How to correctly measure a balcony or loggia for glazing

Independently measuring the dimensions of the balcony may be necessary for preliminary calculation of the cost in the balcony calculator and drawing up an estimate for glazing work, for ordering a plastic or aluminum structure.
To work, you will need a measuring tool - a tape measure with a tape length no less than the full length of the balcony block, a building level. All data is recorded on paper. It is not recommended to memorize multiple values. If you are in doubt about the correct measurements, it is better to repeat the measurement. Accurate data will help you accurately calculate the cost of glazing and develop a design project, the installation of which will not cause any annoying problems.

Balcony glazing measurement

Having windows will help you save on heating costs in the winter. This is especially true for a panel house, where installing windows on verandas, balconies or loggias is simply a practical necessity due to the high thermal conductivity of these structures.

Typical balcony

We must immediately take into account that even if we are talking about standard “Khrushchev” verandas and loggias, there are always some errors that were made during its construction. It is a fact.

In “Khrushchev” buildings, the dimensional difference between the same slabs on one riser can reach as much as 10 cm! Accordingly, the larger the area, the greater this error will be. Therefore, measuring windows in a panel house must be carried out with extreme accuracy.

When glazing a balcony, we must not forget about canopies and ebbs; the figure shows a diagram of their arrangement

What to do in this case? You just need to measure the height and width parameters not in one, but in at least three places at the same time and find the smallest value. You will need to start from it when ordering windows.

It is clear that the smaller the area of ​​the room, the easier it will be to calculate the dimensions of the windows; if we talk about the cost, then it will be lower, but not significantly. The thermal plan of any house provides information on the size of the veranda, balcony or loggia, but they were included there from the initial projects.

An example of poor quality work on balcony glazing

Therefore, in this case, the thermal engineering plan will not be the ultimate truth; all measurements must be carried out independently, especially if we are talking about solid glazing.

You need to take measurements in several places at once, and then select the minimum indicator.

If you calculate window measurements incorrectly, this can subsequently result in the following unpleasant moments:

  • the functionality of the opening hardware itself may be seriously impaired;
  • Correcting all deficiencies may require a significant amount of money;
  • When installing windows, serious mechanical obstacles may arise;
  • all distortions will be clearly visible both from the street and from the apartment, which will ruin the entire aesthetic appearance.

Non-standard balconies

With rooms that have non-standard dimensions, everything is somewhat more complicated. In addition to the dimensions of the parapet and slab, it is also necessary to take into account the parameters of the staging profile; you should also not forget about the window sill.

Diagram of a classic aluminum profile

Corners, bay windows, projections, various architectural additions - all this makes the room attractive from an aesthetic point of view, but it is problematic to install solid glazing there.

It is immediately worth noting the importance of measuring such structures. The installation of frames itself costs much more there than in conventional balconies, so incorrect measurements can lead to a large waste of money.

In general, the following parameters must be taken into account when calculating:

  • size of balcony slab;
  • parapet size;
  • bay window parameters;
  • angles (their number is also of great importance);
  • projections;
  • additional architectural techniques, if any.

Scheme of the structure of a typical balcony in a Khrushchev building

It is interesting that experts unanimously say: it is most difficult to install aluminum glazing elements in polygonal-shaped rooms, and the easiest is to install wooden ones, which is due to the characteristics of the materials (wood and plastic are somewhat easier to give the desired shape than aluminum).

On the other hand, in terms of cost, an aluminum profile will be inferior to both plastic and wooden (if by wooden we mean not old “Soviet” frames, but modern ones, which are considered elite). In general, it all depends on the wallet and aesthetic preferences of the apartment owner himself, as well as on the type of apartment building.

Scheme of the device of a popular sliding profile

The main thing is done, all that remains is the calculations

To determine the total width of the block, you need to add the dimensions of the side slopes to the previously obtained value of the opening width and subtract 4 cm from them.

The width of the door in this system is calculated in the same way. However, care must be taken that the width of the calculated window and door accessories does not exceed the immediate width of the door and the window openings themselves.

The width of the window is calculated using the difference between the total width and the width of the door. If the resulting value requires some reduction in the connecting strip between the door and the window, then it can be tolerated.

The height of the window in the existing structure should be 2-4 cm greater than the height of the passage itself, so that this product can be accurately and correctly fixed in the opening. When calculating the height of the window, you need to take into account the space at the top required for filling with polyurethane foam, as well as the recess into the lower part of the hole - there should still be room for installing the window sill.

To determine the height of the door of the future balcony block, you need to add the values ​​of the upper and lower slopes to the height of the doorway and subtract 4 cm from the resulting value. However, the height of the door should not exceed the height of the passage itself by more than 6 cm. Otherwise, it is necessary to reduce the height of the door until it reaches required size.

In the final calculations of such a system, it is necessary to rely on “double” calculations made on different sides of various passages - a common device (balcony), window and door.

