Tips and practical recommendations for glazing balconies in Khrushchev

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I miss my blog and you, my readers! Today I would like to talk about glazing balconies in old buildings. Namely about the glazing of the balcony in Khrushchev. The era of mass construction of four- and five-story brick and panel houses occurred during the reign of one of the leaders of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev. Actually, in honor of the leader and the house, they received their unsightly nickname among the people.

Khrushchev buildings or “Khrushchev-era buildings”, as people liked to say, were built from 1958 to 1985. These were the times of massive construction in order to provide the population with their own housing, albeit small-sized ones, which at that time was considered a real luxury.

Khrushchev's houses. Main characteristics

In block houses, the ceiling height is 2.48 m (in some series - 2.7 m), there was no elevator, there was a shared bathroom, and the sound insulation of the internal walls left much to be desired.

At that time, most of the Khrushchev buildings belonged to the “demolished” series of buildings - houses that were erected to temporarily solve the housing problems of the population.

It was assumed that their service life would not exceed 25 years, but many of them are still in use. For some time it was believed that the service life of buildings of this type was no more than 50 years, but studies have proven that Khrushchev buildings can easily stand for another 150 years.

Glazing of balconies in Khrushchev

It is important to know:

  • balcony width 0.65 m;
  • balcony length 2.8 m;
  • the distance from the parapet to the upper balcony is 1.6 m;
  • balconies, as a rule, are U- or L-shaped;
  • when glazing balconies of this type, additional corner profiles are required; the balcony design consists of side parts and a front part (the side parts are located at an angle);
  • usually open-type balconies with metal fencing elements;
  • the balconies, like the Khrushchev buildings themselves, were built from low-quality concrete, so the slab can crumble;
  • the old railings are unreliable and require replacement, as well as the installation of a new iron frame.

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Problems with glazing "Khrushchev"

Old parapets and beams

The fencing of a balcony or loggia, as a rule, is not durable and cannot always be used as a support for window frames.
Sometimes the existing railing is removed and a low wall is built from brick or gas silicate blocks. But at the same time, the useful width decreases, and most importantly, the load on the balcony increases significantly due to the mass of this wall.

Another solution is to strengthen the railings or completely replace them with a more durable welded structure, which is specifically designed for mounting window frames.

Additional load on the walls

Sometimes the balcony itself needs strengthening. The strength of concrete in old houses often leaves much to be desired. Crumbling balcony slabs are a common occurrence. Such slabs are reinforced around the perimeter with steel corners.

To determine the degree of reinforcement, it is necessary to accurately calculate the load from the installed glazing, and it can vary within quite a wide range depending on the design of the window frames, the number of glasses in double-glazed windows and other factors.

Roof construction

The glazing of balconies in Khrushchev is often combined with the roof structure, for example, if the balcony is on the top floor.

When installing a roof, it is necessary to make a metal frame on which the roof will be fixed. In each case, such a frame is developed taking into account many nuances, despite the standard design.

Features of glazing design in Khrushchev

At this stage, the accuracy of measurements and calculations is very important. All elements of the future structure must precisely take their places and withstand the load intended for them. At the same time, the glazing along with additional elements should not be too heavy so as not to exceed the strength of the balcony.

Calculating the weight of frames, double-glazed windows, support frames, and assessing the load-bearing capacity of basic balcony structures require special knowledge and high qualifications. Trying to do this work yourself can lead to irreparable consequences.

More on the topic How to fix plastic windows?

Professionalism in this matter is a prerequisite for safety, not just quality.

Balcony glazing for Khrushchev - sketch No. 1

Glazing a balcony in a Khrushchev building - sketch No. 2

Glaze an L-shaped balcony in a Khrushchev building

Glazing a balcony in a U-shaped Khrushchev building - option No. 1

Glazing of a Khrushchev-era balcony - option No. 2


Calculation and measurements

Before you begin glazing a Khrushchev-era balcony, you must carefully take all measurements. Of course, theoretically, you can use standard measurements from the technical passport of the apartment. But in practice, significant errors may occur (up to 10-15 cm), so it is better to take all measurements manually. Measure the height and width of the balcony at several points. Minimum values ​​must be specified. It is also worth considering the following nuances:

  • The height is measured from the edge of the parapet to the roof.
  • The tape measure must be installed strictly vertically.
  • Measurements must be taken every meter - at least.

