In November 2022, the new GOST 23166-2021 for windows comes into force - what should window makers prepare for?

From November 1, 2022, the new fundamental GOST 23166-2021 for windows and balcony doors comes into force. The OKNA MEDIA portal analyzes one of its most important sections - “Requirements for safe operation and maintenance.” Why is this section of GOST important for all window manufacturers and what to expect from the new fundamental document.

This is the 1st version of the article. The full (extended) version of the article, which presents all the questions that have arisen regarding the section “Requirements for safe operation and maintenance,” can be read here !

SNiPs and GOSTs for balconies and loggias - construction documentation

Having decided to re-equip or repair a balcony or loggia in your apartment, you should understand that any manipulations associated with the reconstruction and redevelopment of these premises must necessarily comply with regulatory requirements.
The main document regulating this type of activity is SNiP. Balconies and loggias, in accordance with this set of rules, are designed and built taking into account to prevent their damage and destruction during operation. According to the requirements of SNiP, a loggia or balcony of an open or closed type should not exert additional pressure on the load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building in which they are located. When installing them, it is also important to take into account fire safety requirements and established sanitary standards.

In addition, this regulatory act explains in which cases the construction of these premises is inappropriate due to unfavorable operating conditions. GOST loggias and balconies are taken into account in the documentation SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”, which contains a detailed list of conditions that must be met when carrying out redevelopment and re-equipment of these premises, as well as general requirements for the construction of residential buildings of various types.

SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings” (406 KB, pdf)

One of the important stages associated with the arrangement of balconies and loggias of various types is the construction of a new balcony railing, which ensures reliable and durable fixation of the main structure. When performing work of this type, you should use GOST for balcony fencing, number 25772-83, which contains instructions for the design and installation of various types of fencing.

In accordance with established standards, only screen-type structures can be used for fencing balconies and loggias. Moreover, these elements must withstand the level of loads provided for in SNiP 2.01.07. GOST for balcony railings indicates that the total height of the balcony railing should be:

  • in buildings up to 30 m high - 1000 mm;
  • above 30 m - 1100 mm.

The height of the railing of the enclosing element must be at least 900 mm, and their load-bearing capacity must be an order of magnitude higher than a conventional staircase railing. One of the important conditions for their design and construction is the absence of sharp protrusions and raw edges.

Also, increased demands are placed on the safety of constructed balcony railings. For this purpose, the use of horizontal type elements is prohibited.

GOST 25772-83 Steel fencing for stairs, balconies and roofs. General technical conditions (449 KB, pdf)

The most common technique used to ensure a sufficient level of noise and heat insulation on balconies and loggias of various types is their glazing. The basic requirements for devices for window and balcony door units are described in GOST 30777-2012.

This set of rules contains instructions for the manufacture and installation of rotary, tilting and tilt-and-turn devices, as well as other elements included in various types of window and door balcony units.

In particular, it contains technical requirements for the design, dimensions and maximum deviations, reliability and load resistance and ergonomic characteristics of structures made of various materials used for glazing balconies.

In addition, this document also contains applications with diagrams and examples of the design of rotary, tilting and tilt-and-turn mechanisms with individual components and elements.

GOST 30777-2012 Rotary, tilting and tilt-and-turn devices for window and balcony door units. Technical specifications (2.2 MB, pdf)

The rules for glazing balconies according to GOST are described in the document “Window installation seams with vapor-permeable self-expanding tapes. Technical conditions" (GOST R 52749-2007). It specifies the requirements for the installation of assembly joints during construction work when installing window and door units.

GOST R 52749-2007 Window installation joints with vapor-permeable self-expanding tapes. Specifications (1.09 MB, pdf)

The basis of any balcony structure is a reinforced concrete slab onto which the remaining elements of the structural system of this building element are fixed. For this purpose, flat multi-hollow, flat solid and ribbed loggia slabs are used. GOST 25697-83 “Reinforced concrete slabs for balconies and loggias. General technical conditions" divides them into varieties of cantilever and beam type, differing in the method of location in relation to the supporting structure and the characteristics of the operation of the slab.

