Technoplex or penoplex: what to choose. Comparison of insulation costs

Any capital construction at some stage requires insulation. The modern assortment is filled with materials of varying degrees of thermal conductivity and price range. To choose the right option, you need to familiarize yourself with their main features. The favorites in the thermal insulation market are insulators based on polystyrene foam, an environmentally friendly, non-flammable polymer. Technoplex and Penoplex are the most popular today.

The differences between brands are small, which can make choosing one over the other much more difficult. However, some differences in characteristics will help you choose the right insulation.

Features and Specifications

Penoplex thermal insulation is a board made of extruded polystyrene foam. A boutique materials company specializing in the production of synthetic insulation for a variety of roofing, foundation, wall and interior applications. For example, Penoplex 45 is supplied only to industrial sites and is used as thermal insulation for loaded structures, railways and roads, and airport runways.

The presented products in this series have reliable strength, resistance to biological influences, low thermal diffusivity and zero water absorption. Considering the manufacturer’s description, such insulation does not burn from environmentally friendly components without the addition of phenol-formaldehyde resins. This ensures a healthy indoor climate and a guaranteed service life of 50 years.

Radiator "Technoplex" produces a wide range of TechnoNIKOL products in the field of goods, including roofing, construction chemicals, special equipment and much more. Extruded insulation has proven itself mainly for interior work - insulation of partitions, balconies, floors. It is even used in installations of thermally insulated floor systems.

During the production of Technoplex, graphite nanoparticles are added to the same polystyrene foam, which, in turn, reduces thermal conductivity. Consequently, according to the manufacturer, the stability of Technoplex properties throughout its entire service life, reducing water absorption and vapor permeability. Neutral, biostable, practically non-shrinking polymer material takes care of gasoline solvents and bitumen adhesives. Well suited for use under plaster.

House insulation with TECHNONICOL polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam boards can be used to insulate all surfaces of a private home.

Insulation of foundations

The use of XPS for façade insulation allows one to avoid cold bridges, frost heaving of soils, protect waterproofing, and ensure drainage of groundwater, while reducing their pressure on underground structures and the base.

With traditional foundation insulation, slabs without mechanical fixation are mounted using glue on a waterproofing layer and covered with coarse sand or sand-gravel mixture.

If there is a need to install a shallow foundation, then XPS slabs are laid on the prepared base before waterproofing and pouring the reinforcement frame.

When additionally insulating the basement from the inside, a layer of waterproofing is applied, if necessary, to the leveled walls, XPS boards are fixed onto it using an assembly adhesive compound, then a vapor barrier with foil is laid and secured with polyurethane glue inside the room, vertical guides and sheet trim are installed.

Wall insulation

Walls can be thermally insulated from the inside, outside or inside the building envelope:

  1. Internal wall insulation is carried out in constructed buildings if quick heating of the room is needed or when the façade cannot be changed. The slabs are pressed against the wall with wooden beams, between which extruded polystyrene foam is also laid, then a vapor barrier film is carefully glued.
  2. The middle thermal insulation layer in a three-layer masonry allows you to reduce the thickness of the walls. The material used in this layer has high requirements for durability and quality, because if something happens, the masonry will have to be dismantled for repairs. The slabs are attached to the internal load-bearing wall using an adhesive composition; the inner and outer parts are connected to each other by flexible fiberglass ties, which are installed 4-5 pieces per square meter, through thermal insulation. First, a facing layer is laid up to the level of the connections, then thermal insulation is installed with a protrusion in height. The supporting layer is erected to the next level of connections. The layers must be mounted tightly to each other, filling the gaps with dry sand.
  3. Plaster (“wet”) facade is external thermal insulation, when polystyrene foam slabs are attached to a prepared wall surface using glue and mechanical connectors and covered with several layers of plaster made of synthetic materials and fiberglass.
  4. If the wall is sheathed with decorative material, clapboard, facade panels or siding, then the thermal insulation slabs are laid out in a checkerboard pattern and fixed to the base with longitudinal slats, on which, in turn, the finishing is mounted.

Roof insulation

lay thermal insulation boards

There are options for thermal insulation of the roof, when slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are attached to the rafters from the inside, and the space between the rafters is also filled. Additional insulation is also possible. Thermal insulation of a pitched roof allows you to avoid cold bridges along rafter structures and create comfortable conditions in the house not only in winter, but also in the summer heat.

