What can be done instead of a door to the kitchen: options for designing the opening

Doorway, Miscellaneous

A standard doorway with an ordinary blank door is boring and uninteresting. In addition, such a familiar opening design is not suitable for modern studio apartments and small-sized dwellings. There are actually many options for how to close a doorway instead of a door, you just need to use your imagination.

Opening decorated with curtains

Interesting design options

When planning a room, many people wonder how to beautifully decorate a doorway?
The stylish and practical design of a doorless passage built into a storage area that occupies the entire wall area from floor to ceiling is gaining increasing popularity. Depending on the preferences of the owners, the storage area is designed as a large shelf for books, figurines, photographs and other pleasant little things. In the bedroom, a wall with shelves can replace a full-fledged wardrobe for clothes. A small doorway, for example, between the dining room and kitchen, living room and loggia, is interestingly complemented by windows on the sides, through which additional sunlight penetrates, giving the room lightness and weightlessness. Side windows are replaced with built-in niches with lighting, shelves, narrow cabinets, decorative elements made of metal or plastic, onto which photo frames, paintings, and climbing plants are attached.

For lovers of nature and natural styles, an interesting design solution would be a living green frame or a moss wall around an open portal. The built-in drip irrigation and fertilization system gives owners of this decoration the opportunity to admire natural greenery for many years without any effort.


Open door portals can have a classic rectangular shape, differing little from the usual door design, or they can be made in the form of arches of various shapes and sizes.

The shape of the arched opening can be:

  • Roman (romantic) with a vault in the shape of a half circle, the diameter equal to the width of the opening;
  • Turkish is characterized by the oriental design of the vault in the form of a dome;
  • The British one is considered a smaller version of the Roman arched doorway, since the vault is made in the form of a truncated circle;
  • The ellipsoidal one is considered a more elongated analogue of the romantic arched opening;
  • The Slavic opening is distinguished by smooth rounded corners of the classic rectangular shape of the passage;
  • Gothic is distinguished by a pointed form of the vault, the upper edges of which extend to a single point;
  • The Thai opening has the shape of an arch cut in half, one of the halves of which was replaced by a wall;
  • The transom has a blind arch, decorated with stained glass, relief, frosted, mirror glass or other light-transmitting material.

How to decorate an arch in the kitchen

However, the correct form is not everything. Much depends on how you design the arched opening. What to make an arch from, how and what to decorate it with - these issues are best resolved at the design project stage. Let's look at the most popular materials for decorating kitchen arches.

Most often, modern designers use drywall. An inexpensive material that can take on any shape and color - an ideal solution for decorating interior arches. It is quite easy to install and lasts up to fifteen years.

One of the disadvantages of drywall is its low strength. However, visual properties and low price compensate for this disadvantage.

Less commonly, arches made of stone or wood are installed. Such designs are much more expensive and require special knowledge and experience. They look impressive, but they are not suitable for every apartment - it is unlikely that masonry or an arch to the kitchen with bricks will look good in a small Khrushchev-era building.

Another fashionable material is plastic. It will cost more than drywall, but is much stronger and easier to maintain. Plastic arches are now used even in classic designs - the correct coloring allows them to be disguised as any material.

Opening made of polyurethane stucco

Using stucco in decoration

Visually, polyurethane overlays (moldings) resemble stucco.

But for this finish to look perfect, the surface must first be leveled with plasterboard or plaster.

  1. In order for the decorative elements to be sufficiently plastic and flexible, it is necessary to keep them in the room for some time before gluing them.
  2. The stucco molding is fastened according to pre-applied markings using special mounting adhesive. It is applied to the back side of the moldings
  3. To prevent the decor from slipping, it is additionally attached to dowels. To do this, holes are pre-prepared for them. The screw heads need to be slightly pressed into the stucco molding by a couple of millimeters so that they do not stick out
  4. After the adhesive has completely dried for 24 hours, the holes for such fasteners must be sealed with putty matching the color
  5. If necessary, the stucco molding can be painted to match the walls or a contrasting shade. For this purpose, dyes that do not contain acetone are used.
  6. Painting the walls or gluing wallpaper is carried out after gluing the stucco decor. In this case, you will not have to adjust the edges of the molding to the edge of the wallpaper or re-plaster and paint over accidental damage
  7. Polyurethane stucco molding will look good if similar decor is present in other parts of the decor - ceiling panels, ceiling rosettes, columns. You can also decorate part of the walls with polyurethane molding

In small rooms, stucco molding with small patterns is used. More voluminous designs will look ideal in a spacious room with high ceilings.

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Why are openings made?

  1. In some buildings, open doorways are part of a load-bearing wall. It cannot be removed; all that remains is to decorate it or turn it into a built-in closet or niche.
  2. Open doorways are also made to visually unite several rooms: kitchen and living room, office and bedroom, living room and hallway.
  3. In open-plan rooms, such openings divide the area into functional zones.

The arch helps to zone the space

In addition, open doorways visually increase the space; they do not need to be maintained like traditional doors; they can be interestingly decorated and given an original shape. But this option is unacceptable for those who want to retire from everyone.

Advantages and disadvantages of an opening without a door

A doorway designed in a free style and not encumbered by doors looks elegant and stylish. It is worth noting that the idea without doors is used both in standard two-room and three-room apartments, and in full-scale cottages. Let's look at what other advantages this design style has.

