Entrance windows: modern requirements for glazing

Why is the window height parameter important?

The comfort of all people living in the room depends on how high the window opening is located. Moreover, an illiterate solution is not only a window that is too low, but also a window that is too high. Balance required.

This setting affects:

  • for illumination;
  • safety;
  • microclimate.

An ill-chosen height makes the room under- or over-lit. If the window opening is too low, there is a higher risk of falling, for example, when washing it.

The window area is always more vulnerable to climate changes outside, which also affects the microclimate. And if this area is too high or low, it will disrupt the optimal air circulation in the room and the temperature regime.


From time to time you have to open a window or at least a window. It is important to wash the glass on both sides occasionally. And of course, all this is inconvenient to do if the height relative to the floor is chosen incorrectly. In addition, in such a room the lighting regime will generally be disrupted.

There will either be too much sunlight, or vice versa.

Aesthetic role

The window opening in the room ideally corresponds to the proper proportions. According to the canon, its area is 5.5–8 times less than the floor area. And of course, the distance from the floor to the ceiling should be approximately the same visually. At least in a typical interior. Otherwise the room will look ridiculous.

Standards for cleaning staircases of residential buildings

Duties and responsibilities of citizens and legal entities when using the housing stock Citizens and legal entities are obliged to: 2) take care of the housing stock and land plots necessary for the use of the housing stock; 3) carry out the sanitary, hygienic, environmental, architectural, urban planning, fire safety and operational requirements;...” “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011) “... 31. The Contractor is obliged to: a) provide utility services to the consumer in the quantities required for it and of appropriate quality in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, these Rules and the agreement containing provisions on the provision of utility services; …149.

Standard window height from the floor

Of course there are many options. It is not always worth following the standard. However, GOST is applied in apartments. At least in most houses. Below are the standards for different types of buildings in height.

Stalinka70 cm
Khrushchev buildings80 cm
New buildings from the 90s and 2000s90 cm
New buildings of the 2010s85 cm
Studio apartments80 cm

In Stalinka, the height is universal. After all, in a children’s room the standard height is 0.7 meters, but here this figure is in all rooms. Yes, for some it will be a little low, but the residents of such a house will not encounter problems with illumination and functionality of the window. Large and low windows are a consequence of the Art Deco style in architecture.

In Khrushchev-era buildings, the window height is set to the same height as in studios. This is perhaps the most familiar option for most middle-aged people. After all, they either grew up, or lived for a long time and still live in Khrushchev-era buildings. The height of 80 cm corresponds to the priorities that were set during the construction of these buildings - practicality and efficiency.

In new buildings, the height is usually either 85 cm or 90 cm. Many prefer 0.9 meters. However, now houses with a height of 85 cm are often built. These are tall multi-apartment structures, at least ten floors, and usually more.

Reducing the height is associated with saving space. The ceilings there are low. This is why developers manage to fit so many apartments into one building. If you look at such a building from the outside, you can see how small the distance between floors is.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the listed height standards is better. Yes, they are justified and established at different times, but until now each value is justified in practice. We should not forget that the location of the windows was taken into account by the architects when planning so that it in no way affected the stability and strength of the structure.

Before remodeling a window opening, it is important to make sure that this will not lead to critical consequences. And this can easily end up happening if one or more experienced architects are not involved. Such redevelopment must always be agreed upon. And even in this case, if something goes wrong, the owner of the premises will ultimately be primarily responsible.

What are the standard openings and sizes of entrance doors?

In order to avoid any difficulties during the installation of the front door, and to ensure that the final result is correct and reliable, it is necessary to accurately measure the dimensions of the doorway, selecting the door in full accordance with the results obtained.

The assortment of stores operates with different types of structures, differing in materials of manufacture, strength, the presence of sound-proofing and heat-insulating fillers, and sizes. The last criterion is the most important, because a door whose width and height do not correspond to the entrance opening will require additional effort, time and finances for its installation, and the results of the work do not always live up to expectations. Old and new houses have different requirements for the dimensions of entrance doors - how to understand the measurement systems and select the right product?

· English and metric measuring systems.

· Regular and sealed metal doors.

· Apartment buildings: standard sizes of entrance doors.

· Current legislative standards of the Russian Federation.

· Advantages of doorways with standard sizes.

Other window height options

In a private house it is already possible to “turn around”. But here it is also better to take into account accepted norms. According to SNiP, when placing a window from the floor in a private house, different types of premises require different heights. Below are the standards for the main types of premises found in the home of the average family.

Kitchen90 cm
Living room90 cm
Bathroom, toilet or sauna130 cm
Bedroom100 cm
Loggia or balcony100 cm
Children's70 cm

For other rooms, a distance from the floor to a standard window of 90 cm is suitable. This is a balanced distance that will create good illumination and the microclimate of the house.

