Cleanliness of windows on high floors: how and with what to clean double-glazed windows from the outside?

Outside windows are especially susceptible to contamination. Dust, dirt settles on them, and smudges from rain appear.

You won’t have to look through a cloudy, dirty window, even if it’s at a height. It’s enough just to use modern gadgets.

Read the article about how to properly and safely wash outside windows if you live on a high floor.

Necessary measures

Cleaning your windows from the outside involves ensuring complete safety and minimizing your time outside as much as possible.
When working with an open frame, there is always a risk of falling out of the window ; It's not difficult to lose your balance just by looking down. People suffering from a fear of heights should choose non-risky and safe methods.

An equally important point is the choice of tools and detergents that can quickly deal with the problem of dirty glass and frames.

What to clean with?

It is necessary to choose products that meet the requirements for caring for glass and plastic. Products must exclude the presence of alkali, acids and abrasives.

Reference! Abrasives are materials used to treat the surfaces of various substances. They have high hardness.

It is prohibited to use:

  • drying oil-based solvents;
  • gasoline-based stain removers;
  • dry powders;
  • soda;
  • and pure alcohol.

An excellent solution would be to use detergents to care for metal-plastic structures. These funds are inexpensive.

Homemade detergents

If you don’t have time or money to buy products, you can make them yourself from available components found in every home.

  1. Using dishwashing liquid. Don’t overdo it, just pour a little until a little foam forms.
  2. Add two tablespoons of salt to one glass of water.
  3. You need to add just a little glycerin to the alcohol.
  4. A solution of one or two tablespoons of ammonia and vinegar. You should first put on rubber gloves to prevent the possibility of thermal burns!
  5. Mix alcohol and vinegar in equal parts with 100 g of corn starch.

You need to wipe the glass with a slightly damp cloth, soaking it in the prepared solution.


Ready-made products containing active chemicals will help you deal with dust and dirt faster.

Work only with rubber gloves! If you are allergic to chemicals, do not use! Use care products for metal-plastic materials. Aerosols, creams or solutions - your choice, the more convenient for you to work.

If all frames open inward

  1. The glass is cleaned from the inside.
  2. Then the window is washed from the outside as well.
  3. The aerosol or solution must be applied in a thick layer and allowed to stand for a while on the window.
  4. Wipe the entire area of ​​the glass with a sponge, wash the frame thoroughly.
  5. Rinse off the detergent with water and wipe with a microfiber cloth.
  6. Squeeze the water dry with a scraper.
  7. Wipe the frames and window sill with a rag.

Transom is removable

The easiest way to clean windows is when you can remove the frames. This way you can wash your balcony windows much better and without fear.

Sliding double-glazed windows installed

The best way is to use a telescopic mop with a long, rotating handle. The scraper can also be used on an extended handle. The algorithm of actions is exactly the same as in the case when the frames open inward.

Important! It is worth adding lemon juice or vinegar to the rinsing water - this will prevent streaks.

How to clean window frames on a balcony at height?

First way

You can use both special detergents and regular ones for washing dishes on windows, including balcony ones. It is not recommended to use powders - they can scratch the façade.
If the balcony frame is wooden, then as a rule, a damp cloth soaked in a soap solution is used. Then moisten it in warm water and wash off the remaining stains.

If the frames are not removable, either a regular or telescopic mop will help you get to hard-to-reach places .

Second way

Wash the façade with high pressure washers. They are used to clean cars. (You can’t wash glass like that.)

First the frame is washed, then only the glass!

Review of the most popular models

Some models of mops for washing windows have already gained considerable popularity in the household goods market.

  1. Telescopic mop Leifheit 51120 made in Germany (costs about three and a half thousand rubles). Handle length – from 110 to 190 cm. Working surface width – 33 cm. This mop can simultaneously wash glass and frames. The wet cleaning attachment is machine washable.
  2. An Austrian-made Hausmann telescopic mop will cost about one and a half thousand rubles. The handle is aluminum, the length varies from 75 to 140 cm. The scraper is rubber, installed using a snap lock.
  3. A Swedish-made telescopic mop costs about two and a half thousand rubles. The handle is made of plastic, its length varies from 60 to 130 cm. The nozzle for wet cleaning is attached with Velcro. Working surface size: 27 * 6 cm.
  4. The steam mop Steam Mop X6 (made in China) costs a little more than three thousand rubles. It has 4 steam levels. In addition to the nozzle for windows, the kit includes nozzles for upholstery of upholstered furniture, floors, ironing, etc. The volume of the container into which water is poured is 0.4 liters, the length of the cord is 6 meters, and the weight of the entire mop is 2.2 kg.
  5. Another steam mop, Mop X5, is also made in China. Its cost is higher - about four thousand rubles. The reservoir has a volume of 0.4 l, handle length is 125 cm. Equipped with 4 steam modes, there are several attachments for different types of cleaning. Mop weight – 3.4 kg.

