How to install air conditioning on a loggia and glazed balcony: instructions and valuable recommendations

A modern split system in an apartment will help create more comfortable living conditions: regulate the optimal temperature, provide comfortable humidity and clean the air. But during the installation of an air conditioning system, you may encounter some difficulties. We will tell you how to install an air conditioner on a loggia correctly.

The article we have proposed describes in detail the specifics of the design of a household climate control system. Features of the installation of units that provide cooling or heating of the air mass in the room are given. To help independent home craftsmen, common mistakes made during installation work are listed.

What is a split system?

The air conditioner consists of 2 separate blocks. One unit is installed indoors. The other is installed outside - usually on the facade of the house according to standards. The modules are connected to each other by copper freon tubes and wires.

Cooling/heating of the air in the room is carried out by moving the refrigerant through the tubes. Refrigerant absorbs or releases heat when it changes from gaseous to liquid phase and vice versa.

When installing a split system with an indoor unit on a loggia, do not forget to calculate the area of ​​the space enclosed by it to accurately determine the performance

According to manufacturers' recommendations, the indoor unit should be mounted on a wall under the ceiling, since the warmest air collects there. In addition, there is one more condition - the indoor unit must be mounted close to the outer wall of the room in order to minimize the distance to the external module.

The outdoor unit is installed on the facade in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 standards. However, in some cases it is not possible to install the module on the façade.

Effective, proven products for air conditioning

Sometimes the solution to a problem “lies on the surface,” but people’s desire to find something new and creative does not allow them to notice in time the simplest method of solving the situation. Therefore, we will consider several obvious ways that can easily help cool a server room without air conditioning. These include the following mechanisms:

in the morning, all rooms should be hung with thick curtains - this way you will put an insurmountable obstacle in the way of the sun's rays, which also bring heat.

It is important that this household technique should be carried out only using light-colored specimens. Since dark fabric products have a high heat absorption capacity, this is why the thermal characteristics of the room will only increase in this case; The simplest methods that promote additional ventilation in the room include taking cold air from the basement and banal ventilation at night

It is also important to open cabinets and drawers in the dark so that the air in them also gradually cools.

It is recommended to turn off lights that are not in use. During the daytime, it is worth covering all household devices with a light cloth.

Reasons for installing an air conditioner on a balcony

Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when the external module cannot be installed on the facade:

  • the air conditioning unit disrupts the appearance of the building;
  • the building is classified as a historical monument;
  • for technical reasons, it is impossible to install an external block on the external walls of the building;
  • there is no permission to install an air conditioner on the wall of an apartment building.

In the above cases, if the indoor air conditioner unit is installed in a room with a balcony, then its external unit is mounted on the balcony or loggia. And it doesn’t matter - open or glazed.

When it is impossible to install the outdoor air conditioner unit on the facade of the house, it is taken out to the balcony or loggia. Installation is carried out regardless of the presence or absence of glazing

Installing an external air conditioner unit on a loggia or balcony has a number of advantages:

  • the installation process is less expensive: no work at height is required;
  • the block body is protected from negative weather factors: wind, snow, rain;
  • the distance between the air conditioner modules is reduced;
  • simplifies maintenance, cleaning and repair.

However, there are also disadvantages to this installation option. Let's take a closer look at them.

Operating rules

Proper operation of the air conditioner is the key to its proper functioning over a long period. When using the equipment, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Design filters should always be kept clean, since the presence of contaminants reduces cooling efficiency and increases the load on the compressor. It is recommended to perform preventive cleaning twice a month.
  2. You should not turn on the equipment at sub-zero temperatures outside unless the instructions for using the equipment provide the appropriate permission. At low temperatures, the oil in the compressor thickens and loses its characteristics. As a result, the motor works harder and may burn out.
  3. To maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, you do not need to constantly turn the equipment on and off. It is enough to determine the appropriate temperature and set the appropriate settings, after which the equipment will automatically regulate the operation of the compressor.
  4. If the power of the equipment is not designed for adjacent rooms, then it is recommended to close the doors in the room while the air conditioner is operating. If you need to lower the temperature in adjacent rooms, you need to prevent them from cooling for a long time.
  5. During sleep and rest, it is better to set the minimum speed of the outdoor unit fan. It is recommended to set the operating speed to high when it is necessary to quickly cool the room.

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Features of location on the balcony/loggia

Everything is clear with installing an air conditioner on an open, unglazed balcony. This is the only 100% acceptable option without any disadvantages.

