Tomato variety Balcony miracle - description and photos, reviews

Recent surveys of the population of our country have shown that people's dreams are not associated with an iPhone or an expensive car, but with homemade recipes, for example, cheese! Of course, it’s impossible to get your own milk in the city, because you can’t have a cow on your balcony. But growing homemade tomatoes on your own balcony is a real challenge! Moreover, for these purposes there is an excellent variety of tomatoes - the Balcony Miracle tomato, which is perfectly grown on a home balcony.

Tomatoes Balcony Miracle: photo of the variety

Tomato Balcony Miracle: variety description and characteristics

The Balcony Miracle tomato has one big advantage over many other varieties - it can be easily grown on a balcony or loggia. This is also possible in winter, of course, if you provide the tomatoes with the optimal amount of light. Its maximum height is 60 cm. The Balcony Miracle tomato bush is capable of producing up to two kilograms of fresh, fragrant tomatoes (from 50 to 60 grams each). That is, the fruits are not large, but they taste wonderful! The time from the first leaf to the first Balcony Miracle tomato is approximately 90 days.

Another important advantage of the Balcony Miracle tomato variety is that it is not afraid of late blight. And also the culture does not have to be pinched or tied up.


The plant is determinate, only 30 - 40 cm high, and no more than 50 cm. At the same time, it has a strong, low trunk. The crown is rounded, well leafy. The leaves are small, alternate, dark green, medium fried. The flowers are yellow, the inflorescences are intermediate. The first fruit cluster of the variety is formed very low, approximately at the level of the 4th leaf. The stem and peduncles of the Balcony Miracle are slightly pubescent.

The fruits are small, beautiful, round in shape, smooth or slightly ribbed. They are sometimes called large cherries. Tomatoes weighing 10–20 grams ripen on plants grown in containers; larger ones—from 30 to 50 grams—can be formed in open ground. The skin of tomatoes is smooth and shiny. The pulp is moderately dense and juicy. During ripeness, the fruit turns intense red. The taste is excellent, children really like the sweet pulp.

About growing the Balcony Miracle tomato variety indoors

Growing vegetables “in the window” is now quite popular in the city, however, not all crops are suitable for this. The Balcony Miracle tomato is not difficult to grow on the balcony, but certain conditions must still be met. Namely: the size of the Balcony Miracle tomato pot should be large; soil fertility should be high; providing sufficient light; Don’t forget to feed the plant regularly.

Tomatoes Balcony miracle: photo of the variety

Of course, being on the balcony in a pot, the root system of Balcony Miracle tomatoes is limited in space. But this variety has the advantage that it does not need to be replanted in open ground and then worry whether the seedlings have taken root.

To grow Balcony Miracle tomatoes, you should consider several points:

  • know exactly the time when you want to get the harvest;
  • provide planting with special soil for tomatoes or prepare the soil yourself;
  • use a pot of the required size for planting seeds;
  • Feel free to sow the Balcony Miracle tomato seeds and wait for germination!
  • provide sufficient light;
  • At the moment the flowers appear and the tomatoes set, add potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

As for the timing, it should be borne in mind that fruiting of Balcony Miracle tomatoes occurs three months from the moment of the first shoots. That is, if you want to please yourself and your loved ones with fresh tomatoes for the New Year, then your sowing time is early to mid-September (taking into account the time of seed germination).

Next, prepare the correct soil, since the standard one will not suit you. You can buy a ready-made one special for tomatoes at a flower shop. You can also prepare the required soil mixture yourself by taking black soil and humus in equal proportions. Under no circumstances should you use fresh humus, as it will cause the plant to become sick because it lacks magnesium. Also, ash (to maintain the optimal amount of nitrogen) and superphosphate in the soil will not hurt. True, you should be more careful with these additives, since if you overdo it (too much), you can ruin the plant. If you are not yet a completely experienced gardener, then the best option for you is this: add a little fertilizer to the water when watering.

Then you should work on the Balcony Miracle tomato pot. It must have a capacity of more than 5 liters. Such a container is a haven for the root system; in this case, its development will be close to ideal.

Based on many reviews, it became clear that Balcony Miracle tomatoes require a fairly large container volume for planting. If there is a photo where these containers reached 10 liters, and large harvests “threaten” with a volume of at least 8 liters.

So, we are gradually approaching sowing tomatoes. We will devote a whole chapter to this topic, since there are many subtleties and even tricks here!

Tomatoes Balcony Miracle: photo of the variety

About preparing, sowing and growing tomato sprouts

Before sowing, a couple of days before sowing, the tomato soil mixture is moistened, that is, activated. For the Balcony Miracle tomato, there is no seedling stage, so you should not soak the seeds before planting. The seeds fall directly into moist soil.

As soon as young shoots appear, you immediately need to take care of sufficient lighting. On short winter days, it is necessary to place electric lamps near the planting. A modern way is to resort to phytolamps that can give tomato sprouts the necessary dose of ultraviolet radiation. It should be remembered that ultraviolet rays will not penetrate through window glass.

True, if your loggia has quartz glass specifically for “gardening on the window,” then in this case your tomatoes will need an additional dose of ultraviolet radiation.