The length is measured from one edge of the parapet to the opposite. The tape measure must be positioned strictly horizontally. From the smallest result, 6 cm is subtracted for MPO and 4 cm during installation.

Types of glazing of balconies in Khrushchev-era buildings

“In order to glaze a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building and be satisfied with the cost of repairs, you need to determine what properties it should have. To do this, you need to select the type of structure with which the balcony will be glazed: "

  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Semi-warm
  • Frameless
  • Glazing of balconies with a roof in Khrushchevka

Cold glazing with aluminum (Provedal)

“Cold” glazing is performed using aluminum profiles. Most often in this case, the Spanish aluminum profile Provedal is used. Due to its lightness, Provedal can be installed on almost all balconies, providing them with reliable protection from rain, wind and insects.

The price of glazing balconies in Khrushchev using an aluminum profile will please everyone without exception, in addition, much more sunlight penetrates through such windows compared to PVC windows. The disadvantage of Provedal aluminum windows is that in winter they do not protect against frost.”

Warm plastic glazing

“Warm” glazing is not used often, since the mass of the plastic structure is quite large, and a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building cannot always withstand such weight. But if the balcony is reliable, then using plastic windows you can turn the balcony into a real office or recreation room.

Structures made from PVC profiles in combination with double-glazed windows have high heat and noise insulation rates. Additionally, in such cases, insulation of the balcony itself is required to ensure sufficient tightness. Installation of plastic windows on the balcony is possible only after checking the reliability of the balcony slab.”

Semi-warm plastic glazing (Slidors)

“Not so long ago, Slidors sliding profile systems appeared on the window market. They have collected all the best qualities of warm and cold glazing and have become the “golden mean”.

Slidors window systems are lightweight, and the presence of a double-glazed window allows you to protect the balcony from the cold. Single glass Slidors are usually priced slightly higher than Provedal. The cost of Slidors with single-chamber double-glazed windows is at the same level as conventional plastic windows.”

Frameless glazing

“Frameless glazing is a continuous glass structure that does not have vertical partitions. The advantage of these systems is their luxurious appearance both inside and outside, and the presence of a panoramic view allows you to fully admire the world around you.

More on the topic All about frameless balcony glazing for a beginner

Compared to other types of glazing, frameless glazing has the highest light transmittance, which can undoubtedly be considered an advantage. Unfortunately, frameless structures also have their disadvantages: low thermal insulation and high price.”

“A great way to choose the right type of glazing is to study the following diagram:”

Design ideas

  • Balcony bar. The thicker window sill serves as a tabletop.
  • Dinner Zone. This solution is appropriate if the kitchen is adjacent to the balcony.
  • A place to relax. Comfortable armchairs, wicker chairs, a sofa or a bed are suitable for arrangement; you can also put a small table.
  • Cabinet. You can work in such a room if you need privacy.
  • Game room. For children's leisure, a playground is often organized in the balcony space. The interior style should correspond to the purpose of the room; it is better to choose a cheerful color scheme.
  • Flower garden.
  • Boudoir. To decorate the interior you will need a dressing table and a comfortable chair. It is worth giving preference to furniture with carved decor and thick fabrics.
  • Creative workshop.
  • Wardrobe. A competent layout will free up a lot of space in the main part of the apartment. For the effect of visually enlarging the space, you can install a mirror.
  • Gym. Filling the space with inventory and equipment directly depends on personal preferences and the availability of free space.

Living room and bar in one space.

Dining area on the loggia in Khrushchev.

Interesting room design ideas in the photo.

Corner for relaxing and reading books. Wood paneling.

Finishing materials: lining, painted white, decorative plaster.

Compact wardrobe.

A place to work on a computer.

Playroom for children.

Flower garden and warehouse on the same territory.

Mini greenhouse.

Creative workshop

A warm loggia opens up new possibilities for use by the family. One use case is to create a creative lab. A place where you can “pick up your soul” and give free rein to your creative impulse.