  1. Visual increase in space. This is a huge plus, especially if the apartment is not very large. The absence of a door between the hallway and living room, kitchen and dining room increases the maneuverability of residents and expands the comfort zone. The bedroom and study are another matter; here you cannot do without a door.
  2. The absence of a door leaf has an interesting feature; it would seem that the same technique, but has a different effect on the perception of space. In large houses and cottages, the absence of doors emphasizes spaciousness, and in small apartments it increases the free space.
  3. You can leave a regular doorway as it was originally, or play with your imagination and design options. Imagine the entrance to the room in the form of a figured arch or a multifunctional partition with many shelves, niches, etc. Additional pieces of lighting will only highlight your design style.

Despite so many positive aspects, there is also a disadvantage. How significant it is is up to you to decide.

An open doorway does not provide an area for privacy and a clear division of space. And if you think about it, we are all human, and each of us has moments when we want to be alone with ourselves. In this case, it will be difficult to find harmony with yourself. But there is a way out if you have a more comfortable room for privacy, such as a study.

DIY curtains

Making curtains for a doorway with your own hands from scrap materials has many advantages. The main ones are cost savings and the opportunity to create a unique product.


Fabric remains a traditionally popular material for curtains. Pattern and color can visually change the size of a space.

For offices, choose dark colors that emphasize a strictly business style: velvet or taffeta. Jacquard looks good. The hall is a bright room. Lightweight fabrics made of linen, organza or viscose are suitable here. For the kitchen or hallway, non-natural materials made from polyester or with a small percentage of cotton are more often chosen. Such fabrics are easy to wash and less dirty.


The easiest way to make wooden curtains is from bamboo sticks. The canvas will be heavy. To secure it, you will need a cornice at least 1.5 cm thick. To assemble curtains from wooden sticks, you will need a skein of strong thread, bamboo straws, paint or varnish.

First, a cornice is fixed above the passage, after painting it. Bamboo straws are cut into the required sizes and varnished. You can put the blanks in a metal container, add water with the addition of silk dye and vinegar and boil for 10 minutes. The colored straw is strung on threads without allowing it to dry completely.

A wooden curtain for a doorway will turn out more beautiful if you string glass beads or varnished nuts in shells between bamboo sticks. Each thread with collected elements is hung on a cornice.

Beads and pendants

Using the principle of bamboo sticks, they make pendants in the doorway with their own hands from a set of beads, plastic tubes, seed beads, pieces of reeds, and buttons. Any material strung on a thread will do. In the autumn style, the passage is decorated with hangings of chestnuts, acorns or ravine nuts. A cornice is attached to hang the strips. Each element is strung on a thread, and knots are tied to prevent it from moving.

8. Finishing the opening with plastic panels or siding

Plastic panels have long gained immense popularity. In addition to the fact that they have excellent performance characteristics, they also boast a variety of colors and textures. Panels that imitate the structure and surface of natural wood are very popular. Plastic panels are very easy to install. Even those who hold the panel in their hands for the first time can cope with the process. In addition, in this case you can simply glue the strips with glue.

If the opening depth is small, you can replace PVC panels with siding. It is stronger and more durable, and much narrower in width. To give the opening a finished and neat look, you should glue a decorative plastic corner around the perimeter, which will hide the ends of the plastic. Please remember that PVC is a synthetic material that can release toxic substances.

Do not buy too cheap panels for finishing inside your home. Take care of your health and choose materials from trusted companies. In addition, more expensive plastic has greater thickness, which means higher strength, and it looks more believable. Plastic finishing is one of the cheapest and most economical ways to transform a doorway. You will also be pleased with the ease of care of this material. It is enough to periodically wipe the panels with a damp cloth. And if you accidentally damage the panel, it can be replaced without much effort. To avoid any difficulties in purchasing the same panel, purchase a couple of strips in reserve.

Selecting the type of canvas to match the style

The selected type of curtains for the door depends on the design. The main styles for using curtains are classic, hi-tech, minimalism and ethnic. Incorporation into other styles is possible, but you will need to carefully weigh everything: find a harmonious texture and range.


For a classic style, voluminous curtains are used, complemented by tassels and bows. They should be positioned symmetrically and secured on both sides with decorative elements.

Interesting! Symmetrical hanging is used not only in a free box, but also on installed wooden doors.

Thick classic curtains will create a luxurious environment and protect from cold drafts. With a large box, you can hang several types of material: dense and light. Moreover, their flowers should differ by several tones in order to emphasize the multilayer structure. Adding a lambrequin will visually enlarge the apartment.

Palettes suitable for classic style: white, beige, blue, green, brown. Tones are selected in a rich range. Gilded patterns can be embroidered for decoration.

Minimalism, hi-tech

Modern minimalist styles should not be burdened with lambrequins and fringe. Therefore, ordinary plain fabrics, plastic blinds or thread muslin are suitable. The design does not require symmetry, so one fabric can cover the entire passage.

Don't miss: Colors of interior doors: designer's recommendations for choice and combination with walls, floors, furniture

Minimalism and hi-tech use the same basic colors: white, gray, black. For minimalism you will need matte monochromatic textures, while in high-tech you can use gray ones with a metallic shimmer.


