The difference between single and double glazing

Few people, when ordering plastic windows, understand the meaning of the term “double glazing”. This word often means a window in general. At the same time, it is necessary to dwell on this part of the structure in more detail, because how warm and cozy your home will become will depend on its qualities.

The majority of the PVC product is occupied by the glass unit. It is a closed glass chamber, between the walls of which there is air or some other gas. What types and features of profile parts exist, we will consider below.

Single chamber package

Again, let's focus on concepts. One chamber is not one, but two layers of glass, between which there is a special material that absorbs excess moisture. It is this substance that prevents the occurrence of condensation. Experts call this design a “standard single-glazed window.”

Two glasses of 0.4 cm each, plus a gap between them of 1.6 cm, you get a package 2.4 cm thick. There is a configuration of PVC windows in both 1.8 cm and 3.6 cm. The weight of the profile depends on the dimensions . Thus, a single-chamber double-glazed window is noticeably lighter than a double-chamber one. What does this mean for the consumer? A lightweight window is more securely fixed in the opening, and through two glasses more light penetrates into the room.

How to determine the number of cameras?

So, you have installed the plastic profile. The manager assured you that your apartment now has a good double-glazed window. And so you come to the window, and what do you see? Two glasses. The thought immediately comes to you that you have been deceived. Don't rush to conclusions. We will tell you how to distinguish a window consisting of one or two cameras.

To do this, you need to perform a simple action. Light a match or lighter a couple of centimeters from the glass unit. You will see the reflection of lights in the window. Count how many there are. If there are two, then you have a cheap single-chamber option, if there are three, then a two-chamber option. Each glass reflects a light, respectively, 2 lights are 2 glasses in a single-chamber design, and 3 lights are 3 glasses in a two-chamber design.

This method will allow even a non-specialist to distinguish the difference. And you can easily determine which window is in front of you.

Don't know which double-glazed windows to choose? Our company is always happy to provide qualified advice on the difference between models with one or two cameras. has been producing and installing PVC profiles for quite a long time. We use high-quality materials, and all work is performed by highly experienced craftsmen. As a result, no matter what choice you make, you will certainly be satisfied with the result of our cooperation. Call now!

Double glazing

The package consists of three glass layers, respectively, there are two gaps between them. A double-chamber window is the most common glazing option. It is suitable for premises of any type - apartments, cottages, business centers, office buildings. The standard thickness of a double bag is 3.8 cm. This figure is given by 3 glasses of 0.4 cm each and two air chambers of 1.6 and 1.4 cm each. Naturally, the weight of such a metal-plastic product is greater, and it is necessary to make sure whether the fasteners can withstand the load .

The differences between single-chamber and double-chamber PVC windows do not end there. What is not easy to notice with the naked eye is light transmittance.

It is worth noting that in the Far North, manufacturers also offer three-chamber windows to the population. An additional layer of glass improves sealing and avoids heat loss. 4 glasses and three air blocks between them give a total thickness of 5.8-6.0 cm. The window reliably isolates from a noisy highway or airport.

The triple barrier retains heat 50% better than the double barrier. True, you will be able to feel such a noticeable difference only in severe frost, when the temperature drops below -40°. In conditions where the climate is not so harsh, installing a triple package does not justify itself. Where winters are mild, you can get by with double glazing.

Of course, it was not without its shortcomings. The three-layer structure weighs even more, and not every balcony or window opening will support it. To strengthen the junction with the frame, professionals advise dividing the opening into several narrower sections.

In what cases should double-glazed windows be installed?

In the glazing of apartments and houses in the central part of Russia, double-glazed windows are mainly used. Their characteristics are best suited for low average temperatures.

If you live in a noisy city, near a highway, airport or railway tracks, the problem of annoying noise flow from the street will be successfully solved by installing high-quality double-glazed windows.

But if we are talking about the northern regions of our country, where frosts often drop below -30 degrees, you will need triple glazed windows. Their huge disadvantage is the cost, but the high price is justified by the improvement in each characteristic of double-glazed windows.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that even the highest rates of double-glazed windows in themselves do not guarantee high-quality filling of the window opening. Equally important is high-quality and professional work on window installation.

How do double-glazed windows differ in price?

Thrifty buyers immediately ask about the cost, however, the difference in the price range of single and double windows is not too big. Approximately, an additional camera will cost the customer only a quarter of the amount more. But when buying a triple package, cost can become a decisive factor, because a three-chamber design costs twice as much as a double window. Here, it is not so much the cost of glass that is playing up, but rather the cost of the profile itself; it must be reliable and firmly fix the package.