On an open loggia or balcony, the air conditioner has constant access to fresh air and can operate at full power without overheating. During installation, only one requirement must be observed - the minimum length of the line.

On an open balcony, the external unit can be installed anywhere, taking into account only the length of the freon line

It’s another matter if the balcony or loggia is glazed. As a rule, this option goes against all the requirements of the manufacturers. The air conditioning process requires free access of air, which is difficult in the presence of a glazing structure.

In this case, the owner will have to provide forced exhaust air and an additional influx of fresh air, otherwise the equipment will constantly turn off due to overheating. This means that at least 3 window sashes on the loggia must be open while the equipment is operating, and the unit itself must be placed opposite one open sashes.

In addition, the bulky module housing can take up a lot of space and produce noise. The sound from the operating unit will be reflected from the walls of the balcony and will be felt somewhat louder compared to installation on the street. The noise intensity depends on the split system.

For normal operation of the climate system on the balcony, the outdoor unit must be located directly in front of the sash that is open for the duration of its operation.

The ideal solution to all problems that arise is to dismantle the glazing for the summer period. At the end of the season, the glazing is returned to its place. As a rule, this is not a particularly resource-intensive procedure, even if PVC windows are installed on the balcony.

Another convenient installation method is on the balcony parapet. In this case, the equipment is placed on brackets. And it is advisable to place it on the side where the sun's rays fall least. Legally, this is not the façade of a building.

In this case, there are no problems with free air movement. However, as when installed on a facade, the block can be torn off by a block of ice falling from the roof. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to install a canopy over the device.

The consoles on the parapet for installing the air conditioner are secured with anchors. To protect against atmospheric negativity, the installation of protective visors is also required.

It should be noted right away that SNiPs have a restriction prohibiting hanging objects weighing more than 30 kg on the railings. If this figure is exceeded, you will have to pay a fine, even if you weld brackets on the outside or install additional supports.

The evaporation unit can be placed on the side of the balcony

If there is only one loggia, but you need to cool several rooms, instead of several household air conditioners, it is recommended to purchase a multi-split system, to which you can connect several indoor units.

General wishes

Let's highlight a few more household recommendations that will help avoid overheating during the heat:

  1. when you work indoors or just watch TV or play on the computer, you should not lean tightly against the back of the furniture - sit down so that the air can blow on you from all sides;
  2. an elementary rule - it’s cooler downstairs than upstairs - accordingly, sometimes it’s enough just to go down to a room located in a lower part of the building;
  3. You can install special screens on the windows to protect from the sun; light film or foil is also suitable;
  4. It is also worth making mandatory adjustments to your diet - for example, you should not overeat, portions should not be large, and it is better to choose light food. These can be vegetables, fruits, animal protein, green salads. In this case, it is necessary to significantly increase the total amount of liquid consumed per day - 2-2.5 liters. Remember that too high-calorie food “heavies” the metabolism, which, in turn, leads to the release of additional amounts of thermal energy.
  5. When you go outside the building, give preference to light, lightweight natural clothing with long sleeves - this will protect your body from overheating. In the period from 11 to 15 hours it is better not to appear on the street at all - this is the hottest period of the day.

Installation instructions for air conditioning units

Let's look at the best ways to install split systems. Let us immediately note that the most common option for installing an external unit - on the wall - is the most unsuccessful in terms of efficiency.

Firstly, with this method of arrangement the air on the loggia and, accordingly, in the room will become very hot. When the maximum temperature reaches 45 degrees, the air conditioner will simply turn off automatically.

It is not recommended to place the external module of the split system in this way due to overheating of the air in the space enclosed by glass. The equipment will automatically shut down too often

Secondly, the windows with this module arrangement must be constantly open. In calm weather, this cooling method will also be ineffective. The only option to increase the efficiency of the split system is to remove the glazing for the summer. Therefore, we will not consider this option for installing the outdoor unit.

Installation of an external unit inside a loggia

If the balcony is not only glazed, but also insulated, and covered with clapboard on top, it is easier to install the external unit on the floor. The best option is to use one corner of the arranged space. Since a conventional split takes air from the rear and sides and exhausts it forward, it is necessary to ensure separation of air flows so that the warm exhaust air does not mix with the intake air.

When installed in a corner, air is exhausted through the front wall of the balcony, and through the end there is a fence. To ensure better sound insulation, the housing must be closed in a sealed box with a door for maintenance.

