Window shutters - a tribute to tradition and modern requirements for the functionality and safety of a country house (photo + video)

Nowadays, in the understanding of many ordinary people, window shutters are considered an accessory from the distant past, which could more often be found in rural areas. However, recently this element is gradually regaining its undeservedly lost popularity, and new technological and design solutions are actively contributing to this. Next, we will consider the types of shutters, the main types of structures, the materials used, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the method of self-production at home.

Key tasks of shutters

The primary purpose of window shutters is protection. Initially, they were installed to protect windows from bad weather, excess sun and prying eyes.

Today, these building exterior parts perform the following tasks:

  • provide UV protection;
  • retain heat in the house;
  • protect from street noise;
  • create a stylish appearance;
  • prevent burglars and thieves from entering.

Windows with shutters can most often be seen outside the city - in private cottages and country estates. Here they are used as a theft prevention measure.

However, they can also be used like blinds: to change the temperature in a room and retain heat in the winter.

Panels and strips of internal shutters

Both solid panels and transverse strips (lamellas) can be used as internal filling of the frames. When choosing the first option, you need to take into account that such shutters in the closed position do not allow light to pass through at all and do not allow you to regulate the intensity of its entry. The functionality of shutters with slats depends on their modification:

  • with stationary slats - they transmit light, but do not allow the intensity of the light flux to change;
  • with rotating slats - designed to change the intensity of the light flux and allow you to completely darken the interior.

The width of one shutter leaf can range from 200 to 950 mm. When the height of the shutters exceeds 1800 mm, it is recommended to separate them using a fixed lintel. This will give the structures the required rigidity and prevent loosening. The maximum permissible height of the shutters is 3 meters. In general, their dimensions are tied to the dimensions of window and door units, which are regulated by GOST.

The lamellas can have a rectangular or elliptical shape. Their width varies from 31 to 114 mm. If the internal shutters are wooden, this parameter usually does not exceed 61 mm. Moreover, the width of the slats is directly dependent on the dimensions of the shutters - the larger the shutters, the wider the transverse slats.


Modern manufacturers produce a huge range of shutters of various modifications.

Depending on the opening technology, such devices are divided into:

  • Hinged (divided into single-leaf and double-leaf).
  • Roller shutters (the protective sheet is rolled onto a rotating drum).
  • Folding (the accordion principle is used, and by changing the position of the doors, it is easy to change the degree of illumination in the room).
  • Sliding along guides.

By location they distinguish:
  • internal doors (typical for city apartments);
  • external doors (typical for suburban and private urban housing).

Separately, it is worth noting the materials that are used to make these products. As you can see in the photo of window shutters, they come in:

  • made of wood;
  • made of metal;
  • made of plastic.

In addition, there is a type of window sashes called roller shutters.

What are shutters?

Shutters are hanging structures that protect interior spaces from sunlight and decorate the interior.
They are a combination of internal shutters and blinds. Such designs look impressive and are easy to use. Classic shutters are wooden. They were invented in Ancient Greece and consist of frames, inside of which horizontal lintels (lamellas) are installed. In our time, these designs have found a second life in the USA, from where they came to Europe and Russia.

The number of frames and the complexity of the design are determined by the dimensions of the windows. Shutters can be installed both inside and outside openings. They do not interfere with the operation of the windows at all, since the internal shutters can be opened at any time and the active sashes can be swung open. Properly designed shutters allow you to fully ventilate the interior even when closed. Such shutters are sometimes called interior shutters, since they become the dominant element in the room and set the tone for the rest of the environment.

Wooden devices

This can be lining, tongue-and-groove board, special profile, etc. Such façade elements always look stylish and aesthetically pleasing, most effectively emphasizing the unique architectural style of the building.

Speaking about wood species, the most commonly used are oak, larch, pine, cypress, and thuja. There are also shutters made of juniper.

Other varieties are prone to shrinkage and drying out (with excessive exposure to the sun), as well as swelling (with excessive moisture).

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Due to these disadvantages, they are not suitable for creating decorative window elements. Wooden window shutters have a number of advantages. They:

  • have a simple design solution;
  • perform the full range of window shutter tasks;
  • quite beautiful in appearance.

They have three disadvantages:

  • they are not a serious obstacle to vandals;
  • they have a high price.
  • they must be regularly treated with varnish and special anti-rotting compounds.


Modern production methods make it possible to make window shutters from wood, metal, plastic, and sometimes a combination of some of these materials.


There are two main types of steel products - solid (panel) and shutters-blinds:

  • Solid metal shutters are a design of one or two swing doors. Each of these doors consists of a frame made of a profile pipe or angle, and a sheet ceiling. In the window opening, as a rule, a metal frame is installed on which swing elements are hung. Most often, ordinary ferrous metal is used. To prevent the appearance of pockets of corrosion and premature rotting, it is primed and coated with finishing paint mixtures.