Price difference

What is the difference between single-chamber and double-glazed windows? The first thing consumers ask about is price. When choosing a double-chamber or single-chamber double-glazed window, the difference in cost will not be a factor that will play a big role. A double costs about 25 percent more than a single. But if we talk about a three-chamber double-glazed window, then its cost is 50 percent higher than a two-chamber one. At the same time, the difference in the price of glass is not as significant as in the thickness of the profile. After all, it must be strong and reliably hold the structure of the double-glazed window.

Energy-saving double-glazed window

A type of single window in which argon is pumped into the chamber instead of air. Although the special substance adds to the cost of the PVC structure, it has a high thermal conductivity resistance. Due to this, maximum energy savings are achieved.

There are also more expensive varieties. For example, a silver-coated “mirror” window reflects sunlight in clear weather. On a cool day, it prevents heat loss. By the way, an excellent option for those who are looking for a warm double-glazed window with low weight. It is about a third lighter and insulates heat better than a simple single or double window. The only drawback of the energy-saving package is its shorter service life. The structure lasts for 10-15 years, after this time the gas evaporates and the silver coating peels off. The PVC product turns into a regular single-chamber double-glazed window.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows with AGC glass

Every fourth building in Russia today is glazed with glass with energy-saving coatings from AGC. In the assortment of the world's leading concern AGC, special attention is paid to the line of energy-efficient glasses:

  • Low-emissivity glass with soft coating Top N+ effectively protects the property from heat loss and reduces heating bills.
  • Multifunctional Energy glass of the new generation protects the room from heat loss and overheating in the sun more effectively than low-emissivity glass. The temperature regime with such glass is always under control. Air conditioning may not be needed or will be used much less frequently.
  • Low-emissivity or multifunctional glass on a coated base allows you to achieve not only excellent energy-saving and sun protection properties, but also eliminate greenish tints of the glazing. Visually, the facade of the building becomes neutral, transparent and light, and the room is always light and comfortable. With coated glass, you can realize any ideas of an architect or customer. The fashion for neutrality is becoming the norm not only in Europe, but also in Russia.

Photo: glazing of the Zaryadye concert hall is made with energy-efficient single-chamber double-glazed windows with Energy NT on Clearvision glass from AGC*By combining different types of glass, you can create completely different single-chamber double-glazed windows for any room.

For a summer cottage, unheated loggia or balcony: the simplest double-glazed window with the lowest price made from ordinary glass with the formula 4M1-16-4M1.

For windows in a city apartment that face a noisy street: double glazing with triplex and low-emission Top N+ or multifunctional Energy Light glass (for example, 4.4.1-12Ar-4i or 4.4.1-12Ar-4EL). Triplex increases sound insulation, and energy-efficient glass ensures heat retention and protection from the sun.

For schools, offices, hospitals: a double-glazed window with triplex and multifunctional Energy Light glass (for example, 4EL-14Ar-3.3.1) is a warm double-glazed window that is not afraid of children's pranks during recess. The sun protection coating softens the bright sunlight, the students' eyes will be comfortable, and the room will always be comfortable.

For store windows: double-glazed windows with anti-vandal triplex and tempered low-emission glass Top N+ (4.4.1-16-6Izak) - the safety of visitors is guaranteed in any emergency situation, and property is protected from penetration.

For panoramic glazing and sliding doors: warm and safe double-glazed windows with multifunctional triplex and tempered glass (for example, 4.4.1 EL-20-6zak).

Where are single windows used?

A profile with one chamber, although it does not provide maximum thermal insulation, is quite suitable for installation:

  • On the balcony or loggia

If the balcony is not equipped with additional heating, and is not adapted to a kitchen or recreation room, then you can safely install a single package there. The loggia area itself will serve as a second chamber and equalize the temperature between the loggia and the main room. In this case, the difference between a single and double product is not noticeable.

  • At the dacha, “summer kitchen”

Since country houses often have non-standard openings, it is convenient to make custom-made plastic windows. Even a two-chamber product will cost no more than its wooden counterparts. If, with the onset of cold weather, the dacha is visited infrequently, and the house has heating or a heater, you can safely spend the winter with a single-chamber double-glazed window.

