Shutters: history, uses, facts and 30 stunning photos. What are shutters in a hut

No one will even remember when wooden shutters appeared on the windows. Their history dates back thousands of years. They were mentioned in ancient times, they were considered the inventions of the Romans, Greek poets wrote poems about them, and beautiful ladies waited for hours for their lovers, sitting near a window with wooden shutters. In the East they even competed in the splendor of the ornament of shutters, which were a sign of wealth and prosperity in the house. And in Russia, wooden shutters are mentioned in almost every fairy tale. The tradition of painting wooden windows has taken root so well that it has been preserved to this day in the Urals and the Volga region.

Windows were covered with shutters long before the advent of window glass. They served as protection from heat and cold; for this purpose, they were insulated in the middle with felt. Wooden shutters also protected the house from strangers at night, and during the day (in the summer heat) they were simply removed from the openings.

But technological progress did not stand still. Over time, wooden shutters were no longer used; in the mid-twentieth century, they were replaced by double-glazed windows and metal-plastic windows. They were not remembered for several decades. But now fashion has returned. Wooden shutters came out of oblivion. Today, people are willing to pay huge sums of money to have wooden, painted, or patterned shutters decorate the windows of their homes. With their help, you can add originality to any home, even sacrificing functionality.

Why were shutters needed in houses in Rus': wowavostok


Wooden shutters have been installed on windows in Russian huts and houses since time immemorial. They served both to protect against dashing people and to decorate the appearance of the house. Wood available in the area was used as a material in the manufacture of wooden shutters. Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble types of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house.

The shutters served as a protective screen from the scorching rays of the sun, creating coolness and silence in the house; in addition, on winter days they were a good barrier from cold, wind and rain. Shutters appeared before the widespread introduction of window glass.

Upholstered on the inside with felt or other insulation, they provided protection from the weather, primarily from the cold, both in the castles of the nobility and in the houses of the poor.

Back in the nineteenth century, many window frames did not swing open; in the warm season they were simply completely removed from the openings. Shutters became the only protection of the home at night and in the absence of residents. Wood available in the area was used as material for the manufacture of wooden shutters.

Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble species of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house. Wooden carved shutters consist of a main canvas that serves as protection, and carved decorations made from softer wood, usually linden, secured to the canvas with nails or self-tapping screws. For additional decoration and protection from the external environment, the shutters were necessarily painted.

The most popular were white shutters or a combination of white and blue. White has always been associated with cleanliness and health and therefore gives a home a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. Traditional wooden shutters are still used in the construction of houses today.

Carved wooden shutters consist of canvas, which serves as protection, and various carved decorations, which are made of soft wood (linden), secured with screws and nails.

Wooden shutters are constructed from tongue and groove boards, slats and clapboards. The resulting shield is tightened in width with clamps and cut off. Hinges are fixed on the outside of the shutters, and the inside is reinforced with wooden slats. Window shutters can be equipped in a variety of options: a wooden box covering the slopes of the window opening, carved figured platbands decorating patterned shutters, various locking mechanisms, anti-burglary shutters, shutters-blinds.

Terentyev Andrey

Use of metal

Anti-burglary protection in this design will be at a high level; you will need instructions for installing window shutters, which all professionals in this field have.

Durability will be ensured by the use of galvanized and stainless steel for manufacturing. Locks are provided on the external or internal side using safe locks.

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The advantages of such shutters will be appreciated by owners for whom protection from theft and a modern appearance are the main criteria for selection.

Why are shutters needed?

Nowhere in the world have shutters played such a role as in Rus'. In a wooden hut they saved from the heat in the summer, and in the winter from frost, winds, snow drifts and, of course, thieves. Today, double-glazed windows can cope with all this, but one thing they cannot do is create that feeling of security and comfort that a window with shutters brings.

My shutters are not for decoration. They are installed throughout the winter and for a very specific purpose. Next to our dachas is a cottage community. There are roller shutters on all the windows. I don’t argue that they are easy to use, but they haven’t stood the test of time because they don’t perform their main function—burglary protection. They protect only from stone-throwing hooligans, and are completely defenseless against hacking. It’s not for nothing that there are security guards in this village all year round. In general, these children's toys are not suitable for me.

