Painting a plastic window sill with modern compounds

Plastic window sills look good in the interior; they are standardly available in white, which fits universally into various designs. But over time, the whiteness of the coating is lost, stains appear on the surface, and they significantly worsen the external characteristics of the product. And some design projects involve painting the window sill to complete the design idea. How to paint a plastic window sill will be discussed below.

Suitable coloring compounds

For painting plastic, it is recommended to use acrylic compounds. These finishing materials are universal and have good adhesion. But you can use other paints for processing plastic products.

Water based

Water-based paints are considered optimal for processing plastic. Moreover, for this material it is recommended to use polyurethane-acrylic compounds. Such compositions are available in the form of two components: a dye and a hardener, which increases the strength of the applied layer.

Acrylic has the following features:

  • good adhesion;
  • does not lose color over time;
  • does not fade when exposed to sunlight;
  • withstands external influences;
  • does not require preliminary priming of the surface.

Acrylic dyes are available in a wide range of colors. Some of these compounds can withstand constant high humidity.


Matte soft-touch paints are characterized by the following features:

  • create a surface layer that is pleasant to the touch;
  • the dried layer muffles sound and light;
  • wear-resistant;
  • dry quickly;
  • do not spread when applied;
  • capable of visually smoothing corners.

Thanks to these characteristics, matte dyes are used when processing children's toys, car parts and other products that are constantly exposed to mechanical stress.


Polyurethane-acrylic compositions are mainly used for painting large areas: sandwich panels, PVC profiles, and so on. This material is characterized by the following features:

  • water- and wear-resistant;
  • withstands regular washing;
  • dries quickly, so painted products do not stick to each other;
  • quickly absorbs into the surface.

Polyurethane-acrylic compositions are also available in the form of two components: a dye and a white (milky) hardener. This material can be mixed with textural elements that will create the effect of wood, plaster, mirror and others on the treated surface.

How and what is the best way to dilute silver powder, proportions and application rules


Aerosol paints are preferable to use in small areas. Such materials are easy to apply and do not leave streaks. Aerosol paints have the following advantages compared to other similar compositions:

  • no additional tools are required for application;
  • you can create various effects on the working surface (imitation wood, mirrors, and so on);
  • do not fade for a long time;
  • are stored for a long time;
  • are used sparingly;
  • lay on old spray paint.

Aerosol paints are available in the form of matte soft-touch or monadic enamel, which gives the treated surface a glossy effect.


Modeling uses a special enamel based on oil. White spirit or turpentine is used as a solvent for this composition. Model enamel cannot be forced to dry. Compared to other similar compositions, this material is able to accurately convey color.

The disadvantages of model enamels include the following:

  • Strong smell;
  • moderate toxicity;
  • dry slowly;
  • fire hazard.

It is necessary to work with model enamels in a ventilated area.

PaliPlast RP Base for PVC

Brand – Palina Coatings,

Country of origin: Belarus

According to consumer reviews, this paint is purchased very often. It refers to water-based polyurethane acrylic compounds. It looks like a milky white liquid. It is produced in the form of two bases “A” and “C”.

Photo 1. PaliPlast RP Base paint for PVC is used for painting window sills, siding, window profiles, sandwich panels.


  • It looks like a milky white liquid.
  • It is produced in the form of two bases “A” and “C”.
  • After drying it forms a semi-glossy texture.
  • It dries relatively quickly - after 10 hours, at a temperature of +20, when forcing the thermal regime at +50 in 2 hours. Air humidity – 50-80%.
  • Has high adhesion,
  • It is highly resistant to mechanical damage and deformation.
  • After drying, it acquires moisture-resistant properties.
  • Tolerates sunlight well.
  • Apply using a brush or spray.
  • Diluted with water.
  • If the rules of preparation and painting are followed, it gives a high decorative effect.

Undeniable advantages:

  • Relatively economical paint consumption - 80-120 ml/m2,
  • Low cost.

