Features of the procedure for washing windows outside and inside

How long does it take to wash a standard window on both sides?

- Depends on skills and equipment.

A non-professional with a sponge and a newspaper will spend at least 15-20 minutes on “everything about everything.” A non-professional with “advanced” window cleaning devices will cope with the task in 7-10 minutes. An experienced washer will need no more than 120 seconds.

In this article we will talk about a professional approach to glass cleaning. Let’s take the master’s work kit one by one and tell you how to choose the right tools. And for dessert, we’ll explain how to quickly wash windows without streaks using different methods.

Click on the title to go directly to the section you are interested in:

Choosing professional window cleaning equipment:



[Answers] To 30 gigtest questions by profession teacher

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This is only a small part of the answers.
In each test, the questions are mixed up and in different ways, # The tests also all go differently. Questions may be repeated, but not in the same sequence as in the article. Be careful.
1. Indicate the types of work to which it is prohibited to involve students, regardless of their age:

(•) washing windows, cleaning bathrooms and removing dust from general lighting fixtures.

2. To correctly seat students in the classroom, you need to consider:

(•) height, condition of hearing and vision, susceptibility to colds.

3. The duration of a lesson for students in grades 5-11 should not exceed:

4. The duration of the break between the start of elective classes and the last lesson of compulsory classes should be:

5. When creating a schedule, you must consider:

(•) all of the above are true.

6. What is the daily requirement of an adult for iodine:

7. How often is general cleaning carried out in an educational institution:

8. Responsibility for disobedience to a lawful order of an official of the body exercising state supervision (control):

(•) provided in the form of a warning or a fine.

9. What is the duration of a lesson in first grade?

(•) no more than 35 minutes.

10. Windows are washed from the outside and inside:

11. Is it permissible to hire school students to wash windows or replace electric lamps?

12. Placement of classrooms in basements:

13. Types of administrative penalties for sanitary violations:

(•) issuing a warning, imposing a fine.

14. The main method of protection against measles, rubella, and mumps is:

15. Who imposes disciplinary sanctions for violating sanitary legislation?

(•) management of an enterprise, institution, organization.

16. How often do employees of educational institutions undergo periodic medical examinations?

17. Are workplaces subject to production control?

18. The greatest distance between the student’s last place and the blackboard

19. Deratization is a set of measures aimed at destroying:

20. The weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing materials for grades 9-11 should not exceed:

21. To maximize the use of daylight and uniform lighting of classrooms, it is necessary:

(•) all of the above are true.

22. Architectural and planning solutions for the building must ensure:

(•) all of the above are true.

23. Is it allowed to conduct training sessions in the first grade during the second shift?

24. The level of illumination in classrooms for theoretical classes should be:

25. Bacteriological and serological examinations for the presence of intestinal infections should be carried out by workers in catering departments of educational institutions at intervals:

(•) upon entry to work and subsequently according to epidemiological indications.

26. How do worm eggs get into the environment?

(•) with the feces of the patient or carrier.

27. Criminal liability for violation of sanitary legislation occurs in the event of:

(•) if a sanitary violation led to mass morbidity or poisoning of people (human death).

28. The lesson schedule for teaching students in grades 5-11 should be simplified:

(•) Thursday or Friday.

29. Prevention of dysentery includes:

(•) all of the above are true.

30. List of employee positions subject to medical examinations and professional hygienic training in the production control program (plan):

XVIII. Requirements for the sanitary maintenance of premises of preschool organizations

All rooms are cleaned using a wet method using detergents at least 2 times a day with open transoms or windows, with mandatory cleaning of places where dust accumulates (floors near baseboards and under furniture, window sills, radiators, etc.) and frequently dirty surfaces (door handles) , cabinets, switches, hard furniture, etc.). Wet cleaning in bedrooms is carried out after night and daytime sleep, in group rooms - after each meal.

18.2. Tables in group rooms are washed with hot water and soap before and after each meal with a special rag, which is washed, dried and stored dry in a special labeled container with a lid. Chairs, changing tables, playpens and other equipment, as well as oilcloth linings and oilcloth bibs, are washed with hot water and soap after use; fabric bibs are washable.

18.3. For technical purposes (cleaning group rooms, toilets, etc.), a separate water tap is installed in group toilet rooms.

18.4. Carpets are vacuumed daily and cleaned with a damp brush or beaten out in specially designated areas, then cleaned with a damp brush. Once a year they are dry cleaned.