How I chose shutters

That is why, as in the old days, today most country houses have shutters, consisting of one or more sashes fixed in the window opening. But winter is not summer, and opening the shutters when the owners only occasionally visit their dacha is not at all necessary.

On the windows in the hallway I installed inexpensive removable shutters made from a 2 mm thick metal sheet welded to the frame. Cheap and cheerful. I secure it with bolts screwed into the inside of the wall.

But in my rooms the windows are quite large, and here I had to install a hinged structure. I thought through everything down to the smallest detail so that it would not be very easy to hack.


In double-leaf shutters, the width of each leaf is 600 mm. Structurally, they are hung on a supporting frame. The doors are made of wood in the form of panels 30 mm thick. For strength, they have internal metal pins inserted into them.

On the outside of the sashes I attached antique-looking wrought-iron hinges for fastening to the frame. Understanding that the reliability of the shutters depends on the design features that do not allow them to be opened, I made sure that the platband of the supporting frame covers its fasteners, and the flanging serves as additional reinforcement.

In addition, I installed anti-removal pins, like on metal entrance doors, which protect against the sash being removed if the hinges are cut.

My tricks

I'll tell you about one more little secret. I have an additional sheet of metal attached to the inside of the sashes. My shutters look like wood from the outside, but they are actually very durable.

Let's say intruders want to get into my house by opening the shutters. But there is no access to the fastening, which means you will have to cut off the hinges on the shutters. Even if the hinges are cut, my shutter leaves are still secured with anti-removal pins.

Naturally, my shutter latches are closed from the inside. Ask how? After all, window sashes in a dacha always open outwards, and shutters interfere with this. But I came up with my own method.

As you know, the window in the windows always opens inward. This is the property I use. Directly opposite the window, on the inner surface of the sash that overlaps the second sash when closing, I have a deadbolt lock installed.

Before leaving the dacha, I close the shutters, go into the house and use the key to turn the lock through the window. At the same time, crossbar pins extend into three sides of the window opening from each sash, which rigidly fix the shutters. So what to do? If you want your dacha to be reliably protected in winter, you have to work hard.

By the way, on my veranda, all the windows are closed with shutters for the winter. Only their design is more complicated. Let me just say that all four doors fold like an accordion, like a screen. Well, they, like the shutters on the windows, consist of wooden panels reinforced from the inside with a metal sheet. Therefore, in winter I don’t worry about the safety of my dacha.

Konstantin Rudenko, Vologda region.

What are they needed for?

In first place is the goal of protecting yourself from intruders . In this regard, shutters are more reliable than grilles. If you install it correctly and use high-quality materials, then hacking is much more difficult than sawing off the anchor pins of a window grill.

When the shutters are closed, the view of the room is completely blocked. The lattice will not interfere with examining the internal state of the country house. Shutters also protect the glass from being hit by a hard object. If we talk about the efficiency of the grid, it is much lower.

Decorative functions cannot be questioned. They are especially noticeable in wooden structures with carvings. Not everyone can boast of the ability to work with wood, but any home craftsman is able to make spectacular sashes using a board and a jigsaw.

You will need a minimum of materials, a little imagination, effort, and the original shutters are ready. Although metal products are not as expressive as wooden ones, when using forged decor they look attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

Energy-saving features cannot be ignored either. The main heat leakage from the house comes through windows and doors. Thanks to closed shutters, heat loss is significantly reduced. The level of energy saving of structures can be increased by insulating the sashes with mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

history, application, facts and 30 stunning photos - INMYROOM

Shutters are rare in modern houses, considered an echo of the past. If they are installed, it is more as protection from unwanted guests or a decorative element. But not so long ago they performed a number of other functions. Which ones? This is what we will talk about today.

Relief from heat and cold

Previously, in northern Europe and Rus', shutters were used to protect against wind and cold, as well as from robbers. In warm countries, such as Spain, France, Italy or Morocco, they were used to shelter from the scorching sun and make the home a little cooler.

Gradually, shutters began to be installed not only outside, but also inside buildings. So, in many houses they acted as an additional decorative element. In some styles they are part of the composition, for example in country interiors. They are often associated with rustic styles.

What were the shutters made of?

Different parts of the world have developed their own traditions of decorating shutters. In Russian culture, they were made of wood to match the huts. They were monolithic, often carved and very colorful - with colored patterns or painted in a bright shade (green, yellow, blue).