In addition to PaliPlast RP Base, the line of paints for PVC includes the following brands:

  • PaliPlast PL – acrylic based for ABS polymers,
  • PaliPlast UR – polyurethane enamel for plastic,
  • PaliPlast UV – ultraviolet paints.

Types of paints for plastic surfaces, which one to choose, criteria

There is a wide variety of paint for plastic on sale. In order not to get confused and choose the appropriate and most convenient option, you should study all their features. After studying all the information, it will be easy to choose what to paint the plastic with. The most common types will be described below.

There is a wide variety of paint for plastic on sale.

Water-based compounds

Paints and varnishes are suitable for painting plastic products, also called acrylic enamel on water.

Typically, these coloring products are created from two elements:

  • The base is the dye itself;
  • Hardener is a component that makes acrylic enamel for plastic more reliable and resistant to external influences. This component is transparent and odorless.

It helps the paint apply easily, is stable, does not lose its color brightness for a long time, even ultraviolet radiation is not harmful to it, and it looks aesthetically pleasing. When using these paints, priming and other additional work are not required, with the exception of surface contamination. Great look for outdoor use.

When using these paints, priming and other additional work are not required.

Matte soft-touch paints

Things that are often touched by hands should be as pleasant to the touch as possible. This type is an excellent choice for painting telephones, furniture handles, plastic toys, cosmetic bags, and construction tools. In addition to providing a comfortable touch, this dye also muffles sound and light and can give an object an aesthetic appearance.

They are often purchased for painting vehicles due to their wear-resistant properties and the ability to cover vertical planes, and also has the effect of smoothing corners.

In addition to providing a comfortable touch, this dye also muffles sound and light and can give an object an aesthetic appearance.

Water-based polyurethane-acrylic paints for PVC

This type is used when it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work. They are not matte; more often this water-based plastic paint with polyurethane and acrylic components is used to cover siding, panels, PVC profiles, window frames, etc.

They are distinguished by their quality and stability. The paint is waterproof, indelible, covers the surface with a protective layer, giving the object hardness, elasticity, and is not sticky. Shows good results during application and drying in terms of the absence of sticking of products to each other, the absence of the formation of defects, and the preservation of decorative properties.

PVC itself is actually colorless, which is why it is painted to make it more pleasant to look at. The composition of the coloring material is as follows:

  • Basic acrylic paint of the required color;
  • Thick white or milky liquid, i.e. a hardener that can give either bed tones, or, on the contrary, bright colors (red, yellow, brown, green, anything at all). It is possible to obtain an unusual texture by adding textural elements to the composition that will give the appropriate effect: wood, mirrors, plaster and others.

They are distinguished by their quality and stability.

Aerosol paints for plastic

Many people believe that only professionals can spray paint. In fact, they are very convenient to apply paint; there is a large selection of colors; there is no need to mix the composition. With the aerosol, a person who for the first time decides to paint plastic on his own will feel confident.

These paints in spray cans are produced in two types:

  • The previously mentioned soft-touch, which after complete drying is pleasant to the touch and slightly rough, which allows you to hide some of the shortcomings of the product. It is also an excellent option for adding zest to the interior;
  • Monad enamel, on the contrary, will give gloss to the surface, it will sparkle in the sun, suitable for PVC.

In this variety, it is easy to choose the necessary canister for a specific purpose.

Advantages of aerosols:

  • There is no need to buy brushes, rollers, etc.;
  • Easy to use;
  • The paint composition covers the product with an even and smooth layer;
  • With their help you can reproduce any coating (mirror, metal, wood, etc.);
  • Retains brightness for a long time;
  • Subject to long-term storage;
  • Economical;
  • If you decide to apply it to a different color, it will be easy to paint over it.

The paint composition covers the product with an even and smooth layer.