18.5. In rooms where corners of wildlife are equipped, daily wet cleaning, cleaning of cages, feeders, replacement of bedding, washing of drinking bowls and changing the water in them are carried out. Once every two weeks, cages, feeders, and drinking bowls must be disinfected, followed by rinsing with running water and drying. After disinfection, clean bedding and food are placed in the cage.

18.6. Sanitary equipment is disinfected daily, regardless of the epidemiological situation. Toilet seats, flush tank handles and door handles are washed with warm water and soap or another detergent that is harmless to children’s health every day. The pots are washed after each use using ruffs or brushes and detergents. Bathtubs, sinks, and toilets are cleaned twice a day with ruffs or brushes using detergents and disinfectants.

18.7. General cleaning of all premises and equipment is carried out once a month using detergents and disinfectants. Windows outside and inside are washed as they become dirty, but at least 2 times a year (spring and autumn).

18.8. In case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation in the subsidiaries, in order to prevent the spread of infection, additional measures are taken in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules.

18.9. Cleaning equipment for the toilet is marked with a bright color and stored in the toilet room in a special cabinet. After use, all cleaning equipment is washed with hot water and detergents and dried.

Disinfectant solutions and detergents are stored in places out of reach of children.

Containers with solutions of disinfectants and detergents must have lids and clear labels indicating the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, and date of preparation. For ready-to-use products approved for repeated use, indicate the date of its dilution. All disinfectants and detergents must have instructions for their use and be used in accordance with them.

18.10. In the warm season, windows and doors should be screened to prevent insects from entering. To control flies indoors, you can use mechanical methods (sticky tapes, fly traps), as well as chemical fly control agents registered in the prescribed manner [3].

18.11. The louvers of exhaust ventilation systems must be open; They should be covered only when there is a sharp difference in indoor and outdoor air temperatures. As they become dirty, they are cleaned of dust.

Exhaust ventilation shafts are cleaned as soon as they become dirty.

12.18. All types of repair work are not allowed to be carried out during the operation of preschool organizations in the presence of children.

18.13. Before entering the group toys, purchased toys (with the exception of soft stuffed ones) are washed with running water (temperature 37 C) with soap or other detergent that is harmless to the health of children, and then dried in air.

Foam latex tufted toys and soft stuffed toys are processed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Toys that are not subject to wet processing (washing, laundering) are used only as teaching material.

18.14. Toys are washed or washed daily at the end of the day, and in nursery groups - 2 times a day. Doll clothes are washed when dirty using baby soap and ironed.

18.15. In preschool organizations, rental and exchange of games, toys and other equipment is not allowed.

18.16. Reusable medical instruments are subject to disinfection in accordance with current regulatory documents.

It is preferable to use sterile disposable instruments with subsequent disinfection and disposal.

18.17. Bed linen and towels are changed when soiled, but at least once a week. All linen is labeled.

Bed linen, except pillowcases, is marked at the foot edge. Each child must have three sets of linen, including face and foot towels, and two changes of mattress covers. Clean linen is delivered in bags and stored in closets.

18.18. After use, laundry is placed in a special tank, a bucket with a lid, an oilcloth, plastic or double cloth bag. Dirty laundry is delivered to the laundry room (or special room). Cloth bags are washed, oilcloth and plastic bags are treated with a hot soap-soda solution.

18.19. Bedding: mattresses, pillows, sleeping bags should be ventilated directly in the bedrooms with the windows open during each general cleaning, and periodically taken out into the air. Once a year, bedding is dry cleaned or treated in a disinfection chamber.

18.20. After use, washcloths for washing children (the number of washcloths corresponds to the number of children in the group) are soaked in a disinfectant solution, washed with running water, dried and stored in clean cloth bags.

18.21. If there are insects and rodents in the premises of subsidiaries, specialized organizations for disinfestation and deratization will organize activities in accordance with sanitary rules that impose sanitary and epidemiological requirements for carrying out disinfection and deratization measures.

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If we talk about means for caring for plastic windows, there are more and more of them every year. The industry produces new and more advanced products.