At first glance, it may seem that taking measurements is not a difficult task, especially if the balcony or loggia does not contain elements with any complex configuration. However, any error in measurements may subsequently affect the quality of the glazing, and savings on the services of a measurer may result in costs for altering translucent structures. Therefore, home craftsmen may find it useful to know the nuances typical of most balconies.

Features of taking measurements of a balcony or loggia

First of all, the home craftsman should take into account the opinion of experts: a flat balcony is an exceptional rarity. Even panel structures have curvature – and considerable curvature. Despite the fact that the panels are made according to the same pattern, the difference when measuring in different places on the balcony can reach 10 centimeters. Therefore, it is recommended to take horizontal measurements from the opening in at least three places. It is necessary to measure the opening vertically every meter, but even in a small loggia at least three measurements should be taken.

From all the measurements obtained, you should select the minimum width and height values ​​- they will be taken as the basis for further calculations. On each side, you need to subtract 2-3 centimeters from these values ​​for installation seams. This must be taken as a given: typical attempts by non-professionals to reduce the space for polyurethane foam are fraught with obtaining too thin installation seams, which do not allow us to talk about high quality insulation. This is especially important when installing “warm” glazing on a balcony or loggia.

The above applies to facade structures with the simplest geometry. If there is a need to create more complex structures, corner or bay glazing, you cannot do without a specialist. Measurements here must be carried out without exaggeration with pinpoint accuracy, because altering such glazing due to errors in calculations is a very expensive pleasure.

Avoid common mistakes!

It is worth starting to independently measure the opening for the glazing of a loggia or balcony only when it is devoid of any glazing. So if you have an old translucent structure installed on your balcony, dismantle it yourself or with the help of a specialist, and only after that take measurements from the opening. The presence of old glazing will increase errors in measurements and calculations; this is unacceptable. Moreover: if the master surveyor you invited begins to measure openings occupied by old structures, this should arouse your suspicion, since such behavior is unprofessional. Under no circumstances sign any contracts with a would-be specialist who insists that all designs are standard. To carry out measurements, it is necessary to at least partially dismantle the existing glazing, and possibly part of the trim covering the opening.

When making measurements and calculations, you should clearly imagine the future glazing of the balcony: whether the structure will be equipped with a window sill, whether it will be necessary to use an additional and stand profile for glazing, what the insulation and finishing of the balcony will be like. This will affect not only the parameters of the glazing elements, but also affect its overall cost.

Another nuance: the material from which the parapet is made must be compatible with the type of glazing desired. In some cases, existing parapets do not allow the installation of glazing in plastic frames. Then you have to either glaze the balcony using the “cold” type, or replace the parapet. In the latter case, the price of work increases.

A few words about risks

If you plan to glaze a wooden balcony, you risk less than in any other case - if there are small errors during the installation process, it is quite easy to correct a wooden structure. If you are installing the glazing of a loggia or balcony on a brick or concrete base, the accuracy of the measurements must be high, because it is difficult to adjust these materials, and reworking the glazing elements may be the only way out of the situation.

So, before you start taking measurements from the balcony opening yourself, weigh the pros and cons. If you are not confident in yourself, take the opportunity to order this service from professionals; if you are ready to take a risk, we wish you success, may everything work out for you!

For information about the availability of products and services described in the article, please contact our company managers by phone 8 (495) 940-73-92 .

Measuring a balcony with existing glazing

The most important rule when measuring the parameters of a room where old glazing is installed is the mandatory demolition of the latter BEFORE all measurement work is carried out. It is very difficult to do this with the old one, and in any case the error will be large.

Some “specialists” measure the parameters several months before installing a new frame, without removing the old one. And then it turns out that the owner of the apartment falls into shock when the frame is installed with distortions, the windows open only with great effort, and the structure itself wobbles even when a light breeze blows. In general, this must be observed correctly at all times and under all circumstances.

Internal structure of frameless profile

It is also important to remember that all frames will experience significant mechanical load. If the measurements are taken incorrectly, it may end up that some part of the new glazing will fit unevenly to the balcony, and another part will fit too tightly.

In this case, after installation it will not be possible to align the structure either horizontally or even vertically (aligning it vertically is somewhat easier). Repairing the glazing may simply be impossible later, and even if it is possible, it is unlikely to be done cheaply.

Measuring parameters on an already glazed balcony should be carried out only after removing the old frame.

As for the cost of the work, they can do it for free if the company is confident in the subsequent order. If you call a surveyor without a subsequent order, then the cost of his work can already be decent. Usually in Moscow they charge 1,000 rubles for the fact of leaving, and at least 3,000 for the measurement itself. This is still not such a small amount of money.

Diagram of the internal structure of a typical plastic profile

On the other hand, having paid such an amount, a person can be sure that the frame will stand level and without any significant distortions. True, it is imperative to request a guarantee from a paid surveyor indicating the date of work and all parameters.

If they turn out to be incorrect, and the frame goes astray, you can go to court for compensation. By the way, brick houses and panel houses differ in terms of technology for measuring frame parameters - this is also important to take into account, as is the thermal design of the building.

