Laminated window sills - a combination of aesthetics and practicality

Laminated window sills look attractive and are often used for homes and offices. This is a profitable solution that allows you to decorate the interior in the desired style, spending little money and time on it; laminated products are easy to repair and can hide the shortcomings of an old window sill without replacing the latter.

Laminated window sills - a combination of aesthetics and practicality

  • What are laminated window sills?
  • What advantages does the product have?
  • Application of laminated overlays
  • How to choose products?
  • How to install correctly?
  • What is required to fix the pad?
  • Benefits of overlays
  • Why is the use of overlays beneficial?
  • The advantage of overlays

Laminated window sills look attractive and are often used for homes and offices. This is a profitable solution that allows you to decorate the interior in the desired style, spending little money and time on it; laminated products are easy to repair and can hide the shortcomings of an old window sill without replacing the latter.

What advantages does the product have?

Laminated PVC window sills have the following positive qualities:

  • High strength. The products are made of solid PVC, are not afraid of moisture, and are resistant to temperature changes.
  • Increased rigidity, due to which you can put various objects on the windowsill or sit down; At the same time, the product has minimal weight.
  • Ease of care. The design does not require any special actions to maintain its attractive appearance. If desired, the film can be updated, ridding the window sill of external defects or changing its color.
  • Laminated PVC window sills are visually attractive; they can be decorated to resemble other materials: for example, wood or marble, which makes them universal for any interior.
  • The material does not emit harmful substances and can be used in residential premises, children's institutions, hospitals, and public catering establishments.

Do you want something special and durable for your interior? Read our article “Marble window sills - a combination of luxury and quality.” The most common are plastic window sills. You can learn more about them from our article “Plastic window sills - varieties and features”

You can learn more about window sill covers on our website. Such overlays are used if the appearance of the window sill has deteriorated.

Lamination of window sills using RENOLIT films

Our company's assortment includes all modern lamination films from the Renolit company. Their entire model range can be divided into:

  • RENOLIT EXOFOL FX is the most technologically advanced version of RENOLIT films;
  • RENOLIT EXOFOL MX - classic lamination film;
  • RENOLIT EXOFOL PX is an improved lamination film.

In order to choose the most suitable option, let's look at each of the presented types in more detail.

Film for laminating window sills RENOLIT EXOFOL FX

RENOLIT EXOFOL FX is a film of the highest quality that is particularly colorfast and provides outstanding protective properties. Important factors affecting the durability of laminated surfaces are environmental humidity and the intensity of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The higher the humidity, the more difficult it is for the film not to peel off from the surface. RENOLIT EXOFOL FX film was developed specifically for tropical and subtropical climates where humidity reaches extreme levels. In addition, such films repel dirt and moisture, preventing it from being absorbed.

RENOLIT EXOFOL MX - classic film for laminating window sills

This standard film from RENOLIT has managed to gain a reputation as a reliable material with an affordable price. Despite the fact that MX series films do not stand out with any special characteristics compared to their “big brothers” from the FX and PX series, they fully fulfill their purpose and can last 10 years in a tropical climate, and in most regions of Russia much longer.

RENOLIT EXOFOL PX - an improved film for laminating window sills

RENOLIT EXOFOL PX is an improved version of the proven RENOLIT EXOFOL MX film. Thanks to improved technical parameters, this type of lamination film has greater durability in all climatic conditions. In its production, high-quality materials are used that retain their properties for a very long time. In addition, when creating these products, as well as when creating all RENOLIT films, solar shield technology is used, thanks to which the window sills on which it is applied precisely retain their shape.

Installation of Rehau windows for you at prices from the manufacturer

Sequence of manipulations

To properly laminate a wooden base, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and level the surface. All actions must follow the classic scheme:

  1. Using sandpaper, remove all loose paint, knots and other defects.
  2. Existing cracks and depressions are sealed with putty.
  3. To sand the window sill, you should use fine-grained sandpaper.
  4. At the final stage, a degreaser and primer are used.