Painting a plastic window sill:

Nowadays, tinting paint yourself is rarely done, most often when you need to create a special exclusive color, but usually you can pick up ready-made paint in a specialized store. You can paint the window sill using a regular brush or from an aerosol can, the main thing is to avoid the formation of smudges and evenly cover the entire surface with a layer of paint.

If you have a question about how to paint a white plastic window sill, it is best to use special one-component acrylic paint PaliPlast PL. Its main difference is that before painting, expensive impregnations for the surface of the window sill are not required. Painting a PVC window sill is done at room temperature, and the time for complete drying of one layer is approximately 8 hours.

The two-component water-based polyurethane paint PaliPlast UR enjoys great success among specialists. It is more resistant to atmospheric, mechanical and chemical influences, and also has an increased hardness of the finished window sill coating.

What can you do to secure it?

The use of varnishes will help increase the durability of the new coating; you can use other means suitable for fixing paint on window sills.

It is necessary to choose options that use similar components as in the main paint, then a chemical reaction will not form.

The use of varnishes will help increase the durability of the new coating.

How to choose a degreaser and primer

Degreaser and primer are important for quality PVC painting. Before you start painting, the surface must be treated. Otherwise, the end result will not please you.

To remove dirt, dust or grease, use a degreaser. It is applied to a matte surface. If the area under the window is glossy, you should go over it with fine-grained sandpaper.

Due attention is also paid to the choice of degreaser. For PVC, the following products are chosen:. Preference is also given to ready-made mixtures

But then, their composition should not differ from the composition of the paint, so that a chemical reaction does not occur

Preference is also given to ready-made mixtures. But then, their composition should not differ from the composition of the paint, so that a chemical reaction does not occur.

Plastic has a low absorption rate. Therefore, problems arise with the choice of primer. It must meet the requirements, have high elasticity and adhesion.

The best option would be acrylic primer. It adheres firmly to plastic and forms a film that is resistant to damage and impact.

Paint for window sills is selected depending on preference and operating conditions. For example, if flowers or other items will be placed on the windows, it is better to choose a durable option. Then the coloring will last much longer.

To ensure a rich shade, the surface is painted in several layers, this is also taken into account when choosing. Most modern products dry in a few hours, but older ones take time. Then, the entire process of applying paint and varnish materials in 2-3 layers will take several days.


Craftsmen often choose spray paint. It is easy to use. The contents of the can are sprayed onto the required area. At the same time, the layer lies evenly.

Aerosol devices adhere well to the surface. They are reliable and resistant to damage. Their advantages are as follows.

  1. Convenient to use.
  2. They do not require special knowledge or additional tools.
  3. They have a large palette of rich colors.

There are also some disadvantages, including:

  • it is impossible to mix colors;
  • sprayed over a wide area.

If you only need to paint a part, cover the rest of the area with tape. Since the aerosol is not designed for adjustment.

This option will make the surface rough. If it needs to remain smooth, it is better to choose other products.

Water based

Water-based products have a number of advantages not only for the object being painted, but also for the person. When applied correctly, the surface will become glossy. It will be resistant to damage due to its composition.

They are applied easily, following the technique and the correct sequence of actions.

Water-based substances do not have a strong odor or toxic substances in their composition. This makes them safe for humans and the environment. They are more durable and dry quickly, allowing for short turnaround times even if multiple coats are necessary.


Acrylic paint is often used to give a fresh look to various surfaces. This also applies to window sills. The price of acrylic substance is much less than others. However, the cost varies depending on the manufacturer and quality of the material.

The buyer is provided with a large selection of colors. But even the same shades can differ in different banks. This is worth considering.

Acrylic material is harmless to humans. It contains no toxic substances.

The product dries quickly. 1-2 hours is enough to allow the next layer to be applied. But not only the painted area dries quickly, but also the substance in the can. After 5 hours in an open container, the product will become unusable.

Useful tips

Before you update a plastic window sill with your own hands, you need to use a cleaner. It will remove dust, grease, and dirt from the windowsill, improve antistatic properties, and increase surface adhesion.

