Mirror film for windows: advantages and disadvantages, types, installation, care rules

Mirror film has become extremely popular in recent years among a wide variety of target audiences. Mirror tinting is relevant for any objects - apartments, private houses, cafes, restaurants, office and shopping centers, cinemas, building facades. You can buy mirror film at competitive prices at. The cost of mirror film for windows will depend on its type, as well as the degree of reflection of sunlight. Our company offers affordable prices in Moscow and other regions of Russia. To buy mirror film for glass, just call us or place an order directly on our website in the online store. Our range includes various colors of mirror tinting.

Application area

This is a polymer product consisting of 2 or 3 layers. The first layer is a surface with acrylic glue applied to it, the second is metallized with an anti-adhesive coating. In three-layer products, a colored layer is placed between these two.

The material is used in construction for glazing in apartment and private buildings, shopping centers, sports and office buildings.

The main functions of the devices used for tinting are presented in the table.

Window tinting (functions)Where is it used and how does it work?
UV protectionWindows, loggias, balconies with glazing exposed to sunlight. Reflective film protects interior decoration and furniture from fading
Protection from prying attentionThe problem is faced by residents of the first floors, houses and office buildings located in maximum proximity to each other. The material creates a one-way appearance. It is not visible from the outside what is inside. And, conversely, those inside can clearly see what is happening outside.
Decorative detail of the interior (exterior)Often, tinting with a mirror film becomes a detail of the interior design of a room. It can also be used to improve the exterior of the entire building as a whole.
Additional protection of indoor pools from algal bloomsBy preventing sunlight from entering the room and the pool water, the polymer coating becomes an additional means of slowing down the process of water blooming in the pool

Athermal tinting of apartments

The main property of tinted glass is the ability to absorb solar energy, performing the function of protecting the room from sunlight, and the use of the mirror reflection effect solves security and privacy issues.

Tinting an apartment and rooms with glass in window openings is excellent protection from the sun and ultraviolet radiation . High temperatures and many hours of direct sunlight in the summer can make it unbearable to stay indoors in apartments and offices. Thanks to tinting the windows in the apartment, the room does not heat up, glare from TVs and monitors disappears, furniture, wallpaper and flowers are not subject to fading. The one-way visibility effect will hide the room and people from prying eyes from the street.

Types of tinting coating

Sun protection film for tinting an apartment prevents the room from heating up in the summer, and reduces heat loss in the winter. Suppresses the glare of the sun, snow and water, and those that arise as a result of reflection from the windows of neighboring houses and buildings.

The process of tinting windows in an apartment or house

Mirror film is usually used for tinting windows on the first floors of a home or if other buildings are located very close. Thick curtains are not the best option. And the best alternative is film with a mirror effect. But one nuance should be taken into account. In the evening and at night, when the lighting inside is brighter than outside, the reflection effect disappears. Also, mirror tinting prevents the window from fogging up and creates a barrier screen from electromagnetic radiation.

The protective tinting coating for apartment windows has anti-shock quality and serves as a serious obstacle to entry into the apartment. Such film is also relevant in a house where there are children. When a window is broken, the glass remains on the film, which will help avoid cuts and injuries.

Matte tinting coating is used in offices and apartments, where zoning occurs using glass partitions. This is a brilliant way to replace frosted glass and significantly reduce costs.

The benefits of tinting plastic windows

  • Protection against overheating of premises due to solar heat. Tinting is a screen that can absorb and reflect about 80 percent of heat.
  • The view from a window or office is clear and excellent, without distortion.
  • Effectively reflecting solar energy and sunlight, the mirror coating protects against harmful UV rays.
  • Decorative features. The use of tinting, especially on large areas, allows you to refine the building, add effectiveness and solidity to it.
  • Wide choice of color palette.
  • Attractive appearance. The tint film is aesthetically pleasing and harmonizes perfectly with the window decor.
  • Various degrees of darkness and specularity.
  • Protective properties.
  • Service life more than 7 years.

Cost of film with installation

Film typePrice for 1 m2 of film with installation
Sun protection750,00 ₽
Toning750,00 ₽
Mirror750,00 ₽
Matte650,00 ₽
Athermalfrom 950.00 RUR
Protective800,00 ₽

The constructive use of the exceptional qualities of tinting films in the exterior and interior of apartments, country cottages, and offices is an integral part of any modern living space.

How to order window tinting in an apartment

Very simple:

  • Leave a request on the website or by phone.
  • We'll call you back and arrange a visit to you to measure your glass.
  • We will answer all questions regarding the choice of film.
  • We will agree with you on the day and time of the work.
  • We will provide a guarantee for the work performed

For questions regarding cooperation in the field of booking windows with film, please call: +7 (962) 929-90-19 (Moscow).


Based on the structure, mirror film for windows is available in two types:

  • standard - two-layer;
  • painted - three-layer.

By surface type:

  • glossy;
  • matte - used more often for decorating glass partitions in office buildings and medical institutions.

By purpose:

  • architectural - for decorating glass facades;
  • energy-saving - retains heat by reflecting thermal energy back into the room;
  • solar control film for windows - with increased absorption of bright sunlight up to 99%;
  • anti-vandal - a thick layer of polymer makes it difficult for unwanted guests to enter the building.