In this case, the choice of the shape and size of the slab in each specific case is made in accordance with the construction conditions, structural features of buildings and architectural and artistic tasks.

GOST contains technical requirements for the manufacture and installation of these elements, indicating the maximum permissible deviations, as well as standards for the quality and appearance of products. It also contains background information related to the operating features of balcony slabs and the grades of concrete used for their manufacture.

PS Offer for tilt-and-turn windows

The fact that the New GOST contains a mention of tilt-and-turn fittings as a safer standard for opening windows is good.

Moreover, if you look at it more broadly, you can highlight the clear advantages of such a window over a tilt-and-turn window:

  • high level of child safety (described above);
  • greater comfort. The folding mode, for example, is used hundreds and even thousands of times in a year. Swing - you can “count it on your fingers”. This means that the most frequently used operating mode should be more convenient. In the tilt-and-turn version, this requires turning the handle 90 degrees, and in the tilt-and-turn version, 180 degrees. In addition, you have to press the sash tightly against the frame, which not everyone can do;
  • less chance of the sash falling out due to erroneous opening in 2 modes. Most often, sashes fall out when they are transferred from a swing to a tilt-and-turn version of a window. The tilt mode lock helps solve this problem only by blocking the movement of the handle. The consumer, trying to turn the handle while locking, often breaks the locker, and the problem of the sash falling out remains. In the tilt-and-turn mode, the window is basically moved from the closed position to the tilting position and back, bypassing the swing mode. This greatly reduces the possibility of the sash falling out due to an erroneous double mode;
  • less wear on fittings and window handles. The shortened movements of the fittings in a tilt-and-turn window fully contribute to this.

Unfortunately, in the new GOST, this option is listed as one of the possible ones. Perhaps it’s time for leading hardware manufacturers to think about child safety and offer a tilt-and-turn opening method as the main (standard) one instead of tilt-and-turn fittings, to calculate the possible reduction in the cost of this type of product. A tilt-and-turn window, even without the use of additional child safety equipment, makes it significantly more difficult for a child to open the window in the hinged mode. This can be a great competitive advantage and do a good deed - saving the lives of many children!

What is prohibited for the owner of a balcony or loggia?

There are a lot of things you can't do on the balcony

There are a number of restrictions on the actions of homeowners and landlords in relation to their living space. They are prescribed in Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP) and State Standards (GOST) and technical operating regulations.

  • According to SNiP, the load on the balcony floor along the fence should be no more than 400 kg per square meter. meter. And over the entire area of ​​the balcony - 200 kg per square meter. meter. It is prohibited to place anything heavier than 30 kg on the railing. This is important to know when repairing a balcony or loggia. Consider also the antiquity of this object. If the wear rate of the balcony is more than 50 percent, then the load standard must also be reduced by half. Otherwise there will be trouble.
  • You cannot repaint the outside of a balcony or loggia in colors that are very different from the original ones. The facade of the house was approved by the city architecture department.
  • It is now prohibited to install devices for drying clothes, as well as flower pots with pallets behind the balcony railing. Everything that is on your balcony must be firmly secured indoors.

What is the danger of unauthorized glazing of a balcony without approval?

  • Neighbors can go to court if work on glazing or remodeling a balcony or loggia affects their interests, violates their rights or threatens safety. If the claim is satisfied, the owner of the balcony will face a fine and a requirement to dismantle the illegal glazing.
  • Illegal glazing can create difficulties when selling an apartment. Problems cannot be excluded if the property becomes collateral for a mortgage loan by the owner of the property or buyers of the apartment from the owner. This could even lead to the deal falling through.

Responsibilities of owners of balconies and loggias

Storing things in “flammable” boxes on an open balcony is prohibited

What owners of balconies must do is stated in the “Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock.”

  • regularly paint balcony railings with anti-corrosion paint - both to update the appearance and to give strength to the railings
  • Use the balcony railing no longer than its service life. For example, for metal fences the guarantee is up to 40 years, for wood – 10 years
  • Monitor the condition of the concrete slab. In case of destruction, notify the Management Company to take action.
  • If the balcony is not glazed, be sure to clear it of snow and ice in winter
  • To store items on the balcony, you need to equip boxes made of non-combustible materials

We have information on our website on how to obtain permission to glaze a balcony. Fines and other legal nuances are also spelled out there.