If a plastic window sill has already been painted, you should definitely clean off the old layer. This is done using a special remover and solvent, which are easy to buy at a hardware store.

Mixtures for removing paint from plastic are toxic, so you need to work with protection. The solvent must not contain substances that can damage the plastic. In this regard, it is impossible to use aggressive agents and mechanical cleaning methods for cleaning.

It is more advisable to paint a white plastic window sill with acrylic or water-based polyurethane paint. These compositions are excellent for such material and do not require the use of special impregnation.

To protect the finished coating, preserve it for a long time and maintain decorative functions, varnish is used. It creates an optical effect of volume and depth, the glossy surface looks aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

Is it allowed to paint plastic?

Owners of plastic window sills often wonder: is it possible to paint a plastic window sill and with what? The answer will be positive, the process will not take much time, and there will be no need to dismantle the window sill. It will be enough to pay attention to the surface preparation stage and the choice of product with which to paint the base.

By painting a plastic window sill, you can save money and transform the room in a short time. You can do the transformation yourself without resorting to the services of professionals.

By painting a plastic window sill, you can save money and transform the room in a short time.

What materials can be used

Today there is a wide variety of paints and varnishes on sale that can be used for PVC structures, including window sills.

Acrylic compositions can be distinguished, the basis of which is water. Their high level of technology is noted; many companies produce them. They are distinguished by their rapid drying rate, obtaining a layer that is resistant to mechanical stress, and quickly acquire hardness. Professionals have long rated these products as effective.

When painting a surface that is used in flammable areas, you can choose “Polistil” paint for window sills; its purpose is to paint metal objects, but it can also be used on plastic. Creates a fireproof layer and does not emit a pungent odor.

Their high level of technology is noted; many companies produce them.

Let's paint

So, our task is to paint a smooth, dense and non-absorbent surface. And the first thought: a fiasco awaits us, the paint will not stick to it. In fact, everything is not so scary if you use special paints and stick to a certain scheme.

The plastic must be dry and clean. This means you don’t just need to clean the window properly.

At the same time, pay special attention to the joints between the glass and the frame: dirt often accumulates there

Stores sell special cleaners for PVC (for example, COSMOFEN 5, ZOBEL Zowo-plast, Bauset No. 20 WG-20 and others). Dishwashing detergent will also work.

To enhance the adhesion of the paint, you should treat the surface of the frame with fine sandpaper to enhance the adhesion of the paint to the plastic surface (coarse sandpaper can damage the windows too much and leave scratches). Thoroughly clean the frames of any dust that appears during the process.

The next point of preparation: cover the glass with masking tape so that you don’t have to wash the paint off of it (you can do it around the perimeter, or you can do it completely if you are not confident enough in your painting skills).


Prime the surface of the frame for better adhesion: choose primers that state they are suitable for plastic (usually acrylic-based). Apply a thin layer of primer and let it dry for as long as the manufacturer recommends. Do not apply the primer in a layer that is too thick so that the surface has time to dry quickly without causing smudges.

By the way, primers for metal are also great for priming plastic window frames: take them if you haven’t found a specialized composition.

All plastic paints have an alphanumeric code indicating a combination of these four parameters.

It is not necessary to memorize all the symbols: in relation to a plastic window, we are interested in the letters AK - paints based on polyacrylates and acrylic resins, in other words - acrylic. Polyurethane-acrylic paints are suitable for these purposes. Many manufacturers write this on the cans - paint (or enamel) for plastic. Why them? They “grab” perfectly on the smooth surface of plastic and “cover” the original color well, do not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation - you can paint the frames from the outside. They dry very quickly.


Inside the house, it is better to use water-based paint, non-toxic and without an unpleasant odor: it will be designated as VD-AK, acrylic water-dispersion.

The use of paints containing aggressive solvents - alcohol, ether - can damage the rubber seals of the glass unit.

