Mounting wedge: types, applications, advantages and disadvantages

Instead of wood chips, construction waste and bits cut from old window frames, lightweight, durable plastic wedges came to the aid of installers. Multi-colored corners weigh little, take up little space, and most importantly, they are always at hand.

The main functions of the mounting wedge are precise calibration of the frame relative to the opening and transfer of the load to the wall material. Violations of the geometry when “exposing” the frame before fastening with anchors are guaranteed to lead to a complaint after some time: despite the adjustment, the heavy sash will no longer close, gaps, cracks, and unevenness will appear on the slopes and seams. The reason is the gradual distortion of the frame, which was left “hanging” on the mounting foam, under its own weight. The lack of factory wedges forces workers to waste time making stands from scrap materials.

Mounting wedges: types and application features

Mounting wedges have been around for quite a long time and are actively popular among professionals who are involved in repair work. The capabilities of the products are quite extensive, so thanks to them it is easy to solve a lot of problems in leveling surfaces and attaching a finishing coating to them. Let's consider the types of these mounting elements and the features of their use in repair work.

Mounting wedges are indispensable assistants in construction and repair.

What are mounting wedges and what are they used for?

The main task of mounting wedges is high-quality leveling of surfaces. Despite the fact that you can use a variety of available materials for this, it is much more convenient to use specialized elements. This approach greatly simplifies the work and allows you to less scrupulously select the thickness of all parts. In addition, this eliminates the risk of drying out and settling of the substrate, which is often encountered in the future.

Most often, mounting wedges are used to level surfaces.

Plastic mounting wedges are completely free of this drawback. Despite their simple design and unassuming appearance, they are an excellent solution to many problems. The plastic from which such wedges are made is very durable; it has a fairly long service life, practically not inferior to the service life of other materials.

Each wedge has a cross-section in the shape of a triangle with a right angle. In this case, the length and height of the mounting element are determined by the legs of a given triangle. The wide edges have a ribbed surface. Thanks to the presence of special protrusions on the wide sides, two wedges laid side by side do not move apart even under the influence of significant load.

The technology for laying such products involves folding them into one rectangular block, which levels the surface. At the same time, you can easily adjust the height of the block by moving the wedges apart and bringing them together. Therefore, the adjustment can be quite precise, as a result of which the supporting surface will not be distorted.

Mounting plastic wedges: types and features

The classification of these elements is very simple, since there are only three main standard sizes of wedges:

  • small, designed for a load of 200-350 kg;
  • medium – 1500-1700 kg;
  • large – 2200-2500 kg.

Plastic wedges are produced in various sizes, which are designed for different loads.
Mounting plastic wedges, the dimensions of which comply with the standards, can easily withstand such loads and not deform. Numerous stiffening ribs and a honeycomb structure are responsible for this. If you look closely at the surface of the wedge, you can easily see flat and hollow areas. They are located in such a way that the area of ​​their contact during the process of bringing together and spreading is as large as possible.

Note! The loads indicated by the manufacturer are only valid for wedges that are completely adjacent to each other. Adjusting products reduces their endurance in proportion to the contact area. This must be taken into account, since in most cases the wedges converge no more than 2/3 of their length. Therefore, the passport data does not always correspond to reality; usually the pads can withstand 60-70% of the declared load.

If you move the plastic wedges inside the pad, you will hear clear clicks. This is due to the movement of the ridges in the grooves. This is normal because each click means the block has moved one notch. The height of the largest part of the wedge is 15 mm, the adjustment range can be 15-22 mm, and one step can be 0.5 mm. To achieve greater height, a third element can be inserted between the two, adding an additional 15mm of height.

Typically, a plastic wedge has another interesting feature - a cellular structure. This makes it possible to use these elements to work in those places where the insulation contour will be located. The thermal conductivity of the insulating material is increased due to the cellular structure, so this is an excellent solution, for example, when installing plastic windows.

Large mounting wedges are designed for a load of 2.2-2.5 thousand kg.

There is one drawback that is worth being aware of: due to constant vibrations, the wedges under the floor covering can move slightly. The technician can eliminate this danger during the installation process by using through fastenings through the blocks. Additional fixation is never superfluous, and if you are not confident in the reliability of the structure, it is always better to use auxiliary fasteners.

Mounting plastic wedges: technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

It was previously mentioned that completely different elements can be used as homemade spacers. These can be either wooden or metal products of suitable size. This solution has a serious drawback: wood can react negatively not only to high humidity, but also to dryness. Drying and swelling of a homemade wedge can reduce all efforts to zero. In addition, wood is a breeding ground for insects and microorganisms.

