How to install wooden shutters on windows for a summer house or home with your own hands

When it comes to home improvement, every owner takes into account many factors that ensure the security of the building, long service life, aesthetic appearance and reliability. One of the important elements of any building are windows. Despite the fact that there are now many types of protection and decoration for windows, more and more consumers prefer shutters. Previously, wooden window shutters were only protection from wind and snow and saved from the scorching sun. Nowadays, shutters also have a decorative function; thanks to the various shapes, patterns, carvings and colors, such a design can elevate any home, and besides, they can be made with your own hands.

Making wooden shutters yourself

Making wooden shutters yourself is not difficult, if you have the necessary set of tools on hand.
You don’t have to buy expensive material to get the job done. You can take any old boards and bring them into proper shape. A tongue and groove floor board is well suited for these purposes. It has grooves and tenons on the sides, which, when assembled, easily line up into a solid sash. It is recommended to first make a sketch on paper and transfer the measurements taken from the window onto it. The location of hinges and bolts is also outlined there. There are two options for hinges: regular and those consisting of a supporting and hinged part. The second type is suitable for attaching to a concrete or brick wall.

First of all, prepare the tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • corner;
  • pliers;
  • side cutters;
  • hammer;
  • hatchet;
  • plane;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • perforator;
  • wooden boards.

To make shutters for the windows for your dacha, you will need a jigsaw.
You also need to prepare suitable fittings and locking elements.

The manufacturing process consists of several successive stages.

  1. Based on the measurements taken from the window, a frame is made from wooden beams. It should be larger in size than the opening itself.
  2. Unhewn boards are processed with a plane so that there are no defects or burrs left on their surface. Then they are soaked in antiseptic and drying oil. Floorboards, as a rule, are already produced with a finished surface.
  3. If elements suitable for the dimensions are cut from wood, their sections are also processed. The floorboard is cut into pieces of the required length.
  4. The parts of the board are assembled according to the tongue-and-groove pattern so that they are well connected to each other. Ordinary boards are assembled according to the same principle, trying not to leave gaps between the individual elements.
  5. Transverse strips and one diagonal strip are screwed onto each sash at the top and bottom with screws.
  6. Ears are attached to the crossbars on one sash, and locking bolts on the other.
  7. Hinges are installed on the outside of the sashes. Screw them in with screws, having previously positioned the sashes in the frame.

After completion of the work, the shutters can be painted in any desired color and varnished. Classic plain wooden shutters already look beautiful, but if you want to stand out, then patterns and ornaments will make them more unique. For craftsmen who know how to work with wood, you can make beautiful carvings.

The aged surface of the wood has an original look. This effect can be achieved in two ways:

  • treatment with ammonia. At the same time, the wood will begin to turn gray and visually resemble aged wood;
  • heat treatment. The surface is burned, the wood darkens and looks as if it has been aged for years;
  • mechanical restoration. This is done with a special brush. The top soft fibers of the wood are removed and the surface acquires the desired effect.

All methods are quite simple and fast; anyone can cope with them without special skills.

You can also decorate wooden shutters using fittings. Locking mechanisms and hinges are sold in a large assortment, from which you can certainly choose suitable products.

Varieties of shapes and materials used

Depending on the shape of the shutters, different images can be demonstrated. The mechanism of operation of these structures depends on their shape. There are several shutters that differ in shape:

  • Single-leaf structures are installed on small windows on the side from which it is more convenient to open/close them. As for the mechanism for opening/closing shutters, it is no different from the one used for the door.
  • Classic double shutters are most often used in villages built in the last century. They are symmetrical. Such shutters are often used today; they are installed on country windows. To prevent the doors from fluttering in the wind, hooks are placed along the edges, and loops for them are placed on the walls.
  • Folding shutters allow you to close the window by half or a third. Depending on the size of the window, this design may consist of one or two sashes.
  • Shutters-blinds allow you to change the degree of opening/closing of the window due to a special mechanism that allows you to raise/lower the slats to allow sufficient light to enter the house.
  • Internal shutters protect against unauthorized entry into the house. On the other hand, only home owners can enjoy such decorative elements. Convenience also lies in the fact that in winter you can open the shutters without letting cold air into the house, because in this case there is no need to open the windows.