Of course, such preparation is not appropriate for a polyvinyl chloride window sill. It is quite enough to simply degrease this product. After preparation, you can begin cutting the film. For these purposes, it is quite enough to use a wide table. A sheet of plastic or plywood must be placed under the bottom. Otherwise, you can sit directly on the floor. To avoid the most common mistakes, you need to adhere to the following scheme:

  • Using a tape measure, measure the dimensions of the window sill. The outline of the product is applied to the back side of the prepared film, adding 22 cm on each side.
  • We must not forget about the additional strip that carefully covers the front end and the lower part of the window sill.
  • It is necessary to try to construct the development of the side surfaces so that they are as close as possible to the main part.
  • If the design has rounded or figured corners, then a rectangular allowance is left for them. You will have to adjust the dimensions after the fact. If the lamination imitates tiles or an ornament, then you will have to cut it exclusively from the front side. Otherwise, the master simply will not be able to align the edges of the design element with the window sill.

After the manipulations have been completed, you can begin finishing. In this case, maximum attention and accuracy will be required. From the edge adjacent to the frame, you need to carefully separate the film from the protective paper layer by 5 cm. The sheet is straightened and pressed against the surface of the window sill. The strip should be smoothed from the middle to the edges. After this, similar actions are performed with the second strip. The manipulations are repeated until the very end of the window sill. If an air bubble has formed, it should be pierced in the center with a needle and smoothed out.

Unconventional approach

At the final stage, the master will have to paste over the ends and corners. Action plan:

  • The film is cut at an angle of 45.
  • At the next stage, nail scissors will come in handy to form shaped areas and stick the film on.
  • All that remains is to warm up the structure with a hairdryer and finally smooth the laminating sheet to achieve maximum aesthetic appeal.

If during operation the film was deformed or stuck crookedly, then there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is not to try to smooth the canvas in this state. It is necessary to pull the free end without jerking so that the color film is positioned as perpendicular to the surface of the structure as possible. Deformed areas must be carefully peeled off and immediately placed in the correct position and smoothed with a dry cloth.

If everything is done correctly and carefully, the window sill will immediately take on a completely different look, complementing the interior of any room. The film-coated product becomes more resistant to various temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. The material does not allow moisture to pass through and is not susceptible to mold development.

Ways to solve the problem

Let's break down the options for restoring PVC window sills into categories depending on the use of the material used.

Important! Before you repair a plastic window sill with your own hands, the surface must be cleaned of dirt, degreased with alcohol and dried.

Chemical cleaners

It is known that the plastic surfaces of windows and window sills are covered with an invisible or decorative film that performs a protective function. If handled carelessly, it will become scuffed and yellowed. To eliminate such minor defects, you can completely restore the part using laminate wax or a special solvent-based Cosmofen cleaner.

Small stains and abrasions can be removed with a special cleaner Cosmofen

If the window sill is completely yellowed, it is better to apply the composition to its entire surface. It will dissolve the top yellowed layer and the plastic will become as good as new. This will complete the restoration of the window sill.

Special putty

The use of a specialized mixture such as Fenoplast or Reparaturset to seal small defects is a very popular method today. In stores it is sold in powder form complete with a spatula and measuring cup. Preparing the putty according to the instructions is not difficult. After use, this mixture acquires properties close to PVC and easily covers gaps, be it a crack or a scratch. To dilute the two-component mixture, experienced specialists use not water, but a primer for deeper penetration, which helps to obtain a fairly durable coating.

You can use putty to repair small scratches and cracks.

Immediately after preparing the composition you should:

  1. Apply putty to the surface.
  2. Carefully repair the scratch and smooth it out.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes. until completely dry.
  4. Sand with sandpaper.
  5. Polish with Fenosol S5 “UVA”.

To understand what it will look like to repair a plastic window sill with your own hands using putty, you need to start with more inconspicuous places.

Liquid plastic

If you don't know how to remove scratches from a plastic window sill, use liquid plastic. This material is absolutely indispensable for repairing deep scratches and large dents. It allows you to restore even the most advanced deformation.

