Bedroom combined with a balcony - 20 unusual design photos

Pros and cons of merger

Main advantages and disadvantages.

Increased space. Even with a small and narrow loggia or balcony, you can expand the room and create a full-fledged functional area. Combination requires obtaining permission for redevelopment. To do this, you need to prepare documents in numerous authorities, which will take a lot of time.
Unlike a regular standard window, much more sunlight penetrates through the loggia. Therefore, natural light in the bedroom is significantly improved. Repairs involve large expenses, including glazing, insulation, finishing, dismantling work or the construction of additional walls.
Thanks to the expanded space, you can achieve non-standard interior design options.If the insulation of the attached loggia is poor, cold air from the street will enter the bedroom.
The combined space accommodates more necessary furniture items and provides the opportunity to use original finishing materials.

Disadvantages of a combined interior

But this design solution has its drawbacks. There are few of them and they are less significant compared to the advantages. But this in no way means that they should not be taken into account when decorating the interior. Ignoring these flaws can lead to big problems.

Price. This problem affects all modern design solutions.

  • Until recently, combining a balcony and a bedroom was simply impossible from a technological and production point of view.
  • But now, when modern building materials are being produced and design development has moved far forward, it has become possible to bring such an idea to life.
  • The downside, as already mentioned, was the cost of such luxury. There are few construction companies in Russia that quickly and efficiently carry out such work and charge considerable money for their work.
  • Therefore, if you decide to complement the interior of your apartment or private house with such an unusual design solution, you will have to prepare an impressive budget.

The need for additional insulation. When combining loggias and bedrooms, a large amount of air inevitably enters the room.

  • This is not particularly noticeable if the apartment is located in warm places where the air temperature is always pleasant.
  • But in winter, during the period of frost, it can be extremely unpleasant, because the room will always be terribly cold.
  • These problems can only be prevented by installing a special insulating layer, which also costs a lot of money.
  • This adds costs to the already impressive list of expenses for implementing such a design solution.

Zoning Features

When combining a balcony with a bedroom, complete or partial demolition of the partition is possible. In some cases, dismantling the threshold located in the doorway of the loggia is impossible. For example, in a monolithic and brick house it can be dismantled, but in a panel building, this can lead to collapse.

A window sill can be used in the zoning of the bedroom and balcony. A similar solution is found in apartments with a medium or large bedroom. In this case, the balcony door is dismantled, and the window sill remains in place. The cabinet is complemented with a tabletop as a work area or the window sill is turned into a flower shelf. It is better to move the heating radiator so that it does not spoil the overall appearance.

The photo shows zoning with different finishing materials in the interior of a bedroom with a balcony.

To divide the space, partitions that are installed at the site of demolition of the wall are suitable. It is also appropriate to design the exit to the balcony from the bedroom in the form of an arch.

Additional light on the loggia, different from the main lighting, will help to zone the space. On the balcony area, LED strips or spotlights are installed, built into a suspended or plasterboard ceiling structure. A current option is to raise the floor level in the loggia area. This creates a catwalk effect.

You can separate the zone using a multi-level ceiling or a combined structure of suspended and tensioned fabric. This way the bedroom decor will acquire a more elegant, fresh look and additional volume.

In order for the combined room, on the contrary, to acquire a harmonious appearance, when decorating two segments, it is recommended to use identical wall and ceiling finishes, as well as a solid floor covering without thresholds, transitions and other dividing elements.

The photo shows a multi-level ceiling structure as a zoning element in the design of a bedroom with a balcony.

Design options

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The balcony block can be removed to extend the bedroom, or you can leave it. Visually, a combined room looks more spacious, and a combined room looks more functional.

The balcony area needs to be illuminated. This is done using sconces, LED strips, spotlights mounted in a suspended or plasterboard ceiling.

In some cases, it is important to raise the floor level in the area that previously belonged to the balcony. This allocates additional square meters - creating a certain image of the podium.

So that when you look at the room you don’t get the feeling that the bedroom is a combined room that previously consisted of two rooms, you need to arrange the flooring and ceiling so that they are solid. For example, a suspended ceiling starts right at the glass and ends at the door, at the very end of the room.

