5 Reasons Why Tempered Glass Self-explodes and 7 Effective Ways to Avoid Tempered Glass from Spontaneous Breakage (2021).

It is often seen in the news that tempered glass shower doors or tempered glass countertops explode for no reason. For example, last week, the tempered glass railing in my friend's house suddenly broke after 13 years of use (As the picture below shows). For many people, tempered glass is already considered as safety glass, and has higher strength and can withstand strong impacts. But why does tempered glass itself explode without any signs? Are there any methods to avoid this? Here in this article, we are going to discuss this issue and provide professional suggestions.

Staircase railing tempered glass spontaneous breakage

Two tips that will help you easily break the glass in your car

Have you ever tried to break a window in your car?
Well, let's say because they forgot the keys inside the car and the doors were locked? If yes, then you are probably faced with a big problem; breaking tempered side glass is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Even if you have a hammer or stone at hand, it is not a fact that the car glass will be broken. Today we will give some simple but effective tips on how, if necessary, you can break the glass in your car without getting hurt.

Tip #1:

There is probably no person on this Planet who has not heard about the miraculous properties of the spark plug insulator. This ceramic part of a regular car spark plug not only prevents electrical breakdown, but can also really help in an emergency opening a door. The main thing is to find a candle and knock off part of the insulation from it and act as shown in the following video (56 seconds of video).

How did such a small piece of insulator break glass, which cannot be broken not only with a rubber hammer, but even with a real hammer? The fact is that car glass is made of tempered glass, which is extremely resistant to impacts from blunt objects with a large contact area. At the same time, a piece of insulation creates an extremely rigid and thin structure, which, upon impact, even with a small force, concentrates the impact at one extremely small point on the glass. And it can’t stand it, it cracks and breaks.

Tip #2:

A more extreme scenario is shown in the following video:

As you can see, here is a situation in which thinking would be inappropriate and life-threatening. We need to act! The doors are jammed, the car continues to take on water, the windows won’t open, you need to beat it. Stop! Is it necessary? Or it is much better to use a lever and get rid of the glass as quickly as possible.

As was shown in the second video, to do this you will need to remove the headrest and use its guides as a lever, inserting one of them between the upholstery and the glass, and break the glass using pressure. The path to salvation is open!

Solutions to reduce the self-explosion rate of tempered glass.

1, Use high quality raw float glass material.

There are generally several classes of float glass.

Grade A: No bubbles, no chips, no scratches super smooth surface. Hardening rate up to 99% without explosion.

Grade B: some bubbles, come stones, some chips, etc. deficiencies allowance that are unlikely to be seen by naked visual inspection.

Grade C: Has obvious flaws and color differences, but is accepted by some projects where quality is not required at all.

Using grade glass will dramatically reduce tempered glass's spontaneous rate of breakage, and ultra clear glass will be recommended if budget allows.

Clear glass vs low iron glass

2, Use advanced glass cutting machines and glass grinding machines.

Advanced glass cutting machines such as Bottero or Lisec etc. Heavy cutting machines to make sure the glass is cut to size accurately. Expanded glass edging machines to reduce or avoid glass surface microcracks. Or choose soft belt shredding machines for edge processing.

Lisec glass cutting line

Bottero glass cutting line

3, Super advanced tempering machines and good glass tempering quality control.

Super good tempering machine and experienced glass tempering operators to ensure the tempered glass stress super uniform and smooth surface. This is the key process to control tempered glass self-explosion speed. Shenzhen Dragon Glass can guarantee tempered stress >90Mpa, while tempered stress uniformity <8Mpa. Providing super flat surface of tempered glass.

Super advanced glass tempering machine can guarantee the tempering stress uniformity

4, Heat soak the test.

Adopt heat soak testing process to make the tempered glass which has NiS impurities explode in advance before sending it to the installation site. This is a double guarantee to avoid the tempered glass self explosion after the tempering process.

Shenzhen Dragon glass heat soak test oven.

5, Use heat strengthened glass if possible.

Select thermally strengthened glass if the strength can meet architectural design requirements. Heat strengthened glass is 2 times stronger than ordinary tempered glass, and has a better glass plane than tempered glass. It is not rated as safety glass, but can be further processed as laminated safety glass to enhance its safety and strength while avoiding tempered glass self-explosion.

6, Choose a reliable tempered glass manufacturer.

Choose an experienced tempered glass manufacturer to ensure quality control of the tempered glass. A tempered glass manufacturer with a good reputation is a fundamental guarantee, this can help you ensure that the best glass raw materials are used and under strict glass quality control, which can greatly reduce or even erase the tempered glass explosion rate.