Ethnic stylistics can be framed in various types. For example, luxurious curtains with lambrequins and fringe will suit the oriental theme. In addition to symmetrical placement, asymmetrical engagement with different lengths on the right and left sides is suitable.

For lovers of Japanese themes, movable panels are installed instead of doors.

It is important that the width of the box is sufficient for 2-4 panels, otherwise it will not be possible to get the Japanese atmosphere

French Provence and country welcome an abundance of textiles. Therefore, you can frame the entrance with a checkered or floral pattern.

Choosing the shape of the opening depending on the style of the interior

Before choosing ways to design a doorway, you should think about its shape. Of course, you can leave everything unchanged. And rectangular open portals look very impressive. Or you can try to choose the shape of the opening, focusing on the interior style of the room. After all, the opening must fit harmoniously into the overall picture and emphasize its features. Let's consider the most suitable forms for various styles:

  • Chic movements such as Baroque, Rococo or Renaissance imply a predominance of symmetrical, regular lines. This simplicity is compensated by a large abundance of decorative elements. It can be complex carvings, various stucco moldings with gilding or complex arched bas-reliefs;
  • The discreet and noble classic style is best complemented by arched openings. In this case, arches are preferably oval, three-centered or semicircular in shape. Of course, the classics cannot do without such material as wood, which can be decorated with decorative carvings or milling;
  • Eastern directions also prefer arched openings, but their shape can be more varied. They can be pointed or keeled, in the shape of a heart or a circle. In general, in this case you can give free rein to your imagination and focus on the shapes and silhouettes of pieces of furniture;
  • Romantic destinations should not be overloaded with complex curves. All elements in them should remain light and airy, smooth and graceful. Openings with a semicircular, gently sloping shape without sharp transitions are ideal. At the same time, you should not abuse the amount of finishing materials and choose rough and heavy options;
  • Modern and laconic styles, such as minimalism, hi-tech or techno, recognize only strict, regular geometric shapes. There can be no talk of any ovals. Strict symmetry must also be present. Therefore, in this case, it is better to leave the shape of the opening unchanged and just carefully align all the corners and edges;
  • Such interesting and extraordinary movements as modern or pop art must necessarily have an object of a very unusual shape in the interior. This is usually a small piece of furniture, such as an armchair, stool or coffee table. But why not show your imagination and create an opening with a winding, asymmetrical shape? It is this solution that will best complement and emphasize the stylistic identity of the room.

When choosing the most suitable form, you should rely not only on the above recommendations, but also on the height of the ceilings in the room

Otherwise, you risk once again drawing attention to an existing shortcoming.

  • If the ceilings are low, then it is better to choose arched openings, where the radius of the arch exceeds ½ the height of the opening;
  • If you decide to install an arch in a room with high ceilings, then the recommended radius should be equal to half the height.

Thus, the ratio of the ceiling height and the shape of the opening will be optimal and most aesthetically pleasing.

Decorative finishing with natural or artificial stone

When choosing a natural stone finish, you must take into account its weight and select an adhesive mixture specifically for such material. In addition, installation is also complicated by the fact that the fragments can slide under their own weight, so you either need to lay them using the same technology as tiles - using a piece of metal profile and wedges, or hold each pebble for several minutes until the glue sets .

Also, some experts argue that installation should start directly from the floor, but this is not always appropriate. For example, if you want to use baseboards, it is better to leave space for them rather than install them on top of stones. Natural stone is an expensive material. Therefore, very often they give preference to an artificial substitute. Its appearance imitates natural texture at a fairly high level. It is lighter and more affordable, easier to install and cut. And to make the process even easier, we came up with ready-made corner elements.

Doorways lined with stone look very cozy. However, you should not choose a similar finish for deep and narrow openings. It may turn out that the opening will resemble the entrance to a cave, which is not appropriate in all interiors.


There are many options for closing an interior opening instead of a door. But when choosing, you should take into account practicality and functionality, and not just aesthetics.

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Pros and cons of using

Decorating an interior passage with fabric without doors has positive and negative sides.

+ cozy and unusual room design- less strength compared to conventional doors
+ low cost- lets in odors and noises

Disadvantages do not allow use everywhere. For example, in the kitchen due to the abundance of odors or in the bedroom due to noise. But lovers of cozy interiors have adapted to avoid negative features: good hoods are installed in kitchens, and soundproofing curtains in bedrooms.

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Ways to design an interior passage

The simplest and cheapest option for finishing an open doorway is to cover the ends with wallpaper and hang a transparent curtain. The method is applicable in home renovation conditions, when wallpaper is re-pasted in two adjacent rooms, otherwise the difference will be noticeable.

How you can finish the opening in other ways:

  • install decorative panels made of MDF or plastic, made in the form of platbands;
  • instead of wallpaper, make a mosaic of artificial stone or clinker tiles at the ends, imitating brickwork;
  • use ready-made gypsum stucco elements or imitation polyurethane;
  • sew up the ends with classic wooden platbands and extensions.

Framing the arch with ready-made sets of platbands

We have listed the most common cladding options. There are other methods - painting with a water-based composition, applying liquid wallpaper, and so on.

