How many petunias can be planted in one pot?

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Petunia is one of the favorite plants that is grown as an annual in summer cottages. In fact, petunias simply do not overwinter in the open ground in our climate, in their natural growing conditions - South America - they are a perennial plant.

However, in our conditions, petunia has to be planted every spring with seedlings or seeds, and in winter it must be moved to an apartment or simply destroyed, no matter how sorry it is to lose this beauty.

However, at home in an apartment or on a balcony, the plant feels great, grows and blooms all winter, and in the spring it can be transplanted again to a summer cottage and continue to admire the lush flowering.

You just need to remember that ampelous petunia is formed in a certain way, and you need to care for it in accordance with the characteristics of its growth, so that the plant looks beautiful and well-groomed throughout the season. In addition, the question is often asked how many petunias can be planted in one pot. We'll talk about all this.

How to choose a pot for petunia

As a rule, not all of the so-called “mother plant” that has been growing in the country all summer is dug up for the winter, but its cuttings are planted - petunia reproduces well by cuttings, takes root, after which the babies quickly grow.

If you decide to plant the entire plant, be sure to remove its lower leaves, which may be affected by rot or disease.

After this, trim all the stems and shoots so that no more than 12-15 cm remain of them. Having done all these manipulations, you can plant the plant in a suitable pot, observing the following conditions:

  • The pot you need to select is not very large, but wide enough and always in the form of a flowerpot on a leg - the stems of the petunia will hang down as they grow and fall beautifully along the sides of the flowerpot. The pot with the plant should be placed in a bright, cool room and left until approximately the end of February, watering little by little so that the soil does not dry out completely;
  • if you are planting and rooting petunia with its roots, and do not intend to form a small round bush out of it in the future, but intend to enjoy multi-colored flowers, you need to plant at least 3-5 plants in a prepared flowerpot, then as the petunia grows it will look really elegant . Petunias have long stems and all the beauty of this plant is fully revealed precisely when the shoots, decorated with flowers, fall at the base of the container. In open ground, ampelous petunia simply spreads along the ground, but on the balcony you can arrange real flowering waterfalls;
  • at the same time, you can choose petunias of the same color, or you can plant cuttings of different plants in one pot so that they look contrasting - then the flower arrangement will be even brighter. One plant in a pot will look rather poor. Remember that there are both simple petunias, which amaze with an incredible variety of colors, and double petunias, which, in turn, amaze with the exquisite shape of the inflorescences and fringed petals. However, double petunias do not bloom as profusely and for a long time as ordinary ones, and do not have such a rich palette of shades.

It is based on the above conditions that you need to select a pot for your petunias.





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How to care for indoor petunia

Caring for petunia is not at all difficult; even a novice gardener can easily cope with it. If you rooted petunia cuttings in flowerpots in late August - early September, then everything is very simple:

  • place the pots with cuttings in a warm, bright place - shoots take root most easily at a temperature of about 22-23 degrees;
  • Water your plants generously, avoiding overwatering - the soil in the pot should be moist, but not wet. In order to make the air humid, you can place a container of water near the flowerpot;
  • cover the cuttings with glass containers and be sure to ventilate them several times a day, avoiding the formation of condensation;
  • loosen the soil before watering, do not allow the formation of a strong, dry crust over the roots;
  • when the first green leaves appear on the petunias - this will happen very soon - begin to illuminate the plants with a fluorescent lamp, otherwise, due to the short daylight hours, the petunias will grow weak and pale;
  • after the plants begin to grow, their tops should definitely be pinched - this stimulates the development of side shoots, due to which the plant will become lush, bloom more profusely and produce more and more new buds.

Thus, caring for ampelous petunia is reminiscent of caring for an ordinary light-loving plant such as geranium - watering, loosening, pinching, removing dry leaves, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, forming a beautiful bush and possibly planting it in open ground for the summer, followed by digging it up and wintering in an apartment.

Landing rules and techniques

After preparing the soil and pots, all that remains is to plant it. There are two methods of planting, depending on the conditions for the permanent placement of the flower. If the petunia grows under a canopy and the soil is not subject to drying out, then:

  1. pour expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot;
  2. fill the pot almost to the brim with soil mixture;
  3. remove the seedlings without damaging the root system;
  4. plant the flower at the growth level, without deepening or raising the already formed earthen ball.

Need to make a hole in the pot for seedlings

If the pots hang in bright sun, a dry crust and cracks will form on the soil, which can damage the roots. In this case, planting ampelous petunia in a hanging pot is done in a different way. The pot is only half filled with the prepared soil mixture, and the top of the pot is filled with peat. Mulch can be used to retain moisture and protect plants from damage. Petunia grows quickly and is capable of protecting its roots and soil by retaining moisture, but in the initial stages of growth this will not be superfluous.

