How to prepare classrooms for the new school year in accordance with SanPiN standards

When installing plastic windows in a school, you need to ensure that they provide the necessary level of comfort and safety. You should pay attention to:

  • light transmittance;
  • thermal insulation;
  • sound insulation;
  • safety;
  • aesthetics.

These characteristics are important because they create a classroom environment conducive to successful learning.

Statistics say that more than 15 thousand Russian schools require major repairs, where first of all it is necessary to pay attention to windows. Most educational institutions were built 50-60 years ago, and then double wooden frames were installed. At first, they do a good job of protecting against cold and drafts. However, gradually the wood cracks, swells or dries out, the doors stop opening with the same ease, the glass breaks and rings from external noise. Drafts, condensation, and mold appear. All this negatively affects the child’s health.

I would be wary of sending children to a school where the windows are very drafty and foggy. Children's immunity is still developing; it is not always able to fully resist fungi, cold and bacteria, and they are inevitable in buildings that require repairs. Most of these problems in schools are solved by plastic windows.

What kind of windows should I put in the school?

The program for the reconstruction of Moscow schools involves the complete reconstruction of buildings that were erected according to standard designs during the development of residential areas 50-60 years ago. In Russia as a whole, according to statistics, 15,000 school buildings are worn out by more than 50%. Outdated equipment and dilapidated walls will be replaced by a new bright ergonomic design, facades with large glass areas and comfortable interiors. These innovations should contribute to the modernization of the educational process itself, improving the psychological atmosphere in the school, its openness and development.

Photo: light, safety, quality - necessary requirements for a window in a school

Light, warmth, safety, comfort and design are the most important conditions for comfortable learning in the classroom. If the teacher and students experience physical discomfort from insufficient lighting in the room, drafts or stuffiness, which is directly related to the quality of the windows in the classroom, there is no need to talk about immersion in the subject and attention to the content of the lesson.

SanPiN as amended 2019 for school

The stay of children in an educational institution must be safe and comfortable, meeting the strict requirements for the work of schools and other educational centers. The main document that considers all the details that ensure sanitary and hygienic standards for the operation of these institutions is SanPiN.

The main goals of the document are to make it accessible to ensure the safety of children in schools and to guarantee the creation of such conditions within the walls of educational institutions.

Download SanPin for schools 2019

You can download the sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules (SanPiN) for schools with amendments relevant for 2022 on our website using the link

One of the most important requirements for schools are the SanPiN requirements for general educational institutions, ensuring the safety of the existing environment for the educational process and acceptable conditions in the areas where children study. The rules are immutable and everyone must follow them. SanPiN is constantly updated and amended. Therefore, let’s consider some of the issues that the “new” SanPiN for schools paid attention to; their importance should be taken into account when approving the standards and technical documentation of educational institutions.

The purpose of this document is to ensure and comply with the requirements for organizing an effective and safe training process. The SanPiN for schools states that each education center must be provided with computer equipment according to modern standards, accessible Internet, a gym, a canteen, a sewer system, warm and cold water.

When fulfilling these points, attention will be focused on the educational process, and not on resolving any everyday troubles. These requirements apply not only to government institutions, but also to private schools and educational institutions.

Failure to comply with SanPiN for educational institutions can lead to various types of liability and fines, depending on the violation.

The transformations recorded in the law at the beginning of 2022 in SanPiNs for schools affected several aspects.

Requirements for school premises and equipment:

  • The school is obliged to provide on its territory a place for parking for transport of students;
  • an educational institution consisting of several buildings must be provided with communication passages equipped with a heating system;
  • It is prohibited to install toilets for students on the street when there is no central sewerage system (it is necessary to ensure the installation of internal sewage system)

Specifics of the educational process:

  • the number of students is directly dependent on the area of ​​the educational institution that the school has for each student;
  • SanPiN for schools determines the maximum allowed number of lessons by age of schoolchildren: the schedule must comply with standards (for example, for first-graders more than four lessons per day are not allowed, for graduates 7-8 are allowed);
  • Additional holidays may be provided for first grade students during the school year;
  • Teachers are required to undergo retraining once every 2 years, and then recertification.

