Living room with a balcony: stylish examples of combining and combining two rooms, 180 photos of interiors

The biggest advantage of a balcony is undoubtedly that it combines the advantages of the house and the street. Whether you have a small balcony in the city center or a large outdoor space in the form of a terrace with a garden, it is worth turning this area into a comfortable and functional space in which all members of the household will spend time together, not only when the weather is good.

What you need to know before starting work

One of the important nuances: it is worth finding out in which specific case, in order to combine these premises, you need to obtain permits from the relevant authorities, and in which case this is definitely not required.

In particular, if you simply remove the door, slightly widen the opening and zone the spaces with curtains, you most likely do not need to obtain permission for this. But when the owners of the apartment intend to completely eliminate the boundaries between the living room and the loggia, it is worth consulting on this case with the BTI.

Removing partitions and load-bearing walls can be dangerous. This is fraught with all sorts of wall collapses or destruction of other structures of the house.

Modern design

Ordinary curtains of the same color often look boring and banal. Still, the purpose of curtains is not just to hide the opening with the door, but to decorate the room. Don't be afraid to experiment with ruffles, bows, lace or ribbons in rich colors.

You can beautifully secure the canvas with clamps or a loop, moving the canvas to the side. It is necessary to use moderation - a lot of decor will make the interior tasteless.

Important points of repair

Everyone knows that in most high-rise buildings the balconies are not insulated, as are the loggias. In order to efficiently combine, repair and decorate the living room and balcony, it is advisable to take care of heat and waterproofing.

It is necessary to install multilayer plastic windows on the loggia with a profile used for standard residential windows. This is important, because even with good heating, in winter heat will evaporate through poor-quality windows.

In addition, it is important to remember that the space of the loggia or balcony must be fully illuminated. These can be separate lamps, or a continuation of the living room lighting system.

Solutions for small spaces

If the apartment or the location of the hall does not have a large area, an excellent option could be, for example, combining it with a kitchen or corridor - a typical solution for a Khrushchev-era building, where the area of ​​the hall can be only 16 sq.m., 18 sq.m. m. or 20 sq.m. An additional 3 meters will perfectly solve the problem of a small room.

A more complex option is to attach a balcony. This will require approval and good investment, but it will allow you to add a full-fledged workplace or bar counter.

Another option is to use a storage room, so to speak, to design a living room in an apartment with a closet. This space can be opened, which will allow you to create a work area or build in an entire cabinet, or vice versa - close it.

In the pantry space, with the correct arrangement of shelves, you can easily hide all the necessary things, and therefore free up space in the room. The fewer cabinets, the more space.

Furniture should be functional and simple. The fewer open shelves and drawers, the better. A spacious chest of drawers or a ceiling-mounted cabinet with white fronts is the best solution. Don't clutter up the space.

If the room is a walk-through room, you should take care of the location of the furniture, which should not be in the passage.

The advantages of combining a living room and a loggia

  1. Increased living space.
  2. The opportunity to get a unique design for these premises, adding more amenities and beauty to them.
  3. A large number of zoning options for every taste and budget.
  4. Simplicity in interior design, which is done according to a single principle.

In general, the decision to combine such spaces is typical for owners of small apartments. But designers advise carrying out such renovations in larger apartments, where there is a small living room, or you want to update the interior, bringing it in line with modern trends.

Negative sides

There are fewer disadvantages than advantages, but they are significant.

  • Firstly, there is a risk of collapse if, as a result of combining the living room and loggia, the load-bearing partitions are destroyed. Moreover, when permission is not obtained for this, you will have to pay a large fine for violating the law.
  • Secondly, the prospect of a ceiling or exterior wall collapsing does not justify the decision to merge.

Another disadvantage is that to implement the ideas of combining a living room and a balcony you will have to spend a lot of money. And not only for dismantling and creating new types of zoning, but also for insulating a loggia or balcony.

Difficulties may arise in obtaining permission for redevelopment, or specialists from the relevant structures will declare that the merger is impossible.

Interesting options for decorating balcony blocks

Often textile products for decorating windows and balcony doors are made in an asymmetrical design, for example, the fabric curtains are fixed near the window using garters. At the same time, balcony doors can be given additional aesthetics. There are many options for this.

You can make decorations on window glass using a special stained glass film. You can sandblast any ornament, image or inscription on the balcony door glass.

To create a more stylish and original design, double-glazed windows are additionally equipped with internal layouts made of a special decorative profile. This item may vary in width and color.

Such profiles are used to form exclusive decorative elements - rays, arches, ornaments, rhombuses, squares, and other shapes. Decorated double-glazed windows decorate not only the room itself, but also the façade of the house.

A similar effect can be achieved using such an element as a false overlay. This is also a decorative profile, manufactured in widths from 8 to 25 mm and in different colors.

Unlike internal profile layouts, false linings are glued on top of the finished double-glazed window, both on one and on both sides. They can have a semicircular, square or trapezoidal cross-section.