Shutters are made from several types of materials. Among them:

  • Tree.
  • Plastic.
  • Metal.
  • Paper.

I would like to immediately note that paper shutters have partially lost their functional purpose, with the exception of sun protection properties. Generally speaking, they are more decorative in nature and, due to the fragility of paper, can be installed exclusively on the inside of windows.

Wooden shutters are the most common among consumers. This is, one might say, a classic of this genre. They carry both decorative and functional load.

Metal shutters are the heaviest. Their main purpose is to protect the house from intruders. Although the use of modern technologies has made it possible to make them more attractive. This contributes to the harmonious design of the exterior of the house.

Functional purpose and advantages of using shutters

The advantage of shutters is that, unlike windows, they protect the house not only from sunlight, but also from uninvited guests. This design is securely locked with a lock from the inside and creates an additional obstacle for thieves. Even if a thief tries to open the shutters, he will create a lot of noise, which will definitely attract the attention of the neighbors.

During the cold season, external or internal wooden shutters help create an additional screen that traps heat in the house. If the structure is installed correctly and efficiently, the shutters and their joints do not have gaps, the number of drafts in the room is significantly reduced.

Shutters decorate the windows. Many years ago, all houses were equipped with them, and the shutters were decorated with carvings and paintings, which gave the house individuality. Nowadays, shutter manufacturers offer ready-made products for every taste and color. Modern shutters are available in different colors, from different materials and can easily fit into any interior.

The most important purpose of shutters is to protect the room from sunlight and prying eyes. With this design, the room is easily shaded even on the sunniest day. If the house is not equipped with shutters from the very beginning, this element can be easily installed yourself at any time. You just need to choose the type of shutters that suits the interior and exterior of the house.

Types of shutters

The operating principle of shutter varieties depends on the shape of each model.

The following types are currently popular:

  • With one leaf. Similar designs are recommended for installation on small windows. The opening/closing of the element is carried out in the same way as a classic entrance door.
  • With two doors. Such specimens can be found on old wooden log houses and modern houses made of timber of various modifications. In order to prevent unauthorized impacts on walls located in the space near the window, it is necessary to install additional retaining fittings. Most often, it consists of beautiful hooks and eyelets.
  • With folding element. A feature of such structures is their ability to cover the window by 1/2 or 1/3. In view of this, it is recommended that the product be installed if the owner wishes not to completely close the window, thereby blocking the flow of sunlight, but to slightly dim the lighting.
  • Louvre type. This design allows adjustment not only by changing the angle of the slats, but also by setting the level of placement of the canvas itself.
  • Internal sashes. These models, together with a reinforced frame, make it possible, on the one hand, to protect the house from burglars, and on the other, to please the residents with a pleasant aesthetic appearance. An additional advantage of the products is their ability to open without the simultaneous penetration of cold into the house.

The following is most often chosen as the basis for creating sashes:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wood.

The advantages of the first material include durability and practicality.

However, most owners of country real estate, if they want to install shutters, most often choose wood. The choice in favor of such raw materials is due to their naturalness, availability and ease of processing.

The negative side of wood, due to the placement of shutters in outdoor conditions, is the need for periodic repairs and regular treatment.

When directly exposed to sunlight and precipitation, the surface exposed by paints and varnishes swells.

In view of this, the risk of chips and cracks, through which moisture will come into contact with the material, increases.

We invite you to watch a video about wooden shutters for windows and making them yourself:

Slats (slats) of internal shutters

The slats are an integral component of the panels of internal shutters, representing the openwork filling of the panel.

Compared to typical blinds, the width of the slats for interior shutters differs significantly. The slats of blinds are narrower; their width can reach a maximum of 61 mm. In the case of internal shutters, the strips come in several standard widths: 31, 47, 63, 89 and 114 millimeters. The choice of lamella width is carried out according to the principle: the wider the panel, the wider its lamellas should be.