For cleaning you may need:

  • “Mr. Muscle” - a product designed for washing glass, will allow you to get a transparent window without streaks;
  • “Formula 409” is suitable for cleaning stains;
  • "Sanita" will help to delicately cleanse dirt;
  • “Frosh” will get rid of traces of installation work;
  • “White Cat” is a rag designed for washing glass and plastic surfaces;
  • "Domestos" is a gel that helps restore the whiteness of the plastic frame;
  • “Mr. Proper” - will do an excellent job of removing fingerprints, grease, and soot;
  • Pemolux is recommended for cleaning old dirt and stains;
  • Comet gel is used for cleaning kitchen windows - it cleanses greasy dirt well;
  • Laundry detergent, laundry soap or dish soap can be used to clean fresh stains and small areas.

Household chemicals are good at cleaning glass from dirt and dust.

In addition to using household chemicals, you can resort to folk remedies, which are no less effective. Let's look at what you can use to clean plastic windows at home:

  • Soap solution. Take any powder or laundry soap and dissolve it in water. The resulting composition is used to clean windows.
  • Dentifrice. It is mixed with chalk to a homogeneous consistency of sour cream, applied to the dirt and allowed to dry, after which it is washed with a dry cloth.
  • A solution of vinegar or citric acid in combination with soda gives an excellent effect. Soda is applied to the surface, and rubbed intensively with a sponge and acid.

The best ways to clean a window from dirt, dust and soot

Before you start washing, you need to clean all openings. To do this, use toothpicks, cotton swabs, sponges and napkins. Use a sponge soaked in warm soapy water to wash the window frames. Then they should be wiped dry. Then the glass must be washed with a rag soaked in a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per liter). What is the best way to clean windows?

There are several other quick ways to make your windows shine:

  1. The following solution is prepared: add 2 tbsp to 4 liters of warm water. spoons of starch, 100 ml of ammonia, white vinegar in the same amount and a little blue. The solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the surface of the glass. Then the surface of the window is washed with clean water and wiped dry.
  2. A chalk solution will help thoroughly clean the window from dirt and grime. To prepare it you will need a small piece of chalk and vodka. The chalk needs to be ground to a powdery state, and adding vodka, you need to get a porridge-like mixture. It should be rubbed over the glass and washed off with warm water, then wiped with newspaper.
  3. Potatoes are also often used for cleaning glass. You need to rub the glass with half a potato, and then simply clean it with a napkin.

These methods help you quickly get rid of unwanted dirt on windows without streaks.

Washing technique

In order for plastic to remain aesthetically attractive for a long time, you need to know how to wash plastic windows at home and follow some rules for caring for them. The main point is the correct choice of equipment. Do not use abrasive products that may scratch the plastic surface or scratch the glass . It is worth using soft rags, sponges, paper towels and napkins.

To wash glass units, use soft cloths and sponges.

Also, remember some rules:

  • wash the windows on a cloudy day so that the glass does not dry out so quickly and you have time to wipe the surface before rainbow stains appear on it;
  • First of all, clean the frame, then only the glass unit;
  • apply the detergent evenly and in one direction, circular movements create streaks;
  • For glass, it is better to take special alcohol solutions of detergents.

For good quality cleaning, you should follow the correct sequence of actions. If the window was recently installed, you need to peel off all the film that protected the frame during transportation.

It is necessary to peel off all the film that was used when transporting the glass unit.

Wash the plastic from dust and dirt with a regular soap solution. If there are individual areas of severe contamination, they are treated with special means. Shallow scratches can be removed by applying polish. However, not all products can be used to clean plastic windows.

Important! Remember what you cannot use:

  • abrasive powder products will leave scratches on the surface, creating an untidy appearance of the plastic structure;
  • acid and solvent can change the color of the panel, so they should be used with caution.

What is required for washing glass on the balcony

To thoroughly clean the windows inside and out you will need:

  • Soft lips without an abrasive base, so as not to scratch the glass;
  • Detergents (at the moment there are enough products that are used only for washing glass);
  • A mop to reach inaccessible places;
  • Paper napkins - to wipe the surface dry;
  • Rubber scrapers for cleaning heavy dirt.

Proper care of plastic frames and double-glazed windows

Durability of use is due to proper care. This is especially true in the winter, so you need to know how to care for plastic windows in winter.

A hex wrench is used to adjust plastic windows.

In order to prepare a window for winter, you will need tools and equipment. These include:

  • rags and napkins;
  • soft brush;
  • hexagon;
  • seal lubricant;
  • machine oil.

Sequence of work

First of all, it is necessary to wash the windows from dirt and dust accumulated during the spring-summer period. In this case, soft rags and napkins, as well as non-abrasive detergents, are used. Heavy stains should not be removed using a knife or powdered cleaning agents . Before you start cleaning the windows, you should brush off the dust.