If you have ordinary glass on your windows and loggias, then there is no problem for infrared rays to pass through them. And if your plants are near window panes, then sunburn of the leaves is possible.

Professional vegetable growers recommend placing pots of Balcony Miracle tomatoes on wide window sills. Tomatoes will grow in narrow and small pots, but you can’t expect a good harvest: a few pieces instead of two kilograms. Of course, this is not encouraging, but the reason for the crop failure lies not in a specific variety, but in poor conditions for the growth of the crop.

It is worth emphasizing, just in case, the idea that using juice boxes for planting Balcony Miracle tomatoes is unsuitable. They are suitable, but only for seedlings of other varieties of tomatoes. Due to drainage holes, the boxes get wet, and without holes, the roots can become flooded and begin to rot.

When the shoots appear, the pot is positioned so that the plantings are free, there is no crowding and no struggle for the rays of the sun. If you have a wide windowsill, then feel free to place a pot of tomatoes here. If you have a narrow window sill, then it is better to place the plants on a stand near the window, and at the same level as the window sill.

It is worth emphasizing that the place for growing indoor tomatoes, the Balcony Miracle, should be free of all drafts. From cold air masses blowing through window slits, the plant will begin to get sick. A heating radiator can also play a cruel joke, leaving the ground constantly dry and the air around too dry. Water containers can serve as a preventative against drying out the air. With their help you can achieve normal humidity (from 40 to 70%).

Air humidity is measured by a hygrometer, which can be purchased specifically for this purpose. Plus, it can make your life easier without having to measure the difference between dry and wet bulb readings.

On summer days, it is better to grow Balcony Miracle tomatoes on an open loggia (balcony).

Sowing seedlings

When growing Balcony Miracle on a window, seeds can be sown throughout the year. Step by step it looks like this.

Pre-sowing seed treatment

To improve and speed up germination, it is recommended to soak tomato seeds in warm water with a growth stimulator before sowing. For example, you can use Epin or succinic acid.

Important! Drugs should be diluted in full accordance with the attached instructions. Their overdose is destructive for seeds.


When growing Balcony Miracle tomatoes at home, you can sow them in common boxes or in peat tablets. Using peat tablets is more convenient. This allows you to significantly simplify the process of picking tomatoes. Before use, they are soaked in warm water until completely swollen.

After the tablets increase in size, squeeze out excess moisture from them. It is most convenient to place them in special greenhouses, but if necessary, a transparent cake container is quite suitable for these purposes.

One seed is sown in each tablet. After this, the greenhouse is closed with a special transparent lid or simply covered with a piece of film. After the emergence of shoots, they are immediately removed.

Growing seedlings

As soon as the first shoots appear, the greenhouse is moved to a warm, well-lit place. If sowing was carried out in late autumn or winter, it is advisable to provide additional lighting for the tomatoes. Ordinary fluorescent fluorescent lamps are quite suitable for this. The total duration of daylight when growing tomato seedlings should be at least 12 hours.

Watering the seedlings is carried out as the tablets dry out. At the same time, it is very important to prevent flooding. The root system of immature young plants is very sensitive to excess moisture. Before watering, the water must first be settled.

As soon as the roots grow through the mesh shell of the tablets, the seedlings can be transplanted into separate cups. For planting tomatoes, sufficiently nutritious, moisture-absorbing soil is prepared. It is made up of equal parts of turf soil, humus and clean river sand.

Advice! A ready-made industrial substrate based on universal-purpose peat is also suitable for growing tomato seedlings.

Tomato seedlings are planted in separate cups with a volume of about half a liter. Holes must be made in their bottom to drain excess water. Before planting, be sure to remove the mesh shell from peat tablets. If this is not done, the mesh will inhibit the development of the root system.

Further care of seedlings at home includes timely watering and periodic application of fertilizers. A group of nitrogen fertilizers and humate are used as fertilizing. For example, you can use a urea solution with the addition of humate. Universal mixtures for growing seedlings are also suitable for fertilizing.

Attention! When using fertilizers, application rates must be strictly observed. A solution that is too concentrated will cause severe burns to the root system.

As soon as indoor tomatoes have mastered the entire volume of soil in the glasses, they are transplanted into pots with a volume of at least 3 liters.

About flowering and fruiting of tomatoes Balcony miracle

When Balcony Miracle tomatoes are actively growing, they need a good amount of nitrogen, that is, nitrogen fertilizers are needed. As soon as the plant blooms, nitrogen supplements must be reduced and potassium added.

If your bush is too tall and the leaves are dark green, then this indicates an excess of nitrogen. In this case, all the nutrients go to the leaves and not to the flowers, which means the harvest will be low.

To avoid mistakes with various fertilizers, you should purchase special ones and follow the instructions for use.

Tomatoes Balcony miracle: photo


  • Balcony miracle is an ultra-early crop, the period from germination to ripening takes only 85 - 100 days;
  • the low-growing variety is characterized by high fruit set and produces a generous harvest; up to 2 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from a bush;
  • The variety has good immunity and is highly resistant to late blight;
  • the plasticity of the plant helps it adapt to unfavorable weather conditions;
  • the tomato copes well with a lack of light, the main thing is that the sun illuminates the growing area for at least 3 hours a day;
  • the Balcony Miracle's transportation capabilities are very limited, as is the long-term storage of freshly harvested crops;
  • but the method of using fruits is universal. In addition to being consumed in their natural form, small-fruited tomatoes are excellent for canning and freezing.