Thermal insulation of attic floors

If the attic is not planned to be used as a living space, then it is insulated, not the roof. A flooring of boards or boards is laid on top of the beams, then thermal insulation slabs are laid on it, the joints between them are taped, and a cement-sand screed is made on them and covered with gypsum fiber sheets.

TECHNONICOL extruded polystyrene foam from the company of the same name is an effective thermal insulation that allows you to save heating costs and provides reliable insulation for many years to come for almost any building structure.

Comparison of main parameters and prices

To choose the necessary thermal insulation, you should correctly navigate the purpose of the material, based on its composition and characteristics. For clarity, the comparative technical characteristics of polystyrene insulation are given in the table below.

Length m1.18 i 1.201.20 i 2.4
Width, m0.58 i 0.60,6
Thickness m0,02-0,10,02-0,1
Compressive strength, kPa150-250200-500
Thermal conductivity, W/mK0,0320,030
Density, kg/m326-3525-47
Temperature, ° Cfrom -70 to +75from -50 to +75
Water absorption, no more,%0,20,4
Thermal conductivity at (25 ± 5) ° C, W / (m * K)0,0320,030
Vapor permeability, mg/m * hour * Pa0,018-0,020,02

A review of the metrics indicates similarities in the isolation of this class. As for the difference between them, it indicates the direct place of use.

Both heat insulators have a number of common properties:

  • the thermal conductivity coefficient is better compared to stone wool or foam;
  • lightweight and does not require special qualifications for installation work;
  • they are not afraid of attacks by rodents, insects, fungi or other biological factors;
  • damaged by solvents and bitumen glue;
  • more or less equal price range.

The level of strength of the materials, according to experts, is more or less the same. However, unlike Penoplex, due to the presence of nanoparticles in the composition, Technoplex is considered more resistant to mechanical stress. However, as practical tests show, with strong static bending, the strength coefficient of Penoplex is 0.4-0.7 MPa, and Technoplex - 0.3 MPa. Hence the conclusion: the resistance to high loads of the first is much better than that of the second insulation.

Another difference concerns the operating temperature range. For Penoplex this is -50 - + 75 ° C, and for Technonikol, respectively -70 - + 75 ° C. It is worth noting that our latitude is not -70 ° C, so this difference is insignificant.

You can purchase thermal insulation materials of both brands at the prices indicated in the table below:

For each specific case, the basic requirements for thermal insulation force us to choose TechnoPlex from Technonicol or Penoplex. The decision is based on the area of ​​application and personal preferences of buyers. So, if Technoplex is better to buy in private construction, Penoplex has a wider range of applications. Depending on the marking, it is equally suitable for industrial buildings and road works.

Penoplex and mineral wool are materials inside and outside buildings with the same properties, but each is better suited for specific conditions of use and has special advantages.

Mineral wool is a material made from fibers formed during the melting of rocks, significantly superior in its properties to the well-known glass wool.

Penoplex is a more modernized foam material, which, in most characteristics, largely overlooks its predecessor. It is significantly inferior to it only in cost terms.

The production technology and composition of both radiators are radically different.

Comparison of main parameters

  • Thermal insulation.

Mineral wool has a coefficient of 0.032-0.046, while penoplex has a coefficient of 0.03-0.032. The lower the index, the better, since the room maintains less heat loss and a better temperature.

  • Duration of the operation.

Penoplex is a fairly hard material that does not rot, dry out or crumble. Insulation has a long service life under appropriate storage conditions when it is well protected from prolonged sunlight and excessive heat. Mineral wool also does not dry out. Without exposure to high physical exertion, it can last a long time, it is not afraid of high or low temperatures and prolonged exposure to the sun on the surface.

It is not threatened by mold and other pests in the body, and it is not susceptible to destruction by rodents. But mineral wool can crumble and settle on the wall. In general, both materials have a long service life, lasting at least 50 years.

  • Environmentally friendly.

Both materials are manufactured without the use of hazardous ingredients that could be harmful to human health, but absolute sealing is still required to protect the respiratory tract.

  • Convenient installation.

