How to properly tint a balcony and loggia with mirror film

Hello friends!
I haven't written anything for a long time. Recently I went to visit a friend, and before the warm summer days began, he decided to protect the loggia from the sun. Since the side is south, in summer it is very hot on the balcony and kitchen, just a steam room. So, he bought a couple of rolls of tinting film and in the morning he tries to stick it on the window. He says you came on time, I need some advice. In general, he still had bubbles under the film that he could not remove.

I gave him a couple of tips, then stick the film evenly. When I came home in the evening I decided to record these tips on my computer. You can read what happened below.

Balcony tinting with film - what to look for

Today it is probably difficult to imagine a house that would not have glazed balconies or loggias. But just recently, some twenty years ago, representatives of a housing office could fine the owner of an apartment for unauthorized glazing of a balcony, since it was believed that in this way the opportunity to leave the premises in the event of a fire was blocked.

But, despite all the prohibitions, people continued to glass their balconies, because they were primarily concerned about preserving heat in their home, and of course, a glass balcony looked more attractive compared to its “naked” counterparts.

In addition, the skilled owners managed to equip a kind of workshop on the balconies, and also built in cabinets for storing preserved food or various things that were unnecessary now, but so necessary on occasion.

Today everything has changed, and it is no longer possible to imagine a new building in which the loggia would not be glazed. But with the installation of double-glazed windows on balconies (loggias), a new problem appeared.

Heat and stuffiness, these eternal companions of panel high-rise buildings. The fact is that a glazed balcony essentially turns into a greenhouse, accumulating the sun's rays indoors, and being in such a room in the hot summer becomes not very comfortable, especially if it is not possible to install an air conditioner.

But unfortunately, not all people can stay in a stuffy room or apartment with air conditioning for a long time, since due to the weakness of the body they are susceptible to various kinds of diseases, from hypertension to colds.

What should these people do? Should we resign ourselves and suffer in silence, waiting for cloudy days, or should we look for ways to solve the problem?

Average prices for services

Decorating window structures with tinting on balconies and loggias, with the invitation of a professional craftsman, will cost the owner of an apartment (house) approximately 1,000 rubles per 1 m2.

The total price for tinting consists of the following factors:

  • type of film according to its characteristics;
  • region of residence (Moscow, Moscow Region, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg are leaders in prices among other cities);
  • price determined by the construction company providing this service;
  • cost of material per 1 m2;
  • additional tool costs.

You can save on tinting if you do the work yourself and if the film is glued to a finished profile. Then the price will depend only on the cost of the material, which on average ranges from 650 to 2,600 rubles. The most expensive is considered a transparent film of protection class - P4A, 600 microns, and the cheapest is dark gray, non-mirror 15-35%, from 350 rubles / m2.

Tinting film - a way to protect the room from the heat

Of course the second one.
One of the most effective and affordable ways to overcome the heat and stuffiness in apartments is... gluing the windows of the loggia with a sun-protective tinting film, similar to the one that motorists use for the same purposes. What are its advantages? Firstly, a high-quality tinting film can not only block excess ultraviolet rays and tint the glass, but also strengthen it if, due to any circumstances, it breaks. In addition, the tinting film will prevent your furniture from fading.

What films are used for gluing glass indoors? First of all, these are reflective and reflective films.

In addition, shockproof or vandal-proof film can be used, which will be effective if you live on the first floor of the house.

In addition, you can find films that combine reflective and vandal-proof functions.

Of course, the choice of film will primarily depend on the desired result. If you have chosen an inexpensive (budget) option, then know that such a film consists of one or several layers of polyester transparent film.

It should be noted that any film can reduce the brightness of light, both direct and reflected, by up to 80%, while the view from the window will remain clear and crisp. But it should be remembered that an excessively dark film will impair the view of the view from the window, and a film that is too light will not bring the expected effect.

Therefore, the best option for tinting windows and balconies in residential premises is a film with 35% light transmission.

In addition, depending on your tastes and preferences, you can choose a film of various colors, and also, if desired, stick a mirror film.

The main advantage of this type of pasting is that the view of the street from your apartment during the day will remain excellent, but passers-by or those who like to look into other people’s windows will be left with their noses, since they will not see anything else except their image.

But it is worth remembering that when you turn on the light, everything will automatically become the other way around. Therefore, when choosing this film for tinting your apartment, you should also take care of the curtains on the windows or blinds, which will hide your evening life from prying eyes.

Thus, let's once again summarize all the pros and cons that you will receive if you decide to cover your apartment windows with tinting film.