Set up an easel and paint, or set up a special table with additional lighting for cutting and sewing. Even on a small balcony you can place a cutting table and a sewing machine.


A common solution when decorating a balcony in a Khrushchev building is to create a rest room. There are many design options from classic style to country and Provence.

Place a few chairs to create a seating area. It is better to choose light wicker furniture or small wrought iron chairs. Also place a coffee table. It can be made sliding or folding, which will free up more space.

Instead of chairs, you can place a bench, a small ottoman or a sofa. A recreation area in an oriental style will look no less organic. Draw lots of soft pillows instead of furniture. Make a folding table, but at a lower level so that it can be easily reached while sitting on the floor.

Now you will have a place to sit with a cup of coffee or chat with friends in a small company. The same design option is suitable for a place where you can smoke a hookah on a pleasant summer evening.

Dinner Zone

Sometimes it's nice to drink tea in the fresh air. Especially if the view is impressive and the climate is pleasant. You will need:

  • table;
  • a couple of chairs (if you live alone, you can have one).

The table can be folded to save space.

By the way, dining rooms on balconies are often combined with mini-greenhouses. This is no coincidence: the proximity of plants contributes to excellent relaxation.

Rest zone

The main problem in choosing furniture for a loggia is the selection of furniture. Finished furniture has large dimensions, and choosing options from the catalog is almost impossible. The only way out is to make custom furniture. Go to a wood supply store or make your own furniture.

Custom furniture has many advantages. For example, you can create secret or hidden shelves to store small items and choose materials and mechanisms to suit your budget. The convertible chair will become the bed of your choice. Near the seats, consider a hinged lid for storing useful items. Oriental style lovers can come up with a floor and throw pillows on the floor.

It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment or with children, you can always relax and enjoy a cup of coffee or knitting. For a comfortable stay on the balcony, place rattan or wicker furniture. It is lightweight and quite mobile. And upon order, you will receive furniture according to your dimensions.

A simpler option is almost “oriental”. Place pillows on the floor and relax.

Instead of a pouf, you can assemble a small bench. Fold down the seat and you get a storage box for all sorts of things. To make the seat softer, we wrap the back and seat with soft material.

Don't forget about design techniques for visually expanding space. Light colors are used in the decoration, enlivening the design with bright splashes of color. Don't really like the view from the window? We make the side walls into blanks and glue beautiful wallpaper onto one of them.

Mini office

A great idea would be to place a workplace on the loggia. The area will be turned into a secluded office of modest size. Pros: Lots of natural light. At the renovation stage, you can get sockets in the right places and lamps. All that remains is to place a table and shelves for storing necessary documents and small items. If the office is no longer needed, move the shelves to a filing area. There will still be room on the balcony to create a relaxation corner.

Game room

It is also possible to equip a small balcony for children in the Khrushchev-era building. Place soft shelves and toy boxes here. Install an interesting chair with an unusual shape or color.

It is better to decorate the balcony in light colors, perhaps with unusual or fabulous elements. But don't overload the space. The child should feel comfortable and have enough space to play.


For flower lovers, we transform the renovated balcony into a charming greenhouse. Arrange with a glazing company to install a large window sill. We also ask you to make inserts from timber into the side blind plastic panels. Then you can hang pots and pot shelves with plants and all sorts of cute hangings on the side walls. The photo below shows an interesting idea for placing shelves at 45°.

Curtains will protect your pets from direct sunlight.

Tired of white plastic panels? Look at the options for finishing with plastic panels and natural stone. Moss grows on old walls too! And the load on the balcony slab practically does not increase. Today on the market you can buy finishing materials that will change your idea of ​​​​the possibilities of the same plastic in room design.

That part of the external wall of the house, which turned out to be “internal” in relation to the glazed balcony, was finished according to the general design of the greenhouse. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the weight of the wall covering (tiles, stone, decorative plaster.

Add a sofa or chair to enjoy flowers and relax at the same time. For example, with a hookah.

Even a simple chair with a blanket and pillows, located in the middle of greenery, seems like a real heavenly place to relax.