Lining the arch with plastic corners

This is a simple and affordable way to improve an arched portal at minimal cost. The materials you will need are flexible corners made of plastic or MDF and high-quality glue (liquid nails will do). Before installing the facing elements, the walls must be puttied and covered with wallpaper.

The design of a doorway without a door with corners is carried out using the following technology:

  1. Cut the material to height and degrease the internal surfaces.
  2. Apply liquid nails or glue to the corners, wait 1-5 minutes (the exact time is indicated in the instructions).
  3. Bend and press the piece tightly against the corner of the wall. Temporary fixation of the ends of the element using small nails or masking tape is allowed.

Finishing a standard rectangular portal is even easier - you don’t need to bend the material, just trim the ends correctly so that they fit nicely at the corners. More useful information about the use of corners can be found in the video:

Clinker tile finishing

The color of artificial stone or clinker tiles is selected according to the color of the walls. To purchase the required amount of material, it is recommended to mark the future drawing on the wall with a simple pencil. For finishing, a construction adhesive mixture such as Ceresit CM11 or liquid nails is used.

Options for facing artificial stone tiles

Substrate preparation includes leveling and applying a deep-penetrating primer. How to decorate an opening yourself with clinker tiles:

  1. Prepare the adhesive according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Carefully apply a continuous thin layer of adhesive to the back of the tile and press it against the wall in the designated location, as shown in the photo below. Check the horizontality of the facing element with a building level.
  3. Remove the squeezed out excess solution with a spatula.
  4. Using calibration slats from any available material, glue the following tiles at the same distance from each other, forming an overall pattern.

After the adhesive mixture has hardened, remove the slats and carefully clean the edges of the tiles. The final stage is grouting the joints with a composition that is in harmony with the interior of the room.

Installation of polyurethane stucco molding

Real gypsum stucco is distinguished by its considerable price, decent weight and fragility. Polyurethane imitation of columns, pilasters and overhead patterns looks no worse, but costs much less. In addition, plastic lends itself well to painting in any desired color.

Visually, polyurethane stucco is no different from plaster

The technology for installing polyurethane moldings is similar to finishing with plastic corners. Each element is cut and adjusted into place, then glued to the walls on both sides of the opening. To join the shaped parts to each other, a special glue for plastic is used.

When the glue has dried, the cracks and joints must be puttied and carefully treated with sandpaper. The last stage is painting in the required color (preferably with an aerosol can or spray gun).

Use of wooden platbands

Wood is a material traditionally used for finishing any openings. In the case of an arch, you will have to find a top element on sale or order production in a carpentry workshop.

Before installation, wooden panels should be treated with sandpaper and coated with 2-3 layers of protective varnish. The latter is selected according to the required color - you can use stain and transparent varnish or a composition with the addition of the desired dye.

Wooden cladding requires maintenance and periodic renewal

The platbands are fastened in the classic way - with screws or nails

It is important to recess the fastener heads so that they are not conspicuous. At the top, the attachment points are carefully covered with putty and painted.

Wooden portals

Finishing doorways with natural wood is one of the most expensive and noble methods. The wood texture itself is very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, elements are often simply coated with clear or tinted varnish. Custom-made portals can be made to order, complemented by artistic carvings.

Of course, valuable types of wood look chic and rich, but they also cost accordingly. To make the finishing less expensive, you can choose the simplest varieties, for example, pine or birch, but at the same time polish the surface well and cover it with several layers of varnish. Also, openings with small decorative shelves or built-in lighting can be made to order. Wooden openings can be additionally decorated with stained glass. When choosing this type of finish, remember that natural wood requires careful care. As for the rest, it all depends on your financial capabilities and imagination. The color of wooden openings should be coordinated with the color of the floor or baseboards. You can also rely on the color of the furniture.

The design style also plays a role. After all, not all modern trends welcome the use of such “warm” materials. For example, loft or minimalism prefer plastic or metal.

Photo gallery: the most successful doorway decor ideas

Let's look at some examples of successful design options.

Option 1. The simple shape of the opening with a curved upper end looks pompous and majestic, thanks to the classic columns along the edges of the portal. You can make such an arch from plasterboard. The presence of straight lines and the absence of complex decor allows you to maintain restrained proportions of the design. A single color with the walls outside and inside allows you to create a holistic interior.

Design of the opening for the kitchen Source lt.dikidaycare.com

Option 2. Stucco decor is suitable for spacious rooms. The arch allows you to combine two rooms - the dining room and the living room. And at the same time, it allows you to delimit rooms in accordance with their functional purpose. In any case, the overall space is perceived as brighter and more spacious. Stucco decoration is suitable not only for strict classical, but also for modern interiors, for example, Scandinavian.

Stucco molding and columns are appropriate to use in living rooms

But it is important to remember that such decor looks massive, and therefore looks organic on wide, high openings. If it is possible to adjust the width of the opening, then it is worth considering that for a small room it is better not to make a wide opening - it will look awkward and will upset the proportion of the room

White plasterboard archSource frombaltic.ru

Option 3. Decorating an opening with natural materials always looks impressive. The stone looks massive and is suitable for country or rustic styles. For a modern interior, you can choose artificial stone, which may look lighter, but at the same time creates the necessary texture. The contrast with smooth neutral walls looks especially impressive. This material has many advantages - it is easy to install, hides unevenness, does not require complex maintenance and has a long service life. You can choose an imitation of any stone existing in nature, even a very rare and expensive one.