The issue with gender is similar. If it is parquet, there should be no transition, thresholds, or other dividers. With a seamless installation, it will be possible to create the overall imagery of the bedroom, harmony of elements and zones.

Ways to divide the area of ​​a room and a balcony:

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  • installation of a small partition in the place of early installation of the wall section dividing the room with the balcony;
  • installation of additional light on the balcony area, which will differ from the main one;
  • gluing other wallpapers or installing other decorative coverings on the walls;
  • creating a raised floor level with a podium effect;
  • installing curtains or curtains on the window or before moving to the balcony area.

It is important to note that the style in which the bedroom is decorated should be uniform when combining several zones. Shades or differences in texture are acceptable only within one design direction.

Color spectrum

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In rooms combined with a balcony, photo wallpapers, especially voluminous ones, look great. They are installed on one or two walls. One base is selected, the same for the entire room, including the balcony area. More often, beige, champagne, milk, and white are chosen as the base color. Bright or dark colors can be auxiliary.

It is possible to do the opposite, but in this case it is more difficult to achieve harmony.

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Often the entire design of a bedroom combined with a balcony is made from white materials. Bed linen, bedspreads, pillows, furniture fronts, and accessories become bright accents. The white color in the decoration distracts attention from the details and allows you to hide or make planning defects invisible.

Another great option is gray motifs with a bright plain fabric. However, combinations should be everywhere - in the room itself and on the balcony area.

Arched passages

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An arch over the bed and an arch over the balcony is a technique for creating a true palace image. The structure above the bed is often made of plasterboard. The material is cut and installed to create volume. Another covering is installed inside the recess, which visually creates the appearance that there is a continuation of the room further down.

The arch at the balcony is arranged in the same size and with the same angle of circumference. The color scheme is the same, pastel is better. It would be great if the same design is installed on the ceiling - a round multi-level base, in the center of which there is a chandelier.

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This design option looks great with chic chandeliers and spotlights installed around the entire perimeter of the room. They can also be mounted on the balcony area.


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Carpet is one of the decorative elements. For unity of style, you need to order or cut it from a large canvas to a suitable size. If you connect two pieces of flooring, the separation will be noticeable.

A small rug installed at the transition point is suitable if there are no plans to make major changes in the renovation of the apartment. Changing the floor is not a cheap pleasure. To hide the transitions, you can order or buy a small long-pile carpet.

A canopy made of the same fabric as the curtains can be placed in place of the opening. It is better to make the canopy transparent and delicate. If the main fabric of the curtains is thick, just choose a plain tulle that matches the color.

Nuances of insulation and heating

Before joining, the loggia needs proper insulation and glazing. In this case, certain nuances are taken into account. For example, it is not advisable to move heating radiators and radiators to the balcony, as well as to connect them to the general house system. This problem can be solved using electric heaters or warm water floors. An economical infrared heating system allows for convenient temperature control using a thermostat.

For high-quality insulation in the finishing of walls and ceilings, mineral wool, penoplex and fiberglass are used. The glazing uses double-glazed windows that will correspond to the existing weather conditions. The most optimal solution is to install double-glazed windows only on the front side of the loggia, and make the side walls blank.

The photo shows heating and insulation of the balcony combined with the bedroom.

What nuances can be attributed to the disadvantages

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Redevelopment is an important stage that must be documented. Despite this, many apartment owners redo the layout without permission. In the future, this may cause problems when making transactions with an apartment.

Cosmetic repairs are much cheaper than relatively expensive redevelopment. For some people, this factor becomes decisive.

Poor waterproofing and insulation of the balcony is normal. When constructing a house, the developer does not expect the owner of the apartment to “live on the balcony,” that is, to extend his room at his expense. Therefore, the issue of insulation and waterproofing will have to be resolved separately.

Decorating and designing a bedroom that is connected to a balcony is not always easy. It is necessary to select a project in which all elements will be in harmony with each other, identify functional areas, and make adequate divisions in accordance with needs. Typically, different finishing materials are used for this. In some cases, apartment owners decide to simply remove the balcony and extend the bedroom as a single room.