  • Veranda

As a rule, this room is rarely heated and insulated, so a multi-layer PVC construction would be just appropriate here. Metal-plastic products fit harmoniously into the interior of a room in any style.

  • Those who live in the southern regions are unfamiliar with harsh winters. If during the cold season the temperature rarely drops below -10°, then a window with a single package will be sufficient.

Three-chamber double-glazed window - for cold regions

This glass package has 3 chambers, glass of the same or different thickness. They are separated by a spacer frame. The product is suitable for use in heated rooms, including in the north of the country. It is not advisable to install it in regions with a temperate climate.


  • Maximum thermal protection coefficient . With a three-chamber double-glazed window, heat loss is two times less than with a single-chamber one, and 25% less than with a two-chamber one.
  • The ability to increase thermal insulation by 30% by increasing the width of the chambers and using energy-saving glass.
  • Maximum noise insulation . Even if there is a highway or a train station outside the windows, the house is quiet with the doors closed.
  • Saving on heating . Thanks to increased thermal protection, energy costs are lower. The triple system is suitable for use in the north of the country.
  • Minimum likelihood of condensation.

When buying three-chamber products, consider their features:

  • Light transmittance 65 %.
  • System thickness - from 64 cm . It will not be possible to install in buildings with thin walls.
  • Heavy weight . 1 m2 of glazing weighs 40 kg, which limits its size.
  • High price . A product with 3 chambers is up to 50% more expensive than a two-chamber one.
  • Increased requirements for fasteners and reliability of openings. - Quality comes first!
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Nuances: glass thickness

The thickness of a standard sheet of glass is 0.5 cm thick, but when ordering it is better to ask to assemble the package from a layer of 0.6 cm and above. So a single-chamber package will be equal in efficiency to a two-chamber one. Thus, you can also save significantly, because a double window is always more expensive than a single one, regardless of the quality of the glass. The thicker the glass sheet, the higher the energy savings of the finished product.

It is worth noting that increasing the thickness only affects heat retention. To achieve high sound insulation, such a trick will not help. To reduce noise levels in urban environments, you will need a double-glazed window.

The difference between double-glazed windows depending on the gas used to fill the chamber

The main properties of a double-glazed window - thermal permeability and sound insulation - largely depend on the gas that is pumped into the chambers. Light transmittance practically does not depend on this - the main role here is played by the characteristics of the glass itself.

Dry air is pumped into ordinary budget-level double-glazed windows; it has fairly low thermal conductivity, high transparency, and its chemical composition does not differ from atmospheric air. More expensive double-glazed windows use argon, krypton or xenon - inert gases that are completely harmless to humans. There is no need to fear that if the sealing layer is damaged, these gases will penetrate into the room. Even if this happens, they do not pose any danger.

Useful qualities of inert gases:

  • reduction in thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • reducing the risk of condensation;
  • protection of internal i-spraying from oxidation.

But despite the obvious advantages, double-glazed windows filled with inert gases are not without disadvantages. The main one is that the gas must be pumped under pressure above atmospheric pressure. This requires increased strength of the sealing layer at the end of the glass unit. The high penetrating ability of the inert gas determines its leakage through the slightest seal defects. Even in the best double-glazed windows, up to 3% of gas evaporates per year.

The average effective service life of an energy-saving window filled with inert gas is 10 years; after this period, the glass unit must be filled with gas again. This is associated with some inconvenience and unnecessary costs.

In addition, there is another risk factor - inert gases are odorless and colorless; it is extremely difficult to determine what exactly is pumped into your window. If you buy an expensive window from a trusted manufacturer, then you can be sure that the chamber contains inert gas. But in other cases there is no such 100% certainty.

FillingDensity, kg/m³Thermal conductivity, W/(m*k)Dynamic viscosity, kg/(m*s)Heat capacity, J/(kg*k)
Air, at a temperature of +100C1,2322,4961,7611,008
Argon (Ar), at +100C1,6991,6842,1640,519
Krypton (Kr), at +100C6,3601,2751,4590,614

Pros and cons of single window

Let's draw conclusions about the differences between single- and double-glazed windows, based on the main indicators and properties. The undeniable advantage of the first type is the ease of construction. Single windows are ideal for glazing balconies and loggias, because they do not weigh them down. And they are more profitable in terms of money.

However, in the city, one camera will not save you from noise, and in most regions of the country its thermal insulation will not be enough. You will have to resort to an improved version filled with argon. The use of energy-saving windows negates the difference in efficiency with two-chamber products.