Stone decorationSource no.aviarydecor.com

Option 4. An arch made of a wooden frame and stained glass can be mounted into an opening of sufficient width. This design looks light and elegant. It lets in light and visually expands the space. In this example, the shape of the arch follows the shape of the window, but is the main accent.

Doorway decoration Source maz-sirena.ru

Option 5. This arch is suitable for interior design in the Art Nouveau style. Smooth lines, a noble shade of wood and an elegant pattern on frosted glass emphasize the nobility of the design with a sliding door.

Design of an opening into a hall with two doors Source vplate.ru


You can aesthetically close a doorway with the usual blinds and their fabric subtype - roller blinds.

Plastic blinds

These products will be a good solution for decorating an opening, but they should be carefully selected to match the style of the interior. Models with printed patterns look original. Plastic blinds are easy to care for because they do not fill with dust like fabric curtains. They can be easily washed or wiped clean.

To decorate the opening, you will have to order blinds, since the standard height intended for windows will not work. The colors of the blinds are also varied, which opens up the possibility of matching them to the color palette of the room.


If the room that you plan to cover with blinds has high traffic, then it is worth considering the option of vertical products - they can be moved aside by hand. If the room is not frequently visited, then horizontal blinds are also suitable.

Roller blinds

They are convenient because they fit tightly to the opening provided they are installed correctly. Roller blinds are varied in stylistic design, and the range of sizes is also impressive.

Due to the fact that they have a weighting material at the bottom, the position of the curtains when closed remains stable. Their key drawback, like blinds, is the duration of opening - you won’t be able to quickly get into the room, and this is not always convenient.

Multi-colored blinds for the opening - fresh and original

Curtains: textiles

Textile curtains are the most common option for decorating a doorway. With them, the interior acquires the desired freshness and beauty. The main task of curtains is to decorate and complement the design idea. They make it possible to successfully support the style just by choosing the color and texture of the canvas.

Designers suggest not just covering the opening with one panel, but creating an entire composition of two, three, or even more panels. At the same time, accessories for curtains are actively used, especially tiebacks; tassels and lambrequins can be seen in the design.

This solution to decorating an opening is great for open spaces, because the curtains can be easily removed to instantly unite the room again.

Fabric selection

Particular attention is paid to the fabric and its structure. In this case, both natural and synthetic fabrics are used. The first option is popular among apartment owners: cotton, linen, silk, satin, satin and bamboo curtains look great in the doorway.

By choosing thick curtain fabric, you can provide some degree of thermal insulation, but sounds can easily penetrate behind the curtains. Thin, airy fabrics are an exclusively decorative element for the organic design of the opening.

Fabric decoration of the opening

Installation of curtains

Hanging curtains is not difficult. To do this, you will need to find a suitable cornice 5-10 cm wider than the door opening and mount it at the desired height. You can place it right under the ceiling or 10-15 cm above the opening. Then hang the curtains.

There is another original option for hanging curtains - in which they do not move back. This method is not the most practical, but its aesthetic effect is excellent. To implement it, you will need:

  • prepare a wooden plank, the same length as the opening, width and thickness - 10 and 2-3 cm, respectively;
  • sand it so that it becomes absolutely smooth;
  • paint the same color as the walls;
  • hammer decorative massive nails onto the board at equal distances;
  • hang the curtain on nails, after sewing rings to the canvas.

With this method of hanging, tiebacks are required to keep the canvas half-open.


The cornice can be used the same as for windows. Another option is a metal pipe that is mounted to the wall above the opening. In this case, special curtains are needed, they can be in the following versions:

  1. With ties - the curtains are attached to the curtain rod not using standard loops, but with fabric strips that are sewn to the curtain itself.
  2. On hinges. Loops made of the same material are sewn to the canvas, but they must be 3-4 times larger than the diameter of the cornice in order to slide easily along it. If this option is chosen, you need to come up with a way to mount the cornice that can be easily dismantled, since the curtains cannot be removed using any other method.

Classification of curtains

If you decide to cover the doorway with curtains, then there are a wide variety of them. Below are the most common options.


Despite the large mass, weight and visual load, in some cases the use of curtains with lambrequins is justified. With their help, doorways to the bedroom or nursery are most often decorated. In the first case, you can also highlight the women's boudoir. The combination of fabrics on the door and window opening in the living room will also look interesting.


As you know, modern style (hi-tech, modern and minimalism) involves the use of practical materials, which include plastic. Therefore, in this case, you can use plastic partitions that will fit perfectly into a functional interior. The canvas can be either flat or divided into two parts. The list of advantages includes not only decorativeness, but also soundproofing. By choosing this option for decorating the doorway to the kitchen, you can protect other rooms from unwanted odors.

Roller blinds

Original and practical curtains that roll up onto a shaft placed at the top are considered fashionable today. The style and types are quite diverse, which will allow a professional designer to realize any ideas and ideas, and an amateur to decorate rooms to his liking. It is worth noting one drawback - the duration of opening, which complicates the speed of movement between rooms.

Anti-mosquito curtains with magnets

They are used when decorating a doorway between a room and a balcony (loggia) to increase protection from harmful insects. Such curtains are more functional than aesthetic in the interior.