Furniture arrangement

Such bedrooms are most often medium in size and have a rectangular or square shape. For an elongated rectangular bedroom, it is better to choose oblong pieces of furniture and place them near one wall. The usual bed can be replaced with a folding sofa or equipped with a transforming folding bed.

In an expanded area, arranging a dressing room would be an excellent solution. To do this, various bedside tables, chests of drawers or one spacious wardrobe with a mirrored facade are installed on the balcony.

The photo shows a bedroom with a balcony equipped with a work space.

It is quite relevant to place the bed in the loggia area. This option is appropriate if the balcony is large. It can be cool in the sleeping segment, so additional heating or air conditioning is required.

The balcony room can be furnished with a coffee table, a small sofa or a hanging hammock. This way you can create a truly cozy corner for comfortable relaxation and a pleasant pastime.

The photo shows the arrangement of furniture in the interior of a small bedroom combined with a balcony.

In an adult bedroom on the loggia, it is appropriate to equip a study with an extendable table, a comfortable leather chair and wall shelves. Curtains or a canopy are perfect for separating the area.

The photo shows a combination of a bedroom with a balcony equipped with a seating area.

Advantages of a combined bedroom with a balcony

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Let us note the main advantages of combining a bedroom and a balcony, which can be obtained as a result of properly carried out repairs:

  • Increasing the size of the bedroom. In many apartments, the balcony is used unnecessarily. There are some things, clothes, or just a chair there. The balcony area is at least 3 square meters. This is how much you can increase the size of your bedroom.
  • Arranging a functional area or creating conditions for space. By increasing the area of ​​the room, you can make it more spacious and open. Also, thanks to proper zoning, additional space can be functionally equipped. Examples - make a dressing room, an office for work, an area for reading books.
  • The balcony glazing can be made panoramic. It will not be possible to rebuild ordinary windows in an apartment building using this scheme. Panoramic windows are a special highlight and great luck for those who have a balcony in their bedroom.
  • Additional lighting. Without a balcony, but with simply large windows, the room will be better illuminated. This leads to other benefits - energy savings, improved atmosphere, more beneficial natural light for the eyes during the day.
  • Furniture arrangement is simpler. In a large room, it is easier to choose good places to install different pieces of furniture than in a small one.

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When selling an apartment where there is no balcony, but the room has been enlarged due to it, the price can be set higher. Such apartments are expensive.

What curtains are best to use?

A wide variety of curtains and drapes are used for decoration. Roller blinds or blinds look no less impressive. Such models do not take up space in the bedroom and provide convenient adjustment of lighting in the room.

The opening can be draped with original fabrics. Plain curtains will help smooth out the motley interior decoration, and a frame in the form of a rich curtain ensemble will become a real highlight and finishing touch of the bedroom interior.

The photo shows the textile design of the balcony space combined with the bedroom.

Features of balcony insulation

Before insulation, high-quality glazing of the loggia is carried out. Typically, the choice falls on energy-saving double-glazed windows - metal-plastic structures. There are many shades and lamination options in this group. Another option is an aluminum profile with good thermal insulation. To save heat, sometimes they resort to a combined solution: solid sealing of the side parts and double-glazed windows on the facades.

Options for insulation, different in price and thickness, are polyurethane foam, penoplex, penoizol, polystyrene foam, mineral wool. In the latter case, you need to think about vapor and waterproofing, because when it comes into contact with moisture, cotton wool ceases to be responsible for preserving heat.

Decor and lighting

In the loggia area, central lighting will look very aesthetically pleasing. Spotlights or a beautiful chandelier are suitable for this. You can decorate the side walls with sconces, put lamps on the table, and place floor lamps on the floor. Accent lighting will help give the decor volume and depth.

Not too bright lighting on the balcony, matching the color of the bedroom design, will create visual zoning of the space.

The photo shows a lighting option in the interior of a modern bedroom with a balcony.

A variety of accessories or textile decor will help create a cozy atmosphere in the room.

To visually combine the balcony with the bedroom, you can lay a small rug on the floor in the passage. Depending on the style of the interior, the bed is decorated with a canopy made from the same fabric as the curtains on the balcony window.