The morning begins with a pleasant awakening. A series of your favorite outdoor exercises will give you energy. To do this, you don’t have to go outside at all - if you build a balcony under the gym. Of course, you won't be able to fit full-fledged exercise equipment into such a limited space, but an ab bench, mat or compact elliptical machine will do just fine. This idea is rarely seen in practice, but as an option - why not?

As you can see, even modest and absurd balconies in Khrushchev can become your personal outlet and place of ideal relaxation - if you approach their design correctly and deviate from the usual design canons. First of all, think about what you really want: drinking coffee in the fresh air or a cozy workspace without strangers?

Principles of landscaping and original design solutions

The space between the roof and the floor can be filled with flowers that do not interfere with the main activity. A portable planter block can hide an unsightly wall block or other imperfections. However, it is worth remembering that you cannot use bulky frying pans that will take up a lot of space. An original idea would be to grow climbing plants that will cover part of the wall. Outdoor annuals are beautiful in summer and can be used to decorate the floor when making a portable structure from pots. The higher the floor, the more light will fall on the plant, which is worth considering (fewer objects to create shadows). To have flowers on your balcony in winter, you can plant gazania and petunia.

Flowers can be placed:

  • suspended from the ceiling;
  • placed on the floor;
  • on special stands or shelves;
  • on the outer fence;
  • on the inner windowsill.

An original way of arranging a balcony can be called installing sliding panoramic windows, which have a frame of minimal thickness. You can create a barbecue area. But it is important to remember that the barbecue area is created with the installation of gas grills, since their use does not violate fire safety rules. Recently, unique greenhouses have increasingly been organized where fruits and vegetables can be grown.

Curtains and decor

Thanks to modern curtains and designer fabric blinds, you can protect your glazed loggia from excessive sunlight and heat. To design balcony frames, shortened models of minimal size are often chosen. Roller blinds, Roman blinds or pleated blinds are suitable. Products that differ in installation inside the frame allow you to save as much space on the balcony as possible.

To make a small balcony in a Khrushchev-era building look cozy and comfortable, the room can be decorated with soft pillows or handmade accessories. Wall paintings, handmade decorations and open decor fill the atmosphere with special warmth. It is advisable to paint the surfaces of the walls using stencils or decorate the aircraft with special stickers. Such drawings will not only diversify the monochrome wall decor on the Khrushchev balcony, but will also become the main compositional center.

Lighting will help highlight the decorated loggia. LED strip with different color modes will make the atmosphere even more festive.

Storage space

If you only use the balcony for practical purposes, such as drying clothes or storing things, the design and decoration can be done easily and simply - make the renovation within your budget. After its completion, all that remains is to place a chest of drawers or a closet for everything you need.

Glazing a balcony in a Khrushchev-era turnkey building

Glazing of balconies in Khrushchev has its own characteristics. The main one is an insufficiently stable balcony slab, which cannot always withstand the loads placed on it, and the installation of window blocks can make it dangerous.

In order to avoid such consequences, you need to contact a company that guarantees not only the quality of the windows, but also the stability of the entire balcony.


We all know firsthand what a “Khrushchevka” is - a small apartment with a not very good layout and a minimum of amenities. The construction of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings began in the post-war period in 1955 during a time of great shortage of living space, when the problem of mass resettlement of people began to be solved.

It was during this difficult period that the idea of ​​mass construction of houses no more than five floors high, with thin walls, with adjacent rooms, without a garbage chute, without an elevator, with small combined bathrooms and meager balconies, appeared.

But at that time, even such a small and uncomfortable living space was a gift for its owners, and now many would not mind turning such an apartment into a beautiful, functional and comfortable home.

And if it is still possible to somehow carry out a convenient redevelopment in the apartment itself, then remodeling a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building is very difficult. After all, this already small canopy only allows you to sometimes go out into the fresh air and smoke.

So is it possible to somehow glaze balconies in Khrushchev-era buildings without compromising their functionality?

We take into account the design features of the balcony

If you nevertheless decide to glaze a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building, then you should well understand the complexity of this event, which must be carried out in compliance with the existing design features:


You need to understand that these balconies, like the houses themselves, were built from low-quality concrete, so you can see with the naked eye how many balcony slabs are already crumbling.