Dirt accumulated over the summer can make it difficult to open and close the window.

After this, you need to start adjusting the fittings. This can be done using a hexagon. To avoid cold penetration into the room in winter, you need to set the clamps on the sashes to winter mode. This way, the fit of the window frame will be stronger.

Switching the window to winter mode ensures a tighter fit of the frame

It is important to lubricate the fittings with oil. After applying it to the parts, you need to open and close the sash several times, this will help the oil to distribute. This procedure should be repeated throughout the winter, the main thing is not to do this in severe frosts.

Window mechanisms need to be lubricated several times a season.

The seal also requires attention. Rubber products wear out over time and no longer fit tightly, which affects the tightness of the window. You can wash the gum directly on the window or by removing it. The procedure must be carried out using detergent, and then be sure to wipe dry. The process is completed by applying silicone rubber sealant.

Silicone grease prevents rapid wear of the rubber seal

If you see that a window is fogging up in winter or condensation is collecting, then you need to contact a specialist . They will check the condition of the rubber seal and replace it if it is worn. It is important to replace parts on time, this will help extend the life of the window.

Double-glazed window maintenance

If a plastic window is installed correctly, the glass unit will last approximately 40 years. When installing, make sure that the windows are covered with a special protective film, which will protect them from scratches during transportation and installation. Such windows do not need to be painted or sealed for the winter, but they still need to be washed at least twice a year. You should not do this at low temperatures, as the glass may burst if it comes into contact with water.

Glass can be washed with soapy water. Do not use abrasive powders or brushes that scratch the glass surface.

Window sill care

The window sill deserves special attention. This is especially true for those who like to decorate their apartment with indoor plants. Water from watering flowers, falling on the windowsill, forms yellow circles over time. These stains are very difficult to remove, and sometimes simply impossible, so it is worth using a special self-adhesive film on the windowsill, which comes in white or another color, as well as trays for indoor plants.

The window sill is protected from moisture using a special film

The texture of the window sill may differ from one manufacturer to another. They can be smooth, porous or rough. When selling, the consultant usually talks about what kind of material was used for the window sill and how to wash off the dirt. However, some features should be taken into account, for example, a rough window sill can be cleaned using a stiff brush, but in no case should you use a scraper or knife.

Slope care

Slopes also need maintenance, but the means for this directly depend on the materials from which they are made. If they are made of plastic, they will not require special care. They are easy to wash and clean from dust and dirt. A special feature is the need to replace the sealant, which several years after installation is completely removed and replaced with a new one.

After several years of use, the sealant must be replaced

If the slope is made of plasterboard, then it is covered with paint, which can be washed and, if necessary, updated. When using cork or bamboo, it is enough to systematically wipe them with a damp cloth to remove dust.

Plastered slopes should not be washed, since they are not resistant to moisture; they can be wiped with a damp or dry cloth . Acrylic sealant should be used at joints, and the surface should be painted in a timely manner.

By following simple recommendations for caring for plastic windows, you can use them for a long period of time.

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

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Task 2[edit]

You take up daily duty in the therapy department, taking over a shift from your predecessor.

At this time, breakfast is being distributed. There are many bedridden patients in the department, and the barmaid cannot cope. A nurse rushes to her aid. She had just finished cleaning the corridor and immediately, without changing clothes, she “intercepted” the barmaid’s gurney with food and took it to the wards. At this time, the barmaid returned to the dining room to feed the walking patients.

You quickly finished your shift and also hurried to distribute food. You are wearing a clean new white robe (no markings).

  1. Participate in food distribution
  2. Check the contents of refrigerators where patients' personal food is stored
  3. Monitor compliance with dishwashing rules in pantries

1.2 (participate, check)

Instructions for cleaning windows

The easiest way to remove dirt is from casement windows that open inward. If the doors move, you should use a scraper with a long handle.

Sliding window systems are washed by removing the double-glazed windows. The following actions are performed:

  1. The plugs near the rollers are picked up with the end of a screwdriver.
  2. Slowly remove the glass unit from the guides.
  3. Clean the rail mechanism with a thin brush and wash the flaps.
  4. After this, the frame is placed in place, being careful not to stain it.

