Butterfly hinges for interior doors: which ones to buy and how to install

Along with purchasing a door, you need to choose the right fittings. The most important part is the loops; they will hold the fabric in place. It is advisable to immediately purchase a quality product so that you do not have to replace anything in the future. Butterfly hinges for interior doors are considered the most popular on the market. They are more durable than other options, reliable, and also safe. They are called “butterflies” because when open they look like this insect.

Fittings for installing an interior door Source deladom.ru

Features of butterfly loops

The difference between butterfly door hinges and others is their installation. If the usual ones are installed using a cutout, then with butterflies everything is easier - you just need to screw them onto the door and frame. The fastening plate simplifies the task for the master. When the door is closed, part of the hinge, which is located on the leaf itself, will fit along the contour into the connector, which is located on the opening.

This type of fittings has universal characteristics:

  1. During installation, it does not matter which side the hinges are installed on. The main thing is that the rectangular part is on the opening, and the shaped part is on the door leaf.
  2. Even a beginner with no experience installing doors will have no problems with installation.

Also, if you do not take into account the technical characteristics, butterfly loops have several features: they differ in materials of manufacture, as well as in size. Thanks to this, they can be matched to any interior.

The rectangular part should be on the box Source paladii.ua


Most people who have used butterfly hinges when installing interior doors share only positive reviews. Timely processing of fittings helps to extend their service life. Rare cases of squeaking are resolved in one minute. If we are talking about a manufacturing defect, then the defect can be seen upon purchase while checking the closing mechanism. Specialists in the installation of doorways have only flattering words about the design of butterfly hinges. Firstly, this is a very convenient and simple installation method, and secondly, if the installation rules are followed, the end result exceeds all expectations.

Materials of manufacture and dimensions

Due to the fact that technological progress has come quite far, butterfly loops are made from a variety of materials. The structure is made according to your own drawing, as well as from various materials. But it is important to take into account the characteristics of the metal.

  1. Brass is resistant to external factors.
  2. Steel is resistant to temperature changes and high humidity (no corrosion).
  3. Zinc hinges are relatively inexpensive, but there are a few things to keep in mind when installing awnings on interior doors. This metal is susceptible to corrosion and may break if used frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the product does not get wet. And if squeaks or noises appear, it is necessary to lubricate the hinges.

Zinc butterfly hinges Source baucenter.ru
Based on size, hinges are divided into two types: 10x3 cm and 12.5x3 cm. In two versions, the thickness of the fasteners is approximately 2-3 mm. They are also called “four” and “five”, respectively, but these names are used mainly by craftsmen or sellers. This indicates the dimensions in inches.

For a regular interior door, two parts are needed, but if the door is heavy and made of heavy material, then it is advisable to install three or four fasteners.

Four-piece loops are made for lightweight fabric Source plitochkin.ru

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in doors, windows, related fittings and works

Overhead hinge design

Hangers for door leaves that do not require insertion are distinguished by the presence of the following design features:

  • They are made of alloy steel, stainless steel or brass with reduced deformation properties and increased corrosion resistance.
  • Quality products are treated with galvanic coating, metal paint, powder pigments followed by heat treatment or other specialized compounds.
  • Regardless of the absence of a recess, when closing, these hinges ensure a tight fit of the end of the door leaf to the frame with the formation of a standard joint. This is achieved due to a special slot on one of the plates, which exactly repeats the configuration of the response element.

Brass overhead hangers

When purchasing such hinges, it is recommended to pay increased attention to the quality and thickness of the metal, as well as the presence of paint and varnish coating, which significantly increases their durability.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you make a choice which hinges to buy for interior doors, you need to understand for yourself the pros and cons of each type.

The advantages of butterfly loops include several points:

  1. Easy to install. They are not mounted at the base of the door or opening, so there is no need to think about labor-intensive preparation.
  2. Cheaper compared to other options.
  3. They are reliable and wear-resistant if they are initially installed in compliance with all standards.
  4. These are universal fastenings, since butterfly hinges can be installed on interior doors for both external and internal openings.

It is necessary to cut gaps for standard door hinges. Source dveridoc.ru
This hardware also has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Once the fastening is installed, the door cannot be removed. Butterflies do not come apart like standard hinges. Therefore, you will have to completely dismantle them, which can be difficult.
  2. If installed incorrectly, distortions may occur, which can lead to jamming of the structure.
  3. Basically, such hinges are made for lightweight doors. If you install them on massive canvases, they may not be able to cope with the load.
  4. Distortions can also appear if the door leaf is uneven.

The selection and installation of hinges must be taken responsibly so that after a short time you do not have to change or reinstall the fasteners.

For massive canvases you need more loops Source sdelalremont.ru


Butterfly door hinges are considered perhaps the best option for lightweight interior doors. The instructions given above and the video in this article will help you understand the choice and installation yourself. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will help as best I can.