No. 9. What determines the cost of a double-glazed window?

The cost of a double-glazed window is influenced by a lot of factors:

  • type of glass. Energy-saving, tinted, shock-resistant and other specialized glasses are more expensive than regular glass, but in some cases you cannot save;
  • number of chambers and total width of the glass unit. Often, insufficiently wide double-glazed windows are inserted into cheap profiles with a thickness of 60-64 mm. Outwardly, everything looks great and can be executed with high quality, but this option is not suitable for harsh winters;
  • gas with which the chambers are filled;
  • accessories.

You can save on purchasing double-glazed windows if you carefully consider the requirements for the window unit in each room. Companies often force the client to choose the same type of design for all windows, although this is often not necessary

For a bedroom, for example, sound insulation and heat protection are important, and in the kitchen you can install a window that is far from being the “warmest” and “quiest” - here it is important that it can open skillfully, both completely and slightly, and forming a small gap. For the first floors, a tinted or burglary-proof window would be appropriate.

However, it is important not to overdo it with savings. We immediately reject offers that are too cheap, as well as frankly inconvenient options.

For example, a blind window unit will be inexpensive, but it is inconvenient to use. On the other hand, overly intrusive offers from a manager of expensive functions should also not inspire confidence.

Pros and cons of a double package

The “double-chamber” design is more reliable and durable than the “single-chamber” design. In terms of noise suppression and heat retention, they are superior to their single-chamber counterparts, so their use is practically unlimited.

Three glass layers and two chambers, while the thickness of the double-glazed window is not much more than a single one. The noise and heat insulation characteristics are high. The cost of such a PVC product is 25-30% more than the price of a single-chamber package. It is the profitability of the offer that makes this window standard the most popular among the population. We will not repeat ourselves regarding the features of installation and fastening of metal-plastic products; they are outlined above. However, we would like to remind you that the installation of both structures will require care and precision. We advise you to involve professional craftsmen to perform this procedure, because the slightest distortion can result in drafts and loss of tightness.

Design specifics of triple glazed windows

Expert commentary

Vladislav Dobronravov

Leading technical specialist at Okna-Media company

Plastic windows with triple glazing are the best choice when planning glazing for housing located in regions of the country with harsh climatic conditions.

At its core, a triple-glazed window is a light-transmitting block with three glasses installed in a kind of window frame - in a metal-plastic profile. Three glasses of this product form two chambers. Each chamber is responsible for the noise and heat insulation properties of the window as a whole.

Accordingly, the greater the number of chambers in a double-glazed window, the better the window copes with retaining heat in a glazed room. Also, the degree of sound insulation - the level of suppression of noise penetrating into the home from the street - depends on the intimacy of the double-glazed window.

Earlier in the article “Design of a double-glazed window,” we already considered that, in addition to glass, this product includes: frames separating the chambers, as well as a dehumidifier, the task of which is to absorb excess moisture appearing in the chambers. Also, some people pump gas[/anchor] into expensive double-glazed models to provide better heat and sound insulation between the glasses.

What else to look for when purchasing

  • The gap between the glasses should not be more than 2 cm, otherwise the noise-reducing and heat-insulating effect of the window is lost.
  • A structure with dimensions larger than 3 * 3.2 m is likely to deform under its own weight. Regardless of the price of metal-plastic products, single or double glazing can be damaged.
  • If a colored glass layer is installed, then only on the outside, where it is securely fixed.
  • It is necessary to install the window structure when the temperature outside is at least -15, and indoors there is at least 5°C.

Before purchasing, you need to carefully study the details and weigh the pros and cons. When choosing a manufacturing company, as well as purchasing profiles and window fittings, you do not need to save money, because this significantly reduces their service life.

Application options with photos

Elements with two chambers are considered “cold”. They are intended for glazing of industrial and utility rooms, loggias, balconies, and non-residential buildings.

The optimal region of application is the southern regions . The climate here is quite warm and there is no need to install a profile with a large number of cameras. Moreover, such designs are much cheaper than multi-chamber analogues.

For a cold region, you can use the structure as an interior element.

The two-chamber element is often used in suburban areas.

If the building is not used in winter, then its characteristics will be quite sufficient . To increase protection from the cold, it is recommended to install a double-glazed window with energy-saving glass.

This option can also be used in a residential area if it is located in a hot climate.

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