Loggia in the living room - an overview of the best ideas for combining a balcony with a room. 180 photos with designer tips on proper zoning

Many apartments have small rooms. Because of this, you have to constantly think about options for saving space. One way to really increase the size of a room is to connect it to a balcony. This will add not only extra square meters, but also more light and visual space. But such a procedure has many pitfalls. Therefore, it is worth understanding how to combine a balcony with a room and what is important to consider.

Attaching a balcony or loggia will increase the usable area of ​​the room

Basic rules for combining rooms with a balcony or loggia

According to current laws, it is possible to combine a loggia with a room. To do this, you must first obtain permission to carry out dismantling work from the relevant authorities. However, in practice, it is quite difficult to obtain the “green light” to begin redevelopment. This is due to the fact that housing commissions perceive such actions as large-scale reconstruction. Therefore, you will first have to work hard and collect the necessary documents confirming the safety of this work. It is also required to provide a draft of future changes and obtain its approval. Only after this can you begin further actions to get a loggia combined with a room.

You can begin repairs only after receiving an approved apartment redevelopment project

Drawing up a project is an important and useful stage of redevelopment. This allows you to take into account the various nuances of the room, identify significant shortcomings and correct them at the initial stage. It may be necessary to widen the opening connecting the main space to the loggia. Standard doors are replaced with sliding translucent models. This allows you to visually expand the area and add light. A single interior of both zones will achieve integrity.

Combining a loggia with a room involves glazing and insulating the structure. It is important to choose lightweight materials for this so as not to weigh down the structure.

Complete demolition of the window sill and the upper lintel is only permissible in block buildings and their bricks. In panel structures, this part is considered a load-bearing part, and therefore should not be touched.

You should also not carry batteries onto the balcony area. This will disrupt the thermal circuit of the home. If the window sill is being dismantled, then the battery located in that area is transferred to the adjacent wall.

Even with a small balcony you can significantly increase the functionality of the room

A balcony combined with a room can add problems. So, when several zones are combined into one, a threshold is formed, causing the floor level to become uneven. It cannot be removed. It is either part of the structure or gives it rigidity and prevents the slabs from freezing.

The way out of the situation would be to zoning the annexed territory using a podium

Legal twists and turns

The balcony area is not residential, so any manipulations with it will require special permission. You need to be prepared for the fact that the process of legitimizing the upcoming redevelopment will last for several months, because you will have to go through more than one authority.

First of all, you will need to consult with architects and find out whether it is even possible to carry out such manipulations in your particular case. If the answer is positive, you should immediately order a working draft, because only if it is available will you be given the go-ahead by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the sanitation station, the BTI and the housing inspection, the gas service and others. Of course, you will have to run, but for those who are determined to improve the quality of their own life, this will not be a particular obstacle.

Decorating a room for a combination

When the dismantling work is completed, it is time for finishing. The final interior depends on individual preferences. You can create a single design or divide the space into several functional areas.

After the combination, natural light will significantly improve, since much more light penetrates through the loggia than through a typical room window

Ceiling finishing

The classic option is a white ceiling. It is better to install a tension fabric. This will allow you to organize additional lighting and add backlighting. The light canvas also visually expands the space and increases the height of the walls. Therefore, for small rooms this is the preferred option. You can make several tiers and transitions. But this can visually reduce the height of the ceilings.

The stretch fabric allows you to quickly get a perfectly flat ceiling

Another popular solution is a stylish ceiling made of wooden slats

Wall decoration

Wall decoration depends on the overall style of the space. You can choose a single cladding for all walls or select separate finishing elements for different areas. When organizing zoning, it is important to leave a general concept. You can change the color of the walls to several tones to indicate the boundaries of each segment.

The photo shows an example of finishing a balcony in a loft style

Finishing the attached loggia in Provence style

Laconic interior of a balcony in Scandinavian style

The cladding materials can be anything, including various types of wallpaper, decorative plaster, panels, etc. It is not recommended to use wood elements. Close proximity to a window will negatively affect their properties. The wood will begin to crack and dry out.