To correct deep defects in the window sill, liquid plastic is used

With a ready-made composition such as Cosmofen Plus, all the recesses on the plastic window sill are sealed until a smooth surface is obtained. After this, you need to see how the cracks being repaired and the patch will differ from the overall texture of the plate. Therefore, it can additionally be covered with self-adhesive decorative film.

Preparatory work

First of all, choose a self-adhesive film based on the overall harmony with the decoration of the room. Usually the window sills are covered with tulle, but the color and pattern are still visible through it. In the kitchen, the window sill can generally be open if there is a lambrequin hanging.

Now, in combination with plastic windows, plastic window sills are installed, which are easily decorated. What if he is of the old generation? For example, cement particle board (CSB), reinforced concrete version.

As a rule, they were simply painted, some were covered with ceramic tiles. If the oil paint holds well, then you can glue it on it. If peeling is present, remove easily removable particles.

If there are cracks, chips, or dents from impacts, everything must be puttied and sanded with sandpaper. Put the window sill board in order before restoration - it should be perfectly smooth.

Self-adhesive film for window sills will fit well on any well-prepared base. There should not even be small protruding particles, as all of them will be noticeable on the new product.

Cover the wooden working surface with acrylic varnish; you can also prime the window sills made from the materials described above with the appropriate primer.

The easiest way is to laminate plastic window sills if you decide to change the color scheme. They usually do not require extensive preparation. They should simply be degreased (with detergent) and wait until completely dry.


Even a beginner can install the cover without the help of specialists.
The installation process will not take much time, since dismantling of the old structure is not required. Before starting work, you need to check that you have all the necessary materials and tools:

  • overlay of the required size and plugs;
  • glue;
  • silicone;
  • fine-tooth saw or jigsaw;
  • construction tape;

The work process includes several successive stages:

  1. Step 1. Preparatory. The surface of the window slab must be flat, so if there are chips and cracks on the concrete base, they must first be repaired with gypsum putty. Plastic or wooden surfaces do not require special preparation, but must be clean. If necessary, you can treat with an antiseptic.
  2. Step 2: Cut it out. You can cut the overlay with a mounting knife or jigsaw. The parameters of the window recess must be carefully measured; to maintain accuracy, you can make a paper template preserving all the contours of the opening.
  3. Step 3. Installation. You need to apply mounting glue to the wrong side and distribute it first around the perimeter, and then in zigzags over the free space. After placing the pad, you need to press it and place the weight on the corners to secure it firmly. No further work can be carried out while the glue is drying.
  4. Step 4. Plugs. The plug must be cut to size and glued to the sides of the window slab.
  5. Step 5. Sealing. The joints along the slopes and the window frame are treated with sealant. A layer of silicone is evenly applied to the seams to hide the joining line. You can use rubberized profiles or special corners.

The price calculation, taking into account the individual dimensions of the window sill, can be done in the installation company or independently. In any case, the result will please you compared to the cost of replacing the structure.

The price consists of several main parameters:

  1. Quality of material.
  2. Manufacturer's brand.
  3. Product size.
  4. Color.

Approximate prices per linear meter of material are:

  1. For plastic covers – $7.
  2. For MDF board overlay – $30.

The price varies depending on the width and color of the material. End caps cost $4 on average.

Renovating your interior yourself is a rewarding and fun activity. Following the recommendations, you can carry out restoration if necessary. And if you just want to introduce a new element into the familiar environment of your home and show your creativity, try changing the surface of the window sill. You will succeed!

Preparing the necessary equipment

To laminate a product with your own hands, you must purchase all the necessary tools in advance:

  • Construction hairdryer.
  • Roll of film.
  • Cleaner.
  • Roulette.
  • Spatulas of different sizes and sandpaper.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Special roller for rolling out film.

In order for the result of the manipulations to meet expectations, you need to properly prepare the surface of the window sill. To do this, it is necessary to remove all dust and dirt, as well as smooth out all irregularities.