Important! After planting petunia seedlings, they should be taken outside in the shade for several days. After this rest, she will be ready to hang out in the sun or under cover for her permanent residence.

Soil for indoor petunias

Of course, caring for indoor petunia differs from caring for flowers that grow outdoors in the summer. This is understandable and understandable - there is much less soil in the pot, and it must be very nutritious for the petunias to feel good there and bloom profusely. Therefore, when preparing the soil for planting petunias in a pot, make sure that there are:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • a little sand for looseness;
  • about a third of garden land.

All these components need to be mixed as thoroughly as possible and the petunias should be planted, burying the cuttings into the soil by about 2-3 cm. Please note that one plant requires approximately 3-5 liters of soil. Therefore, if you are planting several plants in a pot, be sure to select the container according to size.

Bush formation

Hanging plants are decorative items and, if you don’t take care of them, they can ruin that very decor. Some types of petunias grow chaotically; shoots may grow to one side, askew, or too long. It is important to monitor the shape and size, and such care does not harm the plant at all. On the contrary, by removing excess and long shoots, petunia blooms with large flowers.

Most often the shape of these bushes is spherical

Note! If a gardener sets out to get the largest petunia bush possible, it should be formed immediately after planting in a pot and starting active growth.

Proper watering is the key to success

Never forget about watering! If you do not water the petunias in the area for a while, nothing bad will happen to them - dew, rain, cool fresh air will contribute to the good growth and well-being of the plants.

In apartment conditions, petunia has nowhere to get the water it needs for life, and underwatering can lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, abundant watering on hot days is the key to good growth of indoor flowers. If there is a lack of moisture, petunia will simply stop blooming. The same thing happens if the flower is in a room with a temperature that is not high enough for it.

For the same reason, petunias in pots must be fed by adding liquid mixtures at least once a month. Proper feeding is a very important condition for caring for petunia growing in an apartment.

If you keep your flowers on an open balcony, during heavy rainfalls be sure to hide them under the roof so that the jets of water do not damage the delicate flowers. Dry and broken flowers must be removed - this actively stimulates the formation of more and more new buds.


  • Place . Place petunia on the southern sunny side, as the plant is sun-loving.
  • Watering .
    Petunia is moisture-loving, but at the same time tolerates dry periods quite well. A sign that watering is required is the top layer of soil drying out, if it does not smear on your fingers, as well as wilting of flowers. On particularly hot days, watering can be done 2 times a day, the rest of the time – once a day. In order not to water the plant too often, some gardeners add hydrogel balls or balls from baby diapers to the soil, which retain liquid and give it to the plant as needed.
  • Feeding .
    1-2 weeks after transplantation, the plant can be fed. During the period when green mass is formed, petunia needs nitrogen-containing fertilizers to strengthen the shoots and stimulate growth. After the first buds appear, you should begin fertilizing with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, while excluding those containing nitrogen. Iron-containing fertilizers should also be used to prevent leaves from turning yellow. Feeding should be done at least once every 2 weeks.
  • Pruning . Some varieties also require pruning to maintain a neat appearance. Also, to preserve decorativeness, you need to remove wilted flowers and yellowed leaves.
  • Transplant . Sometimes petunia outgrows the size of its pot, which affects the health and appearance of the plant. In this case, the plant needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

In general, petunia is loved by many for its unpretentiousness and is suitable even for novice gardeners. It is not for nothing that it is actively used in the design of public places, squares, courtyards, etc.

Ampelous petunia is a beautiful and unpretentious plant and will decorate your garden, yard or balcony. With proper care and choosing a suitable pot, it will delight you with lush flowering until frost.

How to make petunia bloom

If your petunia categorically refuses to bloom (this happens if the plant does not like something in its care), you need to create a stressful situation for it:

  • move the plant to a cool place where the temperature does not exceed 17-18 degrees;
  • completely stop watering and do not place containers with water nearby so that the air remains not only cool, but also dry;
  • keep the plant in such conditions for at least ten days;
  • after that, transfer it to a warm place again and start watering it generously with warm water.

After such a shake-up, the plant usually begins to produce flower stalks abundantly.

What is the distance between petunias?

Petunia seedlings should be planted at the same depth at which they grew before. Having placed the bush in the planned place, I add soil around it, slightly compacting it. After planting, I water the plants well and abundantly. When planting petunias, it is recommended to leave a distance of approximately 20 cm between plants.

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Preparing the plant for winter

Starting from September-October, when petunia stops blooming, you need to cut off its shoots by about 2/3 and put it in the coldest room. It is necessary to stop watering and leave the plant alone until the beginning of February, when it begins to produce shoots again.

However, the plant can behave differently, since petunia is unpredictable - some of them continue to grow and bloom well in winter. If you see that the plant is not going to go into hibernation, lose leaves and flowers, looks good and feels just as good, then you should not cut it short.