Naturally, choosing a wooden element of the right size may require a lot of time and effort. This is not a very practical solution, especially if we are talking about a full repair, and not about selecting one sample.

The main technical advantage of parts specially designed for such purposes is not this. The plastic spacer wedge, if selected correctly, does not deform even after time. But wood often sags. The result is warped windows and doors, and gaps in the floor.

The main advantage of plastic wedges is that they do not deform over time.

Among other positive characteristics of these parts, it is worth noting the following:

  • characterized by high temperature resistance - from -45 to 85 °C, resistance to sudden temperature changes and the ability not to react to it;
  • it is possible to adjust the height of the wedges as accurately as possible (down to millimeters); do not absorb moisture;
  • do not deform under permissible loads;
  • do not rot, do not mold;
  • You can fix the elements with anything: self-tapping screws, nails or screws;
  • due to inertness to the mounting foam, the wedges are secured very securely;
  • the service life of such products has no restrictions;
  • in terms of thermal conductivity, the mounting wedges fully correspond to the windows, so that after installation the overall thermal conductivity coefficient does not change;
  • the sufficient width of the elements allows the window and stand profiles not to slide off;
  • wedges are characterized by even angles and can be used in odd numbers.

All these characteristics allow us to rightfully consider plastic mounting wedges the most correct and practical solution when it comes to the need to level the surface. Their cost allows you to give up thinking about saving, so you don’t need to make elements of the appropriate size yourself.

Straightening plate

Our catalog contains more than 70 types of straightening plates for fixing double-glazed windows. Straightening plates provide the nominal dimensions of the gaps between the edge of the glass unit and the sash rebate. Straightening plates serve to distribute the weight of the glass unit, they even out the load on the frame, and additionally eliminate unwanted stresses arising due to temperature changes and operating conditions. Straightening plates prevent the possibility of pressing the sash when it is broken.

Mounting wedges: features of use when laying floors on joists

Leveling the floor joists is one of the main abilities of this type of element. Mounting wedges for joists allow you to accurately select the required height of the future surface, eliminating unevenness and defects in the subfloor. But it is worth knowing about one nuance: the hard plastic of such wedges often negatively affects the properties of the concrete surface to which it is attached. Over time, as a result of loads, the concrete may begin to crumble, and the wedges will sag.

Wooden and plastic wedges are suitable for laying floors on joists.

In order to avoid this, longitudinal logs are additionally attached along the surface. Then they mark the installation axis for the transverse floors. Laying is carried out by inserting medium or large sized blocks at the intersections of the beams. Then the logs are further leveled.

To consolidate the achieved result, each block is coated on the side with a small amount of ordinary polyurethane foam. Thanks to this, shifts in the lag over time are excluded. About a day after applying the foam, all that remains is to drive screws of the required length into the joists or fasten the beams together using metal corners.

For rooms with a small area, this is an ideal option. For long logs, this is not a very good solution, since due to the long length the wood will sag. Therefore, in large rooms it is preferable to use laminated timber for logs. This will make it stronger and more reliable.

How to use mounting wedges for windows

Plastic mounting wedges for windows are used everywhere, since it is often simply impossible to do without them. This is due to the fact that the load is usually distributed unevenly in the window frame, so the wooden window substrates become twisted and deformed over time. This negatively affects the heat and sound insulation properties of the window. In addition, there are serious concerns that the fittings will not work properly.

When installing windows, it is impossible to do without mounting wedges.

On a note! The heaviest load in the window falls on the areas located under the imposts. Therefore, a block must be installed in such places.

As a rule, small and medium-sized wedges are used for installing windows. They are placed along the frame, subsequently covering the pads with a thin layer of polyurethane foam. Depending on the situation, use one of two types of installation:

  • under the impost;
  • at a distance of 10-20 cm from the center, on both sides.

The second option involves using fasteners through the frame to provide additional fixation of the pads. However, the first method is no worse, since static loads do not lead to divergence of the wedges, and wind loads will not harm due to fixation with polyurethane foam.

For an average window, the recommended foam joint thickness is 25-30 mm. To do this, a height of 2-3 wedges is sufficient, which should touch 80-90%. First, the frame is fixed on folded blocks, and then the upper corners are set with temporary fasteners. They are placed in a plane and aligned vertically. Only after this do they move on to mixing and spreading the pads themselves.

Wedges are used when installing not only windows, but also window sills.

After everything is done, the frame must be finally secured and foamed. Thanks to this technique, you don’t have to worry about possible shifts and violations. To temporarily fix the window, you should also use pads. The main thing is not to forget to remove the mounting wedges for PVC windows after the foam has dried. The voids are filled with the same foam.