When insulating a perfectly smooth surface, working with Penoplex is much faster. It is lightweight, easy to cut and sand, and has L-shaped edges to eliminate cold bridging. When using it, there is no need to create a vapor barrier. If the edges of the razor groove are missing, sanding the seams or applying them in two layers is boring, resulting in unnecessary costs.

Mineral wool is slightly heavier but is much more efficient and simplifies installation due to the existing disproportionate cross-sections and designs. But when working with it, you must first buy special clothing along with a respirator and goggles.

  • Which material is warmer?

When used to heat the facade of a house, if the penoplex is 50 mm thick, then to achieve a similar effect the mineral wool should be 60 mm thick. The difference is not dramatic enough. Depending on the situation, each of them is good in its own way, because cotton wool is capable of allowing air to pass through, unlike penoplex, which has an absolutely airtight structure.

  • Moisture absorption.

Mineral wool absorbs much more water and then loses some of its thermal insulation properties. In this case, penoplex is much better, because even with intense and frequent rains its mass practically does not change.

Mineral wool has the best performance in this parameter because it hardly ignites. Its melting point must be greater than 1000°. Cotton wool contains an adhesive base that can catch fire, but it is a very small part of the total volume of the material and does not pose a significant risk.

Penoplex has completely different functions. It is capable of melting, opening a flame and burning, releasing human toxins that are very harmful to the body. To ensure a high level of fire protection for buildings, penoplex is categorically not suitable for use. For this, the best and absolute option is mineral wool.

  • expenses

The price of materials is practically the same. The slight difference may only depend on the choice of manufacturer.

General installation information

Penoplex is quite easy to work with, but there are a number of aspects that need to be taken into account during installation in order to do everything correctly. So, as for the method of fastening, the slabs need to be fixed using the method that is most suitable for a specific element of the structure. For example, if the base or foundation is insulated, that is, that part of the building that is located below the upper boundary of the soil, then the material can be glued and then pressed down with soil. If Penoplex is used to insulate floors, then it is best to simply put it under the screed - there is no need for any fixation. But on the walls, the material must first be glued, and then additionally fixed with special disc-shaped dowels with a wide head. Sometimes Penoplex is also attached to the sheathing.

Penoplex board insulation

For adhesive fixation, a special composition Penoplex FastFix is ​​used. It is applied to the surface of the slabs evenly in stripes around the perimeter, retreating from the edge of the slab about 1-3 cm, as well as in the middle of the slab. It is recommended to make the slab slightly rough by making notches or treating it before applying the glue. This will improve grip. The glue consumption is as follows: one bottle is enough for about 100 meters of linear seams, that is, it can glue about 10 m2 of insulation.

As for dowels, it is better to take synthetic ones with low thermal conductivity to avoid the appearance of cold bridges. The holes for them need to be drilled so that they are approximately 1-1.5 cm longer than the length of the dowel being driven in. As for fixing the material on concrete, in this case the minimum length of the spacer part of the fastener should be at least 4.5 cm, and for brick even longer - 6-9 cm. For foam concrete, it is better to select longer dowels, at least 10-12 cm.

Fastening Penoplex with umbrella dowels

Prices for dowels for fastening insulation

Dowel umbrella

As for the thickness of the insulation, we remember that it can be different. This parameter must be determined taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region and the purpose of the building structure, as well as the materials from which it is constructed. The easiest way to find out the optimal thickness in each specific case is to use a special calculator on the Penoplex website. It will also help identify the required number of slabs.

Installation of Penoplex sheets

The better to insulate with cotton wool

Mineral wool is ideal for buildings made of breathable materials such as wood or brick. In general, it goes well with all coatings and there are no exceptions.

In some respects, materials clearly differ, and their selection must be made based on the conditions in which they will be encountered. It is almost impossible to determine which one is better because each of them is good in its own way.

A reliable insulating material widely used in industrial and private construction is extruded polystyrene foam. It can be found under the names extruded polystyrene foam or XPS. In addition, manufacturers' trademark names are often used for the materials they produce.