Reasons why a double-glazed window breaks

The glass unit can not only crack, but even break completely. If it is ordinary, non-shockproof glass, it may suffer from a blow from a stone or a ball, or may be broken by the owner of the window through negligence or by intruders - hooligans and thieves.

If the glass is broken, it is recommended to replace the entire glass unit. Replacing broken glass in double-glazed windows will correct the situation, but not for long, because the sealant located between the glass will stop drying the air. Such a double-glazed window will fog up faster and eventually become unusable.

How to remove scratches on your phone screen

The following methods will help remove scratches on the screen, as well as on the protective glass of your smartphone. Indeed, often when it falls, it does not break, but shallow grooves appear.

Scratch on smartphone screen

Even though the glass or screen is intact, the device does not look very attractive. The first thing you can do is apply some toothpaste to a cotton pad.

Screen Polishing Toothpaste

Then wipe the area with scratches. Use quick circular movements to polish the damaged area. This needs to be done for several minutes. You can watch the indentation become smaller. Or it will disappear altogether.

Polishing with toothpaste

The cracked area on the mobile phone screen should be wiped with a dry paper napkin.

Remove toothpaste with a dry cloth

Another no less effective remedy for scratches and cracks of varying degrees is GOI paste.

GOI paste for polishing

This is a product that is used for polishing ceramic and metal surfaces. It was invented back in Soviet times. It is necessary to grind a small amount of paste on a cotton napkin.

Rub some GOI paste on a napkin

You only need to apply a few drops of machine oil to the screen. Then rub the scratched area with a napkin.

This may be useful: How to prevent your phone screen from going dark.

A little theory:

Double-glazed windows use sheet glass 4 mm thick. There is a gap of 16 mm between the two glasses.

In total this is at least 24 mm. There are multi-chamber thick double-glazed windows with three or more glasses. Glass can be regular, tempered, triplex, protected (vandal-proof and armored). Protected - they may crack from impacts, but they will not break and will remain in place. To break such a double-glazed window, you need a heavy object with hard edges: a hammer, a cannonball, a throwing disc or a funeral urn.

  • * If you have an unprotected simple option, the blow must land exactly in the center. First you break the inner glass, then the outer one. The remaining fragments in the frame are removed for safer evacuation.
  • * Tempered glass is four times stronger than regular glass. The impact force must be appropriate. You will get small, non-sharp fragments that will simply fall down.
  • * Triplex glass will not break, but will crack. After this, with a few blows with your elbow or foot, you need to loosen such a double-glazed window and squeeze it out.
  • * Proudly leave the danger zone.

Hidden threat

Mark Mechoulam, a Chicago-based construction consultant who has acted as an expert on the matter, says that although such an occurrence appears to be spontaneous, there is always an underlying cause. His opinion was published in an article in the Pennsylvania newspaper The Morning Call.

Mechoulam described tempered glass as a "tightly wound spring" that can spontaneously break for one of two reasons: an internal defect or damage to the glass.

A tiny, nearly invisible chip or crack can occur if a door or panel is caught by a misplaced screw or hit on the fragile outer edges. Such damage does not immediately destroy the door, but may unexpectedly crack due to temperature changes as the glass expands and contracts, or even due to vibration caused by noise!

General requirements for window structures

The window structure consists not only of a plastic profile, but also of a double-glazed window, so the fire resistance of the double-glazed window affects the fire safety of the window as a whole.

Many of us know from our school course on the basics of life safety that in the event of a fire, in no case should you suddenly open windows or a balcony, since large flows of fresh air provoke the rapid spread of fire. We also know that ordinary glass breaks down under the influence of high temperatures.

Therefore, the requirements for fire resistance of glass structures are constantly growing. In the event of a fire, glass must withstand the maximum possible time before destruction. This time is necessary for fire brigades to be able to get to the scene of the incident and begin fighting the fire.

Nickel sulfide

In some cases, shower glass breaks due to the nature of the tempering process. Spontaneous destruction can occur due to inclusions of nickel sulfide in the glass. These inclusions can grow over time and cause stress. The glass can then shatter when exposed to heat or other external stresses. Such cases are rare and should not discourage you from installing a shower stall.

Some glass manufacturers use what is called thermal soaking. Since spontaneous destruction may occur in the presence of nickel sulfide in glass, thermal soaking is carried out in a chamber. It exposes the glass to higher levels of heat than nickel sulfide can withstand.

