Technoplex and penoplex insulation: what to look for when choosing

"Technoplex" and "Penoplex" are insulation materials that have high technical properties. They appeared on the market not so long ago, but have won the recognition of many. Let's figure out what the advantages and disadvantages of these materials are, what their features and differences are. Let's find out which insulation is better to choose and what to pay attention to, and compare several options.

Wall insulation Source

Technical and physical characteristics of the material

The manufacturer indicates the performance and other properties of the insulation on the packaging. Having carefully studied the instructions, you can understand that the technical characteristics of Technoplex (50 mm) look like this:

  • sheet thickness – 50 mm;
  • average density of the material – 26-30 kg/m³;
  • compression resistance – up to 25 tons/m²;
  • material water absorption rate (per day) – 0.2% of the total volume;
  • use in the temperature range – from -70 to +75°C;
  • flammability class - G4;
  • heat capacity indicator – 1.45 kJ;
  • vapor permeability coefficient – ​​0.01 m/h/Pa;
  • bending strength – not less than 0.3 MPa.

As you can see, with low weight and minimal thickness, the material has the ability to withstand heavy loads, which significantly expands the scope of its application.

It is also important that this type of insulation is not prone to rotting or infestation by rodents and fungi. During operation, it does not emit harmful substances into the air and remains resistant to most chemical compounds (except gasoline and organic solvents)


The main technical characteristics of insulation are its thermal conductivity, water absorption and operating temperature.
The flammability group for both insulation materials is G4 (highly flammable). Their prices differ by 10% (Technoplex is more expensive).

After comparing them, it is clear that there are no significant differences between these insulation materials.

Yes, Technoplex has slightly better characteristics, but the cost is also higher. Despite the fact that Penoplex is cheaper, with individual construction the savings are insignificant.

Dimensions of extrusion insulation

In order to correctly determine the required number of slabs, you should study in more detail the characteristics of Technoplex 50 mm. How many slabs are in the package, and what size they are, you can, of course, check with the seller, but it is better to have this information in advance.

So, from information from the manufacturer we know that the described slabs come in two types:

  • with dimensions 118 x 58 cm;
  • size 120 x 60 cm.

Also, insulation sheets can have different widths (from 20 to 100 mm). But since slabs with a width of 50 mm are considered the most universal, our article is devoted to them. One package contains 6 slabs of the same size.

Application and types of penoplex

Considering that penoplex has a number of advantages, its scope of application is quite extensive. EPS serves as an excellent insulation material both indoors and outdoors. It is perfect for apartments, houses, cottages and other buildings. Penoplex can be used to insulate roofs, attics, and balconies, in any climatic region without the use of an additional moisture-proof layer. Since the material practically does not absorb water, it is quite possible to use it in an environment with high humidity. At the same time, its thermal conductivity remains almost unchanged. EPS sheets of various thicknesses are available for sale, and depending on the specific requirements, you can always choose the best option.

In addition to a variety of sizes, extruded polystyrene foam is available in several types depending on density and application. Let's look at each type:

Penoplex Wall. The old name is Penoplex 31 with fire retardants. This material has a density of 25-32 kg/m³ and is intended for effective insulation of external and internal walls, partitions, and plinths. These slabs are also used in the construction of buildings when constructing walls using “well masonry”. Compared to traditional brick walls, such walls are much thinner, but are not inferior to them either in reliability or in the ability to retain heat. In case of insulation of external walls with penoplex, a plaster system can be made on top of the insulation using a mesh, or it can be lined with any façade cladding material (siding, tiles, lining).

Penoplex Foundation. The old name is Penoplex 35 without fire retardant. This material has a density of 29-33 kg/m³ and has high thermal insulation characteristics, a minimum coefficient of water absorption and resistance to chemical and biological destructive factors. Its water-repellent ability allows it to be used as a waterproofing coating. Penoplex Foundation is a rigid slab with a stepped edge, used in the construction of basements, foundations, and insulation of septic tanks. The slabs are very durable and can withstand significant loads. Therefore, they can also be used as a basis for garden paths, plinths, and floors.