School catering:

  • the school is obliged to provide free access to water supply;
  • The school administration controls the quality of food products and drinking water in accordance with SanPiN standards for schools;
  • Everyone who works in the school canteen is required to undergo a medical examination twice a year, etc.

Separately, SanPiNy for educational institutions in 2017 pays special attention to the drinking regime. The organization of this process must be constantly under the control of the school management. The school provides students with drinking water in accordance with sanitary standards.

There are 2 options for implementing the drinking regime: stationary drinking fountains and water from containers with packaged water. Access to drinking places at school must be ensured throughout the entire period of children’s stay in the educational institution.

Drinking fountains are designed to be equipped with restrictive rings around the vertical water supply. Their height must correspond to, as specified in SanPiN for schools (as amended), not less than 10 cm.

When organizing a regime for drinking from water bottles, the school must provide students with the necessary amount of clean drinking utensils (glass and earthenware in dining rooms, disposable tableware in classrooms and dormitories), as well as labeled trays for clean and used glasses or cups, or containers for used express dishes.

The current SanPiN for schools draws attention to the fact that when using installations with dispensers for drinking water from containers, it is necessary to change the container at least once every 2 weeks.

When there is no centralized water supply in a locality, the school Sanitary Regulations in force today regulates that provision of drinking water for students occurs exclusively using bottled water, strictly controlling its bottling. Such water for children's institutions must have documentary evidence of its quality and safety. It is allowed to install drinking water coolers in classrooms.

Rospotrebnadzor strictly recommends remembering that a cooler or mechanical water pump requires proper care, otherwise they can be dangerous. There are many known facts when mucus, mold, colonies of bacteria and inorganic impurities were found in such vault coolers due to a careless attitude to hygiene. In such situations, drinking water from a cooler can cause intestinal disorders, so it is important to comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards at school when organizing a drinking regime.

Windows should be large: daylight is better for studying

The glazing area in schools has always differed from ordinary residential premises; in modern projects it even exceeds the large sizes usual for old schools. After all, the main purpose of a window is to let in light. Maximum daylight illumination of the room is one of the important requirements for windows in educational institutions for a number of reasons.

Firstly, sunlight is a good antiseptic. Its supply kills harmful microorganisms, which is especially important in crowded areas. Secondly, daylight helps preserve vision. Even weak diffused daylight will create a positive background for visual perception of information. Thirdly, the transparent cover creates openness and connection with the outside world, which has a beneficial effect on the internal atmosphere and psychological well-being of all school visitors.

Fluorescent lamps will inevitably be used for most of the year due to the climatic conditions of Russia, however, the school's light-transparent structures must be ready to let the sun and light into the spacious classrooms as much as possible.

Options for decorative design of space

Walls can contain interesting information in an equally interesting form. These could be: - height meters, where you can compare your height with the height of animals or famous literary characters; — geometric figures with layout; — molecular network; — illustration of the propagation of sound in air; - a sticker demonstrating the law of light reflection.

You can also use the cabinet floor. With its help, you can understand fractions and visually study the measurement of angles.

Image from Pinterest.

About the author: Alexandra Sergeevna Vorobyova, teacher of history and social studies, MBOU "KSOSH No. 2 named after the sailor who died on the Kursk nuclear submarine, Sergei Alexandrovich Vitchenko", Kirovsk, Leningrad region, author of the blog @wow_urok

Windows must be warm

Increased requirements for heat conservation should be applied to window structures for school glazing, since the health of schoolchildren should not be at risk.

