Do-it-yourself wooden blinds: drawings and markings, manufacturing technology


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In this article we will talk about how to make wooden blinds with your own hands. Considering that the price of these fashionable accessories today is high, recommendations for making them yourself will be of interest to many. But, before we start manufacturing, let’s consider what blinds made of wood are, what types of blinds are on the market and what are the features of using these devices.

Louvre grilles for interior use

Types and features of wooden structures

In recent years, inexpensive designs made of plastic and fabric have become widespread. However, wooden blinds continue to be popular as an attribute of exclusive design. With their help you can give the interior respectability and solidity. With this accessory, the decoration of any room will seem much more expensive, which is why interior designers often use them in their work.

Thanks to a huge selection of colors and textures, wooden blinds can be successfully integrated into the design of any room - create a quiet, cozy atmosphere in a living room or decorate an office or administrative space in a strict business style.

Today there are three main types of wooden curtains:

  1. Vertical. The slats (flat slats) are arranged vertically. With the help of a control cord, they can rotate around their axis 180 degrees, adjusting the amount of light entering the room.
  2. Horizontal. The lamellas in them are located parallel to each other in the horizontal direction. The level of illumination in the room is adjusted by turning the slats 90 degrees.
  3. "Roman curtain". A special modification of curtains, consisting of narrow slats located in the horizontal direction. When opened, Roman blinds are pulled up and rolled up.

Affordable Alternative

Engineered wood is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to natural wood. It looks just like wood, but is made from artificial materials. These blinds are lighter and easier to maintain, this material is moisture resistant and can be used in extremely humid conditions. Faux wood blinds are much cheaper. However, such blinds do not help retain heat in the room, like natural wooden ones. Therefore, their use would not be a good idea for rooms without central heating. For example, it is better not to install them in log houses.

If you decide to purchase wooden blinds, make sure you have enough money to buy them and time to maintain them. If any of these two things are missing, then it is better to choose faux wood blinds.

Wooden curtain design

Structurally, all these types of wooden curtains consist of three main elements:

  • Lamels are flat planks of wood, the angle of which regulates the flow of natural light into the room.
  • The rotating mechanism is a system of devices for controlling the lamellas.
  • The cornice is the base on which all structural elements are attached.

For slats of vertical and horizontal blinds, it is recommended to use hardwood: oak, beech, pine, cedar. It is more resistant to moisture, solar radiation and seasonal temperature changes.

In addition, such species have a beautiful wood texture. Roman blinds typically use bamboo strips sawn lengthwise. Bamboo, being split into thin slats, retains sufficient strength and elasticity. Therefore, curtains made from it are also durable in use.

Which material should you prefer?

External blinds consist of special plates called slats. Various materials are used for their manufacture.

Thread slats

Thread products have earned popularity among modern designers. They provide maximum sun protection and do not interfere with the natural circulation of air in the room. Due to the lightness and transparency of the source material, a special romantic atmosphere is created.

Fabric slats

Fabric blinds differ in the density and type of base fabric. Transparent samples on the northern windows can visually enlarge the terrace space.

Wooden blinds

These products belong to the “premium” category due to the high price of natural material.

Before installation in the openings of an open veranda, it is necessary to treat the wood with special compounds. This allows you to protect external wooden blinds from bark beetles and exposure to dampness.

DIY wooden blinds

Bamboo slats

Admirers of oriental culture will undoubtedly appreciate protective curtains made of bamboo slats. Woven vertical and exotic blinds made from linked horizontal slats are not cheap, but the high price is justified by the extreme durability of the products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Blinds are universal and easy to use in any room. Among the entire range of curtains, wooden blinds are qualitatively distinguished by the following useful properties:

  1. Thanks to vertically positioned slats, protruding beyond the window sill and wall slopes, the illusion of a visual expansion of space is created in the room.
  2. Suitable for rooms of all shapes and sizes, microclimate conditions, shapes and dimensions, window materials
  3. Using horizontal and vertical blinds is easy and requires no additional effort. It is enough to change the angle of inclination to the window glass by turning the rod.
  4. Used in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, offices.
  5. The high environmental characteristics of wood ensure safe use even for rooms with small children.
  6. Reliable, durable design that can withstand even severe mechanical damage and loads.
  7. They can be used in rooms with high humidity, temperature fluctuations and other changes in microclimate, maintaining the same appearance of the material for a long time.

