Arched windows - a luxurious highlight of any home + photo

Windows decorated with arches have been successfully used in architecture for many centuries.

During the reign of constructivism and functional solutions, arched windows were temporarily pushed aside - the emphasis shifted towards ascetic multi-storey buildings, in which there was no place for originality and excesses.

Lately, individual construction using original design solutions . Not only residential buildings, but also administrative buildings include arched windows, plastic or wooden, giving the building a unique look.

When is the best time to install arched windows?

A lot depends on the appearance and shape of the windows - the entire building is transformed when the design of the window openings is changed, like a person’s eyes, by which it is easy to recognize and identify a person. Even the internal contents of a building can be recognized by the shape in which the windows are made.

It is easy to identify nationality or adherence to a particular religion by the way the windows of a building look. Arched windows, most often, indicate that a residential building belongs to wealthy families who pay attention to status and external respectability . Rounded window options are used as original creative solutions, or by representatives of some narrow teachings.

Despite the complete transformation of the building, it is not always appropriate to use extreme types of solutions in architecture - originality is more justified on the upper floors or in attic-type rooms. When you need to move away from traditional architecture, an excellent alternative in the form of arched forms comes to the rescue. This option looks like a win-win when installed in the kitchen, in the area of ​​internal staircases, living rooms, and entrance halls.

General pros and cons

The popularity of radius window blocks is growing every year, due to the presence of many advantages:

  • The best way to emphasize the style of the building and give the facade an elegant appearance.

  • Ensuring maximum species characteristics.
  • Increasing the level of insolation of premises.
  • Reducing the concentration of angular stresses when organizing an arched opening.
  • If there is a transom with a remote drive, the optimal air exchange rate in the room is ensured.

At the same time, such elements for filling openings have some subjective disadvantages:

  • Difficult to install.
  • High cost of profiles and double-glazed windows
  • Low degree of maintainability,
  • Difficulty of operation.
  • The presence of blind parts, which makes cleaning windows difficult.

Despite the shortcomings, such products with a radius configuration are increasingly included in the design and used for glazing various parts of the facades of residential and public buildings.

History of arched forms in architecture

The rounded shapes of the upper part are more typical for oriental-style architecture, towers, Gothic buildings, castles, and medieval fortresses. However, the history of arched windows began with the Romans , who used arched columns to enlarge the window opening.

Through practice, Roman builders developed classic arched structures by varying the width of the intercolumn space and window opening. The round top of the opening testified to the respectability of the owner, because such structures did not belong to the category of cheap construction. In addition, arched technology optimally solved many issues related to the quality and reliability of the structure - the wall located above the window opening gained greater stability and strength.

The Babylonians used this method when erecting triumphal arches to honor the victors, and this tradition was preserved in the construction of many subsequent centuries. Even two hundred years ago, triumphal arches traditionally greeted victorious armies in Europe. Buildings in Spain and Mauritania were everywhere decorated using traditional arched designs.

The combination of the traditions of the Middle Ages and oriental architecture led to the spread of pointed, figured windows. This design element was used to give the entire structure a skyward appearance. Modified racks on the sides were borrowed from eastern cultures.

Materials for making arched windows

In modern architecture, semicircular or oval arched windows using straight side mullions are most widespread.

Window manufacturers produce arch-shaped products from the following materials:

  • wood;
  • aluminum;
  • plastic in various colors.

Dormer windows and ventilation are increasingly designed using rounded window shapes; similar solutions are also used in the design of the upper floors and attics. The appearance of the window will depend not only on the shape of the opening, but also on its proportions to the entire building, size, color, and fittings used. The arched design is recognized by many designers as a successful decorative solution.


Just like other translucent structures, arched PVC windows play not only an aesthetic role, but are also part of the external walls , and they are subject to a number of design and technological requirements:

In the manufacture of arched windows, technology does not allow the use of reinforced profiles for lintels, which obliges installers to pay increased attention to the reliable fixation of this element in the opening to ensure reliability during operation.

The use of arched windows in the interior

Arched window designs are used as stylistic elements in the construction of objects for a wide variety of purposes. In some cases, the relevance of using arches is combined with a functional need - in religious buildings, art galleries, art objects.

As a decorative element or design idea, an arched opening is used in the following architectural styles:

  • Romanesque (cottages are built by analogy with feudal castles);
  • Russian construction following the example of towers;
  • Gothic;
  • classical;
  • Arabic (Moroccan);
  • in the style of modernism or postmodernism;
  • other directions in architecture.

Residential multi-storey buildings do not offer ample opportunities for installing rounded windows. As a rule, building structures made of reinforced concrete are made in predetermined regular shapes, but even in this case, installing an arched window is possible.

Nevertheless, in urban environments, arched structures are more often observed when organizing the interior:

  • loggias/balconies;
  • piers;
  • corrugated porthole windows in bathrooms;
  • partitions;
  • false windows.