Photo: windows in new schools should reliably protect against drafts all year round

The first thing that must be strictly observed is the absolute tightness of the installed façade structures. Students and teachers should be comfortable and safe to be near windows without the risk of catching a cold from a draft. It is unacceptable for schoolchildren sitting near the window to feel cold, damp or draft, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon when installing new PVC structures.

The problem of cold and drafts in the cold season, associated with poor-quality execution and installation of large aluminum structures, is still observed in new schools. The use of low-quality window designs leads to colds.

A warm window for a school should include: a middle-class window profile (systems from 70 mm) or premium class (systems from 80 mm), a 2-chamber double-glazed window (includes 3 glasses) with low-emissivity glass (warm glass with a silver coating) or multifunctional glass ( to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the cold and hot seasons), high-quality epdm seal for reliable and long-term protection indoors.

Materials used

A work area in the children's room near the window is made from different materials. It can be:

  • MDF (sheets pressed from small wood chips);
  • Chipboard (sheets pressed from wood particles with the introduction of special additives);
  • glass;
  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • agglomerate (fine ore sintered into pieces);
  • melamine (foamed plastic);
  • veneer (thin sheets of wood).

The most popular furniture is made from MDF, as it combines high quality characteristics and an affordable price. This material also has high aesthetic values. MDF tables are presented by manufacturers in various designs, ranging from simple, laconic products to massive ones, visually close to products made from natural wood. Pros:

  • color selection;
  • ease of care;
  • high wear resistance (service life up to 10 years);
  • environmental friendliness.
  • low resistance to steam condensate;
  • unstable to heating devices;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

A work area made from chipboard for a schoolchild also has its advantages:

  • low price;
  • light weight;
  • high resistance to dampness and mold;
  • allows for fast production;
  • wide color palette.

The disadvantage of this material is that it is not environmentally friendly.

Glass is partially used. Usually only the tabletop is made from it. Very high demands are placed on glass for this purpose. The products look stylish and modern. It is advisable to use it in a teenager’s room, as it can break or crack and cause injury to the child.

Melamine, veneer, agglomerate and other materials are used in the production of combined furniture. A children's work area by the window is usually ordered according to individual parameters. Manufacturers recommend choosing materials that are safe for children.

Combination table model.

Windows should be safe and comfortable

Classrooms must be regularly ventilated . The teacher is forced to choose between fresh air for effective brain function and an increase in colds among students. A completely open window is unsafe not only for the health, but also for the lives of students. In old wooden windows, upper transoms or vents were a mandatory part of the layout, ensuring safety. The challenge was to open and close them easily and quickly.

Photo: the transom sash in the window will provide safe ventilation

Current window production technologies allow you to choose the optimal window configuration, which includes an upper transom sash with a convenient handle at the bottom of the window. Even the youngest students in educational institutions can safely and easily open such a window. On the remaining doors, to ensure the safety of schoolchildren’s lives, it is necessary to provide handles with a key, which will be securely kept by the teacher. The modern design of the window with a transom sash allows it to be opened for micro-ventilation.

For spaces where a lot of activity is possible - such as a gym and recreation - it is optimal to install hardened triplex, which can withstand maximum mechanical loads and ensure the safety of students.

Windows should be beautiful

Many design solutions in the field of windows will help create a joyful atmosphere indoors, in the school yard, and on its territory. The use of stained glass will create a creative atmosphere and become a bright decoration of the school interior. The use of colored decorative glass will also decorate the interior of the school.

Photo: new school in the Gagarinsky district of Moscow

Modern technologies for the production of plastic windows allow you to choose any shade of window frames and sashes using lamination, painting, and special overlays, which allows you to optimally fit the window into the style of the school interior.

Photo: interior of school in Tsaritsino No. 548 (Lenin collective farm); the widespread use of glass complies with safety standards and at the same time unites the school space, creates a feeling of democracy, freedom and creativity

Fabric curtains as part of the interior

Fabric curtains for an elementary school classroom create a home environment to which children are accustomed. A classroom with curtains, like at home, helps little students settle in and feel comfortable. Decorating a window with curtains creates coziness; such curtains are suitable not only for elementary schools. They are appropriate in recreation areas, in the assembly hall, and foyer.