But in Europe they were made in the manner of modern blinds - through. The material for such products was metal or wood. Slatted shutters provided sufficient penetration and dispersion of daylight, while hot air flows practically did not penetrate into the rooms through them.

Sacred meaning

If among Europeans shutters performed a purely functional role, then in the Slavic world things were different.

Of course, first of all, this was how they protected themselves from unwanted guests. Sometimes the shutters were even nailed shut when the house had to be left unattended for a long time.

In addition, as elderly residents of Russian villages say, wooden shutters were closed at night “from prying eyes.” There were no curtains or blinds then. It was considered a bad sign if the family remained visible in the evening and could be watched.

Also, the inhabitants of Rus' considered shutters to be protectors from evil spirits. In general, the window acted as an object connecting people with God and the world of the dead. It was given great sacred significance.

Shutters today

Today, traditional shutters are not used as actively as before. They were replaced by more practical and convenient roller shutters, blinds, and Roman blinds. Rare examples of folk arts and crafts can be seen in the old villages of Russia, where carved shutters with many patterns and bright colors are still preserved. And in the regions of Old Europe, through-window shutters, worn by time, are still found.

Installation subtleties

Instructions for installing window shutters can be easily found online. But so that the result does not disappoint you, you need to carefully study the following features of their installation:

When choosing a design solution for shutters, make sure that it is in harmony with the exterior of the building. Metal doors can be decorated with forged elements. Carving is suitable for wooden models, and plastic ones are beautiful in themselves.

Why were shutters needed in houses in Rus': wowavostok


Wooden shutters have been installed on windows in Russian huts and houses since time immemorial. They served both to protect against dashing people and to decorate the appearance of the house. Wood available in the area was used as a material in the manufacture of wooden shutters. Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble types of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house.

The shutters served as a protective screen from the scorching rays of the sun, creating coolness and silence in the house; in addition, on winter days they were a good barrier from cold, wind and rain. Shutters appeared before the widespread introduction of window glass.

Upholstered on the inside with felt or other insulation, they provided protection from the weather, primarily from the cold, both in the castles of the nobility and in the houses of the poor.

Back in the nineteenth century, many window frames did not swing open; in the warm season they were simply completely removed from the openings. Shutters became the only protection of the home at night and in the absence of residents. Wood available in the area was used as material for the manufacture of wooden shutters.

Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble species of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house. Wooden carved shutters consist of a main canvas that serves as protection, and carved decorations made from softer wood, usually linden, secured to the canvas with nails or self-tapping screws. For additional decoration and protection from the external environment, the shutters were necessarily painted.

The most popular were white shutters or a combination of white and blue. White has always been associated with cleanliness and health and therefore gives a home a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. Traditional wooden shutters are still used in the construction of houses today.

Carved wooden shutters consist of canvas, which serves as protection, and various carved decorations, which are made of soft wood (linden), secured with screws and nails.

Wooden shutters are constructed from tongue and groove boards, slats and clapboards. The resulting shield is tightened in width with clamps and cut off. Hinges are fixed on the outside of the shutters, and the inside is reinforced with wooden slats. Window shutters can be equipped in a variety of options: a wooden box covering the slopes of the window opening, carved figured platbands decorating patterned shutters, various locking mechanisms, anti-burglary shutters, shutters-blinds.

Terentyev Andrey

Features of European shuttering

Knight's castles and town houses

The first shutters of European castles were metal; they had no decorative value, but they reliably protected the inhabitants of the fortress from enemy invasion. Since iron was expensive, it was necessary to look for an alternative material, which became oak wood. Metal was used, but only to increase the strength of the structure, as a variety of fittings.

With the advent of glass, they not only did not disappear, but further strengthened their position. Glass was expensive and needed to be protected.

The first shutters of European castles were metal

The shutters in houses were often internal, as can be seen in the recreations of the setting in historical films. One of the reasons is considered to be the large thickness of the walls of buildings of that time; in order to open or close the shutters, one had to go outside. They were reinforced from the inside with horizontal crossbars, so they were reliable protection for the house.