Penoplex Roofing. The old name is Penoplex 35. This material has a density of 28-33 kg/m³ and well insulates the building from cold air, has minimal water absorption, the ability to insulate noise well, and has a long service life. The slabs have a standard size of 600x1200 mm, but if necessary they can be easily cut with any available tool. And the light weight of the slabs allows them to be used without reinforcing roof structures. The stepped edge located along the perimeter acts as an additional guarantee that “cold bridges” will not form at the joints of the slabs. This type of penoplex can be used to insulate any type of roof. However, more often this insulation is used for insulating flat roofs, as well as for insulating the attic space of a ventilated roof.

Penoplex Comfort. The old name is Penoplex 31C. This material has a density of 25-35 kg/m³ and has an extremely low thermal conductivity coefficient, high hydrophobicity, and excellent ability to insulate noise. It does not rot and is not a favorable environment for the settlement of insects, mold and fungi. Penoplex Comfort is produced in the form of slabs measuring 600x1200 mm, which have a step-shaped edge along the perimeter. It serves as an additional guarantee of accurate installation. Being a kind of universal, this insulation is simply ideal for thermal insulation of a private house. They can be used to insulate floors, foundations, basements, roofs and walls.

Penoplex 45. This material has a density of 35-47 kg/m³ and is used as insulation for road surfaces, in particular runways, to prevent them from frost heaving of the soil and destruction of the top layer of the road surface. It is also widely used for insulating roofs in use, on which there are pedestrian areas and various areas, including parking lots.

Is extruded polystyrene foam suitable for sound insulation?

Probably, the question of whether it is possible to use extruded polystyrene foam for sound insulation has visited many people. Looking at this finely porous material, it seems that it absorbs sound perfectly. On the other hand, it is still a heat insulator, not a sound insulator; it is not intended to dampen noise. However, extruded polystyrene foam has some sound-absorbing abilities, and those who have used it to insulate walls and especially floors in an apartment note that the room has become quieter. The truth lies somewhere in the middle - if certain rules are followed, extruded polystyrene foam can serve as sound insulation, but the additional use of special sound absorbers is still more effective. And one more important point: if anyone doubts, a vapor barrier is needed when laying penoplex.

Description and features of the material

Technoplex insulation is made from polystyrene granules, which, under the influence of high temperature and high pressure, are mixed with a special foaming composition and graphite. The viscous mass is sent into molds of a certain size, where it hardens and is cut into sheets of standard parameters.

The final product is smooth and dense. The structure of the sheet consists of a large number of small closed cells that do not allow air to pass through. Thanks to this, the characteristics of Technoplex (50 mm) are quite high. Graphite additives significantly improve the thermal insulation abilities and increase the strength of the slabs.

Products are sold in rectangular packaging, the size and weight of which depends on the size of the material.

Positive features of the material

The technical characteristics of Technoplex (50 mm thick) indicate that this material allows you to significantly save your budget, since it has improved heat-insulating qualities. Compared to conventional polystyrene foam, the capabilities of this product are two times higher, and if you look at the thermal insulation performance of fiberglass slabs, it becomes clear that their capabilities are 1.5 times less.

In addition, a number of positive properties of the material should be noted:

  1. Increased strength. The extrusion material is more than 5 times stronger than polystyrene foam.
  2. High density. "Technoplex" is able to withstand heavy loads, which makes it possible to use it when arranging floors.
  3. Resistant to moisture. The dense and solid structure of the material does not allow moisture to pass through, while polystyrene foam is capable of absorbing liquid, albeit in small quantities.

Despite the fact that the Technoplex material (50 mm) has quite high characteristics, it still has one drawback - poor vapor permeability. This fact must be taken into account when purchasing extrusion plates for certain jobs.

Performance properties

Technoplex ensures the safety of the home and the people living in it, thanks to its environmental friendliness. Extruded polystyrene foam is made from environmentally friendly materials and is non-toxic. In addition, when using the material, you need to take into account that it belongs to the group:

  • flammability G4;
  • flammability B3;
  • smoke generating ability D3;
  • toxicity of combustion products T2

The durability of Technoplext extruded polystyrene foam is ensured by:

  • resistance to most aggressive environments, with the exception of petroleum solvents. In addition, the material does not deteriorate under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric moisture;
  • biological stability;
  • maintaining properties during repeated defrosting and defrosting. It was experimentally established that even after 1000 times freezing and thawing, polystyrene foam did not lose its properties.