To make it easier to remove dirt from windows and keep them clean longer, you need to:

  • Wipe them with a weak solution of water and glycerin: the glass will not fog up.
  • To treat a plastic frame, use only soap solutions, as powder solutions will scratch the surface.
  • Do not use hot water for washing.
  • It is impossible to apply aggressive chemical solvents to glass, as they will damage the surface.
  • You need to start cleaning from the outside, after which you can move to the inside. This will make it easier to see dirty areas.

To make it easier to clean the windows on the street side, you need to keep them clean. Usually the procedure is carried out once every few months, but if streaks or stains appear, you can wipe it with a dry cloth.

Basic moments

How to wash windows: with what frequency, with what means, and are there any special features of the procedure? It is necessary to thoroughly wash the glass at least once every 2 months, and wipe it every week. The Russian climate does not allow washing the windows from the outside so often, so you have to wait for warm weather and clean only the inside of the windows. Windows on the ground floor are more susceptible to contamination, but they are much easier to clean.

You should start taking care of plastic windows from the moment they are installed. Before you wash your windows, you need to install them.

First of all, you should make sure that the technician does not remove the protective film during installation. It must be peeled off after the structure is completely installed.

The elastic seal must be lubricated with silicone oil every year. This will extend its service life. The window cleaning process has many features that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of dirt on the glass without streaks. And the first question is - what is the best way to clean windows?

Safe products and tools

To clean your windows, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure. For work you will need the following accessories:

  • Soft sponges. They should not have abrasive properties so as not to scratch the surface. Minor damage will not only worsen the appearance of the glass, but dust and dirt will accumulate in it.
  • Buckets or basins. They are diluted with a product purchased or prepared independently. One bucket or basin should contain warm water to rinse off the solution. To add shine, you need to add a little lemon juice.
  • Microfiber cloths or scraps of cotton fabric.
  • Scraper with rubber nozzles. It is used to perform horizontal movements. Soft baits work best.

Do not remove dirt from the front side with sharp objects; you should use special detergents.

Magnets for cleaning windows will help make your work easier. The device consists of a sponge and a magnet. Its advantages are as follows:

  • helps to carry out cleaning safely, since there is no need to lean out of the window;
  • the procedure is faster;
  • helps to better wash a blind plastic window;
  • does not leave streaks;
  • has a safety rope, thanks to which the outer part of the device remains in place;
  • There is a large selection of devices that allow you to select them taking into account the thickness of the glass.

But to get a good result, you need to learn how to use the design. Among the disadvantages are:

  • difficulties with the operation of the device;
  • Difficulty cleaning in hard-to-reach places.

A solution is prepared for washing glass. Sponges are soaked in it. After this, a rope is put on the hand and installed on the outside of the window where it is more difficult to reach. The magnet attracts two jaws to itself and fixes them on the glass.

To ensure that movements during washing are not difficult, the brush handle should be in a comfortable position in the palm of your hand. The second part of the brush will repeat the movements of the first, which will reduce the work.

To separate the halves, one part relative to the other should be turned at a right angle. Good results can be achieved by moving the brush from the edge to the middle. The liquid will flow down and leave no streaks.

Safe chemicals

When choosing a detergent, preference should be given to products without abrasive particles of acids and alkalis in the composition. Dry mixtures are not suitable for cleaning glass.

Alcohol and gasoline can be destructive to glass. Therefore, when using alcohol-containing products, you should choose options with minimal doses of ethanol.

You should not use soda and washing powder, as this will only make the situation worse.

It is advisable not to buy detergents that are not suitable for removing stains from windows, as they contain particles that can scratch the surface. The use of aggressive substances will destroy the glass film that protects it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

There are many commercial window cleaning products available. They are produced in the form of sprays and creamy substances. Their composition is selected specifically for double-glazed windows. Therefore, it will not damage the surface.

Preliminary step

To wash plastic windows, you will need certain supplies. And more specifically:

  1. Sponge. Products with one side soft and the other hard are allowed to be used. The second will allow you to quickly remove dirt.
  2. Windshield wiper device. In another way it is called a screed or a squeeze. It makes cleaning windows easier and faster. The system is equipped with a long telescopic handle. With its help, you don't have to stand on a stool to reach the very top. There are the most modern models, where the sponge and fold are on different sides.
  3. Detergent.
  4. Tissue (medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions)
    . For such work, you can use rags. The main thing is the absence of lint after wiping. It is acceptable to use linen, microfiber, cotton, and spandex.
  5. Water container. It is better that it has the highest edges. This will prevent spillage when washing windows without streaks.