Typically, the slats for interior shutters are made of wood, as are the panels. The shape of the ribs is not limited to just a rectangle - very often elliptical lamellas are available in company offers.

Thanks to the ability to rotate the slats, the required flow of light deep into the room is determined. Since interior shutters regulate the amount of light, it is possible to completely customize the light intensity to ensure user comfort.

How to make a wooden window frame with your own hands from bars

Window frame drawing.

A very good material for work, often used in construction, is laminated veneer lumber. You can also use its usual solid wood version, but this increases the likelihood of the frame losing its shape due to exposure to precipitation. This can be avoided by covering the wood with a special protective compound.

The technological process of manufacturing a structure consists of the following stages:

  1. The first step is to make a window frame. To do this, a groove is cut in a 5x15 cm board so that the board looks like the letter “G” in profile. Such a comb is needed to seal the future window.
  2. They accurately calculate the dimensions of the structure and begin to saw the boards, each of them must be divided into four parts of the required size, and they are connected to each other. The most reliable option for such an assembly is to use a tongue and groove. To quickly make them, you need the following tools: a chisel, a hammer and a hand saw or electric cutter. Grooves are made on the vertical parts of the frame. Spikes are cut out on horizontal segments. After making all these parts, they are coated with wood glue and the parts of the box are connected, not forgetting to maintain the accuracy of all connections using a 90° metal square.
  3. The next stage of work is strengthening special window angles in the corners of the ends of the frame. They are purchased at the construction market or in a store, and they are necessary to give the required rigidity to the box.
  4. Give the glue some time to dry and begin making the frame for the movable part of the window. The beam for it should have a smaller cross-section than for a window frame. Therefore, its cross-section is reduced so that the gap between the frame and the main frame is in the range from 0.1 to 0.2 cm.
  5. The frame parts are connected in the same sequence and using tenons and grooves, as described above in the manufacture of the window frame.
  6. After the inside of the window is completely assembled, it is attached to the frame using hinges. You must first insert a glass sheet, although this can be done after the frame is completely assembled with your own hands.

The structure is ready for use (Fig. 1).

Functional purpose

Shutters for a country house have ceased to perform a protective function, turning into a full-fledged decorative element. When choosing a design for decorating window frames, they decide in advance the designated tasks that it will have to perform, so as not to stand out from the overall design of the site.

Traditional modern house designs

Features and useful properties

Despite the fact that many practical and beautiful materials have appeared today, exterior shutters are preferred to be made of wood. They are bought ready-made, ordered from craftsmen, or created with their own hands. This choice is supported by a number of reasons.

  1. Decorative appeal of products. Only wooden structures can create an amazing atmosphere of coziness, tranquility and comfort.
  2. Properly treated wood is the most durable and weather- and wear-resistant material that will last for many years.
  3. Special antiseptic impregnations prevent rotting of the material and the proliferation of fungi and insects. Fire retardants will protect shutters from fire, reducing the risk of fire.
  4. Artificially aged items are distinguished by their original appearance, giving sun protection systems a slight touch of antiquity.
  5. The structures can be used both outside and indoors.
  6. Only this material can provide maximum protection for windows and premises during a hurricane, thunderstorm or other force majeure circumstances.
  7. An air bag is formed under the closed shutters, which prevents the room from overheating or cooling down overnight. This quality can be used to the maximum if you use bamboo or wooden blinds instead of curtains.

An important role when choosing wood is played by the fact that these shutters can be made with your own hands, without the help of professionals.

Design flaws

If we talk about certain shortcomings, then it is necessary to determine the most serious ones.
Absolutely all the negative aspects of shutters are related to the material and its nature. The fact that metal itself is a heavy object suggests that fastening methods must be as reliable as possible. Rain, snow and other aspects of nature can damage metal through the process of corrosion. Due to the interaction of the metal with the liquid, it will be destroyed. This suggests that it is extremely necessary to treat the material with paint and varnish products. Such remedies are based on protecting the metal from the negative effects of natural phenomena.