Installation features

The process of installing the material itself is simple and will require the performer to have minimal construction knowledge and tool skills. To carry out installation we will need the following tools and consumables:

  • perforator;
  • hammer and spatula;
  • sharp knife;
  • tape measure and level;
  • marker;
  • directly technoplex of the required brand and thickness;
  • special plastic dowels with a wide head;
  • adhesive mixture for polystyrene foam;
  • metal support profile.

When the materials and tools are ready, you can begin installation. First you need to prepare the surface. Most often, technoplex is used for external insulation of a facade or foundation, so the surface must be fairly flat (there is no need to inject it to the nearest millimeter) and clean. Some professionals recommend additionally priming the wall or foundation for better adhesion of the adhesive. This step will not be superfluous, although it is not mandatory.

After preparing the surface, you can begin installing the technoplex. To begin with, the lower horizontal rail made of a metal profile is leveled and secured. When choosing a batten, it is necessary that its width matches the thickness of the insulation board. Then we attach the top rail.

We begin to lay polystyrene foam boards between the guides. To do this, lubricate the surface with glue and press it against the wall (foundation). We check the correct installation using the level. Considering that the solution hardens for a certain time, it is possible to slowly adjust the location of each slab relative to the level to achieve the desired result.

After the glue has completely dried (usually after 2-3 days depending on the brand of the mixture), we proceed to additional fixation of the slabs. To do this, use a hammer drill to drill holes in the surface through the insulation and insert plastic dowels. Due to their design, they have a hollow body and teeth on the outside of the nail. We hammer a steel rod into a special hole, which deforms the dowel from the inside and forces it to be firmly held in brick or concrete.

As a rule, 5 dowels are driven into one slab - 4 at the edges so that the head fixes the adjacent slabs and 1 in the center. Sometimes, in order to save money, they are content with less.

The installation is complete, now you can begin finishing the exterior surface.

Cost of products

Penoplex wins this confrontation. It is about 10% cheaper than its brother. At large volumes, this minor difference becomes quite significant. Therefore, in order to save money, it is better to choose the first option. The price in each region of Russia may be different, this should be taken into account.

With all this, we can conclude: each of the insulation materials is an excellent option. They are similar in their characteristics, but, nevertheless, Penoplex is a little better. It turns out that for a lower price you get high-quality insulation material. It is versatile and can be used for different purposes. Technoplex or Penoplex, which is better? Reviews say that each of the materials is good.

Description and features of the material

Technoplex insulation is made from polystyrene granules, which, under the influence of high temperature and high pressure, are mixed with a special foaming composition and graphite. The viscous mass is sent into molds of a certain size, where it hardens and is cut into sheets of standard parameters.

The final product is smooth and dense. The structure of the sheet consists of a large number of small closed cells that do not allow air to pass through. Thanks to this, the characteristics of Technoplex (50 mm) are quite high. Graphite additives significantly improve the thermal insulation abilities and increase the strength of the slabs.

Products are sold in rectangular packaging, the size and weight of which depends on the size of the material.

Technical and physical characteristics of the material

The manufacturer indicates the performance and other properties of the insulation on the packaging. Having carefully studied the instructions, you can understand that the technical characteristics of Technoplex (50 mm) look like this:

  • sheet thickness – 50 mm;
  • average density of the material – 26-30 kg/m³;
  • compression resistance – up to 25 tons/m²;
  • material water absorption rate (per day) – 0.2% of the total volume;
  • use in the temperature range – from -70 to +75°C;
  • flammability class - G4;
  • heat capacity indicator – 1.45 kJ;
  • vapor permeability coefficient – ​​0.01 m/h/Pa;
  • bending strength – not less than 0.3 MPa.

As you can see, with low weight and minimal thickness, the material has the ability to withstand heavy loads, which significantly expands the scope of its application.

It is also important that this type of insulation is not prone to rotting or infestation by rodents and fungi. During operation, it does not emit harmful substances into the air and remains resistant to most chemical compounds (except gasoline and organic solvents)

Technoplex insulation technical characteristics

Technoplex extrusion has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, is resistant to mechanical loads, does not shrink, is chemically resistant, and is not subject to decomposition and rotting. Technoplex has technical characteristics in comparison with brick such that the thermal conductivity of 30 mm extruded polystyrene foam is comparable to a 400 mm brick wall. Finnish foundations are often insulated with this material.