A few tips before gluing the film

Experts give recommendations that, if followed, will help you get the job done efficiently and quickly:

  1. It is important to monitor the air temperature during pasting. It should not be higher than + 350 Celsius, but not lower than +10.
  2. It is equally important to consider the humidity in the room. It should not be too high (over 70%), but too dry air (less than 25%) will lead to a weak connection between the film and the glass.
  3. In order for the adhesion of the film surface to the glass surface to be as strong as possible, the glass must be sprayed with a spray bottle with water or a weak soap solution. This will help solve the problem of air humidity if you do not know how to determine it.
  4. In order to reduce the risk of damage to the film with a spatula, it can be moistened with water.
  5. Before gluing, the glass must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and degrease. You also need to ensure that no particles, even the smallest particles and fluff, get on the film. This will lead to further detachment and “bubbles”.

Despite the fact that windows can be tinted both from the inside and from the outside, it is recommended to use the first method. This will help increase the life of the film.

Pros and cons of tint film

So, the advantages include:

  • protection from sunlight and, accordingly, a decrease in indoor air temperature;
  • the ability to select the color of the film to suit every taste;
  • improving the appearance of the room;
  • the ability to combine with any types of curtains, curtains and blinds;
  • the ability to select a film of any degree of darkness and specularity;
  • preventing fading and fading of interior items, furniture and indoor plants.

And, probably, one of the most important advantages is that the film used for covering windows is characterized by low cost and excellent functional features.

However, the disadvantages include:

  • When choosing a mirror film, you should be prepared for the fact that it mirrors from the side where there is more light, i.e. during the day - outside, in the evening from inside. This is probably where the list of disadvantages of tinting film ends.

Of course, I would like to remind you that being too economical when choosing a tint film can also do a bad job, so when paying attention to its quality in order to avoid fakes, then it will serve you for many years and will remain in good condition for a long time.


Main types of materials

The modern building materials market offers a wide selection of films that are used for tinting plastic and glass windows of residential premises. Each of the proposed types will have its own characteristics that make this or that product individual. The structure of this material is multilayer, which allows it to provide the proper level of protection from infrared and ultraviolet radiation. During the production process, various sputtering methods can be used using nickel, bronze, titanium or aluminum. In some cases (to order), gold or silver plating can be done. A laminator is used as a tool that allows you to bond individual layers of film together.

What is window tint film?

Window tinting film is a film that is great at filtering sunlight.
Such protection applied to window glass allows only 1% of ultraviolet radiation to pass through and reflects 80% of sunlight. Thanks to this, the room does not overheat in hot weather.

The main task of tinting is to protect the room from heating by the sun's rays. In cold weather, it contributes to less heat consumption, and in hot weather it saves from the heat.

Camouflage tinting helps create glare, as a result of which nothing will be visible through the glass. Even tinting films have been created that protect against eavesdropping.

Unprotected window glass, if accidentally broken, scatters in different directions into small fragments, which can easily injure you. The film installed on the window will prevent fragments from flying away, causing the glass to hang on the frame.

Window tinting allows you to avoid using various curtains during the daytime. In addition, this film is rich in color with various degrees of light transmission and protection. This helps to satisfy any customer wish.

Options for panoramic glazing of loggias

Panoramic windows are those that occupy space from floor to ceiling across the entire width of the balcony or loggia.

There are the following types of panoramic glazing:

  1. Frame glazing is performed using double-glazed windows and frames made of metal-plastic or aluminum. In fact, this is an ordinary balcony, only instead of a blank lower railing there are windows.
  2. Frameless glazing is a special design of tempered glass that is attached to guides and forms a continuous glass surface without frames or imposts. Such windows protect the balcony only from dust and precipitation, but cannot boast of sound and heat insulation characteristics. Windows can be opened by moving the glass along the guides.

Advantages and disadvantages of panoramic glazing

A loggia with panoramic glazing has the following advantages:

  • The room seems visually more spacious and wider due to the large amount of light.
  • Panoramic windows allow a lot of daylight into the balcony or loggia and into the adjacent room. This allows you to reduce energy costs.
  • The original design will highlight the loggia from the general background.
  • If your home has an attractive view, then nothing can stop you from enjoying it.

The disadvantages of panoramic glazing include the need for additional protection from the sun and the prying eyes of passersby. But this problem is easily solved by using a mirror sun protection film. It will also solve the problem of heat loss through large glazed surfaces.

Benefits of Window Tinting

Basically, protective film is installed on windows in order to slightly muffle the bright sunlight shining directly into the window. Tinting does a great job of this.