Are you interested in the rules for the safe operation of PVC windows? Or why do problems arise with windows? Read this article.

What kind of balcony glazing work does not need approval?

On the official website, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation clarified what work on the balcony may not be approved:

  • install more energy-efficient glazing without changing the color and shape of the frames;
  • carry out wall insulation using acceptable materials (if any were included in the project),
  • install additional glazing. A second glazing contour is installed from inside the balcony - for example, when the first contour is made of a cold aluminum profile. This helps make the balcony warmer without changing the appearance of the facade.

If we analyze Art. 25 of the RF Housing Code regarding redevelopment, then glazing the balcony within the existing dimensions does not change its configuration. Replacing old glazing with new without significant changes may not be approved.

All SNiPs and GOSTs relating to balconies and loggias - technical documentation for builders

When remodeling/reconstructing balconies and loggias, all manipulations must be carried out taking into account regulatory requirements. SNiP is the main document regulating such activities. It is a set of building rules and regulations. In accordance with this document, at the stages of design and construction of balconies and loggias, the possibility of their damage and destruction during operation should be excluded.

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, a loggia and a balcony, regardless of their type (open, closed), should not additionally load the load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building in which they are erected. When constructing them, it is imperative to take into account fire safety requirements and carry out all actions in accordance with established sanitary standards. When there are unfavorable operating conditions for loggias and balconies, their arrangement is impossible. The SNiP also indicates in which cases the construction of such premises is not carried out.

Documentation SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings” was compiled taking into account the GOST requirements for loggias and balconies. Here you can find a detailed list of conditions that cannot be neglected when refurbishment and redevelopment of these premises, and the general requirements relating to the construction of various residential buildings.

Creating a balcony fence is one of the most important stages in arranging loggias and balconies. The durability and reliability of the main structure depend on the quality of the work performed. When implementing them, GOST 25772-83 is used. Established standards allow the use of only one type of structure - screen-type fencing. In this case, the elements used must withstand the loads specified in SNiP 2.01.07.

In accordance with GOST for balcony railings, their total height depends on the height of the building and should not exceed 1000 mm for values ​​less than 30 m, 1100 mm for heights greater than 30 m. The minimum permissible height of the railing is 900 mm. The railings must have a higher load-bearing capacity than the stair railing. In order to ensure a high level of safety, it is prohibited to use horizontal elements, as well as products with untreated edges and sharp protrusions.

What work must be approved:

  • Installation of window structures on a previously unglazed balcony.

If the balcony according to the project is not glazed, then this is noted in the technical passport. This means that when windows on the balcony are installed after the house is put into operation, changes need to be made to the registration certificate. It is this argument that is often used in court when the glazing of a balcony is considered a redevelopment. In this case, it is better to agree on changes in advance.

Photo: in most old houses, the balconies are not glazed according to the design. In this case, glazing needs to be coordinated, although few people do this. © depositphotos

  • Glazing of a balcony in an old dilapidated house.

If the balcony slab is in poor condition, the additional load on it in the form of glazing can lead to collapse. The homeowner will have to answer to the law and pay for losses from the collapse of the balcony. Remember: balcony slabs are common property. The management company or homeowners association are responsible for their maintenance. If the balcony slab is in an emergency or pre-emergency condition, contact the management company and demand repairs at the expense of the general funds of the house.

Photo: the balcony slab is in disrepair and is unlikely to withstand the weight of glass structures, especially panoramic ones. No one will approve such glazing. It can be dangerous for residents and passersby. © depositphotos

If the balcony slab is in satisfactory condition, it is necessary to calculate the weight of the structure and select the possible type of glazing. A window company can help with this. According to SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts”, the maximum load on a new balcony slab is taken at the rate of 200 kg/m2. For example, for a balcony measuring 3.2 x 0.8 m, the permissible load will be 512 kg. It takes into account the weight of not only the glazing, but also the finishing: insulation, floor filling, parapet, etc. With a balcony glazing project, you can obtain a glazing permit.

