Shutters on windows for a summer residence: features of selection and installation

Main functions of window shutters

The main function of shutters is protective. Previously, shutters protected from excess sunlight and the gaze of strangers. Modern shutters perform various functions:

  • protect from sunlight;
  • allow you to keep the house warm;
  • protect from external noise;
  • create an attractive appearance;
  • protect from thieves and burglars.

Shutters are installed mainly in country houses and cottages, where they are assigned the function of being a means of protection against theft. However, like blinds, they can control the temperature in a room and prevent cold air from entering during the winter.

Rice. 2. Functions of shutters.

Protection from thieves

Shutters, which are designed to protect against thieves, are made of metal. This protective barrier provides maximum security in the event of a break-in attempt. These are strong and reliable structures that are not subject to burglary and can withstand severe loads, even exposure to welding tools. Metal anti-theft blinds are made of stainless steel or steel. Mostly these are lattice or solid shutters that open using a locking system. It is simply impossible to open such a locking system from the outside, so it is a serious obstacle in the way of thieves.

Rice. 3. Reliable protection against thieves.

Weather protection

Thanks to the size that exactly matches the doorway, the shutters reliably protect from rain, snow and cold and at the same time allow air to circulate freely, without heat loss. Shutters made of any materials will provide excellent protection from wind and cold, and at the same time retain heat inside the room. Also, in sultry heat, closed shutters will ensure minimal passage of warm air, so the house will be fresh and cool. In addition to regulating temperature, shutters allow you to control lighting, maintain shade in the upper rooms of a multi-story building and protect from wind.

Rice. 4. Maintaining the internal microclimate.

Home decoration

Shutters have an aesthetically attractive appearance, and in modern interiors they are used not only as facade decoration, but also as a decorative element indoors. They can serve as a frame for the window space and be decorated with carvings and various decorative elements. In the interior, they can be used as blinds to control the lighting and ventilation of the room. They also allow you to maintain privacy and protect your home from prying eyes. In a modern interior, shutters look very stylish and original, as they fit perfectly with any style.

Rice. 5. Decorative decoration of shutters.

What to look for when choosing

Reliability is the most important quality for those who are thinking about purchasing these products. Some houses are inhabited during the spring and summer months and then left empty in the winter. Then safety is valued above all else.

Iron is optimal for temporary housing. One leaf is suitable for small dimensions. Sliding models cover the entire wall.

When making and purchasing, it is recommended to take a closer look at the following characteristics:

  • The location on the inside of parts such as locks and deadbolts.
  • Attractive design.
  • Easy installation.
  • Strength.
  • Preservation of heat inside the house.
  • Protection from third-party penetration.

A variety of window shutter shapes

Window shutters come in different shapes: from classic rectangular to curly. The main condition is that the shutters cover the window space and, if necessary, can close the entire window opening. You can make custom-made shutters, for example, if the window has the shape of an arch, then you can make shutters in the same shape as the opening. In addition to the variety of shapes, there is also a large selection of colors and inlay options, which will make any shutters not just a protective element, but also a decorative decoration for the home.

Rice. 6. Original forms of shutters.

Single leaf window shutters

Single-leaf shutters are a door that swings open in one direction. Mostly single-leaf shutters are installed on small windows. The lock is placed inside the house. These shutters are made of metal and wood. This option is best installed in a country house, since the design closes tightly and provides reliable protection. An excellent place to install single-leaf shutters is a dacha, where enhanced protection against unauthorized burglary is needed during periods when the owners are not there.

Rice. 7. Single-leaf shutters for the garden.

Double-leaf window shutters

The most common type of shutters is double-leaf. The name itself says that they consist of two symmetrical doors that open in different directions. The double-hung type is made from a variety of materials and is suitable for installation on wide windows. They have 2 locks: for securing and connecting the sashes. This type is the most popular for both indoor and outdoor installation.

Rice. 8. Double-leaf window shutters.

Folding window shutters

The most unusual are folding shutters. Their peculiarity is that they consist of doors that are folded like an accordion book. This closing system allows you to open and close the doors as much as needed. Folding shutters can be single-sided or double-sided, with the same or different number of shutters on the sides. Most often, folding systems have 2 doors on each side. Folding shutters are great for installation on large windows and are made from both metal and wood.

Rice. 9. Folding window shutters.

Window shutters

The most stylish are shutters - blinds. They look beautiful both indoors and outdoors. They rise and fall like blinds, so you can control the degree of opening, depending on your personal wishes. Such shutters are mechanized and rise automatically. Most often they are made of wood, but there are also metal structures. They are predominantly rectangular in shape, but blinds can be made in any form, depending on your imagination.