In addition, this film protects the furniture in the apartment and other interior items from fading. Tinted windows retain heat well in the apartment.

The mirror surface of the window glass from the street side makes it impossible to see everything that is happening in the apartment, especially if the room is on the ground floor.

Decorative tinting films can be used for room design, for example, photo printing is applied to them.

Glass with a protective armored film protects the apartment well from illegal entry. There will be no glare from the sun on your computer monitor or TV screen.

Tools and accessories

To tint balcony windows you will need, in addition to film :

  • tape measure, ruler;

  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors with wide edges;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • thin needle to remove bubbles;
  • soft rags to remove lint;
  • degreaser with a cloth for applying the product;
  • sprayer filled with clean running water;
  • rubber or plastic (polymer) spatula.

The home builder's kit for this case is simple. If the tinting is performed by an invited master, then he will have all the equipment and tools available. The owner will only need to fork out money for the film.

Types of tinting films

Window tinting in an apartment can be of the following types:

  • mirror;
  • protective;
  • sun protection

Using mirror films you can create a mirror effect with different shades on the glass. This tint reflects and absorbs about 80% of sunlight and about 75% of heat.

In this case, the room has excellent protection from bright light, ultraviolet radiation, heat and solar radiation, which creates a comfortable environment inside the room.

With a variety of shades available, mirror tinting film gives any building a luxurious look. It protects the premises well from prying prying eyes, especially those on the lower floors.

Solar control tinting films are also capable of reflecting and absorbing up to 80% of sunlight. This tint saves computer monitors and TV screens from sun glare, which is very comfortable on a clear day.

Modern solar control films make the appearance of a building more beautiful, while saving energy. This window tint is the best for creating the optimal temperature in the room on a hot summer day and is inexpensive.

It is worth remembering that the mirror film protects specifically during the daytime, since in the evening the light in the room is brighter than outside, so the mirror effect disappears.

Protective tinting films have shock-proof properties, which makes it very difficult to get into an apartment through a window, since you will need to work hard to break the glass.

In addition, such protection will not cause the furniture in the room to fade under the rays of the scorching sun, the room will not heat up very much, and in winter the apartment will be warm.

Features of film selection

To get the desired effect, it is important to know which tint is best for balcony windows. It is worth considering the following:

  • The coating affects the lighting and can darken the space. In this case, you need to give preference to a material that organically complements the interior.
  • If there is a pattern, it is important that it matches the overall style of the room. Floral ornaments fit well into the classic style. If the space is designed in high-tech style, you should pay attention to abstractions and geometric prints.

Films can be combined. By layering different materials, you can create new design solutions.

Price and care of tinting films

Thanks to modern technologies, window tinting is made of the highest quality, and this ensures fairly simple maintenance. Usually, wet cleaning is done without using cleaning products containing abrasive particles.

You can use a small amount of soap or mild detergent added to warm water. Dip a soft cloth in it and wipe the surface.

Purchase tinting film from specialized construction stores. Its price may vary and range from 120−300 rubles/m2.

The use of tinting on the windows of apartments or shopping centers significantly reduces various types of costs, for example, financial and energy.

There are savings on heating and cooling of premises; in winter, heat loss is greatly reduced, and in summer the apartment remains cool for a long time.


Choosing the best tinting for a balcony or loggia

Before purchasing a tint film and tinting a balcony or loggia, you should decide for what purpose or purpose it will be used, as well as based on its types that are commercially available. And only after that make your choice. If, for some reason, independently selecting a film for a tinting surface is difficult or simply impossible, it is better to consult with the sales manager at the place of purchase or with a professional designer.

By type of film for tinting glass of balconies and loggias there are:

  • sun protection; vary in color and degree of tint saturation;
  • mirrored;
  • architectural;
  • anti-vandal;
  • matte.

Sun protection films

Serve to protect premises and people, animals and indoor plants in them from excess ultraviolet radiation. Tinting the windows of a balcony or loggia with such films is also useful in order to additionally prevent fading of painted surfaces - wallpaper, upholstery, etc.

Mirror films

They are used with a mirror surface facing outwards and thus completely hide what is happening inside the room. Mirror film is used to protect against infrared solar radiation in the warm season, allowing you to create the desired microclimate inside the room and save on air conditioning.

Architectural films

These films are usually used in the construction of buildings and are factory-applied to the outside of the glass. With the help of architectural films, you can make the facades of even identical buildings, built according to the same standard designs, different. Such coatings have both sun protection and properties that increase the durability of window glass.

