  1. First you need to tuck the fabric as required. To do this, you need to take measurements, then sweep the seam with large stitches;
  2. then proceed to filing;
  3. the length of the seam is from 0.3 to 0.7 centimeters, more is not needed, as well as less, it will look unaesthetic;
  4. At the beginning and end of the line, no processing or fastening is done, the threads are simply tied together, and unnecessary ends are cut off.

Important: some experts advise that before quickly hemming curtains, hem and finish the edges with an overlocker, if the machine has such a function. It is not necessary to do this, but it is advisable, then the threads will not fall off, and the master will not get nervous.

Using a machine, trimming curtains is easier and faster - it will turn out no worse than in a studio

Designer's advice

The priority is the natural style direction and natural fabrics: silk, linen, cotton, eucalyptus, bamboo. The trend is high-density plain fabrics in gray, walnut, green, blue shades.

The desire to decorate your home with fashionable, exclusive curtains will push you to create a masterpiece with your own hands. If you have the materials, sewing equipment and step-by-step instructions, sewing a curtain is easy. And now you know how to sew a ribbon to a curtain and you can fulfill any of your wishes. Be creative, create unique products and have fun!



Put it on glue: instructions for use

The easiest way to shorten a curtain is with a special adhesive tape. Its types are described a little higher. The following are instructions for use:

  1. the length of the braid should correspond to the length of the edge of the curtain; if it is longer or shorter, nothing good will come of it, you should pay close attention to the measurements;
  2. first, a fold is formed at the end of the curtain: for stability, it is treated with a hot iron, so the bend is securely fixed in the chosen place;
  3. An adhesive tape is placed in the fold or at the end of the curtain, and then passed over the entire “structure” with a hot iron. High temperature activates the adhesive, it sticks to the fabric and quickly hardens in air.

Important: this processing method is not suitable for all fabrics. For the glue to work, the iron must be really hot, not lukewarm. Organza or thin tulle will not withstand heat treatment, so adhesive tape is not suitable for them.

If the tape is attached correctly, it will not be noticeable to strangers and others

How to shorten curtains without hemming

Sometimes it is necessary to make curtains shorter without cutting off excess fabric. In this case, you can use some tricks:

  • Gather the curtains into folds. Folds can go on the sides (English curtains) or along the entire length (Austrian curtains). The latter are done as follows: a horizontal line is drawn across the entire width of the fabric at a distance from the bottom. From this line, parallel lines are drawn at equal distances to the edge of the material. Then the curtain is hung on the curtain rod and the fabric is pierced along vertical lines, collecting folds - by pulling the thread, you can adjust the height of the folds and their appearance.

By gathering the curtains in folds, you can maintain the length of the material

  • You can sew a narrow curtain tape at the back along the vertical lines. This is a more durable option that can hold heavy fabrics and can be used to constantly adjust the height.
  • Collect in a roll. Light tulle curtains that drag along the floor can be rolled into a roll and carefully hemmed with thick thread;
  • Magnets for curtains. The curtains are gathered from the bottom and secured between two attractive magnets. The second option is to bend the edge of the curtain and fix it to the wall. Magnets can be discreet or bright, which will become excellent accessories. When purchasing, it is important to remember that only strong magnets can support heavy material;

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Magnets are extremely convenient and easy to use

  • Sew with large stitches or pin. If you need to assemble the curtain for a short time, for example, for a photo shoot, you can carefully sew the edge with large stitches, and then pull out the thread.

And, of course, you can leave the curtains at the existing length. Curtains that trail along the floor are quite popular today: they look impressive and soften an overly serious interior.

Features and subtleties of filing

The shortening procedure cannot be called complicated, it is rather energy-consuming, it requires a large amount of free time, and in this case it is not advisable to rush.

There are some secrets of professionals that will help you get the job done faster and more accurately, most importantly, beautifully:

  • Before hemming, you need to let the curtains hang. Usually this takes about 3 days. With such manipulation, the curtains may stretch a little, then you will have to trim more;
  • Before hanging the curtains on the hood, you need to wet them and do not wring them out. This will make the fabric heavier and help it develop;
  • Is the material very thin and light? Then choose threads for hemming that are lightweight, unnoticeable, to match the fabric itself; the stitching on the bottom will practically not be visible;
  • To prevent the edges of thick fabric from bending after processing, a weight is hidden inside the fold - a metal plate, for example. It should not be visible to strangers;
  • do not tighten the threads at the end and at the beginning of the stitch, the fabric will be deformed, this will look careless;
  • sometimes organza or thin tulle is not hemmed, but singed, as if sealing the edges of the product. This requires dexterity and dexterity - otherwise the materials will burn out in a matter of seconds;
  • instead of a bend, you can sew a braid or lace ribbon to the edge - it looks unusual, very impressive;
  • curtain tape can only be sewn on by machine or by hand; the adhesive tape will not withstand such a load;
  • any mistakes can be decorated with ribbon - for this they use bright products and make assemblies.

To prevent the edges of the curtain from bending, you can hide a small load inside the bend


Today, manufacturers of such products have provided a wide selection of curtain tapes, each of which is characterized by certain features. They may differ:

  • number of rows for hooks;
  • the number of threads needed to assemble the curtain;
  • subsequent assembly diagram;
  • assembly coefficient, which determines the splendor of the product.

In this case, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • curtain tape;
  • curtains;
  • scissors;
  • threads

Hemming rules

The lengths of finished products may differ for windows located in the same room, and even for different sides of the same opening. Therefore, you should measure all possible values ​​and take the average. This is especially important when the length of the curtains is selected to the floor or exactly under the window. The differences in this case become clearly visible.

The following tips will help you hem curtains and tulle correctly:

  1. Materials, especially those containing natural fibers, are prone to shrinkage. Therefore, before starting work, it is advisable to wash new curtains and then iron them, following the recommended mode for a certain type of fabric.
  2. It is advisable to let heavy curtains hang on the curtain for 2-3 days to finalize the length, since the fabric may stretch.
  3. It is convenient to measure the length on a hanging curtain: secure the selected length with pins on both sides, and then pin marks on the removed ones every 10-15 cm.
  4. You can measure the distance from the cornice to the selected level using a tape measure, and then calculate the difference between the actual and desired length of the canvas, mark it with pins or draw a marking.
  5. First you need to iron the fold, this will help to cut the fabric evenly. You can only tear fabric made from natural fibers: calico, chintz, cotton.

The width of the hem of the bottom edge is determined according to the situation. There are no strict recommendations on this matter. Making a large hem is more practical, since you won’t need to trim the curtain and there will be a supply of fabric in case the curtain needs to be lengthened. Wide hems look good decoratively and are suitable for long models of medium density, as well as weighting short curtains.

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