The secret to high-quality painting of plastic windows is using the right painting method. The main rule: the paint layer should be even and thin. This can be achieved using a spray gun, but not everyone has such equipment on their farm.


Therefore, we take a roller, a brush and carefully paint. For work, it is also worth preparing a small synthetic brush to cover hard-to-reach places.

Apply paint from the inside corner joints. Afterwards it is worth spreading the paint over the wide edges of the frame. After applying the first coat of paint, allow the frame to dry. This will take 10-30 minutes depending on the type of paint and area. When the paint has set, you can begin applying the second layer.

A thin layer of acrylic paint takes up to 10 hours to dry. However, in order for the coating to acquire its final resistance and the polymerization process to complete, several more days are needed. Try not to touch the painted surface during this time and avoid physical impact on it.

How this process looks in practice and what the result is can be found on the YouTube channels of construction bloggers. For example, here:

If all this seems too labor-intensive and complicated, then you can call specialists - their services cost about 5 euros per linear meter. The price includes labor and materials.

Care after coloring

The coloring composition retains its properties longer when preserved with a protective layer of colorless varnish. The glossy surface treated with PaliPlast RP 022 Varnish is quite durable, the color of the main paint looks rich and deep. It gives a magnificent coating effect with a different texture.

Painting will last for many years if precautions . Do not clean with detergents containing abrasive particles. Salt, soda, and pastes for cleaning plumbing fixtures are also not recommended. It is best to wash off dirt with a soapy sponge soaked in dishwashing detergent.

Careful care is required after painting

Overview of paints

Oil paints

Oil-based paints and varnishes do not have an unpleasant pungent odor, and this is a big plus. This quick-drying window paint can be purchased in any shade or as a transparent coating. It is formed by combining special pigment components with drying oil, which is used as a thinner for oil paints. Such paints can be used both for painting the floor and for performing interior/exterior work. With their help, you can easily paint wooden, metal and concrete surfaces. They can even be used to paint plaster.

But there is still a minus, namely that when using a solvent they will take a long time to dry.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic products are often used to paint windows. They contain special additives that help resist negative environmental influences and temperature changes. Acrylic, quick-drying, odorless window paints can be of any color and shade, and therefore have become in demand. There are the same paints, but for the bathroom, and they can even be used for decoration. Acrylic is an excellent material that is easy to use, unlike oil paints, and they are easy to apply to the surface and never crack after drying.

But there is also a minus, namely the price, which is overpriced, but thanks to its unique properties, the material works out its price 100%.

Water-dispersed paints

An equally good option for treating indoor surfaces is water-dispersed paint, which is water-based and therefore completely safe. The paint consists of a dispersion - these are special particles that are not harmful and are dissolved in water. This paint is odorless, dries very quickly and looks good on the treated surface. It also has a water-repellent effect, which makes it possible to wash the painted surface without damaging the coating.

Due to the fact that the material is harmless, the paint can be used in children's rooms, as well as in kindergartens and schools. Unfortunately, the color range is not the same as that of the acrylic analogue, mainly white color predominates, but with the help of additives we can achieve the desired shade. As a result, you get a material that is made on the basis of water, and it is completely safe and environmentally friendly. What’s especially pleasing is that if you get a tool or hand dirty, this paint can be easily washed off and you won’t have to use toxic solvents.

Latex paint

And this is a type of odorless window paint, which is a subtype of water-dispersion material, but only latex is used as a dispersion. Such products are non-toxic and have no unpleasant odors, which means they can be used for any type of interior work. Waterproof latex paint is wear-resistant, and therefore it can be used for ceilings, walls - brick, plastered, even applied to wallpaper. In addition, it will not dry out or swell, so it will be more rational to use it in rooms where there is a high level of humidity, namely in the kitchen and bathroom.

Odorless latex paint dries quickly, even 25 minutes are enough. Complete drying will be done in 60 minutes. It's practical, and the lack of odor has made the paint a favorite.