  • Glazing in an architectural monument house.

In such houses, approval is required for any glazing work, not only on the balcony, but also in the rooms. It is important to preserve the historical frame of the window (dividing the window into parts) and its color. Windows in buildings of historical value and classified as architectural monuments must be manufactured in full accordance with their original appearance, preserving the material of the frame and sashes. Windows in all other historical buildings must comply with the design approved by the state examination. As for balconies, if they have not previously been glazed, it is unlikely to obtain permission.

  • Extension of the balcony slab by more than 30 cm.

This option requires the mandatory consent of 100% of the neighbors - as already mentioned, the balcony slab is a common property of the house. It will be very difficult to obtain approval for such a modification, so it is better to stay within the existing slab dimensions.

  • Removal of glazing towards the street relative to the parapet by more than 30 cm (along the window sill).

Unauthorized work on the removal equipment causes the sashes and all glazing to fall out. If you do not calculate the load, the balcony parapet will collapse. In addition, glazing a balcony with an extension significantly changes the appearance of the facade of the house, so it is unlikely to be approved.

Photo: example of glazing with extension along the parapet - the window sill is not only enlarged, but also loaded with flowers. This could lead to a collapse. This glazing option, as well as the installation of a canopy, requires mandatory approval. © depositphotos

  • Installation of the visor.

To glaze a previously glazed balcony on the top floor, you cannot do without installing a canopy. Otherwise, the glazing cannot be fixed. The canopy over the balcony, not included in the house design, is an unauthorized construction that changes the appearance of the facade. Its construction must be approved at a general meeting of homeowners and then go through the full procedure for approving the redevelopment. After installing the canopy, the owner bears the burden of maintaining it independently - for example, in winter he must remove icicles. In St. Petersburg, a case was made public when an icicle from an unauthorized visor killed an 18-year-old girl. The owner was found guilty of the girl's death and faced criminal liability.

Photo: snow and icicles on the visor are not uncommon, but a great danger. © depositphotos

  • Construction of a balcony on the ground floor where one is not provided.

Formally, this is not prohibited if the facade does not face the so-called red line (separates public areas: streets, alleys, passages - from city blocks), and the building is not of historical value. If you go through official approval and legalize the extension, you can acquire additional square meters.

GOST balcony glazing

Owners, managers and investors of the construction business, representatives of real estate management companies should know that since November last year, a new national standard “Window and balcony structures for various functional purposes for residential buildings” has been put into effect in the Russian Federation.

The new GOST for glazing of balconies and loggias R 56926-2016 systematized and combined the requirements for translucent structures of residential buildings, scattered across more than 30 different standards and SNiP.


In section 6 “Requirements for safe operation and maintenance” of the new GOST 23166-2021, much attention is paid to the issue of window safety. Requirements have been introduced for various areas of security. Many of them will help make translucent structures safer.

At the same time, there are requirements to which questions remain, for example, who should implement child safety equipment and at what stage? Should designers or perhaps home buyers, after purchasing a new apartment, contact a window company to install child safety features on certain windows? But parents may not know the intricacies of this topic. GOST is written for participants in the window market, and not for the consumer. When a person buys a car, does he not study all the regulations associated with this product? Manufacturers must comply with all requirements, and the person receives instructions on how to safely use the car, and not modify it after purchase.

Recommendations for glazed structures

According to the new GOST, control over the glazing of a multi-storey residential building begins from the design stage and examination of the project until the commissioning of the facility and its operation. Considering a window, balcony and loggia as a structural element of a residential building (Section 5. Technical requirements), the technical standard:

  • stipulates the use of modern types of balconies or loggias in multi-storey construction, including a fully glazed balcony room, or “French” balconies, including its additional protective fencing;
  • for the first time classifies balcony glazing according to functional features - basic, burglar-resistant, panoramic balcony blocks with appropriate markings and scope of application;
  • puts forward requirements for the design of glazing of windows, balconies and balcony rooms, as well as installation joints - they must ensure the continuity of the thermal contour of the object and the thermophysical uniformity of the outer surface of the building;
  • formulates rules for glazing balconies and loggias from the point of view of the possibility of evacuation, as well as sanitary standards for temperature conditions, natural lighting, sound insulation, protection from precipitation and phenomena;
  • stipulates the requirements for the manufacturer when supplying glazing structures to a construction site.