Whatever type of cleaning you do, the most important thing is to use convenient tools. The right mop will make your housework much easier.

Required Tools

Equipment that needs to be prepared before washing windows:

  1. Ladder or stepladder.
  2. Safety belt.
  3. Scraper with rubber nozzles.
  4. Detergent.
  5. Water with the addition of ammonia.
  6. A couple of microfiber cloths are needed to avoid leaving streaks and scratches.
  7. Mop with brush. It will help remove dirt from places that are difficult for you to reach.
  8. One bucket with soapy water, the second with clean water for rinsing.
  9. Soft sponge. No abrasive! The sponge should not leave scratches, which will subsequently accumulate particles of dirt and dust.

If you can purchase special window cleaning products, use them.

What can't you do?

  1. Old dirt cannot be removed with a knife or other sharp instruments!
  2. Do not use cleaning products that are not intended for use on windows.
  3. Do not use acid or alkali as they may damage the glass surface.

Safety regulations

The issue of washing windows at height must be approached with caution. A few general rules:

  • When choosing a tool, be guided by your height and the height of the window frame.
  • Do not use sharp objects in your work: it is better to soak dried dirt rather than scrape it off.
  • Avoid abrasives to avoid scratching the glass. Do not use products containing gasoline, alkali or solvents. Aggressive substances will damage the protective layer on the glass, which blocks ultraviolet radiation and can change the color of the frame.
  • If you use chairs or a stepladder, have someone help you.

Special devices and devices for washing

Telescopic wiper

A device reminiscent of a mop, but instead of a brush there is a sponge and a rubber scraper for cleaning water. It has a sliding design that helps you change the length of the brush, thereby allowing you to reach hard-to-reach places. The rotating mechanism is capable of changing the orientation in the plane of the scraper. Quite a cheap and convenient device.

Important! When purchasing a telescopic windshield wiper, you should pay attention to the length of the handle. If you need to wash ordinary windows, and not panoramic ones, then you need to take a tool whose handle length will coincide with the height of the window opening; otherwise, the length is chosen longer.

Magnetic brush

The device was developed by Japanese scientists; with its help, without risk to the user, you can clean the outside of stained glass and panoramic windows and even glass roofs. With a magnetic brush it is easy not only to clean the window, but also to rub it until it shines without leaving streaks.

How to rinse with your own hands from the outside without getting out and from the inside?

Next, read how to rinse the outside and inside with this brush:

  1. Two sponges are moistened in warm water diluted with the product.
  2. The safety ring at the end of the rope is secured in a convenient place.
  3. One part is applied on the inside of the glass, the other on the outside.
  4. Wash with a brush from the inside. The device from the outside will copy the movements.

A good tool for safely cleaning glass, but the device is expensive.

Important! When purchasing, you need to take into account the thickness of the glass unit. The greater the thickness, the more powerful the magnets are needed.

Robot vacuum cleaner if you can't get it yourself

This robot does not require human intervention at all when cleaning windows. You can wash the glass without getting up from the couch. This quality of the robot has earned this device its positive reviews.

Video on how to wash glass using a robot:

Magnetic brushes

As always, the Chinese are ahead of everyone in creating simple but ingenious things. Meanwhile, this not too tricky product makes the life of housewives much easier and takes care of their safety. Because they will no longer have to lean out of the window to wash it from the street side.

The main feature of the window cleaning device is the magnets, which are located in the housing under the foam sponge. They attract each other, and this property allows you to wash the window on both sides at once. You just need to choose the right magnets according to the power. After all, the glass itself has different thicknesses. As for a modern double-glazed window, it happens that it consists of three parts, and its dimensions reach up to 40 mm.