Precautions during operation

When using acrylic or any other paint, you must follow some rules for performing the work:

  • When preparing the base, wear protective clothing and gloves. Sanding a window sill with sandpaper produces dust, so it is advisable to wear a mask or respirator.
  • After treating the surface with primer or solvent, you need to ventilate the room to remove the pungent odor.
  • It is better to apply the paint while wearing gloves and a protective mask (if necessary).

During work, do not install heaters or other electrical appliances nearby. After using the aerosol, the can cannot be disassembled, as it is under pressure.

Painting step by step

If they work with a brush, then they move with different levels of pressure, at first they make it weak, then stronger, in order to create a thin layer. The strokes are made wide and even. Usually 1 layer of brushing is enough.

Using an aerosol involves applying the composition in 2-3 layers. The distance from the object to the can should be left at 20-30 cm. We hold it straight and treat the entire surface in this way, each layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Drying time varies by brand and can be determined by reading the directions on the package.

Using an aerosol involves applying the composition in 2-3 layers.

Protection against toxic dyes

Applying paint without following safety precautions can be dangerous. There are toxic dyes and without protection there will be harm to health, human skin and respiratory organs will be damaged.

  1. When the old layer of coating is removed with a remover or heated with a hairdryer, the room is ventilated. Hands are protected with gloves.
  2. A gauze bandage on the face protects when sanding. Dust will not get into your lungs.
  3. A mask and gloves are a must when working with aerosol.

How to update plastic window sills - PVC windows, balconies, glazing, accessories

After installing a new window, the window sill pleases with its beauty and perfectly smooth surface, but over time it loses its original appearance.

Therefore, many people have a question: how to restore a plastic window sill so that it looks like new? Let's try to figure out what to do and how to restore a window sill from different materials.

Reasons for renovation

One of the most common reasons is that it has turned yellow, or has cracks, marks from flower pots, or maybe deformation.

Another fairly common reason for repair is mechanical damage or color fading from the sun.

And everyone starts looking for something to paint a plastic window sill so that it starts looking decent again.

Types of window sills and their restoration

The main materials from which window sills are made:

  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • concrete;
  • stone;
  • Chipboard.

Wooden ones are quite easy to install, they are harmless, environmentally friendly, but are susceptible to easy ignition and the appearance of fungus.

Concrete ones are practically the most stable, they are practical. One of the disadvantages is that they strongly absorb moisture. Installing a stone window sill is not a practical solution because they are easily damaged, are not resistant to moisture, get dirty and are difficult to clean.

But a chipboard window sill is a profitable investment. They are durable, resistant to damage, ultraviolet rays and temperature. They are easy to care for and you can choose the color and texture to suit your taste.

Updating a plastic window sill

When the question arises of how to restore a plastic window sill in case of major damage, but simply restoring the window sill is not possible, replacement is the solution. If repairing a plastic window sill is impossible, then it can be replaced.

Replacing a plastic window sill with your own hands is not a difficult job, but it is painstaking, and compared to other options, it is expensive.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

1. Removal. It's a simple matter, but it requires care. You must be extremely careful not to damage the window.

3. The workpiece must be inserted into the window profile and leveled using a building level, tilting the window sill by about 0.5 cm. This will help prevent water from accumulating and freezing in winter.

4. For a quality installation, it is necessary to drive in wooden pegs, and then foam the empty space with two-component foam to prevent the appearance of cracks.

Painting a PVC window sill

Is it possible to paint a plastic window sill? Yes, if there are no major defects on it. The restoration consists of several stages. Before starting work, wash off grease stains, dirt and dust, then dry. Now you can restore it.

To remove paint from PVC, you can use sanding paper.

The first layer is removed with coarse sandpaper, the second with medium sandpaper, and for the last layer you will need fine sandpaper.

This method of removing paint will help remove yellowness and further level the surface, remove small irregularities and cracks. It is necessary to ventilate the room while removing paint.