Curtains protect from the sun and decorate the interior. Ordering fabric curtains for a school from Alumdevelop means creating an exclusive environment, while receiving high-quality, practical curtains. But you need to understand that fabric sunscreen systems have disadvantages. They need to be washed, they fade, and quickly lose their appearance. The company minimizes negative factors by using special impregnations that extend service life, repel dust, and retain shape.

The design of curtains for schools takes into account the influence of color on the stimulation of intellectual activity and safety characteristics. This is done by trained specialists in the company. The length, color shades, and impregnations used comply with the requirements of PB, Sanpin, and other aesthetic and safety standards. Clients can order:

  • ready-made light curtains for classrooms;
  • dark ones in the assembly hall;
  • neutrals in offices;
  • rich colors in the foyer.

The main thing is to choose the right windows

Modern window technologies make it possible to make windows for schools that best meet both the requirements of beauty and safety conditions. Optimal designs will be more expensive than “economical” ones, but who saves on children? It is important to immediately choose high-quality plastic windows, and not to squeeze the most economical options from window companies, after installation of which both children and teachers will find it very uncomfortable to be in classrooms and other areas of the school.

If in new residential buildings apartment owners can change low-quality windows themselves, then at school there is no one to do this. The issue of installing high-quality windows in educational institutions is the area of ​​responsibility of the state. It is responsible for the safety of its minor citizens.

One can only hope that officials will carefully select contractors for windows in new and reconstructed school buildings. And students and teachers will enjoy all the benefits of new architecture and design, rather than suffer from drafty windows every nine school months for ten years of schooling.

Replacing glazing at school: when everything is according to the rules

S.V. Dyakonov, General Director of Frame LLC

In the summer of 2006, a unique opportunity presented itself to replace windows in a school, where the customer’s main wish was to do everything in accordance with current standards, but at the same time justify all decisions. The deadlines were limited, since the school was supposed to accept students in renovated premises on September 1.

The first problem we encountered was: what standards must be observed when replacing glazing in school premises? We began to study SNiP, SanPiN and documents of the Education Committee of St. Petersburg.

Analysis of the existing facade (see photos 1, 2) and compliance with the requirements “Public buildings and structures”, “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, “Thermal protection of buildings”, “Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings”, “Residential and public buildings. "Indoor microclimate parameters" made it possible to make the following options for glazing and design of window blocks (see figure).

These standard sizes of window blocks made it possible to ensure that the light transmission value of the designed window blocks is not lower than previously installed.

The size of the sashes of at least 900 mm was determined by the corresponding requirement regarding the possibility of evacuation in case of fire through the windows. However, the existing fire evacuation scheme, the presence of a significant number of trees in front of the facade where the main classrooms are located (see photo), made it possible to exclude the possibility of using window sashes for fire evacuation and to reduce the sash size to 700 mm in width and achieve optimal proportions.

Previously, bars were installed on the windows of the first floor of the school. The project included two design options for glazing window units with the installation of a special protective film with protection class A3 on the outer glass of the double-glazed unit, which would provide lower light transmittance of the window unit, but increased resistance to breaking and burglary, or the installation of a single design option for the double-glazed unit without protective film, but leaving bars on the windows, which, in combination with dense vegetation in front of the facade where the classrooms are located, significantly reduced the light transmittance of the window blocks

The air exchange in the classroom was calculated with the simultaneous opening of one sash on all three window blocks.

The norm for a classroom room, based on a maximum number of students of 30 people, is per person (see table. 1 m/s will provide air exchange of at least

The required air exchange was ensured by the planned design of the window block in the classrooms, offices, dining room, and assembly hall.