Wood goes well with different building materials , types of finishing, decoration, furniture and other interior elements. A product made from wooden planks and other structural elements is more expensive compared to plastic and metal counterparts. Making wooden slats at home is a complex, time-consuming task. Therefore, not everyone can have blinds with wooden panels. This is the only significant drawback. Important: Depending on the type of wood, the cost may vary significantly, since rare materials, such as mahogany or rosewood, are more expensive even in raw materials.


Slats are the main component of blinds. They can be made from various materials. Each option has its own advantages.

There are many types of blinds

Here are the most popular representatives:

  1. Thread. A very popular choice among modern blind manufacturers. Such a simple device provides good sun protection without blocking the air flow from the open window. An excellent option in the summer and for a romantic atmosphere in the room.
  2. Fabric. Not bad for gazebos. In terms of style, classic ones are more common - products made from strips or a solid piece. Perfectly suitable for gazebos in Japanese or Egyptian flavor. Cost-effective option.
  3. Wooden. An expensive option for country estates. The most reliable protection from sun rays and wind currents. Natural material will give the gazebo home comfort and a warm atmosphere.
  4. Bamboo. The advantage of this material is durability. Bamboo slats are moisture resistant and can withstand high temperatures well. Wide choice to match the overall interior thanks to various weaves and bundles of bamboo slats.
  5. Multi-textured. The right choice if, instead of the same type of design, the originality of the decor of the room is important. These types of products are made from a combination of different fabrics, with different densities, patterns and textures.
  6. Polyvinyl chloride, also known as PVC. A type of curtain designed to conserve heat during cold seasons. The design of such products consists of a sheet of waterproof film and a fastening system. They can be transparent or with printed patterns.
  7. Metal. The simplest option for window blinds. Aluminum is the predominantly used material.

Controlling wooden blinds

The standard version is manual control of horizontal blinds. Additionally, it is possible to install an automatic control option.

Automatic control

The electric drive system is integrated into the cornice, which does not spoil the appearance of the structure. Electronics allows you to control one or all sets at the same time. You can choose a wired or wireless connection, controlled from a switch or using a remote control. Thanks to the click system and design features, the automation will easily rotate the slats at the desired angle for maximum access to the sunny color.

Manual control

The slats are dried using proprietary technology, so they are light and can be easily controlled even by a child. No noise or extra effort - just a hand movement and the desired position is established. The economy option is inexpensive, but is not inferior in comfort to expensive models.

Design and main characteristics of devices for windows with wooden slats

Wooden blinds are available in horizontal and vertical design formats . Classic products, regardless of type, have a lifting and turning mechanism, a control cord, slats with a horizontal or vertical arrangement, a cornice, clamps and hooks for fastening the canvases. By connecting the cord to each element, all slats move in the desired direction and return to their original position. The lifting and turning mechanism is attached to the hangers and clamps, so the canvases rotate around their axis, changing the intensity of the flow of natural light. Attention: The most popular blind type curtains are horizontal and vertical. The advantages of wooden blinds are strength and reliability. Even mechanical damage does not always result in irreversible defects , and high humidity is not a problem for canvases coated with a varnish layer.

The main element is a cornice, which can be plastic or metal.
The metal element is more durable and does not deform under the weight of wooden slats. If the cornice bends even a little, the blinds will not be able to perform all the functions assigned to them. To increase the performance and long-term operation of the cornice and its movable parts, you need to regularly use silicone lubricant. Horizontal designs with a control panel are more convenient and quickly change the illumination of the room. Horizontal blinds have the same design as vertical ones, but the rotation of the slats around their axis is carried out by turning the rod of the lift-and-turn mechanism. Most often, the principle of attaching curtains to a window opening is different. If vertical structures are mounted on top of the walls, closing the opening, then horizontal ones are mounted with clamps only on individual windows. Horizontal blinds consist of slats 2–3 cm thick, vertical blinds are created from canvases 16–25 cm wide.

Preparatory work

Before you start making blinds, you should draw up a drawing of the future structure. To do this, you need to take the dimensions of the windows: width and height. The curtain rods of vertical varieties of curtains are attached mainly to the wall or ceiling above the window. Their width and length should be 5–10 cm larger than the size of the window block. Horizontal blinds are usually installed in the window opening. In this case, the width of the lamellas should be several centimeters less than the width of the window block itself and somewhat wider than the glazing.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • Drill with a set of drills.
  • Scissors.
  • Accessories – clamps, brackets and hooks.
  • Universal glue.