If there are large scratches and cracks, you must use putty. Use it to remove all unevenness from the PVC. After it dries, sand it again and you can move on to the next stage.

Before painting a plastic window sill, it is necessary to apply a primer. This is necessary to apply the paint in an even layer. Before applying the primer, all adjacent areas are protected with newspapers and masking tape. The surface is cleaned of dust and primed.

Now it's time for the little ones. How can you paint a plastic window sill? Today, a buyer at a hardware store can be presented with many options for paint that is suitable for restoration. Paint for plastic window sills is divided into two types: aerosol and polyurethane.

Handy cleaning products

Everyone in their home has many available tools that can quickly clean a plastic window sill.

Table vinegar

A vinegar solution will help quickly get rid of traces of grease and rust and restore the original whiteness of slightly yellowed plastic.

Directions for use: dilute table vinegar with water (1:1 ratio), then thoroughly treat the contaminated surface with the resulting product.

After ten minutes, wipe with a damp cloth and rub dry with a microfiber cloth.

When using a vinegar solution to clean colored surfaces, the exposure time should be reduced to two minutes.

Toothpaste and chalk

A homemade cleaning paste will help remove stubborn, old stains. To prepare it, chalk powder and toothpaste are mixed in equal proportions.

It is very important that the chalk is crushed as finely as possible (large particles leave scratches). The prepared mixture is applied to the surface of the window sill and gently rubbed with a soft sponge to remove all dirt.

To mix the cleaning paste, use only white chalk and toothpaste without any colored pigments.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide will help whiten yellow stains from flower pots on the white surface of a plastic window sill. It is enough to treat the stains with a pharmaceutical product and rinse off after two minutes with warm water.

Laundry soap

Regular brown laundry soap is an indispensable assistant in the fight against grease and soot stains on a plastic window sill.

The method of use is simple: grate the soap and pour warm water into a viscous, homogeneous slurry.

The resulting mixture is generously applied to stains on plastic. After just five minutes, even very old, stubborn stains can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth or sponge.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

It is not easy to remove ingrained traces of grease from plastic. You can achieve an ideal clean result in the following way: apply a thin layer of baking soda to the stain, and then a few drops of vinegar.

As a result of a chemical reaction, dirt easily comes off the surface. All that remains is to wipe the plastic window sill with a clean damp cloth.

Soda Ash and Washing Powder

A mixture of soda ash and washing powder will help restore the lost whiteness to a yellowed plastic window sill.

The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and diluted with a small amount of water (you should get a thick mass). Treat the window sill with the resulting mixture, leave for two hours, then wash off with clean, warm water.

Another recipe for cleaning a window sill is presented in the video:

Scope of application of single component plastic dye

The constituent elements of a liquid polymer determine its area and purpose of use.

  1. Protects the base from the effects of atmospheric phenomena using plastic as a dye and enamel based on polyurethane, acrylic and alkyd. The colors introduced into the composition decorate the surface of different materials.
  1. The polymer composition protects from the UV rays of the sun, from stress, from high air humidity, and from temperature fluctuations. Such technical characteristics extend the service life of structures coated with polyurethane CMs.

As an example of the wear resistance of polymer dye, road markings on highways and at pedestrian crossings are considered. It does not lose its technological qualities for more than one year.

  1. In everyday life, such enamels are used to carry out repair work. Stairs on the street, facades, small architectural compositions, surfaces in the bathroom, balconies are covered.

Painting metal with plastic

Metal structures are protected from rust by enamel. It is made on the basis of alkyd resin, organic solvent, and polymer filler. It is applied to clean metal and to areas damaged by corrosion. Problem areas are first cleaned of peeling paint. A polymer film is formed. KM paints grilles on balcony windows, a metal canopy over the door, garage doors, and various piping systems.