How to correctly take into account the reduction factor?

If a developer offers 100-meter apartments for sale at 60 thousand rubles per square meter and they have an area of ​​4 m2 for balconies and 6 m2 for loggias, then the total cost will be 6 million rubles. By applying a reducing factor, we get different numbers. Then all the main premises will cost 5.4 million, extensions will cost 72 and 180 thousand rubles, respectively. The total correct price for the final buyer will decrease by as much as 348 thousand and amount to 5.652 million rubles. As you can see, the amount saved by complying with the law is quite significant. In modern houses with an improved layout, extensions can reach 20 m2! And there are often several of them.

How to measure a balcony or loggia before glazing

Glazing a balcony or loggia is not a cheap service, and it is understandable that the apartment owner wants to do some of the work himself. For example, measure a balcony for glazing. It must be said that this is a rather painstaking task that does not tolerate haste and negligence, and the quality of the glazing installation, and in some cases its even possibility, depends on how accurately everything is done. Understanding this, balcony owners in most cases entrust this work to specialists, and take independent measurements only to find out the approximate cost of glazing.

Measuring a balcony without glazing

The easiest way is to measure a balcony or loggia that has not been glazed before. In this case, there is free access to the walls and parapet - the places to which the window structure will be attached. If there are things or furniture on the balcony that interfere with work, it is better to remove them, at least for the duration of the measurements.

Measuring the balcony with your own hands

Standard balcony

Even the simplest rectangular balcony design contains errors made during the construction of the house. In panel houses, the difference in the size of the slabs can reach 10 cm, which also affects the correct installation of the balcony slab. This difference is greater, the larger the dimensions of the balcony. Therefore, it would be correct to measure the width and height of the openings in several places, at least three, and find the smallest value.

Standard unglazed balcony

Complications from incorrect measurements:

  • The functionality of the opening mechanisms will be impaired;
  • Additional expenses will be required to correct errors;
  • Problems will arise when installing glazing;
  • Distortions will be noticeable visually, so the appearance of the balcony will suffer.

To measure the height of the glazing, the distance from the edge of the parapet to the top concrete slab is measured, and you need to ensure that the measuring tape is in a strictly vertical position and the measurement data is not distorted. On a wide balcony, height measurements are made every linear meter. The length is measured from one edge of the parapet to the other along a horizontal line. Having determined the smallest distance, it is taken as a basis, and 6 cm is subtracted if plastic windows are installed, and 4 cm if aluminum windows are ordered - this gap will be sealed with polyurethane foam.

When you measure the height of the windows, in addition to possible distortions of the parapet and balcony slab, you should take into account the height of the stand profile and window sill - they will also affect the measurement indicators.

Balcony of complex design

It is more difficult to measure a balcony for glazing, the design of which is complicated by corners, projections, bay windows and other architectural additions. Manufacturing elements of such glazing is much more expensive than conventional straight windows, so an error in measurements can be costly. Since you cannot guarantee that you will do everything correctly on your own, it is better not to risk it and seek help from the company where you plan to order glazing.

Balcony of complex design

What is required for greater accuracy

The width of the balcony door is measured along the external slopes. It is carried out, like all measurements, using a tape measure.

  • An external measurement of the height of the space of the existing door from the lower to the upper slope is required. It is carried out from the side of the structure, and not from the interior of the apartment;
  • Here the window opening is measured between its upper and lower slopes. This calculation is carried out in two parts of the structure: next to the existing door and closer to the wall. It is necessary to monitor the position of the tape measure - it must be exactly vertical. Otherwise, the numbers will be inaccurate, which will lead to incorrect production of the product for the balcony;
  • Using a special building level, you need to check the verticality of the walls at the door and window openings. If there is a deviation from the vertical of more than 10-15 mm, it is necessary to accurately reflect this on paper;
  • Using a metal ruler, the slopes of openings, both door and window, are calculated. Such calculations are made from all sides: on the right, on the left, above and below - in each place twice, at different ends;
  • The last nuance is the size of the future window sill. It is necessary to measure the existing one using the internal tide.

Thus, the balcony block is measured. You can move on to the next stage - determining the main dimensions of the window and door of the balcony block.

Measuring a balcony that already has glazing

If your balcony or loggia already has glazing and you want to replace it, then measurements are taken after its dismantling. Without removing the old frames, it will be difficult to take correct measurements, especially if this is your first time doing this.

During operation, the glazing will be subject to mechanical stress, and if it is unstable and poorly secured, there is a danger of the structure collapsing. This can also be facilitated by distortions that have arisen due to incorrect measurements - the frames on one side of the opening are adjacent to the parapet and the ability to align the glazing in a horizontal or vertical plane is lost.

Loads that balcony glazing must withstand:

  • Strong gusts of wind;
  • Opening and closing the doors;
  • Washing glass and profiles.