Technoplex 50 mm characteristics

Characteristics of slabs with a thickness of 20 to 120 mm The scope of application of extruded polystyrene foam, due to its high strength and resistance to moisture, is very wide. XPS is used today when pouring USP, insulating strip foundations and blind areas of houses. The material does not lose its original characteristics even in water, since the structure of the material consists of closed cells that do not absorb moisture, unlike mineral wool.

Useful tips

  • When using penoplex, you should rely on the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the choice of insulation thickness depending on the temperature in your region of residence. So, in the central regions of Russia, to insulate the foundation, it will be quite enough to install extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 30-50 mm, and in the northern regions - material with a thickness of at least 80-100 mm.
  • Before laying penoplex, be sure to prepare any foundations. Do not neglect this stage of installation work, otherwise the insulation will not adhere tightly and reliably to the base.
  • Penoplex cannot be harmed by substances such as alcohols, alkalis, any acids, water, ammonia, propane, butane or freons. This insulation is manufactured taking into account high biostability, which makes it more durable and reliable.
  • For internal insulation, it is recommended to use penoplex, the thickness of which is at least 20 mm.
  • Please note that one of the most common mistakes made by home craftsmen is the incorrect selection of adhesive mixtures that are not suitable for the purchased insulation.

If you decide to insulate the floor in your house with penoplex, then you should use the installation method using logs.
Before purchasing penoplex, be sure to pay attention to its labeling. This way you will save yourself from buying the wrong material. Please note that insulating a home with penoplex should be carried out exclusively using special technology. Otherwise, the insulation will not last long and will be of little use. If you are afraid to take on such work, then it is better to entrust it to professionals.

You will learn more about penoplex in the following video.

Dimensions of extrusion insulation

In order to correctly determine the required number of slabs, you should study in more detail the characteristics of Technoplex 50 mm. How many slabs are in the package, and what size they are, you can, of course, check with the seller, but it is better to have this information in advance.

So, from information from the manufacturer we know that the described slabs come in two types:

  • with dimensions 118 x 58 cm;
  • size 120 x 60 cm.

Also, insulation sheets can have different widths (from 20 to 100 mm). But since slabs with a width of 50 mm are considered the most universal, our article is devoted to them. One package contains 6 slabs of the same size.

Which is better: technoplex or penoplex

When building any house in Russia, owners ask themselves about its insulation. Today, the insulation market has a large number of items; tiled thermal insulation materials are in particular demand. Among them, technoplex and penoplex have proven themselves. To better understand their properties, you need to make a small comparison of the main characteristics.

Composition of materials and method of their production

Extruded polystyrene foam or penoplex refers to tile heat insulators. It is produced by extrusion from polystyrene.

This method allows you to achieve a uniform structure of the material, consisting of tiny cells with air.

During production, polystyrene granules are mixed at high temperature and pressure, and a foaming agent (light freons with carbon dioxide) is introduced into the mixture. The next stage of production is extrusion. The resulting material has good thermal insulation properties.

Technoplex is also a tile material for thermal insulation. During its production, graphite nanoparticles are added to extruded polystyrene foam; they further reduce the thermal conductivity of the material, while increasing its strength.

Both materials are environmentally friendly, do not support combustion, and do not dissolve in water and soil. They are suitable for private construction, thermal insulation of balconies and the installation of “warm floors”.

Strength of materials

In terms of mechanical compressive strength at 10% deformation, penoplex (type 35) and technoplex XPS30-200 Standard have the same values ​​of 250 kPa. This value depends on the density of the slabs.

The tensile strength during static bending of penoplex is, depending on the type, 0.4-0.7 MPa. The same indicator for technopex is 0.3 MPa. It can be concluded that penoplex is more resistant to static bending, as it can withstand greater loads.

Operating temperatures of materials

Operating temperatures of penoplex are from -50 to +75ºС. The operating temperature range for the technoplex is between -70ºС and +75ºС. Obviously, the temperature range of the technoplex is greater, this is its advantage, but -70ºС is rare even in our country.

Thermal conductivity and water absorption of penoplex and technoplex

The thermal conductivity of penoplex, depending on the type and operating conditions (A or B), is no more than 0.028-0.031 W/mK. This indicator for the technoplex under various operating conditions is 0.031 W/mK. Thus, both materials are effective thermal insulators.