Rice. 10. Window shutters.

Interior window shutters

Interior window shutters or tents are a decorative element that is installed in window openings to decorate the interior and protect the room. They are made of wood or plastic. In shape, these are either blinds or folding structures, which allows you to control the passage of light and air by rotating the slats. The lamellas can be rectangular or elliptical in shape. They are used not only to decorate the living room or bedroom, but will also be an excellent decoration for the kitchen, bathroom and even hallway.

Rice. 11.Interior window shutters.

Metal shutters at home - reliable protection

Fixed shutters or blinds have become a popular way to protect your property if the windows of the house are in close proximity. Dachas and country cottages are at risk of being robbed in the absence of the owners. Reliable metal shutters at home will help protect windows from unauthorized entry in this way. Distance from busy places and police stations makes a country home or a house located on the outskirts of the city attractive to thieves, vandals and people without a fixed place of residence. If the window is closed with shutters, there is no risk of break-in or damage to the glass. Heat is retained more reliably, which is especially important when owners leave their home for a short period of time, for example, going to work, on a business trip or on vacation. It is recommended that summer residents buy metal shutters, because they leave their friendly, cozy houses unattended for the entire winter period. In addition, an unheated house freezes less if you close the shutters before leaving, which also protect it from the cold. The interior decoration will retain its original appearance longer.

Possible materials for making window shutters

The main task of shutters is to perform a protective function, so they should be as durable as possible, especially if you need to buy an option for outdoor installation. It is better to choose wood or metal. Plastic is also popular. The wooden version can also be used for interior decoration, and the metal version will be an excellent protection against thieves and robbers, especially if it is made of steel. Although metal shutters have a higher price, their protective properties, performance and durability are higher than other materials, making them more suitable for exterior shutters.

Rice. 12. Wooden shutters.


Wood is a popular material for making interior and exterior shutters. Wooden shutters are made from different types of wood. These are mainly hardwoods that do not absorb moisture and will not rot from exposure to the external environment.

Advantages of wooden structures:

  1. Easy to install.
  2. Wide variety of functions.
  3. Attractive appearance.


  1. Doesn't protect against thieves very well.
  2. High cost of wood species.
  3. The need for regular treatment with protective agents against rotting.

Rice. 13. Wooden shutters.


Metal shutters are made of steel, and therefore have high protective properties. By type of construction they are:

  • panel;
  • roller shutters;
  • paneled;
  • shutters-blinds.

Metal shutters have high security properties, since they are made of steel and equipped with a safe internal lock, which ensures maximum security against burglary. Metal systems are decorated with forged decorative materials, so they look very attractive.

Advantages of metal shutters:

  1. Excellent protection from robbers.
  2. They look aesthetically attractive.
  3. Performs all shutter tasks.


  1. High price.
  2. Possibility of corrosion.
  3. The need to install a powerful mount.

Rice. 14. Metal shutters.


Plastic shutters are functional and lightweight, so they can be easily installed in any window openings. They do not require additional care, are not exposed to the external environment and fit perfectly into any interior.

Advantages of plastic shutters:

  1. Low price.
  2. Light weight.
  3. Relative strength.
  4. Resistant to high temperatures, humidity and direct sunlight.
  5. Easy to install.
  6. They perform their functions perfectly.


  1. Not very strong and easy enough to break.
  2. Small selection of shapes and design options.

Rice. 15. Plastic shutters.

Self-installation of shutters on windows

You can install shutters yourself. First of all, you need to decide on the material and shape of the structure, so it is better to initially draw a diagram and calculate the parameters of the window opening. You can buy ready-made shutters and simply install them, but if you are confident in your abilities, you can create them yourself. Before you start cutting out the sashes, you need to buy components: fasteners, fasteners, decorative elements. You can also make the fittings yourself or buy ready-made elements. To install shutters you need to do the following:

  • Prepare tools for drilling.
  • Use a drill to make holes for the anchors.
  • Install the structure frame.
  • Grind the bolt heads so that they cannot be unscrewed.
  • Hang the shutters.
  • Install a locking system.
  • Attach decorative elements.

Rice. 16. Self-installation of shutters on windows.

To check whether the doors are securely fastened, you need to open and close them several times, and then shine a flashlight from the street to make sure that they do not allow light to pass through. Constipations can be installed externally or internally, it depends on personal wishes.

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