So, Penoplex, Technoplex, Stirex slabs are all the same extruded polystyrene foam. One of the most famous companies on the Russian market for the production of polymer-based building materials is the Penoplex company. He started working about 15 years ago and has already earned respect - today products made from extruded polystyrene foam occupy about 50% of the entire market of thermal insulation materials in Russia. In addition to the traditional low thermal conductivity, minimal moisture absorption and high compressive strength, Penoplex boards are also of good quality. They are used to insulate structures from the foundation to the roof: baseboards, basements, walls, floors, roofs. The production of sandwich panels with penoplex as a heat insulator began. Penoplex reviews are the best, and its price is quite affordable.

However, before using an unknown material, each owner will first analyze his opinion: what are the reviews of workers, builders, consumers, friends and neighbors who have used this type of penoplex? For Penoplex isolation reviews we will search on the Internet: what is the price / quality ratio? Is he easy to work with? Is it worth it to insulate walls, floors, soil or material for individual rooms? Is it better to look for other options (foam, mineral wool)?

Opinions on penoplex wall insulation

It is known that heat loss through walls can reach 45%. High-quality insulation will solve this problem. Extruded polystyrene foam is very convenient for insulating walls, both inside and outside. Penoplex can be glued to wallpaper and plaster. Checking the insulation of penoplex walls is called a simple and pleasant thing, because the slabs already have grooves ready for connection - all that remains is to connect them. They cut well, allowing you to cut them to size using a simple jigsaw.

As for insulating walls with penoplex, he unanimously assesses that this issue is much less problematic than using, for example, mineral wool. An additional advantage compared to polystyrene foam is better thermal insulation characteristics and high density, and thanks to other modern good insulating materials for external walls, Penoplex has a different price - extruded polystyrene foam is cheaper.

  • “They recently isolated a country house. Effortlessly, within two days, he covered 60 squares of foam. The boards fit perfectly and are a pleasure to work with. All that remains is to plaster and that's it.
  • “50 mm of expanded polystyrene has thermal insulation properties equal to the width of a brick. What do you think is easier: to build a house or hide the slabs? Is it cheaper? I don't see any options - only plates. "

When it comes to opinions on insulating penoplex from the inside, most here agree that it should be done if it is not possible to insulate from the outside. We're talking about garages, basements, interior partitions, etc. What is this about? Judge for yourself.

  • “Isolating from the inside is dangerous and side effects may occur. Especially if it is thick and uses a vapor barrier film, and when Penopleksse does not have a vapor barrier at all. "
  • “How do you hang a closet on your polystyrene walls, excuse me? You will have to choose the concrete itself and then, that is, everything else, as well as another 5 cm of insulation.
  • “And we won’t hang anything on this wall. We need insulation because the neighbors have a bathroom here, especially at night... you know what we're listening to. "

There are other problems too. How to stick wallpaper on penoplex - there were reviews on this too. As a rule, they lay the sickle mesh on the plates, cover it, and then trim it as desired. But can you stick wallpaper directly onto plates if you don't have time to finish them?

  • “You can do everything and stick wallpaper on penoplex as well. But it is better not to do this, as this will affect the strength of the wall surface. The best solution is a wooden frame and drywall, and wallpaper can be easily applied to it. Or this option: front mesh plus kit.
  • “Penoplex is an additional insulation material and is not intended for this type of finish. In addition, fire safety requires that the interior of the room be made of non-combustible material. "

Insulation of floors and foundations with peneplex

Let's now look at the opinions of those who have installed polystyrene foam on the floor - there are many opinions on this topic, because heated floors are quite common, and polystyrene foam is suitable for their devices. It is compatible with electrical devices and also serves as a screen that reflects heat and prevents the neighbors from heating up below.

What should a penoplex screed look like? The reviews here do not contradict the manufacturer’s recommendations. Its thickness is from 5 cm, it is often required (when laying, for example, tiles, laminate), but with the help of a device with a wooden floor you can do without a screed. You don't have to worry about damaging the panels under the weight of the furniture - this material is even used to insulate floors in garages, where the loads are, of course, quite significant. In general, we can say about those who have used penoplex - heated floors receive good reviews.