  • Shutters-blinds outperform the previous option functionally and in terms of visual design. For example, models with movable plates make it possible to ventilate the room without opening the doors completely, and adjusting the position of the plates allows you to control the level of lighting. The structure is installed on the outside of the window block, so the slats are positioned in such a way as to prevent precipitation from entering the gap between the shutters and the window.

Both types are usually equipped with locking elements, which in most cases are installed in such a way that the shutters can be closed from inside the room. Steel blinds are rightly considered the most durable and burglar-resistant.

In addition to ferrous metal, aluminum (especially important for blinds) and stainless steel are used. Such solutions are much more expensive, but they save the owner from having to renew the coating every year and last longer than their painted counterparts.


Wooden shutters are placed on windows mainly as a decorative element. Yes, they provide a certain level of protection against unauthorized entry, but not nearly as much as metal products. The most popular species used for the manufacture of budget models are pine, larch, and spruce. Expensive, premium carved products are made from hard, weather-resistant varieties, most often oak or ash.

Positive qualities of wooden shutters:

  • The simple design allows you to do all the assembly and installation work yourself at home.
  • Availability of material.
  • Wood is a natural, environmentally friendly raw material, which is especially important when installed indoors.
  • With proper processing, it is possible to implement complex design solutions, for example, carved openwork models that cannot be made from any other material.

Negative sides:

  • Low level of protection compared to metal doors.
  • Custom hardwood products are quite expensive.

Wood requires periodic treatment with coloring compounds. Considering that shutters are mostly installed on the street side, they will have to be treated at least once a year.


Lightweight, easy to install products, they can look like regular blinds. The main distinguishing feature is the ability to attach to any type of window frame or directly to a wall, including wood or stone. Among the positive qualities the following are noted:

  • They resist wind loads well.
  • They prevent direct sunlight, which significantly reduces the heating of the room during the hot season.
  • Do not require periodic seasonal treatment with coloring compounds;
  • Plastic is resistant to atmospheric influences, does not rot, mold does not appear on it, and various kinds of microorganisms do not grow in it.
  • Price available.

Roller shutters

Such products are assembled mainly from metal (aluminum or steel), although there are also plastic specimens.

Area of ​​application: offices, factories, industrial facilities, shops, warehouse buildings.

Aluminum models provide excellent protection from winds and thieves. The lowering and raising of the sashes occurs using electric or manual devices.

The positive aspects of these window designs:

  • good thermal protection;
  • good reliability;
  • affordability;
  • easy care and maintenance;
  • variety of colors.

Disadvantage: low attractiveness.

Scope of application of shutters

The main area of ​​application for interior shutters is private households and apartments with expensive classic renovations, as well as shops and bars with appropriate interiors. However, recently the use of shutters has not been limited to these objects. Thanks to the expansion of the list of materials used and fresh design solutions, today interior shutters can be found in offices and residential premises with a modern interior. The compatibility of plastic structures with windows made of PVC profiles has further expanded their scope of application, making shutters universal sun protection elements.

When interior shutters are installed, interior solutions allow you to radically change the design of rooms at minimal cost. These elements set the tone for the entire setting and look much more solid than ordinary blinds with horizontal slats. Today, blinds are still used much more often than shutters, but the ratio is gradually changing in favor of internal shutters.

Useful tips

When you decide to install shutters, it is better to entrust this task to professionals. They will do everything very efficiently and reliably.

You should also not engage in the manufacture of sashes yourself. It's simple.

Metal models require special equipment and tools.

As for wood products, it is very difficult to make them decorative with your own hands - only experienced carvers can make not just shutters, but an exquisite accessory.

Therefore, it is worth remembering that there is only one way to save money - to place an order for the sashes in a specialized workshop, and install them yourself.

Terem at the foot of the Ural Mountains

Today, more than 30 wooden masterpieces in different regions of Russia have the status of architectural monuments protected by the state - from Tomsk to Tver, from Kizhi to Yeniseisk.

The house in the village of Kunary, 70 km from Yekaterinburg, has not yet received this honorary protective title, despite the fact that mention of it is present in all tourist directories of the Sverdlovsk region. Travelers make a detour of 50 kilometers just to see the tall painted tower and admire the remarkable evidence of the skill of the Ural blacksmith.

Photo: wooden sculpture in the decoration of a house in Kunary There is a wonderful saying that “architecture is the soul of the people, expressed in stone.” Without a doubt, the wonderful house in Kunar, every detail, curl and painting, is the embodied soul of Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov and his household. After the death of Sergei Ivanovich, the house fell into deplorable condition. To restore all the fragile wooden elements of the structure, the help of professional restorers was needed.

