Heat-reflecting screen behind the radiator: to install or not?

Heat-reflecting screen behind the radiator: to install or not?

  • What is a heat reflective screen
  • Where does the heat go?
  • Heat-reflective polyethylene foam screen
  • Why do you need foil?
  • Pros of a heat reflective screen
  • Disadvantages of a heat-reflecting screen
  • If the radiator is in a niche
  • Installation recommendations
  • What not to do
  • Installation stages
  • Other types of screens

What is a heat reflective screen

In a nutshell: What is a heat reflective screen

The heat-reflecting screen increases the efficiency of the heating system.

Does not require complicated installation and costs pennies.

The structure becomes a barrier between the heat source and the surface of the external wall.

The room temperature rises by 2-3 degrees.

Energy consumption is reduced by 5-7%.

Where does the heat go?

Heating devices in buildings are installed under the windows.

The goal is to warm the air inside and create a thermal curtain that prevents the penetration of cold from the street.

Heat spreads from a heated object to a cold one.

The wall temperature is lower than that of the radiator.

In the cold season, the surface behind it heats up to 35-40 °C.

Instead of heating the air inside a warehouse or office, some of the energy is used to heat the external walls.

Anti-fog PET film for windows: pros and cons

Thermal-saving material has many advantages:

  • Effective protection against cold. Your apartment or house will have a comfortable microclimate both in winter and summer; you won’t need to spend a lot of money on heating or buy a split system or air conditioner.
  • Preserving the integrity of glass under minor mechanical impacts. If, however, the window breaks, for example, from a stone, the fragments will hang on the film and will not spill into the room. This reduces the risk of accidental injury.
  • The applied coating does not create glare, protects textiles, floor coverings and furniture from fading when exposed to sunlight.
  • Relatively low price, due to which you don’t have to spend too much on insulation. Installing such a film is cheaper than installing reinforced double-glazed windows with several cameras.
  • Easy installation. On sale you can find self-adhesive window film, the application of which takes a minimum of time.
  • A rich list of insulation films available on the market, produced by both Russian and foreign brands. In stores you can purchase products from A-Solar and other companies.

It should be noted that the use of insulating film for insulation is not without its drawbacks. The disadvantages include the following factors:

  1. It becomes difficult to keep indoor plants on the windowsill. The amount of ultraviolet radiation decreases, so they begin to wither. To solve the problem, you can install phytolamps that provide a 12-hour lighting cycle. The disadvantage of this option is the increase in energy costs, which makes the energy-saving properties of the film meaningless.
  2. Reduced effectiveness of thermal protection coating in spring and autumn. It prevents the room from heating by the sun's rays, and if the heating has already been turned off or has not yet been turned on, the room will be cold. In some cases, condensation also forms on the windows.
  3. Some films that create a “thermo” effect are capable of reflecting most radio waves, and cellular communications will work poorly in the room.

Heat-reflective polyethylene foam screen

Substances have different abilities to conduct heat.

To prevent energy consumption, the heat-reflecting screen must have low thermal conductivity - no higher than 0.05 W/(m*K).

Heat-reflective polyethylene foam screen

It is not recommended to use structures made of flammable substances with a loose structure indoors.

For example, mineral wool, which releases formaldehyde and microscopic dust, is not suitable for the screen.

Although its thermal conductivity coefficient is suitable - 0.039 W/(m*K).

Heat-reflecting screens made of insulating materials based on polyethylene foam have proven themselves to be the best:

  • penofol,
  • Porilexa,
  • isolona,
  • stizol,
  • tepofol.

They are hypoallergenic and safe for human health.

The thermal conductivity of different types of polyethylene foam ranges from 0.029 to 0.032 W/(m*K).

Four millimeters of such a barrier will retain as much heat as 10 centimeters of mineral wool.

For insulation between the wall and the heating device, a layer of 3-5 millimeters is enough.

Mandatory condition: the heat-insulating screen behind the radiator must be duplicated with aluminum.