  • “I was interested in Penoplex floor insulation - I looked at the reviews and decided to apply it. Compared to foam, it’s heaven and earth to get at least thickness, and I didn’t have to raise the floor an additional 5 cm. Place the screed on the foam plastic on top of the laminate. Soundproofing plus warmth. I was especially interested in the neighbors - it actually became quieter. My child, of course, still stomps, but the audibility is not the same below. "
  • “They built a dacha - they put polystyrene foam on the outside walls and floor. It lasts for several years, so far everything is good and warm. They did not install a stove and, like a neighbor, they installed “warm floors” - they came and turned on the hum. By the way, penoplex is not much more expensive than polystyrene foam. "

As for insulating the foundation with penoplex, the opinions of manufacturers show that there is nothing better than this material. Extruded polystyrene is almost ideal, it solves problems such as waterproofing layer protection, groundwater drainage, etc. It is not biodegradable. Penoplex for foundation insulation is used in industrial construction in all climatic zones, including the Far North; it is also popular in private housing.

General advantages and disadvantages of penoplex

Advantages of extruded polystyrene foam advertised by the manufacturer:

  1. Low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability
  2. High compressive strength
  3. durability
  4. No water absorption
  5. Ease of use
  6. Environmental friendliness
  7. Burn Resistance

The last two points are controversial among consumers, and opinions about Penoplex differ here. Some doubt its environmental friendliness. Fire safety also raises questions.

  • “Although manufacturers of extruded polystyrene claim a low risk of fire, it is worth remembering about opacity. Expanded polystyrene and bitter smoke when suppressed. And the mice bite him
  • “Polystyrene is just as harmful as plastic windows, vinyl wallpaper, laminates, etc., because all these materials are somehow related to polymers. All of them change their properties under the influence of the sun, and polystyrene foam is no exception, so it is necessary to cover it with finishing. It is better to install expanded polystyrene to insulate the walls outside rather than inside the house, thus minimizing damage caused by decomposition products. "
  • “It's cut, drilled, sawn, no formwork needed, not heavy...what else? They say that it is harmful just like building materials are not harmful? Tree? And how fat should she be? Overall, I am completely satisfied with Penoplex.”

Another area often referred to as penoplex is insulation - opinions vary. Some say that penoplex is an excellent sound insulator, others do not see such properties in it. It would be correct to say that this material, of course, absorbs noise, but if the task is not to insulate the walls and floor with penoplex, namely sound insulation, it is better to use other materials specifically designed for this. However, one does not exclude the other.

Let's summarize. Consumer reviews of Pro Penoplex are mostly positive. The ease of working with this material, the versatility of its use and its affordable price are forcing more and more craftsmen to look in its direction. Opinions about the insulation of walls and floors using penoplex, left by employees who dealt with this insulation, draw attention to the ease of laying and installing the slabs. The production of extruded polystyrene foam is cheap, which has a cost effect, which allows penoplex to be classified in the low price category among construction insulation materials. It is no more or less safe for the environment than other polymers, from which not only building materials are currently produced, but also dishes, toys, etc. As for flammability, it should be remembered that penoplex is not a finishing material, but with insulation, which must be hidden from external influences. It is really very good and has unique consumer properties that made it popular. Increasingly, extruded polystyrene foam is used for home insulation - insulation with unique properties. This material is already deserved...

The difference between foamed polystyrenes

As mentioned above, the use of liquid and powder gas-forming agents is better, so products obtained using this technology have stable thermal insulation characteristics. Although, this cannot be called the only reason why Technoplex and Penoplex do not contain freon. There are two more:

  1. Sealed cells of new material that have not yet been used have remnants of freon. Formally, it is called safe, but in reality it is better not to deal with it. It can cause lung problems in children.
  2. Over time, the gas will be forced out of the cells by air and humidity. And if dirty raw materials containing styrene were used in the manufacture of the material, then the contents will penetrate into the external environment.

And if technical grades of EPS, such as Penofol, are used to treat foundations, highways, and plinths, then the presence of freon in the composition does not affect the material in any way. But to insulate your home, it is better to use safe products. Therefore, the answer to the question: Penoplex or Penofol, which is better, can be answered - the first option.

How do you know which is better Penoplex or expanded polystyrene? After all, many recommend insulating with foam plastic, because it has a low price and excellent characteristics. To answer this question, you need to know how penoplex differs from expanded polystyrene. Let's start with production technology.