A modern interior involves the use of environmentally friendly materials to minimize the possibility of harm to humans during operation. One of these is bamboo, which can not only decorate walls or buy original furniture, but also close doors. This material is absolutely not afraid of high humidity and sudden temperature changes; it has antistatic and antibacterial properties.

Finished rectangular opening

The most versatile and simple option. After dismantling the door frame, the passage into the kitchen is left in the same shape.

Or they can be highlighted with plastic or wooden panels, covered with wallpaper or decorative plaster. The choice of materials depends on the style of the interior.

The entrance can be framed by narrow built-in display cabinets, as in the photo below.

In what cases can you do without doors?

Not every opening in the house can be stripped of its door leaf. It is difficult to imagine an open passage to a bedroom, office or storage room. However, in this case, you can get by with sliding partitions, screens, curtains, and with their help create an intimate atmosphere. As a result, the visual separation of rooms will be realized and privacy will not be affected.

Door panels are removed if it is necessary to combine:

  • kitchen and living room;
  • living room and corridor;
  • kitchen or living room with loggia;
  • bedroom with dressing room.

The rectangular shape of the opening can be preserved and made more interesting through effective finishing. Often apartment owners prefer arched openings of regular and irregular shapes. Asymmetrical variations, round, triangular and trapezoidal portals are in great demand.

Door panels are abandoned if they plan to decorate the passage using stained glass and mosaic modules or a bar counter. Such techniques are especially often used in studio apartments.

As a rule, the decision to abandon doors is associated with the need to redevelop the premises. To create such a design, use:

  • expansion of the existing opening;
  • creating something new.

An open passage in a load-bearing wall allows you to unify the space while maintaining the rigidity of the building structure.

How to close a doorway instead of a door: 3 materials

Deciding on the goal: how to seal a doorway

There are several reasons why an opening in a wall is sealed. Based on the reason, they choose suitable materials for the job. To completely fill the opening, you will need reliable and high-quality material. It must not only close the existing entrance, but also have sound and heat insulation qualities.

Reasons why you should seal a doorway:

  • Redevelopment of living space in an apartment;
  • Replacing an old door with a new model;
  • Reducing the passage space into the room;
  • Decoration.

Redesigning a space is a common reason to move the entrance to a room to another location. In this case, preference should be given to brick or drywall. Brick can be used to lay the entrance quickly and inexpensively. Drywall sheets are easy to work with because they are lightweight and can be cut. You can sew up the opening after removing the door leaf and dismantling the frame itself.

When replacing doors, a problem arises: the new door is smaller than the old one. Therefore, there is a need to partially seal the passage so that the new door can be installed smoothly and in the right place.

The passage into the room can be large. You can reduce it yourself using small bricks or foam blocks. Doorway decor in studios is common. It is not necessary to close it completely: you can partially close it or cover it with decorative elements.

Choosing a material: how to seal a doorway in the wall

Many apartment owners have encountered inconvenient home layouts. The doorway may not be convenient or less functional if one room is isolated and the other is a passage room. To close the doorway, use a blind seal.

This can be done using:

  • Brick;
  • Drywall;
  • Foam blocks.

The first two materials are inexpensive and do an excellent job of this task. You can close the doorway yourself. To do this, you need to level the opening with the wall and make the entrance to the room in another convenient place.

Sometimes, you can enter the back room by walking diagonally across the entire living room. You need to go the same way to get to the bathroom, toilet, kitchen or hallway. This layout is not convenient if the family has children and they live in the back room. You can move the doorway to another part and separate the nursery from the living room or parents’ room. You will have to get rid of the old opening.

How to close an opening instead of a door: stages of working with bricks

Brick is used to completely seal the opening. Laying with bricks or foam blocks is a radical method. The choice of material depends on the thickness of the wall itself into which there is an opening. The material is suitable for covering open space in a load-bearing wall. Substances are added to the cement-sand mortar to strengthen the masonry.

Stages of work:

  • Remove the floor covering up to the slab;
  • Make a fortification;
  • Mix the masonry mortar;
  • Carry out the laying (in parallel, do the dressing with the main wall).

Reinforcement is used as a connection to the wall, which serves as reinforcement. You need to apply the solution to each row, then level it evenly and remove the excess.

How to seal an opening above a door with plasterboard: steps

You can seal the opening with a sheet of drywall. This material is often used in construction and decoration. Drywall has many advantages. It's inexpensive. The sheets are light in weight. Working with this material will take a little time and effort.

To work with drywall, you will need a minimum of materials and tools: a hammer drill, dowels, self-tapping screws, cross strips, profiles, putty, tape measure.

Step-by-step work on sealing the opening above the door:

  • Take measurements;
  • Make a three-dimensional frame;
  • Cut off a piece of the desired size from the sheet;
  • Fix the sheet to the profile with self-tapping screws;
  • Fill the joints with putty;
  • Perform final finishing.

How to seal a doorway with plasterboard (video)

You can close the opening in the wall yourself. To do this, you need to decide on the purpose and materials. Removing the door and continuing the wall instead is much easier than making the opening itself. The work will take time and effort. You need to prepare the room, materials, tools and clothes for work in advance. The work itself is dusty, but the result will please you.