Anti-vandal films

Such films protect glass, compensating for their fragility, from mechanical damage, such as throwing stones or other heavy objects, either allowing the window to remain intact, or preventing the scattering of sharp fragments that can harm the health of people in the room. Some films of this type can even protect glass from gunshot or explosion damage.

Matte films

Most often these are films with an embossed “frosty” pattern applied to them. Such a coating, allowing most of the light flux to pass through it, masks what is happening in the room. Films of this type are widely used in medical, educational, and other public institutions, bathrooms and toilets, and saunas.

Types of films for tinting

Sun protection films

Solar control films can reflect up to 80% of solar energy, absorb blinding sunlight and eliminate solar glare on computer monitors and television screens, which ensures comfortable indoor conditions on the hottest and sunny day.
Solar control films created using modern technologies improve the appearance of the building and at the same time save energy. These films can safely be called the best, and at the same time inexpensive, invisible protection for the required room temperature.

Protection from the heat and summer heat is a pressing issue for most of us. And it is sunscreen films that sometimes become the only salvation, since even the presence of air conditioning in the room, instead of the expected salvation, brings unexpected colds.

Solar control films for windows are offered in a wide variety of colors, specularity and darkening levels.

Tinting window films

Window tint films are the general name for films that have the property of filtering sunlight when used on window glass, and visible light when used on office glass partitions.
It is these types of films that are used to tint the glass of buildings. Tinting films are designed for installation on glass and giving them decorative, shatterproof and other properties that have the stylistic properties of the general appearance of the building.

Tinting films have a very wide range of colors (bronze, grey, green, blue, etc., etc.) with different degrees of light transmittance and protection and can satisfy any wish of the modern customer.

Mirror films

Probably the most popular film in terms of application.
This window film gives the effect of one-way visibility and at the same time is the best protection from the sun. It should be noted that mirror films are offered in a wide variety of color shades, degrees of specularity and darkness.

These films can completely match the stylistic idea of ​​the designer, without standing out from the general style of the building. What is especially important today, since style determines a lot. Corporate style or the general style of a private home can only benefit from a well-chosen film.

Mirror film reflects and absorbs up to 90% of sunlight and up to 80% of solar energy, completely protecting rooms from ultraviolet radiation, heat and bright light, creating a cozy and comfortable environment inside. Due to its properties, mirror film makes it difficult to see from the outside, which is especially important for rooms located on the lower floors.

The mirror effect will seriously help hide privacy from prying eyes, and will also help protect many valuable things located indoors from fading. And given that global warming has long been an unsolved problem on a global scale, it is quite obvious that the need for mirror film will only increase from year to year.

And, of course, it should be noted that the film applied to the glass surface makes the glass safe. Broken glass (glass unit) does not crumble into fragments, but remains on the film.

Mirror films can be with one of four protection classes (K4, A1, A2, A3), and also create additional security, coupled with an alarm system.

Protective films

Protective window films increase impact resistance and make glass shatterproof. Such films are especially relevant if there are children in the house. Even broken glass does not always require immediate replacement, while continuing to protect against bad weather conditions, noise, and dust.

The protective film can have a one-way visibility effect (mirror film, mirror effect) and at the same time belong to one of four protection classes (K1, A1, A2, A3).

Protective films can be an ideal means of protecting the windows of a country house in the absence of the owners. Any heavy object thrown at the glass, or uninvited guests, will encounter invisible protection, which, coupled with an alarm, will help prevent many unpleasant moments.

Matte films

Matte films are one of the most popular types of special films. Due to the texture of their coating, matte films maintain high light resistance of up to 77%, while almost completely eliminating visibility.

Frosted films can be ideal for use on interior glass office partitions, entrance doors, shop windows and double glazed windows to limit visibility.

Matte films allow you to find interesting design and interior solutions for shops, offices, restaurants, and apartments. A wide range of colors of matte films (white, gray, silver, brown, bronze) allows you to choose the desired color shade that suits the interior of the room.