Using bubble wrap

Bubble film for window insulation may not be so popular due to its external visibility, but it can serve as high-quality and fairly cheap insulation. Such a film may have a smooth surface or be covered with bubbles on both sides. The film that is used as packaging is suitable for the work. Due to the air content in the bubbles, the product attached to the window does not allow heat to escape through the glass so quickly and retains up to 20% of the heat in the room. The disadvantages of this film include its high density. Light will enter the room, but in much less quantity.

Insulating windows with bubble film is perfect for both an apartment and a country house. The film will prevent the window from freezing, will reduce noise from the street, and is quite easy to install. This is done as follows:

  • The purchased film is marked and cut exactly to the shape of the glass.
  • The glass must first be washed, then water should be sprayed onto the dry surface as evenly as possible.
  • Apply the film to the glass; it should be positioned with the smooth part facing the glass.
  • Removing the film is very easy, it will stay on until you pull it, catching the corner. There will be no marks left on the glass.

Insulating a window with bubble wrap is a quick and inexpensive way to create an analogue of an expensive coating with a metal base. This film allows ultraviolet light to pass through, so it will not harm indoor plants; it can be used to create a winter garden. You can purchase the product at any hardware store or from a company engaged in the transportation and packaging of goods.

Conclusion: film for plastic windows for insulation is an excellent option for any budget, it will help protect the structure from freezing, will not spoil its appearance, is quickly and easily installed, and significantly improves the properties of the double-glazed window. Other options for window insulation.

Why do you need foil?

The coefficient of reflection of thermal radiation of polished aluminum is higher than that of other metals.

This means that maximum heat will return inside the room.

You should not use screens with a double-sided metal backing.

The layer of foil on the side of the cold wall does not carry a functional load - it simply has nothing to reflect.

Unscrupulous sellers in construction markets deceive customers by talking about new metallized coatings with fantastic characteristics.

These are fairy tales.

Any polished metal refracts heat rays, but the reflection coefficient is negligible and does not affect thermal efficiency.

The cost per square meter of a thermal reflective screen with aluminum foil is more expensive than with a metallized film.

The difference is small - 5-10 rubles.

Pros of a heat reflective screen

Operating principle

Compared to sun-protection analogues, heat-protective films are more effective and create a barrier to the thermal (infrared) spectrum of solar radiation, eliminating overheating of the apartment. To reflect the thermal energy of the sun, heat-protective materials are used on the windows of private houses, office premises, panoramic windows, and glass roofs.

Solar heat levels are reduced by 70%. The load on the air conditioner is reduced, materials and furniture do not fade, do not lose the brightness of colors, and the view from the window does not suffer - the protection remains transparent.

The glazing area of ​​modern houses, apartments, offices is at least 20%; using athermal window film you can save energy and prevent overheating of the room.

Operating principle of athermal coating

Thanks to the multilayer composite structure, the energy-saving film coating effectively reflects IR rays and does not interfere with the passage of light.

When producing the material, a high-tech method is used - spattering: layers of film are covered with a microscopic ceramic or metal layer.

Where to glue the film - outside or inside: overview video

Pros of a heat reflective screen

The heat-reflecting screen behind the radiator solves two issues:

  1. increases heat transfer - the main goal,
  2. reduces heat loss.

All this at minimal cost.

Areas behind heating appliances get hotter than others.

Being an additional insulation, the screen restores their thermal conductivity along with the rest of the wall.

The idea is not new.

It has been tested in practice many times and discussed in specialized literature.

The effectiveness of heat-reflecting screens is indicated by

  • Umnyakov N.P. – reference guide “How to make a home warm” and
  • German engineer Inolf Tiator is the author of the manual “Heating Systems” (original title “Heizungsanlagen”).

In their opinion, a heat-reflecting screen behind the radiator can reduce the heat loss of a 0.51-meter thick brick wall by 35%.

Disadvantages of a heat-reflecting screen

What is Third Glass?

The third glass (third window) window insulation film is called heat-saving or thermal film. Sellers claim that it reflects heat, keeping it indoors. The temperature inside a room with insulated windows rises by 3-6 or 4-8 degrees.

To insulate windows, you need to stick double-sided tape on the frame around the perimeter. A film is stretched over it from above. To even out the folds, warm it up with a regular hairdryer. After gluing, the film acts as a third glass, and the space between it and the double-glazed window acts as a third window.