This allows the glass to break in a safe environment rather than while being installed or in the hands of the end user. Because it is a destructive test, not all companies choose to perform it. Accordingly, when purchasing a shower cabin from a trusted brand, you can be sure that the glass will not crumble.


A side effect of heat treatment is that while the glass becomes more resistant to direct impact, it is more susceptible to side impact. For example, a small chip on the side edge of the glass can cause the entire door to shatter.

What is nickel sulfide?

Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) is added during the production of thermally polished glass (float glass) to help remove bubbles from it during the melting process. When combined with nickel contamination, sodium sulfate forms nickel sulfide (NiS). Nickel contamination can be caused by:

  • Impurity in raw materials;
  • Contamination during storage and processing of raw materials;
  • Contamination from float line equipment.

How to dismantle a double-glazed window

During window repairs, the old glass unit will have to be removed.
To do this you will need a thin spatula. If a spatula is not at hand, then it is replaced with a wide knife, it is better if it is not sharp. You can also use a wide flat screwdriver. So, remove the plastic beads using a spatula or other tools. Start with the side beads, then move to the bottom bead and remove the top bead last. Squeeze the profile so that approximately in the middle of the window you can grab the glazing bead with your fingers.

After all the beads have been removed, you can remove the glass unit. There is no difficulty in this, the glass unit is simply pulled out or squeezed out. For greater convenience, you can use suction cups.

And so, the old double-glazed window was removed. You can see the spacers, it's worth noting where they were. Now you can install a new double-glazed window. If the stage is passed and the new double-glazed window is not broken, then it’s the turn of the glazing beads to fall back into place. They should be pressed into the grooves; for a tighter fit, you can lightly tap with a rubberized hammer (on the glazing beads, not the glass)

Please note that they are installed in reverse order.

Damaged PVC glass is not a big problem. Replacing it is not difficult if you follow the instructions. And then you will receive a new window without defects or damage.

Escaping from a fire or earthquake through a door is not serious. The real heroes fly out the window along with the fragments. Modern houses have double-glazed windows everywhere, and knocking them out is a whole science.

Rules for installing protective glass on your phone

If you still find the money and time to buy new glass or have a spare one, we will tell you how to stick it on correctly. If you do not follow certain recommendations, you can ruin it by sticking it incorrectly. Or there will be air pockets between the glass and the screen. What to do? First you need to remove all even the smallest remnants of the old protective glass. And also the entire screen needs to be cleaned with an alcohol solution. This way you can avoid the risk of cracks on the protective glass of your phone.

Wipe the screen with a damp cloth

The kit often includes a pair of napkins: dry and wet. Finish cleaning with a dry cloth. You can use additional dry products to remove residual dust and particles from the wipes themselves. The finished surface for gluing must be perfectly dry and perfectly clean - this is the key to successfully applied glass.

Detach the protective glass from the base

Then you need to detach the protective glass from its packaging stand:

  1. Place your smartphone in front of you. The glass must be held so as not to damage its adhesive coating; Adhesive protective glass to a smartphone
  2. Make sure that you turn it the right way relative to the smartphone screen. Holding the protective glass on both sides, bring it to the surface of the phone;
  3. Don't rush to glue it right away. Aim as accurately as possible and slowly place it on the screen.

You will see the glass begin to adhere to the screen. This is evidenced by the areas from which air escapes between the glass and the smartphone.

Fitting the protective glass to the phone screen

There is one interesting life hack that will help get rid of dust while gluing glass. You need to fill the bathtub with hot water so that the whole room is filled with steam. Leave the phone in the bathroom for 1 minute until it becomes covered in perspiration. When the steam has settled, you can wipe the screen and start gluing it right in the bathroom - there won’t be a single speck of dust on the screen.

We recommend reading: How to lock the screen on Honor.

How to break glass

Has the car door slammed and the security lock has triggered? Are the keys left inside the car? In this case, to get inside the cabin, you will have to break the glass.

How to break glass in a car? The easiest way to do this is with a hammer or a sharp stone. An ax will do. You should not use brick, it will crumble and there will be a lot of debris inside the car. It is best to break the rear side windows; they are the cheapest and are almost always available in spare parts stores. Many drivers break the side windows to unlock the door. This is incorrect, since this part of the glazing is the most expensive. At the same time, vents are not always available, so they have to be purchased to order.