Wider opportunities are provided in individual residential construction - there are fewer technical restrictions on the construction of low-rise buildings. However, you should not get carried away with experiments in architectural solutions - it is important to follow a single style. In cottages, similar structures are installed not only in the attic, but also when decorating the entire facade as an arched dominant covering the first two floors. The design may include a glazed colonnade with arched ceilings. Another application option could be the design of a staircase area, or when decorating the back wall of a house looking inside the site.

Of interest is an arched window installed when organizing the space between rooms - this solution provides additional lighting for rooms inside the house - in corridors, on stairs, in a bathroom, toilet, pantry.

Modern design experts successfully use arched windows to create special effects caused by incident light and shadow. It is recommended to install such windows on the southern façade at a low level, dosing out natural light. Since such a stylistic decision has virtually no impact on costs, the architectural experiment is likely to be very successful.


The benefits that bay windows bring to a home.

  1. Extra space. A protrusion from the wall adds volume. It will serve as a cozy area for relaxation or work.
  2. Ability to let in a lot of natural light. The angled design helps you get it from all sides.
  3. Beautiful facade. Modern, improved building design.
  4. Additional ventilation of rooms. The central window is usually fixed, and the side windows are working and ventilate the room.

Aesthetically designed apartments with a bay window attract buyers, therefore their value increases significantly. The investment in installing the right bay windows will quickly pay for itself.

Types of arched windows

The geometry of ordinary windows differs little from arched elements - only the top line has been changed, which is made either in the form of a semicircle or an oval. The shape is determined based on the individual design features and the level of lighting in the rooms. Rounded shapes are increasingly made from plastic, allowing for a simplified manufacturing process.

Currently, the following varieties are presented on the arched window market:

  • in the shape of a circle (the so-called “portholes”);
  • horseshoe-shaped;
  • asymmetrical rounded;
  • semicircular without vertical posts;
  • one-fourth of a circle;
  • semicircles of various diameters and widths.

The shape provides for the presence of curves in any part of the structure - on the side, at the bottom, classic views, this ensures the ability to combine, creating unique designs.
Such complex solutions include combining round openings around a classic rectangular one, giving the building a special unique architectural pattern. Related articles:
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What is this

The architectural solution was invented by the ancient Romans so that the opening between the columns would become spacious and let in more light. Later they became an essential element of Moorish and Spanish architecture.

For some time, the architectural technique was forgotten, and multi-storey development was carried out without any “excesses”. Today, arches have returned to buildings as a fresh design idea.

In the current understanding, it is a rectangular frame with rounded corners or an arched top edge, a horseshoe-shaped arch. From the mass of types it is easy to choose a design that suits your home.

Thanks to them, a unique flavor is created, regardless of whether the frames are made of plastic or wood. The sashes are equipped with any type of glazing and fittings.

Features of the arched design

The production of window structures in the form of an arch requires the use of special technologies, and the component elements do not differ from traditional types of windows: double-glazed windows (double/triple), rotating components, a transom with an opening function. If there are no special indications for ventilation, there is no need for additional functionality, the ability to turn in different directions.

The design corresponds to the usual design with division into sashes. The location for the window sections is selected depending on the size and specific shape. In order to ensure a sufficient level of natural light, it is not recommended to divide small windows into more than two sashes. The arrangement of a window that is original in shape requires taking into account the fact that it must open freely, providing free access to any interior items from the outside.

The design of windows may not imply the ability to open.

If opening and ventilation are required, the following types are possible:

  • opening through tilting;
  • swivel mechanism;
  • sliding mechanism;
  • two doors with a hinged opening;
  • combination.

Blitz survey: Do you have plastic windows installed in your home? From our previous article you can find out which PVC windows are best installed in your home and why.

If the structure has several doors, the opening and the room itself seem smaller. Windows with large widths require a transom to ventilate the rooms. An arched complex consisting of 2-3 structures should have no more than 1 window, and the transom should be opened in the horizontal and vertical directions.

When choosing a window design, it is recommended to consider the following parameters:

  • ease of cleaning and maintaining windows;
  • decoration with drapes, curtains;
  • possibility of installing light-protective blinds.

Natural wood is not so popular as a material for the manufacture of window structures, but they provide the greatest harmony in the interior of private residential buildings. For apartments in high-rise buildings, plastic windows with color selection and lamination are more preferable, giving an external resemblance to natural material.

A laminated window suggests the possibility of combining texture and shade with the overall interior design. If there are objects made of red wood in the interior, you can emphasize the effectiveness by matching the color of the arched products. Similarly, windows that match the color of the doors and flooring benefit in appearance.

You can order windows of a simple design if the windows face a quiet courtyard, or with double glazing and increased sound insulation if the windows face a noisy street. This design consists of 3 glasses, with two inter-glass air cushions.

Tips for choosing the right one for a private house and apartment

To choose a high-quality window design with a radius configuration, you need to pay attention to the following important nuances :

  • The thickness of the profile, the number of chambers, which determines the degree of energy efficiency.