About pitfalls when growing tomatoes Balcony miracle at home

For a good harvest of tomatoes Balcony miracle at home, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Temperature conditions on the loggia (balcony). At low temperatures on the balcony, tomatoes will not be able to fully develop. After all, this crop is heat-loving, and the most optimal regime for it is +22 during the daytime and +16 at night.

You need to take into account the fact that by winter, if your loggia is not heated, the temperature can drop significantly.

  • Possible pollination problems. On the balcony there is a windless space and there are no pollinating insects either, and this means that the probability of pollen getting on the flowers is zero. Therefore, the plant needs help with pollination. Therefore, sometimes shake off tomato bushes so that self-pollination occurs. You can also pollinate flowers by hand.
  • Danger of late blight. On the one hand, this variety is resistant to this disease. But in case of high humidity, this stability will not help. If dark spots appear on the leaves, then you should immediately get rid of this bush. With this disease, bacterial growth occurs rapidly, and if you miss time, then the likelihood of infecting even other indoor plants is high.
  • The problem of unsettled water. There is always a temptation to quickly water a plant with tap water. After all, standing up is time. Of course, in our time, the use of modern types of water purification is no longer new to some. But in most homes, water contains chlorine.

There is also danger in cold water. It should not be used to water Balcony Miracle tomatoes. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature (after standing for a while, chlorine evaporates). The water should stand for three days or more.

  • The problem of fattening plants. A tomato bush can be very tall, with dark green lush leaves. This means that there is too much nitrogen fertilizer. As a result of overfeeding, the plant does not bloom or bear fruit. To correct the situation, stop watering for about 10 days and raise the ambient temperature by several values. When flowers appear, the plant is pollinated by hand.
  • Stepsons, what to do with them? Sometimes the Balcony Miracle tomato has stepsons, although there shouldn’t be any. It is recommended to pick off the sprouts. Or they wait until they grow up and take root each separately.

Tomatoes Balcony Miracle: photo of the variety

When to plant balcony tomatoes

What time of year to plant is up to you, because it can produce fruit all year round. For example, if you go to eat fresh tomatoes in January, just in time for the New Year, then you should start planting them at the end of September.

Balcony miracle tomatoes growing at home in winter, nuances: growing this variety in winter is as easy as at other times of the year, you just need additional lighting. You can install lamps on top of the pots and turn them on in the morning and evening.

Tomato Balcony Miracle: reviews from gardeners about the variety

Svetlana Solovyova, Moscow region: “I read a lot of reviews before growing the Balcony Miracle tomato. In principle, they are fair. How nice it is in winter, and even before Christmas, to try your own tomatoes from the balcony. They are much better than the plastic store bought ones. I tried growing seeds of different varieties. There were problems in the first years, but now I have decided through trial and error. I liked the Balcony Miracle tomato variety. Last New Year's holiday I made a salad from these tomatoes, and my whole family was delighted. They taste like Cherry, but are much larger in size. The harvest was collected until spring.”


Elena Serdyushkina, Voronezh: “I chose this variety based on descriptions on the Internet. I bought Balcony Miracle tomato seeds in the store. From my first attempt at growing, I grew as many as 5 tomatoes! At first I didn’t understand what the problem was, but I think it’s because the pots are too small. But I can’t afford large pots because of the narrow window sill. I talked to people on forums, and now I’ll try to grow it on the balcony in the summer.”

How to choose a tomato variety for a balcony and window sill?

The best guide for a buyer in a store is the manufacturer’s marking on the seed packaging: “balcony variety.” However, not only this mark will help you figure out whether the bag you like is suitable for you or whether it’s worth studying the characteristics of others. The key set of characteristics of a suitable variety looks like this:

  1. Early ripening of tomatoes is optimal in the range of 75-100 days.
  2. Compactness - such bushes are easier to form.
  3. Self-pollinating - on the pack it may be indicated: parthenocarpic variety (this is the same thing).
  4. Taste – here you should focus on your own preferences.
  5. Resistance to fungal diseases - in apartments and on balconies there are optimal conditions for such diseases.
  6. Shallow root system - only one that will fit in a container or tub.

Today, the assortment of the largest manufacturers includes up to several dozen varieties, among which you can choose the one that suits all or some specific characteristics from this list.

Attention: you cannot place containers with plants of different varieties on the same window or nearby on the balcony. This will lead to cross-pollination and deterioration in fruit quality. .

Pest and disease control

The only serious threat to plant health is late blight, which appears as dark spots on the stems and fruits of tomatoes. This fungal disease will not go away on its own, so it cannot be ignored. At the first signs of infection, infected bushes should be thrown away before the disease spreads to healthy plants. It is no longer possible to cure affected tomatoes.

Prevention of late blight involves spraying seedlings and adult plants with fungicides.

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