In order for the new structure to be as safe as possible in operation, perimeter specialists reinforce the concrete slab using special metal corners and carefully calculate the load of the window frame being installed. When glazing a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building, it is advisable to install an aluminum profile frame to the height of the entire floor.

Selection of material and features of working with it

Until recently, used frames or other available materials were used as glazing materials. You can glaze a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building with your own hands using more modern materials. In the photos presented you can see several options.


Installing plastic windows has many advantages:

  • high quality and durability;
  • long service life;
  • easy care;
  • affordable price.

But the weight of the structure is very large, so much so that old balconies are unlikely to withstand the weight of such windows. A parapet cannot be built either; this will reduce the already small area.


Installing wooden windows is quite a popular and favorite way to glaze balconies. This is largely due to the advantages of the material itself:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent external data;
  • wood fits well into any interior;
  • compatibility with modern fittings;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • good soundproofing qualities;
  • light weight;
  • Easy installation that you can do yourself.

By treating wood with special antifungal compounds, you increase its service life to 50 years. The light weight of wooden windows is ideal for glazing balconies in Khrushchev-era buildings. When choosing wooden windows, it is recommended to choose pine needles, ash or oak.

The disadvantages of wooden windows include:

  • mandatory painting;
  • drying out and, as a result, poor closure.


The best option for glazing is an aluminum profile. Its main advantages include:

  • high strength;
  • light weight;
  • fire resistance;
  • affordability.

Modern designs have additional inserts made of insulation or plastic, and although they slightly increase the overall weight, the thermal insulation qualities become more noticeable.

How to glaze a balcony in a Khrushchev building?

When glazing balconies, many of us choose more expensive types of glazing, which allow us to keep the apartment warm in winter, protect it from street noise, and prevent seasonal precipitation.
Properly implemented glazing of a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building looks very aesthetically pleasing and neat. On the balconies of multi-storey buildings, you can install one of the following types of frames: wooden, plastic or aluminum.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, wood is a very warm material that has a magnificent appearance. But temperature changes over time lead to the fact that the doors begin to close poorly and, accordingly, cannot fully protect the internal space.

In this regard, plastic frames are more preferable. Frames of any size and shape can be made from plastic, which will not be afraid of extreme cold, heat, or ultraviolet radiation. But, despite the fact that glazing with plastic frames is very reliable and durable, it is worth considering that the weight of such frames is very high.

Therefore, of all the above glazing options, the most optimal in this case will be the last one. Glazing of balconies in Khrushchev with frames made of aluminum profiles is the only type of glazing that best meets all the requirements.

Possessing high strength, the aluminum frame weighs much less than plastic or wood. In addition, only aluminum glazing of balconies can provide the best penetration of daylight into the adjacent room. And by installing sliding doors, you can provide maximum access to the usable area.

If you want, you can trim the space under the frame with wood, which will perfectly smooth out the cold look of aluminum.

Structures with wood: advantages over other materials

Wooden frames are rarely used for cold glazing; due to the exposure of this material to weather conditions, it does not withstand a long service life. Wood is heavy, and not all concrete slabs can withstand such a load. The advantages of wooden glazing are that the natural material retains heat better, so in order to preserve the repairs in the loggia for a long time, you will need to annually treat all the parts with special antiseptic agents and cover the top with paint or varnish.

Structures with wood are not durable, so they are not very popular

With warm glazing using wood, metal-plastic or aluminum, in the winter cold or rain, a person can relax near the window with a cup of coffee or tea, while reading a book or watching a program.

PVC profiles are the most popular, they differ:

  • Durability;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Simplicity and ease of use.

To keep the room warm and prevent moisture from entering, experts recommend installing double or triple glazed windows. Wood has many positive properties - retaining heat in the apartment, beautiful appearance, environmental friendliness of the material, the only disadvantages are the high price, dampness and drying out over time from exposure to scorching sun rays and damp weather.

How to glaze an upper balcony with a roof?

Covering balconies located below the top floor with an aluminum profile is not such a labor-intensive process. The situation is different with the glazing of balconies on the top floors. Here, roofing arrangements may also be added to all other estimated costs.