For better sound insulation, the housing can be closed in a box, but in this case the masking structure must be provided with openings for the influx of fresh air and removal of exhaust air

This achieves the following design advantages:

  • strong reliable foundation;
  • free air circulation;
  • due to the absence of a wall, the equipment does not overheat;
  • minimal noise.

Of course, the box eats up part of the usable area, but its upper surface can also be used.

The box can be made of glass or made from cheaper materials. The main thing is to choose a material that will be easy for the home craftsman to work with.

Let's look at how to properly close air conditioners on balconies:

  1. A place is being prepared to place the external remote unit.
  2. A large hole is cut in the wall for unhindered air circulation.
  3. To accommodate the body, 2 U-shaped supports from the corners are welded. The supports can be secured to anchors. Supports are necessary for shock absorption during vibration and additional air circulation. In addition, condensation will flow down.
  4. The outdoor module is installed on stands.
  5. A sealed box made of noise-insulating materials with one drop-down wall for maintenance is installed.
  6. Channels for highways are drilled in the box and in the wall adjacent to the room.
  7. Freon tubes and cables connecting the external and internal modules are installed.
  8. Communications are closed with a cable channel.
  9. The drainage line is connected.
  10. The system is being tested.

After operating the split system for 2-3 days, you can assess the need for noise insulation improvements.

A simpler option for installing an external unit is without a box. This method is justified in new houses, where similar rooms of neighbors may be located to the right and left of the balcony. In this case, the module is installed in exactly the same way on the floor of the loggia/balcony facing the balcony grille.

The decorative panel with insulation is cut to the size of the air conditioner - the joint is sealed after installation. No box is installed. The hot air exhaust goes to the street, and the fence comes from the loggia.

The doors must be open during operation of the device. With this installation method, noise insulation is not provided, so you need to immediately purchase an inverter model of an air conditioner with a low noise level.

To ensure that a climate system installed on a loggia without an insulating box does not bother you with sound interference, it is better to choose their “quiest” models

If the floor on the balcony is strategically important, the unit can be installed on consoles attached to the ceiling. This is a more technically complex option, which also involves working with glass, but it will free up space below.

Installation of an external unit on a parapet

A popular option for installing air conditioners is on balcony railings. Of course, according to building regulations there is a load limit. You can hang no more than 30 kg on the railing, and the outdoor unit can weigh up to 60 kg or even more.

However, as they say, the severity of the requirements of the Housing Code is compensated by the optionality of their implementation. In any case, if the module is large and heavy, but the decision has been made to install it on the loggia railing, you need to mentally prepare for a situation where you will need to pay a fine.

The consoles need to be mounted on anchors with a length of 6-8 cm. The instructions from the air conditioner manufacturer usually provide recommended mounting sizes.

The outdoor unit must be hung on the side where the indoor module is installed. This is necessary to reduce the length of the freon route. Depending on the age and degree of wear and tear of the house, and with it the balcony or loggia, the fence will have to be strengthened.

If the parapet is made of reinforced concrete or brick, the fastening is carried out on anchors with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 6-8 cm. If the fence consists of rods or sheet material on a frame, then the consoles are attached to the frame.

A good option is to weld the consoles to the frame. Another option for installing consoles is through bolting. A steel plate is mounted on the inside of the fence, over which the load will be distributed.

Installation of the indoor unit

In some cases, it becomes necessary to move the indoor unit onto the loggia. There may be several reasons: it does not fit into the interior design, there is no free space, parents are afraid of catching a cold in their children. Sometimes apartment owners use a large loggia as another room - a study, a relaxation area, or part of the kitchen.

If cooling of the room from the loggia is required, the module must be installed opposite the door to the room at a height of 1.7-2 m. The door to the room, of course, must be open. If the split system is installed at the end of the loggia, the air flow will circulate only in it past the door. This is an excellent option if you need to cool the loggia, but not the adjacent room.

It is impossible to install a split system this way, since a minimum air flow will enter the room

For this method of mounting, you will have to take into account, in addition to the area of ​​the room, the area of ​​the loggia, so most likely you will have to buy an air conditioner of higher power. Additionally, you will have to attach a metal frame or hangers.