The water absorption of technoplex is no more than 0.2% by volume in 24 hours. The water absorption of penoplex (type 35) is only 0.1%. Penoplex immersed in water for 28 days increases by only 0.2% of its volume. This indicates the negligible water absorption of penoplex.

In addition, this material is able to retain its properties after a large number of defrost-freeze cycles. For example, after 1000 such cycles, penoplex changes the thermal resistance by only 5%.

Price for penoplex and technoplex

Thus, penoplex and technoplex can be called similar materials, with slight differences in some indicators. Their main difference is the price.

The difference between foamed polystyrenes

As mentioned above, the use of liquid and powder gas-forming agents is better, so products obtained using this technology have stable thermal insulation characteristics. Although, this cannot be called the only reason why Technoplex and Penoplex do not contain freon. There are two more:

  1. Sealed cells of new material that have not yet been used have remnants of freon. Formally, it is called safe, but in reality it is better not to deal with it. It can cause lung problems in children.
  2. Over time, the gas will be forced out of the cells by air and humidity. And if dirty raw materials containing styrene were used in the manufacture of the material, then the contents will penetrate into the external environment.

And if technical grades of EPS, such as Penofol, are used to treat foundations, highways, and plinths, then the presence of freon in the composition does not affect the material in any way. But to insulate your home, it is better to use safe products. Therefore, the answer to the question: Penoplex or Penofol, which is better, can be answered - the first option.

How do you know which is better Penoplex or expanded polystyrene? After all, many recommend insulating with foam plastic, because it has a low price and excellent characteristics. To answer this question, you need to know how penoplex differs from expanded polystyrene. Let's start with production technology.

Technoplex, Penoplex and even Penofol are created during the extrusion process. This allows you to obtain a very dense linear structure, which affects the material’s resistance to water and humidity, as well as strength. Therefore, foam plastic is somewhat worse than materials created by extrusion methods.

Scope of application

In what types of work can Technoplex 50 mm be used? The characteristics and dimensions of the material practically do not limit the scope of its application, so it is very popular in many works.

Thus, Technoplex was actively used in the insulation of facades. For this purpose, it is mounted with a special glue (like polyurethane foam). Since extrusion slabs do not lose their properties even underground, they are used both to create a thermal insulation layer on foundations and as insulation for underground utilities.

The material is no less actively used in the process of interior decoration. It can be mounted both on vertical surfaces and in floor screeds.

Insulation of external walls

Builders, as a rule, perform insulation from the outside. In this case, the area of ​​the room will remain the same. To perform the work, sheets of technoplex 100 mm thick .
If you take a thinner material, you need to use 2 layers of insulation, due to which heat loss will be reduced by 40–60%. Naturally, it is customary to begin external thermal insulation work using technoplex after surface preparation. To do this, the walls are cleaned and then leveled with plaster. Next, the insulation sheets are glued. To ensure they hold well, dowels can be used. In this case, the fastening is carried out end-to-end. Since the coating of techoplex sheets is smooth, the surface must first be roughened.

The slabs are glued starting from the bottom . Thanks to this, they will not mix while the glue dries. Then a layer of special mastic is applied to the surface and a reinforcing mesh is fixed on it, which will make the protective layer quite rigid. Next, treatment is carried out with a primer and finishing compound. As a result, the facade of the house will have an attractive appearance.

Experts recommend performing thermal insulation work in dry weather. It is also worth paying attention to the air temperature. It must be at least 5˚ C.

Advantages of Technoplex thermal insulation

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) of various brands, for example, URSA XPS, Penoplex or Technoplex, is considered today the most effective and promising thermal insulation material in construction. Extrusion is produced in rigid slabs of different thicknesses. Let's take a closer look at the technical characteristics of technoplex and answer the question - penoplex or technoplex, what is the difference.

EPPS Technoplex is often used for thermal insulation of private houses (blind areas, foundations and basements), insulation of balconies and loggias, and as a substrate for “warm water floors”. The advantages of XPS Technonikol boards are high strength, which is combined with low thermal conductivity. TechnoNIKOL today offers building materials that meet all international standards.