To decorate the doors of a balcony block, designers often use relief glazing, glass or mirror panels. Any decor can additionally be shaded with transparent, painted, matte vintage films.

There are many more options for textiles and other decorative elements that allow you to ideally fit balcony blocks into a wide variety of design solutions for living rooms.

Balcony in the common interior

Once the relevant documents have been received and the redevelopment project is ready, you can begin to search for design solutions.

  • If you need to update the set of furniture in the living room, it is advisable to take care of purchasing it.
  • It is worth ordering a headset according to individual parameters.
  • For example, make items for the hall and balcony in the same style.

When decorating walls, ceilings and floors, it is advisable to choose related shades, or even pave the finish from the same materials. This is appropriate in the case when there is no partition between the living room and the loggia, and it becomes a continuation of the hall.

Curtain options for balcony windows

Living rooms with a balcony are a fairly common layout option for residential buildings. Therefore, the design of window structures requires a competent selection of curtains. Modern manufacturers of textile products offer consumers a fairly wide range of products for decorating balcony blocks.

Veils, curtains and string curtains

Traditional methods of decorating balcony windows are very popular. And taking into account the requirements placed on them, everyone can implement interior solutions on their own. The main thing is to choose the right curtain material.

The curtains covering the balcony opening are most often moved by the owners. Therefore, they must be made of durable, wear-resistant material that does not wrinkle, does not absorb dust, and is also easy to clean. In this case, it is not recommended to use curtains with massive draperies, as they are more difficult to use. At the same time, products should not be made in strict minimalism.

Rooms with a balcony are often less lit. It is not necessary to use curtains for them. But it is this element that is used to create the individual style and comfort of the room. In low light conditions, it is recommended to choose light curtains for the hall.

If the room is small and has low ceilings, using a veil is considered the most optimal option. These curtains will provide the room with a comfortable atmosphere and a unique style. At the same time, they are characterized by high light transmittance.

Thread curtains are also popular among consumers, allowing them to solve many problems. They do not wrinkle, are easy to clean from dirt, create a cozy, intimate atmosphere, and most importantly allow you to move freely through the balcony opening.

Lambrequins and curtains

For large living rooms with high ceiling bases and good lighting, curtains and lambrequins are often used when decorating balcony blocks. When choosing such curtains, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the fabric material.

The main requirement for curtains is wear resistance and easy cleaning. In this case, it is recommended to use curtains consisting of two parts to maximize access to the loggia. The lambrequin must be mounted above the balcony door, otherwise it will complicate its operation.


Blinds are special devices for window structures, consisting of horizontal, vertical slats and plates. Their main purpose is protection from bright sunlight.

Most often, such devices are used in office premises. This is a multifunctional and quite stylish decorative component. Blinds protect not only from the sun's rays, but also from prying eyes. They do not allow dust to pass through and are able to control the temperature of the air flow.

To produce blinds, manufacturers use different materials: wood, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride and fabric materials.


This material is used for the production of horizontal blinds. The blanks are additionally treated with a special compound so that the finished product does not heat up from sunlight.

Aluminum blinds are easy to use and can be easily cleaned from various contaminants. They are designed for installation on any window structures.

Made from fabric material

Polyester fabrics are used to produce products. The higher the density of the fabric material, the better the quality of the finished product. The fabric is additionally treated with special compounds that help repel water and dust.

Advantages of the material: the ability to produce blinds in different colors and with design images.

Disadvantages: such blinds do not always completely protect from bright sunlight. Compared to aluminum, this material is quite fragile. Only dry cleaning of products is allowed.


Plastic is a fairly functional material. It holds its shape well and is easy to use and maintain.

Disadvantages: plastic products cannot be used near heating devices.


Wooden blinds are the best option. This material has good strength and durability, and is environmentally friendly. It has a naturally attractive appearance.

Cafe curtains

Many people today hang cafe-style curtains in the living room with a balcony door. They consist of two curtains that are mounted on a pipe cornice or string cornice in the center of the window frame. The ideal option is to use such curtains together with a lambrequin.


Curtains made by Austrian manufacturers are distinguished by their impeccable appearance and luxury. There are models that reach the length of the genital base. And there are short products only up to the windowsill. On some curtains the folds gather at the bottom, on others along the entire length.

Austrian curtains are considered self-sufficient. But, despite this, they go well with lambrequins, curtains, drapes and curtains. Such products can even be used independently as lambrequins. Therefore, they are often used to decorate the hall.


French-made curtains are similar to Austrian models. They differ only in the placement of the folds. On French products, folds initially form along the entire length of the curtain and can no longer be straightened. And for Austrian models, depending on the design solution, the folds can be arranged both along the length of the canvas and along the bottom.


Curtains from Japanese manufacturers appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but are already very popular among consumers. They are quite laconic in design, easy to use, and easy to clean from dirt.

Japanese curtains are made in large sizes; they are able to completely cover window and door panels. At the same time, they move freely.

There are many product options on the market, differing in designs and color shades. Therefore, you can choose curtains to match any design solution for your living room.