In this case, simply continue to care for the plant in the same way as in the summer - watering, loosening and fertilizing. Let petunia delight you with flowers even in winter!

Just keep in mind that after the central heating radiators start working in apartments, the air becomes very dry, so you need to moisten the plant as often as possible. You can provide them with bottom watering by placing the pots in trays with water or placing containers between the pots.

How much to plant in one pot

The number of bushes for one pot directly depends on its size. If this is not possible, but you want to combine colors and contrasts, other neighbors will be the solution. Some types of hanging flowers do not require too much space for the root system and will get along well next to petunia. The most friendly ampelous ones with a small root system are lobelia and alyssum.

Color combination options

Features of the plant and popular species

The plant has hanging flexible stems and small green leaves. The flowers are funnel-shaped. Their size and color depend on the variety; they come in different shades, plain or variegated, simple terry and semi-double. The fruit is a capsule. Scientists have developed many varieties of petunias. Possible colors:

  • red;
  • pink;
  • Bordeaux;
  • lilac;
  • violet;
  • yellow;
  • peach.

There may be various combinations of these colors.

Most varieties are hybrids. Ampelous petunia has a strong root system; this species is planted in containers, pots, boxes and hanging flowerpots. Decorated with ampelous petunia:

  • balconies;
  • loggias;
  • terraces;
  • verandas;
  • gazebos;
  • fences;
  • hedges;
  • alpine slides.

Ampelous varieties can be placed in flower beds, in which case they will form a continuous carpet. Compositions of plants of different colors will decorate any area; they are used both in garden and urban landscaping.

Popular hanging varieties:

  1. "The Snow Queen" (hybrid).
  2. Diamond Pearly Sheds.
  3. "Explorer".
  4. Salmon Shedes Velvet.
  5. Easy Wave Red.
  6. "Ekaterina" (hybrid).
  7. "Svetlana".
  8. "Mashenka."
  9. Ramblin Neon Rose.
  10. "Black Velvet".
  11. "Avalanche".
  12. "Velveteen".
  13. "Shock Wave."
  14. "Opera Supreme".

Varieties of petunia varieties

Petunia in landscape design

Planting petunias in flowerpots is an excellent option for decorating a country landscape. Bright flowers in hanging pots decorate the entrance area, patio, pergola, awnings, veranda and other garden buildings. They are placed on recreation areas and terraces. Even a simple planting of petunias in even rows along the garden path will perfectly decorate it.

You can set up a flowerbed against the backdrop of a lawn, create an alpine slide and decorate the stones with a cascade of flowers. The presence of petunia in flower arrangements makes them truly attractive. Various shades of the flower will also decorate other landscape compositions: mixborders, rockeries. The lawn looks original, with flowerpots with beautiful garlands hanging to the ground.

Two options for creating mini-flower beds in the garden:

  1. Petunia and lobelia. Fill the prepared pot (large volume, preferably rectangular) halfway with soil, and place two petunia bushes in it. Next, fill it with soil almost to the top. Between the petunia bushes, plant ampelous lobelia, which has a very superficial root system. It will not interfere with the growth of petunias.
  2. Summer basket. Take a large basket and cover the bottom with thick polyethylene. Make small holes in it for water drainage. Fill the basket with soil. Plant a petunia bush on one side, and beautiful annuals (pelargonium, ageratum, verbena, calendula, marigolds) on the other. Petunia looks beautiful with white fragrant alyssum, which is best prepared using the seedling method. In a composition with petunia, it is enough to place 2-3 alyssums.

Petunias are a wonderful decoration for a garden plot. This flower will be a bright accent in any landscape design.

Petunia and its varieties

A perennial or annual crop, together with tomatoes and potatoes, belongs to the Solanaceae family. Homeland - tropical regions of South America, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina. Until the 19th century, petunia was a wild plant. Today there are up to 40 types of crops, characterized by abundant, long-lasting flowering and unpretentiousness.

Beautiful petunia

The plants have erect or long shoots drooping to the ground, ranging from 10 cm to 2 m in length. Flowers are stars or simple funnel-shaped, double flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm. The shade is white, red, yellow, greenish, purple, pink, cream, coral. There are single-color and multi-color petunias with different transitions and patterns.

Plants are divided into varieties:

  • Large-flowered - “Daddy”, “Pikoti”, Prism”, “Anastasia”, “Storm”, “Fantasy”.

Large-flowered petunia

  • Multi-flowered - “Duo”, “Prime”, “Bonanza”, “Merlin”, “Fantasy”.

Petunia variety Fantasia

  • Bush varieties - “Dreams”, “Polaris”, “Hit Parade”, “Fantasy”, “Ultra”, “Titan”.
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