After you have taken measurements and made your own drawings, you can begin to actually make the blinds.

Manufacturing and assembly of horizontal blinds

Unfortunately, it is not possible to make all the elements at home. Therefore, you will have to purchase them at a construction supermarket. This is a cornice with a rotating mechanism, as well as various small fittings - hooks, clips, clamps. To see how this process occurs in production, watch this video:

Let's consider the main stages of manufacturing horizontal blinds with wooden slats. Then we proceed to the manufacture of lamellas - thin wooden slats. Their width should be the same and range from 5 to 10 cm. After making the slats of the required length and width, we process them with sandpaper, cover them with stain and varnish. We drill a hole exactly in the middle of each plank - hooks are inserted into them for attaching the curtain to the base. In this case, the hooks should be located closer to the front or rear edge of the rail, so that when the cord is pulled, the rail rotates around its axis. Then the same holes are drilled along the edges of the lamella. Adjustment cords will be passed through them, so their diameter should be several millimeters wider than the diameter of the cord. For information on the basic principles of making wooden slats, watch this video:

Take the prepared cord and cut it into three parts: one, the central one, should be twice as long as the height of the window, and the two outer cords should be 20 -25 cm longer than the height of the entire structure. We attach the two outermost sections of the cord to the cornice and string slats on them, making knots between them so that the slats are evenly spaced on the cord.

The distance between the nodes should not exceed ½ the width of the lamella, otherwise, in the closed position, gaps will be visible between the slats.

In the hole of the lowest bar we attach a clamp in which the ends of the cord are secured.

We fold the longest cord in half and pass it through the central holes, attaching it to the hooks installed there. The central cord is threaded through a ring fixed in the center of the cornice. This cord performs a regulating function - if you pull it, the slats will rotate around their axis, opening or closing access to sunlight. In order for the slats to return to their original position, a kind of counterweight can be attached to the central cord at the bottom of the blinds. When the adjusting cord is loosened, the slats will close automatically. To hold them in the open position, the free end of the central cord can be passed through a clamp, which will hold the slats in the open position.

"Roman blinds" and vertical structures

The slats in “Roman blinds” are also located in a horizontal position.
The only difference is in the method of fixing them - each narrow strip is rigidly attached to the cords using knots. Thus, if you pull the central cord, the slats will not rotate around their axis, but will go up, rolling up into a roll. Otherwise, the installation and installation scheme for the horizontal version and the “Roman blind” are similar. Making a vertical version of wooden blinds at home is also quite simple. True, in this case, factory elements - a cornice with a rotating mechanism - will play a much larger role. In this case, you can make only vertical strips with your own hands, giving them the required size and appearance. After the slats are made, they are connected to the rotating mechanism of the cornice, with the help of which they are controlled. All that remains is to firmly strengthen the entire structure above the window using self-tapping screws or dowel-nails. As you can see, creating wooden blinds with your own hands is not so difficult, especially if you have the opportunity to purchase the necessary factory-made structural elements. The main thing here is to have the necessary diligence and artistic taste, and you will be able to decorate your home with exclusive wooden blinds, created by yourself.

Do-it-yourself wooden blinds manufacturing technology

Before starting work, you need to make drawings of wooden blinds with your own hands. To do this, you need to measure the dimensions of the window opening (width and height of the window). If horizontal blinds will be installed on the window frame, then the dimensions of each double-glazed window will be needed. At the same time, it is taken into account that the blinds should extend beyond the glass unit by 1-2 cm on each side.

Tools and materials for work

To make your own blinds from wood, prepare everything you need for work:

  • wooden slats 3-5 cm wide and 2-3 mm thick (the length depends on the size of the window);

Advice! You can make a lath yourself by cutting a board on a machine, or buy it on the construction market.

  • nylon cord;
  • two beams with a cross-section of 2x4 cm (its length is equal to the width of the window opening, one beam will be needed to make the cornice, and the second for the bottom strip);
  • tape 2-3 cm wide;
  • PVA glue;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine (you will need wheels or tapes number 60, 320 and 800);
  • rings or hooks that are equipped with self-tapping screws (buy 3 pieces);
  • three latches;
  • varnish;
  • stain;
  • two brackets for fastening the cornice (the type of fastening depends on the location of the blinds: on the window or above the opening on the wall);
  • transparent primer for woodworking;
  • sprayer, roller or brush for applying primer, varnish and stain.