Shutters, how to make it yourself

Shutters are decorative slats designed for internal placement in the window space. Due to the ease of installation, such models have become an integral attribute of modern room design.

Internal shutters, similar to external ones, reliably protect and decorate any room in the home, from the basement to the attic. There are also frequent cases of installing similar structures instead of doors and partitions on attic floors and in arched openings.

The shutters are based on a simple but extremely durable design.

In most cases, the frame is made in the form of a plastic or wooden frame with horizontally arranged slats.

Changing the angle of inclination is carried out manually or automatically.

Such devices are installed by analogy with sliding wardrobes, the doors of which move in a horizontal plane along the height of the window opening. If necessary, the movable canvas is easy to open, close and completely remove.

When placed on panoramic windows, it is more advisable to choose massive shutters with reinforced fastening fittings corresponding to the weight of the product.

Among the varieties of shutters found are:

  • roller blinds;
  • models sliding into horizontal planes;
  • folding types.

Features of choice

For interior decoration, wooden or plastic products are most often chosen. The choice in favor of the first devices should be made when arranging a rich interior.

Meanwhile, a spectacular appearance will cost the owner a pretty penny. In addition, unlike wood, plastic is not susceptible to the harmful effects of moisture, the excess of which can cause the formation of fungus and mold on the surface of the shutters.

DIY making

Features of making shutters yourself include the need to take accurate measurements and draw up a drawing.

If you have the desire and due patience, you can make such a design based on the diagrams available on the Internet.

Having mastered the general principle of creation and adjusted the dimensions, you can easily draw up a regulatory document, on the basis of which you can build shutters for each window.

Windows and doors

Ways to decorate wooden shutters

One of the most elegant solutions requires an approach even at the stage of installation of the structure. If, instead of a lattice or solid board, you use horizontal thin slats placed on the frame at regular intervals, then such shutters will decorate and complement the interior. This design looks light and does not create an oppressive feeling of enclosed space.

The easiest way to decorate wooden shutters with your own hands is painting. If you don’t have enough artistic skills to apply a drawing, a template that you can easily make yourself will help out. A design is selected, printed on a sheet of paper, and then transferred to the surface of the shutter. Any paintings are suitable for decorating shutters - flowers, animals or even entire scenes.

The shutters are perfectly decorated with various carved elements. They decorate the shutter itself and the window around the perimeter in order to complement the composition and fit all the components into it. This decoration can also be made independently or purchased ready-made. Carved wooden decorations on shutters are a Slavic classic that has been used to decorate houses at all times.

Shutters are also decorated with various forged metal elements. Their stores offer a large assortment, and in their workshops they make them to order. However, this type of decoration is more suitable for external shutters. But it all depends on the interior decoration of the house and its style.

They decorate not only the shutters themselves, but also experiment with their design. Sliding shutters or sashes of complex shapes are installed, in which there are many moving elements. Such designs are not only beautiful, but also convenient, as they make it possible to regulate the amount of light entering the house.

Making wooden shutters yourself

Making wooden shutters yourself is not difficult, if you have the necessary set of tools on hand. You don’t have to buy expensive material to get the job done. You can take any old boards and bring them into proper shape. A tongue and groove floor board is well suited for these purposes. It has grooves and tenons on the sides, which, when assembled, easily line up into a solid sash.

It is recommended to first make a sketch on paper and transfer the measurements taken from the window onto it. The location of hinges and bolts is also outlined there. There are two options for hinges: regular and those consisting of a supporting and hinged part. The second type is suitable for attaching to a concrete or brick wall.

First of all, prepare the tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • corner;
  • pliers;
  • side cutters;
  • hammer;
  • hatchet;
  • plane;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • perforator;
  • wooden boards.

To make shutters for the windows for your dacha, you will need a jigsaw.
You also need to prepare suitable fittings and locking elements.

The manufacturing process consists of several successive stages.