An abundance of soft surfaces in the form of pillows, high-pile carpets and knitted blankets will not only add additional comfort to the environment, but will also contribute to good sound insulation.

The photo shows the decor and design of a small bedroom connected to a balcony.

What is important to know when rebuilding a balcony in the bedroom.

The issue of redevelopment should be approached clearly, knowing all the features. The following nuances are important:

  1. It is worth exploring the possibility of moving the radiator from the room to the balcony. There are cities where this is strictly prohibited. Please remember that such events are subject to government control.
  2. There are certain building codes and rules that determine the maximum permissible load on the space of a balcony and loggia.
  3. It is prohibited to combine balcony radiators with the general heating of the house.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to equip a balcony or loggia with sewerage.
  5. The warm floor should not maintain the temperature due to central heating.
  6. Complete demolition of load-bearing walls is prohibited. Only the partition can be demolished.
  7. The balcony slab is held in place by a threshold, and therefore its dismantling is not allowed.
  8. To avoid heat loss, it is recommended to install sliding doors.

Modern ideas for decorating a combined bedroom

The attached space can act as a lounge area. To do this, the segment is equipped with a coffee table, rocking chair or sofa, decorated with a warm blanket and several pillows. A compact fireplace can be used as a stylish design element. This detail will give the bedroom a special coziness.

The photo shows a combination of a bedroom with a balcony arranged as a flower greenhouse.

A library with a comfortable chair and narrow shelves filled with books or a gym with oversized exercise equipment will look original on the balcony. A loggia combined with a small bedroom is perfect for equipping a boudoir with a dressing table.

With proper organization of space, you can place a miniature workshop, greenhouse or winter garden with indoor plants on the balcony area, which will add natural beauty to the environment.

The photo shows a lounge area on a panoramic balcony combined with a bedroom.

You can bring additional light, originality and sophistication to the room through panoramic glazing of the loggia. This design solution is especially appropriate when combining a balcony with a bedroom in a private house. It will further expand the space and open up a magnificent view.

The photo shows a combination of a modern bedroom with a balcony.

How to dismantle the balcony trim without destruction?


There is no need to insulate or modernize the attached space on top of old materials. Soon, building materials from the Soviet and post-Soviet era will become unusable.

Modern technologies and materials are applied to a reliable base. Often there is no point in installing double-glazed windows on an old balcony frame. It is better to digest a new corner by turning to specialists, they will do it efficiently and safely. And think about the fact that the old rusty corner, which still looks good, will collapse faster under the weight of the new equipment.

You should not install double-glazed windows on an old balcony frame; it is better to make a new one

It is better to dismantle the balcony door and internal window after glazing, so as not to remain in the open bedroom even for a couple of days. When removing the door frame, be careful not to damage the concrete or brickwork.

When removing the door frame, be careful not to damage the concrete or brickwork.

If you have to dismantle part of the wall, first remove the baseboard and finishing trim from the surface, if it has value (tiles, lining, laminate). If you don’t have construction skills, entrust it to craftsmen with suitable tools.

When demolishing part of a wall, first remove the baseboard and finishing trim from the surface

See alsoDesign and photo of a 10 sq m bedroom

Bedroom design in various styles

Any style solution will fit into a bedroom combined with a balcony. Thanks to different design ideas, you can achieve a unique interior.

For the minimalist style, light design is used, mainly in white and gray colors with the addition of cool shade accents. There is a minimal amount of furniture in the room. For the relaxation area, a laconic sofa, a coffee table and hanging storage systems in the form of open shelves are selected, and a compact table and an office chair are installed in the workplace. It is appropriate to decorate one wall with stone or brick. You can install lighting in the window sill and place indoor plants in white pots on it.

High-tech style involves a calm and neutral color scheme. Window openings are decorated with roller blinds in contrasting colors, and narrow or corner storage systems are installed that will not stand out against the general background. The side walls on the balcony can be supplemented with original photographs or abstract paintings. The design of such a bedroom contains practical furniture, which sometimes has non-standard and futuristic shapes.

The photo shows a bedroom combined with a balcony in a classic style.