  • https://o-dveryah.ru/furnitura/petli-babochki-dlya-mezhkomnatnykh/
  • https://sdelalremont.ru/montazh-petli-babochki-na-mezhkomnatnuyu-dver.html
  • https://samstroy.com/97747-2/
  • https://doorchange.ru/furnitura/dvernye-petli-babochka-vidy-tehnicheskie-parametry-i-ustanovka-za-4-shaga.html
  • https://vitdoors.ru/dveri/kak-ustanovit-petli-babochki-na-mezhkomnatnuyu-dver.html
  • https://stroy-podskazka.ru/dveri/petli/babochki/
  • https://proekt-remonta.ru/dvernye-petli-babochka-kharakteristi/
  • https://portaprima.ru/for_customers/articles/ustanovka/ustanovka-dveri-na-petli-babochka/
  • https://ODveryah.ru/furnitura/petli-babochki
  • https://o-dveryah.ru/furnitura/ustanovka-petel-babochka-na-mezhkomnatnye/

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Video description

This video shows how to properly install butterfly hinges

To install hinges on interior doors, you do not need to make cutouts in the panels and doors, which greatly simplifies the task and saves time:

  1. The first step is to attach a loop to the side of the canvas at a distance of 200-250 mm from the edge to mark the holes for fastening.
  2. Afterwards, indentations are made on the marks with a drill. If you start screwing in the screws right away, the material may crack. This will also create the correct direction for screwing. The inner part is attached to the canvas, because it is problematic to mark the location of the inner side on the box.
  3. Next, the distance is measured with a ruler and marks are placed for the screws.

“Butterflies” are very easy to install Source dvervdome.ru
Since the hinges have a non-separable design, you must first drill holes everywhere and then immediately install the entire finished structure. It is advisable to install the mechanism first on the door, and then on the frame.

During the installation process, sometimes there is a snag: the strip does not fully contact the door. If the situation is not changed, the hinges will not fully connect when the door is closed or will “play.” You can eliminate this problem by placing a strip of paper or elastic under the bar, on the side where it fits tightly.

The door will close tightly if everything is done correctly Source yandex.net

Stuck pin

Soak rusty hinges with WD - 40 spray If you cannot remove the hinge pin, spray it with a small amount of penetrating lubricant spray for up to 12 hours before attempting to remove it. Spray and let it sit.

Many people start to push it out with a hammer if it is very rusty. This can damage the wood of the door, break the hinge, and require more repair work.

Gently tap the end of the pin with a screwdriver. Use the end of a screwdriver to push the pin through the hinge, gently pushing it out. This is an effective way to remove the pin from the joint to lubricate it.

Even an ink pen or other small-sized object is suitable for this work.

Repair the pin if necessary. Turn your finger on a flat surface. Inspect the pin for deformation and signs of wear. If it's rusty and bent, then it's worth spending a little time fixing and cleaning it before reinstalling it to avoid door squeaks in the future.

  1. If it is bent, straighten it by laying it on the cement floor and tapping it with a hammer to bend it back into shape.
  2. Use sanding cloth to sand and remove rust. This will help secure the pin more loosely, creating less resistance and less potential for squeaking.resistance and less potential for squeaking.

How to lubricate butterfly hinges

There is no need to lubricate anything right away, since they already have factory lubricant. But with daily use it becomes less and an unpleasant sound appears. To get rid of it, you need to pour a little lubricant into the moving mechanism.

There are four options for lubricating the butterfly hinges of interior doors:

  1. The easiest and most effective method is the use of sewing machine oil. But not everyone has such liquid.
  2. The modern way is to use WD-40, but not everyone has lubricant either. It is without a greasy base and one or two injections are enough for the loop to stop being smeared.
  3. The third method is vegetable oil, but this method does not last long.
  4. And the last option, which also won’t last long, is a pencil. It is inserted into the mechanism and needs to be moved. The stylus will crumble and treat the inner surface.

WD-40 effectively lubricates hinges Source amazon.com
In order not to damage the mechanism and lubricate the hinges correctly, you need to understand the technology:

  1. The door must be opened all the way and secured so that it does not move.
  2. The oil is poured inside with a syringe with a needle, after which it is necessary to remove the fixation.
  3. Next, the mechanism needs to be developed (close and open the door several times), this will disperse the lubricant.

Since these hinges cannot be removed due to their installation, if the problem is not eliminated by lubrication, it is necessary to replace the structure completely.


To eliminate squeaking in the door mechanics, it is worth cleaning and lubricating the components:

  • upper and lower hinge;
  • lock;
  • pens.

After removing old grease and corrosion damage , lubricate all moving parts with fresh grease. In the case of complex components such as security and fire doors, lubrication points are specified in the operating instructions.

Over years of use, the lubricant layer is destroyed, dirt accumulates inside the hinge and wears out the metal. This is a common reason for squeaking.

Preparing the necessary tools

The installation process is unthinkable without a set of certain materials, tools and equipment necessary for the job. So, before starting installation you should prepare:

  • door hinges.
  • screwdriver and set of screws.
  • pencil (necessary for marking).
  • a set of wooden wedges for leveling the structure.
  • building level.
  • hammer and chisel.

Once you have made sure that the work area has the tools and materials listed above, you can begin installing the door hinges.

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