Before breaking the glass, you need to make sure you have the documents for the car. After all, a squad of traffic police inspectors can detain you and take you to the police station. You should not damage other people's property; you will have to pay a hefty fine for this.

Before damaging the integrity of the glass, it is advisable to call the car service center and find out the cost of each glazing part and what is available. This will help you save on installing a new window. The windshield, like all others, should not be broken in the center. It can spring back and nothing will happen. It is best to damage the glazing from the side.

If possible, you need to cover the surface with tape. This will help avoid the formation of a large number of fragments. This way, you won't have to clean the interior. It is worth leaving an area at the impact site that does not need to be covered with tape. After all, a mesh made of adhesive tape can serve as a kind of “armor.”

If you are near your home or in the country, you can get into the interior of the car using a drill or hammer with a chisel. You need to drill a hole in the side of the window. When you have completed the task and the fragments have flown onto the asphalt, you need to remove the excess glass. To do this, wrap your hand in a cloth or pull the sleeve, holding it in your hand, and use your elbow to remove any remaining fragments. Now you can open the door and enter the salon.

Film or protective glass - which is better to choose?

Many users consider themselves to be very sensitive when using digital technology, particularly mobile phones. And therefore they do not pay enough attention to the safety of the device. Often, preference is given to a simpler way to protect the smartphone screen from damage - a protective film. But it is not able to withstand serious impacts or falls. If maximum protection is required, it is better to choose protective glass.

Protective glass on a smartphone

There are some features when choosing glass for phones that can also crack. First of all, they are chosen mainly for expensive phone models. Since the glass itself is not cheap. When it comes to smartphones with Android, it is better to choose them in online stores. Since there are a lot of low-quality products on the Russian market. In general, everything is quite simple - for budget models, films are preferred, for expensive ones - glass. This is, of course, not the rule. Each smartphone owner decides for himself what is best to choose.

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How to break glass silently?

Has the car door slammed and the security lock has triggered? Are the keys left inside the car? In this case, to get inside the cabin, you will have to break the glass.

How to break glass in a car? The easiest way to do this is with a hammer or a sharp stone. An ax will do. You should not use brick, it will crumble and there will be a lot of debris inside the car.

It is best to break the rear side windows; they are the cheapest and are almost always available in spare parts stores. Many drivers break the side windows to unlock the door. This is incorrect, since this part of the glazing is the most expensive.

At the same time, vents are not always available, so they have to be purchased to order.

Before breaking the glass, you need to make sure you have the documents for the car. After all, a squad of traffic police inspectors can detain you and take you to the police station. You should not damage other people's property; you will have to pay a hefty fine for this.

Before damaging the integrity of the glass, it is advisable to call the car service center and find out the cost of each glazing part and what is available. This will help you save on installing a new window. The windshield, like all others, should not be broken in the center. It can spring back and nothing will happen. It is best to damage the glazing from the side.

If possible, you need to cover the surface with tape. This will help avoid the formation of a large number of fragments. This way, you won't have to clean the interior. It is worth leaving an area at the impact site that does not need to be covered with tape. After all, a mesh made of adhesive tape can serve as a kind of “armor.”

If you are near your home or in the country, you can get into the interior of the car using a drill or hammer with a chisel. You need to drill a hole in the side of the window.

When you have completed the task and the fragments have flown onto the asphalt, you need to remove the excess glass. To do this, wrap your hand in a cloth or pull the sleeve, holding it in your hand, and use your elbow to remove any remaining fragments.

Now you can open the door and enter the salon.

For a while you will have to tighten the window opening with a regular bag. It will not save you from robbers, but rain and snow will not get inside the cabin. If you want to maintain the integrity of the glass in your car, it is best to call a specialist who can unlock almost any door. His services will cost much less than replacing a window.

Phenomenon: glass explodes, bursts, crumbles on its own!

Glass door contractors and manufacturers initially reacted with understandable disbelief and skepticism: Glass does not explode on its own. Sure enough, they said, homeowners have reported glass doors coming off the frame or hardware and falling to the floor. But the glass panels did not explode spontaneously.

Enough homeowners have reported similar experiences for the phenomenon to gradually become recognized. An Internet search for "exploding shower doors" yields dozens of results, including reports in major newspapers and magazines. Although extremely rare, there have still been cases where residents experienced spontaneous glass explosions while taking a shower. Most of these cases had certain characteristics.

The glass didn't just crack, it exploded. The rupture was never a crack that turned into shards of glass falling loudly to the floor. One minute the shower door was completely intact, the next it was shattered into small pieces, and the noise from the flying pieces was very loud - sometimes described as deafening.