How to install a split system on a loggia with this arrangement:

  1. Suspensions are bent from a metal profile or corner.
  2. The hangers are attached to the concrete ceiling with anchors.
  3. The module is placed in such a way that the blinds are directed towards the door.
  4. A power source is provided: a socket is installed or a cable is laid from the room.
  5. Connect the cables leading to the outdoor unit.
  6. The drainage line is connected.
  7. The equipment is being tested.

It is undoubtedly much more convenient and efficient to install the indoor unit in a room with a balcony. However, if any problems arise, it is permissible to move the indoor unit onto the balcony. In this case, it is installed on the floor in a box.

Stay hydrated

How to cool down in the heat at home? Moisture helps prevent overheating. There are many options for humidifying with water during high temperatures. The most common and effective:

  • The simplest and most popular is a spray bottle. You just need to periodically spray water through it around the apartment. Just like you spray indoor flowers. By the way, the presence of flowers in the room also helps to humidify the air. There is no need to spray frequently; it is enough to do it once every hour and a half. Also in the modern world there are electronic humidifiers. They are a container into which water is poured. Through a small spout with a nozzle, liquid is automatically sprayed at a set time. You can add a little aromatic oil or herbal infusion to such a container. This will fill your room with a pleasant smell.
  • Another method that was often used in the Soviet Union is a wet towel. You just need to wet a few towels and hang them in different places around the apartment. This method also works well in winter, when the radiators are heated too actively, the air becomes very dry. And just hang a wet towel on the radiator, and it will immediately become easier to breathe in the room. Of course, it looks completely unpresentable, but it will lower the temperature - that’s for sure. Tested by many generations.
  • You can escape the heat not only by humidifying the room, but also by sprinkling yourself with water. You can either simply wet your head or rinse completely with cool water. Of course, this will not lower the temperature in the room, but it will bring you relief for a while. Or you can combine these water procedures. Wet your head and hang a damp, cool towel over your shoulders.

Specifics of condensate drainage

Condensation from the air conditioner must not be discharged uncontrollably onto the street. Drops of it can drip onto the heads of passers-by or fall on the neighbors' ebb tides and disturb them with their knocking. In addition, condensation can cause surfaces to become wet and mold to appear on them. In some cases, this can even cause the destruction of facade tiles.

Therefore, the condensate drainage route must be laid:

  • to the nearest drainpipe;
  • into the sewer;
  • into a container on the balcony that requires regular emptying.

The method of discharging liquid through a drainpipe has its drawbacks. In addition to installation difficulties, the drain may become clogged and water will flow back into the module. Therefore, the best option is to drain the drainage into the sewer. Drainage route design is usually done during renovation.

There are 2 main requirements for the route:

  • the slope along the entire length of the horizontal sections of the route is not less than 3 degrees;
  • turning angle - 45 degrees.

Drainage pipes are laid both outside along the floor base and inside the wall along grooves with their subsequent sealing with repair mortars.

To prevent unpleasant odors from the sewer system from penetrating into the room, a water seal in the form of a sewer siphon is made at the junction of the drainage system pipes and the sewer system pipes. The easiest option is to bend the corrugated pipe of the drainage route into the shape of the letter “S”.

If the drainage pump is not included with the split system, purchase it separately. Periodic drainage of condensate is inevitable during operation of the climate system

If the length of the drainage system is long or it is difficult to provide the required slope, you can install a drainage pump. Pumps for household air conditioners are sold as a separate item and are easy to install. The pump capacity should not be less than the amount of condensate produced by the air conditioner. The parameter is indicated in the technical documentation.


Proper installation of an air conditioner cabinet implies the presence of special technical clearances for airflow. And also when working, it is important to adhere to certain standards of use:

  1. It is unacceptable to install the cabinet so that the walls are close to the air conditioner, even if you really need to save space, then you need to choose either space or an air conditioner that works without problems.
  2. It is important that the cabinet is spacious and allows hot air to freely escape from the enclosed space.
  3. It is necessary that the gaps are recommended to the following parameters:
      From the cabinet lid to the top point of the air conditioner - from 200mm.
  4. From the wall to the back - from 200mm.
  5. From the wall to the side - 100 - 200mm.
  6. In some cases, it is necessary to install an additional intake - a diffuser, so that the hot air from the air conditioner is not sucked back by the fan.

A properly designed design will protect your unit from overheating and problems.

Errors in installing an air conditioner on a balcony

The biggest mistake made by air conditioner installers is violating the standards stipulated by the city authorities or the Criminal Code. If the house is included in the register of historical or architectural monuments or some neighbor decides that noise or vibration from the air conditioner is bothering him, and the owner of the apartment does not have permitting documents, then you can get a fine.