The main problems during the operation of windows arise from their improper installation. The function of the devices is to ensure that installation occurs without distortion.

After checking the horizon level, specialists use support blocks for installing windows to level the structure. This operation is carried out before attaching it to the wall. The elements that form these pads must touch the window profile tightly without squeezing it.

The structure is leveled by moving one marker differently. This way the desired height is achieved. The substrates are placed along the frame.

Spacer wedges for doors: technology of use

Another area in which these elements are actively used is the installation of doors, and they are used for both interior and entrance structures. The only difference is the number of sides of the vestibule.

Entrance doors, which usually have four-sided blocks, if installed on spacer wedges, do not require additional screed preparation. But the required number of wedges is selected depending on the mass of the door frame to be worked with in a particular case. Based on this, small or medium elements are used.

Hollow honeycomb doors can get by with two blocks of medium-sized wedges. Heavier items will require larger wedges. However, this makes it easy to level complex structures that have significant weight. To do this, just use a pry bar to slightly raise the edge of the threshold, and then adjust it using a level and install the block correctly. If everything is smooth and the support remains motionless, you can safely proceed to the final fixation.

It is advisable to use spacer wedges for installing interior and entrance doors.

Separately, it is worth mentioning how spacer wedges are used to adjust a door with a three-sided rebate. In this case, the installation of two leveling blocks is required - vertically on the box.

Note! It is of great importance whether the door is installed on a finished or subfloor. In the case of a subfloor, the block must be assembled from wedges, the thickness of which will approximately correspond to the thickness of the finishing coating. To do this, you can glue several pads together.

Installation instructions

Mounting wedges are installed before attaching the window block to the wall opening with fasteners. Landing

the side blocks should be tight, but not exert a force on the profiles of the boxes. The distance and size are selected depending on the design of the product being mounted. The installation diagram is shown in the figure. Moving the wedge over the wedge, align the mounted part at the required level. Mounting wedges are placed along the window block.

After fixing (aligning) the mounted product, the installation seam is sealed with polyurethane foam and vapor barrier tape.

Mounting plastic wedges: GOSTs and standards

Special GOST 30971-2002 regulates the technology for installing window openings, so it is worth considering it in the light of how spacer wedges are used for windows according to established standards. According to this GOST, there are certain restrictions regarding possible deviations for windows vertically and horizontally. This is 1.5 mm per 1 m of length, but on the condition that the total deviation should not be more than 3 mm over the entire length. According to GOST, the technology for measuring errors and methods of fastening have remained virtually unchanged in recent years.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of elements such as a wedge. Plastic windows rest on them, which provides additional thermal insulation due to special voids. In addition, they are more reliably protected from moisture, last longer and allow for faster installation than using wooden ones.

Installation of windows using wedges is regulated by GOST 30971-2002.

On a note! In training videos dedicated to repairs, you can see how mounting wedges are used for a window sill. This is very convenient and practical, as they allow you to level its surface in the shortest possible time with a minimum of effort.

Modern construction wedges interact well with polyurethane foam, so there is no need to exclude it from the installation procedure. On the contrary, this sealant can be effectively used for additional insulation and thermal insulation. Foam, as usual, should be filled with voids, regardless of the installed wedges.

Basic properties

There are several standard sizes of the mounting wedge, which allow balancing of building parts with a high degree of accuracy. The alignment accuracy is ensured by teeth located on both sides of the wedge, the pitch is 0.5 mm. Air chambers and a tight fit (design features) eliminate the problem of freezing during the cold season. Mounting wedges are made of special polymer materials that do not react to temperature changes.

Reliable wedging and fixation of building elements is ensured by the presence of sawtooth teeth located on both sides over the entire surface and are at an angle to it.

  • 2x increase in adhesion area.
  • no sliding on the surface.
  • no-break guarantee.

Durable and resistant to environmental influences. Reliable operation of mounting wedges is guaranteed at temperatures from -40°C to +80°C. The wedge contains internal chambers, due to which the cold bridge that causes freezing when using wooden blocks is removed.

How to use spacer wedges for laminate flooring

Wedges of this type are used directly for laying laminate flooring and are designed to provide the necessary gap between the floor covering and the wall - approximately 10 mm. This allows the laminate to expand freely when exposed to moisture and then contract again. This is due to the high hygroscopicity of this material and its ability to change its size under the influence of environmental factors.

Wedges provide the required gap between the wall and the laminate.