Classic hair dryer

Window sill covers - an economical solution

Cost of 1 sq. m of white overlays - from 300 rubles, colored - from 1300 rubles. For comparison, the cost of 1 sq. m of the simplest white window sill reaches 1000 rubles, and a colored one – from 3000 rubles. Accordingly, compared to replacing a window sill, the choice in favor of a lining is obvious; in fact, window sill restoration is 3 times cheaper.

You can easily install a cover on a window sill yourself in 45 minutes, but changing the window sill means that the slopes will also be affected, more professional labor, more dust, dirt and, ultimately, more expensive.

How to choose products?

The film for PVC window sill lamination can be selected not only in accordance with the requirements for its appearance, but also according to various technical characteristics. The following must be taken into account:

  • Resistance to aggressive substances, moisture, high temperatures.
  • The colors should be in harmony with the interior design.
  • Resistant to fungi and mold.

Most films have the listed qualities.

Covering the window sill with self-adhesive film

When the preparation is complete, proceed to the process itself.

Prepare for work:

  • Selected self-adhesive;
  • Knife, scissors;
  • Long ruler, tape measure, pencil;
  • Rags, sponge, rubber spatula.

The crucial moment is to cut out the film correctly. Ideally, this should be one piece with correctly cut corners and smooth edges. If you are in doubt about the calculations, then first make a pattern on paper and try it on the windowsill.

When cutting, take into account the height of the ends and the slight bend under the window sill board. If everything is perfectly marked, you can transfer the drawing to self-adhesive film. Lay it face down; on the wrong side there is a lined grid with a pitch of 10mm for ease of cutting.

Transfer your pattern to self-adhesive paper, lightly tracing the contours of the pattern on it. If you have a film with an imitation or pattern, then try to orient it so that the pattern is equally symmetrical on opposite slopes.

If there are several windows in the room, it would be correct to cut out canvases that are identical in symmetry. The self-adhesive film for window sills has been cut, the preparation has been completed, and you can begin the main process.

If this is your first time encountering this task, then before laminating the window sills, slightly moisten the base with water or a slightly soapy solution. I'll explain why. Then the film will not stick “tightly” to the surface, and it can be corrected, slightly shifted, eliminating the distortion.

Separate a piece of protective paper from the self-adhesive film by 5-10 centimeters to fix its initial location on the base. Place it on the window sill at its base and begin smoothing from the center to the edges, pressing the film well.

Key Features

The window sill has all the necessary functional and aesthetic additions to the window. The product must be durable, strong, and resistant to various mechanical influences. They are in great demand among modern consumers. Lamination of surfaces allows you to highlight the created interior in an office or apartment. A wide palette of colors will impress even the most selective buyers.

If the previously installed window sill has lost its appearance a little, then you can make a modern covering with your own hands. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase self-adhesive film and follow certain expert recommendations.

Imitation marble

Window sill lamination technology

You can give a fresh look and update the window sill yourself, subject to certain conditions. This DIY procedure is done using self-adhesive film.

Materials for window sill lamination

For pressing, window sill boards, film and appropriate glue are required. Sometimes you have to apply decoration to window sills with small defects in the form of stripes or small depressions. In this case, you need to choose an appropriate film with a durable base.

Basically, Russian manufacturers use film from foreign manufacturers:

  • Winshield – a product for laminating window sills;
  • Winguard is a film with a protective layer.
  • RENOLIT EXOFOL MX Classic (16 colors) for PVC lamination;
  • RENOLIT EXOFOL MLI (4 colors) for profile lamination.

Films for plastic window sills are available in four colors: marble, white, gold and light oak. Among the promising developments, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Processing and advertising of film with 3-D Effect, production of expanded wood colors;
  • Improving the durability of the film itself, its parameters and properties.

As an indicator, you can consider the MBAS film from Renolit AG for laminating window profiles. As a result of the latest developments, SST was able to achieve a reduction in temperature during the procedure of gluing the film onto the window sill board in the range from 3˚ to 10˚С, depending on the state of decoration.

Rice. 2. Laminating film for plastic windows

Adhesive systems

To apply lamination on PVC surfaces, 2 adhesive structures are usually used.