The second common mistake is operating the air conditioner on a glassed-in loggia with the windows constantly closed, which will sooner or later lead to overheating of the equipment. An incorrectly chosen location for installing the indoor unit will reduce the efficiency of the system.

Install the air conditioner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Failure to comply with requirements often results in catastrophic consequences.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the installation and fastening of supports. The air conditioner operates with vibration and to reduce it it is necessary to install shock-absorbing pads. In addition, fasteners and support devices must be checked periodically, as vibration can cause the nuts to loosen.

Comfortable stay in an air-conditioned room

Temperature is the most important factor, but not the only one, that is affected by the air conditioner turned on in the room.

In addition to maintaining the temperature at a set value, the air conditioner dehumidifies the air. This can cause the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to dry out. For some people, this causes discomfort in the form of a runny nose and sore throat.

The optimal air humidity is considered to be 40-60%. It is measured using a hygrometer. Modern devices, in addition to humidity, report other important components of the microclimate

You can avoid this by installing a humidifier in the room. It is also recommended to drink more water, this will protect your mucous membranes from drying out.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Watch a video about installing an air conditioner with an external unit on the parapet of a loggia:

Of course, installing an external or internal air conditioning unit inside a balcony is often a necessary measure. A management company or a developer in a new building may recommend installing a split system on the loggia in order to preserve the integral appearance of the building’s facade or the house may belong to a historical heritage.

In this case, the apartment owner is faced with a whole bunch of problems - the need to separate air flows and ensure cooling of the unit. All these, of course, are surmountable difficulties, but if possible, it is better to install the outdoor unit on the facade in close proximity to the balcony to facilitate maintenance.

Tell us about how you installed the air conditioner on your balcony or loggia. Share the nuances of the process and technological subtleties that you know. Please leave comments in the block below, ask questions, post photos on the topic of the article.

How to choose the right window

From all of the above, it is clear that when choosing, you must first of all take into account the type of window, manufacturer and number of cameras

But there are a couple more nuances that you need to pay attention to:

the condition of the finished window - if you see any damage to the plastic, then it is better to refuse not only this particular window, but the entire line in general. The fact is that plastic is easily damaged if it is of poor quality. Moreover, such windows can not only break in the first year of operation, but also be harmful from an environmental point of view. But we are going to put them in an apartment where, perhaps, there are small children who are especially susceptible to various harmful influences. In general, it's better to be safe; the material from which the profiles are made - it is best to choose galvanized steel, since in this case there is no fear of rust; accessories - we have already said a lot about this, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it. It should be metal, not plastic. And very, very high quality; An additional heat-saving factor can be a special coating consisting of silver ions. Such glass will reflect heat well; if the loggia is on the sunny side, or the house opposite is located too close to yours, then you can purchase tinted windows. Tinting will protect both from the sun's rays and from neighbor's curiosity; If you plan to combine non-opening windows with opening ones, then estimate the size so that all double-glazed windows can be easily washed both from the inside and outside of the balcony. If you get too carried away with blind doors, you may subsequently simply not be able to reach some places; in the case where the room is located on the first or second floor, it would be useful to provide for the possibility of penetration. To prevent such a situation, you can purchase accessories with an “anti-burglary” function; Another point beneficial for safety is the increased strength of the glass. If you are interested in this factor, then choose windows covered with a special impact-resistant film. Even if they try to break such glass, it will not fly out of the frame. It may crack, yes, but it will not allow intruders into the room; If there are small children in the house, we recommend choosing window handles that can be locked with a key. Kids are weak and clumsy only at first glance. As soon as a child's curiosity turns on, he immediately becomes capable of many unexpected actions. Turning the window handle will definitely not be difficult for him, but such a situation is very dangerous for the baby’s life

So it is better to securely fix all locking mechanisms; It is also worth paying attention to the freshness of the air in the room. Usually ventilation is provided for this, but if your balcony does not have it, then it is advisable to purchase windows with an inlet valve

This device allows street air to enter the room, but does not affect temperature and humidity in any way.

Well, we're done with the theoretical part. We sorted out the windows and made a choice. Now it's time to install. Of course, even the most careful choice will not save you if the installation is carried out incorrectly. Therefore, be patient, thoughtful and carefully, step by step, install according to the instructions given below.

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