The reliability of a structure made using incorrect measurements will decrease, so to avoid mistakes, it is better to take them after dismantling the windows. First, the old frames are removed from the hinges, and then, using a grinder, the box is sawn and removed in parts. After this, the metal fasteners from the wall of the house are cut off with a grinder and only after that measurements are taken. We recommend that before measuring the balcony for glazing, make a diagram of it, and then record the length of the measured distance directly on the drawing. This way you won’t forget exactly which measurement corresponds to which distance.

Even if you are going to invite a measurer from a company to do this work professionally, you can make preliminary measurements yourself to find out the approximate costs of glazing. In this case, it is possible to measure the balcony using the old glazing, and dismantle it before the specialist arrives.


How to measure a bay window balcony. Features of measuring structures with bay windows

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The measurement of a bay window is carried out similarly to a standard opening, but in this case the angle of the bay window is additionally determined, which is measured using a protractor. The main measuring area for a bay window is the upper quarter of the window opening. The measurer determines the main dimensions, which are fundamental for the development of the product and the configuration of the connector by the designer.

Basic measurements of a bay window opening

The value of W is determined by the calculation method. Known quantities are Z - the width of the profile system - and the angle α. When determining the dimensions of structures for bay windows (for example, the Start-78 program - from 90° and more), size B should be taken into account, varying depending on the angle of the bay window and the geometric dimensions of the elements connections and features of a specific profile system. Figure A shows the appearance of the bay window angle α for the profile system. Design of a bay window connection for a wooden translucent structure

When determining the dimensions of the corner connector in bay windows of other types of profile systems (Fig. B), which do not contain such corner connectors or the connection angles of the bay windows are non-standard, calculations are made for the manufacture of this corner connector according to Fig. Basic measurements of a bay window opening

It is necessary to measure the elements of bay window blocks A1A2 and the bay window angle a along the upper part of the window opening, with the obligatory use of safety equipment.

How to correctly measure a balcony or loggia for glazing

Independently measuring the dimensions of the balcony may be necessary for preliminary calculation of the cost in the balcony calculator and drawing up an estimate for glazing work, for ordering a plastic or aluminum structure.

To work, you will need a measuring tool - a tape measure with a tape length no less than the full length of the balcony block, a building level. All data is recorded on paper. It is not recommended to memorize multiple values. If you are in doubt about the correct measurements, it is better to repeat the measurement. Accurate data will help you accurately calculate the cost of glazing and develop a design project, the installation of which will not cause any annoying problems.

How is the area in an apartment calculated?

For square and rectangular rooms, the calculation is simple - multiply the length of two walls from one corner. For example, if one wall is 4 meters and the second is 8, multiply the values ​​and get a room with an area of

32 m2.
This way you measure all the rooms in the apartment

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Balcony measurement diagram

All balconies and loggias have individual sizes. In typical projects, the data is always approximately the same, but discrepancies of several centimeters can cause difficulties when installing glazing. For this reason, it is necessary to take accurate values. You can do this in the following order:

  1. The height from the parapet to the balcony slab of the upper floor is measured at three points - along the edges and in the center. If the length of the balcony is more than 3 meters, it is recommended to take measurements in increments of 1 m. It is first recommended to check the horizontal level of the fence and the balcony slab of the upper floor with a building level and take into account the angle of inclination. The difference at the edges can reach 7-10 cm, this must be taken into account when developing the project;
  2. the length of the loggia between the side parapets is measured, with plastic glazing, 5-6 cm is subtracted from the obtained value for the installation seam and 3 cm from below for the support profile, when installing an aluminum structure - 2-3 cm per seam;
  3. When planning side glazing, the height from the parapet to the balcony slab and the width of the parapet are measured.

The type of glazing must be taken into account in the calculations; to select, it is necessary to analyze the condition of the parapet and balcony slab. A dilapidated balcony should not be loaded with a warm structure with heavy double-glazed windows. For glazing, an aluminum profile is used, which has a small width.

It is much more difficult to take measurements of a balcony with already installed glazing; such calculations by an inexperienced technician will be very approximate. They will be sufficient for a preliminary calculation (simple measurement of height and width), but it is not advisable to order glazing production based on them. When measuring balconies with glazing, a specialist from the manufacturing company must partially disassemble the cladding of the walls and ceiling at the junction of the structures in order to find out the true dimensions of the balcony opening.

Order window measurements from professionals

It is important to understand that window measurements are the first stage in its installation and, most importantly, the key one. Depending on how correctly you did the job, the success of the installation and operation of the window will depend. It is for this reason that it is better not to rely on your own strength, but still trust professionals who can do all the work efficiently and quickly at a time convenient for you. Choose a company on the website that has been operating in Chelyabinsk for many years. All specialists and companies have the necessary experience and skills.

After all, by saving a little on window measurements, you have a chance of getting into significant trouble in the future. Is it worth the risk? Don't think.

When ordering the services of a surveyor, you should also understand that the specialist knows many subtleties that help him do his job efficiently. Among them are the features of the window opening after dismantling the old structure; unevenness and distortions, etc. are taken into account.