  • Type of fittings for movable sashes - the best choice would be to purchase mechanisms designed for 40 - 60 thousand opening/closing cycles.
  • Glass thickness - when purchasing a product with dimensions of more than 1500 x 1500 mm, it is recommended to choose translucent elements of at least 5 mm.
  • When choosing a window, you should also check the constant curvature in advance and determine the point of symmetry, which should be located strictly in the middle of the width of the structure.
  • The lamination must be glued thermostatically, which prevents it from delaminating during operation.
  • The frame must be securely joined at the corners, without the formation of burrs or gaps.
  • Wooden profiles should not have knots, cracks or other signs of damage.

One of the most important selection criteria is the brand, country of production, year the company was founded, as well as the presence of positive reviews about the manufacturer’s products on online forums.

How to measure?

To measure an arched window, you need to use several proven techniques :

  • The rectangular part is measured in length and width, in at least 3 places on each side.
  • To take measurements of a radius segment, it is necessary to determine the size of the diameter, then draw an axis of symmetry and lay out equal perpendiculars along the width of the opening. At each of the resulting points, the height from the nearest horizontal plane is dirty.
  • To determine the actual length of a segment or semicircle, it is recommended to use self-adhesive tape.
  • All field measurements must be verified by theoretical calculations.

To check the geometry and measured dimensions, simple geometric formulas are used to determine the circumference. Ordering a window structure after theoretical calculations, subject to determining the diameter or radius, is not allowed, since during the manufacture of the opening, builders may make minor errors.

Slopes for arched windows

If you plan to use plaster, putty or plasterboard structures, then there are no difficulties with performing this type of construction work. The listed technologies are polished to perfection and are suitable for all types of arched windows.

It’s a different matter when a decision is made to use plastic sandwich panels as slopes.
The implementation of such plans may be hindered by a too steep radius of curvature of the arched element. However, this is rather an exception, since most semicircular models of arched windows are compatible with slopes made of plastic sandwich panels. Related articles:
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Curtains on arched windows

The design feature does not require traditional finishing materials; the design methods also differ. For example, plastic slopes when installing a frame are not suitable for bending the surface and joining, so finishing is completed using plaster and enamel. It is recommended to finish the vertical parts with plasterboard, and level the top and sides using plaster. Only after this can you begin painting in accordance with the color scheme of the interior.

It is not recommended to use heavy curtains in the design; special curtains of the “awning” type are made especially for such windows for the rounded upper part of the slope. It would be optimal to use light tulle on a cornice attached to the ceiling.

If the interior design requires the presence of multi-layer curtains, it is necessary to combine them with a feature of the form. It is not recommended to hide the original design under the curtain.

Stained glass, which successfully replaces curtains, is an excellent addition to an arched window. In addition to stained glass, imitation films can be used in sunny summer months. Excess light is covered with tinted or frosted glass on the arched element.

It is allowed to sew stylish decorative curtains that match the interior. Screened Japanese or Roman blinds are great for decoration. You can decorate it with a large curtain that covers the entire wall, securing the cornice to the ceiling. Decoration options with lambrequins and pleated curtains are allowed - the main thing is to avoid overcrowding.

Windows in the form of an arch are installed by analogy with ordinary ones, provided that the opening exactly matches the frame. If a discrepancy in geometry is identified, it will be necessary to seal the gap with building materials and carry out general finishing of the opening with the window.


The basic document that defines the basic conditions for manufacturing, installation and operation is GOST No. 23166, published in 1999.

Basic regulatory requirements for bay windows:

  • window service life is at least 40 years, double-glazed windows - 20 years, seals - 10 years;
  • installation at a temperature not lower than -18 C;
  • sealing seams using vapor barrier and waterproofing tape;
  • insulation of the seam with polyurethane tape in 3 layers;
  • the number of individual frames is at least 3;
  • the connection angle is above 90 degrees, otherwise the windows will not open;
  • the window design must withstand the weight and maximum wind potential;
  • the shape of the frames must correspond to the curve of the bay window;
  • frame material: PVC, wood and aluminum;
  • bay window diameter from 50 to 90 mm;
  • system frame depth from 60 mm to 86 mm;
  • number of profile cameras from 2 to 6 cameras;
  • heat transfer resistance: single-chamber double-glazed window R 0.35-0.63 ° C/W, and for a two-chamber double-glazed window - R 57-72 ° C/W;
  • noise insulation from 32 dB to 47 dB;
  • glass thickness from 24 to 52 mm;
  • calculated light transmittance 0.35-0.60;
  • reinforcement width from 1.5mm.

Arched window prices

Regardless of the type of profile systems, arched windows, the price of which is always higher than standard models with similar glazing area and equipment, are manufactured using labor-intensive technologies and with a large amount of waste.

All this leads to higher prices for products. In addition, in the production of arched windows, decorative layouts are often used, which also entails an increase in the cost of production.

The cost of arched windows, depending on the complexity of the shapes, starts from $300 per meter of glazing.
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