Disadvantages of a heat-reflecting screen

The area behind the radiator is no more than 5% of the entire area of ​​the external wall of the room.

The main heat losses occur through infiltration and windows.

Against this background, the improvement in heat transfer over an area of ​​half a meter is negligible.

But if you add up the reduction in heat loss throughout the entire building, the amount of savings will be significant.

For uninsulated walls with low thermal resistance, a heat-reflecting screen is useless.

Heat losses are so large that improving heat transfer in an area of ​​0.5 sq.m. It won't even be noticeable.

Heating system inspection from RUB 15,000.

Find out in detail

Effectiveness of protective coating

  1. Increased strength of glass. The film covering the glass creates an additional protective layer. This allows you to increase impact resistance by 7-8 kg/m2. But even if the glass breaks, it will not turn into sharp fragments, which will eliminate possible injuries and also make it difficult for intruders to enter the house.
  2. High efficiency. Since heat loss will be significantly reduced, energy consumption for heating the house or air conditioning the premises will decrease. Therefore, such films turn the window into a unique and reliable heat shield. Rooms in which light and heat are distributed more evenly experience increased comfort. You can make fuller use of areas near window openings that were previously exposed to aggressive solar radiation.
  3. Ultraviolet filtration. The film is capable of blocking up to 90% of ultraviolet and 30% of infrared rays. This allows you to preserve the beauty of the interior in its natural form. The sun does not spare furniture, wallpaper, wood trim, and art objects. The heat-reflecting film successfully resists such effects.
  4. Reducing the brightness of the light. Using protective films you can reduce this parameter from 20 to 80%. This will protect your eyes and make it easier to work with the computer and make watching TV more comfortable.
  5. Quick and easy installation. Application of coating to windows is carried out very quickly. To perform installation, you only need to provide access to the work site.
  6. Mirror film. This is an original addition that can create a one-way appearance in the house. If the material is chosen correctly, viewing from inside the room will be normal, but from the outside you will not be able to look into the house. To do this, the external lighting level must be higher than inside.
  7. Data protection. Films that have a very high absorption coefficient of infrared radiation (90-99%) are an obstacle to information leakage. They weaken the intensity of external electromagnetic fields indoors.

If the radiator is in a niche

In buildings where heating devices are located in niches, heat loss is higher.

The walls behind the radiators are thinner and colder than the others.

Heat is transferred not to one, but to three low-temperature surfaces at once.

Therefore, if space allows, it is worth increasing the thickness of the insulation to 10-15 millimeters.

In addition to the material, it is important how the heat-reflecting screen is attached to the radiator.

Illiterate installation will negate the entire expected effect.

Installation of heat-reflecting screens

Benefits of using energy-saving window film

To know whether the risk of leaving old window structures and resorting to energy-saving “third glass” is justified, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of thermal film.

The advantages of using heat-saving film are varied - and all thanks to the following indicators:

  1. Increasing the strength of glass - since the film itself is a fairly strong polymer material, the glass, after gluing the film onto it, acquires additional rigidity and strength;
  2. Possibility of avoiding traumatic situations - sometimes an unpleasant incident with glass broken by a child’s pranks can be survived quite calmly: the glued film increases the strength of the double-glazed window; in the event of a mechanical shock, the glass will not shatter into pieces, but will crack and go into “nets”. In this case, the durable film will act as a fragment retainer;
  3. Protection of premises from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation - the reflective ability of thermal film ensures that the sun's rays entering the room do not lead to fading of the floor and wall finishes;
  4. Increased noise insulation and the ability to “block” electromagnetic signals - this property of heat-saving film will especially appeal to those who are afraid of the machinations of competitors, who often “work” with the latest radio technology;
  5. Cost-effective – once you stick the film on your windows, you don’t have to change it for several years. This is a cost saving for reducing heat loss. In addition, an annual check of double-glazed windows for tightness of joints and additional laying of thermal insulation material are not required;
  6. Mirror surface - here the film “works” according to the principle: “I see you, but you don’t see me.” In other words, if a heat-saving film is glued to the windows, then the view from the outside of the room will be difficult due to the specularity of the reflection.