Magnetic brush for windows Source

The design consists of two identical small plastic brushes. Each of them is equipped with a convenient handle, under which a magnet is hidden. On the reverse side there is a soft sponge that is moistened with water or soap solution. And the edges of the brushes are equipped with rubber inserts. They collect moisture from the surface, polishing the glass.

A cord is attached to one of the halves of the instrument, which participates in the process while being on the street side. It can be worn on your hand or fixed on a window frame. It will protect the brush from falling from a height if the magnets fail.

Devices for washing windows on both sides Source

The work process is as follows:

  • The glass surfaces are prepared. They are sprayed with a detergent composition from a spray bottle.
  • The sponge on each brush is moistened with water. Then the halves are installed on the glass opposite each other in the nearest upper corner from the open transom.
  • They begin to wash the window on their side, performing smooth movements. At the same time, the brush outside the window exactly repeats them.
  • When the work is completed, the halves are separated. To do this, one of them must be rotated at an angle of 90 degrees.

The magnetic tool allows you to reduce the working time by exactly half. Because all manipulations must be carried out only on one side of the window. An additional advantage is the ability to quickly clean the glass outside from sudden contamination, even in winter. After all, you don’t need to open the window wide open. It is enough to leave a small gap for the lace.

Magnetic brush for cleaning windows Source

Algorithm for washing plastic windows

  1. First, the opening doors are washed.
  2. Then the doors are opened and washed.
  3. Plastic, glass, seal are washable.
  4. Wiped off dry.
  5. When washing parts from above, you need to climb on a stepladder.
  6. Put on a safety belt, or require the help of another person to hold you.
  7. A mop with a soft attachment will help you reach the top of the window. The handle must be adjustable.
  8. Wet the glass with soapy mixture for a short time.
  9. Glasses are washed from the far corner towards you.
  10. Rinse off. The entire solution is washed off.
  11. Wipe dry with a rag.

Safe options

  1. Using the Hobot Windoro robot, which is held on a vertical surface using vacuum suction cups and a magnet. The main advantage is remote control, which allows the user not to risk himself - the robot itself will do all the dangerous work. Its cost is about twenty thousand rubles.
  2. Seek help from climbers who can reach the most inaccessible areas. The services of such specialists are not cheap. If the windows are not subject to frequent contamination, rare calls to a cleaning company will not cost much.
  3. Using a safety belt. Before completing the task, it is worth checking whether the mount to which you are tied can support your weight. Fasten the belt securely. The danger of falling has been eliminated.
  4. On loggias and balconies where sliding structures are used, it will be enough to simply disassemble the window - remove the frame. This makes it easier to reach hard-to-reach places, and there is no risk to life.

Important! People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension, hypertension and heart problems should refrain from cleaning windows themselves and choose a safe method.

Technological progress to help the housewife

Japanese scientists have come up with another lifesaver for home and professional use. The glass cleaning robot is attached to the glass using two magnetic blocks and rubs it until it shines with four microfiber-coated brushes.

The robot is guided by the readings of a laser sensor that determines the boundaries of the window. The work uses a special solution that does not leave streaks or drips. Saturation is adjusted depending on the intensity of contamination.

Additional recommendations

  1. It is enough to wash the outside of windows only twice a year – in spring and autumn.
  2. You can add lemon juice to a bucket of rinse water to add shine.
  3. Frequently rinsing the attachments with water and wiping them dry with a scraper will help prevent streaks.
  4. You should work in warm, cloudy weather so that the drops do not freeze in the cold and do not evaporate in the sun.
  5. In the winter, if desired, apply anti-fog and anti-freezing agents to the glass. Just add a few drops of glycerin to the alcohol.

You need to clean the outside of windows in accordance with how safe it is for you to work. It is worth observing safety precautions. The best option would be to use one of the methods without risk to health. If this is not possible, you should purchase special devices for washing windows. They will allow you to do the work faster and better.

Cleaning windows on upper floors in winter

Often, during the winter, no one washes the windows from the outside, since this activity is useless and extremely dangerous. That is why we recommend leaving this idea until spring, regularly cleaning only the inside of the window. However, ice may appear on the windows; it can be removed periodically, but this must be done very carefully.

  • Add salt to a container of water (2 tablespoons per liter).
  • Apply the solution to ice.
  • Wait until the ice disappears.
  • Wipe with a dry cloth.

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