Common mistakes when measuring yourself

When measuring a balcony yourself, the following mistakes are made:

  • the angle of inclination of the parapet is not taken into account;
  • measurements are taken on old glazing;
  • the features of the installed structure are not taken into account - the presence of a window sill, insulation, stand profile;
  • For calculations, average height values ​​are taken - it is recommended to carry out the project taking into account the smallest values;
  • The dimensions of the installation seam are not taken into account or the dimensions of the installation seam are deliberately reduced; this should not be done, since an attempt to reduce the space at the seam by making it thinner does not make it possible to properly insulate the glazing.

When determining the type of glazing, consider the material of the parapet. In some cases, it is impossible to install plastic windows due to the condition of the parapet. In this case, either the parapet is replaced/strengthened, or glazing is carried out using “cold” technology. Specialists involved in the manufacture and installation of frames will tell you about the features of the technique.

If there is any doubt, measurements and calculations are repeated. This will help to accurately determine the dimensions of the balcony opening without the involvement of specialists from a company that produces plastic structures. It is recommended to entrust measurements of L-shaped or bay window balconies to professionals.


Nuances of taking measurements

It is necessary to know and take into account that a flat façade area is a rarity in construction. Be prepared for considerable curvature of the structure. The difference in some places sometimes reaches 10 cm. We recommend taking measurements of the opening along a horizontal plane in at least 3 places. When determining the vertical parameters of the balcony, examine the structure every meter. In the smallest loggia, at least 3 measurements must be taken.

Study all the resulting parameters and select from them the minimum height and width of the structure. The indicators will serve as the basis for further calculations. On each side, subtract 2-3 cm from the resulting values, leaving them for laying the assembly seams. This must be done. An attempt to reduce the space at the seam, the desire to make it thinner, does not make it possible to properly insulate the glazing.

What is written above applies only to the simplest balcony areas. If the structure has a complex configuration (bay window, corner location, etc.), do not try to take measurements without a specialist. In such places, it is necessary to determine parameters with high accuracy. Remember that redoing the glazing will not be cheap due to poor calculations.

How to measure a loggia or balcony for glazing

Glazing of balconies for convenience of living and insulation is a popular type of renovation in apartment buildings. At the same time, most homeowners turn to window companies specializing in the installation of windows and balcony glazing, the lowest cost of which is about 50 USD. per square meter. The overwhelming majority of companies, before installing windows or balcony frames, practice a free visit of a specialist to the customer’s home, who measures the balcony for glazing, draws up a design diagram and calculates the costs of materials and work.

If you wish, you can save a significant amount if you glaze your balcony yourself. Many window installation companies sell standard size balcony frames at a discount without installation, but before purchasing them, you must independently measure the installation dimensions of the future glazing.

Standard sizes

Standards and building codes regulate the size of window and door openings. They differ for different houses. Here are the most popular options:

Standard sizes of balcony blocks

  • panel “brezhnevka”: window design – 1300x1400; door structure – 750x2150;
  • panel “Stalinka” with a T-shaped balcony block: total size – 1500x2700; door structure – 750x2150;
  • brick "Khrushchev": window design - 1350x1340; door structure – 680x2070;
  • panel "Czech": in the bedroom - window structure 1400x1400 or 1050x1400, door structure 750x2150; in the hall - window structure 1760x1400, door structure 800x2150.

The influence of installation technology on the dimensions of balcony glazing

When determining how to correctly measure a balcony, you first need to decide whether a window sill will be installed, which has become a popular attribute in modern balcony frames. The fact is that the window sill is usually placed under the bottom of the balcony frame - in this case it will have to be raised to a height from the parapet equal to or greater than the thickness of the window sill. The height of the frame in this case will be less than that of a structure without a window sill, where it is easier to lower the lower side of the frame onto the parapet.

In addition, when installing a balcony frame, it is necessary to install an upper and lower ebb. The top ebb is usually attached to the ceiling using self-tapping screws on dowels separately from the frame, or it is mounted during the installation of the glazing, screwed to the ceiling along with the frame (in this case, perforated plates are attached to the frame frame before installation).

Depending on the qualifications of the installers and the technology with which they perform the work, the lower ebb is installed in different ways. Often, a balcony frame is first installed, and then the ebb is screwed to its lower vertical part. Other experts first attach a horizontal block or board to the top of the parapet, attach the lower ebb to it with self-tapping screws, and then place the balcony frame on top. This method is convenient when installing a window sill if the board or block is of sufficient height for its installation.

From the above it follows that the height of the balcony frame depends on the method of its fastening, the presence of additional accessories and the method of their installation; when installing a window sill, a 50 mm thick block is usually placed. - accordingly, the height of the balcony glazing frame, which will be measured before installation, must be higher than the parapet by this distance.