To glaze balconies with a roof, it is necessary to install a special metal frame, on top of which the roofing material is laid. This process is quite complex; the development of a design project for each specific case is carried out strictly individually, taking into account many additional nuances.

It is very important at this stage to take accurate measurements and correctly complete drawings, in which it is necessary to take into account the angle of the roof slope. The weight of the structure itself must also be carefully calculated so that the balcony in the Khrushchev building does not collapse from this load.

Therefore, it is best in this case not to experiment, but to entrust the entire process to specialists who will take on the entire burden of permitting documents and all kinds of approvals.

The resulting result will meet all your expectations, and the glazed balcony of the Khrushchev building will bring a lot of positive moments into your life!


Features of the design of balconies in Khrushchev buildings

In fact, glazing a balcony is associated with greater difficulties than performing the same work on a loggia.
First of all, this is due to restrictions on the maximum load on the slab. But besides this, the team that will perform this work will have to take into account the following:

Condition of the floor slab. The concrete used for their production was often of poor quality. Therefore, after 50 years, it often began to crumble and crack. It is prohibited to carry out installation work in this condition of the slab.

Railing. As a rule, fences on a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building are unreliable and cannot be used as a basis for installing metal-plastic products and window frames made of other materials, at least without additional reinforcement.

Small size. Strictly speaking, it is difficult for two people to fit on such a balcony, so in some cases, if the technical and operational characteristics of the building allow, glazing of balconies in Khrushchev-era buildings is carried out with removal.

It is not recommended to use existing fences as a base for installing a balcony frame. The optimal solution would be to make them anew, and for these purposes it is good to use lightweight building materials. If this is not possible, existing fences must be strengthened.

Strengthening the slab and finishing the balcony

There are periodic reports in the media about accidents caused by the collapse of balcony slabs. This often happens even without the additional weight of the glazing.

Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the balcony. If the house is still new, then you can get by with treating the surface with cement mortar. Most often, repair and strengthening of the slab is required.

Laying reinforcing mesh

If it is necessary to increase the load-bearing capacity of the slab, reinforcement with reinforcement is used - a wire mesh with a thickness of at least 5 mm. Rods with a diameter of 10-15 mm are laid around the perimeter at a distance of 5-6 cm from the edge. The reinforcing mesh should be connected to the rods with wire 2-3 mm thick.

Pouring concrete screed

Before starting work, the surface must be cleaned. Peeling pieces of concrete must be completely removed. The mortar is laid up to 85 mm thick, and there must be at least 30 mm of concrete above the reinforcement. The surface of the screed is leveled in such a way that a small angle of inclination outward is obtained (2-3 degrees).

Interior finishing work

The design of the interior space of a glazed balcony depends on the owners’ goals for the further use of the additional space. In any case, compact LED lamps are best suited for narrow spaces.

For a cramped space, specific design techniques are needed:

  1. Be sure to use light colors on ceilings and walls. White color visually expands the boundaries of the surrounding space.
  2. For the floor, a wide board coated with valuable wood veneer is suitable. You can also use carpet, linoleum or parquet. It is better to avoid heavy tiles.
  3. A large number of things clutter up the space, so it is better to place cabinets on the side walls. The table inside can be folded on hinges.
  4. If the balcony is insulated, then it is necessary to carefully seal all the cracks with polyurethane foam. The floor, parapet, and ceiling are insulated with heat-insulating materials.
  5. The materials used for finishing unheated balconies are subject to increased requirements: frost resistance, resistance to precipitation, service life of 30 years.

Glazing options

There are no restrictions in this regard.
The main requirement is to install a frame that will meet the necessary requirements related to the maximum permissible load on the slab. In any case, it will be necessary to carry out preliminary work to prepare the base, make a new support, etc. The most popular types of glazing for a balcony in a panel house are:

Metal-plastic products. This option is chosen by those who plan to install warm glazing on the balcony. The disadvantage of this option is the weight of the product. For such balconies, you should not choose a five-chamber profile with triple glazing.

The optimal choice would be a three-chamber profile and a double-glazed window. It is also worth ordering a product with a minimum number of sashes. A blind opening as a whole weighs approximately half as much as an identical one with an installed sash.