Sun-kissed countries – Italy and Spain

In the hot climate of these countries, protection from the cold was unnecessary, and the problem was maintaining a pleasant coolness in the house. It was here that lattice shutters were invented, which became the prototype of modern blinds. They were assembled in a frame made of strong wooden slats, inside of which narrow slats were installed at an angle. This design let light into the room, but did not allow the sun to heat it. A similar design was used in eastern countries, where wealthy townspeople could even compete in the beauty and rich decoration of the shutters of their houses.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Provencal style of shutters. These are panels made of vertical strips that are fixed tightly or with a small gap. The shutters were made in hinged or removable form.

In addition to swing shutters, folding shutters were popular; they were made in the form of a shield that covered the window. With the help of stops it could be installed at a certain height, adjusting the amount of light in the room

The originality of Russian shutters

Most people imagine Russian shutters as a double-leaf structure mounted on hinges. Gradually, the protective function became intertwined with the decorative one. The usual square shape of the opening gave way to arched and trapezoid-shaped windows.

Along with the windows, the shutters also changed. For centuries, the shutters on the windows of a simple Russian hut or a princely palace were made of wood. The richer the house was, the more attention was paid to decorating the windows. Complete with carved shutters, figured frames and valances were attached to the windows, which were made in the same style as the shutters and completed the framing of the opening. The shutters themselves were not covered with abundant decorations, since they were supposed to remain reliable protection for the hearth during the absence of the owners, during severe bad weather and at night.

Carved shutters on the windows of a simple Russian hut

The traditions of artistic decoration of shutters developed differently in each locality. In some areas this art has survived to this day, but there are cities and areas where the decoration of shutters was not given such great importance.

Glass was an expensive material, so not everyone could afford a large glass window. There is an assumption that at first Russian shutters could have been single-leaf. Later they expanded, and shutters with double and triple paneled inserts appeared. In addition to carving, dyeing and artistic painting were used for decoration, which also protected the wood from rot and fungus. Blue, red, and green colors were considered popular. The poor palette is explained by the small assortment of colorful materials of that time.

Durable types of wood were used to make the main structure, and carved elements were made from soft types. Metal nails were rare at that time; parts were secured using well-fitted wooden pegs.

It is noteworthy that Russian craftsmen did not use solid forged window shutters, preferring to work with wood. They have honed their skills so much that now antique shutters seem like a real work of art

By closing the shutters at night, the family protected their privacy from ill-wishers (good people will not walk under the windows in the dark). It was a ritual that protected the sanctity of the family hearth. Belief in otherworldly forces was very strong, and windows with shutters allowed protection from their influence. Tightly boarded up windows are still considered today a sign of abandonment, desolation and evoke sadness.


WOODEN SHUTTERS IN HUTS IN RUSSIA Wooden shutters have been installed on windows in Russian huts and houses since time immemorial.
They served both to protect against dashing people and to decorate the appearance of the house. Wood available in the area was used as a material in the manufacture of wooden shutters. Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble species of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house. The shutters served as a protective screen from the scorching rays of the sun, creating coolness and silence in the house; in addition, on winter days they were a good barrier from cold, wind and rain. Shutters appeared before the widespread introduction of window glass. Upholstered on the inside with felt or other insulation, they protected from bad weather, especially from cold, both in the castles of the nobility and in the houses of the poor. Back in the nineteenth century, many window frames did not swing open; in the warm season they were simply completely removed from the openings. Shutters became the only protection of the home at night and in the absence of residents. The material used in the manufacture of wooden shutters was the wood available in the area. Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble types of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house. Wooden carved shutters consist of a main canvas that serves as protection, and carved decorations made from softer wood, usually linden, secured to the canvas with nails or self-tapping screws. For additional decoration and protection from the external environment, shutters were necessarily painted. The most popular were white shutters or a combination of white and blue. White has always been associated with cleanliness and health and therefore gives a home a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. Traditional wooden shutters are used in the construction of houses in our time. Carved wooden shutters consist of canvas, which serves as protection, and various carved decorations, which are made of soft wood (linden), secured with screws and nails. Wooden shutters are constructed from tongue and groove boards , slats and linings. The resulting shield is tightened in width with clamps and cut off. Hinges are fixed on the outside of the shutters, and the inside is reinforced with wooden slats. Window shutters can be equipped in a variety of options: a wooden box covering the slopes of the window opening, carved figured platbands decorating patterned shutters, various locking mechanisms, anti-burglary shutters, shutters-blinds.