Attaching the balcony frame to vertical walls and insulating side gaps can also be carried out using various methods that affect the length of the frame when measuring. In the vast majority of cases, the side gaps are covered with polyurethane foam, which, when hardened outside and inside, looks unaesthetic and requires trimming and finishing with decorative materials. Better and more aesthetically pleasing sealing of side gaps can be achieved by using pre-compressed PSUL sealing tape. It is made of polyurethane foam impregnated with modified acrylic, has different sizes and is mounted by gluing its glued side to the insulated surface. When installing the frame, PSUL is glued to the sides of the frame and the frame is inserted into the opening, secured to anchors or mounting plates, after which the tape expands 5 times, reliably and tightly insulating the side slots.

When installing glazing with aluminum or plastic on mounting foam, a distance of about 30 mm is usually left to the walls. for ease of work and obtaining a high-quality seam. When using sealing tape, this distance can be reduced to 10 mm. – this will affect the choice of the length of the balcony glazing frame.

Where to start such work

So, in order to correctly measure the system, you will need:

  1. Blank sheet of paper.
  2. Ball pen.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Metal ruler.

All measurements taken must be recorded on paper.

In order to correctly calculate the balcony passage, you need to do the following:

The glazing process will not begin to develop until you have developed the minimum required sketch of the future structure.

  • find out the width of the space between the internal slopes, next to the element that already exists. In addition to the general width, the width between the inner sides of the slopes is needed;
  • It is necessary to carefully calculate the width of the existing door. This value is the distance between the internal slopes;
  • it is also necessary to find out the height of the door opening between the upper and lower slopes of the structure. In addition to the height of the door, you need to know the height of the window space adjacent to this door. Such measurements must be carried out both from the inside of the apartment and from the outside of this system;
  • after this, it is necessary to measure the total width of the entire opening of the balcony element along the external slopes. This value is measured both at the top of the structure and at the bottom. Then both values ​​are compared. They must match, and if not, then you can try to eliminate the difference using polyurethane foam during installation, or include it in advance in the data specified before production;
  • It is also necessary to measure the width of the door along the external slopes. It is carried out, like all measurements, using a tape measure;
  • From the outside of the balcony opening, you need to carefully dismantle the window sill of this element using a screwdriver.

Recommendations for measuring glazing on a balcony

Before taking accurate measurements, you must independently remove the old glazing, which is often covered by the finishing of walls and ceilings with decorative materials.

Although measuring a balcony opening with your own hands to install glazing seems quite simple, the task is complicated by the curvature of the balcony, which can reach 50 mm. in large and long structures. Therefore, measurements must be taken in several places using a building level.

The easiest way to correctly and accurately measure the height is to place a straight board or beam along the entire length of the parapet and level it horizontally using a building level. Then, using a tape measure, measure the distance from the bottom of the beam to the ceiling along the entire length in several places in increments of 1 m. The smallest size should be taken as the basis, which will be the height of the glazing frame without a window sill. If you intend to install a window sill, then a similar measurement operation can be carried out by applying a tape measure to the upper side of the leveled beam.

To determine the length of the balcony frame, you should also use a building level. For measurements, apply it to one of the sides and align it exactly vertically; on the balcony parapet, make a mark of the standing level at the point closest to the wall. Then they transfer the level to another wall, set it exactly vertically, put a similar mark on the parapet. The distance between the two marks measured with a tape measure will be the length of the new balcony frame. The length of the frame was measured using the above method without taking into account the thickness of the side seams; when installing on foam or sealing tape, the measured distance is reduced by the thickness of the seams.

In some cases, the condition of the balcony parapet should also be taken into account. If the balcony is old or has a too weak structure, then installing heavy, warm multi-chamber frames can cause destruction of the parapet or deformation of the independent glazing. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the parapet of a loggia or balcony for glazing with your own hands, or you can glaze the balcony with a lighter, cold aluminum profile with single sheet glass.

When choosing glazing of a complex shape, its measurements and installation are quite difficult for a non-specialist - in this case it is better to use the services of professionals from window companies.

To install balcony glazing yourself, you must accurately measure all the dimensions of the window frame. Its dimensions depend on additional accessories, installation method and materials used. When choosing the type of balcony glazing (frame material, profile manufacturer and number of chambers in double-glazed windows), you should take into account the condition of the balcony and, in particular, its parapet.


Types of structures

The most common variations
The range of balcony blocks can hardly be called large. But you can also use it to create a modern, high-quality space for a loggia or balcony. Let's look at the main glazing options.


Standard balcony block with a blind window
A good option for equipping Soviet-era houses. Modern plastic structures fit almost perfectly into the opening after dismantling the old wooden counterpart. A distinctive feature is the presence of a special slot for ventilation. This allows you to ensure the supply of fresh air from the balcony (loggia). If you consider that a plastic door can be equipped with a folding mechanism, you get an almost ideal ventilation system.

The price for a standard balcony block is low. It does not have complex fittings, and the area of ​​light transmitting elements is quite small. The increase in price is affected by the number of double-glazed windows.

For an insulated balcony

The block for an insulated balcony has a window that can be opened.
In this case, there is no need for significant insulation. A distinctive feature is the presence of a double-hung window. This makes it possible to open only part of the entire glazing. In other cases this is not possible.