When choosing a type of wood for making lamellas, it is recommended to give preference to linden, because it is distinguished by its lightness and beautiful texture. The prepared lamellas need to be prepared for work. To do this, holes are drilled in the upper and lower strips, as well as in the lamellas.

About sizes

When choosing a canvas, you need to decide not only on its appearance, model, material of manufacture, inherent properties, but also on its dimensions. Curtains with correctly selected parameters will help emphasize the appearance of the room and hide minor imperfections. If the height and width of the product are determined incorrectly, then even the most beautiful options will ruin the stylish structure.


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Dimensions for curtains made from different raw materials will vary. The method of their fastening, the type and design features of the structure also play a big role. For example, for glazed verandas, fabric curtains can be hung on a cornice fixed to the ceiling or walls in three standard ways: to the floor, to the window sill, below the window sill. For open structures, without side partitions, it is better to use options that extend to the floor covering, or blinds, roller blinds, which can be fixed at any distance from the floor, completely or partially enclosing the room.

For roller blinds, the parameters depend on the installation method. If they are located directly between the support posts, then their width is determined by the exact distance between the elements, taking into account the guides. When installing curtains behind or in front of load-bearing supports, they should be 10-20 cm larger than the opening and completely cover it in order to maximally protect the space from the penetration of light and moisture. Also, the canvas should have such a length that it reaches the floor surface with a small margin. When the structure is placed on a window, it can extend beyond its limits, covering only the transparent part.

For fabric options, the height is measured from the place of installation to the floor covering with an indentation of 1-4 cm. Some people hang longer products that partially lie on the floor. The width is determined based on the size of the opening in question, the need for folds on the curtain, usually for fabric models it is 1.5 or more times larger than the window or the intersupport distance. It is better to install the tarpaulin under tension.

Step-by-step instruction

We will make horizontal blinds 1.5 m wide, 2.0 m high, from 50 mm wide slats. We count the number of slats: 2000: 50 = 40 pieces, 1.5 m long.


Next you will see drawings according to which you can make blinds.

How to make slats

We select the slats, carefully inspect them so that there is no resin and the plank does not move like a helicopter. Cut to size. We measure the middle of the width, draw a line along the entire strip with a simple pencil, then:

  • find the center, put a mark;
  • measure each edge 30-50 mm, mark.

We make holes with a 2.5 mm drill, this will be a template. We apply the rest of the slats to it, be sure to trim it so that all the edges match, mark and drill holes. We take abrasive No. 60, first grind the flat surfaces of the slats, then the edges, slightly rounding them.

We paint the slats with stain first on one side, when they are dry, we turn them over and process the other side. Next we prime it and let it dry thoroughly. Make sure that the compound does not fill the holes made; if necessary, take a toothpick and clean them.

We grind the dried primed parts with abrasive No. 320 to remove smudges and the smallest blemishes from the surface. Carefully remove any dust that has formed from the planks. We coat the lamellas with varnish for 1 layer, after drying with abrasive No. 800, knock down the lint if it appears, and apply 2 more layers of varnish.

In the same way we prepare the bars for the cornice and the bottom strip.

You can paint wooden slats in any color, not only with stain, but also with colored paints, and even draw ornaments, flowers on them, as well as do decoupage, or apply a design with special stamps

Assembling homemade wooden blinds

Place the cornice on a flat surface and screw in the rings according to the marks. Next, we lay all the slats and trim them. The canvas is completed by a plank-bar. We tie the cord on the left ring, treat the edge with fire so that it does not fluff, and thread it through the left row of holes, and be sure to glue the PVA and insert a small sliver for a strong fixation. When the cord is inserted into the very bottom beam, we put a plastic clamp on the end. Using this algorithm, we thread the cord on the right side.

We make the central cord 2.5 times longer than the height of the canvas. We thread it through the middle ring on the cornice, connect the edges and pull it up, thus finding the middle, without tying a knot. We insert one end into the central holes, do not glue it, simply insert the other end from the back side of the canvas. We connect the ends from below and put on a clamp, this will be a lifting mechanism. We check the operation of the blinds: pull up the end of the rear cord - the curtain is assembled, lower it - it opens.

Advice from manufacturing experts

All necessary components for assembling blinds can be purchased at a hardware store. Factory-made lamellas are usually impregnated with special compounds to increase the moisture resistance of the material and protect against the accumulation of contaminants.

Buy reliable brackets to secure the entire structure, because its weight will be considerable, considering the material the slats are made of. If you plan to install blinds on a window frame, then use installation technology without drilling. To do this, buy special brackets that are hung on the sash from above. However, this method of fixation is not suitable for blind window openings.