Roller shutters

Roller shutters are canvases assembled from slats. The canvases move along guide elements and are wound onto a shaft located in the structure box. The canvases are made mainly from metal - steel or aluminum, and due to this they have high strength. Steel roller shutters are most often used to protect the windows of commercial, office and industrial buildings; aluminum - for finishing window openings in residential premises.

Roller shutters are controlled using a special device: it can be an electric drive for steel or a manual drive for lightweight aluminum. There are also combined mechanisms.

More detailed information about roller shutters awaits you in the article Roller shutters - protection for window openings.

Wooden shutters. History, types and material

From the article you will learn:

No one will even remember when wooden shutters appeared on the windows. Their history dates back thousands of years. They were mentioned in ancient times, they were considered the inventions of the Romans, Greek poets wrote poems about them, and beautiful ladies waited for hours for their lovers, sitting near a window with wooden shutters. In the East they even competed in the splendor of the ornament of shutters, which were a sign of wealth and prosperity in the house. And in Russia, wooden shutters are mentioned in almost every fairy tale. The tradition of painting wooden windows has taken root so well that it has been preserved to this day in the Urals and the Volga region.

Windows were covered with shutters long before the advent of window glass. They served as protection from heat and cold; for this purpose, they were insulated in the middle with felt. Wooden shutters also protected the house from strangers at night, and during the day (in the summer heat) they were simply removed from the openings.

But technological progress did not stand still. Over time, wooden shutters were no longer used; in the mid-twentieth century, they were replaced by double-glazed windows and metal-plastic windows. They were not remembered for several decades. But now fashion has returned. Wooden shutters came out of oblivion. Today, people are willing to pay huge sums of money to have wooden, painted, or patterned shutters decorate the windows of their homes. With their help, you can add originality to any home, even sacrificing functionality.

Time has no power over them.

Neither years, nor changing fashion, nor cutting-edge technology could make people forget about wooden shutters. Today, when humanity is chasing environmentally friendly materials, there is no better option than real wood. In addition, they changed their appearance, became less bulky and more convenient to use. At the request of the customer, the shutters can close tightly or, on the contrary, swing wide.

Despite more modern materials for the production of window shutters, wood is always held in high esteem. The strength and durability of plastic, as well as aluminum, cannot be compared with the quality of wood. It may require more trouble, both in processing and maintenance, but its aesthetics and environmental friendliness are unsurpassed. The only drawback of wooden shutters is their high cost.

Scientists have long proven the benefits of wood on the body. With its help, a person can again feel the colossal energy emanating from a wooden product, which can absorb negative emotions and charge with vigor. Man is inextricably linked with nature and is a direct part of it.

Types and designs of shutters.

Many people imagine wooden shutters in the form of two doors that swing open in different directions. Actually this is not true. There are two types of wooden shutters: external and internal. External shutters serve to protect the house from thieves, and they are painted with patterns and colors. Such shutters are made from heavy wood that can withstand mechanical loads and cannot be picked. Interior shutters are used to decorate a room. They are made from lightweight materials, plywood, thin timber or even paper.

Wooden shutters are divided into different types of structures: shield-shaped, lattice, made of wide timber or panel type. Today, shutters and blinds are at the peak of popularity. They are angled wooden slats that are mounted into a frame, thus providing soft lighting and air flow.

Thanks to the demand for these products, designers have diversified products of different shapes: rectangular, curly, double-leaf, single-leaf, sliding and with additional doors.

Technical side.

Materials for shutters can be pine and birch (the most affordable), but oak, larch and cedar are expensive species. Indoors, plywood or paper is used as material. The process of installing wooden shutters into a window frame is very simple, so an experienced craftsman can easily handle it, for which you only need to accurately follow the measurements and installation rules. But do not forget that wood requires careful handling, which requires a certain amount of knowledge, so do not try to install shutters yourself.

Designer design.

In ancient times, woodcarvers were especially honored. Today they are called decorators. They are able to decorate wooden shutters not only with a carved pattern, but also to give the wood an aging look. Artificial aging of wood is very popular and is divided into three types: chemical, thermal and mechanical.

You can artificially age wood. Thus, the worn surface of wood is achieved by mechanical aging, while the surface of the shutter is rubbed with a special brush to remove soft fibers. Chemical aging involves treating the surface with ammonia, after which the wood becomes gray, very much reminiscent of the old one.