  1. Glue brand “Augsklei 60” based on polyurethane. Used together with the hardener “Augsklei Hardener 60” using the mixing method in a ratio of 1:25. Hot melt adhesive is an adhesive system and in its composition has a dry residue size of 100%.

As a result of cooling, the glue quickly sets and forms a durable polymer mesh with moisture-resistant properties.

The technology for laminating window sills using polyurethane glue contains certain deadlines:

  1. holding time until the material melts – 45 hours;
  2. the time required for ripening in winter conditions is 70 hours;
  3. readiness before bending the window sill profile – 13 days;
  4. the period required for final hardening of the product is 60 days.

Rice. 3. Glue system for lamination

The product has excellent adhesion, a neutral attitude towards ultraviolet rays, and also tolerates plus and minus temperatures well.

Due to its characteristics, you can glue both the inner surface of the window sill and the outer surface. Solvent-free adhesives have become increasingly popular in recent years and are occupying the market at an accelerated pace.

2. Polyester based adhesive. This boostilate has been a leader in this technology for about 25 years. Gluing the film onto a PVC surface is successfully done using liquefied adhesive based on polyester.

2-7% of hardener and binders are added to it. This mixture is stirred vigorously, while preventing the entry of foreign particles. Then wait for the time specified by the manufacturer in the recipe.

The container with glue must be stored closed, and if boostilate remains, it must be destroyed in accordance with environmental regulations. Short-term storage of up to a day in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 – 7˚С is allowed.

Rice. 4. Adhesive lamination system for window sills

Advantages and disadvantages of adhesive systems

Each composition has pros and cons, so their properties need to be considered separately.

Two-component polyurethane-based adhesive

This boostilate has certain advantages:

  • Versatility. This adhesive composition can connect up to 90% of the components of a solid material;
  • Strength. Connected parts can be processed as one unit;
  • Lack of connecting seam after gluing;
  • Budget cost. The price of the glue is quite reasonable.

The disadvantages include its one-time use. After mixing the components, the glue retains its qualities for a short time from one to six hours. And also when working with this glue you need to follow safety precautions, wear gloves and use a respirator.

Rice. 5. Polyurethane glue

Polyester based adhesive

Resin of this content is formed during the distillation of alcoholic liquids for special purposes. The source of glue is polyester. For faster hardening, different brands of solvents are used.

Depending on the area of ​​application of the material, it has different structures and qualities. The main advantage of this glue is its ability to transmit ultraviolet rays (up to 90%).

Compounds of this kind form high-strength materials and are used in the production of window sills, shower cabins, and various partitions.

Hardening of polyester resin does not require special temperature conditions; the cost of this adhesive composition is less than its analogues, for example, epoxy resin.

Rice. 6. Polyester glue

Window sill repair with liquid acrylic

This is a product from a new generation of paints and varnishes. Available in two types - glue and paint. The first is used to remove chips and scratches, and the second is used to give a uniform color and shine.

Liquid plastic for PVC surfaces is widely used in industry and at home. It will remove scratches from plastic, eliminate flaws, and disguise small chips. Liquid acrylic can be used to cover even deep holes in window sills.

The material is sold ready-made in jars or tubes, from which it can be easily applied directly to the surface to be repaired. Before applying liquid plastic, you need to clean the structure from all contaminants and rub the entire surface with fine abrasive sandpaper. This will create a slight roughness, which increases adhesion - the adhesion of the liquid material to the plastic.

Liquid plastic is applied to all scratches and chips in a small amount, carefully evenly distributed over the scratch. When the material is completely dry, the surface can be sanded so that it regains its original appearance and becomes smooth and shiny. If the window sill is in terrible condition, it is better to stick a laminated film on top of the plastic, which will give an aesthetic appearance.

Careful surface preparation

Without this stage it is simply impossible to perform high-quality lamination. The master needs to remove all unnecessary paint and seal the cracks. If necessary, the surface must be carefully leveled. If the base is wooden, then it is better to coat it with a special varnish. Experts use methyl glue and polyester varnish. If the surface needs to be degreased first, this can be done with plain water with the addition of detergent.