Stalin's block

Balcony block for “Stalin” windows
Involves a stripped-down version of glazing due to a narrow door. The door structure can open in several positions to adjust the ventilation process. The window frame is identical. Powerful insulation is not expected due to the fact that glazing for old houses must be done carefully.


Balcony block with panoramic windows
A distinctive feature of the design is the presence of panoramic windows. They look impressive and go perfectly with the parapet on the loggia. There is a good view of the street and its landscapes. Even if it’s urban. The room will be much brighter.

Measuring a balcony or loggia yourself - pitfalls

First of all, you must balance the risks, since remaking expensive plastic windows or aluminum glazing, which, however, is also not much cheaper, will cost you a pretty penny. It just seems that measuring a balcony is easy, especially if it is straight, like a window, and is not glazed. In fact, it is necessary to take into account further plans for finishing the loggia, and the curvature of the opening, and some other subtleties.

Some subtleties of measuring a balcony.

Despite the apparent ease of measuring a straight balcony, there are some nuances. For example, curvature is present in almost all houses. Even in panel houses, where the slabs are cast according to one pattern, the difference can reach 10 cm, so there is no “standard” size here. And the larger your loggia, the greater the difference may be. Therefore, it is worth measuring the opening in several places: at least three in height, and three in width. If your balcony or loggia is very large in width, you need to measure the opening every meter , and take the smallest size in width and height as a basis. From the obtained result, you need to subtract 2-3 cm from each side for the mounting foam.

Many customers of window structures for loggias insist that the distance under the mounting foam should not exceed one centimeter, but this is a truly philistine approach. If your opening is curved by at least 5 mm, then the layer of mounting foam will be the same, that is, there is no need to talk about warm glazing with such a thin mounting seam. No self-respecting window company would do this. You should not pay attention to wonderful expressions such as “my opening is smooth”, “I cut it myself and my builders are from Uzbekistan with diplomas”. One surveyor I know, with 6 years of experience, frankly said that during his experience he had seen one (!) geometrically even loggia .

As for balconies of complex shapes , with corners, bay windows, etc., taking measurements yourself is a great way to simply waste your money. This measurement should only be carried out by a professional measurer, as bay and corner structures are expensive and must actually be drawn onto the parapet.

If you have old glazing , don't be surprised if the window company asks you to remove it at their own expense. This is a sign of a truly professional company that takes into account all your and its risks. If your balcony is glazed with wood and covered with clapboard so that the opening itself is not visible, and the surveyor offers to conclude an agreement without at least a partial analysis of the loggia, throw him out, this is a sign of unprofessionalism. Excuses that all houses are typical and standard are also not accepted.

Also keep in mind that you may need additional profiles . An article about why they are needed and what types they are here. This significantly reduces the window structure itself, but due to additional profiles it can increase its cost by twenty percent. It is this feature that sometimes leads to an unpleasant situation, when they told you one amount over the phone, and another when measuring it, there’s an article about it here.

The window sill also reduces the size of the window structure, since it requires a support profile; its height ranges from 2 to 4 cm, depending on the choice of profile. About what a stand profile is.

And one more thing - take into account what your parapet is made of (what the glazing is on). With some types of parapet it is not possible to install plastic windows, but only aluminum glazing is possible. Read more in this article.

The safest way to measure a balcony is on a wooden house, since if the structure is large, the opening can be adjusted on the spot. Correcting brick, and even more so concrete, is a much less pleasant task, so don’t take risks - contact trusted window companies.


Rules for measuring PVC windows

If you take window measurements yourself, it is important to understand some points. So, the window frame should not be flush with the opening, but should be slightly smaller. This gap is called the mounting gap. It is necessary for high-quality window installation and the possibility of expanding the structure. This gap must be maintained within 2-5 cm.

Such work must be performed not only from inside the house, but also from the outside. To determine the width of the window you need to take three measurements. To do this, measure the width along the top edge, along the bottom and in the middle of the window. We measure the length in the same way: along the right edge, along the left, and also in the center.

When you're measuring windows, it's worth considering the fact that some homes have quarter panels and some don't. this is important to consider. In houses with a quarter, the windows should extend 2-3 cm onto the upper and side external slopes.

If the house is without a quarter, then when measuring the width and height, the smallest indicator should be taken into account. In this case, 2-4 cm should be subtracted from the resulting width on each side. This space will be given over to polyurethane foam. In addition, you also need to subtract about 3 cm from the height for the height of the stand profile. Of course, if necessary.

How to measure a balcony for calculation?

To make their homes more comfortable, as well as to increase usable space, apartment owners resort to glazing their balconies. Glazing of balconies can be warm or cold.

Warm glazing of a balcony is used when they want to make the balcony residential, that is, use its space for a study, library, recreation area, combine it with an adjacent room, etc. (in more detail here ) In this case, warm glazing is just one of the stages, along with which it is necessary to carry out comprehensive work on waterproofing, insulation, external cladding, and solving the problem of heating on the balcony.