Tree. Traditional glazing method. A modern manufacturer offers products that use metal-plastic window fittings. In this case, the shutter opens in several positions.

The advantage of wooden windows is their environmental friendliness and beautiful appearance. The disadvantage is the need for constant care. Wood breathes, so it shrinks or expands depending on the time of year. The optimal solution would be to purchase a window made of laminated veneer lumber. This material reacts less to moisture.

Aluminum profile. If there is no need to insulate the balcony, it is better to choose such glazing. The weight of the aluminum profile reduces the load on the floor slab. The disadvantage of such products is their high thermal conductivity. The profile begins to freeze already at a temperature of -5 degrees.

For balconies with a small area, it is recommended to pay attention to sliding window systems that save space.

Attention: With any glazing option, it is necessary to ensure the stability and strength of the floor slab. To do this, use metal corners to “prop up” the balcony.

Warm or cold glazing?

Again, when deciding which type of glazing to choose, it all comes down to the permissible load on the floor slab.
SNiP stipulates that for every sq. m. may account for no more than 100 kg of weight. In this case, the recommended load is no more than 65 kg. A small advantage can be achieved by making supports under the slab and carrying out additional work to replace the old heavy fence with a lightweight aluminum one. But this does not solve the problem completely. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cold and warm glazing of a balcony in Khrushchev?

Warm. If the work is carried out correctly, it is possible to ensure that the balcony becomes an extension of the room or can be used as a study or winter greenhouse.

When working, it is necessary to carry out competent calculations of the maximum load, taking into account the insulation of walls and other work. Only a competent specialist can do this. Metal-plastic or wooden frames are suitable for such glazing.

Cold. It is performed using an aluminum profile or frameless glazing, resulting in a reduced load on the slab. If there is no particular need to insulate a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building, you should choose this option.

Carefully! If the floor slab (or part of it) suddenly breaks and falls down due to work, the owner of the apartment will bear all responsibility for what happened. Moreover, not only administrative, but also criminal liability is possible in the form of an article for causing harm to a person through negligence.

Improving the strength of slabs before glazing

The concrete slab is one of the weak points of balconies in Khrushchev-era buildings, therefore, before starting glazing, it is better to strengthen it using one of the methods below.

Installation of reinforcement mesh

This method is used if the slab is severely damaged. The essence of the method is as follows: steel wire with a diameter of 5 mm is taken and a mesh is assembled from it. After this, the slab is thoroughly cleaned, the mesh is installed on the slab and poured with concrete.

If the slab is so damaged that it literally collapses under your feet, it is better to give up trying to strengthen it yourself and use the services of specialists.

Screed with cement

This method will help get rid of small cracks and other minor damage. The screed is performed like this:

  • The slab is cleaned and leveled with cement.
  • The next layer of cement is laid with a slope of 1-2 degrees.
  • Next, iron plating is performed using dry cement.
  • Then the surface is leveled with a trowel.

In a few days everything will dry and be ready for further repair work.

Interior finishing and seam sealing

Interior decoration mainly serves a thermal insulation and aesthetic function. The process is performed in several steps:

  • Sealing seams. When glazing there are always cracks, gaps and seams - this is absolutely normal. But they need to be sealed with sealant (most often, ordinary polyurethane foam is used for this purpose).
  • Waterproofing of internal surfaces. The simplest option here would be sheets of roofing felt, but other materials can be used. For example, stekloizol, isol, polypropylene, etc.
  • Internal thermal insulation. At this stage you will need insulation. They need to cover all surfaces - floor, walls, ceiling. The ideal solution would be polystyrene foam - it provides good thermal insulation, is inexpensive, lightweight and easy to install.

Frame and frameless glazing

Another glazing option is frameless. This type of glazing places the least load on the floor slab. The operating principle of such a frame is as follows:

  1. Guide profiles are installed at the top and bottom of the balcony.
  2. Glass with special rollers is installed.

The opening and closing of the doors is carried out using a sliding method, accordion-type. If necessary, all the glass can be moved to one side and completely free up the balcony opening.