Decorative processing

Since shutters also play the role of decorating the interior and exterior, their appearance must be appropriate. In order to decorate the shutters, you can use paint or varnish. When choosing a paint color for shutters, you should focus on the color of the window frames. You can also make the edging of the shutter frame white or another bright color - this will significantly attract attention to them. Painting will additionally protect the shutters from getting wet and drying out.

Thus, you can make shutters on your windows that will serve you for a long time and perform a protective and decorative function. The remarkable thing is that you can do all the work yourself, without the help of specialists.

Option to install wooden blinds without drilling

Due to the fact that wooden slats are heavy, we believe that they should only be installed using a drill and brackets on the cornice. But wooden blinds made of bamboo are incredibly light, so this model can be installed on special L-shaped fasteners. Blinds that require installation without drilling have a lot of advantages:

  1. Traceless dismantling. When the time comes to remove, there will be no traces of screws and dowels left on the surface of the double-glazed windows or walls. You don't have to cover areas with silicone to hide installation marks. There is no danger of window depressurization.
  2. A cornice installed on a bracket or attached with mounting tape will not sag or deform.
  3. The installation is carried out independently. It does not involve solving complex problems, so you can easily cope without outside help and save personal funds.
  4. Mounting tape and brackets are sold at affordable prices. You don't have to spend money on installation.

    Visual instructions

As we have already said, there are several types of blinds that are attached to a double-glazed window without the use of a drill; the following devices are used for this:

  • L-shaped brackets (they are attached to the active sashes of double-glazed windows).
  • Construction tape.
  • Special magnets.

There are two options for clamps: metal and plastic.

Plastic clips are placed on active window sashes. The cornice of the structure is attached to them, then the blinds are installed. The undeniable advantage of this type of mounting on plastic windows is that they are located as close as possible to the glass. They don't take up much space on the windowsill. Metal ones work using the same technology. True, they differ in the production material. Heavy types are attached to metal brackets: aluminum, wood, multi-textured. Please note that clamps cannot be installed on closed sashes.

Main purpose

If there is a gazebo on the site, it allows you to spend a lot of time outdoors. People have lunch and dinner here, welcome guests, celebrate birthdays, so it is useful to choose projects that can satisfy all these needs at the planning stage. You always want to decorate, refine, and make a finished gazebo feel homey. The easiest way to do this is to hang curtains.

They will create a barrier for annoying insects, protect from the scorching sun in the heat, and shelter from bad weather. By hanging them, you can hide from prying eyes or disguise unsightly design details. A gazebo, decorated with curtains, becomes the central decoration of the garden. This design helps create a special atmosphere for others. It softens the “silhouette” of the building and adds elegance. In addition, gazebo curtains increase the functionality of the interior space.

Manufacturers today offer a wide range of ready-made products that can be used for designated purposes. They differ from each other in the material of manufacture, the form of tailoring, and the design of the cut. But all outdoor curtains can demonstrate high wear resistance and resistance to fading. They do not support the combustion of open fire, their surface repels dirt and water.

Buying curtains for a gazebo will be expensive: they are made from materials whose properties meet all the requirements listed above. But such expenses are justified from an economic point of view: the products will last at least five seasons, throughout this time they will delight with their appearance and serve their intended purpose properly. If you choose cheap fabrics and sew curtains from them for an outdoor gazebo, they will wear out by the end of summer.

Today curtains for the veranda and gazebo are sewn:

To decorate open spaces, you can also choose ready-made systems (soft PVC and Black Out windows).


They are considered a classic decoration option. Linen, chiffon, and organza are usually used for their manufacture. The materials are pre-treated with water-repellent and dirt-repellent impregnations, so fabric products meet all the requirements for operating an open space. They are traditionally used to decorate closed verandas, but they can also be used to decorate open gazebos.

Light and airy materials help create a feeling of freedom, which has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere. The more massive the gazebo, the simpler the cut design should be, the denser the curtain fabrics should be. The lighter the design, the more transparent the fabric. This principle allows you to make the right choice.

Tarpaulin curtains usually work on the principle of roller structures. The fabric is wound on a durable shaft. He's hiding in a box upstairs. Control is carried out manually or automatically. Often such products are chosen when the weather in the regions is very changeable, when there is no desire to build a separate closed veranda for receiving guests and make do with what is called small funds. I put up such a curtain in sunny weather, and it’s very pleasant to relax in nature. It started to rain, the wind blew, I lowered the curtains, and protected myself and my guests from the weather.