  1. Based on the measurements taken from the window, a frame is made from wooden beams. It should be larger in size than the opening itself.
  2. Unhewn boards are processed with a plane so that there are no defects or burrs left on their surface. Then they are soaked in antiseptic and drying oil. Floorboards, as a rule, are already produced with a finished surface.
  3. If elements suitable for the dimensions are cut from wood, their sections are also processed. The floorboard is cut into pieces of the required length.
  4. The parts of the board are assembled according to the tongue-and-groove pattern so that they are well connected to each other. Ordinary boards are assembled according to the same principle, trying not to leave gaps between the individual elements.
  5. Transverse strips and one diagonal strip are screwed onto each sash at the top and bottom with screws.
  6. Ears are attached to the crossbars on one sash, and locking bolts on the other.
  7. Hinges are installed on the outside of the sashes. Screw them in with screws, having previously positioned the sashes in the frame.

After completion of the work, the shutters can be painted in any desired color and varnished. Classic plain wooden shutters already look beautiful, but if you want to stand out, then patterns and ornaments will make them more unique. For craftsmen who know how to work with wood, you can make beautiful carvings.

The aged surface of the wood has an original look. This effect can be achieved in two ways:

  • treatment with ammonia. At the same time, the wood will begin to turn gray and visually resemble aged wood;
  • heat treatment. The surface is burned, the wood darkens and looks as if it has been aged for years;
  • mechanical restoration. This is done with a special brush. The top soft fibers of the wood are removed and the surface acquires the desired effect.

All methods are quite simple and fast; anyone can cope with them without special skills.

You can also decorate wooden shutters using fittings. Locking mechanisms and hinges are sold in a large assortment, from which you can certainly choose suitable products.

How to make window shutters with your own hands?

To make beautiful and practical window shutters with your own hands, you need to think about the design, type and decor of this structure. It should be remembered that the load-bearing surface of the walls must correspond to the weight of the future structure, and its appearance must be in harmony with the surface of the facade. It is necessary to choose a material that has a long service life and is resistant to weather factors. The finished product must perform its assigned tasks efficiently with minimal maintenance.

Preparing to create wooden sashes

This event consists of the following stages:

  1. Creating a sketch. The shape and color of the doors is selected.
  2. Choice of opening method, selection of material and fittings.
  3. Drawing up drawings, carrying out calculations.
  4. Checking the functionality of the tools, purchasing everything necessary.
  5. Preparation of the workplace and room for storing materials.

Tools and materials

To make window shutters with your own hands, you need the following tools and equipment:

  • level and stable workbench;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric drill;
  • perforator;
  • square;
  • miter box;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • rasp;
  • paint brush;
  • marker.

The materials needed are:

  • raw materials (unprocessed wood);
  • hinges and awnings;
  • studs with nuts;
  • sandpaper;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wood cutters;
  • antiseptic;
  • hydrophobic impregnation;
  • furniture varnish;
  • acrylic paint;
  • safety glasses, gloves and respirator.

Depending on the selected model, the lists can be expanded or reduced.

A variety of window shutter shapes

Well-designed and correctly decorated windows with shutters not only fit organically into the interior of the facade, but can also become the main presentable fragments of the building. When designing and assembling sashes, you need to correctly combine criteria such as size, color and configuration. When choosing a sash model, you don’t have to be tied to the size of the window opening. These 2 elements may differ if this does not spoil the appearance of the building.

The valves can have the following shapes:

  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • oval;
  • circle;
  • trapezoid;
  • a drop;
  • triangle;
  • semicircle.

Simple design

The simplest design is a single-leaf panel assembled from boards with selected edges. Steel strips on both sides of the shields act as fasteners and reinforcements. A hasp with lugs for a padlock is attached to the inside of the sashes. The hinges are attached using the mortise method. To protect against dampness and insects, the wood is coated with several layers of varnish.

Paneled construction

Paneled doors are designed to protect rooms from solar radiation. They are made of timber, which serves as a frame, and slats fixed in grooves. The angle of inclination of the slats is selected experimentally. They should block direct rays of the sun while maintaining sufficient illumination inside the house. Doors are made of metal if they have a protective function.

How to artificially age and paint shutters?