Roman curtains

These textile products came to the Russian market from Ancient Rome. Roman curtains, like curtains from other manufacturers, have their own advantages.

Such systems are characterized by increased strength, wear resistance, ease of installation and are equipped with a reliable control mechanism. To produce the linen, high quality fabrics are used that are easy to clean from dirt.

Roman curtains can be used both for the complete arrangement of balcony blocks, and as a separate component of the design composition. Thanks to this versatility, they are in demand on the market. The only drawback of such curtains is that it is impossible to move them a little to look out the window.

Roman blinds, which are ideal for a room with a balcony door, look at the photo.

Which shades do you prefer?

Designers advise using light colors to decorate the living room and balcony, and choosing furniture from a variety of contrasting colors. But you can drape the surfaces in the Scandinavian style and purchase light or even white furniture.

No food is prepared in the living room, no grease or soot is splashed around. Therefore, by preferring this direction in design, the owners will not go wrong.

The trend is gray and beige tones, shades with lilac and soft pink undertones, similar in weightless foam. If you choose contrasting tones, you should combine black and white, vanilla with red or blue, yellow with beige or white. It all depends on the tastes of the household.

Furniture in the living room can be installed in the standard way, zoning the space on the border with the balcony with a massive corner sofa.

Stylistic decisions

When choosing a stylistic solution, you should look at the existing design of your apartment or house and have an idea of ​​the most popular modern styles.


It assumes laconic forms and a lack of abundance of decor. Monochrome and simplicity, minimum furniture and free space, good lighting. Based on plastic and metal, as well as glossy surfaces.


The base is gray and white, as well as brown and metallic, brickwork and concrete floors. All communications are deliberately emphasized, and the furniture is made deliberately rough and simple. This style is gaining momentum in restaurants and offices, as well as in the studios and apartments of young thirty-somethings.


A cute and cozy option for family evenings. Light colors and bright floral designs combine with textiles and an abundance of sweet trinkets from the heart of France.

Retro or vintage

In this case, in the room you can often find antiques or the main characteristic elements of a particular era, which can be easily identified by the shape of the objects or color scheme.

There are many options - baroque, rococo or apartment in the spirit of the 60s. all these areas are popular and relevant for modern design.

Even more relevant is eclecticism or kitsch, a combination of different styles. So, an antique chest of drawers can fit perfectly into a modern loft, or a classic interior can easily be combined with a brutal metal table. This is a special skill and an acquired sense of beauty!

And remember, a beautiful renovation in the hall, made with soul and love, will delight you for many years!

What curtains to drape the windows with?

The colors, textures and fabrics from which the curtains for the hall and balcony windows will be made should be combined, choosing them according to the principle of identity. For example, weightless olive-colored tulle for the living room, curtains a couple of shades darker or lighter for the balcony.

  • If there is no partition between the hall and the loggia, you should order vertical fabric blinds for the windows.
  • They perfectly regulate light transmission, are ergonomic and practical.
  • If the choice fell on thick curtains for the balcony, you can decorate them in accordance with the overall interior design.
  • Decorative butterflies, garters with floral prints and stucco elements look beautiful on the windows.


Living room lighting is one of the key design factors. Regardless of the chosen design direction, it consists of several lighting fixtures: a central lamp (chandelier), wall and floor lighting (sconces, table and floor lamps and individual spotlights)

It should be sufficient, which is especially important if the living room windows are located on the north side or are small

To ensure proper lighting, it is important to use halogen or LED lamps as light sources. They are durable, do not emit harmful toxins (mercury vapor) into the air during operation, convert the maximum energy consumed into light without heating up

Their light is close to natural daylight; your eyes won’t have to get used to it.

When performing lighting in any style, it is important to adhere to the rule: the main lamp is always larger and has a more complex decor than the lighting, which should be simpler and smaller. Wall sconces can repeat the design elements of the chandelier, but their decor cannot interfere with the decor of the main lamp

Is it necessary to design an interior opening?

In some cases, it makes sense to hang beautiful light curtains in this space that will frame the boundaries between the living room and the balcony.

However, it is advisable not to do this, decorating the area in front of the entrance to the loggia with a couple of floor pots with flowers or making a two-level floor.

  • The balcony can become a separate living space with a full-fledged sleeping place, or a study.
  • In this option, there is no need to come up with special zoning systems, but simply equip areas for recreation or work activities.

When arranging a botanical garden in the balcony area, you should also not worry about zoning or decorating this area with curtains.

The living room will quite naturally flow into the flower garden.

Interesting decor

Do not neglect the decor when decorating curtains; it gives the interior zest and individuality. These can be bows, ribbons, ruffles in contrasting colors, tie-backs and even special butterflies that can be beautifully placed on the curtains. But it is important not to overdo it with these elements; excess will look tasteless.

There are a large number of curtain models that are suitable for a balcony door. Using your imagination, you can not only decorate it beautifully, but also emphasize the style of the room and fill it with comfort.

Photo of the design of a living room with a balcony

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