Source: xn—-7sbcgoa6abgohlgb1a4o.xn--p1ai/balkon-lodzhija/tonirovanie.html

Instructions for sticking the film

To apply any type of tint film, the same sequence of actions is used:

  1. The pre-used material is laid out on a flat surface. Based on your own measurements or if templates are available, individual pieces of film are cut out. All cut lines must be marked with a marker (a small margin is welcome).
  2. The working surface is thoroughly washed and degreased. Afterwards, the glass is covered with a thin layer of soap solution and cleaned with a rubberized spatula. This procedure should be repeated several times to obtain optimal results.
  3. Before gluing, the surface is again covered with the solution.
  4. The protective layer from the film is carefully removed, and it is better to remove the liner with several hands (in the direction from the selected side).
  5. Using a spray bottle, the adhesive side is lightly moistened with soapy water. This will allow the film to adhere as tightly as possible to the working surface for some time, which will allow it to be correctly placed and adjusted if necessary.
  6. The film should be glued starting from the top corner. To do this, the material is applied to one of the edges, after which it is smoothed by hand directly on the glass. The entire working surface must be covered and this must be ensured in a timely manner.
  7. Using a spatula, the material is leveled. This will remove excess moisture and air bubbles accumulated there from the layers. Movements should start from the center and be directed towards the edges.
  8. Using a sharp knife, remove all excess material around the edges.

Glue tint yourself at home

Of course, gluing the tint can be left entirely in the hands of the craftsmen, but this process is not at all complicated.

All it takes is a little preparation and patience. Do-it-yourself balcony tinting can be done without any problems in an already glazed room. For convenience, the process should be carried out together with an assistant.

For this you will need:

  • Stationery knife;
  • Rags;
  • Spray;
  • Spatula (usually sold with film).

Attention! To carry out gluing, you first need to thoroughly wash and degrease the surface of the windows.

First you need to make a soap solution: a couple of drops of shampoo per liter of water.

The next step is “patterns”. When trying the film on the glass, the dimensions are noted, leaving an allowance of 5 mm. Remove all excess with a regular stationery knife.

Next, the glass is moistened with a soap solution. When the film is peeled off from the base, apply a soap solution to the adhesive side using a spray bottle. After this, the film is carefully applied to the glass.

More on the topic How to wash windows on the balcony

It is very important that there are no folds left. If they do appear, then they all need to be quickly removed by moving your palm from the center to the edge. To destroy small bubbles, use a rubber spatula. The remaining sweets are removed after a small puncture with a needle and smoothing.

To tint glass, a specially produced polymer film is used, which has sound insulation and an antistatic effect. In order to wash tinted windows, you do not need to use special detergents.

Durability and excellent protection from sunlight and prying eyes also increase the popularity of window tinting.

How to tint balcony glass with your own hands

It is quite possible to glue the film onto balcony glass yourself. To do this, it is recommended to arm yourself with the following tools:

  • Sprayer.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Lint-free napkin.
  • Wide rubber spatula.
  • A product to degrease the glass surface (alcohol, acetone, dishwashing or window detergent).

It is recommended to thoroughly clean the glass first.

Any speck will lead to poor quality work, and the film will peel off or an unsightly bubble will form.

The film is glued as follows:

  1. A size that matches the visible part of the glass is cut from the canvas.
  2. Wet the adhesive side of the film and the window.
  3. Start applying from above, gradually smoothing it towards the bottom.
  4. It is necessary to wet the surface of the film with a sprayer for better adhesion.
  5. Using a spatula and a napkin, smooth to the bottom and remove bubbles.

The process of installing solar control mirror film on plastic windows
If it is possible to remove the glass from the frame, then it is worth gluing it this way. In this case, a piece of material is taken with a small allowance, which is then cut off.

We tint windows if the glass is removed from the frame

In this situation, all glass must be removed from the frames and washed very well. Window tinting film is also cut to size and with a small allowance.

The soap solution is applied in the same way to dry glass and the adhesive side of the film. The remaining film on the edges of the glass is carefully trimmed with scissors and the glass is inserted back into the frame.

If you are afraid that dust, dirt or air will get under the film, then you should try the gluing method by completely immersing the glass in water. After the film has been glued, you need to let the glass dry, and only then insert it into place.


Anyone can do their own tinting of windows on a balcony; you don’t need expensive equipment or knowledge in this area to carry out the work. The main thing is to purchase high-quality material, wash the glass well and carefully remove excess solution when gluing. The video in this article will clearly show the important points of the work process, and if you do not understand some of the nuances, then write all your questions in the comments under this review.

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September 14, 2016

Balcony and loggia, Windows

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Useful video on the topic

Detailed video instructions for installing mirror film

External ceramic film without window tint

Tinting a balcony with a mirror or any other film does not require special care for the windows. To keep the glass in good condition, ordinary water or a non-aggressive detergent is sufficient. The service life of a quality product reaches 10 years. On a cheap analogue, after 2-3 years coating defects appear and the material loses its sun protection properties.

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