Roto door and book door

You can call these structures full-fledged doors, but they are so functional and aesthetically attractive that it is impossible not to stop and look at them.

So, a rotary door, a device with a swing-and-slide mechanism. Fits perfectly into the interior of a small apartment and a spacious house. It saves usable space, has a non-standard interior solution and, most importantly, opens quickly and silently.

Roto door

Another variety, a book door. Its advantages are that it does not interfere when open and, if necessary, delimits spaces between rooms. Some models can be opened and closed like standard leaves, or you can use a folding mechanism.

Book door

If the door leaf has glass inserts, its aesthetics can only be envied.

Best options

Decorative stone collections differ in production method, surface texture and color. All these functions create a certain pattern, which is called a style.

  • For a house designed in a minimalist style, decorative stone acts as zoning. Matte but rich colors of parts are used for decoration. If the room does not have enough light, you should use masonry with a glossy surface. Basic tones are black and white.
  • The classic style takes on smooth and uniform plate shapes. The dominant colors in the interior are beige and cream. Stone imitation can be agate or alunite. Such a stone will highlight expensive furniture, and muted warm light will create a cozy atmosphere.
  • High-tech with contrasting colors and geometric shapes will perfectly complement artificial black stone against a white wall with metal accessories.
  • For lovers of eco-style, the finishing of snow-white stone, complemented by live plants in pots, looks excellent in green and white tones.
  • The rustic style will be emphasized by the standard, even shape of brown or muted orange brick. Such details will harmoniously combine with the furniture.
  • It is difficult to imagine a loft-style interior without elements of brickwork. After all, without such fragments the atmosphere of this direction is lost. You need to choose gypsum material in blue and white shades. To update the parts after some time, painting will be required if desired.

Decorative stone attracts attention. It creates an impression and defines the style of the interior more than any other design element.

For detailed instructions and tips on laying decorative stone, see the video below.

Non-standard solutions

Decorative plaster. Beautiful and original decoration with a variety of colors and textures. The composition is applied to a flat, plastered wall. Material with stone chips is considered the most durable.

Tiles and mosaics. The slopes are durable and wear-resistant, resistant to moisture and scratches

It is important to choose a tone and design that matches the door design.

Dye. Allows you to brightly decorate the slope, making it the color accent of the hallway. You can apply a stencil design or painting to the main background.

Natural/artificial stone. An exclusive solution for a house or apartment. The material used is limestone, sandstone, slate or their imitation. Marble and granite are used for luxury finishing. Elements are laid out in even rows or offset

Parquet board. A natural material with high decorative and performance properties to create a harmonious composition with the door surface and floor.

Unique engineering board Bentline SUPERBASE

Solid board is a popular floor covering that is often chosen, but this coating has its drawbacks: in the Russian climate, the board often begins to dry out, which leads to warping, the appearance of gaps and cracks. Moreover, the thicker the boards, the greater the effort that occurs when they dry out.

But there is a solution - this is a perfect version of an engineered board with a unique design and SUPERBASE fastening system!

Bentline engineered board has a 2-layer construction, with a SUPERBASE fastening, which no other manufacturer has. It is specially designed for the conditions of the domestic climate with sudden changes in humidity and temperature conditions.

Nadya Zotova: “Replacing a massive door with a curtain is a good idea”

Nadya Zotova is a designer, a graduate of the British Higher School of Design and Sotheby's Institute of Art. Founded the Enjoy Home project. Nadya is well versed in color schemes, space planning, tiles and fabrics, but most importantly, she knows how to make any home such that when you leave it, you will want to come back.

Replacing a solid door with a curtain is a good idea. Just choose a dense, opaque material that will drape well and cover the entire doorway or niche opening without leaving a gap on the sides.

Review of interior curtains: options in the interior, photos

Interior curtains have been used since ancient times. Curtains serve as decoration for doorways. On the one hand, they are decoration and create comfort, but at the same time they have certain functions: hide an area of ​​the room from prying eyes, conveniently move between rooms, and also exclude excess light. It follows from this that the presence of interior curtains does not indicate wealth and a sense of style. There are situations when you need to connect two rooms, but the door is not at all suitable for this, for a number of reasons: the size of the opening, the furnishings in both rooms, etc.

Interior curtains have been used since ancient times.

They decorated the homes of people of different incomes, and appeared in palaces and stone castles.

secret door

This option may interest you if you decide to move the doorway from one wall to another, thereby connecting two rooms with each other. Please note that all types of redevelopment must be coordinated with special services so as not to compromise the strength of the structure and prevent the destruction of the building. If this is a private house, then do not rely on your memory, but look up the construction documents and check whether the strength of the walls will decrease when adding an opening.

So, the redevelopment has been approved and the new doorway is ready. But what to do with the old one? It can be laid, sewn up with plasterboard, or a secret door can be installed in the opening, which, if necessary, will be used for its intended purpose.

secret door

If this is a children's room, then instead of a standard door, you can build a cabinet in it to place children's books or toys. It can be made to order, or you can build it yourself. To do this, take all the necessary measurements in advance, prepare the necessary materials and tools, and you can get to work.

Please note that accuracy is very important in your work; only in this case will the secret door perform its functions.