In accordance with the section on the scope of application, the norms of the new State Industry Standard apply to balcony structures for residential buildings no higher than 75 m, which are built according to standard or individual designs (SP 54.13330) in all climatic regions of Russia.

This standard does not apply to objects of major repairs, reconstruction, individual (private) housing construction, or unique design.

Balcony glazing after 2022 – redevelopment or not?

In different cases, courts make different decisions regarding whether work on the balcony, including glazing, is considered redevelopment. There is no consensus among lawyers. Many people believe that glazing a balcony is not a redevelopment, but can be equated to it.

By 2022, no significant changes in legislation on this issue have occurred. It is still regulated by the RF Housing Code.

In Art. 25 of the RF Housing Code says:

“Redevelopment of a premises in an apartment building is a change in its configuration, requiring a change in the technical passport of the premises in an apartment building.”

Such work is carried out to combine/separate premises in an apartment/non-residential premises, change their area or functionality. For example:

  • dismantling old or erecting new partitions;
  • cutting openings in load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls and ceilings to connect rooms with each other;
  • expansion of window and door openings;
  • changing the design of floors, etc.

Required set of documents

In accordance with the new national standard (clause 7.4), the manufacturer of translucent products must present the following documents when delivering them to the site:

  • product passport (GOSTs 23166, 30674, 31462);
  • executive, or summary specification for the structure;
  • test reports (in accordance with Table 4 GOST R 56926-2016);
  • technical documentation confirming the compliance of structures with project requirements;
  • if a contract is concluded not only for manufacturing, but also for installation, - a project for the installation work (according to GOST 30971).

Coordination of work on the balcony - step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Draft changes. It can be done by a design organization that is a member of a self-regulatory organization (SRO).

Step 2. All of the above work on the balcony, which needs to be approved, either affects the common property of the residents or makes significant changes to the facade of the house. Therefore, before carrying out them, it is necessary to obtain the consent of neighbors. This can be done at a general meeting of owners and recorded in the minutes. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation requires the consent of all owners. This is often difficult, and for houses with many apartments, almost impossible. But that's the law. It is allowed to privately visit neighbors and collect signatures.

Step 3. Coordinate the project with Rospotrebnadzor for compliance with sanitary standards, and with Gospozhnadzor for compliance with fire safety requirements. If the apartment is located in an architectural monument, you need to obtain an opinion from the department for the protection of historical buildings.

Step 4. Submit documents to the authority responsible for approval (administration of the district where the house is located, Housing Inspectorate). This can be done directly or through the MFC.

List of documents:

  • statement,
  • documents confirming ownership,
  • change project,
  • signatures of homeowners stating that they do not object to the work,
  • technical passport for the apartment,
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor, and the department for the protection of historical buildings (for houses that are architectural monuments).

In each specific case, you need to clarify the list of documents in the institution that will coordinate the changes.

Step 5. Complete all work in strict accordance with the project.

Step 6. Invite a representative of the body responsible for approval, who will draw up a report on the completed work.

Step 7. Invite a BTI employee who will draw up a new technical plan taking into account the changes.

Step 8. Submit a technical plan to the MFC for making changes to the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN).

After this, the changes are considered legal. The approval procedure is lengthy and has many nuances. It’s easier to entrust it to specialized companies for an additional fee. But the choice remains with the owner.

Requirements for products and components

The new GOST for balcony glazing includes requirements for components or links to current regulatory documents that regulate these requirements.

A number of standards are provided for the use of wooden, metal (aluminum), plastic (PVC) profiles and their joints.

Translucent elements must transmit the visible spectrum of solar radiation and UV rays (from 200 to 380 nm).

If you plan to glaze the balcony with panoramic blocks, an additional protective fence (“French balcony”) is required.