In addition, it will be convenient and pleasant. After all, windows that are too high or too low will not please the eye with the landscape and are unlikely to decorate the room. These parameters are also relevant for wooden houses made of timber. This is not a minimum or maximum level, but an optimal one.

However, if you want something special, other options are possible. For the first and even second floor, an interesting choice would be to glaze almost the entire space from floor to ceiling. In this case, the bottom of the window will almost visually merge with the floor.

Installation rules

Metal entrance doors must be installed by specialized companies that have the appropriate license to perform such work.

Rules for installing access door blocks:

  • The entrance opening is prepared so that there are gaps of no more than 2 cm between the frame and the wall;
  • The entrance door to the entrance is aligned horizontally and vertically. The correct position of the door block is preliminarily fixed with wooden wedges. The diameter of the anchors is from 10 mm, their installation depth is 15 cm, the pitch is up to 70 cm;
  • The voids between the wall and the frame are clogged with a special polyurethane foam cord or construction foam. Next, the surface is plastered and covered with decorative trim.

The operating features of access doors require regular cleaning of dirt and lubrication of the locking mechanism, door hinges and closers.

During the winter period of operation, it is recommended to treat mechanical shutter devices with antifreeze. It is recommended to adjust magnetic devices monthly. Code systems must be recoded once a quarter.

If you want something else

Sometimes even the most intricate design catalogs fail to satisfy the searcher. After all, the flight of your imagination is incomparable with someone else’s. But, unlike painting, architecture is much more demanding of the creator. She doesn't forgive mistakes. So no matter how broad the imagination, it is always worth thinking about the possibility or impossibility of practical application.

Many people want to see the distance between the floor and the window small. This is understandable, because it is in this case that the room will look extremely spacious. However, it is important to choose windows that will be strong enough if an adult accidentally falls on them.

Sometimes a room with windows in the form of portholes without window sills will be an interesting option. For example, in the style of an ocean liner. Here a distance of 1.5 meters or more is possible. It all depends on the size of the window. However, this is not typical for most homes and therefore requires assessment by an architect.

Some people prefer artistic chaos to orderliness and symmetry. For example, a combination of windows of different geometric shapes, including triangles and trapezoids. This is perhaps the most difficult option of all.

Despite all the diversity, in the end, windows should ideally meet the standards of safety, lighting and creating a microclimate in the room. And, of course, it’s worth thinking about how convenient such windows will be.

For example, will it be convenient to use curtains and will it be possible to hang them at all? If you act rashly, an absurd result is possible, as in some photos on the Internet forum.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to install the standard option - a regular rectangular window. The height from the floor should be the recommended one or close to it. Such windows seem uninteresting at first glance, but there is one important nuance.

When choosing a room design, it is important not to be guided by the first impression of a particular concept, but to look into the future. The variety of all kinds of geometric shapes, amazing the imagination, tires over time. At the same time, boring-looking ordinary windows will be perceived no worse over the years, but simply as a familiar element of the interior.

Requirements for windows in entrances made of PVC profiles

Are there any special requirements for PVC profile (plastic) windows that are installed in the entrances of apartment buildings?

Answer :

The regulatory documents do not contain any special requirements for PVC profile windows installed in entrances.

When installing window units in an apartment building, you should be guided by SP 267.1325800.2016, GOST 23166-99.

The rigidity and strength of structural elements of windows should be installed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents for this type of product. The thickness of the glass of these structures is selected depending on the area, aspect ratio of the glazing field and the value of the wind load, taking into account all its components. At the same time, at a height of more than 75 m, the thickness of external glass is taken to be at least 6 mm. (Clause 6.24 SP 267.1325800.2016 High-rise buildings and complexes. Design rules (hereinafter referred to as SP 267.1325800.2016)).

The designs of windows, translucent curtain wall systems and glass characteristics must be selected in such a way as to ensure their safe operation (clause 6.25 of SP 267.1325800.2016).

Glazing of an apartment building should be done using tempered, heat-strengthened or laminated glass, which prevents injury to people both indoors and outdoors from glass fragments in the event of destruction of window blocks, including in emergency situations. The impact resistance of windows is established according to a protection class of at least P2A, and safety during operation is CM4.

When installing windows at a building height above 75 m, it is allowed to use the following types (clause 6.26 SP 267.1325800.2016) :

- windows with fixed non-opening sashes and air valves placed in the windows or on the outer wall;

- windows with blind lower sashes and an opening transom;

- windows with sashes opening inwards and a translucent protective screen located on the outside, with air slots at the top and bottom;

- windows with sashes that extend outward by 100-150 mm parallel to the plane of the facade.

When installing window blocks in the entrance of an apartment building, it should be taken into account that the stairwells must be regularly ventilated using vents, transoms or casement windows on the first and upper floors simultaneously (clause 3.2.4 of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, approved by the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 09/27/2003 N 170).