Floor finishing

Laminate, linoleum or tiles are suitable as flooring. The main difficulty in decorating the floor is related to the threshold, which is formed at the junction between the main room and the balcony structure. And if it cannot be eliminated, then you can play with it in the interior. For example, redesigning it as a step. It is important to take into account the presence of a threshold and unevenness of the floor when installing the floor covering.

Laminated panels are often used to finish the floor on an insulated balcony.

Ceramic tiles are the most durable flooring option

What can you put on the attached squares?

Work zone

The most popular option among workaholics. A computer desk and an office chair are placed behind a shelf improvised from the window sill. You can throw a carpet on the floor.

Sleeping place

Although experts do not recommend it, brave individuals can move the sleeping area to the panoramic glazed balcony part of the bedroom. In fact, it’s better to just place an extra bed there, and put it on the podium. The role of a bed in this case can be played by a folding sofa, futon, or air mattress.

Mini gym

Sports lovers will be able to organize a small gym in the balcony area, with appropriate flooring and equipment.


The presence of two blank walls will allow you to place a pair of wardrobes with mirrored doors along them. The latter will not only help you get yourself in order, but will also play a space-correcting role.


Have you always dreamed of having a personal library? Combining a bedroom and a balcony will give you a chance to get it. Use hanging shelves or racks to store books. For comfortable reading, you can place a cozy deep chair or rocking chair, next to which you can place a round table and a floor lamp standing on one figured leg.


You can create a great corner for gatherings with friends if you place a soft corner and a low table in the balcony area. In this case, the window and walls can be draped with rich fabric. Lay a shag carpet on the floor. Add a TV or home theater here and you will get an excellent relaxation area. Instead of equipment, you can install a fountain on the former balcony or install a panoramic aquarium and populate it with bright fish.

Options for using a room attached to a balcony

They combine rooms with completely different purposes with the loggia. Their design and design nuances depend on this. Among the most popular spaces for expanding are the kitchen, living room, nursery and bedroom. This is especially true for kitchen spaces, where there is often not enough space for a work area and a dining area.

A window sill, designed in the form of a table, will act as a zoning element of the combined room


There are several options for combining. It all depends on the specific kitchen space, its area and the type of balcony. Worth highlighting:

  1. Full connection. As a result, additional usable space will appear. The wall separating these segments is completely eliminated. The resulting opening should be additionally designed in the form of an arch.
  2. Partial. Assumes that the window sill and main wall remain in place. Only the door and window are removed. The advantage is that there is no need to completely insulate the balcony structure.

You don’t have to connect the balcony to the room, but just move the dining area to the loggia. This is a budget option that allows you to solve the problem of lack of space and avoid large investments, a lengthy process of dismantling, and insulation.

Kitchen with a work area located on the attached loggia

Option to use a balcony as an auxiliary space

Full dining area on a spacious loggia

Summer kitchen on a loggia without glazing

Game room

A nursery requires a lot of space, especially if the child is not alone. Lots of toys, things, books and other things. Therefore, extra square meters will not hurt. The freed up space can be used as an area for games and storage. Also, if the child is studying, you can organize a workplace there by placing a table or bookcase. And a soft chair can turn the balcony into a place for reading and relaxation. When combined with a nursery, it is important to carefully consider insulation. There should be no drafts.

Little girl's room with play area on the balcony

Play area on the loggia of a children's room for a boy

You can do without complete dismantling. The window sill should be used as a table or bookcase. Be sure to add high-quality artificial lighting. Although there is good natural light during the day, it will be quite dark in the evening.

Desk on the loggia in the room of two school-age children

And others

There are quite a few options for designing a connection to the bedroom. You can not only expand the space, but also achieve more functionality in the room. If you decorate the room in the same style, visually highlighting several segments, then in addition to a place to sleep, you can equip a home office, a dressing room, and a relaxation area. But if you only need to increase the usable area, then you can choose a single interior for the entire space.