It is worth seeing that the market for special products and preparations that can be used to bring window structures into the appropriate form is very large. Among the more necessary products are:

  • Sanita;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Cif;
  • Clin:
  • Help and analogues.

Such compositions were painstakingly developed under industrial conditions and will give good results. But they contain chemicals. Therefore, when working, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations from the manufacturer.

They specifically wash glass. Main advantage:

  • uniform distribution over the surface;
  • instant effect;
  • absence of streaks, smudges, even when wiped with a napkin (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs)

Interesting read: How to set winter mode on plastic windows
Almost everyone has their own special recipes for caring for glass surfaces:

Chalk. He appropriates radiance and radiance. To make the surfaces attractive, it is enough to use crushed construction powder. Before use, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied using napkins. As the mass begins to dry, it is removed with a dry cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs)

without lint. This will remove the chalk deposits.

Vinegar. A mono product that is combined with other components. The substance has a good ability to perfectly remove dirt. There are a couple of options for its implementation. Dilute a couple of spoons in water for final rinsing. Supplement them with ingredients in the form of honey and chalk.

To deal with particularly stubborn dirt, you can work with unstained table vinegar, without preparatory dilution in water. This way you can rinse the plastic windows clean. It is important to remember that the vapors of this product are especially unsafe. Inhaling them can lead to burns of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

Contact of vinegar with skin, eyes, and oral mucosa is strictly prohibited. If a similar situation is inevitable, an immediate appeal to a doctor is required.

Preventing window contamination

To keep the glass clean as long as possible, you should wipe it with glycerin. It is pre-diluted with water and applied to the cleaned surface.

This product will create a transparent film on the window and provide long-lasting shine and shine.

Proper procedure will also help maintain cleanliness:

  • Glass must be washed on both sides. If there are stains and dirt on one side, then the shining outer side will be of no use.
  • Processing should begin from the outside.
  • During wet cleaning, it is better to wear rubber gloves and wipe with cotton gloves. The former will provide protection to the skin from detergent, and the latter will not leave fingerprints.
  • A solution should be prepared. If you don’t have a special spray on hand, you can solve the problem yourself. To remove dirt, a soap solution or dishwashing gel is suitable.
  • It is useful to wipe glass with a weak solution of alcohol. This will provide shine. Acetic acid is also suitable for the same purposes.
  • Polish with paper towels. Perfect cleanliness is guaranteed by soft paper or a napkin. They will erase all stains and leave no streaks.
  • Do not remove dirt in cold weather. A warm spring or summer day is ideal for this. If the sun shines too brightly, you may miss some of the spots, as they are difficult to see.

To prevent dust from collecting on the glass, you can use corn flour. It has antistatic properties. To do this, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of flour in a liter of water and rinse with a glass solution.

You can wash windows even at high altitudes. For this, there are devices such as brushes with telescopic handles and magnetic washing devices. These are simple and affordable methods that do not require large financial expenditures. If you don’t want to do everything yourself, you can contact a cleaning company.

How to clean windows from the inside. Step-by-step instruction}

You should start washing windows specifically from the frame contour. If you wash the glass first and then move on to the frame, streaks will remain around the perimeter. It is also necessary to open all windows that you plan to wash.

There is no exact instruction on how to proceed correctly, but there are some useful tips that simplify the process:

  1. Washing starts from the top of the windows.
  2. First, wash the corners and areas adjacent to the frame, then move to the central part.
  3. If an aerosol is used as a detergent, you need to spray it on the glass, then wait 1-2 minutes until it settles normally on the surface.
  4. Any product on the surface of the glass is rubbed with radial movements.
  5. Stains can be removed with cardboard napkins.

Advice: do not use newspapers, as in Russian times. When dented, it forms sharp corners that can cause scratches on the glass.

How to wash without streaks in 4 minutes

The fastest way to restore the former cleanliness is to use a special brush with a rubber attachment, which allows you to quickly remove dirt and does not leave streaks.


  1. Distribute cleaning liquid from a spray bottle inside and outside.
  2. Direct the brush from the far corner towards you at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, each subsequent time should overlap the washed area by 2-3 cm so that there are no gaps. In this case, you need to periodically wipe the rubber nozzle so that no dust remains on it.
  3. When the dirt moves to an accessible area, remove it with a dry cloth or paper towel.

The principle of quick washing of both the inside and outside is identical. But this method is used when there is no time to conduct a thorough cleaning.