Sheet glass and double-glazed windows are used as the translucent part of windows (clause 5.1.3 of GOST 23166-99 Window blocks. General technical conditions (hereinafter referred to as GOST 23166-99)).

The design of windows must provide for the possibility of installing at least two contours of sealing gaskets in the recesses (for products intended for use in unheated rooms, the use of structures with one contour of sealing gaskets is allowed) (clause 5.1.3 of GOST 23166-99).

The design of window units must ensure the possibility of replacing glass, double-glazed windows, window fixtures, and sealing gaskets without compromising the integrity of product parts (clause 5.1.3 of GOST 23166-99).

In order to increase the resistance of windows to unauthorized influences, their design may include screw handles equipped with locks of class 1-2, reinforced locking devices, additional fasteners in corner joints (clause 5.1.9 of GOST 23166-99).

In the designs of window units, it is recommended to use hinges that provide adjustment of gaps in the narthexes, opening clamps that allow you to adjust the opening angle of sash elements (including in the position of slot ventilation), linings for leveling gaps in the narthex (second paragraph of clause 5.1.10 of GOST 23166- 99).


If you want to take a risk and bring your wildest fantasies to life, you should first consult with an architect. Regarding the shape and dimensions of the window, its height from the floor. Perhaps dreams do not coincide with reality. Then installing such windows is impossible.

If, on the contrary, you want to make everything simpler, it is better to be guided by standards in all aspects. Perhaps someday views on what the distance to the floor from the window should be will change, but it is unlikely that these changes will be significant. Because a certain limit of architectural thought has already been reached.

Here's what to consider when choosing this height in a private home:

  1. Window dimensions.
  2. Purpose of the room.
  3. Climatic conditions of geographic latitude.

Sometimes it is more practical to make the windows small. For example, where there is little sun and a cold, damp climate, somewhere in the northern regions close to the ocean. In sunny latitudes, on the contrary, it is better to make large windows, like in Stalin buildings, in order to more effectively use the abundance of daylight and moonlight.

And it is better to choose the distance to the floor as 70 cm. And everywhere except the bathroom. In a private home, it is also worth considering the height of the flooring. If it is tall, then the height to the window will be less.

If we are talking about an apartment, you should think ten times before remodeling. In any case, the owner will be responsible. Moreover, most likely, no one will give permission for this. And for good reason.

At a minimum, the appearance of an apartment building, where everyone changes the height of their windows, will be strange and unaesthetic.

Since the 1930s, in homes and public buildings such as schools, windows have been located at an acceptable height relative to the floor. And in brick, and in panel, and in buildings made of aerated concrete. So there is no practical sense in remodeling window openings. If you want something of your own, it is better to immediately buy or build a private house.

The distance from the window to the floor is an important aspect for any room. It determines how much light the room will have. In addition, this plays an important role in the microclimate of the room. The parameter also affects safety. This is why it is worth considering the standards, even if we are talking about a private home.

The size of windows in a private house is an important design stage, which determines the scale of the panorama outside the window, the amount of sunlight, the arrangement of furniture, and the location of heating appliances. How to correctly calculate the size of windows to take into account all the nuances?

Problems with glazing entrances

Replacing windows in the entrance can be complicated by organizational problems and imperfect legislation. The corruption component also needs to be taken into account. All this negatively affects the improvement process. To speed up this procedure and achieve optimal results, several factors need to be taken into account.

Cost savings for those responsible

An excessively long chain from customer to contractor becomes the reason that the cheapest models of single-glazed windows are ultimately purchased at a fairly high price. The imperfections of tenders and the personal interests of officials lead to the fact that it is impossible to purchase structures that meet regulatory requirements with the allocated funds.

Provision by the customer of incomplete technical specifications

Insufficient qualifications of DEZ employees often make it difficult to draw up a normal technical specification, which ultimately leads to an increase in order fulfillment times. With a long chain of command between the contractor and the customer, correcting errors in the documentation takes a lot of time.

Some residents are unhappy with the renovations

Each building contains several apartments, the residents of which, for various reasons, are preventing repairs. This problem can only be solved by systematic explanatory work. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to obtain the consent of residents of the entrance who are dissatisfied with the replacement of windows. If you ignore their opinion, they will in every possible way prevent the replacement of windows.

It is much easier to solve emerging problems when an initiative group is created that controls the actions of the management company and works with dissatisfied residents. In almost every home there are people with organizational skills who show interest in such large-scale events. It is recommended that you support these residents through all stages of window replacement.

Although repairs must be carried out by the management company at the expense of regularly received contributions, increasingly, glazing of entrances is carried out on its own at the expense of residents. This option is chosen in order to save oneself from long and tedious proceedings with representatives of the DEZ and install high-quality windows. After all, when contacting the manufacturer directly, the entire progress of the work is controlled by the residents themselves, who can choose any model for glazing.

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