The explosion was spontaneous. This was not a case where the shower stall panels fell out of their frames and fell to the floor, or where the door brackets came loose and caused the entire door to fall. Instead, the glass panels flew from the center outwards on their own, often when no one was in the room.

Mostly this happened at night, very late or after midnight. Homeowners lay in bed and were sometimes awakened first by a crash and then an explosion. Most cases occurred between midnight and 3:00 am.

One homeowner's report is typical of what many people describe:

In the middle it shattered into pieces, leaving shards of glass inside the frame. We were awakened by a very loud explosion above. It was very scary. My daughter, who sleeps upstairs, said she heard two sounds. The first one sounded like a loud crack. After a few minutes or an hour it exploded.


How to break a plastic window without noise

Has the car door slammed and the security lock has triggered? Are the keys left inside the car? In this case, to get inside the cabin, you will have to break the glass.


How to break glass in a car? The easiest way to do this is with a hammer or a sharp stone. An ax will do. You should not use brick, it will crumble and there will be a lot of debris inside the car.

It is best to break the rear side windows; they are the cheapest and are almost always available in spare parts stores. Many drivers break the side windows to unlock the door. This is incorrect, since this part of the glazing is the most expensive.

At the same time, vents are not always available, so they have to be purchased to order.


Before breaking the glass, you need to make sure you have the documents for the car. After all, a squad of traffic police inspectors can detain you and take you to the police station. You should not damage other people's property; you will have to pay a hefty fine for this.


Before damaging the integrity of the glass, it is advisable to call the car service center and find out the cost of each glazing part and what is available. This will help you save on installing a new window. The windshield, like all others, should not be broken in the center. It can spring back and nothing will happen. It is best to damage the glazing from the side.


If possible, you need to cover the surface with tape. This will help avoid the formation of a large number of fragments. This way, you won't have to clean the interior. It is worth leaving an area at the impact site that does not need to be covered with tape. After all, a mesh made of adhesive tape can serve as a kind of “armor.”


If you are near your home or in the country, you can get into the interior of the car using a drill or hammer with a chisel. You need to drill a hole in the side of the window.

When you have completed the task and the fragments have flown onto the asphalt, you need to remove the excess glass. To do this, wrap your hand in a cloth or pull the sleeve, holding it in your hand, and use your elbow to remove any remaining fragments.

Now you can open the door and enter the salon.

For a while you will have to tighten the window opening with a regular bag. It will not save you from robbers, but rain and snow will not get inside the cabin. If you want to maintain the integrity of the glass in your car, it is best to call a specialist who can unlock almost any door. His services will cost much less than replacing a window.

Repairing minor cracks on a smartphone screen

The previous methods can help restore your smartphone to its original appearance if you have deep enough scratches on the surface of the screen or protective glass.

Let's consider methods for easier cases:

  1. To remove scratches, you will need regular polish. It is often used to combat defects on the surface of furniture and car coatings; Rubbing the car surface with polish
  2. Apply the liquid to a soft cloth; Rub the polish on your smartphone screen or its protective glass
  3. Rub it on the surface of the glass on your smartphone;
  4. After rubbing, be sure to wipe the screen with a dry cloth.

You can also use available household products, such as baking soda. You need to make a solution by mixing a spoonful of soda and two waters. Stir the mixture and rub the solution on the surface of your mobile phone.

Soda and water solution

Residues must also be removed with a dry cloth. Sometimes baby powder is used instead of soda. She copes with the task a little better. But not in every home.

If the scratches are very minor and are visible only at close range, ordinary vegetable oil can help. But you shouldn't apply it too much. A couple of drops will be enough.

Vegetable oil as a remedy for scratches

It is best to rub them with a cotton pad. This product is more of a cosmetic product. And cannot be regarded as a complete remedy against minor scratches. If you need to get rid of them completely, it is easier to replace the protective glass with a newer one.

How to break glass

Has the car door slammed and the security lock has triggered? Are the keys left inside the car? In this case, to get inside the cabin, you will have to break the glass.

How to break glass in a car? The easiest way to do this is with a hammer or a sharp stone. An ax will do. You should not use brick, it will crumble and there will be a lot of debris inside the car. It is best to break the rear side windows; they are the cheapest and are almost always available in spare parts stores. Many drivers break the side windows to unlock the door. This is incorrect, since this part of the glazing is the most expensive. At the same time, vents are not always available, so they have to be purchased to order.