Over the years, wooden shutters have changed and improved, but remain popular to this day. They will regularly perform their functions for many years, and their decorative design will decorate any home.


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How to do it yourself?

Not everyone can purchase metal-plastic roller shutters with electric drive. And installing steel or wooden panels on windows is available to those who know how to hold a simple tool in their hands. Simple security shutters are easy to make with your own hands.

Wooden doors

A tongue-and-groove floorboard is suitable for assembling wooden sashes. When using it, it will be possible to do without the difficult joining of shield elements: such work requires carpentry skills. First, the window opening is measured and the dimensions are transferred to the sketch. You should immediately choose the design of the sash hinges.

There are 2 types of hinged hinge:

  • the hinge is attached to the window frame;
  • The end of the rotary assembly is driven into a drilled hole made in the concrete/brick wall.

Having chosen the design of the hinge, they begin to assemble the sashes. Having cut the board according to the dimensions of the sketch, the parts are connected according to the tongue-and-groove pattern. To prevent the boards from moving apart, 2 fixing plates are screwed on top of the assembled sash, one inclined - a jib.

2 bolts and lugs are attached to the linings with screws, securing the locking bolt. Hinges are installed on the reverse side of the sashes. The sashes are placed in the window opening, the hinges are screwed to the frame. It is preferable to place window platbands at the top and bottom. When installed from the frame on the right and left sides, they will interfere with the opening of the sashes.

Iron window protection

A simple option is to create a frame of the doors from a profile pipe measuring 10x20 / 20x40 mm, fastening sheet steel with a thickness of 1.0-1.5 mm. The supporting frame is made from a 50x50 mm corner: it is more convenient to attach it to the window opening with dowels.

After measuring the opening and preparing a sketch, they begin to cut the profile pipe for making frames. The pipe sections are placed on a workbench and secured with clamps. They are connected end-to-end by electric welding. Then the sheet metal is cut, after which it is welded onto the frames. To protect the junction of the sashes, a strip of steel (flashing) should be welded onto one of them.

Having made the doors, they begin to prepare the supporting frame from the corner and install the hinges. After attaching the door leaf to the frame, a steel bolt and an eyelet are welded to the middle edge of the frame, where the bolt will go. It is worth making sure that the doors rotate on the frame without difficulty or distortion and close tightly.

Now the shutters are installed in the window opening. 2 holes are drilled in the side corners of the frame to accommodate dowels. Holes are made in the wall where plastic sleeves are installed.

What to look for when choosing

Reliability is the most important quality for those who are thinking about purchasing these products. Some houses are inhabited during the spring and summer months and then left empty in the winter. Then safety is valued above all else.

Iron is optimal for temporary housing. One leaf is suitable for small dimensions. Sliding models cover the entire wall.

When making and purchasing, it is recommended to take a closer look at the following characteristics:

Types of window protective structures

In recent years, manufacturing enterprises that manufacture and supply protective structures for windows to consumers have significantly expanded their product range.

Shutters, roller shutters

Shutters have been produced and used in our country for many centuries, but in recent years, their designs have improved significantly. Products are classified according to the following criteria :

Their retail cost depends on the type, material used and design of the shutters.

Roller blinds

Roller shutters are also manufactured by a variety of manufacturing companies, each of which strives to provide consumers with a wide range of products to choose from.

Roller shutters are classified according to a number of distinctive features:

When choosing a product, you should also pay attention to the thickness of the metal , since armored roller shutters are available for sale and are installed in banking institutions. Such products are much more expensive than others, but they provide the highest class of burglary protection.

New fashion or well forgotten old

With the advent of curtains and drapes on windows, Russian shutters lost some of their significance and began to be used less frequently. There were few craftsmen left who knew how to create carved masterpieces; people began to strive for simple and inexpensive things. Gradually, the shutters were simplified to a small figured frame around the windows. The fading of popularity was facilitated by a large outflow of population to cities and new industrial settlements, where housing was built at an accelerated pace, and no time was wasted on decoration.

The real shutters that were in the Russian hut can still be seen in villages on old houses.

The fashion for Russian-style shutters returned several years ago, when country houses made of log wood, for which shutters were an organic addition, became popular again. They perform the same function as they did several centuries ago - they protect the house and distinguish it from typical cottage buildings.


Customer Service Manager Konstantin Danilov

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