In an unpretentious but very stylish loft-style interior, it is possible to combine cozy decorative elements with rough cladding. Such a great contrast adds a special atmosphere to the room. Brick walls are left untreated or painted white. Light brick will favorably set off solid wood door panels and forged furniture.

Scandinavian bedroom design with a balcony is characterized by maximum functionality. The decoration is dominated by white shades, wooden flooring and window sill design. Roller shades or blinds are hung on the windows to let in a lot of natural light and the room is furnished with simple furniture with built-in storage systems. A white background will be ideally combined with a gray bed, plain textiles and green indoor plants.

Room zoning

This part of the work depends on the lifestyle of the apartment owners, the needs that caused the expansion of the space. In addition to the classic place for relaxation, a bedroom combined with a balcony can be:

  • The office
    provides privacy, the presence of an independent light source, good ventilation and conditions for alternating work and rest. In any case, a balcony requires a window, the view from which will allow the eyes to rest and redirect attention for a while.
  • A corner for relaxation
    . If you put an armchair, a floor lamp, shelves for books, a table on the balcony, then this place will become an excellent base for a romantic evening, reading, talking with friends. An electric fireplace, a hammock, and plants on the walls will add additional comfort to the space.
  • A conservatory
    is a great addition to a bedroom. A winter garden and a mini-vegetable garden with basil, mint, aloe, arugula and other plants would be appropriate here. A greenhouse on a balcony is both a unique source of hobby for those who are interested in gardening, and simply a beautiful, well-kept place as a source of pride, made with one’s own hands and labor.
  • A dressing room
    is an opportunity to free the main space of the bedroom from closets with things, moving this area to the podium of the loggia. Here you can properly sort clothes, shoes, set up a table for morning personal care and makeup.
  • Workshop
    - for drawing, handicrafts and other hobbies. Again, it saves bedroom space and keeps the room as tidy as possible.
  • Gym
    - by installing 1-2 exercise equipment and putting other equipment here, you can play sports with a beautiful view of nature, but not clutter up other parts of the apartment with tools.

You can zone this part of the bedroom in various ways:

  • Sliding transparent doors made of tempered glass that allows sunlight to pass through.
  • A partition like a cast bar counter is half the height of the room.
  • Transparent light curtains that can be removed if necessary.
  • The podium visually highlights and separates the balcony area from the main room.
  • Spotlights shift the focus to the balcony and visually separate functional areas.

Real photos

Bedroom design with a balcony is the best idea to transform the interior of the room. This planning move not only increases the area and unloads the space of the loggia, but also surprises with its originality.

How to obtain permission for redevelopment: stages

  1. Project
    . It can be done by an architect or architectural bureau licensed for this work.
  2. Coordination
    . To successfully complete this stage, you will need to go through many organizations: from the BTI to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Please note that this is not as fast as you would like and requires investment.
  3. Repair
    . If the approvals were successful.
  4. Changes to the technical data sheet
    . After redevelopment, renovation, decoration, and interior design, you will need to take and record measurements of the new space.

Before you start remodeling a bedroom with access to a balcony, weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the risks and bonuses that you will receive after finishing the decoration. You will also need to study the nuances and possibilities of redevelopment and existing limitations.

Bedroom lighting

When creating a lighting system in a modified bedroom, do not limit yourself to a banal central chandelier. Use lighting more actively in the form of built-in and spotlights and LED strips. They can appear not only in the balcony area, but also above the bed or in the greenhouse area. By the way, an illuminated mini-garden will become a luxurious decoration.

Additional lighting of the balcony space with LED lamps

Selection of lighting

When several rooms are combined, more lamps are required. It is advisable to install a separate lighting source on the balcony. A chandelier installed in the central part is perfect. You can install spotlights in the ceiling and hang a chandelier in the bedroom. It is important to provide separate switch buttons for the loggia and the room. This will allow you to adjust the light level at your discretion.

For evening relaxation, it is worth considering the presence of sconces on the walls. On the balcony, wall lamps made in the shape of street lamps look impressive. It is better to have brighter lighting in the bedroom.

"Advice!" The combination of cold and warm light is one of the zoning techniques.

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