Areas of application of tempered glass:

  • Walls of public transport stops.
  • Production of double-glazed windows.
  • Vehicle glazing.
  • Glazing of balconies.
  • Use on street lamps.
  • Construction of winter gardens, greenhouses, greenhouses.
  • Glass structures for the construction of partitions indoors (offices, store departments).
  • Facade glazing of buildings.
  • Glass doors (including in baths).
  • Production of fireplace and stove screens.
  • Oven viewing windows.
  • Walls and doors of refrigerated counters.
  • Refrigerator shelves.
  • Doors, walls and shelves of cabinet furniture.
  • Glass furniture.
  • Armored glazing.
  • Screens of various electronic devices.

Preparatory stage

When considering how to cut tempered glass, you should consider the preparatory stage. Careful preparation allows us to achieve high quality. Cutting tempered glass at home is carried out taking into account the information below:

  1. During the production of the material, zones with internal areas of stress are formed. With rapid heating and cooling, such areas are redistributed. The inside of the glass becomes more viscous compared to the outer layer.
  2. At the time of processing, the workpiece must be securely fastened. A variety of devices can be used for this.
  3. The surface of tempered glass must be cleaned of contaminants. An example is oils or paint, which can significantly reduce the quality of processing.

Glass preparation

In general, we can say that preparation for work is quite simple. However, without special tools and equipment, cutting will not be possible.

Cost difference

For many consumers, the choice of one material or another is based on the final cost. That is, people are guided not so much by the scope of use of the material and its technical qualities, but by the cost. But this is strictly not recommended. Since everywhere there are standards and requirements for both glazing and the manufacture of various glass objects.

Comparing the cost, it is worth noting that triplex costs several times higher than tempered glass:

  • cost of 1 sq.m. tempered glass, 12 mm thick, varies within 2 thousand rubles;
  • cost of 1 sq.m. hardened triplex, 6 mm + 6 mm thick, costs from 32,000 rubles.

To summarize, we can say that the choice of material should be made based on personal wishes and preferences, the scope of their application, and financial capabilities (since both materials have a significant difference in price, and expensive triplex is not always rational to use in everyday life). Some glass structures are best made only from triplex, while for others, tempered glass is the ideal choice.

In any case, triplex has higher impact resistance, enormous possibilities for decoration (which is important when implementing creative design solutions), and higher sound insulation (this should be taken into account by those who live in noisy areas). But tempered glass has better light transmittance, heat resistance and a more favorable price.

Glass table repair

Has your glass table broken? Or did the glass tabletop break? Need to glue legs to a glass piece?

Making a high-quality glass table is not an easy task! It’s hard to believe that when producing glass products in bulk, the quality and desired results are maintained. This is one of the reasons why a particular glass product breaks.

What to do?

We will answer your questions and help solve this problem

We are able to provide the following types of services:

UV bonding of glass products

When repairing glass tables, we use high-quality German-made glue in combination with a specialized ultraviolet lamp, which gives an optimally guaranteed result.

Replacing a glass tabletop

Provide us with the dimensions of the glass product requiring repair or use the services of a measurer. We recommend tempered glass.

More about services

In order to glue glass to a mirror (perhaps it is a glass shelf), you must first take into account where this product will be located. Be it a bathroom, a beauty salon or something else. In any case, you can be convinced of the quality, and we, in turn, provide a guarantee for all types of our work. We repair glass tables at home, even if there have been unsuccessful attempts to re-glue them. It is advisable to provide us with several photographs of the broken glass product for an estimate of the cost of the work, which we will inform you over the phone.

How to repair a glass table? How to replace a glass tabletop? Repairs should only be carried out by a specialized technician. By contacting us, the work will be carried out directly by the highly qualified glazier who produces custom glass tables. The duration of the repair depends on the specific case of breakdown. Call or email and we will try to make repairs as quickly as possible.

Durability and safety

Tempered glass has quite high strength indicators (it is 5 times stronger than ordinary glass). And the strength of triplex depends on what kind of glass was used in its manufacture. The use of two ordinary glasses in its production makes it possible to make the material several times stronger and more reliable than ordinary glass. And if tempered glass was used in its manufacture, then such a product will have the highest levels of strength and reliability.

Reference! Triplex, 13 mm thick, is used in the manufacture of armored and bulletproof products.

As for safety, both of these materials are completely harmless. Such glass is almost impossible to break and damage. But if this does happen, both materials do not shatter into sharp fragments, so it is impossible to get hurt by them.

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