When glazing staircases, to ensure ease of opening, one of the sashes was designed to be smaller. It was planned to rehabilitate non-opening sashes using special devices from the side of the staircase or facade.

Window units in basements must have transom openings. In full tilt mode, basement windows are rehabilitated.

Due to the significant geometric dimensions and to ensure maximum air exchange, all sashes of the window block type were designed with tilt-and-turn fittings and a lock on the handle. The installation height of the handle is taken to be at least 1700 mm from the floor level.

The following requirements for double-glazed windows were adopted.

If there are no bars on the 1st floor of the school building, the recommended double-glazed window option: safety class outside A3, tempered glass M1 6 mm with film; inside, safety class A1, low-emissivity glass with hard coating K4 with film on the inside of the glass unit.

On all subsequent floors and in the case of leaving bars on the windows on the first floor, the recommended double-glazed window option is: on the outside - M1 4 mm float glass ("raw"), on the inside - low-emissivity glass with a K4 hard coating with film, safety class A1.

Profile used: Thyssen Polymer system "Favorit", box width - 71 mm, art. boxes - LR 740, art. sashes - ZR 710, art. impost - TR720.

All window units are manufactured in accordance with the requirements

Thus, window units with the above-mentioned double-glazed windows provide the reduced resistance to heat transfer in the version with argon filling - which significantly exceeds the requirement of St. Petersburg for premises of educational institutions. (Calculated figures in accordance with

The installation of window blocks was carried out in accordance with the requirements of “Installation seams of junctions of window blocks to wall openings”.

Materials used:
  • outer layer - PSUL, sealant;
  • the central layer is foam insulation;
  • inner layer - sealant (sazilast), foam insulation (izolon), PVC slope;
  • fastening material: construction screw, polyamide dowel.

Mathematical modeling of the distribution of temperature fields was carried out for various options for junctions of window blocks from the Favorit PVC profile to wall openings. The thermal regime studies were carried out using the Window software package, developed at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBLN) of the University of California, USA and certified in the GOST R system.

The following boundary conditions were adopted for the calculations. Estimated temperature of internal air in the room, heat transfer coefficients of the internal surface of enclosing structures and

The calculated outside air temperature t H , accepted for the coldest five-day period with a probability of 0.92 “Building climatology” in the conditions of St. Petersburg is equal to the heat transfer coefficient of the outer surface of the enclosing structures

Initial information for calculation ():

  • expanded clay concrete λ = 0.58 W/(m °C);
  • mounting foam λ = 0.05 W/(m °C);
  • thermal insulation of slopes - sandwich panels, thermal conductivity coefficient
  • reduced heat transfer resistance of OB from “Favorite” with double-glazed windows
  • estimated room temperature +20°C, outside temperature: –26°C.

Calculations showed that the minimum temperature at the point of contact of the OB with the slope panel is 12.2°C, and the minimum temperature at the point of contact of the OB with the window sill is 13.2°C, which meets the requirements of regulatory documentation.

As a result of the design, we came to the conclusion that it is possible to replace window units in school premises in compliance with the standards.

Basic requirements for the classroom and other school premises

Hygienic and technical requirements for various school premises are intended to provide the best conditions for teaching and educational work in educational premises and to properly organize the use of other premises.

Compliance with hygiene requirements is primarily necessary in relation to the main educational premises - classrooms.

In any school building, the best, most spacious, bright and comfortable rooms are allocated for classes. To prevent visual and hearing strain, classrooms are made no more than 9 m long. The width of the classroom is set at least 6.1 m for senior classes, and at least 5.9 m for junior classes (due to the shorter length of the desks).

The entrance to the classroom should be opposite the teacher's desk. Classrooms with a rear entrance are inconvenient due to the confusing movement of children when entering and leaving. If there is a door in the front wall, the teacher does not see those entering the classroom; at the same time, this door causes the wall chalkboard to move to the left, closer to the windows, where what is written on the board is strongly reflected by the students.

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