Using plastic mounting wedges for the floor, you need to leave a gap along each wall, and also make an indentation from all built-in structures, for example, stairs, pipes, heating devices. Otherwise, this may negatively affect the coating: it will deform quite quickly. There is no need to be afraid that the gaps will ultimately spoil the appearance of the floor, since they will be covered with a plastic plinth, and in places near the pipes you can use a rosette.

On a note! In order to close the gaps between the walls and the laminate, it is recommended to purchase a plinth after completing the installation work on laying the floor. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing a skirting board that is not wide enough, which will entail additional costs.

Why are these elements necessary in the process of laying the floor and are they really necessary? Let's take a closer look at each aspect:

  1. They help maintain the required distance between the wall and the edge of the laminate.
  2. Thanks to the wedge-shaped shape, as well as the presence of stiffening ribs, they allow for optimal adjustments. This makes it possible to avoid slipping during installation.

Use mounting wedges to ensure a 10mm gap along each wall.
Metal wedges are also sometimes used for working with floors, but their characteristics in most cases are not justified when it comes to a material such as laminate. Spacer wedges for plastic laminate flooring more than cope with all their tasks. If the size is correctly selected, these elements do not require additional reinforcement at all.


The product unit “mounting wedge” is represented by a plastic product with an internal cross-section in the form of a right triangle, forming a constructive wedge-shaped elevation from edge to edge.

In its body, according to the domino principle, solid square sections and voids alternate, forming “air chambers” and “stiffening ribs”. This technological technique enhances the adhesion of the wedge to adjacent surfaces and forms an additional heat-insulating barrier.

Plastic mounting wedges have snapping teeth on both sides of the product. The wedges are not fixed to the profile. They are fixed together, forming a “lining” of a given height and are simply inserted into the gap, taking on the load and weight of the structure.

Modern high-tech installation in accordance with GOST no longer requires driving in anchors, leveling surfaces with wood chips and improvised materials to prevent skewing or subsidence of the block. To this end, using little force, installers insert plastic mounting wedges for windows, evenly distributing them around the perimeter. Their ribbed surface and shape are calculated with high precision and do not allow the wedges to shift under loads.

The developers took care of the possibility of using both an even and odd number of plastic spacers. To align skewed openings, they suggest installing them in 2 pieces to get combined rectangular blocks.

Plastic mounting wedges: price and quality

Spacer wedges, despite their simplicity, can not only have different sizes, but also differ from each other in cost. In general, their price is quite small - from 2 rubles per piece. But you need to understand that when laying a floor, for example, you may need a lot of them.

A standard mounting wedge 143x43x22 mm will cost the buyer only 7 rubles. However, these elements are rarely purchased individually; usually manufacturers offer to buy a set at once. For example, a package of 50 pcs. with a size of 57x34x7/2+15/10 it will cost 712 rubles. Another manufacturer has 100 pcs. The same wedges can be purchased for 626 rubles.

On average, the cost of mounting wedges is about 2 rubles. a piece.

Spacer wedges for plastic windows are also worth buying in a package. As an option – 30 pcs. in a pack at a price of 200 rubles. Of course, these are Chinese products, so in such cases it is quite common to find a certain percentage of defective products. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention not only to what kind of mounting plastic wedges they are, the price per piece. and other characteristics, but also on customer reviews, which can tell which manufacturers’ products it is better to refuse immediately.

On a note! Metal mounting wedges should not cost as much as plastic ones. A price that is too low indicates a low-quality metal that may not be sufficiently resistant to stress.

Using wedges to level furniture, windows, floor joists, laminate flooring and even tiles, you can achieve maximum evenness of any surface. Thanks to the simple installation procedure, this can also be done in the shortest possible time. Using such small elements, you can achieve the desired result and carry out the work, achieving maximum evenness after installation and the aesthetic appearance of the resulting structure.

Seal scissors

Used for cutting window and door seals at an angle of 90 degrees. For large production volumes, it increases labor productivity in cutting the sealant. To achieve the highest quality, durable and soft pressing of the sash to the frame in the modern production of window structures, it is necessary not only to select a good seal, but also to install it efficiently, quickly, and most importantly, correctly. For these purposes, the TBM catalog contains scissors for cutting DSV1521 sealant produced by the German company DEVENTER. These scissors are specially designed for the entire range of technical operations performed during installation of the seal on the sash. The knives are located at an angle of 90 degrees, which allows for maximum pressure of the seal to the sash in the corner connection. And thanks to the multifunctional table with scissors, you can cut the seal without fear of making a mistake and damaging the seal. The seaming roller will allow you to quickly and easily install the seal into the groove on the sash.

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