Photo: interior decoration of Kirillov's house Carved platbands, shutters, paintings and voluminous wooden figures of the external and internal decoration of the house gave the specialists a difficult job. Throughout his life, Kirillov never tired of adding something to the existing ideas in the house. A fabulous space appears as if out of nothing, telling with every detail the amazing fairy tale of the Ural Mountains, embodying the endless imagination of the creator and his desire for beauty.

The house in Kunar is distinguished not only by carvings, but also by unique painting of the exterior and interior. It is this area that requires the greatest care from restorers due to the harsh natural conditions of the region. Particular emphasis in the design is placed on the “eyes of the house” - wooden windows: they are decorated with multi-colored carved flowers, ornaments on the shutters and trim.

Photo: magic windows in the tower house


How to install shutters on windows using solely your own strength? First of all, you need to clarify for yourself the material and shape of the structure.

The easiest way to do this is by drawing a diagram and calculating the parameters of the window opening. If you decide that you have enough skills and abilities, then you can refuse to buy a finished product.

Before you start cutting out the sashes, experts recommend taking care of the components. They can be purchased at the store or made by yourself.

Installation of shutters is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparing tools for drilling.
  • Making holes and installing anchors.
  • Installation of the device frame.
  • Grinding the bolt heads with a grinder to reduce the risk of loosening.
  • Hanging shutters.
  • Installation of locks.
  • Attaching decor.
  • Carrying out testing (checking the quality of work performed).

Let's look at the last stage in more detail. After completing the installation work, you just need to open and close the doors several times. You can also shine a flashlight from the street to evaluate their light transmittance.

Window shutters for a summer house are not only practical and functional. Properly selected, they can become a real decoration of your home, its main highlight.

Terrace shutters, pergolas, canopies, openwork – there are many variations. Therefore, choosing the right product for your situation will not be difficult. The doors look especially impressive on facades in Provence or country style.

Video description

The following video shows the options:

Sun shutters inside the house Source Shutters as part of the interior Source

Use of metal

Anti-burglary protection in this design will be at a high level; you will need instructions for installing window shutters, which all professionals in this field have.

Durability will be ensured by the use of galvanized and stainless steel for manufacturing. Locks are provided on the external or internal side using safe locks.


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The advantages of such shutters will be appreciated by owners for whom protection from theft and a modern appearance are the main criteria for selection.

Size preferences

If the main function of the shutters is to ensure security, then the shape and dimensions of the product are adjusted to the window with some care.

Such protective structures have their drawbacks; they take up a lot of space and require maintenance during operation.

According to manufacturers, the optimal height should not exceed 122 centimeters. For owners of large windows, there are options up to 203 centimeters to choose from, as well as panoramic designs.


Sunbreakers are external blinds designed for installation along the entire facade. The maximum dimensions of one module are 4x6.2 m. The slats, as in the case of rainblinds, are made of aluminum. The design is lightweight and strong enough to withstand wind loads. Moreover, sunbreakers allow you to protect your home from unwanted intrusion.

The most common are sunbreakers with a constant slope of the slats. But there are also electrically controlled designs with a rotation angle from 0 to 90º.

Since external blinds are a significant element of building design, manufacturers provide the opportunity to choose a color from the RAL palette.


Bad weather is not scary

Plastic and PVC are the most resilient materials when it comes to climate change. Wet weather will not leave marks on the surface; just wipe with a cloth and the protective structure will be as good as new.


The disadvantages include low strength, the plates bend easily, and in order to break them you need a minimum of effort.

More about the tree

You need to choose the material carefully; which window shutters are best can be decided by comparing the characteristics of the wood and the influence of certain factors on it.

Expensive breeds perform better when it comes to temperature changes and high humidity outside.

the base of the structure is not suitable for installation on buildings with increased fire protection. This design will protect against a stone being thrown towards the window, but it will not protect against an attack by robbers.

What are they for?

Shutters are a structure used to cover windows. The strong frame is attached to the hinge. The wings are attached using hooks or bolts. Windows can be easily penetrated by burglars by breaking the glass. Grids are not very effective in this regard. The installation of shutters ensures reliable security of the premises.

It is recommended to install these installations in dachas, enterprises, shops, residential buildings, where the owners often leave for a long time. They will be especially relevant on the first floors of houses.

The need for use is also due to the following factors:

  • they help avoid being seen by strangers through windows at night;
  • protect housing from the bright sun in the hot season and from the cold on winter days;
  • provide good sound insulation;
  • often decorate the appearance of a building, serving as a stylish decorative detail.

Thanks to their functionality, shutters have recently come back into fashion. Currently, they are installed not only in village houses and summer cottages, but also in luxury cottages. Half of these houses are protected from intrusion by shutters.

The supply of this product on the market pleases with great abundance. The assortment will satisfy any consumer; he will definitely find the necessary product: from classic to modern, from solid to louvered models.

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