Technoplex, Penoplex and even Penofol are created during the extrusion process. This allows you to obtain a very dense linear structure, which affects the material’s resistance to water and humidity, as well as strength. Therefore, foam plastic is somewhat worse than materials created by extrusion methods.

Technoplex XPS and penoplex - what is the difference and what is needed as a layer of warmth on the floor?

We have to do the floor. The apartment is on the ground floor, below is a heated basement. We think about it: sound insulation on the slab, then a thin screed. The expert recommends EPPS with a density of 45 cm and a thickness of 3-4 cm. But on the Internet I find two types of similar insulation - technical density XPS 30-38 and orange penoplex with a density of 25-30. Explain the situation and tell me what material is needed for this work? Thank you.

The floor uses Epps (extruded polystyrene foam) with a density of 45. The walls use EPPS with a lower density because it is not static load bearing.

« The specialist recommends EPPS 45 density, 3-4 cm thick.


Do you doubt the competence of this specialist?

No, I have no doubt. I just didn’t find this density. And I don't know what I indicated, is it extruded or not, what is needed?

It's repressed. And it's still not compressed—it's foam. White like, made of small balls. and its density is even lower. There is no need to lay it exactly on the floor.

Everything is clear, so you need to find the right density. Yes, also, and do you need to install a metal grille for rigidity?

The mesh is necessary - both in terms of rigidity and strength of the surface of the plaster layer.

No questions yet, thank you very much for your advice and patience, but all the repair work is ahead of us, so you should worry about it.

Technoplex XPS and Penoplex - what is the difference and what is needed, like a layer of heat on the floor, repair ideas

We have to do the floor. The apartment is located on the ground floor, downstairs in a heated basement. We think about it: soundproofing on the slab, then a thin spout. The expert advises EPPS with a density of 45 and a thickness of 3-4 cm. But on the Internet I find two types of similar insulation - technoplex

TechnoNIKOL and Penoplex are the main producers of extruded polystyrene foam in the Russian Federation, their products are rightfully in demand in private and industrial construction. Their cost, performance parameters and performance are very similar in many ways, the question of which brand is better is very important. Some users believe that there is no difference between Technoplex and Penoplex, and the only difference is the color and size of the tiles, while others provide important arguments in reviews in favor of the chosen manufacturer. Finding the truth will only help you compare the scope and properties.

Technoplex is a specialized brand of polystyrene foam from TechnoNIKOL, produced by extrusion with the addition of graphite nanoparticles. This insulation is manufactured in the form of dense, non-shrinkable, silver-colored panels in standard sizes (it’s worth noting that you can purchase Technoplex tiles in other sizes after consulting with the manufacturer). The recommended scope of application mainly relates to interior work: insulation of floors, balconies, partitions and ceilings.

Penoplex is produced using the same method, but thanks to the introduction of fire retardants in some brands. This allows you to significantly expand the operating range, making it almost universal. It is recommended to choose this building material when protecting foundation structures from freezing (including burial) for insulating roofs, floors and facade walls. The size of the tiles in Penoplex is always the same: 1200 × 600 mm, thickness varies from 20 to 150 mm. The insulation color is orange.

Both varieties tolerate temperature changes well, retain a stable shape and properties during operation and are resistant to biological influences. Both technoplex and penoplex have plates with an L-shaped edge; it is recommended to buy them, if necessary, to eliminate cold bridges. Like any other XPS polystyrene foam, they are resistant to organic solvents and compounds with toluene and acetone, but are inert towards other chemical reagents.

Penoplex is represented by 10 brands for private and industrial use, TechnoNIKOL - 9 (including only one Technoplex). A review of the range shows that Penoplex accepts professional projects and its competitors. Despite loud statements from manufacturers, there are no radical differences between brands. The average cost of 1 m2 of Penoplex insulation with a thickness of 50 mm is 230 rubles, for Technoplex with similar properties - 176, but in the case of wholesale purchases or purchases from third parties, this difference is partially eliminated.