This glazing method has its drawbacks. One of the main ones is that the surface on which the guide profile is attached must be perfectly flat with a clearly defined horizon.

Frame glazing does not have the disadvantages of the previous version. It can be placed even in an opening that does not have a horizontal or vertical level. Its installation is faster and requires less professional skills.

If the balcony is on the top floor

In material terms, the most expensive is the arrangement of a balcony on the top floor. In Khrushchev-era buildings they often have no roof. Therefore, in addition to glazing, roofing work will be required. To do this, you will need to make a metal frame that meets the following criteria:

  1. Had the correct angle of inclination. Calculations are carried out in relation to the overall roofing system.
  2. The load on the floor slab would be minimal.

To carry out such work, it will be necessary to additionally obtain permits for the reconstruction and expansion of the roof.

With your own hands

This is a difficult task, for which you need to have a tool at hand and knowledge of the process. The instructions below will help you understand all these nuances.

Required Tools

For installation you will need the following set of tools:

  1. Additional guides in the form of straight and corner connectors. To create non-perpendicular joints, you will need bay window bolts.
  2. Welding machine.
  3. Hammer drill, screwdriver, spray foam gun.

In addition, you will need a level, a tape measure, a beading knife, and a circular saw for cutting.

Step-by-step instruction

If there is no experience, then it is better to have specialists do this work.

Instructions for informational purposes will be provided for your reference. Consists of the following aspects:

  1. Check the condition of the concrete panel and fastenings. After this, you should begin choosing window material.
  2. At this stage, you need to decide whether it will be panoramic glazing in a Khrushchev building or a classic version. Calculate the amount of material required. If the work will be carried out on the top floor, take into account the roof. The simplest option is a galvanized visor.
  3. Completely clear the area being repaired of unnecessary objects and frames. At the end, only the “bare” parapet should remain.
  4. If the metal frame is in unsatisfactory condition, it must be immediately dismantled. Instead, metal profiles are installed. It is impossible to complete this stage without welding, but you can provide the option of taking it out and thereby increase the usable area; you can get by with a window sill.
  5. Attaching a metal profile to the house wall and parapet. These supports are fixed using a welding machine. The angle is at least 45.
  6. The base of the roof is extended using a profile that is attached directly to it. The element that protrudes can act as a visor. Cover with galvanized sheet or other roofing material.
  7. The window is mounted on the prepared structure. If you have planned the covering of the metal frame in advance, you need to start there. Then the windows should be inserted last, as they will interfere with these events.

Completely clean the area to be repaired. Attach the metal profile to the house wall and parapet. Extend the base of the roof using a profile.

The window is mounted on the prepared structure

Before you decide to carry out this procedure yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the necessary information. It is possible to carry out finishing, especially since this does not require special skills.

Is it possible to expand the balcony?

Yes, but only if the technical and operational characteristics of the building allow. For these purposes, the following work is performed:

  • Old fencing is removed.
  • They make a metal structure that in appearance resembles the letter G in a mirror image. The outward protrusion should be 30-50 cm.
  • A frame is installed on the edge of the metal structure. The protrusion is covered with a window sill of appropriate length.
  • Insulation, exterior and interior finishing is carried out.
  • The possibility of constructing a balcony with an extension primarily depends on the condition of the floor slab and requires competent and accurate calculations. Not everyone will be able to do this work on their own, so it is best to turn to professional installers for help.

Glazing a balcony in Khrushchev and panel houses requires a competent approach. You will need to calculate the maximum load and determine which type of frame will be optimal in each specific case. There are no ready-made solutions in this regard; everything is decided on the spot after a preliminary inspection of the condition of the balcony.


Expert advice

This work should be entrusted to professionals, they will carry out a competent calculation of the strength of the concrete base, and if necessary, they will strengthen it. After this, we will begin installing double-glazed windows.

The following designs are recommended to choose:

  • Metal-plastic. Resistant to external factors, long service life, available in a wide color palette. Disadvantage: weighs a lot;
  • PVC. High sound insulation properties. This is appropriate when the loggia faces the highway or a noisy central street.

Extended glazing helps to increase the usable space by 20 cm. In this case, the frames are located outside the slab and are secured using brackets.

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