To make the doors look ancient, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Apply many blows and scratches with different parts of the hammer. After this, cover the canvases with stain so that the color level is the same.
  2. Smoke the product over a fire. The fire will darken it and make it look older. Wipe off the soot with a rag, and apply colorless varnish on top.

It is better to paint shutters with acrylic enamel, which is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. It is better to use a brush to paint all the grooves, crevices and depressions.


Modern industry offers a large selection of shutters of various modifications, and there are many reasons for their classification. According to the opening method, they are distinguished:

  • swing devices - they, in turn, can be single- or double-leaf;
  • roller shutters - involve rolling a protective sheet onto a rotating drum;
  • folding - operated according to the accordion principle, while changing the position of the doors, it is quite easy to change the level of illumination in the room;
  • sliding along guides.

According to the type of location of the sash, they are distinguished:

  • internal - as a rule, installed in an apartment in multi-storey buildings;
  • external - mounted in private houses and cottages.

Separately, we should dwell on the materials from which the shutters are made. Most often, metal, plastic and wood are used for this purpose.

Wooden shutters

Wooden shutters are made from lining, tongue-and-groove boards or a special profile. Such products always look attractive and emphasize the unique architectural style of the building. The following types of wood are usually used:

Other rocks dry out quite strongly when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and when exposed to excessive moisture, on the contrary, they swell, which is why they are not used in the decoration of decorative window elements. The advantages of wooden doors are obvious:

  • simplicity of design;
  • performing all the basic functions of window shutters (vandal-proof, wind and sun protection);
  • attractive and aesthetic appearance.

However, we must not forget about the disadvantages:

  • wooden shutters cannot become a serious obstacle from robbers;
  • like all products made from natural wood, they have a fairly high cost.

Wooden shutters must be regularly coated with paints and varnishes; it is optimal to renew the paint annually - this not only improves the appearance, but also protects the material from rotting.

Metal shutters

Such products are made from stainless steel or galvanized steel. They are divided into several types.

  • Simple panel panels are good for a dacha; they are closed when the owners are away to protect the building from thieves.
  • Paneled - consist of a steel frame and several plates installed between its uprights.
  • Shutters-blinds - consist of a metal frame and slats fixed between its posts. The slats are attached at an angle to the frame and can be movable or not. In the first case, their angle of inclination is easily adjusted, in the second it remains unchanged.

Iron shutters can have an external or internal locking system; most often they are equipped with safe locks from the inside, which allows you not only to close the shutters on both sides, but also to protect the room as much as possible from uninvited “guests”, and in addition, this design prevents the shutters from slamming under gusts wind. The advantages of metal sashes include:

  • reliable protection from intruders;
  • ease of installation.
  • highly decorative.

However, it was not without its drawbacks:

  • metal shutters have a high price, and both the shutters themselves and the work involved in their installation are expensive;
  • over time, rust appears on metal structures, so the products need regular coating with varnishes, paints and other protective compounds;
  • Shutters are heavy, so they require stronger fasteners to secure them.

DIY wooden shutters

The easiest way to make shutters for windows in a country house is from wood - this is an affordable material, and if there are no big claims to the appearance of the structure, they can be made from used boards and then simply painted.

Exterior wooden shutters with carvings on the windows of a timber house

Wooden patio door shutters

You will need the following tools:

  • band saw and milling saw;
  • level;
  • plane;
  • drill;
  • roulette.

In addition to boards, the materials needed are bars with a cross-section of 130X60 mm, window awnings or hinges, screws, and nails. It is better to use boards with a tongue-and-groove system that fit tightly one to the other, leaving no gaps.

Interior shutters in an African bedroom interior

Green wooden shutters on western style windows

How to make sashes for swing shutters:

  1. The window opening is measured and a drawing of the sashes is made. The height and width should be equal to the height and width of the window opening along the outer boundaries of the slopes.
  2. Since wooden shutters will consist of two leaves, the resulting width is divided by 2.
  3. The panels for the sashes are assembled according to size: the boards are cut to length and adjusted to width.
  4. Stepping back 20 cm from the top and bottom edges, horizontal dovetail grooves are selected in the panels using a band saw, and then expanded to 10 cm with a hand milling saw.
  5. The beam for the crossbar (3-4 cm wider than the cut groove) is placed with its end against the milling notch, and marks are made on it according to the shape of the groove.
  6. On a milling machine, longitudinal grooves of the dovetail configuration are cut into the cross members.
  7. The beams are installed in a tongue-and-groove system.
  8. The crossbars are screwed to the shield boards with screws.