You can learn more interesting facts from the video:

Spectacular solutions for window decoration

Matte and glossy window sills with fashionable, eye-catching textures from the best manufacturers are available for sale at anti-crisis prices:

  • Möller (Meller) - standard laminated panels, tall, imitating the noble rich shades of expensive types of wood. Wood surface textures - dark, light, golden oak, exquisite marble;
  • Stained glass (Russia) – a stylish panel with the texture of expensive red wine, mahogany wood, classic matte dark oak;
  • Werzalit (Verzalit) - decorative surfaces with textures of honey sun walnut, delicate, pastel maple;
  • Danke (Danke) - laminated beautiful profile (window sill board) texture - modern metallic, wood, classic black wenge, stone;
  • Crystalit (Crystalit) - laminated PVC sheets with wood textures - universal ash, beech with a beautiful natural cut pattern of natural wood.

Any required width is always available - from 100 to 1000 mm, cutting (window sill 10, 15, 20 cm) to the required size. Large selection of fittings and components in the desired colors. One of the advantages of buying a colored window sill board is that you only pay for the size you need (a pre-cut profile is laminated or painted).

Materials used

To fully compress the workpiece, you will need strong window sill boards, suitable glue and film. In some cases, craftsmen apply a decorative coating to a deformed base, but for these purposes they need a material with the strongest possible base. Popular domestic factories actively use universal film from foreign manufacturers:

  • Renolit MLI - the manufacturer offers 4 shades.
  • Winguard is a material with a universal protective coating.
  • Renolit Classic - more than 16 current shades for lamination of polyvinyl chloride structures.
  • Winshield is a universal film.

Innovative developments have shown that the procedure can be performed at lower temperatures. Many manufacturers carry out lamination at temperatures from +2 to +12 C.

Variety of shades

How to install correctly?

The laminated window sill cover can be installed by you yourself. This process will not take much time, will not require you to disassemble anything or use a tool that you usually do not have at home. This approach will help you quickly put your window in order, spending the minimum possible amount on it.

Installation of window sill trim

Lamination of PVC window sills requires careful preparation of the base for the work. The surface must be dry, absolutely clean and free of grease. If there are very noticeable irregularities, they can be corrected using putty. It is recommended to treat the base with an antiseptic to avoid future infection by fungi and mold. After this, it is necessary to cut the trim in accordance with the dimensions of the window opening. An important condition is to comply with all the contours of the existing window sill. After this, the plastic PVC linings for the window sills are cut.

It is best to use a jigsaw with a fine and dense tooth for cutting to size. Using such a tool helps to make neat, uniform cuts without spending a lot of time.

Main positive and negative characteristics

High-quality lamination involves the use of special adhesive compounds. The main advantages of the sold adhesive compositions include the following characteristics:

  • Possibility of gluing thin-walled elements.
  • A fast and economical way to assemble a structure.
  • High-quality connection of different materials that differ from each other in physical and mechanical properties.
  • High strength properties of connections.
  • Low cost and simplicity of technology. The master does not need to use auxiliary equipment.
  • Versatility.
  • Resistant to the negative effects of moisture.

Adhesive systems have some disadvantages that must be taken into account by both beginners and experienced builders:

  • The need to prepare surfaces before applying the composition.
  • Impossibility of dismantling formed connections.
  • Increased toxicity and fire hazard of most compounds.

Negative characteristics also include the fact that the solution can only be used once. After mixing all components, the composition retains its properties for a short period of time. When working with glue, basic safety precautions must be observed. The technician needs to use a respirator and gloves.

Important! Over the past few years, builders have been using adhesives based on high-quality polyester for lamination. With the specific distillation of alcohol, a special-purpose resin is formed. Solvents are used for rapid hardening.

The material may have different structure and quality, since it all depends on the scope of application. The main advantage of polyester glue is that it freely transmits sunlight. Such connections are ideal for the production of window sills, various partitions and shower cabins. There is no need to create special conditions for the final hardening of polyester resins.

Durable coating

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