The coating differs in the degree of toning and color range. The metallized layer is produced by sputtering aluminum, bronze, titanium, nickel, and rarely silver and gold.

The main characteristics when choosing are strength and light transmittance. These parameters must be indicated on the packaging

Film cost calculator

Window height:mm
Window width:mm
Film type:
Delivery and installation:

Attention! The calculator takes into account that the width of the roll = 1.52 m. For example, if you need 1 film measuring 1 m by 1 m, the cost will be calculated as 1 m * 1.52 m * cost of 1 sq.m.. The program automatically tries to arrange Your film sizes are most advantageous on a roll so that the cost is lower.

When ordering for pickup! Minimum order – 1 p.m. films. The calculator will automatically round one side to the width of the roll, and the other side to a multiple of 1 linear meter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before using the material, you should carefully analyze its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits include:

  • high degree of reflection of ultraviolet and infrared radiation;
  • Beautiful design;
  • safety - if the integrity of the glass is damaged, window tint film holds the fragments;
  • strength - impact-resistant types can protect the integrity of glass when hit by a bullet from an air pistol;
  • protection of personal space from prying eyes;
  • saving energy by eliminating or reducing the operating time of cooling equipment;
  • comfortable work with office equipment due to the absence of glare.

Tinting polymers are fireproof, non-flammable materials that prevent glass from breaking in the event of a fire.


  • when the lights are on in the evening, there is no protective function;
  • the inability to regulate the degree of darkness, which is important in the autumn-winter period - visibility inside the room worsens, warming up slows down in case of heating problems.

How window tint and mirror films work

If the window glass is covered with a mirror film, then in the sunlight through it, people passing by and curious onlookers will definitely not be able to see anything except their reflection. Visibility is refracted only from the outside. You, being indoors, will be able to clearly see who is so interested in your life.

As soon as evening comes, artificial light sources are turned on in an office or apartment with decorative film covering the windows. The picture outside also changes. There is no trace of confidentiality left. Therefore, you will still have to supplement the window structure with blinds, roller blinds or fabric curtains.

Installation methods

Selected depending on the area of ​​the surfaces to be pasted. It is impossible to carry out work on large areas without special equipment and professional craftsmen.

You can tint the windows of your own apartment yourself in two ways:

  • permanently - without removing the glass unit;
  • with a glass unit recess.

In the first case, the window tinting film is glued directly to the installation site of the window opening.

To improve the quality of the sticker, it is recommended to remove the glass unit before starting the procedure. If the glass unit cannot be easily removed, it is left in the frame to avoid deformation of the structure. It's better to paste it permanently

How to glue yourself

Before starting work, check the temperature in the room from +5 to +40°C, humidity 20-80%.

To work you will need tools and materials:

  • stationery knife;
  • wide grip spatula;
  • spray;
  • the product itself;
  • clean napkins;
  • mild detergent.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Measure the glass and cut the sticker to size. Some manufacturers apply a line on the back side, which simplifies the process of an even cut.
  2. Wash the surface of the glass with a soap solution (1 drop of liquid soap or baby shampoo per 3 liters of water) and dry.
  3. Fill a spray bottle with soapy water and moisten the glass.
  4. Remove the protective layer and moisten the exposed area using a spray bottle.
  5. Place the product on the surface, fix it with a spatula, and move from the center to the edge.
  6. Remove bubbles and excess water using a spatula soaked in water so as not to damage the material.

After complete drying, the film on the window will become smooth.

Final drying occurs after 1.5-2 weeks. Microbubbles that do not disappear during this period will gradually expand over time


What is window film used for?

The main purpose of such products is to protect the room from exposure to infrared, ultraviolet or other radiation, as well as to retain shards of broken glass. They also help keep you warm inside, which is especially useful in winter. Window film provides the necessary level of privacy and security by reducing the possibility of viewing. Some models perform decorative functions and can be used to solve design problems.

What material should the film be made of?

Most commercially available coatings are made from polyester. The purpose of the film largely determines the subsequent deposition. Thus, the use of a layer of aluminum, titanium or nickel will give the surface sun protection properties, PVC - additional density, resistance to wear and damage.

How to properly glue the film?

Installation is usually carried out using special tools and adhesives. Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly clean, degrease and dry the glass surface. Sudden movements, as well as dust or moisture particles entering the window during installation, should be avoided. This can lead to the formation of bubbles, translucent streaks, material peeling and other defects. It is better to hide the edges of the film behind the glazing beads holding the bags.


There are no special care instructions. Light mirror tinting of windows requires increased attention, which requires careful handling when cleaning.

The use of brushes or cleaning powders is not recommended. For cleaning, purchase a soft, lint-free cloth.

You can clean the surface from dust using a soap solution using liquid soap or baby shampoo. Solvents are not allowed in the solution.

How to remove

The process is complicated by the presence of a metallized layer, which requires careful removal from the glass surface.

Two ways to remove the coating.

Using a household steamer

The selected area is heated with hot steam for 5-7 minutes. As soon as the material has lifted, they pick it up and tear it off, pulling it towards themselves. The same manipulations are done with other areas one by one until all the glass is clean.

Remaining traces can be easily removed with soapy water.

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