The results of comparison of the main characteristics, taking into account the declared data of the manufacturers, are summarized in the table:

Initial density limits, kg/m326 to 3525 to 47
Minimum thermal conductivity, W/m K0,0320,03
Water absorption by volume,%0,20,4
Vapor permeability, mg/m h Pa0,010,012
Flammable groupG4G3 and G4
Dimensions: L × W1180 x 5801200 × 60
Plate thickness, mm20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 10020, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150
Modulus of elasticity, MPa1715-18
Compressive strength at 10% deformation, MPa, not less0,2-0,25Depending on the brand: from 0.12 to 0.3
Operating temperature, ° C-75 to +75-100 to +75

Analysis of indicators shows that Technoplex is more resistant to moisture and steam and is not inferior in strength. Thanks to the introduction of fire retardants into the composition, Penoplex wins in terms of fire safety, although the upper limit of the operating temperature is the same. The materials also protect rooms and buildings from heat loss (with the slight advantage of Penoplex).

When building a house in Russia, owners consider its insulation. Currently, there are a large number of elements on the insulation market, and tile insulation products are available upon special request. Technoplex and we have established ourselves among them. To better understand their properties, it is necessary to make a small comparison of the main characteristics.

Eps insulation

This is a unique material that has the following properties:

  • low water absorption, almost equal to zero;
  • high strength;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high frost resistance;
  • non-toxic to humans;
  • easy to install;
  • durability;
  • light weight;
  • environmental friendliness.

The disadvantages of polystyrene foam insulation include:

  • strong flammability and intolerance to direct sunlight. This is important to know, because storing polystyrene foam in the sun can completely ruin the material, and this will be unpleasant ;
  • Although manufacturers claim that polystyrene foam is not chewed by mice, consumer reviews show the opposite;
  • And of course the price, which is quite high.

But what is the difference between Technoplex and Penoplex? What's better?

Composition of materials and method of their manufacture

Extrusion or penoplex refers to plate heat insulators. This is done by displacing polystyrene.

This method allows you to obtain a homogeneous structure of the material, consisting of tiny cells with air. During production, polystyrene granules are mixed at high temperatures and pressures, and a blowing agent (light carbon dioxide CFCs) is added to the mixture. The next stage of production is the extrusion extruder. The resulting material has good thermal insulation properties. Technoplex is also a material for thermal insulation of tiles. During production, graphite nanoparticles are added to the extruded polystyrene foam, which further reduces the material's thermal conductivity while increasing its strength.

Both materials are environmentally friendly, do not support combustion, and do not dissolve in water and soil. They are suitable for private construction, insulation of balconies and equipment for “warm floors”.

Strength of materials

In terms of mechanical compressive strength at 10% strain, Penoplex (type 35) and Technoplex XPS30-200 Standard have the same performance of 250 kPa. This value depends on the density of the plates.

The tensile strength during static bending in Penoplex, depending on the type, is 0.4-0.7 MPa. The same figure for technopex is 0.3 MPa. We can conclude that penoplex is more resistant to static bending because it can withstand greater loads.

4 Vapor barrier floor screed

The situation with floors is ambiguous and depends on environmental conditions. So, a screed on a balcony or loggia should be protected with a vapor barrier, but special conditions arise there.

Interfloor ceilings do not need to be protected from the floor side. Several factors have an influence here.

Firstly, the technology of installing foam plastic on the floor itself makes it possible to fit and insulate it well. Secondly, the screed must be waterproofed, and the waterproofing layer also helps protect against steam.

And you should understand that the load on the floors is very small, since according to the laws of physics, warm air and steam always tends upward. Below, it does not linger, being replaced by colder air.

Ceiling insulated with polystyrene foam boards

Again, all exceptions are the finishing of floors above a bathtub, bathhouse, etc. Here the amount of steam can reach critical levels and even pass through concrete interfloor ceilings.

Thermal conductivity and water absorption of penoplex and technoplex

The thermal conductivity of penoplex, depending on the type and operating conditions (A or B), does not exceed 0.028-0.031 W / mK. This indicator for the technoplex under various operating conditions is 0.031 W/mK. Thus, both materials are effective thermal insulators.

Water absorption of Technoplex has a volume of no more than 0.2% in 24 hours. The water absorption of penoplex (type 35) is only 0.1%. Penoplex, immersed in water for 28 days, increases by only 0.2% of its volume. This means that the penoplex absorbs little water.

In addition, this material is able to retain its properties after a large number of defrosting and freezing cycles. For example, after 1000 such cycles, penoplex changes the thermal resistance by only 5%.

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