Add to the above the ability of the film to withstand strength loads on glass up to 8 kg/cm2, and you will get an almost complete understanding of the operation of this inexpensive but effective “thermal insulator”.

However, such an “ideal” heat-insulating and “energy-saving” material also has its drawbacks:

  1. Inability to grow indoor flowers. Thanks to its reflective ability, the heat-saving film will not let the required amount of sun into the room, and this is fraught with negative consequences for indoor plants that constantly need sunlight;
  2. “Work” of the film in the off-season - while management companies everywhere turn off central heating and water supply, the apartments become more than cool. In this case, the film again will not let in the required amount of sun, which will lead to constant coolness in the rooms;
  3. Price. Despite the wide variety of films and layers they contain, heat-saving film is manufactured using modern technologies, the process of which requires certain funds. The technology is expensive, so the price of film is also relatively high. However, would you agree that buying a roll of film will cost much less than a major home renovation, the main purpose of which is to increase the thickness of the insulation layer for external structures and fences?

Installation recommendations

The screen is mounted on the wall behind the heating device.

The reflective layer turns towards the heat source.

It is important not to allow the radiator and foil to come into contact so as not to interfere with heat transfer.

Russian manufacturers consider a gap between them of 1-2 centimeters sufficient, foreign manufacturers – no less than 4-6.

The air gap is part of the thermal insulation barrier.

The thermal conductivity of air depends on temperature and ranges from 0.0259 to 0.0915 W/(m*K).

There is no point in installing a heat-reflecting screen behind the radiator if it is mounted close to the wall. Insulation pressed end to end will actively collect dust, but will not affect convection in any way.

Ideally, a gap between the wall and the heating system should be provided at the design stage.

Then you will have room to maneuver.

Recommendations for installing thermally reflective screens

Reflective film

It differs from others in that it may not allow the sun’s rays to pass through at all, but at the same time effectively retain the heat that is in the room. It can be used all year round.

The advantages of this material:

  1. Durability.
  2. Big choice.
  3. Effect even at a temperature of -35 degrees.
  4. Suitable for any interior.
  5. Retains heat coming from radiators and heaters.
  6. Minimizes heat loss.
  7. Thanks to a special aluminum coating, it reflects the heat emanating from the outside.
  8. Protects furniture, wallpaper and plants from overheating and loss of color from the sun.
  9. Creates a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  10. Thanks to light reflection, it protects from prying eyes from the outside, but, nevertheless, does not in any way impair visibility from the inside.
  11. Helps eliminate the problem of overheating and has an air conditioning effect.
  12. It has absolute transparency, exactly the same as ordinary glass.
  13. Softens the light and makes it more pleasant to the human eye.

The main disadvantage of reflective insulation is its high cost.

This material should be glued in this way:

Prepare window cleaner, a knife, a rubber spatula and a spray bottle of water. Thoroughly wash the entire surface of the window and glass on both sides. Wipe dry so that there are no streaks. Using a spray bottle, apply a soap solution, which was previously diluted with water, to the adhesive film surface and glass. At the same time, you don’t need to shake it too much, otherwise a lot of soap bubbles will appear. This is necessary so that the soap makes it possible to calmly move the film along the surface of the glass to the desired position. Apply film to stack

As soon as it “sits”, it should be carefully smoothed with a spatula from the center to the edges, and all bubbles should be removed from there. After the entire surface becomes smooth, you need to let the film dry. Finally, trim the edges with scissors or a knife.

Finally, trim the edges with scissors or a knife.

You need to take care of this material with extreme caution so that it does not come off. It is best to wipe it occasionally with a damp cloth or dust cloth.

What not to do

Place the unit too low.

If the distance between the floor and the bottom of the radiator is less than 10 centimeters, heat transfer efficiency decreases and cleaning becomes more difficult.

Do not lift the device too high.

When the gap between the floor and the radiator is more than 15 centimeters, the air temperature gradient increases relative to the height of the room, especially in the lower part.

Do not install the device close to the wall.

The distance between the top of the radiator and the window sill is at least 15 centimeters. Anything less degrades heat flow.