Cold glazing of a balcony means that the balcony will be used as an area for storing things, conservation, etc., as well as for drying clothes. That is, cold balcony glazing, first of all, performs an enclosing function, protecting the balcony space from precipitation and wind.

Measuring the balcony is the first important step

Measuring a balcony only at first glance seems like a simple job. Glazing a balcony is a rather complex process that requires knowledge and experience at all stages. Only a professional can correctly take measurements , taking into account all the nuances of your balcony.

First of all, there are no ideal balconies, that is, each specific balcony has a certain curvature. For example, in panel houses, the error in the height or width of the balcony can reach 10 cm. Without certain knowledge, you will not be able to choose the optimal size yourself. Also, when determining the dimensions, a professional measurer takes into account the future interior decoration of the balcony.

Incorrect measurements of the balcony will lead to serious problems: visually noticeable distortions, difficulties during the installation process, additional costs for correction, and the balcony fittings will very quickly fail.

You can avoid such problems by following simple rules:

  • Glazing for a balcony can only be made according to the dimensions determined by a professional measurer.
  • You can measure your balcony yourself in order to get an approximate cost of glazing.


To calculate the area of ​​a balcony, ordinary tools are used - a ruler, a tape measure, but to get the most accurate results, it is recommended to use a laser range finder.

    The rangefinder is a higher class tool. It is more reliable and provides less measurement error. The operation of an electron-optical instrument uses the properties of a laser beam. In particular, a laser rangefinder allows you to take measurements in hard-to-reach places in height, depth, and even impassable areas. In addition, measurements can be carried out without a partner.

Measuring a balcony without glazing

The easiest way is to measure an unglazed balcony. The absence of glazing allows free access to the walls and parapet of the balcony. To measure, you only need a construction tape. If there is furniture or any things on the balcony that complicate access to the parapet, then it is better to remove them in order to be able to carry out measurements easily and without restrictions.

In order to measure the height of the balcony , you need to use a tape measure to measure the distance from the parapet to the bottom of the balcony slab above your head. It is best to measure the height at three points: at the walls and in the middle of the balcony. If the balcony is wide, then you can measure the height every meter. Among the obtained measurements, choose the smallest one - this will be the height of the balcony.

The height of the balcony structure will be slightly less than the height of the balcony, since it is necessary to take into account the installation gap at the top (2...3 cm) and the height of the window sill profile at the bottom (3 cm). When measuring, you must ensure that the tape measure is in a strictly vertical position, otherwise the size will be distorted.

The width of the balcony is determined by measuring the distance from one edge of the parapet to the other in the horizontal plane. For L-shaped and U-shaped balconies, the lateral distances, that is, the depth of the balcony, are measured. Measurements are taken along the parapet, from the wall to the corner.

The exact dimensions of the width of the balcony glazing will depend on the use of components (corner connector, additional profiles) and taking into account the installation gaps at the junction of the frame and the wall. If we talk about bay windows, where the glazing is complicated by many angles, then you should not take measurements yourself.

If the measurements are incorrect

But such an event as measuring PVC windows should be entrusted to specialists who have extensive experience in this field. Everything must be precise down to the millimeter. If you measure it incorrectly, the consequences may be as follows:

  • The window may end up smaller than necessary. However, in this case, do not despair. After all, the gaps formed between the profile and the window opening with the help of polyurethane foam. On the other hand, this will require additional costs for materials, as well as time;
  • If the window is much smaller than necessary, then there are two ways to solve the problem. As a humane option, you can close the resulting openings with additional profiles. Or the fundamental method is to completely remake the structure from scratch;
  • If the window is larger than the required opening, you are unlikely to break the wall to increase the opening. It is easier to redesign a metal-plastic window.

Measuring a balcony with glazing

Measuring a balcony with old glazing is a more difficult job. Self-measurement of the structure will be very relative. You can perform it when you just need to “estimate” the cost of glazing, whether you can order the work now or whether you need time to accumulate funds. In this case, simply measure the height and width of the balcony with a tape measure.

You should know that a professional measurer, having measured your balcony with old glazing, usually partially disassembles the finishing of the walls and ceiling at the junction of the structure. This is necessary in order to determine the true size of the balcony.


To measure a balcony structure, you need a professional who will determine the exact dimensions, the need for components and additional profiles, taking into account further insulation and finishing of the walls and ceiling, and suggest the optimal location of opening and blind sashes.

In addition, in old houses, not all balcony parapets are able to withstand glazing. A specialist will be able to determine options for strengthening the parapet or recommend lighter structures.


Examples of replacing a balcony block

Here are examples of replacing a balcony block.

Balcony block “Cheburashka”

Balcony block with swing door and tilt-and-turn window

French window and door unit

Sliding doors to the balcony

Balcony block with a non-standard solution

You can take measurements of the balcony block yourself. This will require a minimum of tools and a lot of patience. It is recommended to carry out all calculations several times. Each stage must be recorded. With the help of our article, you will be able to correctly calculate the balcony block for its further glazing.

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