Application in the bathroom

Elimination of the gap between the bathtub and the wall is carried out using plastic in liquid form. It renews the coating of the bathtub and the lower bowl of the shower stall. Restoration work is carried out in several ways using compounds:

  • restoration of the top layer of the bowl with an acrylic mixture;
  • Enamel of a special composition is applied to the surface. It is made from polymer materials.

The pouring technique is used to update the font with acrylic. KM is sprayed. After this, it spreads over the walls and bottom of the bowl. A durable film over its entire area is the result of the repair. The font is being transformed. The new coating strengthens the walls, increases resistance to mechanical stress, maintains the temperature of the liquid in the bowl for a long time, and reduces the likelihood of fungus appearing.

Thanks to liquid plastic, no money is wasted on purchasing new plumbing fixtures or repairing flooring and walls after the previous model is dismantled and a new one is installed. The repaired hot tub is ready for use after 36 hours. If the plumbing fixtures are used correctly, then after restoration with liquid plastic the coating will remain intact for 20 years.

Installation of PVC windows using CM

Until recently, sealing cracks when installing PVC windows was carried out with silicone sealant. Currently, liquid plastic or a white adhesive liquid is applied to the joint. When it dries, an elastic film is formed that connects the structural elements. The process resembles diffuse welding. The voids are eliminated when installing the PVC block. A solid surface without cracks or voids is the result of the work.

Plastic paint for PVC windows is known under the Cocmofen brand. It is easy to use for both professionals and DIYers at home. The material is color stable and does not shrink. The brand is available in 2 types. The joints between PVC window profiles are sealed using the first type of Cosmofen 345. The second Cosmofen Plus HV is used for gluing parts of the window structure and fittings.

Using Plastic Wood Paint

Liquid plastic paint for wood on a water-acrylic basis protects it from negative atmospheric phenomena, which will help avoid destruction of the wood inside. KM is used for interior and exterior work. The composition is water-based, therefore safe, does not have an unpleasant odor, and has a high drying speed.

Wooden house construction will last longer if the ends of the frame crowns are painted over with plastic CM. The wood is covered with a durable film that is elastic. It repels liquid and living organisms do not penetrate through it. The coating tolerates temperature fluctuations over a wide range, is resistant to damage and the use of detergents.

Any color can be selected by coating the wooden base with plastic dye. During the period of operation, the brightness of the shade is not lost. This is explained by the fact that special substances have been added to the composition that strengthen the polymer film and prevent the loss of color brightness. The composition is applied to the wood if it has been outdoors for 12 months (terrace flooring, staircase structures, fences).

Colored models

Today, in addition to white window sills, there are colored products on the construction market. They are becoming more and more popular. The color should fit into the interior of the room. The colored model looks more impressive, the products are presented in an assortment of colors. In addition, they are combined with plastic windows, since the material from which they are made is the same.

The technological process for making a colored plastic model is complex. Color is added to the liquid mass of different types of plastics. Without it, the plastic will remain white. You can add color to finished products in 2 ways:

  • A colored film is applied to a white base;
  • KM coating.

The first option is most often used. The color is selected according to the film catalog. To increase the resistance of the plastic product to temperature fluctuations and mechanical damage, a layer of acrylic is applied on top. If the window is coated with the same composition, then it will be protected from scratches.

Paint selection

For natural materials it is better to use the following types of paints:

  1. Alkyd enamel. It is characterized by durability, elasticity, water resistance, dries quickly, does not lose its color, does not turn yellow.
  2. Acrylic. The paint is odorless, easy to apply, dries quickly, is “breathable” (that is, allows air to pass through), strong, durable.

For a PVC window sill it is better to choose the following paint:

  1. Aerosol for car plastic. Applies evenly and can be used in several layers. It is characterized by durability, strength, and has a rich range of colors, so you can easily choose the right option.
  2. Polyurethane or alkyd-urethane. They are resistant to damage (do not wear out or scratch), tolerate temperature changes well, can withstand heavy loads, and come in a variety of colors.

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