Classification of species

Budget canvases are mounted using double-sided tape; they are cheap and short-lived. Thermal shrink film is installed with the expectation that its geometric parameters will change due to thermal effects. Products are also classified based on their auxiliary properties, and therefore are distinguished:

  • sun protection,
  • anti-vandal,
  • fire protection,
  • soundproofing.

Solar-protective energy-saving series, for example, help reduce the brightness of lighting and regulate heat flow, and protect against ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to them, glare does not form on monitors and screens. Fire-resistant films are in demand in wooden houses; they limit the access of air into rooms, maintain integrity for 40-45 minutes in conditions of high ambient temperature, so the glass does not burst.

Typically, a heat-saving coating of the “third glass” class is used during the heating season and dismantled during the warm season.

Installation stages

The most reasonable thing is to provide for the installation of a heat-reflecting screen at the construction stage - after rough finishing, before installing the heating.

If the repair is completed and the radiator is in place, you will have to remove it.

The size of the screen must correspond to the working surface of the heating device.

Then it will be invisible and will not spoil the interior.

In production areas where aesthetics are not important, it is worth increasing the area by 10 percent to ensure maximum reflective effect.

The wall under the window is cleaned of dirt and crumbling plaster, defects are puttied, irregularities are removed with sandpaper.

You can start installation.

The heat-reflecting screen behind the radiator is attached with wallpaper glue, “liquid nails” or furniture nails.

If there is enough space, a more reliable option is a lattice base made of thin wooden slats.

Additionally, we obtain a layer of air between the wall and the thermal insulation sheet.

It will have a positive effect on heat transfer.

The radiator returns to its place.

It is important to adjust the position of the device so that a distance of one and a half centimeters (minimum) is maintained between the foil covering and the back side.

If possible, make the gap larger.

The heat-reflecting screen does not require special care.

It is enough to wipe the dust on it sometimes.

If the aluminum layer is scratched or torn, metallized tape will help remove the damage.

Functionality will not be affected by this.

Thermal insulation film

Thermal insulation film is an affordable and reliable thermal insulator for windows, which is manufactured using new technologies.
The thinnest layer of this material is coated with a special molecular substance, which provides a thermal insulation effect. At the same time, it is absolutely transparent and does not damage the surface of the glass. Main characteristics of this material:

  1. Can repel dust.
  2. It can be used both in the summer and winter seasons.
  3. They can be used to insulate not only windows, but also greenhouses, doors and loggias.

Also, the thermal insulation coating can have an opaque structure, which makes it stronger. This material can be used several times.

Installation of this material is carried out using the following technology:

First you need to prepare the surface of the window - clean it from dust. You will also need the following tools: Hair dryer. Knife. Scissors. Scotch tape (double-sided). If the window has gaps or cracks, they should be repaired. After this, you need to glue double-sided tape to the frame. Next, take out the covering and cut off the desired part.

Carefully glue it onto the tape. At the same time, it is very important not to forcefully pull the film itself, otherwise you can damage its integrity, which will lead to deterioration of thermal insulation. The material must be glued tightly so that it adheres well to the entire surface of the glass. Next, you should turn on the hairdryer and heat the material so that it “fits” even better to the glass and completely merges with it.

Why does the third glass work?

Does third glass heat reflective film work? Yes and no. After insulating the third glass with heat-saving film, the temperature in the room rises. By 1-3 degrees, not by 6 or 8, as fraudulent sellers claim.

Why is this happening? Previously, in villages, oilcloth was nailed onto glass windows in winter. This helped keep the house warm. 3rd glass film works in exactly the same way. Only you attach it inside, and not outside the window. And it lets in more light. Many people still do this:

My husband at the pharmacy (at the end of the building) has been doing this for three years now - he seals all the window openings with thick polyethylene and tape. It's actually warmer. It has its drawbacks - on plastic, then in the spring you can wipe off the remaining tape (on wood, I think, there will be almost none) and the view from the window is like from an aquarium.

When insulated with such a film, an additional chamber is formed, similar to that in a double-glazed window. Heat loss due to convection is reduced. The more chambers, the better the heat is retained.

Losses due to convection are reduced. Infrared thermal radiation continues to leave the room, and this is the main heat loss. It turns out that energy-saving film for insulating windows, third glass, does not save energy so well.

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