Bamboo curtains are ideal for verandas and terraces; they are worth buying if you want to create a special stylistic space. They may have different designs. There are models that work like regular roll products, others like screens assembled like a book, and others that look more like wall panels than curtains. One thing remains unchanged - the material of manufacture. Bamboo is not afraid of sunlight, it does not fade in the sun for a long time, and practically does not absorb moisture, so it is ideal for decorating open spaces.

Soft PVC windows can be completely transparent or translucent, combined, with patterns, with ornaments. They are very practical, easy to use, and inexpensive. But they don't look attractive. In fact, in appearance such products look like tinted polyethylene. It fits very poorly into the classic design style. But such a solution is fully justified in gazebos created according to the design of modern concepts.

Rules for caring for wooden blinds

To remove dust accumulated on wooden slats, only dry cleaning methods are used. As a rule, dust can be brushed off with a regular dry cloth or swept away with a special brush with bristles that accumulate static electricity. These fibers attract dust and prevent it from flying and settling on other surfaces.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a soft furniture attachment to clean the surface from dust. The unit is turned on at minimum power. To clean, the canvas is brought into the closed position and passed over its surface with the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner. If necessary, heavy stains can be wiped with a damp cloth. Immediately after their removal, the lamellas are wiped dry with a dry cloth. To extend the service life of wooden planks, they are periodically treated with special wax or oil.

A little history

The history of the use of shutters dates back many centuries. They were mentioned in the manuscripts of antiquity. In the East, everyone tried to outdo their neighbor with the ornateness and splendor of ornaments on the doors. And in Russia they were even given a special, sacred meaning. The shutters served as reliable protection from evil spirits and protected the windows, which were considered a connecting link between the residents of the house and God.

One of the most important functions of shutters was protection against robbery. This was very relevant, since houses were often left empty during seasonal field work or mowing. They also protected from the vagaries of the weather - heat and cold. For the inhabitants of the Russian hut, it was vitally important to keep warm during the long, bitter winters. Glass in those days was an expensive pleasure, and more affordable materials were too fragile and short-lived; shutters also extended their service life.

They also saved us from rain, hail and snow drifts, because before the huts were low, and sometimes snowdrifts covered the roof.

Advice from experts on manufacturing and operation

  • Various types of wood are suitable for creating wooden blinds, from linden and beech to expensive types of wood.
  • Proper processing of the material will ensure long-term operation of the entire structure.
  • It is important to take correct measurements of the width of the window opening and its height in order to calculate the required number of lamellas, taking into account the overlap with adjacent panels.
  • Different designs are used - automated or manually controlled, with or without a rotary and lift-and-turn mechanism.
  • Fastening vertical blinds requires a special clamp for mounting the cornice on the wall surface. In the case of horizontal structures, fasteners are placed on slopes or on the surface of window frames. Attention: Depending on the method of fastening the blinds, their size and number of elements depend.

Installing roller or paper blinds yourself is a simple but effective way to protect your home from bright sunlight. On our website you will find detailed instructions for their manufacture and installation, learn about the most common reasons for the breakdown of blinds, including horizontal and vertical ones, as well as how to shorten and straighten curtains. Blinds look good in different types of rooms, even in bathrooms, attics, and kitchens. Wooden slats do an excellent job of protecting against dust and dirt. Applying varnish or paint ensures a long service life, and regular treatment with a wax-based antistatic agent will reduce the frequency of cleaning.



Made of metal

Metal shutters differ from shutters made from other materials in that they are heavy, durable, and not easily damaged. Most often they are placed on country windows to protect housing. To purchase such shutters, you will have to spend money, but they have better reliability and durability, which will save your home from unexpected guests.

If these shutters are needed only for use in a specific season, then they can be made removable. Metal shutters are divided into several types:

  • louvered;
  • deaf.

Metal blinds

The louvered type of shutters is great for protecting residents from sunlight. The blind type of shutters is great for protecting your home from intruders.

There are also metal shutters:

  • single-leaf;
  • bivalve;
  • multi-leaf.

Installation of metal shutters in the opening

In order for metal products to serve for a long time, before installation they must be treated with a special anti-corrosion agent that will prevent metal corrosion. This is very important, since without treatment the material will deteriorate.

How to install metal shutters yourself is shown in the following two videos:

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