Shutters on windows made of boards for finishing the house

But how to make window shutters if you don’t have the necessary power tools? The crossbars are simply screwed to the assembled panels from the wrong side, but in this case the structure will be less reliable.

Decorative shutters in the living room interior

Next, hinges are attached to the front side of the sashes, which are located exactly above the horizontal crossbars. Both sashes are laid on a horizontal surface in the same way as they will be located in the window opening, pressed tightly against one another and temporarily connected with bars.

Window shutters made of wooden blocks

The resulting shield is tried on the window and the places where the hinges are attached are marked on the wall.

Wooden shutters with a pattern

Now holes for the hinges are drilled on the wall, and the sashes connected together are mounted in the window opening. By removing the temporary bars, you can check the wooden shutters in action.

Wooden window shutters in country style

Blue carved wood shutters

Red wooden shutters on the window of a country house

Yellow wooden shutters

Internal shutters (shutters) are increasingly being chosen

Interior shutters, made mainly of wood, are popularly called shutters, since in the modern version they are American shutters, although they owe their origin to Greece.

Interior shutters, unlike external systems, are installed on the inside of the window frame. In addition, these shutters are not similar to monolithic external ones, as they consist of slats (lamellas) that transmit light. Therefore it is not a solid panel.

They look interesting and allow you to change the interior, which may determine the recent fashion for decorating a house with interior shutters. They allow you to regulate the flow of natural light in such a way that their role can be compared to typical blinds.

Main functions of window shutters

The main function of shutters is protective. Previously, shutters protected from excess sunlight and the gaze of strangers. Modern shutters perform various functions:

  • protect from sunlight;
  • allow you to keep the house warm;
  • protect from external noise;
  • create an attractive appearance;
  • protect from thieves and burglars.

Shutters are installed mainly in country houses and cottages, where they are assigned the function of being a means of protection against theft. However, like blinds, they can control the temperature in a room and prevent cold air from entering during the winter.

Rice. 2. Functions of shutters.

Protection from thieves

Shutters, which are designed to protect against thieves, are made of metal. This protective barrier provides maximum security in the event of a break-in attempt. These are strong and reliable structures that are not subject to burglary and can withstand severe loads, even exposure to welding tools. Metal anti-theft blinds are made of stainless steel or steel. Mostly these are lattice or solid shutters that open using a locking system. It is simply impossible to open such a locking system from the outside, so it is a serious obstacle in the way of thieves.

Rice. 3. Reliable protection against thieves.

Weather protection

Thanks to the size that exactly matches the doorway, the shutters reliably protect from rain, snow and cold and at the same time allow air to circulate freely, without heat loss. Shutters made of any materials will provide excellent protection from wind and cold, and at the same time retain heat inside the room. Also, in sultry heat, closed shutters will ensure minimal passage of warm air, so the house will be fresh and cool. In addition to regulating temperature, shutters allow you to control lighting, maintain shade in the upper rooms of a multi-story building and protect from wind.

Rice. 4. Maintaining the internal microclimate.

Home decoration

Shutters have an aesthetically attractive appearance, and in modern interiors they are used not only as facade decoration, but also as a decorative element indoors. They can serve as a frame for the window space and be decorated with carvings and various decorative elements. In the interior, they can be used as blinds to control the lighting and ventilation of the room. They also allow you to maintain privacy and protect your home from prying eyes. In a modern interior, shutters look very stylish and original, as they fit perfectly with any style.

Rice. 5. Decorative decoration of shutters.

What are shutters and why are they installed?

The direct purpose of such a product is to protect it from heat and sunlight in the summer, and from drafts and snow in the winter.