How to properly wash windows in the summer without streaks and from the street

In the summer, cleaning windows is much easier than at any other time of the year. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the cleaning process thoroughly, which will subsequently keep the windows clean without resorting to complex manipulations.

Task 4[edit]

You have taken up Sunday duty in the general surgery department.
While walking around the department, entering ward No. 1, you noticed the following.. One of the beds is located against the wall with the window almost flush, at a distance of no more than 10 cm

This is the bed of a patient who was operated on for a large lipoma; his postoperative wound was festering; a drainage was installed in the wound, through which pus flows into a plastic bag. There is a thermometer on the nightstand next to the bed - the patient has just taken his temperature.

One of the beds stands next to the wall with the window, almost right next to it, at a distance of no more than 10 cm. This is the bed of a patient who was operated on for a large lipoma; his postoperative wound was festering; a drainage was installed in the wound, through which pus flows into a plastic bag. There is a thermometer on the nightstand next to the bed - the patient has just taken his temperature.

During the round, the patient sits on a chair, and the nurse changes the bed linen on his bed. The extraordinary change of linen was caused by the fact that part of the contents of the drainage bag spilled onto the bed. The nurse has already removed the sheet and pillowcase, which are lying on the floor. She is wearing a robe and a cap. She works without a mask or gloves.

Double room. On the next bed lies a patient who is being prepared for a planned operation on the veins of his legs. Currently, he went to take a shower, as he was supposed to do on the eve of surgery.

  1. There are no gross violations
  2. Patients who have undergone surgery and those who are being prepared for surgery should not be in surgical wards at the same time. It is necessary to report this to the surgeon on duty or the responsible administrator
  3. A patient who is preparing for a “clean operation” and a patient with a suppurating postoperative wound cannot be in the same room. A patient with a festering wound should be transferred to a purulent department or to a separate ward. It is necessary to urgently report this to the surgeon on duty or the responsible administrator

only 3 (cannot share one room)

  1. There are no violations of the requirements for linen regime. Linen stained with pus is immediately replaced with clean one, which fully complies with SanPiNam
  2. Dirty laundry should be collected in closed oilcloth bags and not thrown on the floor
  3. When collecting dirty linen, a nurse must use not only a gown and cap, but also gloves and a mask.

2,3 - dirty, nurse (without 1 - without the wrong answer)

Exterior window cleaning equipment

To clean your glazed balcony efficiently and quickly, you need to prepare.

It is important that the devices are nearby at the right time:

  • soft sponges without abrasive coating;
  • mop;
  • containers for soap solution;
  • ladder;
  • paper napkins;
  • microfiber cloth;
  • rubber scraper.

When washing windows from the outside on a high floor, you will need a special safety belt, which will secure the process and give you confidence in your movements.

How to choose a mop for windows to clean them very quickly

The task of cleaning the balcony in the apartment is greatly simplified by a special mop with an adjustable handle.

But these devices can be of several types:

  1. Regular. A special soft nozzle is used. The device is equipped with a handle without the ability to adjust the length, which is inconvenient when using it from the outside.
  2. Telescopic. It comes with two types of attachments: microfiber and rubber scraper. This allows you to effectively remove dirt and excess moisture. The handle of this type of mop is adjustable, its height reaches 2 m.
  3. Steam. An innovative mop that helps clean balconies and loggias without the use of detergent components. Dirt removal occurs under the action of steam. The disadvantage is the high cost.

How to mop in warm weather and sub-zero temperatures

Before you start washing the balcony and loggia, you need to prepare 2 basins with warm water to wet the mop. The first basin will contain washing liquid, and the other will contain rinsing water.

You will also need paper napkins to periodically wipe the rubber nozzle.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Moisten the sponge attachment in the soapy liquid, without squeezing it, move it along the glass, lightly pressing it to the surface.
  2. Using circular movements, carry out additional treatment of the most contaminated areas.
  3. Wring out the mop and place it in clean water, wring it out again and wipe the rubber head with a paper towel.
  4. Place it in the upper corner, press it and pull it down strictly vertically.
  5. Wipe the scraper dry and reinstall it on top of another strip, but the device should extend 2 cm onto the already cleaned surface.
  6. Repeat until the entire surface is clean.
  7. Finally, remove dirty stains from the bottom of the frame and wipe the area dry.

In winter, cleaning is carried out in the same sequence, only special solutions are used to prevent icing.