The design and installation of balcony glazing must ensure:

  • possibility of emergency exit;
  • thermal protection and sound insulation that meet sanitary standards;
  • safety of injuries and environmental friendliness of components;
  • stability under the influence of man-made or natural factors - hurricane wind, fire, etc.

Violation of state standards will lead to problems with supervisory authorities and delay the completion of the project.

The time for legal nihilism when glazing balconies is over

We have all seen various examples of amateur “creativity” when equipping balconies in multi-storey buildings. Variegated and multi-colored structures disfigure the architectural appearance of the facades. When a fire occurs, fire brigades cannot reach the source of the fire for a long time. Because of this, a large number of apartments are burning out. If you glaze a dilapidated balcony, it may fall on property or people.

Despite the fact that changes in housing legislation in 2022 are not directly related to the topic of glazing balconies, it is still necessary to do this work correctly and obtain all the necessary permits and approvals, if required. Much media attention to the issue of glazing balconies can be regarded as a fact that this topic is of increasing interest to the authorities. What you previously got away with may later result in fines and a requirement to return the balcony to its original condition.

The approval procedure requires effort and additional funds. But the prospect of possible dismantling of expensive glazing by court decision at your own expense is even less attractive.

Universal advice: if you need to glaze a balcony or perform work that changes the appearance of the balcony from the outside, it is better to go through an official approval procedure, taking into account local landscaping rules and federal laws. Then you can be calm about the consequences.

If your balcony or loggia was glazed according to the project, and you want to replace the glazing without changing the color and shape of the frames, you can carry out the work without approval and not fear fines.

How to obtain permission for glazing?

The entire procedure for obtaining permission, as well as possible grounds for refusal, are regulated by Articles 26-29 of the RF Housing Code.

What you need to consider when glazing a balcony with a remote:

  • neighbors' moods. It would seem, why do you need to interview your neighbors if we are talking about glazing and/or removing a private balcony? But because, according to Art. 4 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “reconstruction and redevelopment of residential premises, control over the safety of the housing stock, compliance of residential premises with established rules and regulations” is regulated by housing legislation.
    Since the balcony is considered part of the facade, it is part of the common property, which is managed on behalf of all residents. You can obtain permission from residents at a general meeting of apartment owners. Moreover, it is necessary to obtain a majority of votes. The issue is especially acute when the planned expansion takes up a significant part of the local land;

    Note. If the expansion of the balcony leads to the appearance of gaps, cracks in the walls, residential and non-residential premises, or a decrease in clearance, then the court will oblige the defects to be eliminated and the balcony to be dismantled.

  • historical or cultural value of the house. Due to their special value, city authorities rarely agree to make changes to the facade of houses from the historical fund;
  • departmental bureaucracy (collection, receipt and provision of certificates, acts and other documents).


The total price for window structures consists of:

  1. the cost of the material used for the profile;

  2. the selected manufacturer and its pricing policy;
  3. type of glazing (warm is always more expensive);
  4. window shapes (design projects are not cheap);
  5. additional costs (in addition to the main ones);
  6. the need for dismantling;
  7. strengthening and repairing the surface of the opening and the balcony itself;
  8. price list for installer services.

The price is also affected by the number of cameras in a double-glazed window , the complexity of the work performed, the need to pay for an examination, the height of the house where the work is being carried out, as well as the cost of fittings, anti-burglary mechanisms, the presence of window automation, and the opening systems used.

Standard models of casement windows are much cheaper than sliding windows or the accordion system. But, on average, for a balcony 2.8 (m) long, the cost of glazing together with the work of a master will cost 25-27,000 rubles.

More information here.

Possible problems and problems with frames

The most common problems after installation of the structure are:

  1. Visible geometric distortion of the windows, which indicates violations in installation. A complete reinstall will be required.
  2. Lack of tightness (tight fit), due to improper installation or poor sealing of installation seams.
  3. There is a strong air flow from outside, which indicates the need for additional insulation of all cracks, window sills and slopes.
  4. Problems with opening/closing. Here you will need to adjust or replace the fittings and lubricate the structural connecting elements.
  5. Visible peeling of the sealant due to the poor quality of the material. It will require stripping and laying a fresh new layer.
  6. Problems with the sashes (deformation, contamination, jammed fasteners). They can be eliminated by leveling the sash, cleaning the openings, changing or lubricating the connecting fasteners.