Over time, the role of shutters in people's lives and in the appearance of buildings has changed.

Today, these protective elements most often perform a decorative function, and therefore are additionally decorated with ruffles, patterns, carvings and other designer gadgets.

In the distant past, the appearance of the shutters on the windows signaled the social status of the resident living in the house.

After so many years, shutters, without losing their main purpose and having undergone modern modernization, still act as a kind of sun filter and barrier against sweltering heat and cold.

The main advantage of such devices is a long period of operation due to the absence of any loads.

Manufacturing and installation

Making simple double-leaf wooden shutters for windows is done in several stages.

  1. Measurements. The perimeter of the window is measured, the resulting rectangle is divided into two parts (two sashes).
  2. We prepare the material, the boards from which the shutters will be made are treated with any means to protect them from rotting. Today there are a lot of different impregnations with antiseptic properties.
  3. Assembly. In order to assemble the structure together, you can make a frame with a tenon joint, or you can simply fold a rectangle and sew the boards together with transverse slats or bars.
  4. Canopy. Loops are used for hanging.

Shutters - the highest standard in window design

Shutters are an alternative to blinds, roller shutters and almost any other internal sun protection system.
The charm of interior shutters also lies in the fact that they help distribute the sun's rays into the room differently than before - more or less intensely. There are also attractive adjustable sun beam angles. Interior shutters are not an obstacle when you open or close a window. The comfort of use is therefore not affected. The undoubted advantage of this type of internal solar shading systems is the aspect of additional insulation. Closed shutters can limit the flow of cold air from outside to some extent. In addition, this type of interior window accessories becomes more modern in terms of handling, materials and statics.

Shutters with adjustable slats, like no other window accessory, provide a sense of privacy, provide adequate ventilation and a unique play of light in residential and public buildings.

WINDOWS MEDIA recommends reading: Fashionable window accessories for the Year of the Horse

Making your own shutters

One of the easiest ways to decorate shutters is to paint them to match the color of the windows. The chosen color will highlight the interior of your home or cottage. One of the most beautiful methods of decorating your windows is to install fresh flowers. You can also use forged elements as decoration. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, you can buy forged parts in hardware stores and carefully weld them yourself. Or you can order professional forging from specialists. Either way, it will give a beautiful appearance to your windows. If your shutters are made from wood, then a good option would be to paint the structure with varnish, thanks to which it will look natural and fit into almost any interior of the house.

Construction of structures

Organizations that produce this element produce it in different ways.
Not in all cases the kit contains certain forged elements that add beauty to the product. Such elements can be produced additionally upon customer request. Also, upon additional order, a double-type protective system can be produced. In this case, we mean shutters on which additional grilles are installed. This symbiosis improves both the appearance and the protective characteristics of the product. To protect your home and your belongings, it is imperative to use an additional layer of protection. Metal shutters are ideal for protecting your windows from sudden entry by strangers. By installing such a product, you will gain peace of mind for many years to come.

Originally posted 2018-04-18 09:10:57.


Main functions and purpose

Increased home security has already been mentioned - this is the main protective function of window shutters.

When applying paint and varnish coating, wood is practically not inferior in properties to other materials

Despite the abundance of various facade materials and cladding coatings, shutters still remain one of the fastest and most innovative ways to decorate a house.

Wooden shutters are no longer a quality standard; now the assortment of retail outlets sells plastic and metal products that have higher performance indicators.

Of course, wood has not gone into oblivion - shutters made of pine needles and larch, or handmade carvings made of soft wood will always be popular.

Benefits of Veins

At the moment, one of the actual elements of window opening designs are blinds - internal blinds.
The main purpose of the debris is aesthetic.

These models allow you to personalize your home in a beautiful way.

However, this is not the only advantage of gutters - these models perform many other practical functions.

Firstly, it saves energy. Therefore, in summer the space is protected from sunlight and heat, creating shade and allowing the use of air conditioning. And closed blinds retain heat in winter, saving you space.

Thus, saving energy reduces the harmful impact of human life on the environment.


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