It would not be superfluous to take into account the weight of the structure. It should not be very heavy so that it can be opened if necessary.

How to design an arch in the kitchen: highlights

When deciding to decorate a kitchen without a door, you need to remember that the arch must fit perfectly with the main design. Otherwise, it may seem ridiculous and spoil the impression of the design.

Much depends on the style of the room: for a classic kitchen it is better to choose wooden or plasterboard models with stucco.

At the same time, for a modern kitchen in a loft or high-tech style, we recommend using plastic, stone or painted drywall.

Before choosing an arch for the kitchen, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the general recommendations:

  • If you are placing an arch between the kitchen and living room, make sure that the kitchen area has a powerful enough hood. Otherwise, the smells of cooking food will pass unhindered into the room.
  • For small rooms it is better to limit yourself to a semi-arch with a minimum of decorative elements.
  • A decorative arch looks good in high rooms - if the ceilings are below three meters, it is still better to stick with a regular door.
  • If you are placing an arch between the kitchen and the hallway, think carefully about the lighting. Often, different types of lighting fixtures are chosen for a narrow corridor and kitchen.
  • Make sure that the rooms connected by the arch are made in the same style - otherwise the overall look may look ridiculous.

Finishing an arch with tiles

For unknown reasons, tiles are often forgotten when talking about finishing the entrance opening. It is believed that tiles can only be used for bathrooms, or for the kitchen. But in fact, a huge assortment allows you to even choose an option for the living room - it’s not a problem to find matte, glossy, or any color tiles that will ideally design the passage between rooms.

Photo from the site strgid.ru

The transition from the kitchen area to another room will look great if you bring the main covering to the opening - it will not stand out and be too conspicuous, but both rooms will look neat, a smooth transition is almost always appropriate. If you decide to highlight the arched opening, simply use tiles of a contrasting color or a shade lighter/darker than the main one

Here it is important to notice details and not miss the mark with style.

Deciding on the goal: how to seal a doorway

There are several reasons why an opening in a wall is sealed. Based on the reason, they choose suitable materials for the job. To completely fill the opening, you will need reliable and high-quality material. It must not only close the existing entrance, but also have sound and heat insulation qualities. The construction industry provides a wide range of materials for repairs, so you can cover the resulting space with plasterboard, lay it with bricks or blocks

Reasons why you should seal a doorway:

  • Redevelopment of living space in an apartment;
  • Replacing an old door with a new model;
  • Reducing the passage space into the room;
  • Decoration.

Redesigning a space is a common reason to move the entrance to a room to another location. In this case, preference should be given to brick or drywall. Brick can be used to lay the entrance quickly and inexpensively. Drywall sheets are easy to work with because they are lightweight and can be cut. You can sew up the opening after removing the door leaf and dismantling the frame itself.

When replacing doors, a problem arises: the new door is smaller than the old one. Therefore, there is a need to partially seal the passage so that the new door can be installed smoothly and in the right place.

The passage into the room can be large. You can reduce it yourself using small bricks or foam blocks. Doorway decor in studios is common. It is not necessary to close it completely: you can partially close it or cover it with decorative elements.

Why not a door?

It is possible and necessary to close the opening with a door in the bathroom and toilet; in other rooms they are not so necessary. Owners of small apartments face the problem of delimiting space, because an open doorway steals valuable free space and divides the home into cramped rooms.

In this case, you can use sliding structures, but this is not always possible. Difficulties will arise with installing such a door on a plasterboard wall. Sometimes a massive and heavy door cannot be installed due to the low strength of the base, and the accordion door does not fit into the overall design.

The only way out in this case is to look for alternative options so as not to lose useful space and ensure zoning.

Main nuances

The door should always be able to close, even visually with some kind of material. It is advisable to choose the type of fabric and curtains at the design stage of the room, so as not to waste time on this later. Here are the situations when using curtains instead of a door is relevant:

  1. The presence of several arches and passages in one room;
  2. Covering transitions to adjacent rooms.

Sometimes they also put curtains instead of doors in the kitchen on purpose instead of a door, it’s just more convenient. People go to the kitchen more often than to other rooms, so the constant slamming of doors irritates people and they hang curtains there. Also, in rare layouts, a passage is built from the kitchen to the bedroom, but to separate the kitchen from the bedroom with interior curtains, there is no better option than thick curtains.

The design of this type of door is different - you can choose original interior curtains to suit any interior. It’s not a problem to find common options and photos on the Internet, but you shouldn’t treat them as a single example, you need to use your imagination. People's inherent sense of style and design will tell them what to do best in a given case.

The main factors when choosing curtains instead of a door should be considered the following:

  • Type of layout and location of rooms;
  • General style of the apartment and individual rooms;
  • Shape of the opening in the wall.

Difficult choice

Decorating an interior doorway is not an easy task, but you can cope with it, the main thing is the desire. As with window curtains, curtains can be bought in a store or made yourself. The main thing to remember is that hanging curtains on doors made of light fabrics runs the risk of tearing, so you need to choose dense fabrics. The latter do not allow light and sound to pass through; even odors pass through thick material worse.

And if you need a curtain for a closet, then it is better to think about bamboo curtains so that they elegantly blend with the wood of the closet. So there are many options, the main thing is not to be lazy and choose an individual one for yourself.

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