Repair and elimination methods can be chosen by a specialized specialist. For this purpose, special methods are used, additional strengthening and high-quality basic or additional sealing of seams.

Companies involved in the installation of window systems provide guarantees for their work, so if any problems arise, you should contact them immediately.

Ban on glazing

The reasons why a glazing permit may be refused are specified in Art. 27 Residential Complex of the Russian Federation

Based on the article of the Housing Code, we can conclude that refusal is possible in the following cases:

  • historical value of the house;
  • dilapidated structure; Material prepared for the website
  • unacceptable interference with load-bearing walls (if the intervention may lead to the destruction of load-bearing walls);
  • the likelihood of damage to communications when removing the balcony;
  • incorrectly developed project;
  • lack of proper documents.
  • submitting a project to the wrong authority.

The refusal is drawn up and registered in the BTI, of which the person who submitted the application is notified within three days.

Work on removing the balcony along the slab can only begin after the design has been completed successfully, and not at the stage of wandering through the authorities. Otherwise (if permission is not obtained before the start of construction work), the removal of the balcony or extension will be considered illegal. And unauthorized construction is subject to demolition (with some exceptions) by the owner himself or by executive services.

The consequences of unauthorized reorganization are spelled out in Art. 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Unauthorized construction”.

Upon completion of all work, it is necessary, in accordance with Art. 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, draw up an act of the acceptance committee. The certificate is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the hands of the property owner and serves as confirmation of the legality of the actions performed.

Note. Even if you obtain permission, you should remember that you cannot place central heating radiators on the balcony or create a warm water floor connected to the central line, so the heating issue also needs to be resolved separately.

The best options for apartments and houses

To make the right choice of a suitable window system, you need to pay attention to :

  1. type of construction (wooden, brick, reinforced concrete, panel);
  2. climate and low temperatures in winter;
  3. technical condition of the house itself;
  4. the weight of the structure and its load on the vertical slab.

In some cases, especially in secondary housing, an expert opinion from the housing office will be required on the condition of the balcony (loggia) slabs, indicating recommendations on the type of glazing.

The best windows, regardless of classification, from industrial brands, according to experts and reviews from numerous users, are :

  1. Rehau – 3,900-6,800 (rub.)/m2.

  2. Veka – 8,700-12,600 (rub.)/m2.
  3. KBE – 1,800-3,800 (rub.)/m2.
  4. Salamander – 4600-6500 (rub.)/m2.
  5. Comfort Plus – 3,500-7,200 (rub.)/m2.

Manufacturers of the listed brands make windows from various materials with warm and cold glazing. Their credo is high quality, functionality, durability, tight fit, ease of use and cleaning, aesthetics, and environmental friendliness of the material.

Types of windows for glazing

Depending on the main factors that describe in detail a particular model, the classification of window systems divides them:

  1. Based on materials (a large number of varieties from domestic and foreign manufacturers):

  2. plastic;
  3. aluminum.
  4. By quality of thermal insulation (the number of chambers and the presence of insulation matters):
  5. cold.
  6. By opening type (fastening and fittings):
      swing (opening structures);
  7. sliding;
  8. lift-and-slide;
  9. tilt-slide;
  10. glass accordion.
  11. By weight (depending on the material and structural elements):
  12. heavy.

Each of the listed types has individual features in structure and dimensions, which are described in detail by the manufacturers in the accompanying documents and installation instructions. It is also possible to tint all types of balcony windows.

The advantages of window systems include:

  • high tightness (dust and dirt do not pass through);
  • good level of heat and sound insulation;
  • use of any material for the frame;
  • large selection of suitable double-glazed windows;
  • functionality, reliability and density;
  • ease of operation, maintenance and care;
  • the ability to implement any design solutions;
  • acceptable prices.

The structures have few disadvantages - without insulation, they may not retain heat, especially in cold weather; the need for additional strengthening of the surface, with a large weight of the installed system.

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