There is fierce competition in the construction market, however, not as many companies are involved in the production of technoplexes as the consumer would like. Let's consider the list of the main suppliers of extruded insulation on the Russian market.

  1. TECHNONICOL . The company is among the TOP 100 largest enterprises in Russia, and has several production lines in the country. The manufactured products attract buyers with a relatively low price and high quality.
  2. URSA . A relatively young brand that appeared on the market in 2003. At the beginning of its development, the company was engaged in the production of mineral wool from fiberglass. After merging with the Spanish company URALITA, lines for the production of extruded polystyrene began operating. Now it is one of the leading European brands, actively developing the Russian building materials market.
  3. RAVATHERM . The trademark belongs to a Belgian company with production lines in the Moscow region. Finished products are subject to multi-stage quality control, so they invariably have high technical characteristics.

It is worth noting that the products of these enterprises have international certificates and are absolutely environmentally safe.

Scope of application

In what types of work can Technoplex 50 mm be used? The characteristics and dimensions of the material practically do not limit the scope of its application, so it is very popular in many works.

Thus, Technoplex was actively used in the insulation of facades. For this purpose, it is mounted with a special glue (like polyurethane foam). Since extrusion slabs do not lose their properties even underground, they are used both to create a thermal insulation layer on foundations and as insulation for underground utilities.

The material is no less actively used in the process of interior decoration. It can be mounted both on vertical surfaces and in floor screeds.

What to choose

If we compare these two insulation materials, then Technoplex is more technologically advanced and has better qualities, but the difference between it and Penoplex is so insignificant that it is impossible to say for sure which one should be chosen.

By choosing polystyrene foam insulation, regardless of whether it is Technoplex or Penoplex, you can get not only thermal insulation, but also sound and vapor barrier.

Please note: the service life of extruded polystyrene foam boards is more than 50 years, which is a long time. However, it is worth remembering that polystyrene foam is still a chemical insulation, not a natural one.

Therefore, when burned, it releases very corrosive substances

However, it is worth remembering that polystyrene foam is still a chemical insulation, not a natural one. Therefore, when burned, it releases very caustic substances.

Installation technology

When laying on horizontal surfaces - floors, flat roofs - the slabs are simply laid on a flat surface. The surface should be without sharp changes, the maximum deviation is 2-3%. This requirement must be met so that voids do not form. When laying, we monitor the joints; it is advisable to glue them (you can use tape) or fill them with the same foam/glue on which the slabs are attached.

When using Foam plastic for insulation of balconies

If two layers of thermal insulation are laid, it is positioned so that the EPS slabs of the second row overlap the seams of the lower one. They also say that the slabs are laid with alternating seams or “staggered”.

When mounting on vertical surfaces, double fastening is used:

  • Glue or adhesive foam is applied to the plane.
  • Additionally fixed with umbrella dowels.

According to the technology for installing slab insulation on facades, umbrella dowels are installed at the junction of two sheets (any two sheets) and two additional fasteners in the plane of the sheet. That is, there are at least 8 fasteners per sheet (indicated in red in the figure). More is possible. Less - no. Unless, of course, you want the insulation and finishing to come off. If the winds in the region are strong, it is better to put more. To insulate the inside, you can install less (see diagrams below).

Schemes for installing umbrella dowels when installing Penoplex on vertical surfaces

During installation, on the outer slabs and around openings, we install fasteners more often: three to four elements per slab. To keep the insulation rigid in the corners of the openings, a mesh is attached to it before plastering. It is attached at an angle of about 45°, securing the joint. Under such conditions, there will be no problems with finishing inside or outside.

If plaster, facade tiles, finishing stone and other heavy materials are subsequently applied to Penoplex, before installation, care must be taken to improve the adhesion of the material to the wall and to the finish. Even if you are installing a Penoplex Wall with stripes, it is better to add roughness to the slab using a metal brush. And from both sides. If the wall is smooth, it also doesn’t hurt to add roughness - for better adhesion.

If the wall is smooth, it also needs to be processed by putting a metal attachment on the drill

To work with Penoplex, a special adhesive mixture is recommended: Ceresit ST 84, illbruck PU 010, Titan 753, Ceresit CT-85, Kreisel 210 and 220, Baumit ProContact, STO Baukleber, Soudal Soudabond, Penosil Fix and Go, Den Braven, Krass.

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