An excellent solution would be to arrange a comfortable wardrobe in an expanded area

Connection with the living room is one of the most common types of redevelopment. To achieve integrity, you need to choose the right lighting. It is also worth considering that even with complete dismantling, in addition to the threshold, there remains an opening. It can be disguised using decor, a special screen or curtains.


A kitchen combined with a balcony occurs in cases where the kitchen itself is small in size; the balcony allows you to slightly expand this area. As a rule, the entrance to the balcony is located on the side of a narrow wall.

  1. By removing partitions, you can free up a lot of additional space.
  2. This allows you not to use compact headsets with small work surfaces, but to install full-fledged ones.
  3. In this case, models in the shape of the letter “L” would be an ideal option.
  4. A small part of the set will occupy the wall on the balcony under the windows; it is also recommended to organize a work area there.
  5. During the daytime, it will be perfectly illuminated naturally.

You can also place such a set differently by making a dining area on the balcony. In any case, the loggia will need to be additionally insulated so that it retains heat.

The design of the combined balcony will be classic and light, because light colors are used in the kitchen. Dark ones can also be used, but preferably in small quantities, because they can visually make the room smaller.

Choosing furniture for the interior of a combined room

The furniture placed must fully match the style of the space. If an increase in area was required to expand the room, it is better to give preference to compact and multifunctional items. You should not choose bulky, massive parts that will visually “eat up” square meters and the room will look small and cluttered.

The choice of furniture for the balcony depends on the availability of free space

If you need a table in the living room, let it be small, preferably glass or in a light color scheme. A loggia increases the usable area, but it is better to organize the installation of furniture in such a way that everything looks fresh, spacious and light.

Sanctions for illegal combination

In most cases, the Court will issue a verdict to pay for the damages you have caused.

Any measures can be taken only by a court decision, following an application or complaint from an individual or legal entity.

Such complaints may be about the possible consequences of the merger, about freezing, wet sections of walls caused by redevelopment, or about some other inconvenience.

Basically, the court obliges to compensate the victims for damages and restore the changes to their original state.

Undesirable consequences include the possible illiquidity of the apartment due to changes made that caused a discrepancy with the technical passport. Selling such a home can be significantly difficult.

Proper arrangement of furniture to save space

For each room you need to select a minimum set of furniture, which you cannot do without. Multifunctional models allow you to combine several useful qualities without increasing the used area. For example, a sofa or bed can be equipped with additional storage drawers.

To arrange a small recreation area, you can use upholstered frameless furniture

It is important that the balcony space is not suitable for placing heavy objects or large household appliances that create vibrations. Therefore, it is important to be careful when selecting furniture for this area. It is better to limit yourself to an armchair, a bookshelf, a light table and other compact objects.

It is also not recommended to install furniture in the resulting empty opening. It must be free to pass through.

Photos of interesting design ideas for combining a room with a balcony or loggia

To clearly understand what such a redevelopment looks like, it is worth familiarizing yourself with photo examples of balconies combined with a room. This will help you find suitable ideas for your own home and get inspired.

Bedroom with a balcony equipped with a work space

Arrangement of a luxurious recreation area on a spacious loggia

Increasing the area by dismantling the wall separating the loggia and the room is a popular solution. But it is important to understand that to implement it you need to carefully prepare, draw up a project, obtain the necessary permits and think through the interior. Only after this can you begin to implement the plan.

Window and door decoration

The place where the door used to be located is usually covered with light curtains. If you decide to leave the window sill during the renovation, it will be converted into a seating area or tabletop. An empty window opening can be filled with shelves in the style of a rack. Books or decorative small things are placed on them. If the window sill has become a bar counter, then a special pole is attached to it, the top of which supports a shelf for glasses. You can decorate the opening with a series of lamps of the same type, a number of which will hang low over the work area.

Photos of room interiors after adding a balcony

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