Preparatory process

To begin, prepare the necessary equipment:

  • buckets of warm water;
  • soft rags and sponges;
  • detergents.

Nowadays, many convenient and useful devices have been added to the usual set of household cleaning tools, for example, a variety of scrapers, brushes or mops.

Think about what else you might need - a stepladder, a large basin for removing curtains and curtains, a vacuum cleaner, newspapers or old nylon tights (they can be used to rub washed glass).

Having prepared everything you need, you can proceed to active actions:

  1. Remove all curtains and curtains and put them in the wash. Collect the dusty blinds, move them to the side or lift them as high as possible and secure them.
  2. Clear the window sills of flower pots, vases, candles, etc. standing on them. Take advantage of the opportunity to tidy up your house plants: carefully inspect, clean and prune, plant if necessary, wipe the leaves, wash with cool “rain” from the shower.
  3. Remove the mosquito nets and immediately wash them in a large basin or bathtub under strong pressure from the shower head. There is no need to rub the thin mesh so as not to damage it; dust and dirt are easily washed off with water. It is convenient to wipe plastic frames with a soft sponge.

When you have removed everything unnecessary and provided yourself with convenient access, it’s time to start washing plastic windows and window sills.


The choice of window cleaning products is very wide. If you prefer to use household chemicals, then in any store you will find glass cleaning sprays, gels, pastes or special wipes impregnated with a detergent composition and do not require the use of water. Liquid or laundry soap, washing gels and powders, and dishwashing detergents work well to remove dust and dirt from frames, window sills and glass from the outside. They need to be added to the water in small quantities so as not to create excess foam.

The most commonly used home remedies to help clean plastic windows without streaks are table vinegar, potato starch, salt, tooth powder or chalk. We will explain how to handle them further.

Use gadgets and call specialists for help

You can use the services of a cleaning company specializing in professional cleaning of premises, but this will significantly affect the family budget.

An alternative would be to purchase modern gadgets that will make the job of cleaning glazed balconies and loggias easier.

Magnetic window cleaning brush

The device consists of two identical brushes held together by magnetic attraction. You need to spray the washing liquid, and then place the brushes inside and outside opposite each other. The brush on the outside will move the same way as the brush on the inside.

Window cleaning robot

The device consists of a vacuum pump and rotating disks. It is enough to plug in the robotic washer into the electrical network, attach it to the surface and set the trajectory of movement. Control occurs via the remote control.

Main rules

Washing windows without streaks requires some approach. And more specifically:

  • painstaking preparation of tools;
  • carrying out work in non-sunny weather;
  • placement of tools and detergents on the inner window sill;
  • perform all movements carefully;
  • step-by-step cleaning from frame to glass;
  • removing heavy contaminants by soaking and introducing a scraper;
  • glass polishing at the end.

In particular, it is important to observe safety precautions. This will eliminate injuries and the most severe tasks.

Rules for using medical gloves

1) in some cases, it is allowed to use the same pair of gloves when in contact with two or more patients; 2) changing medical gloves when working with patients is not regulated; 3) it is not allowed to use the same pair of gloves when moving from an area of ​​the patient’s body contaminated with microorganisms to a clean area; +4) it is not allowed to use the same pair of gloves when contacting ( for care) with two or more patients;+ 5) it is allowed to use the same pair of gloves when working with one patient, regardless of the number of manipulations and areas of the body; 6) it is permissible to use the same pair of gloves when providing general care to several patients.

Test tasks for passing the Sanitary Minimum for a teacher with answers

Select the correct answer The angle of visibility of the board from the edge of a board 3.0 m long to the middle of the student's outermost place 2-3 steps behind the front table must be at least: A) 40 degrees B) 35 degrees C) 30 degrees 6. Select the correct answer Maximum value the impact on the student of the educational process in grades 5-7 per week is, for 6-day training: A) 32-35 hours.

B) 22 - 25 hours. B) 28 - 31 h. 7. Select the correct answer The maximum amount of impact on a schoolchild from the educational process in grades 8-11 per week is, with 6-day training: A) 28-31 hours.

B) 31 - 34 hours. B) 36 - 37 hh. 8. The distance from the eyes to a notebook or book for students in grades 5-11 should be at least: A) 30 - 45 cm B) 20-25 cm C) 50-55 cm 9

Attention Take the test The test is based on the second part of §7-8 Foreign policy of Russia in the second half of the 16th century. Textbook "History of Russia 7th grade" edited by

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